Early Man
Early Man
Early Man
3. State one place where the remains of Australopithecus were discovered in Africa
(1mk) QUES 2,DIST 2
4. a) Give five reasons why man gradually changed his main economic activities during the neo-
lithic period (5mrks)QUES 18a,DIST 2
5. Name the British scientist who is credited to theory of evolution 1 Mark QUES 2,DIST 4
6. Which was the most important development in the middle stone age? (1mk)QUES 2,DIST 5
7. State three economic uses of animals by the early man (3mks)QUES 17a,DIST 5
8. Give the main reason why East Africa is believed to be the first home of man.
(lmk)QUES 2,DIST 6
9. Give two physical characteristics of proconsul. (2mks)QUES 2,DIST 7
10.a) Give three theories that explains about the origin of human beings.
11. Give two factors which influenced the early man to domestic ate animals during the Neolithic
period (2mks) QUES 2,DIST 8
12. (a) Outline the improvements made in the way of life of early man during the new Stone Age
period (5mks)QUES 19a,DIST 8
13. State two ways through which early man adapted to the environment during the Stone Age pe-
riod (2mks) QUES 2,DIST 9
14. Give one main reason why the early man abandoned stone tools for metals
(1mk) QUES 3,DIST 9
15. a) State three factors which show that Africa was the cradle of man
b) Describe the way of life of Early Human beings during the middle Stone Age period
(12mks) QUES 18,DIST 9
16. Identify two categories of tools made during the old stone age period (2mks)
17. Explain how radio carbon dating is used as a method of dating fossils by archeologists.
(1mk)QUES 2,DIST 11
18. Identify two hunting methods used by early man during the stone age period.
(2mks)QUES 2,DIST 12
19. Name two hominids who manufactured old man tools during the Old Stone Age period.
(2mks).QUES 3,DIST 13
20. (a) Give any five reasons why Africa is considered the cradle land of man.
(b) Describe the cultural and economic practices of man during the Neolithic period
(10mks). QUES 15,DIST 13
21. State two processes through which evolution took place according to Charles Darwin.
(2mks) QUES 2,DIST 14
22. State two characteristics that distinguish man from other primates.
24. (a) State 5 reasons why early man domesticated crops and animals.
QUES 18a,DIST 15
25. (a) What three factors led to the development of religious beliefs in societies. (5mks)
26. Identify two aspects of culture that developed during the new stone Age (Upper Paleolithic period)
30. a) In which three ways did mans development of upright posture improve his life. (3mks)
b) Explain the factors which made the early man to develop agriculture. QUES 18,DIST 18
31. Name two economic activities of man in the pre-historic period (2 marks)QUES 3,DIST 19
32.Give two examples of tools made by middle stone age man (2 marks)QUES 4,DIST 19
33.Identify two factors that forced early man to change from hunting and gathering to food production
(2 marks)QUES 5,DIST 19
34. State two distinct features of homoerectus (2mks)QUES 2,DIST 20
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
3. Olduvai Gorge
- Turkana
- Baringo
- taung (Botswana)
- Laetoki (Tanzania). 1x1 = 1mk
4. a).
- Natural environment could not provide enough food for the high population
- Climatic changes led to increased drought - most animals died and plants dried up leading to
food shortages
- Competition for food between human beings and animals led to shortage of food for human being
making men to adopt other sources of food
- Over hunting highly reduced wild animals which were a major source of food to men leading
men to adopt agriculture
- Hunting and gathering was a tiresome economic activity since men led to warder over a large area
looking for food
- Calamities like bush fire and floods destroyed vegetation and made animals to run away leading
to shortage of food. Any 5x1 = 5mks
8. Give the main reason why East Africa is believed to be the first home of man (lmk)
- Remains of the earliest known hominids have been found here. (1 mk)
- Appearance of his skull is a little closer to man and was ape like.
8. Give the main reason why East Africa is believed to be the first home of man
- Remains of the earliest known hominids have been found here. (1 mk) QUES 2,DIST 6
- Appearance of his skull is a little closer to man and was ape like. QUES
2,DIST 7
10. a) Give three theories that explains about the origin of human beings.
( 3 mk)
- Creation theory explains that all living were created by God / Allah.
- The evolution theory which explains human beings evolved which explain
human beings evolved from simple life types that transformed slowly over
millions of years.
( 12 mks
- It is time consuming.
12. Outline the improvements made in the way of life of early man during the new Stone
Age period
-Made advanced tools called microlithic which included arrow, knives, sickles, spears, dagger
-Improved and better shelters other than caves due to improved tools that were used to cut tree
branches and grass
-Settled life and building of semi-permanent shelters inorder to carry out farming activi-
-Improved social way of life which led to setting up of rules and laws / equlations
-Beginning religious beliefs as they began to depend more on natural forces like rain
-Beginning of specialization in art craft, pottery, basketry because with settle life and agri-
culture, they now had free time 5x1=5mks QUES 19a,DIST 8
13. State two ways through which early man adapted to the environment during the Stone
Age period
vi) Started making cloths using animal skin 1 x 2 = 2mks QUES 2,DIST
14.Give one main reason why the early man abandoned stone tools for metals
15. a) State three factors which show that Africa was the cradle of man.
i) The numerous archaeological sites where fossils were found which resemble man.
ii) The savannah grassland which provided space for early man to effectively hunt
and gather.
iv) The many all season rivers that provided water and trapping wild animals were
b) Describe the way of life of Early Human beings during the middle Stone Age
i) Made improved tools using the levallois technique like flakes blades .
ii) Early man lived in caves and rock shelters e.g gamble cave for protection.
iii) Man hunted using improved hunting methods – used tools gathered wild fruits,
iv) He decorated his body using red ochre, animal oil, wore shells and neckless
vi) Early man developed the art of writing – pictoral writing – telling / show activities
he performed
16. Identify two categories of tools made during the old stone age period (2mks)
i) Oldowan (pebble) tools found at Olduvai Gorge
ii) Acheulian tools found at St. Acheul – France. 2x1 = 2marks
17. Archeologists determine the amount of carbon in an object / skeleton / rock and the more car-
bon there is in an object the younger it is. (1x1 = 1 mk) QUES 2,DIST 11
(i) Australopithecus
(i) Oldest fossils- Africa has produced the oldest fossils than other continents.
(ii) Highest number of fossils – Africa has the highest number of human fossils
than other continents.
(iii) Many rivers – Africa has many rivers which could have provided water to
early man.
(iv) Availability of the savanna grass land- they provided suitable hunting
grounds for early man /availability of food.
(v) Central location – it is from a central location like Africa that early man could
have travelled to other worlds.
(vi) Suitable climate –Africa doesn’t have extremes of temperature hence could
have favored early man.
(vii) Forests availability- forests could have provided suitable habitat for early
man 5x1(5mks).
(b) Cultural and economic practices of early man in the Neolithic period.
21. State two processes through which evolution took place according to Charles Darwin.
Natural selection
2 x 1 = 2mks QUES 2,DIST 14
22. State two characteristics that distinguish man from other primates.
- Development of the speech
- Development of the brain
- Upright posture/bipedalism.
2 x1 = 2mks QUES 1,DIST 15
- Desire to understand things that were beyond human understanding e.g. moon, floods and
- Search for security in the face of uncertainties to human existence e.g. death
- Attempts by the human race to explain their existence on earth.
- Desire to keep the community together
- Desire for unity
- Direct and indirect divine revelation to certain individuals in society
- Developed government
- Developed religion
- Advanced language
ii) Cutting
iii) Scrapping
iv) Digging (2x1=2mks) QUES 3,DIST 18
29. Invention of fire (1x1=1mk) QUES 4,DIST 18
33.Identify two factors that forced early man to change from hunting and gathering to food
1. Increased population which could not be provided with adequate food by the environment
2. Climatic changes like drought that threatened life of animals and plants.
3. Competition for food among human beings and between human beings and animals.
(2pts x 1= 2marks) QUES 5,DIST 19
Natural selection
Adaptation QUES 3,DIST 20