Lecture 39
Lecture 39
Lecture 39
• Consumption
– Consumer Preferences
– Optimization
– Income Effect and Substitution Effect
• Role of Real Interest Rate
– Constraints on Borrowings
Topics under Discussion
• Franco Modigliani and the life-cycle
– Life-cycle consumption Function
– Solving the Consumption Puzzle
Income, Y
Solving the Consumption
• According to Life-cycle consumption function,
APC = C/Y = α(W/Y) + β
• Because, in short periods, wealth does not vary
proportionately with incomes, High incomes
corresponds to Low APC.
• But over longer periods, wealth and incomes
grow together, resulting in constant W/Y ratio
and hence a constant APC
Solving the Consumption
Consumption, C
The Upward
Shift prevents
the APC from
falling as income
increases. Thus αW2
solving Keynes’s αW1
Income, Y
Consumption, Income and
Wealth over Life-cycle
Retirement End of
Begins Life
Consumption, Income and
Wealth over Life-cycle
Consumption Dissavings
Retirement End of
Begins Life
Consumption and Saving of
• Research findings show that elderly people do
not dissave as much as the life cycle model
• In other words, the elderly do not run down their
wealth as quickly as one would expect if they
were trying to smooth their consumption over
their remaining years of life.
Consumption and Saving of
• Reasons
– They are concerned about unpredictable
expenses. Additional saving that rises from
uncertainty is called precautionary saving.
This may be due to expecting a long life and
to plan for a longer period of retirement.
• It is not completely persuasive considering
the availability of annuity schemes of
insurance companies and public health
insurance plans.
– They may want to leave bequests to their
Milton Friedman and the
Permanent-Income Hypothesis
• In 1957, Milton Friedman proposed the
permanent-income hypothesis to explain
consumer behavior.
• Its essence is that current consumption is
proportional to permanent income. Friedman’s
permanent-income hypothesis complements
Modigliani’s life-cycle hypothesis: both use
Fisher’s theory of the consumer to argue that
consumption should not depend on current
income alone.
Milton Friedman and the
Permanent-Income Hypothesis
• But unlike the life-cycle hypothesis, which
emphasizes that income follows a regular
pattern over a person’s lifetime, the permanent-
income hypothesis emphasizes that people
experience random and temporary changes in
their incomes from year to year.
• Friedman suggested that we view current
income Y as the sum of two components,
permanent income YP and transitory income YT.
Y = Y P + YT
Milton Friedman and the
Permanent-Income Hypothesis
• Permanent Income is the part of income that
people expect to persist in the future.
• Transitory income is the part of income that
people do not expect to persist.
• Friedman reasoned that consumption should
depend primarily on permanent income
because consumers use savings and
borrowings to smooth consumption in response
to transitory changes in income.
Milton Friedman and the
Permanent-Income Hypothesis
• Friedman approximation of consumption
function is:
C = αYP
• While Average propensity to consume is:
APC = C/Y = αYP /Y
– When Y > YP , APC Falls
– When Y < YP , APC rises
Robert Hall and the Random-
Walk Hypothesis
Robert Hall was first to derive the implications of
rational expectations for consumption. He showed
that if the permanent-income hypothesis is correct,
and if consumers have rational expectations, then
changes in consumption over time should be
unpredictable. When changes in a variable are
unpredictable, the variable is said to follow a
random walk.
According to Hall, the combination of the permanent-
income hypothesis and rational expectations implies
that consumption follows a random walk.
• J M Keynes and the Consumption Function
• Simon Kuznets and Consumption Puzzle
• Irving Fisher and Intertemporal Choice
• Franco Modigliani the life-cycle Hypothesis
• Milton Friedman and the Permanent-Income
Upcoming Topics
• Investment
– Business Fixed Investment
• Rental Price of Capital
• Cost of Capital
• The Determinants of Investment
• Taxes and Investment