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13B RegExp

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Regular Expressions

Genome 559: Introduction to Statistical and

Computational Genomics
Elhanan Borenstein
A quick review
 Arguments and return values:
 Returning multiple values from a function:
return [sum, prod]
 Pass-by-reference vs. pass-by-value
 Default Arguments
def printMulti(text, n=3):
 Keyword Arguments
runBlast(“my_f.txt”, matrix=“PAM40”)

 A file containing a set of related functions
 Easy to create and use your own modules
 First import it: import utils …
 Then use dot notation: utils.makeDict()
A quick review – cont’
 A function that calls itself
 Divide and conquer algorithms
 Every recursion must have two key features:
1. There are one or more base cases for which no recursion is applied.
2. All recursion chains eventually end up at one of the base cases.

 Factorial, string reversal
 Binary search
 Traversing trees
 Merge sort

 Recursion vs. iteration



 ‘’’ abc’’’

Newlines are a bit more complicated


A B C \ n
Why so many?
 ‘ vs “ lets you put the other kind inside a string. Very
 ‘’’ lets you run across multiple lines.
 All 3 let you include and show invisible characters
(using \n, \t, etc.)
 r’...’ (raw strings) do not support invisible character,
but avoid problems with backslash. Will become
useful very soon.
open(’C:\new\text.dat’) vs.
open(’C:\\new\\text.dat’) vs.
String operations
 As you recall, the string data type supports a verity of
>>> my_str = 'tea for too‘
>>> print my_str.replace('too','two')
'tea for two'

>>> print my_str.upper()


>>> my_str.split(‘ ‘)
[‘tea’, ‘for’, ‘too’]

>>> print my_str.find(“o")

>>> print my_str.count(“o")
But …
 What if we want to do more complex things?
 Get rid of all punctuation marks
 Find all dates in a long text and convert them to a specific
 Delete duplicated words
 Find all email addresses in a long text
 Find everything that “looks” like a gene name in some
output file
 Split a string whenever a certain word (rather than a certain
character) occurs
 Find DNA motifs in a Fasta file
Well …
 We can always write a program that does that …
# assume we have a genome sequence in string variable myDNA
for index in range(0,len(myDNA)-20) :
if (myDNA[index] == "A" or myDNA[index] == "G") and
(myDNA[index+1] == "A" or myDNA[index+1] == "G") and
(myDNA[index+2] == "A" or myDNA[index+2] == "G") and
(myDNA[index+3] == "C") and
(myDNA[index+4] == “A") and
# and on and on!

(myDNA[index+19] == "C" or myDNA[index+19] == "T") :
print "Match found at ",index

Regular expressions
 Regular expressions (a.k.a. RE, regexp, regexes, regex)
are a highly specialized text-matching tool.

 Regex can be viewed as a tiny programming language

embedded in Python and made available through
the re module.

 They are extremely useful in searching and modifying

(long) string

Not only in Python
 REs are very widespread:
 Unix utility “grep”

 So, … learning the “RE language” would serve you in

many different environments as well.
Do you absolutely need regexes?
 No, everything they do, you could do yourself!

 BUT … pattern-matching is:

 Widely used (especially in bioinf applications)!
 Tedious to program!

 RE give you a flexible, systematic, compact, and

automatic way to do it.
(In truth, it’s still somewhat error-prone, but in a different way).
Regexe vs. Python
 The regular expression language is relatively small and
 Not all possible string processing tasks can be done using
regular expressions.
 Some tasks can be done with RE, but the expressions turn
out to be extremely complicated.

 In these cases, you may be better off writing a Python

code to do the processing:
 Python code may take longer to write
 It will be slower than an elaborate regular expression
 But … it will also probably be more understandable.
Let’s get to it:
How do regexes work?

Valentine Day Special!

It’s all about finding a great match
Finding a good match
 Using this RE tiny language, you can specify patterns
that you want to match

 You can then ask match questions such as:

 “Does this string match this pattern?”
 “Is there a match to this pattern anywhere in this string?”
 “What are all the matches to this pattern in this string?”

 You can also use REs to modify a string

 Replace parts of a string (sub) that match the pattern with
something else
 Break stings into smaller pieces (split) wherever this pattern
is matched
A simple example
 Consider the following example:
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'\bf[a-z]*', 'which foot or hand fell fastest')

['foot', 'fell', 'fastest']

This RE means: A word that starts
with ‘f’ followed by any number
of alphabetical characters

 Note the re. prefix – findall is a function in the re

 Format: findall(<regexe>, <string>)
 Returns a list of all non-overlapping substrings that matches the regexe.
 REs are provided as strings.
It’s all about matching

Regular expressions are patterns;

they “match” sequences of characters
Basic RE matching
 Most letters and numbers match themselves
 For example, the regular expression test will match the
string test exactly
 Normally case sensitive
>>> re.findall(r’test’, “Tests are testers’ best testimonials”)
[‘test', ‘test']

 Most punctuation marks have special meanings!

 Metacharacters: . ^ $ * + ? { [ ] \ | ( )
 needs to be escaped by backslash (e.g., “\.” instead of “.”) to
get non-special behavior
 Therefore, “raw” string literals (r’C:\new.txt’) are generally
recommended for regexes (unless you double your
backslashes judiciously)
 Square brackets mean that any of the listed characters
will do (matching one of several alternatives)
 [abc] means either ”a” , ”b” , or “c”

 You can also give a range:

 [a-d] means ”a”, ”b”, ”c”, or ”d”

 Negation: caret means not

 [^a-d] means anything but a, b, c or d
 [^5] means anything but 5

 Metacharacters are not active inside sets.

 [ak$] will match “a”, “k”, or “$”. Normally, “$” is a
metacharacter. Inside a set it’s stripped of its special nature.
Predefined sets
 \d matches any decimal digit
(equivalent to [0-9]).
 \D matches any non-digit character
(equivalent to [^0-9]).
 \s matches any whitespace character Note the pairs.
Easy to remember!
(equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]).
 \S matches any non-whitespace character
(equivalent to [^ \t\n\r\f\v]).
 \w matches any alphanumeric character
(equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]).
 \W matches any non-alphanumeric character
(equivalent to the class [^a-zA-Z0-9_].
Matching boundaries
 ^ matches the beginning of the string
 $ matches the end of the string

 \b matches a word boundary

 \B matches position that is not a word boundary

(A word boundary is a position that changes from a word

character to a non-word character, or vice versa).

For example, \bcat will match catalyst but not location

 . matches any character (except newline)
 If you really mean “.” you must use a backslash

 backslash is special in Python strings
 It’s special again in RE
 This means you need too many backslashes
 Use ”raw strings” to make things simpler

 What does this RE means: r’\d\.\d’?

 Allows you to specify that a portion of the RE must/can
be repeated a certain number of times.
 * : The previous character can repeat 0 or more times
 ca*t matches ”ct”, ”cat”, ”caat”, ”caaat” etc.

 + : The previous character can repeat 1 or more times

 ca+t matches ”cat”, ”caat” etc. but not ”ct”

 Braces provide a more detailed way to indicate repeats

 A{1,3} means at least one and no more than three A’s
 A{4,4} means exactly four A’s
A quick example
 Remember this PSSM:

re.findall(r’[AG]{3,3}CATG[TC]{4,4}[AG]{2,2}C[AT]TG[CT][CG][TC]’, myDNA)
More examples
>>> re.sub('\d', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'a_b - xx'
>>> re.sub('\D', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
>>> re.sub('\s', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
>>> re.sub('\S', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'xxx x xx'
>>> re.sub('\w', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'xxx - xx'
>>> re.sub('\W', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
>>> re.sub('^', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'xa_b - 12'
>>> re.sub('$', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'a_b - 12x'
>>> re.sub('\b', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'a_b - 12'
>>> re.sub('\\b', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'xa_bx - x12x'
>>> re.sub(r'\b', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'xa_bx - x12x'
>>> re.sub('\B', 'x', 'a_b - 12')
'ax_xb x-x 1x2'
RE Semantics
 If R, S are regexes:
 RS matches the concatenation of strings matched by R, S
 R|S matches the union (either R or S)

 Parentheses can be used for grouping

 (abc)+ matches ‘abc’, ‘abcabc’, ‘abcabcabc’, etc.
 this|that matches ‘this’ and ‘that’, but not ‘thisthat’.
 Check this example:
>>> import re
>>> mystring = "This contains 2 files, hw3.py and uppercase.py."
>>> all_matches = re.findall(r’.+\.py’, mystring)
>>> print all_matches

 What do you think all_matchs contains?

[’ This contains 2 files, hw3.py and uppercase.py’]

What happened?
Matching is greedy
>>> import re
>>> mystring = "This contains 2 files, hw3.py and uppercase.py."
>>> all_matches = re.findall(r’.+\.py’, mystring)
>>> print all_matches
[’ This contains 2 files, hw3.py and uppercase.py’]

 Our RE matches “hw3.py”

 Unfortunately …
 It also matches: “This contains 2 files, hw3.py”
 And it even matches: “This contains 2 files, hw3.py and
 Python will choose the longest match!
 Break my text first into words (not an ideal solution)
 I could specify that no spaces are allowed in my match
A better version
 This will work:
>>> import re
>>> mystring = "This contains 2 files, hw3.py and uppercase.py."
>>> all_matches = re.findall(r’ [^ ]+\.py’, mystring)
>>> print all_matches

Code like a pro … TIP

 Suppose you are not sure:

 … whether the format you are using for a certain command
is the correct one
 or … whether range(4) returns 0 to 4 or 0 to 3
 or … whether string has a method “reverse”
 or … whether you are allowed to break inside a nested loop
 or … whether your code is correct

What should you do?

Code like a pro … TIP


 Don’t be afraid:
 Running a bugged code will not harm your computer!
 (it also should not hurt your self-esteem)
 It doesn’t cost anything
 It will be faster (and more accurate) than you trying to
“think it through”
 In many cases, the error message or output will be
extremely informative

“The freedom to run experiments is the most

precious luxury of computational biologists”
Nanahle Nietsnerob
Sample problem #1
 Download the course webpage (e.g., use the “save as”
option). Write a program that reads this webpage text
and scan for all the email addresses in it.
 An email address usually follows these guidelines:
 Upper or lower case letters or digits
 Starting with a letter
 Followed by a the “@” symbol
 Followed by a string of alphanumeric characters. No spaces
are allowed
 Followed by a the dot “.” symbol
 Followed by a domain extension. Assume domain
extensions are always 3 alphanumeric characters long (e.g.,
“com”, “edu”, “net”.
Solution #1
import sys
import re

file_name = sys.argv[1] What’s missing

file = open(file_name,"r")
text = file.read()

addresses = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z]\w*@\w+\.\w{3,3}', text)

print addresses

[‘jht@uw.edu’, ‘elbo@uw.edu’]
Sample problem #2
1. Download and save warandpeace.txt. Write a program
to read it line-by-line. Use re.findall to check whether
the current line contains one or more “proper” names
ending in “...ski”. If so, print these names: ['Bolkonski']

2. Now, instead of printing these names for each line,

insert them into a dictionary and just print all the
“…ski” names that appear in the text at the end of your
program (preferably sorted): Aski
Solution #2.1
import sys
import re

file_name = sys.argv[1]
file = open(file_name,"r")

names_dict = {} # A dictionary for storing all names

for line in file:
names = re.findall(r'\w+ski', line)
if len(names) > 0:
print names

Solution #2.2
import sys
import re

file_name = sys.argv[1]
file = open(file_name,"r")

names_dict = {} # A dictionary for storing all names

for line in file:
names = re.findall(r'\w+ski', line)
for name in names:
names_dict[name] = 1


name_list = names_dict.keys()

for name in name_list:

print name
Challenge problem
 “Translate” War and Peace to Pig Latin.
 The rules of translations are as follows:
 If a word starts with a consonant: move it to the end and
append “ay”
 Else, for words that starts with a vowel, keep as is, but add
“zay” at the end
 beast → eastbay
 dough → oughday
 happy → appyhay
 another→ anotherzay
 if→ ifzay

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