Dnyandeep Test 1
Dnyandeep Test 1
Dnyandeep Test 1
1 A
‘hmamï´> ZmJar godm amOn{ÌV nyd© narjm Q>oñQ> {garO 2024
àíZnwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$ àíZnwpñVH$m I
BOOKLET No. EHy$U àíZ : 100
doi : 2 (XmoZ) Vmg Test-01
EHy$U JwU : 200
Polity + History
1) gXa àíZnwpñVHo$V 100 A{Zdm¶© àíZ AmhoV. C‘oXdmam§Zr àíZm§Mr CËVao narjm-H«$‘m§H$
{b{hʶmg gwê$dmV H$aʶmnydu ¶m àíZnwpñVHo$V gd© àíZ AmhoV qH$dm ZmhrV
¶mMr ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿¶mdr. VgoM Aݶ H$mhr Xmof AmT>ië¶mg hr àíZnwpñVH$m
n`©dojH$mH$Sy>Z bJoM ~XbyZ ¿¶mdr. H|$ÐmMr g§Ho$Vmjao eodQ>Mm A§H$
2) Amnbm narjm-H«$‘m§H$ nwT>rb Mm¡H$moZm§V Z {dgaVm ~m°bnoZZo {bhmdm.
3) da N>mnbobm àíZnwpñVH$m H«$‘m§H$ Vw‘À¶m CËVan{ÌHo$da {d{eîQ> OmJr CËVan{ÌHo$darb gyMZoà‘mUo Z {dgaVm Z‘yX H$amdm
4) A) ¶m àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb à˶oH$ àíZmbm 4 n¶m©¶r CËVao gwM{dbr AgyZ ˶m§Zm 1,2,3 Am{U 4 Ago H«$‘m§H$ {Xbobo AmhoV.
˶m Mma CËVam§n¡H$s gdm©V ¶mo½¶ CËVamMm H«$‘m§H$ CËVan{ÌHo$darb gyMZoà‘mUo Vw‘À¶m CËVan{ÌHo$da Z‘yX H$amdm.
Aem àH$mao CËVan{ÌHo$da CËVaH«$‘m§H$ Z‘yX H$aVmZm Vmo g§~§{YV àíZH«$‘m§H$mg‘moa N>m¶m§{H$V H$ê$Z Xe©{dbm OmB©b
¶mMr H$miOr ¿¶mdr, h¶mH$[aVm ’$³V H$mi¶m emB©Mo ~m°bnoZ dmnamdo, nopÝgb dm emB©Mo noZ dmnê$ Z¶o.
~) Am¶moJmZo Á¶m {df¶mgmR>r ‘amR>r ~amo~a B§J«Or ‘mܶ‘ {d{hV Ho$bobo Amho. ˶m {df¶mMm à˶oH$ àíZ ‘amR>r ~amo~a
B§J«Or ^mfoV XoIrb N>mnʶmV Ambm Amho. ˶m‘Yrb B§J«Or‘Yrb qH$dm ‘amR>rVrb àíZm‘ܶo ‘wÐUXmofm§‘wio AWdm Aݶ
H$maUm§‘wio {dg§JVr {Z‘m©U Pmë¶mMr e§H$m Amë¶mg, C‘oXdmamZo g§~§{YV àíZ n¶m©¶r ^mfoVrb àíZmer VmSy>Z nhmdm.
5) gd© àíZm§Zm g‘mZ JwU AmhoV. ¶mñVd gd© àíZm§Mr CËVao ÚmdrV. KmB©‘wio MyH$m hmoUma ZmhrV ¶mMr XjVm KoD$ZM e³¶
{VV³¶m doJmZo àíZ gmoS>dmdoV. H«$‘mZo àíZ gmoS>{dUo lo¶ñH$a Amho nU EImXm àíZ H$R>rU dmQ>ë¶mg ˶mda doi Z
Kmb{dVm nwT>rb àíZmH$S>o dimdo. Aem àH$mao eodQ>À¶m àíZmn¶ªV nmohmoMë¶mZ§Va doi {eëbH$ am{hë¶mg H$R>rU åhUyZ
dJiboë¶m àíZm§H$S>o naVUo gmoB©ñH$a R>aob.
6) CËVan{ÌHo$V EH$Xm Z‘yX Ho$bobo CËVa ImoS>Vm ¶oUma Zmhr. Z‘yX Ho$bobo CËVa ImoSy>Z Zì¶mZo CËVa {Xë¶mg Vo Vnmgbo
OmUma Zmhr.
7) àñVwV narjoÀ¶m CËVan{ÌH$m§Mo ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$aVmZm CËVan{ÌHo$Vrb ¶mo½¶ CËVam§ZmM JyU {Xbo OmVrb. VgoM C‘oXdmamZo
dñVw{ZîR ~hþn¶m©¶r ñdê$nmÀ¶m àíZm§Mr AMyH$ CËVaoM CËVan{ÌHo$V Z‘yX H$amdrV. AݶWm ˶m§À¶m CËVan{ÌHo$V
gmoS>{dboë¶m à˶oH$ Mma MwH$sÀ¶m CËVam‘mJo EH$m àíZmMo JwU dOm H$aʶmV ¶oVrb.
h¶m àíZn{ÌHo$gmR>r Am¶moJmZo {dhrV Ho$bobr doi g§non¶ªV hr àíZnwpñVH$m Am¶moJmMr ‘mb‘ËVm AgyZ Vr narjmH$jmV
C‘oXdmambm narjogmR>r dmnaʶmg XoʶmV ¶oV Amho. hr doi g§non¶ªV gXa àíZnwpñVHo$Mr àV/àVr, qH$dm gXa àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb H$mhr
Ame¶ H$moU˶mhr ñdê$nmV à˶j dm Aà˶jnUo H$moU˶mhr 춳Vrg nwa{dUo, VgoM à{gÕ H$aUo hm JwÝhm AgyZ Aer H¥$Vr H$aUmè¶m
춳Vrda emgZmZo Omar Ho$boë¶m narjm§‘ܶo hmoUmè¶m J¡aàH$mam§Zm à{V~§Y H$aʶm~m~VMm A{Y{Z¶‘ - 82 ¶mVrb VaVwXrZwgma VgoM
àM{bV H$m¶ÚmÀ¶m VaVwXrZwgma VgoM àM{bV H$m¶ÚmÀ¶m VaVwXrZwgma H$madmB© H$aʶmV ¶oB©b d Xmofr 춳Vr H$‘mb EH$ dfm©À¶m
H$mamdmgmÀ¶m Am{U/ qH$dm ê$n¶o EH$ hOma aH$‘oÀ¶m X§S>mÀ¶m {ejog nmÌ hmoB©b.
VgoM h¶m àíZn{ÌHo$gmR>r {dhrV Ho$bobr doi g§nʶmAmYr hr àíZnwpñVH$m AZ{YH¥$VnUo ~miJUo hm gwÕm JwÝhm AgyZ
VgoM H$aUmar 춳Vr Am¶moJmÀ¶m H$‘©Mmard¥§Xmn¡H$s, VgoM narjoÀ¶m n¶©dojH$s¶d¥§Xmn¡H$s Agbr Varhr Aem 춳Vr{dê$Õ C³V
A{Y{Z¶‘mZwgma H$madmB© H$aʶmV ¶oB©b d Xmofr 춳Vr {ejog nmÌ hmoB©b.>
H$ÀÀ¶m Office Address : 7 thFOR
r OmJm / SPACE Floor,
WORK Alka Talkies Chowk, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030 P.T.O.
Mobile : 8806277677 / 9511280465
Sambhajinagar Office Address : The Excelus Building, Jayhind Colony, Near Axis Bank, Nirala Bazar, Sambhajinagar
Mobile : 7420099066
2. ‘hmamï´> amÁ¶mV gܶm (2023) H$moUVo XmoZ amOH$s¶ nj ho ‘mݶVm àmá àmXo{eH$ nj AmhoV?
(A) d§{MV ~hþOZ AmKmS>r (~) {edgoZm
(H$) ‘Zgo (S>) àhma OZeº$s nmQ>u
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A) Am{U (~)$ 2) (~) Am{U (H$)
3) (A) Am{U (S>) 4) (A) Am{U (H$)
Which two political parties are currently (2023) recognized regional parties in the state of
(a) Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (b) Shiv Sena
(c) MNS (d) Prahar Jan Shakti Party
Answers options :
1) (a) and (b) 2) (b) and (c)
3) (a) and (d) 4) (a) and (c)
5. ^maVr¶ KQ>ZoVrc àXmZ Ho$coë¶m h¸$m§‘Yrc "Y‘©ñdmV§Í¶mMm h¸$' ¶m‘ܶo Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m ~m~tMm g‘mdoe hmoV
1) EImÚm Y‘m©{df¶r àdMZ H$aʶmMm h¸$. 2) EImÚm Y‘m©Mo nmcZ H$aʶmMm h¸$.
3) EImÚm Y‘m©Mm àgma H$aUo{df¶r h¸$. 4) gº$sZo Y‘mªVa H$aʶmMm h¸$.
Which of the following does not include the 'right to freedom of religion' among the rights
provided in the Indian Constitution?
1) Right to discourse about a religion. 2) Right to practice a religion.
3) Right to propagate a religion. 4) Right to forced conversion.
6. H$moU˶mhr g§KamÁ¶ joÌmMo joÌ dmT>{dʶm~m~VMo {dYo¶H$ g§gXoÀ¶m H$moU˶mhr g^mJ¥hmV ‘m§S>Vm ¶oVo, Oa ˶mg.....
1) amï´>nVtZr {e’$mag Ho$cocr Agoc d g§~§{YV g§KamÁ¶ joÌmÀ¶m A{^àm¶mgh.
$ 2) amï´>nVtZr {e’$mag Ho$cocr Agoc d g§~§{YV g§KamÁ¶ joÌmÀ¶m A{^àm¶m{edm¶.
3) amï´>nVtÀ¶m {e’$maer{edm¶ na§Vw g§~§{YV g§KamÁ¶ joÌmÀ¶m A{^àm¶mgh.
4) amï´>nVtÀ¶m {e’$maer{edm¶ na§Vw g§~§{YV g§KamÁ¶ joÌmÀ¶m A{^àm¶m{edm¶.
A Bill for the enlargement of the territory of any Union Territory may be introduced in any House
of Parliament, if it...
1) Recommended by the President and with the input of the Union Territories concerned.
2) Recommended by the President and without the input of the Union Territory concerned.
3) Without the recommendation of the President but with the input of the Union Territory
4) Without the recommendation of the President but without the input of the Union Territory
Which of the following statements regarding cancellation of Indian citizenship is not correct?
1) Obtained citizenship by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of facts.
2) Has committed dishonesty or disloyalty to the constitution of the state by act or speech.
3) Helped a nation hostile or at war with India.
4) If residing outside India for ve consecutive years.
9. ""ñdmV§Í¶ g‘VonmgyZ doJio/AcJ H$aVm ¶oV Zmhr, g‘Vocm ñdmV§Í¶mnmgyZ doJio H$aVm ¶oUma Zmhr Am{U ñdmV§Í¶
g‘Vocm d ~§YwVonmgyZ doJio H$aVm ¶oUma Zmhr.'' ho CX²Jma H$moUmMo Amho?
1) n§{S>V Odmhacmc Zohé$ 2) S>m°. amO|Ð àgmX
3) S>m°. Eg. amYmH¥$îUZ 4) S>m°. ~r. Ama. Am§~oS>H$a
“Liberty cannot be separated from equality, equality cannot be separated from liberty and liberty
cannot be separated from equality and fraternity.” Whose quote is this?
1) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
3) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 4) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
10. ^maVr¶ amÁ¶KQ>ZoZwgma, gaH$mar IMm©Zo qH$dm ‘XVrZo Mmc{dVm ¶oUmè¶m {ejUg§ñWoV Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m
H$maUmdê$Z àdoe ZmH$macm Var Vo KQ>Zm{damoYr R>aV Zmhr?
(A) Y‘©, d§e (~) OmV, ^mfm
(H$) OÝ‘ñWmZ, qcJ (S>) Y‘©
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$º$ (A)$ 2) ’$º$ (~)
3) ’$º$ (H$) 4) ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr
11. H$moU˶m KQ>Zm XþéñVrZo {ejUmMm A{YH$ma ‘wc^yV A{YH$mam§‘ܶo g‘m{dï> H$aʶmV Amcm?
1) 84 dr KQ>Zm XþéñVr$ 2) 85 dr KQ>Zm XþéñVr
3) 86 dr KQ>Zm XþéñVr 4) 87 dr KQ>Zm XþéñVr
12. ‘Yy {H$eda {déÕ {~hma amÁ¶ ¶m gdm}ƒ ݶm¶mc¶mVrc 1996 À¶m Ho$g‘ܶo gdm}ƒ ݶm¶mc¶mZo Ago Z‘yX Ho$co H$s,
"...hr ‘wc^yV A{YH$ma d ‘mJ©Xe©H$ VÎdm§Mr Amdí¶H$ AgUmar ¶moOZm Amho.'
1) grS>m° (CEDAW)$ 2) ¶wEZS>rnr (UNDP)
3) grBgrEgAma (CECSR) 4) ¶wEZgrEMAma (UNCHR)
In the 1996 Supreme Court case Madhu Kishwar Vs. State of Bihar, the Supreme Court observed
that, '...it is a scheme requiring fundamental rights and guidelines.'
13. Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m KQ>ZmXþéñVrZwgma AZwgy{MV OmVr/O‘mVr Am{U BVa ‘mJmg dJm©gmR>r ImOJr {dZmAZwXm{ZV
e¡j{UH$ g§ñWm§‘ܶo amIrd OmJm R>odʶmV Amë¶m AmhoV?
1) 92 ì¶m$ 2) 93 ì¶m
3) 94 ì¶m 4) 95 ì¶m
According to which of the following constitutional amendments reserved seats in private unaided
educational institutions for Scheduled Castes/Tribes and Other Backward Classes?
1) 92nd 2) 93rd
3) 94th 4) 95th
19. ^maVr¶ amÁ¶KQ>ZoÀ¶m H$moU˶m H$c‘mÝd¶o g‘mZ ݶm¶ d J[a~m§Zm ‘mo’$V H$m¶Xoera ghmæ¶ XoʶmMr VaVyX H$aʶmV
Amcr Amho?
1) H$c‘ 44 A$ 2) H$c‘ 48
3) H$c‘ 39 A 4) H$c‘ 39
Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for equal justice and free legal aid to the poor?
1) Article 44 A 2) Article 48
3) Article 39 A 4) Article 39
Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect regarding State Legislative Council?
(a) Parliament may by law constitute a Legislative Council.
(b) e establishment of the Legislative Council is presumed to be a constitutional amendment
under Article 196(3) of the Constitution of India.
(c) is requires the State Assembly to pass a special mejority rst resolution of the entire membership
of the House.
(d) e resolution should be passed by a majority of not less than 2/3 of the members present and
takes voting in the Legislative Assembly.
Answers options :
1) (a) and (d) 2) (b) only
3) (b) and (c) 4) None of these
Identify the incorrect pair about the Directive Principle of State Policy.
1) Check that is paid at the convenience of the bank : K. T. Shah
2) Change in subject in Article-45 : 86th Amendment
3) Prohibition of cow slaughter : Article 48
4) Reason behind non-creation of uniform civil law : Excessive pride in self-religion.
25. Ooìhm amÁ¶ cmoH$godm Am¶moJmMo AܶjnX [aº$ hmoVo, Voìhm amÁ¶nmc EH$m gXñ¶mcm Am¶moJmÀ¶m h§Jm‘r AܶjnXr
{Z¶wº$ H$ê$ eH$Vmo, Aer VaVyX H$moU˶m KQ>ZmXþéñVr A{Y{Z¶‘mÝd¶o g‘m{dï> H$aʶmV Amcr?
1) 15 dr KQ>ZmXþéñVr 1963$ 2) 18 dr KQ>ZmXþéñVr 1966
3) 42 dr KQ>ZmXþéñVr 1976 4) 44 dr KQ>ZmXþéñVr 1978
When the post of Chairman of the State Public Service Commission falls vacant, the Governor
may appoint a member as interim Chairman of the Commission under which Constitution
Amendment Act?
1) 15th Amendment 1963 2) 18th Amendment 1966
3) 42nd Amendment 1976 4) 44th Amendment 1978
Pair up
'A' group 'B' group
(a) State-State or State-Union (i) Section 345
language of communication
(b) Language of group of State (ii) Section 348
(c) Supreme Court, High Court etc. Language (iii) Section 347
(d) Language of the State (iv) Section 346
Answers options :
a b c d
1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
2) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
29. nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moU˶m ~m~VrV H|$Ð gaH$ma amÁ¶m§Zm H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$maÀ¶m dmnam~Ôc {ZX}f XoD$ eH$Vo?
(A) amï´>r¶ qH$dm cîH$ar ‘hÎdmÀ¶m XiUdiUmÀ¶m gmYZm§Mr ~m§YUr d ˶m§Mm aIaImX ¶m~m~V.
(~) amÁ¶mV aoëdoÀ¶m g§ajUmgmR>r ¿¶md¶mÀ¶m Cnm¶m§~m~V.
(H$) amÁ¶mVrc ^m{fH$ Aëng§»¶m§H$ JQ>mVrc ‘wcm§Zm ‘mV¥^mfoVyZ àmW{‘H$ {ejU CncãY H$ê$Z Xoʶm~m~V.
(S>) amÁ¶mV AZwgy{MV O‘mVtÀ¶m H$ë¶mUmgmR>r {d{eîQ> ¶moOZm§À¶m A§‘c~OmdUr~m~V.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A), (~), (H$)$ 2) (~), (H$), (S>)
3) (A), (H$), (S>) 4) darc gd©
In which of the following cases can the Central Government give directions to the States regarding
the exercise of executive power?
(a) regarding the construction and maintenance of communication of national or military
(b) regarding the measures to be taken for the protection of railways in the State.
(c) To provide primary education through mother tongue to children belonging to linguistic
minority groups in the State.
(d) Regarding the implementation of speci c schemes for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes in the
Answers options :
1) (a), (b), (c) 2) (b), (c), (d)
3) (a), (c), (d) 4) All of the above
32. amÁ¶nmcm§Mr KQ>ZmË‘H$ pñWVr KQ>ZoVrc nwT>rcn¡H$s H$moU˶m H$c‘mÛmao ñnï> hmoVo?
(A) H$c‘ 153 (~) H$c‘ 154
(H$) H$c‘ 163 (S>) H$c‘ 164
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A), (~) d (H$)$ 2) (A), (~) d (S>)
3) (~), (H$) d (S>) 4) darc gd©
e constitutional position of the Governor is clari ed by which of the following Article in the
(a) Article 153 (b) Article 154
(c) Article 163 (d) Article 164
Answers options :
1) (a), (b) and (c) 2) (a), (b) and (d)
3) (b), (c) and (d) 4) All of the above
34. nwT>rcn¡H$s KQ>Zo‘ܶo H$moUVo ~Xc H$aʶmgmR>r g§gXoMo {deof ~hþ‘Vm~amo~aM {Zåå¶mnojm OmñV amÁ¶m§À¶m gmܶm
~hþ‘VmMr Amdí¶H$Vm Agoc?
(A) amï´>nVtMr {ZdS>UyH$ d ˶mMr nÕVr (~) gdmo©ƒ d Cƒ ݶm¶mc¶o
(H$) gmVdr AZwgyMr (S>) H$c‘ 368
(B) nmMdr d ghmdr AZwgyMr
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A), (~), (H$)$ 2) (~), (H$), (S>), (B)
3) (A), (~), (H$), (S>) 4) darc gd©
Which of the following constitutional changes would require a simple majority of more than half
of the states along with a special majority of Parliament?
(a) Election of the President and its procedure
(b) Supreme and High Courts
(c) Seventh Schedule
(d) Article 368
(e) Fih and Sixth Schedules
Answers options :
1) (a), (b), (c) 2) (b), (c), (d), (e)
3) (a), (b), (c), (d) 4) All of the above
36. ^maVr¶ g§{dYmZmZo ZmJ[aH$m§Zm Am{W©H$ ݶm¶mMr ImÌr H$emÛmao {Xcr Amho?
(A) CÔoen{ÌH$m (~) ‘wc^yV h¸$
(H$) ‘mJ©Xe©H$ VÎd (S>) ‘wc^yV H$V©ì¶
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) darc gd©$ 2) (A) Am{U (~)
3) (~) Am{U (S>) 4) (A) Am{U (H$)
37. ^maVr¶ g§{dYmZmV Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m AZwÀN>oXmZwgma ݶm¶ ‘§S>i H$m¶©H$mar ‘§S>imnmgyZ AcJ R>odʶmMr VaVyX
H$aʶmV Amcr Amho?
1) AZwÀN>oX 49$ 2) AZwÀN>oX 50
3) AZwÀN>oX 51 4) AZwÀN>oX 48
Which of the following articles in the Constitution of India provides for the separation of the
judiciary from the executive?
1) Article 49 2) Article 50
3) Article 51 4) Article 48
Arrange the words in the preamble in a consistent order as given in the preamble.
1) Liberty, Justice, Fraternity, Equality 2) Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
3) Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Liberty 4) Fraternity, Equality, Liberty, Justice
43. ^maVr¶ amÁ¶KQ>ZoMo H$c‘ ........ ^maVr¶ gdm}ƒ ݶm¶mc¶mÀ¶m A{V[aº$ A{YH$mam§Mr KmofUm H$aVo.
1) 160$ 2) 170
3) 140 4) 143
Article ........ of the Constitution of India declares additional powers of the Supreme Court of
1) 160 2) 170
3) 140 4) 143
45. ‘hmZJanm{cHo$À¶m g{‘VrMm Aܶj Oa gcJ XmoZ ~¡R>H$m Am‘§{ÌV H$aʶmV A¶eñdr R>acm, Va ˶mg ....... Ûmam
nXmdê$Z hQ>dco OmD$ eH$Vo.
1) ‘hmnm¡a$ 2) {Oëhm{YH$mar
3) {d^mJr¶ Am¶wº$ 4) amÁ¶ emgZ
If the Chairman of the Municipal Committee fails to convene two consecutive meetings, he may
be removed from office by the …….
1) Mayor 2) Collector
3) Divisional Commissioner 4) State Government
53. Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m {R>H$mUr ‘mcH$mgmo~V Hw$Ͷmcm nwaʶmMo Adeof gmnS>co AmhoV?
1) ‘ohoaJS> 2) ~wO©hmo‘
3) {Mam§X 4) XodOmir
At which of the following sites have burial remains of a dog with its owner been found?
1) Mehergarh 2) Burjhom
3) Chirand 4) Devjali
55. A{‘ÌKmV ¶m J«rH$ ZmdmZo Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVm amOm AmoiIcm OmV Ago?
1) AOmVeÌy$ 2) M§ÐJwá ‘m¡¶©
3) q~~rgma 4) q~Xÿgma
Which of the following kings was known by the Greek name Amitragatha?
1) Ajatshatru 2) Chandragupta Maurya
3) Bimbisara 4) Bindusara
57. ^maVr¶ nwamVËd {d^mJ (ASI - Archaeological Survey of India) hr g§ñWm ^maV gaH$maÀ¶m gm§ñH¥${VH$
‘§Ìmc¶mÀ¶m AYrZ amhÿZ XoemV nwamVËd g§emoYZ H$aVo. ¶mMr ñWmnZm Ho$ìhm Pmcr?
1) 1861$ 2) 1804
3) 1873 4) 1858
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is an organization under the Ministry of Culture, Government
of India, which conducts archaeological research in the country. When was it established?
1) 1861 2) 1804
3) 1873 4) 1858
65. ~mimOr {dídZmWm§Zr gæ¶X ~§YyÀ¶m ‘XVrZo Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m gmcr ‘wKc ~mXemhH$Sy>Z X»IZ àXoemMr Mm¡WmB©
d gaXoe‘wIr dgyc H$aʶmMm A{YH$ma {‘idcm.
1) B.g.1700$ 2) B.g. 1719
3) B.g. 1721 4) B.g. 1725
In which of the following years did Balaji Vishwanath with the help of Syed Bandhu get the
right to recover a Chauthai of the Deccan region and Sardeshmukhi from the Mughal Emperor?
1) AD 1700 2) AD 1719
3) A.D. 1721 4) AD 1725
71. 1757 Vo 1773 ¶m H$mimV Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUr ~§JmcMo JìhZ©a åhUyZ H$m‘ Ho$co?
(A) am°~Q>© ³cmB©ìh (~) hm°cdoc
(H$) doÝgrQ>mQ>© (S>) dm°aoZ hopñQ>¨½O
(B) H$m°Z©dm°crg
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A), (H$), (S>), (B)$$ 2) (A), (~), (H$>), (S>)
3) (A) Am{U (S>) ’$º$ 4) darc gd©
Who among the following served as the Governor of Bengal from 1757 to 1773?
(a) Robert Clive (b) Holwell
(c) Vensittart (d) Warren Hastings
(e) Cornwallis
Answers options :
1) (a), (c), (d), (e) 2) (a), (b), (c), (d)
3) (a) and (d) only 4) All of the above
79. {ejUmdarc {d{dY Am¶moJ d g{‘˶m ¶m§Mm ñWmnZoZwgma ¶mo½¶ H«$‘ cmdm.
(A) h§Q>a Am¶moJ (~) Wm°‘g a°co Am¶moJ
(H$) g°S>ca Am¶moJ (S>) hmQ>m}J g{‘Vr
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) (A), (~), (H$), (S>)$ 2) (~), (A), (H$), (S>)
3) (H$), (A), (~), (S>) 4) (A), (~), (S>), (H$)
Arrange the formation of various commissions and committees on education in proper order.
(a) Hunter Commission (b) omas Raleigh Commission
(c) Sadler Commission (d) Hartog Committee
Answers options :
1) (a), (b), (c), (d) 2) (b), (a), (c), (d)
3) (c), (a), (b), (d) 4) (a), (b), (d), (c)
81. ^dmZr MaU ~§S>monmܶm¶ ¶m§Zr 1822 gmcr H$cH$Îmm ¶oWo Imcrc H$moUVo d¥ÎmnÌ gwé Ho$co?
1) g‘mMma Xn©U$ 2) g‘mMma M§ÐrH$m
3) A‘¥V~Pma n{ÌH$m 4) ~|Jmc J°PoQ>
Bhawani Charan Bandopadhyay started which of the following newspapers in Calcutta in 1822?
1) Samachar Darpan 2) Samachar Chandrika
3) Amritbazar Patrika 4) Bengal Gazette
86. H$moUmÀ¶m H$mimV H$cH$Îmm Vo AmJ«m hr ^maVmVrc n{hcr Q>o{cJ«m’$ cmBZ Q>mH$ʶmV Amcr?
1) docñcr$ 2) ~|Q>rJ
3) S>chm¡gr 4) ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr
India's rst telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra was laid during whose time?
1) Wellesley 2) Bentig
3) Dalhousie 4) None of these
89. Añn¥í¶Vm {ZdmaH$ n[afX ¶m ZmdmZo Añn¥í¶VoMr n{hcr n[afX ‘w§~B© ¶oWo 23 ‘mM© 1918 amoOr ^a{dcr hmoVr, {VMo
......... Aܶj hmoVo.
1) g¶mOramd Jm¶H$dmS>$ 2) S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a
3) N>. emhÿ ‘hmamO 4) {d. am. qeXo
e rst conference on untouchability was held at Bombay on March 23, 1918, under the name
of Conference on Prevention of Untouchability, presided over by .........
1) Sayajirao Gaikwad 2) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
3) Ch. Shahu Maharaj 4) V. R. Shinde
90. ‘w§~B©À¶m H$m‘Jma ‘¡XmZmda cmoH$m§Mr ‘moR>r g^m Pmcr. ˶mdoir Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU åhUmco,""‘hmamï´>mnmgyZ ‘w§~B© doJir
H$aʶmcm AmnU àmUnUmZo {damoY H$ê$.''
1) n§Om~amd Xoe‘wI$ 2) Jmonmiamd IoS>H$a
3) H$moUrhr Zmhr. 4) e§H$aamd Xod
A large meeting of people was held at Kamgar Maidan in Mumbai. At that time, who among the
following said, "We will ercely oppose the separation of Mumbai from Maharashtra."
1) Punjabrao Deshmukh 2) Gopalrao Khedkar
3) No one. 4) Shankarao Dev
91. {X. 16, 17, 18 OwZ 1947 amoOr ñQ>oQ> H$m±J«ogMo n{hco Eo{Vhm{gH$ A{YdoeZ h¡Ðm~mX ¶m eham‘ܶo Agcoë¶m ......
¶m ^mJmV Pmco.
1) ‘w{e©Xm~mX 2) ‘mo{‘Zm~mX
3) ImZm~mX 4) agyc~oJ
Dated On 16, 17, 18 June 1947, the rst historic session of the State Congress was held at ... in
the city of Hyderabad.
1) Murshidabad 2) Mominabad
3) Khanabad 4) Rasulbeg
92. gm¶m‘Z H${‘eZda ~{hîH$ma Q>mH$cm OmV AgVmZm ...... ¶m§Zr gm¶‘Z H${‘eZMo g‘W©Z Ho$co Am{U ^maVr¶ ZoVo
EH$‘VmZo amÁ¶KQ>Zm V¶ma H$ê$ eH$V ZmhrV Aer Q>rH$m Ho$cr.
1) cm°S>© q‘Q>mo$ 2) cm°S>© ~H©$Z hoS>
3) cm°S>© {cZ{cWJmo 4) cm°S>© Moåg’$moS>©
While the Simon Commission was being boycotted, ... supported the Simon Commission and
criticized the Indian leaders for not being able to frame a constitution unanimously.
1) Lord Minto 2) Lord Birkenhead
3) Lord Linlithgow 4) Lord Chelmsford
93. Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m H$maUm‘wio B§½c§S>Mo àYmZ‘§Ìr M{M©c ¶m§Zr ñQ>°’$S>© {H«$ßg ¶m§Zm ^maVmV nmR>dco.
(A) Xþgè¶m ‘hm¶wÕmV B§½c§S>Mo a§JyZ d qgJmnya OnmZZo qOHy$Z KoVë¶m‘wio
(~) A‘o[aHo$Zo B§½c§S>cm ‘XVrMo AmídmgZ {Xco, na§Vw ^maVmMm nmqR>~m KoʶmgmR>r AmJ«h Yacm.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
1) ’$º$ (A)$ 2) ’$º$ (~)
3) (A) Am{U (~) 4) XmoÝhr Zmhr
British Prime Minister Churchill sent Stafford Cripps to India for which of the following reasons?
(a) Due to the capture of England's Rangoon and Singapore by Japan in World War II
(b) America promised help to England, but insisted on India's support.
Answers options :
1) (a) only 2) (b) only
3) Both (a) and (b) 4) None
95. 1938 ‘ܶo ñdm‘r am‘mZ§X VrW© ¶m§Zr h¡Ðm~mX ñQ>oQ> H$m±J«ogMr ñWmnZm Ho$cr. ¶m§Zm Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUmMr gmW cm^cr
1) n§{S>V {dÚmgmJa, adr Cnmܶm¶$ 2) {gamP-Ac hgZ, Zmam¶U aoÈ>r
3) S>m°. Q>r. ~r. Hw$Ýhm, Zm. J. Jmoao 4) nrQ>a Aëdmarg, ‘hmXodemór
In 1938, Swami Ramanand Teerth founded the Hyderabad State Congress. Who among the
following supported him?
1) Pandit Vidyasagar, Ravi Upadhyay 2) Siraz-Al Hasan, Narayan Reddy
3) Dr. T. B. Kunha, N. C. Gore 4) Peter Alvaris, Mahadevasastri
99. "g˶emoYH$ H$s {¼ñVr godH$' ¶m nwpñVHo$‘wio Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU˶m 춺$sMr ~XZm‘r Pmcr hmoVr?
1) cmoH$‘mݶ {Q>iH$$ 2) ‘hmË‘m ’w$co
3) ^mñH$aamd OmYd 4) Zmam¶U ‘oKmOr cmoI§S>o
Which of the following person was defamed by the booklet 'Satyachodhak ki Christi Sevak?'
1) Lokmanya Tilak 2) Mahatma Phule
3) Bhaskar Rao Jadhav 4) Narayan Meghaji Lokhande
100. CÎma ^maVmVrc ^y‘rH$a ì¶dñWoMm àdV©H$ (Father of land settelments in Northern India) Ago H$moUmcm
åhQ>co OmVo?
1) hmoëQ> ‘°Ho$ÝOr$ 2) coâQ>Z§Q> {dZJoQ>
3) ‘m{Q>©Z ~S>© 4) Q>r. Ama. hmoåO
‘hmamï´> ZmJar godm amOn{ÌV nyd© narjm Q>oñQ> {garO 2024
CÎmaVm{cH$m (Answer Key)
{XZm§H$ : 21-01-2024 EHy$U àíZ : 100
Test - 01
Polity + History EHy$U JwU : 200
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