Information Brochure of Tata Memorial
Information Brochure of Tata Memorial
Information Brochure of Tata Memorial
TMCK is a Not for Profit, tertiary care Cancer Hospital extending state of art and world class
care to cancer patients, at affordable cost. Besides extending best possible treatment based
on International Protocols, TMCK also contributes to screening, early detection, prevention
of cancer and in providing rehabilitation and palliative care to our patients. The institute is
actively involved in Research and academics to improve cancer care and to extend training to
a great number of Doctors and paramedical staff in Oncology
TMCK is a 437 bedded Hospital, and of these 336 are admitting beds and the remaining are
for Day Care, Emergency, recovery etc. Of the admitting beds there are 76 Pvt/VIP beds and
around 65% are general beds. Remaining beds are ICU/HDU/BMT/Isolation etc.
Services being provided by TMCK are as follows
Categories of Patients
TMCK has two categories to offer to the patients, for treatment, General and Private. Change
of category may be permitted, on request of the patient in certain circumstances, with the
approval of the Administration, in consultation with the treating teams
o Private Category - All patients on Insurance and most corporates are to be treated in
Pvt category. These patients pay a little more than the General category and are
provided a separate room with attached toilets and all basic amenities like TV, Fridge
etc. There is a small couch in every room for the attendants. These patients are directly
under the treating Consultant and will be seen by them in the OPD and in the ward.
Pvt patients are not entitled to any form of Financial help/discount or funding
o General Category – General category patients pay C (Cost) rates and are admitted in
the General wards, in cubicles of 6 beds, with common Toilets. They too have access
to common TV, fridge, Microwave etc. A small couch is provided with each bed for the
attendants. The beds, linen and other accessories provided to them are same as those
being provided to the Private patients. General category patients too, are admitted
under the concerned consultant and these patients are managed by the department
team, consisting on the Consultants, Fellows and Medical Officers, in consultation with
the concerned Treating Consultants. Patients under WBHS and SS Scheme or other
Govt schemes are treated under the general category. General category patients
cannot avail any insurance facilities
Cancer care extended to both the categories is same. Both categories are treated with the
same Protocols and equipment and are handled similarly, with no discrimination, for the
investigations/Procedures/Surgery/OPD in terms of availability/ waiting/ques
The differences in the rates of the two categories is majorly in the Bed charges, procedures,
surgeries, OPD visits etc. The cost of consumables and medicines is same for both the
categories, and since these forms a major portion of the bill, the gen category Bill may not be
significantly different from a Pvt Cat Bill, where there has been extensive use of medicines
and consumables. The Gen category bill is around one third less than the Pvt cat Bill for a
similar surgery / treatment
Treating Teams
While the patient is registered under a particular Consultants, the treatment and
management is extended by a team. The Dept team consists of Consultants, Super Specialty
candidates, Fellows and in some Depts medical officers. Since cancer requires a multimodality
treatment, TMCK follows the Disease Management Group (DMG) concept, under which the
overall team, managing the patient consists of group of Consultants from several Depts who
collectively plan the treatment and manage the cases. The cases are discussed by the DMGs
in Multi Departmental Treatment (MDT) Meet to plan the treatment, and all patients are
treated in accordance to the decision of the DMG in the MDT Meet and most, with same
disease, in the same stage, receive similar treatment.
TMCK also follows the Sub Site Management System, under which one or two Consultants of
each Dept treat a cancer of a particular site or type
Selection of Consultant -The patient can choose the treating consultant, but as mentioned
above, since we follow the Sub Site System of management, they can choose, only from the
Consultants treating the particular site/type of cancer
Change of Consultant-We discourage change of treating consultant and since we have few
consultants treating similar cancer and since all patients are managed with similar specific
protocol, decided in the MDT Meet, change of consultant does not make any difference. If
patients still insist on doing so, then they may choose from the consultants treating the
concerned cancer, in agreement of both consultants and with permission of the
Treatment Protocols
TMCK extends state of the art treatment based on International Protocol/ Guidelines
comparable to the cancer care available at the best of the national/international cancer
hospitals. The treatment is not only protocolized but also tailormade to suit the particular
patient with a specific type/subtype of cancer.
TMCK has 2 main buildings, Phase 1 and 2 and a Separate building which the Admin Block and
the blood bank
Phase 1 OPD has the Following
Reception and May I help You Desk (which also gives the Print outs of the Reports that are
needed by the patients)
Appointment Desk
Registration Desk A
Desk 1-3 (Billing Counters for Investigations)
Desk 4-6 (Review OPD Billing Counters Gen)
Desk 7-9 (Review OPD Billing Counters Pvt)
Sample Collection Room
OPDs for Surgical and Radiotherapy Depts
Ortho and Neurosurgeon Visiting Consultants OPD
OPD Dressing / Biopsy/ Minor Procedure Room
Surgical Coordinator desk
Phase 1 Ground Floor OPD Lobby
Insurance Desk
Cancer Registry
Surgical Coordinator
MSW Dept for patients of Surgical and Radiotherapy Dept
Phase 2 Third Floor
Adult Day care
Discharge Room
Phase 2 Basement
Raditherapy Dept ( Truebeam, Radizact)
Radiotherapy review Clinic
Phase 1, 1st floor General Surgical ward (Surgical Bay 31-46 and Gen Surgery Beds 1 – 30)
2nd Floor ICU 1 -21, HDI 1 -10
3rd Floor Private 1-8, 11-16 Radio Isotope 9-10, 17-28, VIP 1-4
4th Floor Private 29 to 43 and Bone Marrow Transplant Dept (SCT 1 -9)
Phase 2, 2nd Floor Holding Bay Emergency, PGEN 1-6, Holding Bay Pvt, PGEN 7-12,
PGEN 13-33, PISO 1-7, PICU 1-9 (Pediatric beds)
3rd Floor Gen 47-81 (Radiation and Digestive), Gen 82-99, (Surgery) ISO 2-5
4th Floor Gen 117-151 (Hematology) Gen 152-186 (Med Oncology) ISO 6-9
5th Floor Pvt 44-70, VIP 5 and 6
Manager MSW, Dy Director, Chief Medical Administrator Office – Admin block
Investigation Reports
TMC does not provide routine regular investigation reports on regular basis to the patients
Reports can be downloaded from the TMC Website
Reports are uploaded on the website at Midnight on the day reporting is completed for the
OPD patients
Reposts of admitted patients are uploaded at midnight on the day of Discharge/death
In case of any difficulty, report may be collected from the reception Counter at the OPD
Lobby, Phase 1
The reports stay on the website for 3 months
Routine X Rays are not reported always, except specifically asked for
We do not give films for Imaging investigations, however, if anyone essentially needs them,
they can be made available on a CD, from the Radiology dept, on payment
Thought he reports are not handed to the patients, all the Reports from lab, radiology dept
and other areas are available on our HMS, for the doctors to see, and manage the patient
Appointments For new cases can be taken by either of the following ways
Personally, from Appointment Desk (8am to 8pm on weekdays, till 5pm on Saturdays)
Calling 03366057222 (9am to 8pm on weekdays, till 5pm on Saturdays)
If the Patient/Family is unable to Choose the Consultant /Dept, the Appointment Desk will fix
the appointment with the concerned Consultant
Patient will have to choose the Cat between Pvt and General
Appointment for new cases is usually available within 1 week but at times in certain Depts
it may be even 2 weeks and rarely even longer
Confirmation mail/SMS will be received by all, for the date, time and the name of Consultant,
with whom the appointment has been fixed
Though we follow a Clinical pathway to allocate new cases to the Consultants/Dept as per
the DMG, in rare cases, due to insufficient or incorrect information available from the
patient, patients may be booked under a Consultant who may not treat them, and the
Consultant may have to be changed after the initial Allocated consultant has seen
Appointments for Old patients- they too can take appointments using any of the above three
Overseas Patients need to contact us and take an Appointment/Treatment Invitation letter
and apply for Medical Visa based on this. They will only be entertained with their Passport
and the Medical Visa
Medical Registration
All patients need to have Medical Registration before they start treatment at TMCK
Prior appointment needs to be taken with a consultant to initiate Registration
Registration can be done on any day prior to the first appointment or may be done on
the day of the first OPD visit
For Registration one has to go to Desk A or Desk 1 in phase 1 and 2 respectively
Patient should have the Govt photo ID with address proof, like Aadhaar/Voters card
Overseas patients need to have the passport and the Medical Visa
Process of Registration is as Follows
o Patients Deposit the above-mentioned Documents along with
appointment details
o They need to fill a Registration Form
o A Registration Number (MR Number) is created, which is the
permanent identity of the patient in the hospital
o Patient is given a Registration Card which has the particulars and the
MR Number
o Patient then has to Visit the Cancer Registry Office, located in the OPD
Lobby of the Phase1
o Patient can then proceed with his consultation
o A sum of Rs 700 and 300 will be charged, once only as non-refundable
Registration Fee, which includes the consultation fee for that day
The registration process may take one to two hours, hence patients to come accordingly,
based on the appointment time allocated to them.
OPD Flow
On entry in the OPD Lobby, the patient and the attendant will be given wrist bands of different
colours for identification
The Token system is available to generate coupons for the Desk que
A- New registration
E – Investigation
F- Follow up
P – Pvt
Patients with appointment to go to their respective waiting area, after billing and payment
and intimate the Customer Care Executive present at the counter and wait for their turn
Patients are requested not to come much before the appointment time, as they will not be
seen before time
Patients need to get their Pulse Rate, Temp, BP, height, weight recorded in the Assessment
Rooms available in all the OPD lobbies before seeing their doctor
Patient will be called to be seen as per the que. Patients who are very sick, very elderly or
stretcher bound, may be seen out of turn due to their medical condition
Due to large number of patients, and other patient related commitments of the Consultants,
there may be a delay in the patient being attended. Usually patients will be seen within 2
hours of the appointment time, however in rare situation, the wait may be longer
After being seen by the doctor, following to be done, as per the advice
Dressing/care of Tubes and drains at Phase1 OPD
To take Appointment for next Review
Appointment for special investigation
Consultation with any other Doctor, as cross referral, if advised
Meet Surgical/Medical Coordinator
Book Bed for Day Care/Admission
Even after the Doctor has advised any of the above, they do not happen automatically, even
if the date is mentioned. All this to be done after the billing and payment for same at the
appropriate Desk
Fresh Appointment needs to be taken, for next visit, review, cross referral etc, as advised by
the Doctor
The OPD Consultation charges are Rs 400 and Rs 150 for every Consultation, in Pvt and Gen
category respectively
Dressings, Injections, Biopsies, Minor Procedures, care of catheters and drains, PICC Line,
channel and port dressings are done in the Dressing rooms in Phase 1 OPD Lobby
Even if they are attended to, the same day it will be after that day’s cases of the concerned
Consultant, with appointment have been seen, unless the patient is serious and needs
immediate attention
New or old patients who are ill/ serious and need immediate attention should report to the
Radiology Dept
Distributed in phase 1 and 2
All patients for Radiological Tests to report to the Reception of Radiology Dept Phase1 or 2
Tests, appointments and billing, all of Radiology dept done at the dept Reception Desk
X-Rays, USG, CT Scans, Mammography, Tapping, Pigtail placement and other minor
procedures are done same day
MRI- Phase 1 and 2 (Needs appointment, waiting period 2 to 7 days depending on load)
Ultrasound – Phase 1
Tapping – Phase 2
X Ray – Phase 1 and 2
OPG – Phase 2 (2 to 4pm)
Breast seroma aspiration – Phase 1
CT guided biopsy, Pigtail placement, PTBD, TACE, TARE, and other Interventional procedures
at Interventional Radiology in Phase 1, as per availability of slots. Some may be done same
day and at times, appointment may be given for some tests, with waiting time of 2 to 3
PET Scan at Nuclear medicine Dept, Phase 1 with appointment. May have waiting time of 2
to 6 days. Deposit of Rs 10.000 at time of appointment. This amount is Non-Refundable if
the patient does not turn up for the scan
Other procedures and Investigations of Nuclear Medicine, on appointment
The reporting of the radiology investigations may take time, however all the images are
available on the hospital PACs System, for the consultants to see and manage the patient.
Doctors consult the radiologists and discuss the images, in case of any doubt
Admission Process
Admissions are done on advice of the treating team. The Doctor raises the Admission slip,
usually before the date of admission or on the admission day itself. If date is pre-decided, the
patient/family can go to the Admission Room in the Phase 2 OPD Lobby and book the bed, or
come on the day of Admission and Report to the Admission Room
Following are required for Admission
Aadhaar/Voters ID (Govt photo ID with address proof)
Passport and Medical Visa for Foreign patients
Cost Estimate of treatment
Patients who are under Insurance/ Corporate need to visit the Insurance Office in the
OPD Lobby of Phase 1
Patients under SS need to book the bed at the SS Desk in phase 2 and go for admission
to the SS Room, Phase 2 OPD lobby
Rs 10,000 need to be deposited for booking bed for Surgery. These are Non-
Refundable in case the patient does not turn up for the Surgery
Patients who are self-paying need to make a deposit at the time of admission
The amount of deposit is variable and depends on the Cost Estimate
It is usually around 50% of the Cost Estimate, but may be up to 80% if the Estimate is
high, it is a major Surgery or when high value chemo/medicines are planned
Patients getting admitted from OPD / EMR as unplanned admissions, without any
definite treatment plan / Cost estimate, need to make a deposit of around INR 30,000
Admission process may take 1 to 4 hours, depending on the day of the week and the
time of the day. It is usually short for the self-paying patients, but takes time for those
who are under the Insurance/Corporate or Govt health Scheme. For the latter, the
documents are uploaded and we need to wait for the approval before the admission
is made
Those under Insurance need to deposit the deficit, between the approved amount and
the deficit, if any.
Refunds, where ever applicable, mainly of unutilized total/partial deposits, will be made as
Up to INR 10,000 – cash (At time of Discharge/death)
More than 10, 000 by cheque or NEFT, as chosen by the patient/family
(This may take a week to 10 days)
Individual needs to come to collect the cheque
In routine discharges the NEFT/Cheque is to the account of the Patient or NOK as decided by
the patient, however in the eventuality of death, tif the patient does not have a bank account,
the refund is to the bank of the NOK/ account from where the payments came, on verifying
the identity of the NOK.
Patient Attendants
All admitted patients need to have an Attendant with them 24x7, except those who
are admitted in the ICU/HDU/MICU. Attendant may change as per their commitments, but
one attendant is essential to be with the patient at all times, both in General and private ward.
In rare circumstances when there is no family member available to stay as an attendant, hired
attendant may be used, to ensure satisfactory services and reliable person, our Customer Care
may be informed to arrange the same from a verified agency.
Attendants of patients admitted in ICU/HDU/MICU may wait outside the wards in the waiting
Only one attendant is permitted in the OPD except for patients who are very
elderly/wheelchair or stretcher bound or in cases of small kids, in which scenario two
attendants will be permitted inside the OPD Lobby
Indoor Patients
Patients will be admitted in the wards as per their Category and the Dept under which they
are being treated
All admitted patients need to have an attendant round the clock
Attendants may have to help the Nurses and other staff, to shift, move the patient at times,
as needed, specially if the patient is serious and bedridden
Since one nurse looks after around 6 patients in General ward and 4 patients in Pvt ward, at
times there may be slight delay in attending to the call, or giving medicines, however the delay
will never be significant enough to cause any negative impact on the treatment or
deterioration of the patient
Patient food will be provided from the hospital and additional food from home may be given
after intimating the Doctor/nurse
The nurse, patient ratio in the ICU and other critical areas will be different , as per the
condition of the patient and ventilated patient will have one nurse per patient
Medicines and Disposables required for the treatment will be indented by the nurse and the
same will be delivered in the ward by the Pharmacy/ Central store
Bed charges are billed on a 24-hour cycle, from the time of admission. A period up to 4 hours,
is not charged in the final bill, while calculating the Hospital days, for bed charges, if it
exceeds 24hours of the last day of admission.
Ward rounds are taken usually twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and
in between as required, depending on the status of the patient. Treating Consultant may not
be available on all rounds, and the rounds at times may be made by the Dept Team/rep,
however the status of the patient and the treatment plan is decided in consultation with the
treating Consultant
The Consultant/ Team briefs the patient attendants post rounds and hence all attendants are
to be present during the Rounds
Attendants of the patients in the ICU/HDU/MICU are briefed after the morning rounds, hence,
all are to be available in the ICU waiting area for same between 11am and 12 noon
It is difficult for the treating team to brief different members of the family, at different times,
hence all who want to be present at the briefing, should be available at the expected
scheduled time. Ideally one member of the family should attend the briefing every day and
clear doubts, to avoid any miscommunication, He/she in turn can brief the rest of the family.
Visiting Hours
Operation Theatre
OT has its own dedicated Consumable Store and the Pharmacy to provide the required
consumables and the medicines pre, per and post operatively
Attendants are intimated when the patient is being shifted to the respective post op ward
Anaesthesia and surgery Notes are generated
Billing is done by including the Operation category Charges, Consumables and medicines used
and the Oxygen as per the usage and the duration
Due to large number of patients under RT, at times there is a waiting time for RT, which
may go up to 2 hours and in case of any machine mal function, which may happen in any of
the 4 machines, the delay in RT may be by several hours or it may have to be rescheduled to
another day
Blood Bank
TMCK has a world class Blood bank which can handle the requirement of Blood and Blood
Components for the patients. Cancer patients require large quantity of Transfusions of blood
and components, especially for BMT, Haematology, Surgery, Critical care, Med Onco etc
TMCK does not permit the use of blood/components brought from outside
Relatives have to donate blood for their patients
Blood cannot be produced or purchased
Hence it has to be donated by the family/ volunteers
We do have some volunteers who donate blood for the patients, however the primary
responsibility for arranging donors for blood/components for their patients, is of the family
The charges for blood transfusion, include the cost of the blood/product and the transfusion
Visiting Consultants
TMCK is a Tertiary care Cancer Hospital, hence we do not have full time specialists in the basic
specialities. We do have Visiting Consultants in almost all specialities, who visit once, twice or
thrice in a week or in emergency for an admitted patients. Pulmonologist, cardiologist and
Internal Medicine specialist are available on every day but are not available full time.
At times there may be a delay in the patient being seen by a visiting specialist even up to a
day and hence in certain occasions, when the patient needs specific primary treatment from
a Cardiologist, neurologist, Neurosurgeon, orthopaedic Surgeon, Nephrologist etc, and the
cancer care can wait, we recommend the patient to be transferred to a hospital where the
concerned speciality is available, and patient is readmitted, after the patient recovers, for
continuation of the cancer care, as the need be
Discharge is decided by the Treating team and Discharge is raised and Discharge summary
Balance medicines are refunded
Final Bill made
All Discharges except SS Scheme, processed at Discharge Room, 3rd Floor/ Phase2
SS Scheme discharges processed at the SS Room , Phase 2, Ground floor, OPD Lobby
Any planned funding is released after the final Bill has been created at the time of Discharge
Final Bill and Discharge Slip handed over to patients after clearance of the bill
No Bill can be closed without the clearance of complete Bill.
The discharge process may take up to 2 hours for self-paying patients and may be up to 4
hours for the patients under Insurance, corporates/WBHS/SS Scheme etc (rarely even more
than 4 hours, depending on the day of the week, time of discharge and response from the
approving agency) And deficit between the final Bill and the final approved amount or any
amount above the upped limit of the health scheme, will be adjusted from the deposit, or
the patient will have to clear the same.
Mortuary services are available at TMCK, where the mortal remain can be kept up to 24
hours free of cost
Day Care
TMCK has 3 Day Care Centres, two for adults at Phase 1, 1st Floor and phase2, 3 rd floor and
one 10 Bedded Paed Day Care at Phase 2 , 2nd Floor
The main function of the day care is to provide Chemotherapy as a Day care procedure
The flow for Chemotherapy is as follows
Chemo with the regime, advised by the Doctor
Patient to take an appointment for Chemo slot from Day care at 1st floor, Phase 1
(Max waiting for long chemo may be for 2 days. Short Chemo may be given walk in.)
Patients to report to the OPD on the day of the chemo, with the blood test reports
After showing the reports and getting cleared to take the chemo, patient to report to the
respective Day Care Center.
Pharmacy Rep is present for all day care (Pharmacy rep at phase 2, 3rd floor gives cover to the
Pead day care center too).
After billing the prescription is given to the pharma rep and the medicines are delivered in
the Day care Center.
Day Care bed charges are as per the duration of the chemo and the number of drugs. Chemo
infusion charges and charges of the consumables are also added in the final Day care bill
Consent for chemo needs to be signed on the first day of chemo.
Patients under WBHS and SS Scheme need to be admitted for a day on the first day of chemo
and have to be discharged on the last day of completion of chemo.
All patients need to take appointment for the next chemo, as same will not happen
automatically. all chemo days of the patient are coordinated with the OPD of their treating
Doctor, so that they can meet the doctor on the day of the chemo and show the reports.
Patients who are for 2, 3- or 5-days chemo need to meet the doctor on the first day of the
cycle only
Certain Procedures too, are carried out at day care center. Intrathecal injections at the Paed
day care and intravesical therapy in the Adult Day care.
One needs to take appointment for these too and rest procedure is as, of the chemotherapy.
TMCK has a 5 bedded Emergency which is located in the ground floor of phase2, and has a
separate entrance. It is functional 27x7 and manned by Medical Officers and Nurses.
Old and new patients who are ill, may report to the EMR directly, without appointments.
Patients reporting to OPD and found o be ill, are referred to the EMR too
The patients in the EMR and triaged by the nurses and seen by the Medical Officers and
Fellows, investigated and managed as needed. They are often kept under observation too.
After the observation, management and the overall evaluation, the patients are either
admitted for further management. or discharged to home, if found fit, as per the decision of
the fellow in consultation with the treating team
Since the EMR has only 5 beds, patients requiring longer observation and treatment are kept
at the EMR Holding Bay on the 2nd floor, phase 2.
All billings for investigations, treatment and final billing for the Patients of EMR and Holding
Bay, is done in the EMT itself
Transfusion and Correction of fluid and electrolyte are also done here
Registered Cancer patients who die at home, are to be brought to the EMR, where attempts
to revive will be made as needed. The patient will be declared dead as per the procedure and
the Death Certificate issued
Minor procedures like, stitching, dressings, plasters etc will be handled here too, especially
during after hours
Patients brought in Dead, who are not TMCK patients, will be given an attempt for
resuscitation as needed, however for a formal death declaration they shall be referred to any
other nearby hospital
same from the OPD, may get these at the Day care / EMR Holding bay as per availability of
beds. Pead day Care beds to be used too, once the chemo to the kids is over for the day. CCE
and Nurse IC EMR and Day care will coordinate the same
TMCK has an indoor Pharmacy run by Tata 1 MG for outdoor and Indoor patients
Pharmacy for OPD patients is in both Phase 1 and 2
Refund of medicines bought on Credit, is not possible after the OP or IP bill is closed
Morphine, Narcotics, Free medicines and Medicines under Pharma Compony Schemes are
handled by TMC Pharmacy, located in the Phase 1 Pharmacy
Patient Support Programme Cell, to help with expensive medicines under Pharma scheme is
located in Phase 1, near the Pharmacy.
Catering Services
TMCK provides all three meals to all the admitted patients. The charges of the food are
included in the bed charges. All attempts are made to provide hot, tasty and nutritious food
to all, however at times it is difficult to meet the requirement of all, since many patients have
their individual choices. Anyone requiring any extra quantity may ask for same from the food
handlers and may also convey any particular feedback, which we shall try to look into, to our
best capabilities,
TMCK has Clinical nutritionists and Dieticians who visit the patients, especially those with
specific and special food requirements. They plan special diets which are provided to the
concerned patients. Patients can interact with them too, to convey any feedback
A canteen is available in phase 2 for OPD patients and the attendants of admitted and OPD
patients. Besides this there are few food Kiosks too. Good, healthy, tasty food is available for
all, at very affordable prices at all times, almost round the clock.
o Ambulance for Long distance / interstate travel
Patients are welcome to make these arrangements on their own and these are made by TMCK
, on request to help the patient. Kindly approach the ward Customer care for arranging these
Palliative care/DNR
Patients who reach a stage, beyond specific cancer treatment, may be referred to Palliative
care Dept which extends supportive care to the patients. Same is available for OP and
admitted patients. There is a 12 Bedded Palliative Ward in the Premashraya, for admitted
patients of palliative care Dept. During palliative care, the patients are under care of the
consultants of palliative care
In advances stages of the disease when there is little or no hope for any improvement and
survival for long, the concerned Consultants of ICU/treating/Palliative team council the
patient families accordingly. Family may then opt for the option of Do Not Escalate/ Do Not
Resuscitate, where in only basic support will be extended to the patient to keep them
comfortable and no aggressive management like ventilation, expensive antibiotics, dialysis
etc are extended.
Additional Charges
Besides the regular charges of the beds, Procedures, medicines, Consumables, Investigations,
Surgery etc, the admitted patients are also charged the following charges
Financial Assistance
TMCK has a robust system of financial assistance through its Medical Social Welfare (MSW)
Dept for the underprivileged. Procedure for the same is as follows
Patients requiring financial assistance to intimate the same to the treating team
Treating Team raises Social Assessment request
MSW does the Social assessment and decides the amount to be funded
Besides Internal financial assistance, TMCK provides funding from various Govt agencies,
NGOs and trust
Certain documents are required for all Funding, irrespective of the amount
For internal Funding and Funds from Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
CHIEF MINISTER CANCER RELIEF FUND (For patients of West Bengal only )
Application at below address to be sent by Speed post at the following address with above
mentioned documents and a letter addressed to CM, from MLA
The Chief Minister of West Bengal
West Bengal Secretariat, NABANNA, Howrah- 711102
* Cost Estimate from the Hospital, for the duration of 1 year.
PM’S Fund - (By Speed Post)
Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for Cancer Treatment
To, The Prime Minister
Government of India
Kind Attention Mr. Pradeep Kumar Srivastava
Under Secretary (Funds)
152,South Block Raisina Hills,New Delhi-110001
M.P Recommendation Letter Addressing to the Prime Minister Along with the above
mentioned documents.
Please Note: The forms are to be submitted before the Operation date mentioned in the Cost
estimate For Surgical Cases. Chemotherapy and Radiation at an Earliest.
Patients admitted in Pvt Category, or under Insurance or Corporate and Govt Health Schemes,
like WBHS/Swasth Sathi are not entitled to any funding /financial assistance.
We look forwards to Donations and CSR activities for the following
Patient Care
Purchase of equipment
Building/expansion of infrastructure
Donors can donate via cheques or NEFT followed by a mail
If the Donation is for any specific patient then the patient details should be mentioned
in the mail. Donations for a specific patient, are not entitled to any IT exemptions
For any further details for Donation/CSR please contact our Manager Donations, CFO or Dy
Premashraya is a Guest House, part of TMCK, built on the concept of Home away from Home,
where patients coming from outstation and need long stay for the treatment and stay. It is
about 1 Km for the main campus of TMCK. It has 2 and 3 bedded cubicles for which the
nominal rent per night is Rs 300 and 450 respectively. Besides all basic amenities, canteen
facilities are also available there, where the patients and their families can have good quality
food at very affordable rates. Premashraya can accommodate around 130 patients and their
attendants at any given times. To avail these services the patient has to be undergoing
treatment at TMCK and needs a referral slip from TMCK for accommodation at Premashraya.
Two floors of Premashraya are under St Jude’s, an NGO that takes care of children, who need
long treatment, and can stay here with their families, free of cost. 50 such cancer kids can be
accommodated in this facility at any given time
Premashraya has a Pharmacy too.
Contact Us/Feedback/Grievances
Patients and the family can contact us, for any clarification or to get in touch with the treating
team, through 03366057000 or any number provided by the treating team
Indoor and even outdoor patients can give their feedback to the Customer Care
executives/Nurses/Doctors or Consultants
Mail can be sent to
Feedbacks can be given at the following link
The link is also shared with the patients at time of discharge and periodically while they are
under workup/management as outdoor patients
Grievance Register is available with Customer care manager, who can be reached at
03366058049 ( 9am to 5pm)
Patients and families are free to escalate their complaints to the Dy Director at 03366057581(
9am to 5pm) or to meet him personally
Assuring you our best services always and with best wishes for fast recovery and good
health of your patient