1. Purpose for which valuation is made : For purpose of getting loan from bank
or any other financial institute.
2. Date on which site visited and : 22 February 2023
valuation made
3. Name of the owner / owners, in whose : Dronagiri Nagari Sahakari Path
name(s) property stands registered Sanstha through office bearers
1) Hemant Narayan Patil
2) Mahesh Sudhakar Upadhye
3) Anand Harishchandra Bhingarde
4. If the property is under joint ownership / :
co-ownership, share of each such owner
Are the shares undivided? Joint Undivided
5. Brief description of the property : A Shop bearing Shop No. 1,2 & 3 on
Ground floor, R.C.C. building
the known as “ Meghraj Apartment”
Uran, Taluka: Uran, Dist: Raigad,
within limits of Uran
Municipal Council.
6. Location, Street, Ward No. : A Shop bearing Shop No. 1,2 & 3 on
Ground floor, R.C.C. building
the known as “ Meghraj Apartment”
Uran, Taluka: Uran, Dist: Raigad,
within limits of Uran
Municipal Council.
7. Survey / Plot No. of land : C.T.S. No. 433
Contd 2/-
8. Is the property situated in residential / : Commercial area
commercial / mixed area / industrial area
9. Classification of locality – high class or : Middle class
middle class / poor class
10. Proximity to civic amenities, like : Within 0.50 Km.
Schools, Offices, Market, Cinemas etc.
11. Means and proximity to surface : Property is situated Uran -
communication by which the locality Mora road easily accessed by
is served rikshaw, four wheeler etc.
12. Area of land supported by documentary : Owner may attach if required
proof, shape, dimension and physical
13. Roads, streets or lanes with which the : Uran – Mora road
land is abutting
14. Is the freehold or leasehold land Freehold
15. If lease – hold, the name of lesser /
leasee, nature of lease, dates of
commencement and termination of lease : N.A.
and terms of renewal of lease,
(i) Initial premium
(ii) Ground rent payable per annum
(iii) Unearned increase payable to
leaser in the event of sale or
16. Is there any restrictive covenants in : No
regard to use of land? If so, attach a
copy of the covenant
17. Are there any agreements of easements? : No
If so, attach copies
Contd 3/-
18. Does the land fall in an area included : No
in any Town Planning Plan of
Government or any statutory body? If
so, give particulars
19. Has any contribution been made towards : No
development or is any demand for such
contribution still out – standing?
20. Has the whole or part of the land been : No
notified for acquisition by Government
or Statutory body? Give details of the
21. Attach a dimensioned site plan : Owner may attach if required
22. Attach plans and elevations of all : Owner may attach if required
structures standing on the land and a
lay out plan
23. Furnish technical details of the building : R.C.C. G + 2 and Stilt + 3 Building
External Wall 9” thick brick wall
Internal Wall 6” thick brick wall
External Plaster 20 MM thick
double coat
Internal Plaster 12 MM thick single
coat with neeru finish
Marble mosaic tile flooring
Rolling Shutter
Medium quality electrification
24. a) Is the building owner – occupied / : Occupied by owners
tenanted / both
b) If partly owner occupied, specify : Totally occupied by owners
portion and extent of area under
Contd 4/-
owner occupation.
25. What is the Floor Space Index : As permissible according to Uran
permissible and percentage actually Municipal Council rules and
utilized? Regulations.
26. a) Name of tenants / lessees / : N. A
licensees, etc.
b) Properties in their occupation, : N. A.
Monthly or annual rent /
compensation / license fee etc. paid
by each
c) Gross amount received for the : N. A.
whole property
27. Is separate amount being recovered for : N. A.
the use of fixtures like fans, geysers,
refrigerator, cooking ranges, built – in
wardrobes, etc. or for service charges?
If so, give details
28. Give details of water and electricity : N.A.
charges if any to be borne by the
29. Has tenant to bear the whole or part of : N. A.
the cost of repairs and maintenance and
operation, or owner
30. If a lift installed, who is to bear the : N.A.
cost of maintenance and operation,
owner or tenant?
31. If a pump is installed, who has to bear : N.A.
the cost of maintenance and operation,
owner or tenant
Contd 5/-
32. Who has to bear the cost of electricity : N.A.
charges for lightning of common space
like entrance hall, stairs, passages
compound etc., owner or tenant?
33. What is the amount of property tax? : Not Known
Who is to bear it? Give details with
documentary proof?
34. Is the building insured? If so give the : Not Aware
Policy No. amount for which it is
insured and the annual premium.
35. Is any dispute between landlord and : N. A.
tenant regarding rent, pending in a court
of law?
36. Has any standard rent been fixed for : N. A.
the premises under any law relating to
the control or rent?
37. Give instances of sales of immovable : The fair market rates are found
property in the locality on a separate to be varying anything around
sheet, indicating the name and address Rs. 15,000.00 to Rs. 20,000.00
of the property, registration No., sale per Sq. Ft. of carpet area for
price and area of land sold. commercial premises constructed 15
to 20 years back.
38. Land rate adopted in this valuation : Not considered separately as rate
39. If sale instances are not available or not under Sr. No. : 37 account for Land
relied upon, the basis of arriving at the component also.
land rate
Contd 6/-
44. a) Built up area of the Shops : 1530.00 Sq.Ft. (As per registration
b) Carpet area of the shops : 860.00 Sq.Ft.
b) Considering the value of the Shop : Rs. 17,500.00
per Sq. Ft. of the carpet area as (Rupees Seventeen thousand five
per prevailing market rate in this hundred only)
c) Total present value of the Shop : 860.00 X Rs.17,500.00 =
Rs. 1,50,50,000.00
(Rupees One crore fifty lakh fifty
thousand only)
Contd 7/-
I here by declared that :
a) The information furnished in part I is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
b) I have no direct or indirect interest in the property valued.
c) I have personally inspected the property on 22 February 2023
d) I have not been found guilty of misconduct in my professional capacity.
e) Value varies with the purpose and date. This report is not to be referred if the
purpose is anything other than mentioned in the report.
Date: 22 February 2023
Place: Uran
B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V.
Chartered Engineer – M/115271/2
Structural Consultant – STR/G/75
Government Approved Valuer