Applications of Radioisotopes in Medicine
Applications of Radioisotopes in Medicine
Applications of Radioisotopes in Medicine
uclear medicine’ is the medical specialty, which to treat various heart ailments, leukemia and for providing
utilizes the nuclear properties of radioactive pain relief to the patients suffering from metastatic bone
substances in diagnosis, therapy and research to cancer. Nuclear medicine has always been perhaps the most
evaluate metabolic, physiologic and pathologic conditions exciting area of investigation in medicine2. Today, it is
of human body. As an integral part of patient care, nuclear considered as one of the important diagnostic and
medicine is presently used in the diagnosis, treatment and therapeutic specialty in the armamentarium of medical
prevention of many serious ailments. Now-a-days, nuclear sciences in spite of its modest beginning less than a century
medicine offers procedures that are immensely helpful to ago.
a broad spectrum of medical sciences ranging from
oncology to cardiology to psychiatry. Today physicians are Nuclides having fixed number of protons but variable
equipped with a wide variety of nuclear imaging procedures numbers of neutrons are known as isotopes. There are 2500
and these uniquely provide information about the function known isotopes; however, only 280 of them are stable. The
of virtually every major organ/tissue of the human body. rest of the nuclides are unstable. Radioisotopes are these
Nuclear medicine imaging procedures often identify unstable nuclides, which emit some kinds of energetic rays
abnormalities at the very early stage of the progression of and/or particles in the process of becoming a more stable
the disease, long before it could be detected by other isotope. Although there are a few naturally occurring
alternative diagnostic modalities and this allows the disease radioisotopes, including 40K, 87Rb, 113Cd, 115In, 124Sn, 144Nd
to be treated early in its course. However, the actual and 147Sm, there half-lives are generally so long or their
strength of nuclear medicine lies in its ability to monitor abundances so low, or both; that they are unsatisfactory
both anatomical and physiological functions in-vivo, which for nuclear medicine applications3. Hence, the radionuclides
is not possible by the other contemporary imaging used in nuclear medicine are mostly artificial and produced
modalities, such as, computed tomography (CT) scanning, either in a cyclotron or in a nuclear reactor. For the 20-25
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound years, which followed the 1939-1945 war, radionuclide
imaging1. Though, these imaging modalities are able to production for biomedical applications was mostly centered
delineate anatomical features with a much superior on major nuclear reactor installations4,5. However, soon
resolution, they provide only limited information on the
after, particle accelerators, mainly cyclotrons also started
physiological functions1. Although the field of nuclear
playing a crucial role for this purpose owing to the
medicine is dominated by the diagnostic procedures, it also
favorable characteristics of accelerator-produced neutron
has valuable therapeutic applications, which include
deficient radionuclides in these applications6,7. The type
treatment of hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis,
of radionuclides produced in a cyclotron or a nuclear
Hodgkin’s disease and a wide range of cancers, like cancers
reactor depend on many factors, such as, nature of the target
in breast, ovary, prostate, liver, colon, lung and endocrine
glands. Nuclear medicine has also been extensively used materials used, nature of the bombarding particles, its
energy etc. Apart from these, medically useful short-lived
radionuclides can conveniently and readily be obtained at
* Radiopharmaceuticals Chemistry Section, Radiochemistry and
Isotope Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay,
the desired site by using the radionuclide generator
Mumbai-400085, Email: systems8.
in the cyclotron, several types of conditions can be are produced by using the (n,) reaction10.
established which make the machine adaptable for
Use of radionuclide generator system is also a popular
production of a wide variety of radionuclides 9 . As
route for obtaining some of the short-lived radionuclides
radionuclides produced by cyclotron are not isotopic with
at the hospital radiopharmacies. Radionuclide generators
the target material, post-irradiation chemical separation
may be defined as a device containing a longer-lived parent
usually yields a high specific activity (activity per unit
nuclide in equilibrium with its daughter nuclide from which
mass) product. Cyclotron produced radionuclides, such as,
67Ga, 111In, 123I and 201Tl decays by electron capture and
the daughter nuclide with a shorter half-life can be obtained
at regular intervals. The radionuclide generator is the most
used in diagnostic nuclear medicine while short-lived
convenient method of making short-lived radionuclides
radioisotopes such as, 11C, 13N, 15O and 18F are useful in
available at long distances from the production site8. In a
PET (positron emission tomography) imaging.
longer-lived parent - shorter-lived daughter chain, a fraction
A large number of radionuclides used in nuclear of the daughter atoms that undergo radioactive decay is
medicine are also produced in nuclear reactors. Nuclear replaced by new daughter atoms formed from the
reactor is a device in which the nuclear fission chain radioactive decay of the parent. The net result of this
reaction takes place, in a controlled manner, for the combination of continual growth and decay on the part of
production of energy and neutrons. Most of the reactor the daughter is that the activity of the daughter, while in
produced radionuclides available for biomedical usages are the presence of the regenerating parent, decreases at a
produced either through the recovery of fission products slower rate than in the absence of the parent. Therefore,
or by neutron activation of the specific targets. In nuclear the apparent half-life of the shorter-lived daughter is
fission several radioisotopes and stable isotopes of different increased and in equilibrium mixture equals that of the
elements are produced and very elaborate and extensive parent. This provides more time for shipment, permits a
processing facilities are required to ensure the production longer shelf-life and results in a continuous source of the
of a particular radioisotope with high radionuclidic purity. daughter radionoelide within the user’s laboratory8.
The most important advantage of this method is that,
Applications of radioisotopes in human health care
several medically useful radionuclides can be obtained with
are extensively wide-spread and cover both the diagnostic
higher specific activity than that obtainable from
and therapeutic domains. The diagnostic procedures could
corresponding neutron activation method. However, the
be performed either by in-vivo use of radiopharmaceuticals
need of highly sophisticated processing facilities with
or by in-vitro use of radioimmunoassay. On the other hand,
remote handling equipments and good infrastructure for
therapeutic procedures could be effected either by using
highly active and long-lived waste disposal increases the
the sealed sources or by the systematic administration of
cost of the radionuclide. In the neutron activation method,
the target nucleus first absorbs a neutron and then emits
either a gamma photon or a charged particle depending ‘Radiopharmaceuticals’ are a special class of
upon the energetics of the reaction. In some cases, radiochemical formulations having high purity and safety
multistage neutron capture process involving successive for human administration and used for either diagnosis or
neutron capture also takes place, though this route is of therapy. Radiopharmaceuticals take the advantage of both
limited utility owing to the production of radionuclide with the nuclear properties of the radionuclides and the
very low specific activity. On the other hand, neutron pharmacological properties of the pharmaceuticals.
capture followed by particle emission type reactions has Radiopharmaceuticals usually have no pharmacologic effect
the advantage of involving transmutations thereby providing as in most of the cases they are injected in tracer quantities.
radionuclides with very high specific activity. However, the They do not show any dose-response relationship and thus
most common route employed for the production of differ from conventional drugs. In majority of cases, a
dictated by the characteristics of these two components11. 201Tl find regular use in nuclear medicine imaging, which
The carrier molecule, which is often, although not always, is termed as Single Photon Emission Computed
is an organic moiety; governs the preferential localization Tomography (SPECT). Table-1 lists some of the commonly
of the radiopharmaceutical in the organ of interest or its used diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals employed for SPECT
participation in the physiologic function of a particular studies along with their applications.
organ/tissue while the tagged radionuclide is responsible
In a comparatively newly developed imaging modality,
for bringing the imaging or therapeutic efficacy of the
known as ‘Positron Emission Tomography’ (PET),
radionuclides which emit positrons are used for imaging
Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals may be defined as the organ of interest. The two 511 keV photons, which
radiolabeled molecules designed to produce images of the come out due to the annihilation of positron when it meets
specific disease sites. Present day nuclear medicine with an electron, are detected in coincidence in this
physicians are equipped with more than one hundred modality to record the image10. PET is rapidly becoming
nuclear medicine imaging procedures and these uniquely a major diagnostic imaging modality in nuclear medicine
provide information about the function of virtually every owing to its ability to record images with much superior
major organ system of the human body. It is estimated that sensitivity and better resolution. Currently PET imaging is
30-50 million diagnostic nuclear medicine investigations reported to contribute 10-15% of all imaging applications
are performed annually world-over. As the main objective in nuclear medicine. As the radioisotopes used for this
of using a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical is to image the modality is usually short-lived, presence of a medical
organ of interest or to know its physiologic function, the cyclotron is needed either in the hospital premises or nearby
radioisotope must be a pure gamma emitter and hence, regions. In India, although the first medical cyclotron was
should decay by electron capture or isomeric transition established in 2002 at the ‘Radiation Medicine Centre’,
without any internal conversion. 99m Tc is the most Mumbai, the field saw a rapid growth since then. 18F is
commonly used diagnostic radionuclide as more than 70% the radionuclide of choice for most of the PET imaging
of the nuclear medicine procedures are based on this and [18F]-2-Fluoro-2-Deoxy-Glucose (18F-FDG) has been
radionuclide. The emission of suitable energy gamma termed as the ‘Molecule of the Millennium’ owing to its
photons (140 keV) with high abundance, optimum half- extensive applications in various medical fields such as,
life (6 h), availability from a 99Mo-99mTc generator and oncology, neurology, cardiology and psychiatry12. A list of
versatile chemistry of Tc has made 99mTc the ‘Work-horse some of the PET radiopharmaceuticals along with their
of Nuclear Medicine’10. In fact, nuclear medicine physicians applications is provided in Table-2.
skeletal imaging, are shown in (HMPAO: Hexamethyl propylene amine oxime) Brain imaging
Figure 1 (a) to (c). The 99mTc-Pertechnetate Thyroid imaging
additional uptakes observable in
the whole-body scans of breast
(DMSA: Dimercapto succinic acid) Imaging of medullary carcinoma of thyroid
and prostate cancer patients
99mTc-SestaMIBI Myocardial imaging
(Figure b and c) clearly indicate
the extensive spreading 99mTc-Tetrofosmin Myocardial imaging
(metastases) of the disease. 99mTc-Mebrofenin Hepatobiliary imaging
The development of 99mTc-HSAMicrospheres
SPECT-CT and PET-CT in the (HSA: Human serum albumin) Lung imaging
recent past has really brought a 99mTc-Aerosol Lung imaging
revolution in the field of
diagnostic nuclear medicine.
(MDP: Methylene diphosphonic acid) Bone imaging
These hybrid imaging
99mTc-Sulphur colloid Reticuloendothelial system imaging
modalities, which provide the
advantages of monitoring 99mTc-EC
management of cancer and (DTPA: Diethylenetriamine penta acetic acid) Renal function imaging
various other ailments. 99mTc(III)-DMSA
specimens. This Noble prize (HYNIC-TATE: HYNIC coupled-Tyr3-Octreotate) Imaging of neuroendocrine cancers
winning technology, where 125I
Other than 99mTc-based Radiopharmaceuticals
is used as the radiotracer, is
very helpful in diagnosing 67Ga-Citrate Soft tissue tumor imaging
diseases related to hormones. A 111In-labeled peptides Imaging of tumors
variety of radiometric assay kits
111In-labeled monoclonal antibodies Imaging of tumors
have now become indispensable
in pathology laboratories and 123I-MIBG Myocardial imaging
regularly used for measuring (MIBG: meta-Iodobenzylguanidine) Imaging of neuroendocrine cancers
various types of hormones, 201Tl-thallous chloride Myocardial imaging
tumor-specific antigens, viral 133Xe
Radioactive noble gas Lung imaging
antigens and tumor markers.
of two interdependent applications
Bone pain palliation
namely therapy and diagnosis, using the
(HEDP: 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic Acid)
same agent17. Since both diagnosis and
188Re-HEDP Bone pain palliation therapy can be effected using this
32P-Orthophosphate Bone pain palliation concept of theranosis, the treatment
Polycythemia rubra vera regime can be individualized for a
90Y-DOTA-TOC Neuroendocrine cancers specific patient which forms the basis
(DOTA-TOC: DOTA coupled-Tyr3-Octreotide) of personalized medicine. In actual
90Y-DOTA-TATE Neuroendocrine cancers practice, theranosis can be effected by
(DOTA-TATE: DOTA coupled-Tyr3-Octreotate) replacing a diagnostic radioisotope in
177Lu-DOTA-TATE Neuroendocrine cancers
a radiopharmaceutical with a
therapeutic radioisotope usually with
90Y-Microspheres Hepatocellular carcinoma
same chemical properties (i.e. 186Re/
131I-Tositumomab Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 188Re for 99mTc), while using the same