Exam Syllabus
Exam Syllabus
Exam Syllabus
Appendix N
[See rule 41(1)]
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6. To find the true bearing of a heavenly body, the compass eror and
thence the deviation of the magnetic compass for the direction of the ship's
Obtaining a position from two or more
without run. observations of any type, with or
1. Given variation and the deviation of the
error, to convert true courses into compass coursesmagnetic
and vicecompass or gyro
omnle deviation card, to extract the deviation versa. Given a
thence to convert true courses
into magnetic and compass courses. The tind the compass courses between
rwo positions. The effect of current on speed. Allowance for
compass course steered, the speed of the ship and direction and leeway. Given
rate of the
cument, to find the true course made good and to find the course to steer
allowing for a current. Given the course steered and distance run, to
determine the set rate of the current experienced between two positions.
2. To fix a position on a chart by simultaneous cross
bearings, by
bearing and range, by positional information from radio aids to navigation or
by any combination, applying the necessary corrections. The use of lattice
3. To fix the position by bearings of one or more objects with the run
between, allowing for a current and to find1the distance at which the ship
will pass off a given point. The use of position lines obtained by any
method. including terrestrial position lines and position circles. Use of
ransit bearings.
4. Elementary knowledge of passage planning and
Landfalls in thick and clear weather. The selection of suitable execution.
aPproaching anchorage and entering narrow waters. The use of clearing
narks and horizontal and vertical danger angles. Distance of
sighting lights.
5. To find the time and height of high and low
water at standard ports
and at secondary pors by tidal differences, using Admiralty
vOlume J. The use of tables and tide curves to find the time at Tide Tables,
at agivern time specified height or the which the tide
height or the tide at agiven time and
thence the approximale correctionto be applied to
heights of shore objects. soundings or to charted
6The interpretation of a chart or
gven abyut buoys, plun; particularly the intormation
lights, radio beacons and other navigational aids, Depth
and height contours; tidal streams; traffic lanes and
Recognition of the coast and radar responsive targets, separation
chart ZOnes.
Depths and nature of bottom. Use of soundings. correction.
1. The pinciples of pressure measurement. The use of standard
datum. Knowledge of the aneroid and precision aneroid barometer and the
2. The principles of the thermometer, maximum and minimum
thermometers. Sea and air temperature observations and precautions to be
taken. The principle of the hygrometer, observations to obtain relative
humidity. Cars and attention given to instruments.
of navigational watch
5. A proper knowledge ofthe principles International Maritime
keeping at sea and at anchor as laid down by
Organization. Duties of the Deck Officers in port.
of fire appliances including the smoke helmet
use and careapparatus. The fire wallet.
11. The breathing
and content and application of the Collision
knowledge of the concerned with safe navigation.
12. Afull those Annexes
and of position of.handling asailing craft, but
be placed in the
(Candidatesshallnotrecognize the lights caried by such
a craft and to have
to to the direction of the
shall be expected possible maneuvers according
knowledge of her
Signals and awareness of penalties for
13. General use of and Maintenance Manual.
misuse SOLAS Safety
contents and use of MSA "Merchant Shipping
14.A knowledge of the
Admiralty "Notices to Mariners".
Notices" and
15. JALA systems of
Practices for the Safety Merchant Seamen.
16. Code of Safe Working
pelorus (bearing plate) or other
17. To use an azimuth mirror, sextant for taking vertical and
bearings. To use a
instruments for taking both on and off the arc. To correct a
horizontal angles; to read a sextant
or more of perpendicularity, side
sextant into which has been introduced one
of a sextant.
or index errors. To find the index error
18.The care, winding, rating and comparing of
gyro compass and
19. Use, care and limitations of the magnetic and
associated equipment, including automatic pilot.
20.Toread and understand a barometer, thermometer, hydrometet id
Office shall be
hygrometer. The instruments supplied by the Meteorological
taken as standard.
CS CaanScaer
Find text or tools Q
andIreceive signals in the following, namely: -
1. To send
Principles of Navigation
1. The shape of the earth, Poles, equator,
meridians, parallels of
latitude, position by latitude and longitude, Direction, bcaring, distance,
units of measurement, Difference of latitude, difference of
departure, mean latitude, difference of maridonal parts and the relationship
between them.
Cs CamScanner
9. The relationship between the tides and the phases of the moon.
10. Principle of position fixing by measurement of difference of
distance from two or more fixed points. The hyperbolic lattice on
navigational charts. Theoretical consideration of modern navigation system
such as GPS.