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Question Bank

Computer Security Concepts – The OSI Security Architecture – Security Attacks – Security Services
and Mechanisms – A Model for Network Security – Classical encryption techniques: Substitution
techniques, Transposition techniques, Steganography – Foundations of modern cryptography:
Perfect security – Information Theory – Product Cryptosystem – Cryptanalysis.


Number theory – Algebraic Structures – Modular Arithmetic – Euclid‘s algorithm – Congruence and
matrices – Group, Rings, Fields, Finite Fields SYMMETRIC KEY CIPHERS: SDES – Block Ciphers – DES,
Strength of DES – Differential and
linear cryptanalysis – Block cipher design principles – Block cipher mode of operation – Evaluation
criteria for AES – Pseudorandom Number Generators – RC4 – Key distribution.



Factorization – Euler’s totient function, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem – Chinese Remainder
Theorem – Exponentiation and logarithm
ASYMMETRIC KEY CIPHERS: RSA cryptosystem – Key distribution – Key management – Diffie
Hellman key exchange -– Elliptic curve arithmetic – Elliptic curve cryptography.


Authentication requirement – Authentication function – MAC – Hash function – Security of hash

function: HMAC, CMAC – SHA – Digital signature and authentication protocols – DSS – Schnorr
Digital Signature Scheme – ElGamal cryptosystem – Entity Authentication: Biometrics, Passwords,
Challenge Response protocols – Authentication applications – Kerberos
MUTUAL TRUST: Key management and distribution – Symmetric key distribution using symmetric
and asymmetric encryption – Distribution of public keys – X.509 Certificates.


Cyber Crime and Information Security – classifications of Cyber Crimes – Tools and Methods –
Password Cracking, Keyloggers, Spywares, SQL Injection – Network Access Control – Cloud
Security – Web Security – Wireless Security

TEXT BOOKS CB3491 Cryptography and Cyber Security Notes

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practice”, Seventh
Edition, Pearson Education, 2017.
2. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, “Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber crimes, Computer
Forensics and Legal Perspectives”, First Edition, Wiley India, 2011.

REFERENCES CB3491 Cryptography and Cyber Security Important Questions

1. Behrouz A. Ferouzan, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, “Cryptography and Network Security”, 3rd

Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2015.
2. Charles Pfleeger, Shari Pfleeger, Jonathan Margulies, “Security in Computing”, Fifth Edition,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2015.

Computer Security Concepts – The OSI Security Architecture – Security Attacks – Security Services
and Mechanisms – A Model for Network Security – Classical encryption techniques: Substitution
techniques, Transposition techniques, Steganography – Foundations of modern cryptography:
Perfect security – Information Theory – Product Cryptosystem – Cryptanalysis.

1 What is Security attack, Security mechanism and Security service?

Security attack: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an organization.
Security mechanism: A mechanism that is designed to detect, present or recover from a security attack.
Security service: A service that enhances the security of the data processing systems and
the information transfer of an organization.
2 Define confidentiality.
Confidentiality ensures that the information in a computer system and transmittedinformation are
accessible only for reading by authorized parties. This type of access
includes printing, displaying, and other forms of disclosure.

3 Define integrity.
Integrity ensures that only authorized parties are able to modify computer system assets and transmitted
information. Modification includes writing, changing, deleting, creating
and delaying or replaying of transmitted messages.
4 Define Authentication, Nonrepudiation, Availability and Access control. Authentication: Ensures that
the origin of a message is correctly identified, with anassurance that the identity is not false.
Nonrepudiation: Requires that neither the sender nor the receiver of a message be ableto deny the
Availability: Requires that computer system assets be available to authorized partieswhen needed.
Access control: Requires that access to information resource may be controlled by or for
the target system.

5 List 4 general categories of attack.


6 Differentiate between Interruption and Interception.

Interruption Interception
An asset of the system is destroyed or becomes An authorized party gains access to the
unavailable or unusable asset
This is an attack on availability This is an attack on confidentiality
E.g.: Destruction of a piece of hardware, the E.g.: Wiretapping to capture data in a
cutting of a communication line, the disabling network, illicit copying of files or
of the file management system. programs.
7 Differentiate between Modification and Fabrication.
Interruption Interception
An unauthorized party not only gains access to An unauthorized party inserts
but tampers with an asset counterfeit objects into the system.
This is an attack on integrity This is an attack on authenticity
E.g.: Changing values in a data file, altering a E.g.: Insertion or spurious message in a
program so that it performs differently network or the addition of records to a

8 Compare active and passive attack (Dec 2020)

Active attack Passive attack
These attacks involve some modification of the data They are in the nature of
stream or creation of false stream eavesdropping, on or monitoring of
The types of active attacks are The types of passive attacks are
✓ Masquerade ✓ Release of message contents
✓ Replay ✓ Traffic analysis
✓ Modification
✓ Messages

It is difficult to prevent active attacks They are very difficult to detect (because they
absolutely. do not move any alternation to data). But it is
feasible to
prevent the success of these attacks.

9 List the components involved in network security (i.e. Model for network security)
Two principals (Source and Destination)
Trusted third party

10 List the 4 basic tasks in designing a particular security service.

Design an algorithm for performing the security-related Transformation
Generate the secret information to be used with the algorithm
Develop methods for the distribution and sharing of secret information
Specify a protocol to be used by the two principals.

11 List the five main components of a conventional encryption system.

Encryption algorithm.
Decryption algorithm

12 Define Plaintext, Ciphertext

Plaintext: Refers to the original message that is created and sent into encryption method. Ciphertext: It
is the text that is now scrambled and ready to send. It may look like a random stream of data, and is
13 How cryptographic systems are generally classified?
Cryptographic systems are generally classified along 3 independent dimensions.
The type of operations used for transforming plaintext into ciphertext
The number of keys used (single key/different key)
The way in which the plaintext is processed (Block cipher/Stream cipher)
14 Differentiate block cipher and stream cipher.
Block cipher: A block cipher processes the input one block of elements at a time, producing an
output block for each input block.
Stream cipher: A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing
output one element at a time, as it goes along

15 What do you mean by substitutional technique?

A substitutional technique is one in which the letters of the plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits, then
substitution involves replacing plaintext bit patterns with ciphertext bit patterns.

16 List some substitution techniques

Caesar Cipher
Monoalphabetic Ciphers
Playfair Ciphers
Hill Cipher
Polyalphabetic Ciphers

17 What is the difference between Monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic cipher? (Dec

Monoalphabetic Cipher (MAC) Polyalphabetic Cipher (PAC)
A MAC is one where each symbol in the input is A PAC is any cipher based on
mapped to a fixed symbol in the output substitution using multiple
substitution alphabets
In MAC, once a key is chosen, each alphabetic In PAC, each alphabetic character of plaintext
character of plain text is mapped onto a unique can be mapped onto „m‟
alphabetic character of a ciphertext. alphabetic characters of ciphertext.
In MAC, the relationship between a characterin the In PAC, the relationship between acharacter
plaintext and the characters in the in the plaintext and the
ciphertext is one-to-one. characters in ciphertext is one-to-many
18 List out the problems of one-time pad.
Distribution of the key was a challenge.
Adding numbers to the plaintext manually is a time-consuming task. It istherefore
sometimes thought that OTPs are no longer considered practical
19 List the various other techniques used historically for steganography.
Character marking
Invisible ink
Pin purchases
Typewriter correction ribbon
20 Calculate the ciphertext for the following using one-time pad cipher.
Plaintext: R O C K
Keyword: B O T S
Plaintext R O C K
17(R) 14(O) 2(C) 10(K)
Key 1(B) 14(O) 19(T) 18(S)
Plaintext+key 18 28 21 28
Plaintext+key 18 2 21 2
mov 26
Plaintext+key S C V C

21 What are transposition techniques?

(Different kind of) Mapping is achieved by performing some sort of permutation on theplaintext
letters. This technique is referred to as transposition cipher Ex. Rail fence
22 What is steganography?
Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image or video within another file,
message, image or video. i.e. It is hiding a secret message within an ordinary message and the
extraction of it at its destination.
23 Explain the working mechanism of one-time pad.
The encryption key has at least the same length as the plaintext and consists of truly random
Each letter of the plaintext is mixed with one element from the OTP.
This results in a ciphertext that has no relation with plaintext when the key is unknown. At the
receiving end, the same OTP is used to retrieve the original plaintext.

24 Compare steganography and cryptography.

The meaning of steganography is covered or hidden writing while cryptography signifies
secret writing.
Steganography is an attempt to achieve secure and undictable communication. Cryptography
intends to make the message readable for only the target recipient and not by others.
In steganography, the main structure of the message is not changed whereas cryptography
imposes a change on the secret message before transferring it over the network.
The steganography can be employed on text, and in video and image while cryptography is
implemented only on the text file.

25 What is threat? List their types.

A threat is a possible security violation that might exploit the vulnerability of a system or asset. The
origin of threat may be accidental, environmental, human negligence or failure. Different types of
security threats are interruption, interception, fabrication and modification.
26 Connect the given text “anna university” into cipher text using Rail fence technique.
Plaintext is written down as a sequence of diagonals and then read off as a sequence ofrows.
a n u i e s tn
The encrypted message is anuiestnanvriy.

27 Differentiate between threats and attacks

A threat is a possible security violation that might exploit the vulnerability of a system or
asset. The origin of threat may be accidental, environmental, human negligence or failure.
Different types of security threats are interruption, interception, fabrication and modification.
Attack is a deliberate unauthorized action on a system or asset. Attack can be classified as
active and passive attack. An attack will have a motive and will
follow a method when opportunity arise.

28 Encrypt the plaintext tobeornottobe using the vigenere cipher for the key value Now.
(Dec 2020).
The encryption of the original text is done using the vigenere table. The table consists of the
alphabets written out 26 times in different rows, each alphabet shifted cyclically to the left compared
to the previous alphabet, corresponding to the 26 possible Caesar Ciphers. At different points in the
encryption process, the cipher uses a different alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at
each point depends on a repeating keyword.
plaintext tobeornottobe
key value Now Transformed
text hdysdobdqhdys

29 How substitution cipher is different from transposition cipher. Give example for each
method (Dec 2021)
Substitution cipher Transposition cipher
A substitution technique is one in which Transposition cipher does not substitute
the letters of plain text are replaced byother letters one symbol for another instead it changesthe
or number or symbols. location of the symbols
Monoalphabetic and Polyalphabetic Keyless and Keyed transportation cipher.
substitution cipher.
Each letter retains its position changes its Each letter retains its identity but changes
identity its position
Example: Ceaser Cipher, Hill cipher, Example: Rail fence Cipher,
Vigenere cipher
30 Give an example each for substitution and transposition ciphers
Substitution Cipher: (Replace the plaintext characters with other characters, numbersand equal)
✓ Caesar cipher
✓ Hill cipher
✓ Vigenere cipher
Transposition cipher: (Rearranges the position of the characters of the plaintext)
✓ Rail fence cipher

1 (i) Explain OSI security architecture model with neat diagram (Dec 2020, Dec 2021)
(ii) Describe the various security mechanism (Dec 2020)
2 Encrypt the following using play fair cipher using the keyword MONARCHY.
“SWARAJ IS MY BIRTH RIGHT”. Use X for blank spaces.
3 Describe (i) Playfair Cipher (ii) Rail fence Cipher (iii) Vignere Cipher
4 Perform encryption and decryption using Hill cipher for the following: Message PEN
and key ACTIVATED (Dec 2021)

5 What is steganography? Describe the various techniques used in steganography

6 What is monoalphabetic cipher? Examine how it differs from Caesar cipher (7)(Dec 2020)
ii) Encrypt the message “this is an exercise” using additive cipher with key = 20. Ignorethe space
between words. Decrypt the message to get the original plaintext. (6)
7 Explain the network security model and its important parameters with a neat block
8 Solve using Playfair cipher method. Encrypt the word “Semester Result” with the
keyword “Examination”. Discuss the rules to be followed
9 Explain the ceaser cipher and monoalphabetic cipher.
10 Write note on different types of security attacks and services in detail
11 Explain the substitution encryption technique in detail
12 Discuss examples from real life, where the following security objectives are needed :
i) Confidentiality. (5)
ii) Integrity. (5)
iii) Non-repudiation. (5)
Suggest suitable security mechanisms to achieve them. (Dec 2020, Dec 2021)

13 Discuss the rules to be followed in Playfair method. Encrypt the word“Networksecurity”

with the keyword “cypto” using Playfair method. (Dec 2021)


MATHEMATICS OF SYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Algebraic structures – Modular arithmetic-
Euclid’s algorithm- Congruence and matrices – Groups, Rings, Fields- Finite fields- SYMMETRIC KEY
CIPHERS: SDES – Block cipher Principles of DES – Strength of DES – Differential and linear cryptanalysis
– Block cipher design principles – Block cipher mode of operation – Evaluation criteria for AES –
Advanced Encryption Standard – RC4 –Key distribution.
1 What is symmetric key encryption?
Symmetric key encryption is a type of encryption where only one key (a secret key) is used to both
encrypt and decrypt information. The entities communicating via symmetric encryption must
exchange the key so that it can be used in the decryption

2 List the 5 main components of a symmetric encryption system.

Encryption algorithm
Secret key
Decryption algorithm

3 Give the 5 modes of operations of block cipher. (Dec 2020)

Electronic codebook (ECB)
Cipher block chaining (CBC)
Cipher feedback (CFB)
Output feedback (OFB)
Counter (CTR)

4 List the parameters for the 3 AES version

Parameters AES-128 AES-192 AES-256
Plaintext block size (bits) 128 128 128
Key size (bits) 128 192 256
Number of rounds 10 12 14
5 Compare DES and AES
Parameters DES AES
Developed 1977 2002
Key length 56 bits 128,192 or 256 bits
Cipher type Symmetric block cipher Symmetric block cipher
Block type 64 bits 128 bits
Security Proven inadequate Considered secure
6 Brief the strengths of triple DES
Triple DES is based on the DES algorithm, therefore it is very easy to modify existing software to use
triple DES. It also has the advantage of proven reliability and a longer key length that eliminates
many of the attacks (i.e. Triple DES systems are significantly more
secure than single DES)

7 Determine the GCD of (24140,16762) using Euclid‟s algorithm

GCD (24140, 16762) = GCD (16762, 7378)
= GCD (7378, 2006)
= GCD (2006, 1360)
= GCD (1360, 646)
= GCD (646, 68)
= GCD (68, 34) = GCD (34,0) = 34
8 Determine the GCD of (1970,1066) using Euclid‟s algorithm
GCD (1970,1066) = GCD (1066,904)
= GCD (904, 162)
= GCD (162, 94)
= GCD (94, 68)
= GCD (68, 26)
= GCD (26, 16)
= GCD (16,10)
= GCD (10,6)
= GCD (6,4)
= GCD (4,2)
= GCD (2,0)=2

9 Define finite field?

A field (F, +, .) is called a finite field if the set F is finite. A field is a ring in which the multiplication
operation is commutative, has no zero divisors, and includes an identity element and an inverse
10 Define field and ring in number theory (Dec 2020)
A ring is a set of elements that is closed under two binary operations, addition and multiplication,
with the following: the addition operation is a group that is commutative; the multiplication operation
is associative and is distributive over the addition operation.
A field is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative, has no zero
divisors, and includes an identity element and an inverse element.

11 What is the disadvantage of double DES?

Double DES is an encryption technique which uses two instances of DES on same plaintext. In both
instances it uses different keys to encrypt the plain text. Both keys are required at the time of
decryption. The 64-bit plaintext goes into first DES which then converts into a 64-bit middle text
using the first key and then it goes to second DES instance which gives 64-bit cipher text by using
second key.
However double DES uses 112 bits key but gives security level of 256 not 2112 and this is
because of meet-in-the middle attack which can be used to break through double DES.

12 What is avalanche effect?

Avalanche effect is considered as one of the desirable properties of any encryption algorithm. A slight
change in either the key or the plain-text should result in a significant change in the ciphertext. This
property is termed as avalanche effect.
13 Write notes on RC4.
RC4 is a stream cipher
Designed by Ron Rivest for RSA security
Variable key size stream cipher with byte orientated operations
Algorithm is based on the use of random permutation
RC4 is used in the SSL/TLS standards. Also used in WEP protocol and WPA protocol
14 Does the set of residue classes (mod 3) form a group?
✓ w.r.t modular addition
✓ w.r.t modular multiplication
Modular addition:
+ 0 1 2
0 0 1 2
1 1 2 0
2 2 0 1
Identity element is 0 and inverses of 0,1,2 are 0,2,1 respectively. So, w.r.t modular addition it
forms a group.
Modular multiplication:
× 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2
2 0 2 1
Identity element is 1, but 0 has no inverse. So, w.r.t modular multiplication it does not form a group.

15 Define confusion and diffusion

Confusion refers to making the relationship between the key and the cipher textas complex
and involved as possible
Diffusion refers to the property that redundancy in the statistics of the plaintext is
dissipated in the statistics of plaintext.

16 Write down the purposes of the S-box in DES

In the DES, the substitution consists of a set of 8 S-boxes, each of which accepts 6 bits as input and
produces 4 bits as outputs. The first and last bits of the input to box Si from a 2 bit binary number to
select one of four substitutions defined by the 4 rows on the table
Si. The middle 4 bits selects a particular column. Ex: For input ( the row is 01 &
column is 1100 i.e. column 12)

17 List the properties of congruences

Congruences have the following properties.
a b (mod n) if n/(a-b)
a b (mod n) implies b a (mod n)
a b (mod n) and b c (mod n) imply a c (mod n)
18 List the properties of modular arithmetic.
Modular arithmetic exhibits the following properties
[ (a mod n) + (b mod n) ] mod n = (a+b) mod n
[ (a mod n) – (b mod n) ] mod n = (a-b) mod n
[ (a mod n) × (b mod n) ] mod n = (a×b) mod n
19 Define group
A group G, denoted by (G .) is the set of elements with a binary operation denoted by . that associates
to each ordered pair (a,b) of elements in G an element (a.b) in G, such that the following axioms are
✓ Closure: If a and b belong to G then a.b is also in G.
✓ Associative: (a.b).c = a.(b.c) for all a,b,c in G
✓ Identity element: There is an element e in G such that a.e=e.a=a for a in all G
✓ Inverse element: For each a in G, there is an element a1 in G such that a.a1=a1.a=a=e

20 Define Finite and Infinite group

If a group has a finite number of elements, it is referred as a finite group. Otherwise, the group is an
infinite group
21 Define Abelian group
A group is said to be abelian if it satisfies the fell-condition
Closure: If a and b belong to G then a.b is also in G.
Associative: (a.b).c = a.(b.c) for all a,b,c in G
Identity element: There is an element e in G such that a.e=e.a=a for a in all G
Inverse element: For each a in G, there is an element a1 in G such that
Commutative: a.b = b.a for all a,b in G

22 Define cyclic group

A group G is cyclic if every element of G is a power ak(k is an integer) of a fixed element
a G. The element a is said to generate the group G as to be a generation of G. A cyclic group is
always abelian and may be finite or infinite.
23 List the 4 different stages of AES.
Substitute bytes
Shift rows
Mix column
Add round key

24 Why modular arithmetic has been used in cryptography?

One of the major reasons is that modular arithmetic allows us to easily create groups, rings and fields
which are fundamental building blocks of most modern public key crypto systems. For example,
Diffie-Hellman uses the multiplicative group of integers
modulo a prime p.

25 List the uses of RC4 (or) List the applications of RC4.

RC4 is known for being simple and quick
RC4 is used in the SSL/TLS standards that have been defined for communication between
web browsers and servers
It is used in WEP &WPA protocols that are part of IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards
26 Why random numbers are use in network security?
Random numbers used to generate keys
Symmetric keys
RSA: Prime numbers
Diffie-Hellman secret values
Random numbers used for nonce
Sometimes a sequence is okay
But sometimes nonce must be random
Random numbers also used in
simulations, statistics, etc. where numbers only need to be statistically random

27 What is the disadvantage of ECB mode of operation?

The disadvantage of this method is a lack of diffusion. Because ECB encrypts identical plaintext
blocks into identical ciphertext blocks, it does not wide patterns well.
28 What is the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher? (Dec 2021)
Block cipher Stream cipher
A block cipher processes the input one A stream cipher processes the input
block of elements at a time, producing an output elements continuously, producing output one
block for each input block. element at a time, as it goes along
29 What is the difference between diffusion and confusion? (Dec 2021)
Diffusion Confusion
Diffusion is used to create cryptic plain Confusion is a cryptographic technique
texts. which is used to create faint cipher texts.
It is possible through transportation This technique is possible through
algorithm. substitution algorithm.
In diffusion, if one image within the plaintext In confusion, if one bit within the secret‟s
is modified, many or all image within modified, most or all bits within the cipher
the cipher text also will be modified text also will be modified.
The relation between the cipher text and The relation between the cipher text and
the plain text is masked by diffusion. the key is masked by confusion.
Only block cipher uses diffusion. Both stream cipher and block cipher uses
1 Explain AES algorithm with all its round functions in detail
2 Discuss the properties that are to be satisfied by groups, rings and fields
3 (ii) Demonstrate that the set of polynomials whose coefficients forms a field is a ring.(5)
For each of the following elements of DES, indicate the comparable element in AES if available
✓ XOR of subkey material with the input to the function (4)
✓ f function (4) (Dec 2020)

4 Describe DES algorithm with neat diagram and explain the steps. (Dec 2021)
5 Solve GCD (98,56) using extended Euclidean algorithm. Also, write the algorithm
6 What do you mean by AES? Diagrammatically illustrate the structure of AES and
describe the steps in AES encryption process with example (Dec 2020)
7 Describe in detail the key generation in AES algorithm and its expansion format
8 Describe Triple DES and its applications
9 Explain about the single round of DES algorithm
10 Describe key discarding process of DES
11 Explain the key generation, encryption and decryption of SDES algorithm in detail (Dec 11)
12 Write notes on birthday attack
13 Describe the working principle of simple DES with an example
14 Explain in detail about the entities in the symmetric cipher model with their
requirements for secure usage of the model
15 Demonstrate that the set of polynomials where coefficients form a field is a ring
16 Write detailed note on modular arithmetic
17 Explain the following in detail
Linear cryptanalysis
Differential cryptanalysis
Key distribution

18 Explain about RC4 algorithm with neat diagram? (Dec 2021)

19 Describe LFSR sequences and finite field with their application in cryptography
MATHEMATICS OF ASYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Primes – Primality Testing – Factorization –
Euler‘s totient function, Fermat‘s and Euler‘s Theorem – Chinese Remainder Theorem – Exponentiation and
logarithm – ASYMMETRIC KEY CIPHERS: RSA cryptosystem – Key distribution – Key management –
Diffie Hellman key exchange –Elliptic curve arithmetic-Elliptic curve cryptography.

1 What is public key cryptography?
Public key cryptography (or asymmetric cryptography) is an encryption scheme that uses two
mathematically related, but not identical keys – a public key and a private key. Each key performs a
unique function. The public key is used to encrypt and the private
key is used to decrypt.
2 What is the difference between symmetric key cryptography and public key
Symmetric Key Cryptography Public Key Cryptography
Involves only one key (a secret key) to encrypt and Uses a pair of keys – a public key and a
decrypt the information private key

Speed of encryption (decryption is very fast) Slow

Only (public key) either one of the keys

Both parties should know the key
is known by the two parties
E.g.: DES, AES E.g.: RSA, ECC
3 Consider the RSA encryption method with p 11 and q 17 as the two primes. Find n
and (n) .
1) p 11 and q 17 , so n pq 17 11 187
2) (n) ( p 1)(q 1) 16 10 160
4 Define primitive root
A primitive root of a prime number p is one whose power modulo 0 p generate all the integers from 1
to p-1. That is if a is a primitive root of the prime number p, then the numbers
a mod p, a2 mod p,……, ap-1 mod p
are distinct and consists of the integers from 1 through p-1 in some presentation.

5 State Fermat‟s theorem

Fermat‟s theorem states the following: If p is prime and a is a positive integer not divisible by
p, then
ap-1 1(mod p)
6 Check whether
1) 2 is a primitive root of mod 5 &
2) 4 is a primitive root of mod 5

21 mod 5 2 mod 5 2
22 mod 5 4 mod 5 4
23 mod 5 8 mod 5 3
24 mod 5 16 mod 5 1

So, 2 is primitive root of mod 5

41 mod 5 4 mod 5 4
42 mod 5 16 mod 5 1
43 mod 5 64 mod 5 4
44 mod 5 256 mod 5 0

So, 4 is not a primitive root of mod 5

7 Name any 2 methods for testing prime numbers.

✓ Miller – Rabin test

✓ Fermat primality test
✓ Solovay – Strassen primality test
✓ Frobenius primality test

8 Define Euler‟s totient function.

Euler‟s totient function, written (n), and defined as the number if positive integers lessthan n and
relatively prime to n.
By convention (1) 1

9 State Euler‟s theorem.

Euler‟s theorem states that for energy a and n that are relatively prime:
(n )
a 1(mod n)
10 Determine (37) and (35)
To determine (37) : Because 37 is prime, all the positive integers from 1 through 36 arerelatively
prime to 37. So, (37) 36 .
To determine (35) :List all the positive integers less than 35 that are relatively prime toit. (i.e)
1,2,3,4,6,8,9,11,12,13,16,17,18,19,22,23,24,26,27,29,31,32,33,34. There are 24
numbers on the list. So, (35) 24

11 State alternative form of Fermat‟s theorem with example.

The alternative form of Fermat‟s theorem: If p is prime and a is a positive integer than
ap a(mod p)

12 List the 6 ingredients of public key encryption.

✓ Plaintext
✓ Encryption algorithm
✓ Public key
✓ Private key
✓ Cipher text
✓ Decryption algorithm
13 Perform encryption for the plaintext M=88 using the RSA algorithm.
P=17, q=11 and public component e=7

i. p=17, q=11
ii. Calculate n=p*q = 17*11 =187
iii. Calculate (n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 16*10=160
iv. Select e=7
v. Determine d such that de 1(mod 60). The correct value of d is 23
Public key (7,187) and private key (23,187)
Encryption: 887 mod 187 = 11

14 Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm for the following.
P=7, q=11, e=17 and M=8
i. p=7, q=11
ii. Calculate n=p*q = 7*11 =77
iii. Calculate (n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 6*10=60
iv. Select e=17
v. Determine d such that de 1(mod 60). The correct value of d is 53
Public key (17,77) and private key (53,77)
Encryption: 817 mod 77 = 56
Decryption: 5653 mod 77 = 8

15 List the 5 possible approaches to attacking the RSA algorithm

✓ Brute force
✓ Mathematical attacks
✓ Timing attacks
✓ Hardware fault-based attack
✓ Chosen ciphertext attacks
16 Define discrete logarithm
For any integers b and a primitive r not a of prime number p, we can find a unique exponent I
such that
b ai (mod p) where 0 ≤ I ≤ (p-1)
The exponent I is referred to as the discrete logarithm of b for the base a, mod p.
17 What is the principal attraction of ECC, compared to RSA? (Dec 2021)
The principal attraction of ECC, compared to RSA, is that it appears to offer equal security for a far
smaller key size, thereby reducing processing overhead. But the confidence level of ECC is not yet
as high as than in RSA. (i.e. ECC is fundamentally
more difficult to explain than either RSA or Diffie-Hellman

18 What is an ellipse curve?

Elliptic curve is a plane algebraic curve defined by an equation of the form y2=x3+ax+b
which is non-singular. Formally, an elliptic curve is a smooth, projective, algebraic curve of genius
arc, on which there is a specified point O.
19 Give the significance of key control
Hierarchies of Key Distributor Center (KDC) requires for large networks. A single KDC may be
responsible for a small number of users since it shares the master keys of all the entities attached to it.
If two entities in different domains want to communicate, local
KDCs communicate through a global KDC.

20 Why is asymmetric cryptography bad for huge data? Specify the reasons (May 18)
✓ Asymmetric cryptography takes more time
✓ Key management is difficult
✓ Slower encryption speed due to long keys
21 Give the applications of the public key crypto system
✓ To provide confidentiality (a message that a sender encrypts using the recipients public key
can be decrypted only by the recipient‟s private key
✓ Digital signature (used for sender authentication)
✓ Further applications built on this include: digital cash, password authenticated key
agreement, time-stamping services, non-repudiation protocol, etc.
22 What is the use of Fermat‟s theorem
Fermat‟s theorem is a fundamental theorem in elementary number theory, which helps compute
powers of integers modulo prime numbers.
It is a special case of Euler‟s theorem and is important in applications of elementary
number theory, including primality testing and public key cryptography.
23 Calculate 21102020 (mod 1009) using Fermat‟s theorem.
✓ Are 2110 and 1009 co-prime?
✓ If so, by the theorem 21101008 1 (mod 1009)

✓ By multiplication rule, 21102016 1 (mod 1009)

✓ Same as finding 21104 (mod 1009)
✓ Ans – 21102020 296 (mod 1009)
24 Define primality testing.
A primality test in an algorithm for determining whether an input number is prime (i.e. Given an
number n, check if it is prime or not)
25 State whether symmetric and asymmetric cryptography algorithm needs key exchange
✓ In symmetric key encryption all parties involved in communication have to exchange the key
(a secret key) used to encrypt the data before they can decrypt it (This is the main disadvantage
of symmetric encryption)
✓ Asymmetric key encryption uses two keys. A public key is made freely available
to anyone who might want to send you a message. The second key, private key is kept secret.

26 Using Fermat‟s theorem find 5201 and mod 41

ap-1 1 (mod p) where p is prime number and a is a positive integer not divisible by p.540 1 (mod
(540)5 1 (mod 41)
51 5 (mod 41)
So,5201 5 (mod 41)

27 Find the GCD of (2740, 1760) using Euclid‟s Algorithm. (Dec 2020)
GCD (2740,1760) = GCD (1760,980)
= GCD (980, 780)
= GCD (780, 200)
= GCD (200, 180)
= GCD (180, 20)
= GCD (20, 0)
= 20

28 For p = 11 and q = 19 and choose d = 17. Apply RSA algorithm where Cipher message
= 80 and thus find the plain text. (Dec 2020)
n = pq = 11 × 19 = 209.
C=Me mod n ; C=517 mod 209 ; C = 80 mod 209.So
the plain text is 5
29 What is meet in the Middle Attack? (Dec 2021)
➢ A Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack is a kind of cryptanalytic attack where the attacker
uses some kind of space or time tradeoff to aid the attack.
➢ MitMs can take the form of dividing the target communication into two so thateach piece can
be addressed individually.
➢ It could mean transforming an attack requiring X amount of time into onerequiring Y time
and Z space. The aim is to significantly reduce the effort needed
to perform a brute-force attack.

1 State Chinese Remainder Theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equations using CRT
X = 2 (mod 3)
X = 3 (mod 5)
X = 2 (mod 7)
2 State and prove Fermat‟s theorem.
3 Explain RSA algorithm, perform encryption and decryption to the system with
p=7, q=11, e=17, M=8
4 Users Alice and Bob use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime q=83
and a primitive root α=5.
i. If Alice has a private key XA=6, what is Alice‟s public key YA?

ii. If Bob has a private key XB=10, what is Bob‟s public key YB?

iii. What is the shared secret key?

5 State Chinese Remainder Theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equations using CRT
(Dec 2020)
X=1 (mod 5) X=2 (mod 7) X=3 (mod 9) X=4 (mod 11)
6 Explain Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm in detail
7 Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for p=17, q=11, e=7 and u=88
8 Why ECC is better than RSA? However, why is it not widely used? Defend it.
9 State and prove Chinese remainder theorem. What are the last two digits of 4919?
10 (ii) With a neat sketch explain the Elliptic curve cryptography with an example (8)
(ii) Alice and Bob use the Diffie – Hellman key exchange technique with a commonprime number 11
and a primitive root of 2. If Alice and Bob choose distinct secret
integers as 9 and 3, respectively, then compute the shared secret key. (5) (Dec 2020)
11 Describe RSA algorithm & Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for
the following: p=7, q=11, e=7, M=9
12 Explain briefly about Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm with its merits and
13 Explain public key cryptography and when it is preferred?
14 Explain the working of RSA and chose an application of your choice for RSA and explain
how encryption and decryption is carried out?
15 Prove Fermat‟s theorem and Euler‟s theorem
16 Demonstrate encryption and decryption for the RSA algorithm:Parameters – p=3,
q=11, e=7, d=?, M=5
17 Demonstrate encryption and decryption for the RSA algorithm:Parameters – p=7,
q=13, e=5, d=?, M=10
18 In a public-key system using RSA, you intercept the ciphertext C = 10 sent to a user
whose public key is e = 5, n = 35. What is the plaintext M. (Dec 2021)
19 Given prime number q=17, Primitive root a=6, private key of A, XA =5, message m=13,random
number k=10. Perform encryption & decryption using Elgamal cryptosystem.
(Dec 2021)
Authentication requirement – Authentication function – MAC – Hash function – Security of hash
function: HMAC, CMAC – SHA – Digital signature and authentication protocols – DSS – Schnorr Digital
Signature Scheme – ElGamal cryptosystem – Entity Authentication: Biometrics, Passwords, Challenge
Response protocols – Authentication applications – Kerberos
MUTUAL TRUST: Key management and distribution – Symmetric key distribution using symmetric and
asymmetric encryption – Distribution of public keys – X.509 Certificates
1 What is digital signature?
A digital signature is an authentication technique that also includes measures to counter repudiation by
either source or destination.
2 What are the requirements for (message) authentication?
Disclosure: Release of message contents to any person or process not possessing the
appropriate cryptographic key.
Traffic analysis: Discovery of the pattern of traffic between parties (The frequency and
duration of connections; the number and length of messages)
Masquerade: Insertion of messages into the network from a fraudulent source. This includes
the creation of messages by an opponent that are purported to come from an authorized entity.
Content Modification: Changes to the contents of a message, including insertion, deletion,
transposition and modification.
Sequence modification: Any modification to a sequence of messages between parties,
including insertion, deletion and recording.
Repudiation: Denial of receipt of message by destination or denial of
transmission of message by source.

3 List the types of functions that may be used to produce an authenticator.

✓ Message encryption: The ciphertext of the entire message serves as itsauthenticator.
✓ Message Authentication Code(MAC): A public function of the message and asecret key
that produces a fixed length value that serves as the authenticator.
✓ Hash function: A public function that maps a message of any length into fixed-
length hash value, which serves as the authenticator.

4 What is hash(function) in cryptography?

A hash function is a mathematical function that converts a numerical input value into another
compressed numerical value. The input to the hash function is of arbitrary length but output is always
of fixed length.
5 Define the term „Message Digest‟.
A hash function accepts a variable size message M as input and produces a fixed size length hash code
H(M), called a message digest, as output. So the values returned by a hash function are called message
digest or simply hash values.
6 What is MAC? Mention the requirement of MAC (Dec 2020)
A MAC sometimes known as tag is a block of few bytes that is used to authenticate a message. The
receiver can check this block and be sure that the message hasn‟t modifiedby third party.

7 Compare MAC and hash function

MAC Hash function
MAC guarantees the integrity and Hash function guarantees the integrity of
authentication. data
MAC uses a private key. Hash doesn‟t use keys
Did not provide confidentiality. Did not provide confidentiality.
Fast in processing speed Quite fast in processing
8 Compare Hash Practices, MAC and digital signature.
Properties Hash MAC Digital Signature
Integrity Yes Yes Yes
Authentication No Yes Yes
Non-Repudiation No No Yes
9 How is the security of a MAC function expressed?
The security of a MAC function is generally expressed in terms of the probability of successful
forgery with a given amount of time spent by the forger and a given number of message-tag pairs
created with the same key
10 Mention the significance of signature function in DSS approach
Signature function in DSS gets the input with random number generated for a particular
Signature function also depends on the sender‟s private key(PRa) and a set of parameters
known to a group of communicating principals.
The signature function is such that only the sender, with the knowledge of the
private key, could have produced the valid signature

11 What is the role of compression function in hash function?

The compression function is a function that transforms two fixed length inputs into a fixed length
output. The transformation is one-way, meaning that it is difficult given a particular output to
compute inputs which compress to that output. One-way compression function are not related to
conventional data compression algorithm, which
instead can be inverted exactly or approximately to the original data.

12 Specify the various types of authentication protocol

An authentication protocol is a type of computer communication protocol or cryptographic protocol
specifically designed for transfer of authentication data between two entities. Different types are
✓ Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
✓ Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
✓ Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
✓ Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
✓ Kerberos (Protocols)

13 List any two applications of X.509 certificates

X.509 is a standard defining the format of public-key certificates
X.509 certificates are used in many internet protocols, including TLS/SSL whichis the basis
for HTTPS, the secure protocol for browsing the web
X.509 are also used in offline applications like electronic signatures.
14 Write a simple authentication dialogue used in Kerberos.
(1) C → AS 1Dc||Pc||1Dv
(2) AS → C Ticket
(3) C → V 1Dc||Ticket
Ticket = EKv [1Dc||ADc||1Dv]
where C=
A= Authentication server V=
1Dc= Identifier of user on C
1Dv= Identifier of user on V
Pc= Password of user on C
ADc= Network address of C
KV= Secret encryption key shared by A, S and V.
||= Concatenation

15 Contrast various SHA algorithms.

Properties SHA-1 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512
Message Digest Size 160 224 256 384 512
Message Size <264 <264 <264 <2128 <2128
Block size 512 512 512 1024 1024
Word size 32 32 32 64 64
16 What is digital signature?
A digital signature is an authentication mechanism that allows the sender to attach an electronic code
with the message in order to ensure its authenticity and integrity. This electronic code acts as the
signature of the sender and, hence is named digital signature. Digital signature uses the public-key
cryptographic technique. The sender uses his private key and a signing algorithm creates a digital
signature, and the signed document can be made public. The receiver uses the public key of the
sender and a verifying
algorithm to verify the digital signature.

17 What is realm in Kerberos?

A Kerberos realm is a set of managed nodes that share the same Kerberos database. The Kerberos
database resides on the Kerberos master computer system, which should be kept in a physically
secure room. A read-only copy of the Kerberos database might also reside on other Kerberos
computer systems. However, all changes to the database must be made on the master computer
system. Changing or accessing the contents of a
Kerberos database requires the Kerberos master password.

18 What entities constitute a full service in Kerberos environment?

A full-service environment consists of a
✓ Kerberos server
✓ A number of clients
✓ A number of application servers
19 How digital signatures differ from authenticator protocols? (Dec 2021)
Digital signature Authentication Protocol
➢ A digital signature is an authentication mechanism that ➢ Used to convince parties of each
allows the sender to attach an electronic code with the other identity and to exchange
message in order to ensure its authenticity and integrity. session keys.
➢ This electronic code acts as the signature of the sender ➢ May be one-way or mutual
and, hence is named digital signature. Digital signature ➢ Key issues are
uses the public-key cryptographic technique. • Confidentiality – to protect
➢ The sender uses his private key and a signing algorithm to session keys
create a digital signature, and the signed document can be • Timeliness – to prevent replay
made public. attacks Digital signature:
➢ The receiver uses the public key of the sender and
a verifying algorithm to verify the digital signature

20 State the requirements of a digital signature

The signature must be a bit pattern that depends on the message being signed.
The signature must use some information unique to the sender to prevent bothforgery and
It must be relatively easy to produce the digital signature.
It must be relatively easy to recognize and verify the digital signature.
It must be computationally infeasible to forge a digital signature, either by constructing a new
message for an existing digital signature or by constructing a fraudulent digital signature for a
given message.
It must be practical to retain a copy of the digital signature in storage.

21 Show how SHA is more secure than MD5

It produces a largest digest (160-bit compared to 128 bits, so a brute force attack would be
more difficult to carry out)
No known collisions have been formed for SHA
Never version have been introduced in SHA (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) that are much
more secure than the original.
22 What do you mean by one-way properly in hash function?
One-way function is easy to compute but it is very difficult to compute their inverse functions. Thus,
having data n, it is easy to calculate f(n) but, knowing the value of f(n) it is quite difficult to calculate
the value of X,
One-way hash functions fulfill all conditions of one-way functions.
A one-way hash function should be collision-free
Algorithms of one-way hash functions are often to the public.

23 What is weak collision resistance?

Given n, is infeasible to find y such that H(y)=H(n)
24 What is replay attack?
A replay attack is one in which an attacker obtains a copy of an authenticated packet andlater transmits
it to the intended destination. The receipt of duplicate, authenticated IP packets may disrupt service
in some way or may have some other undesired

25 State Birthday Problem. (Dec 2020)

Birthday attack is a type of cryptographic attack that belongs to a class of brute force attacks. It
exploits the mathematics behind the birthday problem in probability theory. The success of this attack
largely depends upon the higher likelihood of collisions found
between random attack attempts and a fixed degree of permutations

26 Identify and write the requirements defined by Kerberos. (Dec 2021)

✓ Secure
✓ Reliable
✓ Transparent
✓ Scalable

1 Compare the uses of MAC and hash function. Represent them using appropriate
diagrams (Dec 19)
2 List out the advantages of MD5 and SHA algorithms
3 Suggest and explain about an authentication scheme for mutual authentication between
the user and the server which relies on symmetric encryption
4 Explain digital signature standard with necessary diagrams in detail
5 Discuss client server mutual authentication, with example flow diagram
6 Write down the steps involved in (i) Elgamal digital signature scheme (ii) Schnorr digital
signature scheme used for authenticating a person
7 With a neat diagram, explain the steps involved in SHA algorithm for encrypting a message
with maximum length of less than 2128 bits and produces as output a 512-bit
message digest.
8 Discuss the different methods involved in authentication of source.
9 Write about how the integrity of message is ensured without source authentication.
10 Explain the concepts of digital signature algorithm with key generation and verification
in detail.
11 Explain SHA2 in detail
12 Explain Elgamal digital signature schemes.
13 How hash function algorithm m is designed? Explain their features and properties (May 18)
14 Explain briefly about the architecture and certification mechanism in Kerberos and
15 What is Kerberos? Explain how it provides authenticated services
16 Explain the format of the X.509 certificate in detail (Dec 2021)
17 Explain Kerberos version 4 in detail
18 Briefly explain the steps of message digest generation in Whirlpool with a block diagram
(Dec 2020)

19 Explain PKI management model and its operations with the help of a diagram. (Dec
20 Describe digital signature algorithm and show how signing and verification is done
using DSS. (Dec 2021)
21 Consider a banking application that is expected to provide cryptographic functionalities. Assume that
this application is running on top of another application wherein the end customers can perform a
single task of fund transfer. The application requires
cryptographic requirements based on the amount of transfer. (Dec 2020)

Transfer Amount Cryptography functions required

1 – 2000 Message Digest
2001 – 5000 Digital Signature
5000 and above Digital Signature and Encryption
Suggest the security scheme to be adopted in client and server side to accommodate the above
requirements and justify your recommendations.
Cyber Crime and Information Security – classifications of Cyber Crimes – Tools and
Methods – Password Cracking, Key loggers, Spywares, SQL Injection – Network Access
Control – Cloud Security – Web Security – Wireless Security
1 Define Cybercrime.
Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network
or a networked device .Cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to
Make money. Cybercrime is carried out by individuals or organizations.

2 Define Information Security.

Information security means to consider available countermeasures or controls stimulated through
uncovered vulnerabilities and identify an area where more work is needed. The purpose of data
security management is to make sure business continuity and scale back business injury by
preventing and minimizing the impact of security incidents.

3 List the need for information Security

✓ Protecting the functionality of the organization
✓ Enabling the safe operation of applications
✓ Protecting the data that the organization collects and use
✓ Safeguarding technology assets in organizations
4 What are the category of cybercrime?
✓ Cybercrimes against persons.
✓ Cybercrimes against property.
✓ Cybercrimes against government.

5 What is the purpose of password cracking?

✓ To recover a forgotten password.
✓ As a preventive measure by system administrators to check for easily crack able
✓ To gain unauthorized access to a system,

6 What are the types of password cracking attacks?

✓ Online attacks
✓ Offline attacks
✓ Non-electronic attacks

7 Define Key loggers.

Keystroke logging, often called keylogging, is the practice of noting (or logging) the keys
struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is
Unaware that such action are being monitored. It can be classified as software key logger
and hardware key logger.
8 Define Software Key loggers.
Software keyloggers are software programs installed on the computer systems which
usuallyare located between the OS and the keyboard hardware, and every keystroke is
recorded. Software keyloggers are installed on a computer system by Trojans or
viruseswithout the knowledge of the user.

9 What is Hardware Key loggers.

Hardware keyloggers are small hardware devices. These are connected to the PC and/or to the keyboard and
save every keystroke into a file or in the memory of the hardware device.
Cybercriminals install such devices on ATM machines to capture ATM Cards’ PINs. Each
Key press on the keyboard of the ATM is registered by these key loggers.

10 Define Spyware.
Spyware is a type of malware that is installed on computers which collects information about users without
their knowledge. It is clearly understood from the term Spyware that it secretly monitors the user. The
features and functions of such Spywares are beyond simple monitoring.

11 Define SQL injection.

SQL injection, also known as SQLI, is a common attack vector that uses malicious
SQL code for backend database manipulation to access information that was not
intended to be displayed. This information may include any number of items,
including sensitive company data, user lists or private customer details.
12 What are the Types of SQL Injections
In-band SQLi
Error-based SQLi
Union-based SQLi
Inferential (Blind) SQLi
Out-of-band SQLi

13 What is network access control?

Network access control (NAC), also known as network admission control, is the process of restricting
unauthorized users and devices from gaining access to a corporate or private network. NAC ensures that
only users who are authenticated and devices that are authorized and compliant with security policies can
enter the network.

14 What Are the Advantages of Network Access Control?

✓ Control the users entering the corporate network
✓ Control access to the applications and resources users aim to access
✓ Allow contractors, partners, and guests to enter the network as needed but restrict
their access
✓ Segment employees into groups based on their job function and build role-based
access policies
✓ Protect against cyberattacks by putting in place systems and controls that detect
unusual or suspicious activity
✓ Automate incident response
✓ Generate reports and insights on attempted access across the organization

15 What is Cloud Security

Cloud security is a responsibility that is shared between the cloud provider and the customer. There are
basically three categories of responsibilities in the Shared
Responsibility Model: responsibilities that are always the provider’s, responsibilities that are always
the customer’s, and responsibilities that vary depending on the service model, Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Software as a Service(SaaS), such as cloud email.

16 What are the Challenges of Advanced Cloud Security?

✓ Increased Attack Surface
✓ Lack of Visibility and Tracking
✓ Ever-Changing Workloads
✓ DevOps, DevSecOps and Automation
✓ Granular Privilege and Key Management
✓ Complex Environments
✓ Cloud Compliance and Governance
17 Write short notes on Web Security.
Web Security deals with the security of data over the internet/network or web or while it is being transferred
to the internet. For e.g. when you are transferring data between client and server and you have to protect
that data that security of data is your web security.
18 What are the different types of Security Threats
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
SQL Injection, Phishing, Ransomware, Code Injection Viruses and worms, Spyware, Denial of Service
19 Define Wireless Security.
Wireless security is the prevention of unauthorized access or damage to computers or data using wireless
networks, which include Wi-Fi networks. The term may also refer to the protection of the wireless network
itself from adversaries seeking to damage the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the network.

20 What are the security considerations in web security?

✓ Updated Software
✓ Beware of SQL Injection
✓ Cross-Site Scripting
✓ Error Messages
✓ Data Validation
✓ Password
1 Briefly Explain about the Cybercrime and Information security
2 Explain in detail about the classification of cybercrimes.
3 Explain in detail about the types of cyber-attacks.
4 Explain in detail about the password cracking and types of attacks in password cracking
5 Write short notes on key-logger and explain in detail about types of Key-logger?
6 Explain briefly about the spywares.
7 Explain in detail about the SQL injection and its types.
8 Explain in detail about the cloud security.
9 Explain in detail about the web security
10 Explain in detail about the wireless security

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