Cape Biology Unit 1
Cape Biology Unit 1
Cape Biology Unit 1
(by Sperwin Zinger)
1.1: Discuss how the structure and properties of water relate to the role that water plays as a medium of
Your body is comprised of numerous elements, form hormones) and fats (used for as an energy
which make also combine to form molecules. store).
These include macronutrients such as
carbohydrates (such as starch and glucose, However, the molecule that comprises the
required for release of ATP), proteins (which are majority of the human body (more than 70% of a
used for growth and repair of cells and also to cell‟s mass) is WATER.
First, observe the molecular structure of water. Water consists of two hydrogen atoms COVALENTLY
bonded to one oxygen atom. This means that electrons are shared between them.
Temp. regulation Its high specific heat capacity and ability to evaporate easily.
„Universal‟ solvent Its tiny charges attract other molecules or ions to form bonds.
Allows mass flow Its H-bonds produce cohesion and surface tension. Suitable for excretion.
1.2/3: Explain the relationship between the structure and function of glucose and sucrose.
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that comprise a ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are
comprised of at least one sugar unit. However, they can be linked together to form increasingly complex
MONOSACCHARIDES are the simplest A pentose such as ribose has a value of „5‟ and
carbohydrate and cannot be further hydrolysed. is written as C5H10O5. However, modifications
They are written with the general formula occur, such as deoxyribose having one less
(CH2O)n. The „n‟ depends on the type of sugar. oxygen atom, so deoxyribose is written as
For example, a hexose sugar (e.g. glucose) has a C5H10O4
value of „6‟, so glucose is written as C6H12O6.
As previously mentioned, glucose is a HEXOSE, which means it has a six-membered ring consisting of
five carbons and one oxygen. Observe the straight-chain and ring structures of glucose below.
is similar
but H and
OH are
on C-1.
It can be observed that the 6th carbon atom in the ring structure does not exist as part of the ring structure.
As a result of this, glucose tends to alternate between its ring and its chain form. This is why there are two
different types of glucose (alpha and beta).
As previously mentioned, a DISACCHARIDE forms when two monosaccharide molecules are bonded.
When this linkage occurs, it is known as a GLYCOSIDIC bond. These types of bonds are very strong.
One common example of a disaccharide is SUCROSE, which we commonly know as the sugar that is
sweet (such as in sugar cane).
So, what two monosaccharides combine to form sucrose? That would be an ALPHA GLUCOSE and a
BETA FRUCTOSE. What is notable about sucrose is that when it undergoes enzyme breakdown, sucrose
yields two glucose molecules. However, one of those molecules has been reformed from fructose.
Carbon-1 of the alpha glucose will now bond with the Carbon-2 of beta-fructose. This is thus called a 1-2
glycosidic bond. A CONDENSATION reaction removes a water molecule in the process.
In O‟ levels you would‟ve learned that Benedict‟s solution can be used to test for reducing sugar.
However, the addition of HYDROCHLORIC ACID and then SODIUM HYDROXIDE was needed for
non-reducing sugars.
This is because disaccharides such as sucrose have a glycosidic bond that prevents Benedict‟s reageant
from reacting with it. The HCl is needed to break that glycosidic bond and the NaOH is needed to
neutralize the HCl.
1.4: Discuss how the molecular structure of starch, glycogen and cellulose relate to their functions in
living organisms.
A polysaccharide can contain thousands of sugar molecules and can be quite large and complex. As a
result, they are insoluble. Not all of them are arranged in long chains, however. Some of them form
compact spirals. Polysaccharide nutrients such as starch must be hydrolysed before they can be absorbed
through the small intestine and into the bloodstream.
GLYCOGEN Energy reserve in Easier to break down into glucose. Usually found in the
animals. LIVER and in MUSCLES.
CELLULOSE Found in cell walls. Always has a straight structure. Very strong due to thousands
Used for structural of hydrogen bonds. Large bundles of them are called
support. FIBRES. Difficult for animals to digest.
Cellulose is also made up of thousands of β- glucose molecules. Cellulose molecules form a straight
structure instead of a spiral or branches. As said, their bonds are extremely strong due to the multitude of
hydrogen linkages. The type of bonds in cellulose are β 1-4 glycosidic bonds between the glucose
molecules. This is what it makes it INSOLUBLE and sturdy to provide structural support in cell walls.
The ring structure combines many different glucoses. However, each alternating glucose molecule is
INVERTED. Observe the structure below. Notice how each successive one is ‘flipped’.
The table below will provide a summary of all of this complex information.
Overall shape Linear and spiral Linear, spiral, branches Only linear
Breaking a covalent bond is called a HYDROLYSIS REACTION, while formation of the bond is
Hydrolysis reactions use a water molecule during the breakdown of polymers into monomers.
Condensation reactions release a molecule during the formation of a bond. If that molecule is
water, this is known as a DEHYDRATION reaction.
Examples of dehydration reactions include the formation of SUCROSE (from glucose & fructose)
and the formation of a DIPEPTIDE molecule from two amino acids.
Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules. HYDROXYL groups (-OH) form hydrogen
bonds because hydrogen is slightly +ve and oxygen is slightly –ve. Dipole or polar molecules are
hydrophilic while non-polar molecules (without dipoles) are hydrophobic.
1.5: Describe the molecular structure of a triglyceride and its role as a source of energy.
Lipids have a similar chemical structure to carbohydrates. The main difference is that they contain a
much higher proportion of HYDROGEN. They also tend to be insoluble in water. The main lipids that
you would have previously learned of are fats and oils, which are used as energy reserves in the body and
also used to provide insulation for organs.
Fats are broken down by the enzyme LIPASE A TRIGLYCERIDE is comprised of three fatty
(secreted by the pancreas). This results in the acids attached to a glycerol molecule. They are
formation of FATTY ACIDS AND insoluble in water and are HYDROPHOBIC,
GLYCEROL. These fatty acids can be classified meaning that they are not attracted to water. The
as either saturated or unsaturated (more on fatty acids contain a –COOH, which is called a
this later). CARBOXYL group. These carboxyl groups
react with the –OH groups of glycerol. This
forms a very strong covalent bond called an
Thus, think of the glycerol as the „backbone‟ of the triglyceride structure. Observe the detailed structure
of a glycerol molecule and a triglyceride below:
You should also get familiar with how it is represented in simpler diagrams:
In triglycerides,
all the C atoms
are bonded to H,
which makes it a
yield more energy
upon breakdown
than carbs.
Triglycerides are an energy reserve and are stored in tissues in humans called ADIPOSE tissue.
Accumulation of excess adipose tissue will eventually lead to OBESITY. Studies of fat are constantly
yielding new information and show that fats act almost like endocrine organs, affecting hormonal
secretion and metabolism.
As previously stated, fatty acids are typically classified into two types: saturated and unsaturated. What
is the main difference between these two?
This is usually referred to as the „bad‟ Observe below to see that it causes a
fat, as it forms a dense structure that can slight bend in the linear structure.
contribute to the build-up of LDL (low- Imagine that this bend prevents the fat
density lipoprotein) cholesterol, leading from packing too tightly and
to coronary heart disease. contributing to arterial plaque build-up.
EXTRA NOTE: Another type of „bad‟ fat is called TRANS fat. Trans fats are formed when oils are
artificially made semi-solid during artificial hydrogenation. Hydrogenation involves the insertion of gases
through oils to solidify them. This affects the bonding linkages. Examples of such foods that have contained
trans fats in the past are margarine and shortening, and certain fast foods. They have since been banned.
1.6: Describe the structure of phospholipids and their role in membrane structure and function.
Observe the diagram shown. It shows a acid‟ tails are HYDROPHOBIC. If you recall,
phospholipid bilayer (which forms the plasma hydrophobic means they are not attracted to
membrane). Imagine a triglyceride where one of water molecules. Hydrophilic means they are
its fatty acids has been replaced by a attracted. So in water, they form this „bilayer‟
PHOSPHATE group. structure. Without this structure, cells would not
be able to keep their organelles together.
On the diagram, you‟ll notice that the phosphate
„heads‟ are HYDROPHILIC while the „fatty
1.7: Describe the generalised structure of an amino acid, & the formation & breakage of a peptide bond.
You will recall from O‟ Level Biology that proteins are mainly used for cellular growth and repair in the
body. They also form a entire roster of other molecules in the body, including enzymes and hormones. An
amino acid is a single unit and many of these combine to form a protein, just like with monosaccharides
and polysaccharides.
Protein synthesis occurs in the RIBOSOMES of The chains can be non-linear in shape. For
the cells. As previously said, condensation example, HAEMOGLOBIN (found in the red
reactions occur when amino acids are bonded, blood cells) has four polypeptides connected in a
which produce water molecules. coiled structure.
When many of these amino acids are linked by When polypeptide chains are broken, a water
peptide bonds, the chain itself is called a molecule is consumed during a hydrolysis
POLYPEPTIDE. These polypeptide chains reaction. An example of this would be when
eventually come together to form structures of PEPSIN digests proteins in the stomach.
Observe the linkage between two amino acids to form a dipeptide molecule:
There are 20 amino acids. They may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Only the ones with side chains („R‟
groups) that contain ring structures are hydrophobic. Here are a few examples of amino acids.
- Serine – Used in the synthesis of components in the brain cell membranes and neurones.
- Leucine – Involved in increasing lean muscle mass.
- Valine – High levels are associated with insulin resistance and diabetes.
- Tryptophan – Converts to serotonin, which affects mood and sleep
- Aspartic acid – Contributes to the formation of urea.
1.8: Explain the meaning of terms: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins.
Recall that proteins are comprised of amino acid units which form polypeptide chains. The way in which
these are sequenced can occur in multiple levels of increasing complexity in proteins, resulting in what
are known as the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.
* Haemoglobin’s structure will change any time an O2 molecule is bound to the haem group.
The results in what is called a conformational change and protein ‘folds’, allowing quicker
binding of each successive O2 molecule. This is referred to as positive cooperativity.
There are four main types of bonds that help form the linkages that hold protein molecules in shape.
Hydrophobic Very weak. Not considered a bond. But Forms between R groups which
Interaction can denature in high heat. contain only C and H atoms.
Collagen is a protein found in our bodies that is mainly used for STRUCTURAL SUPPORT. It can be
found in areas such as cartilage, bones and tendons. Due to its structural role, its insolubility in water and
its repeating sequences, it is referred to as a FIBROUS protein. This contrasts with GLOBULAR proteins,
such as haemoglobin, antibodies and enzymes, which partake in chemical reactions, are often soluble in
water and the primary structures usually have specific shapes instead of repeated sequences.
1.10: Carry out tests for reducing and nonreducing sugars, starch, lipids and proteins.
FOR NON-REDUCING SUGARS: Recall that sucrose has a GLYCOSIDIC bond. To break this bond,
heat the solution with dilute HCl and then neutralize with SODIUM HYDROXIDE. This will yield
GLUCOSE and FRUCTOSE from the sucrose.
Starch is a polysaccharide that is comprised of Proteins have linkages called PEPTIDE bonds
amylose and amylopectin. The test for starch (between the C and N of adjacent amino acids).
presence involves the addition of IODINE BIURET reagent is used to test for proteins,
SOLUTION IN POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI/I2). which contains copper (II) sulphate and
The iodine is able to bind to the helical structure potassium hydroxide.
of amylose and produce the BLUE-BLACK
colour. When BIURET reagent is added, the copper ions
produce a PURPLE colour.
2.1 and 2.2: Make drawings of typical animal and plant cells as seen under the light microscope and
describe and interpret drawings and electron micrographs of cells;
Colour Image will appear in colour. Image will be in black and white.
Preparation of specimen Living cells and tissues are used. Non- Only non-living and dehydrated
living tissues may be used if they are cells are used. They are cut very
mounted on a slide in a transparent liquid. thinly and placed in a vacuum.
Staining of specimen Cells absorb many different coloured Cells and organelles absorb
stains. heavy metals.
Main advantages - Much more affordable than electron - Much higher resolution
- Much higher magnification
- Slides can last for a very long time.
- Little risk of distortion while viewing.
Recall that light microscopes have a much lower resolution and magnification than electron microscopes.
Photomicrographs therefore are unable to clearly show all of the organelles present in the structures of the
animal and plant cells. When an electron microscope is used to view the structure, the visible image is
Chloroplasts Chloroplasts and any plastids are absent. Present in photosynthetic cells.
Cell wall and Cell wall and plasmodesmata are absent. Present in cells, usually containing
plasmodesmata cellulose, pectin or lignin.
Cilia and flagella Present in some (e.g. sperm, respiratory Mostly absent.
2.5. Describe the structure of a prokaryotic cell. Compare their structure with eukaryotic cells.
As previously noted, the word “prokaryote” means “before the nucleus” and are thus this type of
organism is ancient (approximately 3.5 billion years). It was also previously noted that prokaryotes do not
have membrane-bound organelles such as MITOCHONDRIA and CHLOROPLASTS. It was believed a
very long time ago that three main types of cells existed:
It is now thought that the latter two organisms were absorbed by the first, thus giving rise to a new type of
cell that would be able to carry out the processes of PHOTOSYNTHESIS and RESPIRATION. They
were called ENDOSYMBIONTS, which eventually gave rise to other types of organelles and specialized
cells, which led to the rise of many different organisms as time passed.
2.7: Explain the concepts of tissue and organ using as an example the dicotyledonous root and stem.
Cells are known as the basic functional and When multiple cells form groups the carry out
biological units of all living organisms, whether the same function, they are known as TISSUES.
they are unicellular or multicellular. Many cells An example of this would be multiple cells
can be SPECIALIZED to perform specific called neurones forming a tissue called a nerve.
functions, such as red blood cells containing Blood is also an example of a tissue, since it
haemoglobin to carry oxygen, sperm cells contains many cells, such as red blood cells,
having a flagellum or muscle cells being able to lymphocytes and phagocytes. These tissues are
contract. then grouped together to form ORGANS and
then ORGAN SYSTEMS. Examples of organs
include the heart, liver, eye, leaf and root.
Observe the structures through a transverse cross-section of a buttercup (Ramunculus) root shown below.
Epidermis Has root hairs to provide large surface area for water absorption.
Cortex/Parenchyma Move water to the centre of the root either through cell walls or cells.
Air spaces Contains oxygen for aerobic respiration. Pathway for rapid diffusion.
Endodermis Waterproof layer to limit capillary action, due to presence of Casparian strips.
Vascular bundle Contains xylem for transporting water (across lignified walls) and phloem for
translocation of sucrose (through phloem sieve elements).
NOTE: The diagram to the left
represents a PLAN
DRAWING. These are
drawings depicting the general
structure and main parts of a
specimen without illustrating
the complexity of cell
The diagrams above and below depict a transverse section from a stem tissue taken from a Dahlia
specimen. Look at the above plan diagram and label the microscopic image similarly.
Sclerenchyma A very thick, hard layer of tissue used for support. Usually dead cells.
Collenchyma Layer of elongated cells with thick cell walls used for support. Usually alive.
The phosphilipid bilayer forms the basis of the This creates a double layer with larger proteins
plasma membrane around the cell, separating the and other structures known as the fluid mosaic
inner cytoplasm from the extracellular content. It model. The model can be thought as a “sea of
is made up of phospholipids, which have phospholipids with protein icebergs”.
HYDROPHILIC (attracted to water) phosphate
heads and HYDROPHOBIC (repelled by water) Membranes are important for transfer of
fatty acid tails. materials, acting as sites for receptors and
enzymes. They also allow passage of electrical
signals, such as in the axons of neurones.
Channel and Carrier Function as transporters for passage of hydrophilic substances or ATP.
Glycoproteins and Can act as receptor sites to allow binding of certain molecules such as
Extrinsic Proteins Do not penetrate the bilayer. May have glycoproteins attached to them.
Intrinsic Proteins Fixed into structure.. Have hydrophilic and hydrophic regions. The
hydrophobic regions are usually attracted to the lipid tails by
3.2: Explain the processes of diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active transport, endocytosis and
The plasma membrane allows movement of These two types of transport usually rely on the
molecules into and out of the cells. This can creation of a difference in concentrations on
happen in a number of ways. This process can both sides (or a concentration gradient).
occur without the use of ATP (called PASSIVE
transport) or with the use of ATP (called Movement of molecules can also occur via
ACTIVE transport). VESICLES either from the inside to the exterior
of the cell (EXOCYTOSIS) or from the exterior
into the cell (ENDOCYTOSIS).
Diffusion and Facilitated Diffusion are both examples of passive transport, which means that they do not
require the use of ATP.
Using the example with the KMnO4 crystals, We can thus define diffusion as: THE NET
diffusion occurs because the water molecules MOVEMENT OF MOLECULES OR IONS
have an „internal energy‟ causing them to be in FROM REGIONS OF HIGHER TO LOWER
constant random motion. CONCENTRATION.
is very
very much
much similar to
simple to
similar diffusion.
However, the
However, the main
main difference
difference is that SIMPLE
is that
DIFFUSION allows molecules
DIFFUSION allows molecules to enter to enter the
the cell
cell by
by movingthrough
phospholipid bilayer (imagine like
water draining
(imagine through
like water a layer
draining of sand).
through a layer of
sand). Facilitated diffusion requires the use of
specific diffusion
pathways requires
called the use of
CHANNEL specific
which formcalled CHANNEL
hydrophilic PROTEINS,
passages. Imagine which
these form
hydrophilic passages. Imagine these channels
channels like gates that will only allow entry for like open
gates that
specific will onlyorallow
molecules ions.entry for specific molecules
or ions. CARRIER PROTEINS are involved too.
1. Unlike the other two, active transport requires the use of ATP.
2. Active transport moves molecules from up or AGAINST a concentration gradient (from a region
of LOW concentration to a region of HIGH concentration).
Removal of carbon Movement of glucose Movement of ions Removing toxins Capturing pathogens that
dioxide from the through plasma from soil into plant from the cell‟s may endanger the
body. membrane in ileum. roots. interior. organism.
You will see water potential usually being represented as a negative (-) number. In fact, the water
potential of pure water at atmospheric pressure (with absolutely no solute in it) has a water potential of
ZERO. The more solute there is, the more negative Ψ becomes, since the solute molecules will attract the
water molecules and restrict their freedom to move.
3.3: Investigate the effects on plant cells of immersion into solutions of different water potentials.
Let‟s do this sample question below to plot the graph and determine the water potential of the tissue:
Molarity of sucrose sol’n (mol dm-3) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
% change in mass 24 15 11 2 -4 -8
From the graph, the water potential of the tissue will be found at a molarity of 0.35 mol dm-3.
Solute potential (or ψs) can be defined as the If there is too much solute in the cell, water will
amount by which a dissolved solute lowers the leave and the cell loses turgor and is said to have
water potential. Simply put, the higher the solute undergone PLASMOLYSIS. There is a point
potential, the lower the water potential. It is where the cell loses enough internal water
represented as a negative number and the higher pressure that it stops pressing against the cell
the solute potential, the more negative that wall. As a result, the cell wall stops pushing
number is (e.g. 0.50 mol dm-3 of sucrose has a back. The pressure potential now becomes zero.
ψs = -1450 while 1.00 mol dm-3 of sucrose has a This is the moment just before plasmolysis
ψs = -3500). occurs, when the plasma membrane will begin to
retract. This point is called INCIPIENT
This experiment seeks to determine that point. You can think of it as the point where the water potential
inside is equal to the solute potential inside (ψinside = ψs inside), that will cause water to start to flow out. To
observe this, the tissue will be observed under a microscope under varying sucrose concentrations.
The higher the sucrose concentration, the more cells will become plasmolysed. However, this will not
happen immediately. There will be a sucrose concentration that will act as a sudden „tipping point‟. The
aim to determine that point. Observe the sample readings below and plot the graph:
Salt conc. / 0.0 0.5 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0
g dm-3
% 0 0 0 15 30 60 80 96 100 100 100 100 100
4.1 and 2: Explain that enzymes are globular proteins that catalyse metabolic reactions. Also explain the
mode of action of enzymes in terms of an active site, enzyme and/or substrate complex, lowering of
activation energy and enzyme specificity.
Enzymes are globular proteins. They tend to be involved in metabolic reactions because their TERTIARY
structures (which are folded 3D structures of α helices and β sheets) are quite unique. As a result,
enzymes tend to be involved in specific reactions instead of structural roles, like fibrous proteins (e.g.
Enzymes act as BIOLOGICAL CATALYSTS, which means that they speed up a chemical reaction.
Without them, many processes in the body would occur too slowly. Before continuing, let us define three
important terms when it comes to chemical reactions in the body.
Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in the Respiration occurring in the
body. mitochondria of a cell.
The table below shows examples of a few enzymes you will learn in A‟ Level Biology.
Amylase Breaks down starch into maltose. Secreted by salivary glands and the pancreas.
Pepsin / Trypsin Breaks down proteins into polypeptides and into amino acids.
ATPase Involved in the synthesis of ATP during aerobic respiration. Found in mitochondria.
Catalase Breaks down toxic hydrogen peroxide in the body (2H2O2 2H2 + O2)
DNA ligase Joins two pieces of DNA molecules together, such as during genetic engineering.
As mentioned before, enzymes are globular proteins with 3D tertiary structures. They can either be
intracellular (inside the cell) or extracellular (outside of the cell, such as pepsin).
Enzymes bind with SUBSTRATE molecules to form an ENZYME-SUBSTRATE COMPLEX and finally
convert them into PRODUCTS. For a breakdown of starch, for example, starch would be the substrate,
amylase is the enzyme and maltase is the product. The enzyme is left unaltered at the end.
The substrates are always in motion due to their kinetic energy, so think of them as rapidly colliding with
the enzymes until they bind. The active site has R groups that interact with the substrate.
4.3: Explain the effects of pH, temperature, enzyme concentration and substrate concentration on enzyme
The graph shows the usual course of an enzyme reaction. With the enzyme, you will see that the initial
rate is very high. However, as a little time passes, it plateaus. Why is this? First, keep in mind there are
usually more substrate molecules than enzyme molecules.
The graph also shows that without the enzyme, the SAME AMOUNT of substrate would be converted
into product, but it would take a much longer time. This would also happen in a more LINEAR manner.
Think of pH as the suppression of HYDROGEN The issue with having many hydrogen ions is
IONS in a solution. So we can say that the lower that they tend to react with other groups, such as
the pH, the higher the number of hydrogen ions. the R groups of protein molecules and disrupt
the tertiary structure of enzymes. Differences in
pH can break IONIC bonds, change the shape of
the enzyme‟s active site and cause it to
4.4: Explain the effects of competitive and non-competitive inhibitors on enzyme activity.
The table below shows some examples of competitive and non-competitive inhibitors:
Competitive inhibitors prevent substrate from binding to ACTIVE site. No significant change in
active site shape occurs but substrate is blocked. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to
ALLOSTERIC site and significantly changes active site shape while inhibitor is binded.
1.1: Illustrate the structure of RNA and DNA using simple labelled diagrams.
It is important to recall that DNA stands for The DNA has the shape of a DOUBLE HELIX.
DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID and RNA Each chain of this helix is made of
stands for RIBONUCLEIC ACID. This is NUCLEOTIDES, which each have organic
because DNA lacks an OXYGEN that RNA has. BASES that are connected by HYDROGEN
They are mainly found in the NUCLEUS of the bonds.
cells and their tasks are to produce a genetic
code to express certain traits, such as eye colour, There are FOUR DNA bases, named ADENINE,
blood type and whether or not a disease is CYTOSINE, THYMINE and GUANINE.
present, such as haemophilia. Respectively, these are represented as the letters
A, C, T and G.
1. A phosphate group
2. A pentose sugar, deoxyribose or ribose
3. A nitrogenous base (A, C, T, G)
NOTE: There is an
Base Type Pairs With exception to this, but it
A Purine T occurs in RNA.
1.2: Explain the importance of hydrogen bonds and base pairing in DNA replication
You may recall that when cell division occurs, this is called MITOSIS. Mitosis allows one parent cell to
divide into two identical (clone) daughter cells. When mitosis occurs, the DNA replicates. What this
means is that it produces TWO copies. Where does this other copy come from?
The concept was proven by two scientists named Meselson and Stahl. They submerged E. coli bacteria
in ammonium chloride with the nitrogen isotope being „dense‟ (N-15). This meant that this isotope was
all the bacteria should‟ve had N-15 in its DNA. The cells were then transferred to a medium containing
the isotope N-14, which is „less dense‟.
The bacteria were harvested and the DNA collected and dissolved in caesium chloride (CsCl). This was
then put in a centrifuge and a concentration gradient was established. Observe the diagram below. After 1
generation, it showed a band of DNA of intermediate density.
1.3: Explain the relationship between the sequence of nucleotides and the amino acid sequence in a
We understand now that DNA is a double helical A GENE is the length of DNA that codes for a
structure of NUCLEOTIDES along a SUGAR- single polypeptide. A tiny alteration in the
PHOSPHATE backbone with HYDROGEN sequence of the DNA can cause a large change
bonds and wrapped around HISTONES. It is in the protein synthesized. If this occurs
code used by the cell to make PROTEINS, randomly (usually due to a „copying error‟), it is
which we learnt have many different functions called a MUTATION.
in the body. These instructions are taken to
RIBOSOMES, which synthesize these proteins.
As shown in the image below, there are a number of processes that take place for the DNA to be coded
into an amino acid, which will comprise the protein. The two main ones are:
Structure of a tRNA nucleotide During TRANSLATION, the bases from the mRNA
line up to make a polypeptide. Recall that the codons
are in triplets and that each triplet is linked to the
production of an amino acid.
The INITIATION of the translation process occurs when
the anticodon to the mRNA START codon is paired. The
mRNA start codon is AUG so the anticodon would be
UAC. All of this occurs through a slit in the ribosome.
1.5 & 6: Explain the relationship between the structure of DNA, protein structure and the phenotype of an
organism; and describe the relationship between DNA, chromatin and chromosomes.
- CHROMATIN can be thought of
DNA in its unravelled structure for the
purpose of packaging in the nucleus.
- A CHROMOSOME, however, is
highly condensed, meant for the
separation of genetic material.
Chromosomes usually come in pairs.
Humans have 22 pairs of
HOMOLOGOUS chromosomes and 2
sex chromosomes (X or Y).
Chromatin comes in two forms: Recall that DNA determines the sequencing of
HETEROCHROMATIN and EUCHROMATIN. the amino acids that produce the polypeptides
and proteins for these genes. Therefore, DNA
Heterochromatin is denser, more tightly coiled highly influences phenotype.
and darker in colour. This is found in DNA not
being used for transcription. It should be noted that phenotype can be
influenced by the ENVIRONMENT. For
Euchromatin is lighter-coloured and less tightly- example, genes can code for expressions of light
coiled, as it is prepared for transcription. complexions. However, exposure to sunlight can
stimulate MELANIN production in the basal
The PHENOTYPE of an organism refers to the epidermis, giving that person a darker
expression of a set of genes (e.g. black fur, blue complexion.
eyes, having a widow‟s peak).
2.1 & 2.2: Describe, with the aid of diagrams, the processes involved in mitotic cell division (including
interphase); AND observe freshly prepared root tip squash to show the stages of mitosis;
2.4: Discuss the role and importance of mitosis in growth, repair and asexual reproduction.
Role Explanation
Asexual When one parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells, this leads to asexual
reproduction reproduction in many organisms, both unicellular (such as AMOEBA) and
multicellular (such as in BRYOPHYLLUM meristems or in HYDRA). This is
because there is only ONE parent.
Growth Since mitosis results in cloned daughter cells, growth can normally occur in areas
such as the MERISTEMS of plants or of the ZYGOTE of animals, which will keep
dividing to eventually form the embryo.
Tissue repair Mitosis is used to regenerate any cells or tissue that has been lost due to damage or
age. The cells will divide and form new cloned daughter cells.
Immunity When exposed to pathogens, the body will ensure that there are adequate
LYMPHOCYTES to produce sufficient antibodies to destroy the foreign invaders.
When one is ill, there is always an excess production of white blood cells.
2.5: Explain what is meant by homologous pairs of chromosomes, and the terms haploid and diploid.
2.6 & 7: Describe with the aid of diagrams, the processes involved in meiotic cell division, and describe
how meiosis contributes to heritable variation.
Meiosis is type of cell division, in ways similar Meiosis is mainly different due to the fact that it
to mitosis, but with many key differences, produces daughter cells with GENETIC
especially concerning the daughter cells that are VARIATION, meaning each is different from
formed from the parent cell. Meiosis occurs in the parent and from each other. This is due to
any organisms that undergo SEXUAL DNA CROSSING OVER.
reproduction and must produce sex cells or
GAMETES. Chromosomes arrange themselves in pairs called
When two gametes fuse during Meiotic daughter cells also only have HAPLOID
FERTILIZATION, they form a ZYGOTE and numbers, meaning they have half the number of
be the first cell of a new organism. This cell then chromosomes.
repeatedly divides by MITOSIS as the organism
undergoes growth and further development.
There are THREE main mechanisms involved in sexual reproduction that contribute to genetic variation.
Two of these occur during meiosis and the third occurs during fertilization.
Mechanism Explanation
INDEPENDENT Chromosomes pair up into bivalents and align at the equator of the cell. One from
ASSORTMENT this pair come from the mother and the other from the father. These pairs are each
sorted into the daughter cells independently and can result in a massive number of
CROSSING Previously mentioned, crossing over in the bivalents occur in fusion and breakage
OVER points in the bivalent chromatids called chiasmata.
RANDOM Remember that gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes, which are all
FERTILIZATION independently assorted and crossed over. Each gamete is genetically unique. During
sexual reproduction, the gametes that fuse are up to chance.
Reason Explanation
Limiting spread of Genetic variation ensures that each member of a species has varying levels of
disease immunity against communicable diseases. If all the organisms were genetically
uniform, diseases would spread very quickly through populations.
A popular example involves the fungal Panama disease against Gros Michel
banana cultivars.
Ensuring a species can Genetic variation ensures that individuals are diverse enough to be able to
adapt to environmental survive in different climates, temperatures and differences in abiotic factors.
changes With climate change on the rise, vegetatively propagated plants that cannot
adapt to high fluctuations in temperature may die.
Preventing If organisms are diverse, so would their needs for survival such as diet and
overcompetition habitat. Due to this, these species would not have to fight for limited resources.
between members of the
The basic example of this are the finches on the Galapagos Islands, studied by
Charles Darwin to form his theory of evolution.
It is important to note that meiosis occurs in TWO main stages that are simply named MEIOSIS I and
MEIOSIS II. Meiosis I involves independent assortment and crossing over, while the stages in Meiosis II
is almost identical to mitosis.
NOTE: What may seem confusing at first are the terms „chromosome‟ and „chromatid‟. When
chromosomes are in their duplicated state, they are „2 sister chromatids‟ but still „1 chromosome‟. So when
DNA is replicated, there are 92 chromatids but still only 46 chromosomes. It is easier to determine the
chromosome number not by counting the chromatid strands but each unit as a whole.
2.8-2.11: Describe gene and chromosome mutations; sickle cell anaemia; mutations & genetic variation.
If a cell dies, the body must replace that cell. The only way to replace the cells is to first copy the
information that the cell contained. There is a complex system of proteins and enzymes that unravel the
DNA double helix so that the DNA can be copied.
If a single cell dies it can be replaced through Sometimes, a MUTATION may occur. This
MITOSIS. This system works well with single occurs when there is a RANDOM and
cell and simple organisms. More complex unpredictable error in this copying system. This
organisms use meiosis to produce gametes (egg can occur in numerous ways, such as a base
or sperm cells) for sexual reproduction. Meiosis being deleted, substituted or an extra base being
also begins with DNA replication. The genetic added. Sometimes MUTAGENS, such as
stability of a multicellular organism is reliant on carcinogens of high-frequency radiation, can
an accurate DNA replication system. increase the likelihood of mutations by
damaging the DNA.
Note that mutations can be categorised into two main groups: GENE and CHROMOSOME. There are
also numerous ways in which gene mutations can occur:
SUBSTITUTION (or Replaces one base with another. Sometimes this does not
POINT MUTATION) result in any change (as many triplets code for the same
protein), so it is often called a SILENT mutation.
Examples include SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA and PKU.
DELETION The loss of a base pair. Changes how the entire DNA
sequence is read. Also called a FRAME SHIFT
mutation, due all the bases being „shifted‟.
While gene mutations are changes in the When the cell divides during the first phases of
nucleotide sequences in the DNA (such as by MEIOSIS, there is a random chance of the
insertion, substitution or deletion), chromosome chromosomes being pulled apart unevenly
mutations are changes in the cell‟s chromosome between the daughter cells. When this happens,
NUMBER or chromosome STRUCTURE. it is called NON-DISJUNCTION.
Examples of chromosome
mutations include Down‟s
Syndrome, Klinefelter‟s
syndrome (XXY
chromosomes) and Turner
syndrome. (only one X
chromosome in women).
Recall that all members of the same species are able to interbreed and produce FERTILE offspring. Every
species has some genetic variation, due to only half of the chromosomes being passed down from each
parent after being independently assorted and crossed over. Note that ENVIRONMENTAL variation
(such as sunlight exposure affecting skin complexion) is not passed down through genes.
A MUTATION is a random change in the DNA, sometimes involving a trait not present in the parent
organism. As a result of this, new PROTEINS may be translated from the new nucleotide sequences,
resulting in new PHENOTYPES. This can have a great impact on NATURAL SELECTION, if these new
phenotypes give the organism an advantage over others in its environment.
3.1 & 2: Explain the terms: gene, allele, dominant, recessive, codominant, homozygous and heterozygous.
Use genetic diagrams to solve problems involving monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Term Definition
Allele A different form of a gene, found on the same locus of the chromosome.
„Wild type‟ alleles refer to those found naturally in populations.
Dominant Describes an allele that will express its trait even if a different allele is present.
Recessive Describes an allele that will only express its trait if a dominant allele is absent.
Codominance Describes alleles that produce a combined effect when expressed together.
Genotype A gene combination that will express a trait. (e.g. FF, Ff and ff are all genotypes)
Phenotype The observable characteristics expressed by that trait. (e.g. round or wrinkled seeds).
Ultimately determined by genes, which are sequences of DNA that lead to the
formation of proteins. Changing a gene can thus change expression and phenotype.
Homozygous A genotype where both alleles are the same. (e.g. FF or ff)
Autosomes Refers to chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes (the first 22 pairs).
Dihybrid inheritance The inheritance of two genes at the same time (e.g. AABB, AaBb, aaBB, AAbb, etc.)
Epistasis The event where the genotype for one gene affects the expression of another gene.
Chi-square (χ2) test A statistical test that determines whether or not observed ratios are significally different
from expected ratios.
Null hypothesis A statement in a chi-square test that says that there is no significant difference between
what is observed and expected.
When a single gene is inherited at a time, this is called monohybrid inheritance. Most of the Punnett
squares you‟ve done previously has been related to this type of inheritance. Many traits, such as blood
type and eye colour, and inheritance of mutant alleles that cause diseases come as a result of this.
Let‟s use CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) as an The faulty allele ensures that the protein is not
example. This is an inheritable disease that produced and chloride ions build up, resulting in
causes the body to produce large amounts of the mucus build-up. CF is inherited in an
thick mucus in the lungs and pancreas. AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE manner, meaning
that the disease only occurs if both RECESSIVE
This mucus becomes a breeding ground for alleles are present in the genotype (ff). The
bacteria, which leads to other infections. CF is presence of a dominant allele (F) prevents the
caused by a „faulty‟ allele, which would usually expression of the faulty recessive allele.
produce a channel protein called CFTR, which
allows flow of CHLORIDE ions in and out of a
Let‟s observe how two parents who are carriers for CF can produce a child with CF.
O is recessive to A and B.
Sex-linked (not to be confused with sexually The Y chromosome is small compared to the X
transmitted) traits occur when the alleles are and has less available positions for alleles, so
placed in either the X or Y chromosomes. Note some alleles will be present in the X but not the
that these two chromosomes are not Y.
HOMOLOGOUS, which means that they would
not have the same number of gene loci. It is notable that men cannot pass on an allele
from their sole X-chromosome to their sons as
their sons would always inherit their Y
chromosome and the X from the mother.
One popular example of a sex-linked disease is HAEMOPHILIA, which occurs due to inheritance of a
faulty allele that is placed on the X chromosome but which locus is absent on the Y chromosome.
Therefore, if a boy only has one faulty allele, he will have haemophilia. A girl would need two faulty
alleles. As a result, it is more likely for boys to inherit haemophilia.
Using XH as the normal blood clotting allele and Xh as the haemophilia allele, complete the Punnett
square below. (Remember the Y chromosome does not have a locus for the allele, so it‟s left blank.)
The concept of dihybrid inheritance is mostly similar RRYY Round, yellow peas
to monohybrid inheritance, with the standout RRYy Round, yellow peas
difference being that it occurs when TWO alleles are RRyy Round, green peas
inherited at the same time.
RrYY Round, yellow peas
These two alleles could be on two separate RrYy Round, yellow peas
chromosomes but often act together. One pair of
Rryy Round, green peas
alleles may also influence the expression of another
pair. When this occurs, it is called EPISTASIS. rrYY Wrinkled, yellow peas
rrYy Wrinkled, yellow peas
Let‟s look at traits of peas, where round (R) is
dominant to wrinkled (r) and yellow (Y) is dominant to rryy Wrinkled, green peas
green (y).
As previously said, sometimes during dihybrid However, if a pair of alleles determines the
inheritance, the expression of a pair of alleles organism does not have a pigment (an
can have influence over the expression of others. ALBINO), then the other allele combinations
Sometimes a trait will not manifest because of would not matter. If the first pair of alleles
the expression of another trait, or if a pair codes determines the animal is an albino, then no other
for the absence of a certain enzyme. A very coat colour is even possible.
common example occurs with coat colour in
animals. Coat colour depends on the presence of This is known as EPISTASIS. It should be noted
pigments. that epistasis can be either dominant or
Let‟s look at this example below. Picture a species of mouse that can have either a brown (b) or black (B)
alleles for coat colour. Black is dominant to brown. However, another pair of alleles code for the presence
of melanin to produce the coat. „C‟ represents melanin production and „c‟ represents no melanin.
3.3: Analyse the results of a genetic cross by applying the
WHAT IS THE χ2 (CHI-SQUARE) TEST? Chi-square test.
The χ2 test is a statistical test that is often used to compare OBSERVED results with EXPECTED results
to determine if there are any significant differences between them. This is done to see if there are any
external variables affecting the results, such as environmental factors, mutations or human intervention.
To do any statistical test, a NULL HYPOTHESIS is first set up. A null hypothesis would read as:
H0: The observed results are not significantly different from the expected results.
If this is not so, then the ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS must be accepted, which would read as:
H1: The observed results and expected results have a significant difference between them.
Now here was what was actually observed: 5474 plants with round peas
and 1850 plants with wrinkled peas. The total was thus 7324. We now
have to determine what was expected to happen. To do this, we just
multiply the total by the percentages:
2 0.21 1.39 4.60 5.99 9.21 13.82 Now, determine the „p value‟ on the table
provided. The „p value‟ is used to determine if
3 0.58 2.37 6.25 7.82 11.34 16.27 there are any significant differences between
observed and expected values.
4 1.61 3.36 7.78 9.49 13.28 18.46
Typically a „p value‟ of > 0.05 or 5% means that
You‟ll see that our probability lies between 0.5 and 0.9 (much there is no statistical significant difference between
higher than 0.05). So we can fail to reject the null hypothesis. the two and we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
QUESTION ONE: “During dihybrid inheritance, two pea plants of genotypes RrYy were crossed. This
should have yielded a 9:3:3:1 ratio. The offspring were counted and the numbers were recorded.”
The degrees of freedom would be 3. Use the table on the previous page to determine whether to accept the
null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis.
In this case, the ALTERNATIVE hypothesis would be accepted, meaning that there IS a significant
difference between the observed and expected results. We have rejected the null hypothesis.
QUESTION TWO: “During dihybrid inheritance, brown coat and black coat mice were mated and their
offspring observed. They experienced recessive epistasis, meaning some offspring had white coats. Their
expected ratio was 3 brown : 3 black : 2 white.”
Use the table on the previous page to determine the „p‟ value.
In this case, the NULL hypothesis would be accepted, meaning that there ISN‟T a significant difference
between the observed and expected results.
NOTE: Even though we have been saying „accept‟ null hypothesis, the actual terminology is to „fail to
reject‟ the null hypothesis. The difference in the language is minor but therein still lies a difference.
4.1 & 4.2: Outline the principles of restriction enzyme use in removing sections of the genome, and
explain the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology.
Genetic engineering (GE) can be defined as THE ALTERING OF THE DNA in an organism, usually by
extracting and inserting the DNA from a member of one species to another species. This altered DNA is
called RECOMBINANT DNA and the organism which genome now contains it is called a GMO, which
It is often compared to ARTIFICIAL SELECTION (or selective breeding), but they remain two entirely
separate processes. Whereas both involve the passing of traits from one organism to another, GE is a
more specific and expensive process, using enzymes to cut, transfer and attach DNA, one gene at a time.
It can also change the DNA of the organism without having it inherit the traits from its parents. This
means it can be used to treat certain diseases, such as SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA.
First, lengths of DNA are cut from the human DNA. This is done using a RESTRICTION
enzyme. These are made by bacteria to fight off bacteriophage viruses.
Similarly, the restriction enzyme makes cuts on a bacteria PLASMID (a circular length of DNA).
Imagine that this leaves a gap in that DNA. This is also called a VECTOR.
Another enzyme named DNA LIGASE is used to join both sets of DNA to make a segment of
The recombinant DNA is inserted into the bacteria, which now becomes a GMO. The
recombinant bacterial cells are now cloned. This can be done using a process called PCR.
This process is just a general overview. There are many variations and processes involved.
INSULIN is a hormone (a protein) that is produced by the BETA cells of the human PANCREAS. It is
necessary for the conversion of GLUCOSE TO GLYCOGEN. GE is used in the modern day to produce
large amounts of insulin from transgenic E. coli. The first step is to extract the human DNA code for
insulin production.
This is done using an enzyme called REVERSE DNA POLYMERASE is now used to attach free
TRANSCRIPTASE. This enzyme takes the nucleotides to form the other strand. The insulin
mRNA extracted from the pancreatic beta cells gene has now been isolated.
and uses it as a template to produce a single
complementary strand of DNA.
NOTE: CRISPR-Cas9 is a modern example of
genetic technology that has allowed genome editing
by adding or altering sections of the DNA sequence.
It is one of the most precise methods right now.
A PLASMID is commonly used as a vector to When bacteria are attacked by viruses, they
transport genetic material from one organism to produce RESTRICTION ENZYMES. These can
another. Recall that plasmids refer to DNA be used to cut particular base sequences of
packaged in a circular form and are usually DNA. A popular example of a restriction
found in bacterial cells. Another thing to note is enzyme is EcoRI, which cuts a GAATTC
that plasmids often contain some genes that sequence (as well as cDNA sequence).
make them resistant to ANTIBIOTICS.
Observe that the cuts are asymmetrical and so then mixed until they pair with each other to
leave points that jut out. These are known as form RECOMBINANT DNA. An enzyme called
STICKY ENDS and can easily form hydrogen DNA LIGASE is then used to „tie‟ everything
bonds with complementary base pairs and form together, linking the sugar-phosphate backbones
new DNA. This is also done to the insulin DNA. of the DNA molecule.
The bacterial plasmids and the insulin DNA are
Compound Role
RESTRICTION Used as “molecular scissors” to cut pieces of DNA. Leaves sticky ends to
ENZYMES attach complementary pieces of DNA.
REVERSE Synthesizes DNA molecules from mRNA template.
DNA LIGASE Used as “molecular glue” to connect lengths of DNA and form bonds.
DNA POLYMERASE Used in DNA replication, to produce a complementary strand of DNA from a
single DNA molecule.
4.3: Discuss the successes and challenges of gene therapy in modern medicine.
There are numerous success stories and challenges associated with gene therapy:
SCID: The first human to receive gene therapy was an infant girl with SCID (severe combined immune-
deficiency), which is caused by a faulty gene that prevented the production of an enzyme. Due to this, the
girl was unable to fight off PATHOGENS. The correct allele was inserted into the girl‟s white blood cells
using a RETROVIRUS vector and re-inserted into her body. She was then able to resist pathogens and
lead a normal life.
CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF): Patients with CF CF is caused by a defective recessive allele that
tend to produce thick MUCUS in multiple parts is responsible for a carrier protein called CFTR.
of the body. This mucus can become breeding The protein is not placed on the plasma
grounds for bacteria and thus, many organs may membrane. Researchers first placed the correct
be prone to infections. It may even cause men to allele in a LIPOSOME, which could diffuse
be sterile due to blocking ducts in the male through the phospholipid bilayer. It worked only
reproductive system. temporarily. Researchers then tried VIRUS
vectors to transport the gene but patients began
to suffer side-effects from infection. The studies
are ongoing.
With the advent of technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, studies are currently being done on treating
4.4: Discuss the implications of the use of GMO’s on humans and the environment.
Environmental The release of a GMO species would have the possibility of causing an
ECOLOGICAL IMBALANCE. The main concern is that crops can spread
their genes to wild plants through pollination.
Crops, such as maize, are also engineered to produce their own PESTICIDES.
However, due to NATURAL SELECTION, insects may become resistant to
the pesticides. The insecticides may also inadvertently harm insects that are not
considered pests.
Ethical and Social There is a strong argument that, because the process is often irreversible, GE is
viewed as PLAYING GOD.
Medical It is possible for ALLERGENS can be transferred from one food crop to
another through genetic engineering. Another concern is that pregnant women
eating GMO products may endanger their offspring by harming normal fetal
development and altering gene expression.
GMO‟s may lead to diseases not yet known. As defective genes are replaced
with functional genes, it is expected that there will be a reduction in genetic
DIVERSITY, making the population more susceptible to infections.
5.1 – 5.3: Explain how environmental factors act as forces of natural selection; how natural selection
may be an agent of change or constancy; and how it is a mechanism of evolution.
Recall that whenever species reproduce SEXUALLY, the offspring receives half of each parent‟s
chromosomes after being independently assorted and crossed over, resulting in unique nucleotide
sequences. Due to this, each member is said to have GENETIC variation. This combines with
environmental factors such as climate, geography, temperature and water availability. As a result, some
members of the same species may exhibit slightly different physical characteristics from others, such as
size, colour and even susceptibility to disease.
Darwin‟s observations and deductions: Only the organisms BEST ADAPTED are the
ones more likely to survive and pass on these
Darwin made several observations and advantageous traits to their offspring. The
deductions when coming up with the theory of species eventually becomes better and better
natural selection. The theory of natural selection adapted to overcome these selective pressures.
posits that certain environmental challenges (or
SELECTIVE PRESSURES) may arise. These E.g. if members of a species develop immunity
selective pressures could be a change in to a certain infectious, deadly disease, these are
temperature, the rise of a pathogen or the the ones that will survive and reproduce.
introduction of a new predator, for example.
Observation Deduction
Members of a species VARY between each other. If traits can be inherited then the organisms will pass them
Some of these variations are INHERITED. on to their offspring.
Population numbers remain fairly CONSTANT Members that are BEST ADAPTED to their environment
over long periods of time. are the ones most likely to survive, reproduce and pass on
their ADVANTAGEOUS traits.
Observation Deduction
TRINIDADIAN GUPPIES Trinidadian guppies are models of natural selection. They have
developed various mechanisms that help them evade predators.
They can produce excess PIGMENT in their eyes, making them
black, to throw off predators‟ aim.
Depending on their predators, they will grow to different SIZES
upon sexual maturity. For e.g. guppies with cichlid predators
grow to smaller sizes since cichlids tend to hunt larger fish.
CARIBBEAN ANOLE LIZARDS Anole lizards have been observed to branch into many different
colours and sizes, called ECOMORPHS. This is totally
dependent on their habitat and diets, just like with Darwin‟s
It was observed that a single type of anole lizard in each island
branched into the same ecomorphs on the different islands,
providing evidence that evolution can be predicted and repeated.
This, along with the guppies, have also shown evolution
occurring on a much shorter timespan.
Antibiotics are chemicals that are ingested to kill bacteria. They are usually produced by other living
organisms. A prime example is PENICILLIN, which is produced by the Penicillium fungus. Penicillin
prevents the formation of CELL WALLS in bacteria cells. However, some MUTANT bacteria have
produced an enzyme which inactivates penicillin and thus, have become RESISTANT to it.
As a result, any bacteria that isn‟t resistant to penicillin will die, leaving the mutant population to
REPRODUCE and rapidly increase. This is highly dangerous, especially to patients who are already very
ill. The antibiotics in this case would be an example of a SELECTIVE PRESSURE. There exists a type of
bacteria called MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) which are resistant to numerous
antibiotics and usually infect patients with compromised immune systems.
There is also the case of INSECTICIDE resistance, where many pests have grown resistant to them. This
is usually an argument for BIOLOGICAL CONTROLS being used instead of insectides.
Observation Deduction
5.4 & 5.5: Discuss the biological species concept and explain the process of speciation.
At O‟ Level, you would have learnt that two members of the same species:
This is known as the BIOLOGICAL SPECIES There exists one major limitation with rigidly
CONCEPT and has been used to classify sticking with this concept, however: It only
organisms into different taxa quite successfully, applies to organisms that reproduce
with each species being given their own SEXUALLY. It also cannot be used to classify
binomial name, e.g. Canis lupus, Ursus arctos, organisms that are EXTINCT. By definition, it
Leo panthera and Homo sapiens. also includes inbreeding, which reduces vigour.
This is where an alternate method exists called the PHYLOGENETIC SPECIES CONCEPT. In this
method, organisms are classified according to certain defining traits or MORPHOLOGY. This is used to
trace a „genetic history‟ of the organism, tracing back to its common ancestors.
One major limitation with this method, however, is dealing with species that demonstrate
POLYMORPHISM, or having many different forms that can be mistaken for different species. Both
white and dark variants of the peppered moth, for example, could easily be mistaken as two separate
species just by looking at them.
Extinct species Cannot be used to classify extinct Can be used to classify extinct species and
species and fossils. fossils.
Speciation, put simply, is the formation of a new When isolation occurs, various groups of the
species or when two or more species branch out same species may be subjected to different
from a common ancestor. This usually occurs SELECTIVE PRESSURES and would have to
due to a mechanism known as ISOLATION, ADAPT to varying circumstances. After a while,
which sets up different kinds of barriers that no GENE FLOW will occur between the
prevent members of a species from interacting. splintered populations and each population will
These barriers can be geographical, behavioural evolve into a new species.
or even based on times of sexual maturity.
GEOGRAPHICAL Occurs when two species are Darwin‟s finches were separated from each
PHYSICALLY SEPARATED by a other by living on different islands in the
large mass, such as an ocean or Galapagos. Gene flow was not possible.
mountain. Leads to ALLOPATRIC speciation.
ECOLOGICAL Occurs when two species live in the Red-legged frogs and American bullfrogs
same area but RARELY OR NEVER live in the same ecosystem. However, red-
MEET. legged frogs dwell in streams while bullfrogs
breed in ponds.
BEHAVIOURAL Occurs when two species have Eastern and western meadowlark birds have
different COURTSHIP behaviours. different mating calls. Different species of
fireflies have different lighting signals.
MECHANICAL Occurs when the two species are It is unlikely for white sage and black sage to
incompatible, either in terms of size, form hybrids in the wild as they are
genitalia or GAMETES. pollinated by two different types of bees.
TEMPORAL Occurs when two species live in the Some cicadas tend to have 13-year cycles
same place but experience different while others have 17-year cycles. It is rare
TIMES of sexual maturity. that these sync up for them to mate.
Recall GEOGRAPHICAL isolation, where species will form splinter groups due to a separation by a land
mass, such as a mountain. The presence of this mountain means that the groups will not meet and thus,
will not mate. On either side of the mountain, there may be different selective pressures, such as different
coloured trees, terrain, predators, rainfall. Each member must now adapt to these pressures. This
geographical barrier will thus cause new species to arise.
- DARWIN‟S FINCHES being physically separated by the water masses between islands.
- The PORKFISH and PANAMIC PORKFISH being separated by the isthmus of Panama.
- The KAIBAB, a subspecies of the ABERT squirrel live on opposite ends of the Grand Canyon.
Whereas allopatric speciation deals with speciation arising in two geographically separated areas,
SYMPATRIC SPECIATION occurs when there is no geographical separation. If organisms living in
the same habitat, for example, can somehow overcome their temporal, ecological or behavioural barriers,
they may undergo sympatric speciation.
Examples include:
A species of fruit fly in North America named R. pomonella Sometimes some wild wheat plants can randomly
usually fed and laid their eggs on hawthorn berries. However, double their chromosome number. These are
after apples were introduced in the 1800‟s, some began laying called POLYPLOIDS. These polyploids are
eggs in apples. These populations are becoming increasingly usually sterile but some can thrive and fertilize
distinct from each other and will one day undergo speciation. each other.
1.1 & 2: Describe the structure of the anther and the formation of pollen grains; and the structure of the
ovule and formation of the embryo sac
Flowering plants are also called Male gametes are formed within the POLLEN
ANGIOSPERMS. They contain reproductive grains, found in the ANTHERS, while female
organs, which produce sex cells called gametes are found within EMBRYO SACS,
GAMETES, similar to animals. These gametes, found inside of the OVULE.
both male and female, are HAPLOID in nature,
meaning they contain half the number of
chromosomes. Unlike sperm cells in animals, pollen
grains are not MOTILE and thus
require an external agent to transport
them. When these grains are deposited
on the STIGMA of a flower, this is
called POLLINATION. When the
male and female gamete fuse, this is
called FERTILIZATION, though this
requires a sequence of steps to occur.
As previously stated, the male gametes are formed inside pollen grains. These pollen grains are formed
from MICROSPORANGIAL cells found within four pollen SACS in the ANTHER of the flower.
Observe the micrograph and table below for the placement and roles of the various structures within the
Fibrous Layer Thickened cellulose walls. Eventually separates to release pollen grains.
Tapetum Inner layer of pollen sac that provides nutrition to developing grains.
Stomium The point at which dehiscence occurs, to release the pollen grains.
Pollen mother cell Diploid. Divide by meiosis to produce four haploid gamete nuclei.
Formation of pollen grains occur when a POLLEN MOTHER CELL undergoes MEIOSIS to form a
TETRAD of haploid cells called MICROSPORES. These then undergo MITOSIS to form two types of
nuclei within each, eventually maturing to form the protective walls of the pollen grain.
The female gametes are formed inside embryo sacs. These are located within the ovules and are formed
from MEGASPORANGIAL cells. Observe the diagram and table below for the placement and roles of
the various structures within the ovule:
1.3 & 1.6: Explain the sequence of events from pollination to fertilization; and the significance of double
fertilization in the embryo sac.
HOW DOES POLLINATION OCCUR? Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the
stigma. Flowers that exhibit AUTOGAMY are SELF-
POLLINATED (within the same flower, or between two
flowers of the same plant) and flowers that exhibit
flowers of different plants).
Those that have relatively dull and small petals and no scent, but have long filaments that extend out of
the flower will likely be pollinated by WIND. These types produce vast amounts of light pollen grains
and have feathery stigmas for them to attach.
Recall that in the pollen grains in the anther, there were TWO nuclei. One was the GENERATIVE
nucleus and the other was the TUBE nucleus. The generative nucleus divides by mitosis into two haploid
male GAMETES, while the TUBE nucleus allows the growth of a structure called a POLLEN TUBE.
That might have been a lot to take in! So let‟s recap the various parts involved:
Tube nucleus n Enables and regulates growth of pollen tube to carry gametes.
Primary nucleus 2n Formed in embryo sac after two haploid nuclei fuse. In centre.
Egg cell n Found among synergids in embryo sac. The female gamete.
Endosperm nucleus 3n Formed after second male gamete fuses with primary nucleus.
1.4 & 1.5: Explain how cross-fertilization is promoted; and genetic consequences of sexual reproduction
There are numerous reasons why some flowers or florists will want to allow self-pollination and self-
fertilization to occur (also called INBREEDING), as desirable traits can be predictably passed down
along generations and the flowers can be produced in very large numbers at a rapid rate. This happens
very easily with HERMAPHRODITIC plants, which mean they have both male and female parts.
In the top diagram, the plant has a genotype ascribed S1S2. The pollen grains
containing either the S1 or S2 allele are incompatible with the stigma and will
not germinate on this flower. This is called SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY.
In the one to the left, notice that there are two different types of flowers (pin
and thrum). Primroses are like this. It is difficult for pin flowers to self-
pollinate due to the stigmas being higher than the anthers.
Dioecious plants (Dioecy) Male and female flowers of the same species are found Dioecious: Chenet, paw-
on separate plants, making self-pollination difficult. paw, marijuana
In monoecious plants, male and female flowers are
Monoecious: Pumpkin,
located on the same plants.
maize, castor oil
Protandry and protogyny Either stamens mature before the stigmas (protandry) or Protandry – Fireweed
stigmas are receptive to pollen before release (protogyny)
Protogyny – Soursop,
Self-incompatibility The pollen with the same genetic code as the stigma of Tobacco, cabbage
the same flower will not germinate if contact is made.
Heterostyly The various forms of the flowers‟ reproductive organs Primrose, red cordia
make it difficult for self-pollination to occur due to
stigma and anther position. See previous page.
1.7: Discuss the development of the seed and the fruit from the embryo sac and its contents.
1. The zygote begins dividing by mitosis. A smaller TERMINAL cell is formed, with the initial zygotic
cell being called the BASAL cell. Surrounding the zygote is the ENDOSPERM, which nourishes it
and allows development to occur.
After fertilization occurs, the embryo sac and the ovule begin to undergo numerous changes as the ovary
becomes a fruit and the ovules become seeds. The table below will list some of those changes:
Egg cell Becomes a ZYGOTE (2n) and then undergoes mitosis to become an EMBRYO.
When this occurs, multiple structures develop such as a root (RADICLE), embryo
shoot (PLUMULE) and first leaves (COTYLEDONS).
Integuments Becomes the seed coat or TESTA as it becomes thickened and waterproof with
lignin and cellulose.
Petals Wither and fall off, along with the sepals. Exceptions include dandelions.
Endosperm nucleus Becomes the ENDOSPERM after mitosis, which nourishes the embryo during
germination, usually high in proteins and starches.
Ovary and ovary wall The ovary becomes the FRUIT and the wall becomes the PERICARP, the „flesh‟
of the fruit. The pericarp usually has some role to play in seed dispersal.
Advantages Disadvantages
Offspring remain well-adapted to a non-changing Due to lack of genetic variation, pathogens and
environment as all traits are inherited from parent diseases may be able to spread very quickly through
organism. populations.
Rapid growth of population can occur since only Overcompetition may occur, either among offspring or
one parent is needed and no gestation period. New between parent and offspring, especially in plants due
habitats can be colonized quickly. to being in close proximity.
Offspring may be able to utilize parent as a nutrient Very low genetic diversity can lead to lack of
source during the early stages of life. evolutionary changes in species.
Vegetative propagation is the process of producing plant offspring on a large scale, taking advantage of
the facets of asexual reproduction. This is usually done for commercial purposes and can be done with the
use of cuttings and tissue culture.
Tissue culture
Tissue culture is more frequently used in large scale production and can be done in a laboratory at any
location. Plant tissue is differentiated from animal tissue in that they are able to produce other cell types
(similar to stem cells). Because plant tissue can do this, they are said to exhibit TOTIPOTENCY.
A meristematic clump of cells called an EXPLANT is removed from the parent and placed in a STERILE
nutrient solution (usually high in sucrose, Vitamin B, nitrates and mineral ions) containing AUXIN and
CYTOKININ, hormones that stimulate cell growth and division. Sterility is key to prevent infection by
pathogens and fungi. The explants then undergo mitosis to form larger clumps called CALLUSES. When
the plant is at a certain point of development, they are transplanted into sterile soil.
2.1&2: Describe the structure & function of the male & female reproductive systems; and gametogenesis
Stage Description
Ovulation The release of a secondary oocyte (not ovum) from the ovary.
Copulation / Coitus The act of intercourse, where male gametes are delivered to the female gametes.
Fertilization The fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes.
Implantation The action of the early embryo sinking into the endometrium.
Gestation The period between conception and birth, where foetal development occurs.
The prostate gland, seminal vesicles and Cowper‟s glands are all involved with SEMEN production. The
scrotum is kept external to the body as sperm production is optimum at a slightly COOLER temperature.
Remember that semen and sperm are two different things. The semen is simply the nourishing and transport
medium for the spermatozoa. A man has the ability to ejaculate semen which contains no spermatozoa, in which
he is said to be infertile.
The male urethra is notable as being much longer than the female urethra, making urinary tract infections less
likely for men. The female urethra is separate from the female reproductive tract.
Downloaded by Anthony Hosein (
Recall that for gametes to be produced, diploid cells must divide by meiosis to produce haploid cells. So
where does this occur?
Our focus will be on the diagram to the right, within the the lumens of the seminiferous tubules within the
lobules of the testes. These are usually convoluted structures, where spermatogenesis take place. Special
large cells called SERTOLI cells help “nurse” or nourish the cells and regulate the process.
Spermatogenesis begins at a layer of cells called SPERMATOGONIA placed along the outer wall (called
the germinal epithelium). These divide by mitosis and grow into larger structures called PRIMARY
The diploid primary spermatocytes divide by MEIOSIS to now to first become haploid SECONDARY
SPERMATOCYTES and then into SPERMATIDS. Spermatids will then grow a tail-like structure as they
specialize to become SPERMATOZOA, the male gametes.
1 – Spermatozoa
2 – Spermatid
3 – Primary spermatocyte
4 – Spermatogonia
5 – Sertoli cell
There are a few idiosyncrasies when it comes to the production of female gametes (oogenesis). You may
have learnt at O‟ Level that the egg cells (or ova) are released from the ovaries during ovulation. This is
not entirely true as the actual structure that is released is a precursor to the ovum, called a SECONDARY
In order to understand what is happening during oogenesis, we should look at a cross-section of the ovary.
There are notable similarities and differences when compared to spermatogenesis. For example, haploid
cells are produced during meiosis and the process begins along germinal epithelial cells in the ovaries.
However, this begins when the girl is an embryo instead of at puberty, like a boy.
2.3: Discuss how the structure of the ovum and the sperm facilitate their functional roles in fertilization.
First, let‟s recap some facts and comparisons about spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
Forms what? 4 spermatozoa. 1 secondary oocyte and 2-3 much smaller polar
Timeline Starts at puberty and continues into old Starts when female is a foetus, then stops.
age. Uninterrupted until death. Resumes at puberty and an egg is released
monthly. Terminates at menopause.
Production rate About 200 million sperm daily, fully Releases one secondary oocyte every menstrual
matured. cycle.
Some key comparisons between the two gametes:
Size Head is about 3µm wide and tail is 50µm About 100µm in diameter. Much larger.
long. Much smaller.
Nucleus Haploid. Can contain either X or Y sex Haploid. Only contains X chromosomes.
Membranes Plasma membrane around head with Has multiple layers: a plasma membrane with
glycoproteins that support union with microvilli, glycoprotein-rich zona pellucida and
oocyte. corona radiata.
Meiotic stage Already completed meiosis II upon Only completes meiosis II after fertilization to become
release. ovum.
The basic definition of fertilization is the fusion of the nuclei of both male and female gametes.
Fertilization takes place in the OVIDUCT. Sperm are ejaculated during coitus, caused by the stimulation
of nerves along the vasa deferentia and muscular contractions push sperm out of the urethra. The sperm
use semen as a medium, a fluid containing CALCIUM ions, CITRATE and FRUCTOSE.
MEIOSIS finally completes and the polar body helps discard the
other set of chromatids. The male and female gamete nuclei fuse
to form a diploid zygote.
2.5, 2.8 & 2.9: Discuss the process of implantation; the structure & functions of the placenta and amnion.
When the zygote forms, it continuously divides by MITOSIS to form a ball of cells known as a
BLASTOCYST. The blastocyst moves along the Fallopian tube due to contractions along its muscular
wall and with help from cilia. It will finally reach the uterus, where it will attach itself to the lining of the
uterus wall, or ENDOMETRIUM. It is now said to have been implanted.
2.6: Discuss the importance of hormones in gametogenesis and the menstrual cycle.
Before we discuss the intricate systems that these hormones belong to, let‟s summarize them:
Progesterone Gonads Maintains lining of uterus for implantation; produced by corpus luteum
Inhibin Testes Inhibits the release of GnRH, thus also inhibiting release of FSH and LH.
hPL Placenta Lipolysis to provide nutrients for foetus. May result in gestational diabetes
DMPA and Progestin Synthetic Prevents ovulation or thickens cervical mucus. Used for birth control.
Observe the diagram above, as it correlates hormonal activity to the development of the follicle and
changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle. Here, we will break it down the timeline:
Day 6 – 14 – FOLLICULAR PHASE – The presence of FSH and LH triggers the release of
OESTROGEN from the ovarian THECA. As oestrogen levels rise, this causes a positive feedback
effect and a surge in LH. Oestrogen levels plummet as GnRH is inhibited.
Day 14 – This surge in LH triggers OVULATION, causing the follicle to rupture and secondary
oocyte to release. The ruptured follicle becomes a CORPUS LUTEUM.
Day 14 – 28 – LUTEAL PHASE – The corpus luteum secretes PROGESTERONE to keep the
uterus lining thick for implantation. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum decays into a
scar called a CORPUS ALBICANS. Oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease.
Day 0 – 6 – MENSES then occurs as the uterus lining sheds. The drop in the gonadal hormones
causes a slight increase in FSH and LH, restarting the cycle.
2.7: Discuss how knowledge of human reproductive anatomy and physiology has been applied to the
development of contraceptive methods;.
Birth control, you would have learnt, involves methods of preventing pregnancy from occurring. We can
class birth control into two categories:
Barriers (e.g. condoms, They create an impermeable physical Most popular method, though some
femidoms and diaphragms) barrier that prevents sperm cells from say they reduce pleasure. Also
entering the vagina or uterus. As a prevents transmission of STI‟s. More
result, no contact can be made with effective when used with a
Progestin implants A rod-shaped device is implanted in Does not protect against STI‟s.
the uterus. It releases synthetic Works similarly to birth control pills.
progestin into the blood, which
inhibits ovulation.
Depo-Provera (DMPA) A synthetic hormone that is injected Also used to treat menopausal
into the body every 3 months. Acts symptoms.
similar to the implants.
Oral contraceptives (birth Usually contain synthentic oestrogen The “mini-pill” thickens cervical
control pills) and progesterone to mimic pregnancy mucus, preventing the sperm from
and suppressing ovulation. entering.
Sterilization The vasa deferentia of the men are cut Is 100% effective, so patients must
and tied, preventing sperm from be certain they want no more
entering the urethra. Or the oviducts children.
are cut and tied (tubal ligation).
Filshie clips A device that is clipped across each Reversal of ligation more likely to be
oviduct during tubal ligation. successful when this is implemented.
But there are infectious risks if the
clip opens or migrates.
Emergency contraception or Various types exist. The mechanism Despite its name, many of them can
the “morning after” pill of action usually involves delaying be taken from 3 – 5 days after and
ovulation or causing changes in the certainly just in the morning.
endometrium that limit implantation. However, success increases when it
is taken closer to period of coitus.
Intra-uterine devices (or A T-shaped device made of copper Copper is toxic to the sperm as well,
IUD‟s) and plastic that is inserted into the so it can be seen as a contraceptive
uterus by a physician. It stimulates method as well.
immune responses in the uterus to
attack the sperm or embryo.
There are usually ethical debates about birth control. The table below summarizes some of the arguments
that are pro and con:
For Against
growth, especially in overcrowded countries that method of abortion, for those who are pro-life.
lack resources.
Can be seen as a way to reduce the need for clinical May be seen as a stimulus for pre-marital sex and
abortions and unwanted pregnancies, which could promiscuity, especially in teenagers and young adults, due
lead to child neglect and depriving young parents of to the easy availability of condoms.
future opportunities.
Allows either partner to maintain control of their Some methods may have physiological risks such as birth
bodies if the other wishes not to use birth control, control pills, or may cause infection if not done correctly,
Pre-natal or post-conceptual care refers to the behaviours or routines that a mother should adopt to
reduce the incidence of ill health or hindrance to development of the foetus. Before pregnancy, however,
the mother should ensure that she has the RUBELLA vaccine, as rubella can be fatal for the foetus. The
table below will summarize the main points of pre-natal care:
Diet and Nutrition Folic acid (cereals, dairy, cabbage, Helps develop the neural tube of
kale, spinach, bananas) foetus. Without it, the foetus can
suffer from SPINA BIFIDA.
Avoiding foods that are precooked or May contain Listeria bacteria, which
unpasteurized milk infect foetus.
Avoiding alcohol Reduced growth and development Undeveloped limbs, reduced muscle
tone, heart defects
Rhesus factor If the mother is Rh-negative then she Without the anti-Rh antibodies, the
should be injected with anti-Rh mother‟s own antibodies will attack
antibodies if she has a Rh-positive the Rh-positive foetus.
Smoking, one of the worst offenders of foetal malformation, will be discussed in the next page.
Keep in mind that whatever the mother takes into her bloodstream will transfer to the foetal bloodstream
via the chorion and umbilical cord connected to the placenta. Tobacco cigarettes contain a massive
number of chemicals that have detrimental effects to the human body. So we‟ll look at the impact of three
of the main components: nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar.
In pregnancy, it is recommended that a healthcare provider check the health of the foetus. This is done by
checking the baby‟s heart rate and other functions. The details may vary, but typical electronic fetal
monitoring may go like this:
INTERNAL – This is usually done if the amnion has already ruptured and labour has begun. The
provider puts a small wire called a SCALP ELECTRODE through the cervix and attaches to the
baby‟s scalp. The electrode is attached to a wire. The wire sends information about the foetal
heartbeat to a computer.