Chrysler 3.3 3.8l Engine
Chrysler 3.3 3.8l Engine
Chrysler 3.3 3.8l Engine
hrysler introduced its new family of 60 degree V6 • They’re conventional 60 degree V6 motors with iron blocks
engines back in 1990, and we covered them through and aluminum heads, including some castings that are shared by
2000 back in ’03, but Chrysler has made a number of both engines and some that aren’t.
changes since then, so it’s time to update them through • The differences between the 3.3L and 3.8L engines are all
’09. Before we do that, though, here’s a quick overview of the 3.3L internal with different cranks, rods, pistons and cams.
and 3.8L engines: • Both engines were used exclusively for FWD applications
The 4666031AA block had three more bolt bosses on the passenger
The 4781511AA block had a flat pad for the oil filter adapter and side, but they weren’t drilled. The boss between the crossbolts (see
crossbolted mains. It also had one more bolt hole than the arrow) must be machined down flush with the block if the engine is
4781511AB (see arrow). used for an AWD minivan.
Chrysler modified the chambers and relocated the spark plugs for the
’01 heads (right).
There have been two cast iron cranks used for these engines, one
for the 3.3L and another for the 3.8L.
3.3L: The 3654 casting with a 3.19˝ stroke fits all the 3.3L
3.8L: The 3.8L uses a 6433 casting with a 3.42˝ stroke. It’s easy
to tell them apart because the second counterweight on the 3.8L
is noticeably larger along with some of the others.
There are two different rods for these engines, a long one for the
3.3L and a short one for the 3.8L, but there are several different
castings along with two powdered metal rods that have been used
over the years.
3.3L: There have been several rod castings used for the 3.3L, The ’01 heads (right) had seven rocker stands instead of the four
but the only noticeable difference between them is the size of the found on the earlier heads (left).
balance pads, so they’re all interchangeable in sets. The early
4621694 rods were replaced by the 4448903 rods that were some rebuilders reuse them and others replace them; it’s your
replaced by the 4654355 castings around ’01. The 014AA pow- choice. The powdered metal rods use capscrews that require a
dered metal rod with the cracked cap showed up in ’07. torque-turn procedure, so be sure to follow the right specifications
3.8L: Chrysler used two cast rods, a 4448904 in the earlier for each version.
engines and 4654356 from ’01 through ’06. The 0015 powdered
metal rod with the cracked cap was used from ’07 through ’09. PISTONS
The rod bolts for the cast rods are a torque-to-yield design that There have been two pistons used for the late model engines, one
are supposed to be replaced after being torqued three times, so for the 3.3L and one for the 3.8L.
3.3L: The original dished piston was
replaced in ’98 by a flat top that was used
with minor changes up through ’09.
3.8L: The early 3.8L piston had a deep,
oblong dish, but it was replaced by a flat top
that had a lower compression height in ’98,
too. The 3.8L continued to use this version
up through ’09.
The late model roller cams for the ’01 and
later engines can cause some problems
The exhaust ports on the ’01 heads (left) were revised, too. because there are two different profiles, one
The front cover gasket for the RWD engines had two
holes for the oil passages instead of the single lower hole The aluminum intakes used two of the fiber gaskets (top) instead of the indi-
that was open for the FWD engines. vidual molded ones (bottom) that were used for the plastic intakes.
The 4781547AB/AC front cover without the post was used for the
minivans from ’03 through 1/1/05. It fits the engines with the
The front cover for the Wrangler is unique because the oil filter is on wide chain and gears.
the cover instead of on the side of the block. vans to the latest version that requires the use of a special narrow
“next generation controller” (NGC) in ’04, so there are three more gear and chain setup (p/n 68001398AA) for the engines that orig-
notches in the cam sensor and all of the notches are in different inally came without NGC. Be sure to check all of the narrow gears
locations; the new cam gear is part number 5127185AA. It still uses that come off any cores to see if they are with or without NGC
the wide gear that’s about 0.540˝ wide along with the wide chain before reusing them.
that measures about 0.685˝ across the links.
1/1/05-’08: Chrysler continued to use NGC setup, but they CYLINDER HEADS
switched to a narrow gear that’s approximately 0.415˝ wide with a There have been three different head castings used from 2000
chain that measures about 0.555˝ across the links.This gear is a p/n through 2010, including some that came with EGR and some that
5137663AA. didn’t.
There are a couple of caveats regarding the timing components, 2000: The 4694183 heads with the longer valve stems were
too: used from ’98 through ’00. These heads didn’t have provisions for
1) The front covers were modified to relocate the cam sensor EGR.
when the cam sprocket and chain were changed, so they’re not 2001-’07: The 4694688AA/AB castings that were introduced
interchangeable by application unless you use the matching chain in ’01 were considerably different. They had seven rocker stands
and gears. instead of the four found on the earlier castings, the exhaust ports
2) Chrysler has superseded all the old front covers for the mini- were flattened on the top and bottom, the chambers were revised
’01-’02 Minivan c/n 4781547AA With wide chain and extra boss
p/n 5019333AA
’03-1/1/05 Minivan c/n 4781547AB/AC With wide chain, w/o extra boss
p/n 5019333AB/AC/AD
1/1/05-’06 Minivan c/n 4666005AA W/narrow chain, w/o extra bolt hole
p/n 5019333AE/AF
’07-’08 Minivan c/n 4666005AC W/narrow chain and 1 extra bolt hole
p/n 5137544AD
’01-’10 Minivan c/n ???? W/narrow chain and 1 extra bolt hole
p/n 5137544AE Supersedes all minivan covers
’04 –’08 Pacifica c/n 4648947AB With torque axis mount
p/n 68001673AB Requires front cover package
’07 – ’08 Wrangler c/n 4666020AA With oil filter on front cover
p/n 68003438AA Requires front cover package
and the rocker rail was raised for better sealing. It appears that the
’01-’02 engines had EGR, most of the ‘03s didn’t have it, and all ROCKERS
the ’04 through ’09 engines have had EGR. Chrysler used their typical stamped steel, shaft-mounted rockers on
2008-’10: The 4666049AA casting that superseded the these engines through 2000.Then, in ’01, they switched to a set of
4694688AA/AB castings fits all the 3.3L and 3.8L engines from lightweight, welded rockers that looked a lot like the ones found
’01 through ’10.There are a couple of minor changes on the inner on the old Slant Six. They were still shaft-mounted, but they used
edge of the deck surface, but the head gaskets seal so everything fits seven pedestals instead of the four that were used for the earlier
and works. rocker assemblies.
The new style welded rockers (bottom) replaced the earlier “mag-
The hole for the cam sensor (left) was moved back about 0.125˝ on num” style, stamped steel rockers (top) in ’01. The assembly was
engines that were built after 1/1/05 because the cam gear was about held on with seven bolts instead of the four found on the earlier
0.125˝ thinner. heads.
The front cover for the Pacifica has a torque axis mount for the
GASKETS engine.
There are several gasket sets listed for the late model 3.3L and 3.8L,
because there are some important differences, depending on both The front cover gasket is unique to the RWD application
the year and the application, but there are also a couple of mid-year because the upper oil hole feeds the oil from the block to the oil
changes that can really cause rebuilders some problems. filter that’s located on the front cover instead of on the side of the
Chrysler made a mid-year change to the intake plenum in ’02. block. Using a FWD gasket that has the upper oil hole blocked off
The early ’02 engines came with an aluminum intake and the later will cause oil starvation and an instant failure.We’d suggest check-
ones had the plastic intake that has been used ever since, so they ing this gasket before installing it on a Wrangler motor because we
switched from two fiber gaskets to six individual molded gaskets know of one supplier that originally had the wrong front cover
sometime in ’02. That means you will have to supply both intake gasket in their RWD set.
sets for your ’02 motors to make sure the installer has the one he The head gaskets for the FWD and RWD applications are dif-
needs. ferent, too, because the water outlet is on the back for FWD appli-
Likewise, Chrysler changed the rocker covers in mid-year ’04. cations and on the front for RWD applications. That means that
They switched from the stamped steel covers to the plastic ones the water flow is “reversed” from one to the other, so don’t mix
that used a different gasket, so you will have to include both pairs them up… The right and left gaskets must be installed correctly,
of rocker gaskets for ’04 applications. The plastic covers were still too.
being used up through ’09 and appear to be the same in ’10.
The gasket for the oil filter adapter had three 8.0mm holes up
through ’06, but it has two 8.0mm holes and one 10mm hole
beginning in ‘07 because the RWD motor mount is fastened to the
back hole for the filter adapter with a 10mm bolt.
The RWD head gaskets (bottom) have fewer holes and some that are
in different places than the ones on the FWD gaskets (top) because
The rigid rocker gaskets for the stamped steel covers are on the bottom the coolant flow is reversed due to the change in the location of the
and the flexible ones for the plastic covers are on the top. water outlets.
All of the platforms, including the Pacifica and minivans, got
“NGC” for the 3.3L and 3.8L beginning in ’04, so the engines
must be built with the corresponding timing set and front cover.
Chrysler covers the EGR port with this plate and gasket when the So, that’s the story. These engines have been around for a long
vehicle comes without EGR. time and have been used in a lot of high value cars, trucks and
minivans, so we can expect to see quite a few of them for some
time to come. They’re easy to build if you pay attention to the
details, so you should be able to make some money on them
now that you know all the right combinations.