Usda Soil Classification

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Soil classification is a fundamental process in soil science, providing a framework for

understanding the diverse types of soils, their properties, and their potential uses. The USDA
Soil Classification System, also known as Soil Taxonomy, is a widely used system for
classifying soils based on their physical and chemical properties. This system is hierarchical,
ranging from broad categories to specific soil types.

Principles of USDA Soil Classification

The USDA Soil Classification System is built on several core principles designed to provide a
consistent and comprehensive framework for soil classification. These principles include:

1. Hierarchical Structure: The system is organized hierarchically, with several levels of

classification. These levels are Order, Suborder, Great Group, Subgroup, Family, and
Series. This hierarchical approach allows for the classification of soils from broad to very
specific categories.
2. Diagnostic Horizons and Properties: Soil classification is based on the presence and
characteristics of diagnostic horizons and properties. Diagnostic horizons are specific
layers in the soil profile that have distinct physical or chemical characteristics. For
example, an argillic horizon is a layer that accumulates clay.
3. Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes: Soil moisture and temperature regimes play a
crucial role in soil classification. Moisture regimes, such as udic, xeric, and aridic,
describe the soil's moisture conditions throughout the year. Temperature regimes, such as
frigid, mesic, and thermic, describe the average soil temperature.
4. Field Observable and Measurable Criteria: The system relies on field-observable and
measurable criteria to ensure practical applicability. This includes soil color, texture,
structure, pH, and organic matter content, among others.
5. Emphasis on Soil Genesis and Morphology: The classification considers the processes
of soil formation (pedogenesis) and the morphological characteristics of the soil profile.
This helps in understanding the soil's origin and development over time.
6. Systematic Naming Conventions: Soil names are derived from their properties and
classification levels, with standardized conventions such as the suffix '-sol' for orders and
specific prefixes and suffixes for suborders, great groups, and subgroups.
7. International Applicability: While developed in the United States, the USDA Soil
Classification System is designed to be applicable globally, with modifications and
adaptations for local conditions.
Levels of USDA Soil Classification
The USDA Soil Classification system, or Soil Taxonomy, is a hierarchical framework designed
to organize soils based on their observable characteristics and the processes that formed them.
The system comprises six levels: Order, Suborder, Great Group, Subgroup, Family, and Series.
Each level provides a more detailed and specific classification, aiding in understanding soil
properties and their implications for land use, agriculture, and environmental management.

Orders are the highest and broadest level in the USDA Soil Classification system. They are
defined by the soil-forming processes and the presence of major soil horizons, representing the
most fundamental differences among soils. There are twelve soil orders:

1. Alfisols: Typically found in temperate forests, these soils are characterized by a

clay-enriched subsoil (argillic horizon) and are generally fertile.
2. Andisols: Formed in volcanic ash, these soils have high fertility and unique physical
properties such as low bulk density.
3. Aridisols: Found in arid regions, these soils have limited organic matter and often exhibit
accumulations of salts or carbonates.
4. Entisols: Young soils with little to no horizon development, found in various
environments, including floodplains and steep slopes.
5. Gelisols: Soils with permafrost within two meters of the surface, found in polar regions.
6. Histosols: Organic-rich soils, commonly found in wetlands, composed mainly of
decomposed plant material.
7. Inceptisols: Soils with weakly developed horizons, often found on relatively young
8. Mollisols: Grassland soils with a thick, dark surface horizon rich in organic matter, highly
9. Oxisols: Highly weathered tropical soils with low fertility, dominated by iron and
aluminum oxides.
10.Spodosols: Acidic soils with a subsurface accumulation of organic matter, iron, and
aluminum, typically found under coniferous forests.
11.Ultisols: Highly weathered soils with a subsurface clay accumulation, found in humid
temperate and tropical regions.
12.Vertisols: Soils with high clay content that swell when wet and shrink upon drying,
leading to self-mixing.

Suborders provide further distinction within soil orders based on specific properties that
influence soil use and management, such as moisture and temperature regimes. These factors
are critical for understanding the environmental conditions under which the soils formed and
their potential uses.
For example, within the Mollisols order:

i. Udolls: Mollisols in humid climates.

ii. Aquolls: Mollisols in wet environments.

Similarly, within the Alfisols order:

i. Udalfs: Alfisols in humid climates.

ii. Xeralfs: Alfisols in Mediterranean climates with dry summers and wet winters.
Great Group
Great Groups further refine suborders by considering additional soil properties such as the
presence of specific diagnostic horizons or unique soil features. This level of classification
provides more detailed information about soil formation and its implications for soil use.
For example, within the Udolls suborder of Mollisols:

i. Arguidolls: Udolls with an argillic horizon, indicating a clay-enriched layer.

ii. Haplustolls: Udolls that lack significant horizon development beyond the basic
Mollisol characteristics.

In the Udalfs suborder of Alfisols:

i. Hapludalfs: Typical Udalfs with minimal horizon development.

ii. Fraglossudalfs: Udalfs with a fragipan, a dense, restrictive layer.

Subgroups provide even more detail by modifying the Great Group classification to include
additional characteristics or transitional features. This level recognizes soils that exhibit
properties of more than one great group or those with unique attributes that affect their behavior
and use.
For example, within the Arguidolls great group of Udolls:

i. Typic Arguidolls: Represent typical Arguidolls with no significant additional


ii. Vertic Arguidolls: Display properties of both Arguidolls and Vertisols, such as high
clay content and shrink-swell behavior.

Similarly, within the Hapludalfs great group of Udalfs:

i. Typic Hapludalfs: Typical Hapludalfs with no additional distinguishing features.

ii. Aquic Hapludalfs: Hapludalfs with conditions indicating prolonged saturation.

Families classify soils based on properties that affect plant growth and soil management, such
as particle size distribution, mineralogy, temperature regime, and soil depth. This level provides
practical information for land use, agricultural planning, and environmental management.
For example, within the Typic Arguidolls subgroup:

i. Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Arguidolls: Indicates a loamy texture,

mixed mineralogy, high cation-exchange capacity, and a mesic temperature regime.

In the Aquic Hapludalfs subgroup:

ii. Fine, mixed, active, mesic Aquic Hapludalfs: Describes a fine-textured soil with
mixed mineralogy, high cation-exchange capacity, and mesic temperature regime.

The most specific level of classification is the soil series. Series are based on very detailed
properties and are named after geographic locations where they were first identified. Each series
describes soils with similar horizons, composition, and formation history, providing detailed
information for precise land management and agricultural practices.
For example:

i. Miami series: Found in the Midwestern United States, characterized by a specific

sequence of horizons, texture, and color.

ii. Cecil series: Common in the southeastern United States, with specific red clay
horizons typical of the region's weathering processes.

The USDA Soil Classification system provides a comprehensive framework for understanding
and managing soils, categorizing them into a hierarchical structure from order to series. This
classification allows for detailed study and effective land-use planning, essential for agriculture,
forestry, and environmental conservation.

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