1 - Efficiency - Thematic Brief - en
1 - Efficiency - Thematic Brief - en
1 - Efficiency - Thematic Brief - en
Water-Downed MASSCOTE
The WD-MASSCOTE is an adaptation of the FAO’s tool Mapping System and Services for Canal
Operation Techniques, also known as MASSCOTE, that is used to assess the performance of canal
operation and field application efficiency in large irrigation schemes. WD-MASSCOTE was adapted
to fit the characteristics of small-scale irrigation schemes. The methodology will include baseline
system analysis through Rapid Appraisal Procedures and proposes improved field operations and
water services to users.
Water Use Efficiency
Burkina Faso
Types of irrigation schemes
• Total irrigated area is 40 000 ha, which corresponds to 17% of Table 1 – Typology and size of
the total irrigation potential. Irrigation Schemes
Types of irrigation schemes
• Irrigation contributes to 75% of agriculture exports and to 45% of the agri-production (higher
during dry years).
• Total irrigated area is over 1,4 million ha characterized by:
− Large irrigation systems (GH), covering about 0,7 million ha and are managed by public
− Private irrigation for agro-business farming, covering more than 0,4 million ha; and
− Small and medium scale systems (PMH), covering approximately 0,3 million ha with 2927
• PMH systems can be subdivided into 2 types: permanent/semi-permanent supply and
intermittent supply. They can be traditional (e.g. oasis, mountain, Khettaras, flood irrigation) or
recent/modern (e.g. built by the state).
• Private small scale systems are becoming important either as isolated schemes with groundwater
supply or as part of PMH and GH, supplementing surface water service with groundwater.
• Main sources of water are surface (60%) and groundwater (40%).
• In conclusion, extreme diversity of small scale systems does exist, having implications on water
resources, rights, access to markets, management set up, water fees, etc.
Irrigation practices
• Gravity irrigation is the main technique used.
• Land levelling degradation, water distribution at field head, and non optimized technique for flow
and length are the main reported problems.
• Robta is the mostly used small basin technique (40 m2) that is labour intense with low efficiency.
Types of irrigation schemes Table 3 – Typology and size of
• The total irrigated area of the country is almost 67 150 ha Irrigation Schemes
with: Type Size
− 14 148 ha of full control irrigation.
Large systems > 500 ha
− 53 000 ha of informal irrigation (swamps around streams
flowing into lake Kyoga developed for irrigation). Medium systems 50 - 500 ha
Small scale irrigation < 50 ha
Irrigation practices
• The most common surface irrigation methods are:
− Flood/basin irrigation majorly utilized for rice cultivation and furrow irrigation.
− Overhead sprinkler/micro-sprinkler irrigation.
− Drip irrigation used for seedlings, green house irrigated flower sand horticulture farms.
• Center-Pivot irrigation is mainly used in large plantations, only for seedlings (profitability).
Improving existing
• National capacity to use FAO approaches for • Integrate the regional expertise
All 3
• National and local capacity for irrigation • Design a strategy for developing
the national and local capacity