TU - GT - BP 02.11 Manage GL Master Data V2.4
TU - GT - BP 02.11 Manage GL Master Data V2.4
TU - GT - BP 02.11 Manage GL Master Data V2.4
Business Blueprint
02.11 Manage GL Master Data
Table of Contents
1 Document History................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Change History.............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Approval Detail............................................................................................................................4
1.3 Other Related Documents...........................................................................................................4
2 Business Process Overview..................................................................................................................5
2.1 High level requirements...............................................................................................................5
3 Business Sub-Process Description........................................................................................................6
3.1 Maintain Account Master............................................................................................................6
Process/Sub process Variation..........................................................................................................13
Process/Sub Process diagram............................................................................................................13
Activity List........................................................................................................................................13
Role Summary....................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Maintain Bank Master...............................................................................................................15
Process/Sub process Variation..........................................................................................................15
Process/Sub Process diagram............................................................................................................15
Activity List........................................................................................................................................15
Role Summary....................................................................................................................................16
3.3 Maintain Exchange Rate............................................................................................................17
Process/Sub process Variation..........................................................................................................19
Process/Sub Process diagram............................................................................................................19
Activity List........................................................................................................................................19
1 Document History
This scenario defines General Ledger (G/L) master data maintenance for all companies.
Define global common chart of accounts is a prerequisite for bringing standardization across all
businesses of the company.
Country specific chart of account can be created per legal requirement only
All Thai Union company codes will share a common global Chart of Accounts (TUG0) in the new SAP
environment. If a specific company code has a need for a new g/l account, the account must first
exist and/or be added at the chart of accounts level, and then extended to the respective company
For control and data integrity purposes, TU G/L account maintenance will be centralized and
designated approvers for account changes will need to be identified within the Gglobal C chart of
Aaccount Tteam eam under (Group Accounting and Controlling (GAC). Local entity will need to first
check whether existing chart of account exist and suitable to be extended to their local company
code. If no suitable G/L account, they can then send e-mail request to GAC providing background
and reasons for the new request.
After approval, the G/L account will be maintained in the SAP system by the centralized Global MDC
team via the Winshuttle application. Local entity SAP Users will only have Display GL account
G/L account registered in Global Operational Chart of Account will consist of eight digits number with
numbering convention as following:
For more details on the Global CoA, refer to this share point link which provide the excel design file
as well as the ppt deck describing the key design areas.
Cost Elements:
Cost elements are part of the chart of accounts from CO module view. They are maintained in GL
account master data. There is no separate cost element master data maintenance in SAP S4 HANA.
Maintenance access to G/L account master records will be restricted to avoid unauthorized changes.
The creation of G/L account master records involves two ‘layers’, chart of accounts data and
company specific data
TUE R1 (Portugal) Specific: The Portuguese chart of Accounts is named SNC. It was defined in
2009 and implemented in 2010. SNC is based in the International Accounting Standard used by the
European Union. Besides providing the financial statement in the SNC format required, the local CoA
for Portugal is also mapped to the legal taxonomy codes in SAP which are required in order to
produce the SAFT audit file (monthly and yearly) in SAP. Note: The SAFT file is mandatory in Portugal since
2008. It is an audit file that needs to follow the standard structure defined by local law. This file should be delivered to the tax
authorities by request or when delivering the information for the ‘Dossier Fiscal’
Purchasing Account:
Req ID 02.11.010-03: for Portugal (country of release 1) classified under balance sheet, France and
Italy (countries of release 2) purchasing account classified under P&L(P&L) need to be added for
statutory reporting. The following is an example of vendor invoice posting as per IFRS and
Portuguese/French/Italian Local GAAP requirements:
At Goods Return
Adjust Purchase Rebate to P&L for Cost of Manufacturing - Post to individual RM/PM/ING
Revalue inventory which will post the contra to Stock Diff (Material Price Change) - Post to
individual RM/PM/ING material
The followings are the important fields for account control at the chart of account area:
Account group – to control which fields to appear in the G/L master data - company code
specific maintenance screen. TU global chart of account TUG0 will have account groups
The followings are the important fields at the company code specific area:
Account control
o Account currency – for foreign currency assets/liabilities, e.g. USD bank account,
enter the respective foreign currency. Other accounts enter the company
currency (e.g. THB). For example, company code TH01, all the GL account
currency will be set the same as company currency (THB) including GL account
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for bank accounts that pay cross currency (e.g. bank THB can pay invoice in
USD, EUR, etc.).
o Only balances in local currency – balances are updated only in local currency
when users post items to this account. This field only can be tick if G/L Account is
not reconciliation Account
o Note: As per standard SAP recommendation Tthis indicator must be ticked for
GR/IR and Consignment (MM) accounts.
o Tax category – to determine whether a tax code is required later when entering a
line item for this account.
o For Thai Union Group, the following Tax Category will choose for some group
G/L Account:
Account management
o Line item display – to display line item detail in the account after posting. All G/L
Account master data should tick this field.
o Sort key – to determine how line items are automatically sorted when user
displays the line items in this account.
o Post automatically only – for certain GL account posting in SAP, the system
automatically determines the GL account line items. For example, COGS,
GOGM, material consumption related are all posted automatically by the system
based on automatic GL account determination setting in MM and SD. These GL
accounts need to be set as “Post automatically only” to prevent any manual
o Note: Example control: Inventory balance accounts must have this indicator
ticked to prevent manual posting to this G/L Account so that G/L balance in
Finance and total inventory amounts in Logistic will always be reconciled.
Bank/financial details
o Planning level – used to control display in Cash Management. TU GT only uses
this for information purpose. Example below:
Main Bank GL Accounts = F0 (Posting to bank account)
Incoming Bank GL Accounts = Z3 (Incoming checks) - for all types of
incoming posting (cheque, bank transfer, direct debit)
Outgoing Bank GL Accounts = Z1 (Outgoing checks) - for all types of
outgoing posting (cheque, bank transfer, etc)
Other Bank GL Accounts = Z4 (Other interim postings)
o House bank – enter the house bank code for banks related account
o Account ID – enter bank account ID for bank related account
CE Cat. Description
01 Primary costs/cost-reducing This category of cost element can
revenues be debited with all primary postings,
CE Cat. Description
21 Internal settlements This cost element category is used
to settle (further allocate) order or
project costs to Controlling (CO)
internal objects.
In certain countries, there may be a need to maintain a statutory (or country) chart of accounts. This
has been expressed as a requirement for Thai Union entities in France. Alternate (Country) Chart of
Accounts will be created for each of these countries, and the specific company codes will then be
linked to their respective alternate chart of accounts.
Activity List
Activity definition document if applicable for the project & also has references in the process/sub
process diagram
Role Summary
The content in this section will serve as input for the authorization and training.
Bank master includes bank address data and control data such as the SWIFT code (Society for
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) and the bank group. In SAP, bank masters also
includesinclude house banks and the banks of all business partners (customer and vendor).
1) House Bank: represents the bank account of TU companies. The setup of house bank is a
prerequisite to be able to run the payment program in AP (note: additional configurations are
required to setup the house bank to be used in the AP automatic payment program). House Bank
is defined by company code and further represented by different bank accounts called account ID
(e.g. savings, current, etc.). A G/L account i.e. bank account is assigned to the account ID in the
house bank.
House bank represent bank and bank branch that company open account with, using 5
digits by bank short name and bank branch short name define internally by Bank
Master Maintenance Person.
Coding by bank branch short name, then account type (current, saving, fixed deposit and
foreign currency deposit), and then running number
2) Bank Key: represents the unique identification of the bank. It usually stands for the bank branch
(of each bank). Bank key will be used for the creation of House Bank and account ID and also
use for other purpose in banking such as payment transaction, bank transfer correspondence,
etc. The bank key covers both TU banks and TU business partner (customer and vendor) banks.
TU House bank and TU bank key will be maintained by either one of these Users, depending on the
entity roles & organization setup:
Central Treasury User e.g. France, Bangkok
Treasury User in each entity e.g. JW UK, JW IE, ESIP)
AP Accountant, GL Accounting Manager)
For business partner (customer/vendor) bank keys, MDC team will maintain it in the business partner
master data under payment transaction tab using Winshuttle application.
Activity List
Activity definition document if applicable for the project & also has references in the process/sub
process diagram
R-Report; I-Interface; C-Conversion; E-Enhancement; F-Form; W-Workflow
Role Summary
The content in this section will serve as input for the authorization and training.
Bank Master Maintenance Fiori apps – Manage Banks and Maintain Banks and Bank
Manage Bank Accounts Accounts
Bank Master Maintenance Winshuttle – Bank Key Master Maintain Bank Key Master
Bank Master Maintenance FI03 Display Bank Key
Bank Master Maintenance FI12_HBANK Maintain House Bank
Exchange rates are used to translate an amount into another currency. Exchange rates are defined at
client level and therefore apply for all company codes. Exchange rates are defined in the system for
the following purposes:
Posting and Clearing: To translate foreign currency amounts when posting or clearing or to
check an exchange rate entered manually.
Exchange Rate Differences: To determine gains or losses from exchange rate differences.
Foreign Currency Valuation: To valuate open items in foreign currency and foreign currency
balance sheet accounts as part of the closing operations.
Different exchange rates can be maintained and are distinguished by an exchange rate type. These
different exchange rates can be used for various purposes such as valuation, translation, conversion,
planning, etc.
As Thai Union Thailand operates under Thailand’s tax regulation, and company must follow tax
requirement from Thailand Revenue Department for tax transactions (Output Tax / Input Tax) as
describes below
When company send a foreign customer invoice, an invoice denominated not in baht.
Thailand Revenue Department requires company to translate the foreign currency amounts
using the buying rate (exchange rate = G) that the Bank of Thailand published.
SAP transactions are tied to exchange rate type M. Therefore, all the foreign currency translation for
the transactional entry will be calculated based on the exchange rate type M. However, if the user
wants to enter a different exchange rate than the system-calculated value, then the system-calculated
value can be overwritten at the transactional level.
SAP Global Template was designed to support all country specific requirements of currency
translation. To minimize process of user to manual entering exchange rate when posting, the default
exchange rate type for specific SAP accounting “Document Type” has been set in the system as
below. (refer to process variation section for more detail.)
The following SAP “document type” with specific exchange rate type in the system:
Exchange rates are maintained with the validity date to specify the date from which the exchange rate
should apply. The system then refers to either the posting date or the translation date and uses the
current exchange rate from the system. Exchange rates can be maintained in either direct or indirect
quotation to specify exchange rates.
Exchange rate will be updated by global team with reference to exchange rate source from Bank of
Thailand (BOT). In case of any pair currencies not available from BOT, Thai Union will refer to
Reuters. The exchange rate upload program will update the exchange rate for exchange rate type M,
B, G and ZBX, ZMX, ZGX (M/B/G will be uploaded daily where as ZMX/ZBX/ZGX will be uploaded
Remarks: Exchange rate type B and G must be maintained in the system for all “To Currency”, even
though some currency e.g. EUR does not require to use buying/selling rate then enter the same rate
as average rate.
b. For all transactions, other than SD Billing, exchange rate type M will be used. Except transactions
posting with specific document types which require to use buying/selling exchange rate instead of
average rate (exchange rate type M).
c. For Poland Localization Requirement, exchange rate has to be maintained based on NBP rate.
Activity List
Activity definition document if applicable for the project & also has references in the process/sub
process diagram
Role Summary
The content in this section will serve as input for the authorization and training.