English Project

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NIVEL: 10° y 11°

FECHA: 31 / 08 /2022
DOCENTE: Mayra Frago

DESCRIPCIÓN: el proyecto consiste en la creación de un Dispositivo Tecnológico

a partir de materiales reciclables, dicho proyecto se realizará en grupo de 3
estudiantes y a la vez será sustentado. Las razones de ser del presente proyecto
residen en la importancia del reciclaje en el desarrollo de la creatividad para la
elaboración de un dispositivo tecnológico y de igual manera poder conocer la
importancia que trae esto en el ámbito educativo, tomando en cuenta sus ventajas
y desventajas.


 Realizar un Dispositivo Tecnológico con fuentes recicladas, con el fin de

contribuir a la ecología del medio ambiente, así como la enseñanza-
aprendizaje del alumno, hacia la importancia de reutilizar ciertos materiales
para el beneficio propio.


 Conocer la importancia de los dispositivos tecnológicos.

 Sustentar e identificar cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas que trae dicho
 Aprender y valorar la importancia del reciclaje.

 Para esto tienes que hacer el CPU y la pantalla de la computadora apartes.
Ambos se hacen de la misma forma. Recortas un pedazo de cartón que te
quede semi hueco, es decir, con un centímetro de fondo.
 Encima de ese recorte colocarás otra tapa de cartón, pero con un recorte
cuadrado en el medio. Estos recortes cuadrados son en donde colocarás la
impresión de la pantalla y los detalles del teclado.
 Ahora para entender cómo hacer un teclado de cartón, usa el teclado de
una laptop como guía y recorta en cartón cada una de las teclas y con
marcador negro o pintura negra, píntalas encima y luego pégalas a un
soporte de

cartón. Dicho soporte con las teclas ya pegadas lo vas a pegar dentro del
recuadro que ya hiciste para esta parte.

 Para la pantalla solo imprime algún dibujo o imagen de computadora y

pégala a la zona donde se encuentra la pantalla.


Names: _____________________ Level:_______ Date:___________


CONCET 5 4 3 2
Appropiate materials were Appropiate materials 2 materials do not More tan 3 materials
Use of selected and all materials were selected and 1 represent natual do not represent
Recycled were natural resources and material that was not a resource or recyclable natural resource or
Technology Device

items recyclable ítems. natural resource item ítems. recyclable ítems.

was included.
The student demostrates a The student The student’s worked The device shows
Creativity unique level of creativity. demostrates originality. lacked sincered Little or no evidence of
originality. original thought.

The student gave an effort The student completed The student finished The student not finish
Effort beyong the requirements of the Project in an above the Project, but it the work in a
this Project. average manner, yet lacks finishing touches satisfactory manner.
more could have been or can be improved
done. with a Little effort.
Student present 10 Student present 4-5 Student present 1-3 Does not write any
Content complete sentences complete sentences sentences describing sentences about
describing your Project and describing your Project your Project and the Project.
the materials you used. and the materials you materials you used.
Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions Very little use of facial
Enthusiasm body language generate a body language and body language expressions or body
strong interest and sometimes generate a are used to try to language. Did not
enthusiasm about the topic strong interest and generate enthusiasm, generate much
in others enthusiasm about the but seem somewhat interest in topic being
topic in others. faked. presented.
Oral Presentation

Volume is loud enough to Volume is loud enough Volume is loud Volume often too soft
Tone of Voice be heard by all audience to be heard by all enough to be heard to be heard by all
members throughout the audience members at by all audience audience members.
presentation. least 90% of the time. members at least 80%
of the time.
Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or
Use of appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the more) words or
Vocabulary audience. Extends audience. Includes 1-2 audience. Does not phrases that are not
audience vocabulary by words that might be include any understood by the
defining words that might new to most of the vocabulary that might audience.
be new to most of the audience, but does not be new to the
audience. define them. audience.
Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can
Pronunciation distinctly all (100-95%) the distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly most ( 94- not be understood OR
time, and mispronounces the time, but 85%) of the time. mispronounces more
no words. mispronounces one Mispronounces no than one Word.
word. more than oneword.

TOTAL 40pts

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