Easy-Braid Challah
Easy-Braid Challah
Easy-Braid Challah
To make challah dough that was moist but malleable, we combined a short rest during kneading with a long
fermentation; this built a sturdy but stretchy gluten network that made the dough easy to handle. We also
employed an Asian dough-mixing technique called tangzhong, incorporating a cooked our-water paste that
bound up water in the dough so that it was moist but not sticky. Ample amounts of oil and eggs made the baked
bread plush. Pointing the four dough strands in di erent directions, rather than lining them up parallel to one
another, made them easier to keep track of during braiding. Brushing an egg wash—lightly salted to make the
eggs more uid—over the braided dough encouraged rich browning as the loaf baked.
Flour Paste * We strongly recommend weighing the our for this recipe. This
dough will be rmer and drier than most bread doughs, which
½ cup water
makes it easy to braid. Some friction is necessary for rolling and
3 tablespoons bread our braiding the ropes, so resist the urge to dust your counter with
our. If your counter is too narrow to stretch the ropes, slightly
Dough bend the pieces at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions. Bake this
loaf on two nested baking sheets to keep the bottom of the loaf
1 large egg plus 2 large yolks
from getting too dark.
¼ cup water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 For the our paste: Whisk water and our in bowl until no
2 ¾ cups (15⅛ ounces) bread lumps remain. Microwave, whisking every 20 seconds, until
our mixture thickens to sti , smooth, pudding-like consistency that
forms mound when dropped from end of whisk into bowl, 40 to 80
1 ¼ teaspoons instant or rapid-
rise yeast
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar 2 For the dough: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk our paste, egg
and yolks, water, and oil until well combined. Add our and yeast.
1 teaspoon table salt
Fit mixer with dough hook and mix on low speed until all our is
Vegetable oil spray moistened, 3 to 4 minutes. Let stand for 20 minutes.
Egg Wash 3 Add sugar and salt and mix on medium speed for 9 minutes
1 large egg (dough will be quite rm and dry). Transfer dough to counter and
lightly spray now-empty mixer bowl with oil spray. Knead dough
Pinch table salt brie y to form ball and return it to prepared bowl. Lightly spray
dough with oil spray and cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough
1 tablespoon sesame seeds or
rise until about doubled in volume, about 1½ hours.
poppy seeds (optional)
Stand Mixers (Inexpensive) 4 Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and nest in
All-Purpose Whisks second rimmed baking sheet. Transfer dough to counter and press
into 8-inch square, expelling as much air as possible. Cut dough in
Rimmed Baking Sheets half lengthwise to form 2 rectangles. Cut each rectangle in half
lengthwise to form 4 equal strips of dough. Roll 1 strip of dough
into 16-inch rope. Continue rolling, tapering ends, until rope is 18
inches long. Repeat with remaining dough strips. Arrange ropes in
plus-sign shape, with 4 ends overlapping in center by ½ inch.
Firmly press center of cross into counter to seal ropes to each
other and to counter.
8 Pinch ends of ropes together and tuck both ends under braid.
Carefully transfer braid to prepared sheets. Cover loosely with
plastic and let rise until dough does not spring back fully when
gently pressed with your knuckle, about 3 hours.
9 For the egg wash: Thirty minutes before baking, adjust oven
rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk
together egg and salt. Brush loaf with egg wash and sprinkle with
sesame seeds, if using. Bake until loaf is deep golden brown and
registers at least 195 degrees, 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool on sheets
for 20 minutes. Transfer loaf to wire rack and let cool completely
before slicing, about 2 hours.
Our unconventional braiding method is easier to follow than those
of most recipes and produces a loftier loaf.