Eng Syllabus Data Analyst Track

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Data Analyst track


Each sprint lasts two weeks and represents approximately 7 months

40 hours of study.

1-2 hours
0 What to expect as a Practicum student. How sprints are
structured, who’s on our guidance team, how to use Slack,
where to find information, and more.

1 Basic Python
Intro Course
Discover what data analysis is and do your first research
3 weeks,

as an analyst. Learn the basics of Python, a key tool 

40 hours
in the profession. This course will help you decide if you have
the time and motivation to complete the full program.

Chapter 1. Variables, Printing, Data Types, and Arithmetic


Chapter 2. Strings

Chapter 3. Lists

Chapter 4. for Loops

Chapter 5. Nested Lists

Chapter 6. Conditions and Loops

Chapter 7. Creating Functions

Chapter 8. Dictionaries

Chapter 9. pandas for Data Analysis

Chapter 10. Data Preprocessing

Chapter 11. Analyzing Data and Presenting Results

• Chapter 12. A Quick Overview of the Jupyter Notebook

2 Data Preprocessing
+1 project for 

Compensating for less-than-perfect data. Handling missing your portfolio

and duplicate values. Changing data types. Systems thinking 3 weeks, 40 hours
for analysts.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Data Preprocessing

Chapter 2. Working with Missing Values

Chapter 3. Changing Data Types

Chapter 4. Looking For Duplicates

Chapter 5. Categorizing Data

• Chapter 6. Systems and Critical Thinking for Analysts

3 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

+1 project for 

Performing initial scans to detect patterns in data. Building your portfolio

basic graphs and generating your first hypotheses.

3 weeks, 40 hours

Chapter 1. First Graphs and Conclusions

Chapter 2. Studying Data Slices

Chapter 3. Working with Several Data Sources

Chapter 4. Joint Distribution

• Chapter 5. Validating Results

4 Statistical Data Analysis

+1 project for 

your portfolio

Probability theory, the most common distributions, and

3 weeks, 40 hours
statistical methods in Python. Sampling and statistical
significance. Identifying and handling anomalies.

Chapter 1. Descriptive Statistics

Chapter 2. Probability Theory

• Chapter 3. Testing Hypotheses

5 Integrated Project 1
+1 project for 

Identify patterns to help you determine whether 
 your portfolio

a given video game will succeed or not. 1 week, 20 hours

1-week break
6 Data Collection and Storage (SQL)
+1 project for 

your portfolio

How databases are structured and how to pull data

2 weeks, 40 hours
from them using SQL queries. Finding data online.

Chapter 1. Retrieving Data from Online Resources

Chapter 2. SQL as a Tool for Working with Data

Chapter 3. Advanced SQL Features for Analysis

Chapter 4. Relationships Between Tables

Chapter 5. Soft Skills

Bonus Chapter: PySpark

7 Business Analytics
+1 project for 

your portfolio

Applying data analysis in business. Business metrics and

2 weeks, 40 hours
KPIs. User data analysis. Marketing analytics and related
tools. The sales funnel.

Chapter 1. Metrics and Funnels

Chapter 2. Cohort Analysis

Chapter 3. Unit Economics

Chapter 4. User Metrics

• Chapter 5. Soft Skills

Bonus Lesson: Optimizing Data in pandas

8 Making Business Decisions Based on Data

+1 project for 

Methods and tools for testing hypotheses. Experimental your portfolio

design. Seasonality. Cohort analysis. A/B testing.

2 weeks, 40 hours

Chapter 1. The Basics of Testing Hypotheses in Business

Chapter 2. Choosing an Experimental Method

Chapter 3. Prioritizing Hypotheses

Chapter 4. Preparing for an A/B Test

Chapter 5. Analyzing the Results of A/B Test

• Chapter 6. Soft Skills

9 How to Tell a Story Using Data
+1 project for 

Presenting your research. Data visualization 
 your portfolio

methods. Creating reports to explain findings. 
 2 weeks, 40 hours

The seaborn library.

Chapter 1. Preparing Presentations

Chapter 2. The seaborn Library

• Chapter 3. The plotly Library

10 Integrated Project 2
+1 project for

your portfolio

Bring together everything you’ve learned so far to analyze

1 week, 20 hours
the results of a food app’s A/A/B test.

1-week break

11 Automation
+1 project for 

Automating data analysis processes and scripting routine tasks. your portfolio

Data visualization methods. Presenting results.

2 weeks, 40 hours

Chapter 1. The Basics of Launching Scripts

Chapter 2. Data Pipelines and Why to Use Them

Chapter 3. Designing and Developing Dashboards with Dash

• Chapter 4. Tableau

12 Forecasts and Predictions

+1 project for 

Basic machine learning methods and applications. your portfolio

Classification, forecasting, clustering. Regression. 
 2 weeks, 40 hours

Decision trees.

Chapter 1. Business Tasks Involving Machine Learning

Chapter 2. Machine Learning Algorithms

• Chapter 3. Solving Tasks Related to Machine Learning

13 Final Project
+1 project for 

Apply everything you've learned in a two-week bootcamp that your portfolio

recreates the experience of working as a junior analyst. 2 weeks, 40 hours

Career Program
10 weeks, 40 hours
In addition to the main educational course, the career track
includes written guides, live webinars, homework tasks, useful tools,
and peer-to-peer collaboration. Each section (or sprint) lasts two
weeks and requires approximately 8 hours of study.

1 Understanding Your New Profession

Deepen the knowledge of your profession by learning more about career growth
opportunities and the skills they require. Learn to reflect on material you've
already covered, and get a better understanding of your professional interests.

Profession map with roles and industries

• Career development plan

2 Resumes and LinkedIn

Learn how to write an eye-catching resume, transform your non-tech experience

into a strength, and make your LinkedIn profile look professional and informative.

Ready-to-use resume & improvement tool

• LinkedIn profile upgrade

3 Portfolios and Job Hunting

Assemble your portfolio with GitHub. Learn where to find a job, 

and how to write perfect cover letters for your job applications.

Production ready portfolio

• Job searching resources & application tracker tool

4 Applications and Interviews

Familiarize yourself with different types of interviews, common 

questions you might face, and practice tech assignments.

Networking roadmap

Interview do & dont's

• Tech interview help

5 Mock Interviews and Preparation

Prepare for real-world interviews and delve into actual cases.

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