Bsa 1a Pe 002 GS 2023-2024 Prelims
Bsa 1a Pe 002 GS 2023-2024 Prelims
Bsa 1a Pe 002 GS 2023-2024 Prelims
4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
Course: BACHELOR IN ACCOUNTANCY 1st Semester: SY __2023-24____
Subject Code: PE 002___________ Year & Section: ___1st Year_A___
Subject Description: Physical Activities Towards Units: ___2___________________
Health and Fitness 2___ Day: ___Tuesday_______________
Time: __4am to 6pm___________
Name of Student
NO. (Alphabetical Order) STUDENT Prelim Midterm Final FINAL
1 Bacho Joseph Raiden C 23-04-0001-CA 1.25
2 Samelon Rehana P 23-04-0002-CA 1.00
3 Pebres Bernadette B 23-04-0003-CA 1.00
4 Upam Hanan K 23-04-0006-CA
5 Suliva Shiela G 23-04-0009-CA 1.00
6 Retaga Jerrie Mae F 23-04-0011-CA 1.25
7 Gershon Jake G 23-04-0012-CA
8 Baria Nadine C 23-04-0013-CA
Faculty Rank
No. Of student Enrolled : __ Passed : ___ X = Absent from Examination OD = Dropped Officially
Dropped : _ Failed : ______ Inc. = Incomplete UD = Unofficially
Dropped Inc. : _____ __ WO: ______ WO = Withdrawn Officially
OD. : __ WU : ______ WU = Withdrawn Unofficially
UD. : ________