4 Abhishek
4 Abhishek
4 Abhishek
ISSN 0975-5071
The objective of the present work is to mask the intensely bitter taste of Roxithromycin and to formulate an FDT of
the taste-masked drug by incorporation of Excipients in the tablets. Method of Roxithromycin was prepared by
solvent evaporation method using methanol as solvent for pH-sensitive polymer: act as the encapsulating medium.
The Mixture of Roxithromycin with PEG 6000 indicates highest increase in solubility with 3.7-folds Roxithromycin
and PEG 6000 (1:2SD) were selected as optimized combinations for Roxithromycin. The optimized combinations
was formulated into Fast dissolving tablet. The optimized combinations were subjected to FT-IR and while
dissolution, and accelerated stability studies were performed on their formulations. The physical properties were
evaluated with regard to yield, drug content, flow properties, particle size, in vitro drug release and taste. The
average size of microspheres was found to be satisfactory in terms of the size and size distribution. The FDTs
prepared by direct compression method and evaluated for hardness, thickness, weight variation, friability,
disintegration time, drug content, wetting time, in vitro disintegration, in vitro drug release and stability. Result and
discussion simulated salivary fluid (pH 6.8) and sufficient flow properties was shown in the drug: polymer ratio.
Orally administered drugs completely absorbed only when they show fair solubility in gastric medium and such
drugs shows good bioavailability. In recent times more than 40 % NCEs (New Chemical Entities) developed in
Pharmaceutical Industry are practically insoluble in water. These poorly water soluble drugs are allied with slow
drug absorption leading to inadequate and variable bioavailability and gastrointestinal mucosal toxicity. [1,2]
The poor solubility of drug substances in water and their low dissolution rate in the aqueous gastro-intestinal fluids
often lead to insufficient bioavailability. According to the equation of Noyes and Whitney, this may be achieved by
an increase in the surface area of the drug which is accessible for the dissolution medium of the stomach. The
gelation was takes place after the orally administered solution reached the stomach by complexing the calcium with
sodium. [2]
Scholar Research Library
Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
Roxithromycin was obtained from Symbiosis pharmaceutical, H.P, Sodium CMC, Aspartame, MCC,PEG 600,all
are of analytical grade.
Determination of maximum absorbance (λ max)
Stock solutions (100µg/ml) of Roxithromycin were prepared in methanol. These Solutions were diluted with
methanol to obtain suitable concentrations of each. The UV spectrums were recorded in the range 200-450 nm by
using UV-Visible double beam spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 2450). The wavelength of maximum absorption (λ
max) was determined [7].
The hardness of three tablets was checked using the Monsanto hardness tester (LAB- HOSP)
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
solution, 10 µg/ml dilutions were prepared. The drug contents of the resulting solution were calculated from UV
absorbance at 205.[5]
Friability is the measure of tablet strength. In this test number of tablets subjected to combined effect of shock
abrasion by utilising a plastic chamber which revolves at a speed of 25rpm, dropping the tablets at a distance of 6
inches in each revolution. A sample of pre-weighed tablets was placed in Roche Friability tester This was then
operated for 100 revolutions. The tablets then dedusted and reweighed. Permitted friability limit is 1.0%. Tablets
were then weighed and friability values were determined.
W1 - W2
Friability = X 100
W1 = weight of the tablets before test,
W2 = weight of the tablets after test.
Weight Variation
Twenty tablets were weighed individually. Average weight was calculated from the total weight of all tablets. The
individual weights were compared with the average weight. The percentage difference in the weight variation
should be within the acceptable limits (7.5%). The Percent deviation was calculated using the following formula.
Sr. No. Average weight of tablets (mg) Maximum percent deviation allowed (%)
1 80 or less 10
2 More than 80 but less than 250 7.5
3 More than 250 5
Wetting Time
A piece of tissue paper folded double was placed in a petri dish containing 6ml of water. The tablet was placed on
the paper and the time for complete wetting of the tablet was measured in seconds. The method was slightly
modified by maintaining water at 370 C. A method was used to measure wetting time and capillarity of the FDT.
Wa – Wb
R = X 100
Wa = weight of a tablet after absorption
Wb = weight of a table before absorption
Apparatus: 2 (Paddle)
Medium: 900 ml of 0.07 N HCL.
Speed: 55 rpm.
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
Temperature: 370c.
One Tablet was placed in jar containing 900ml of 0.07N HCl. At different time interval specified (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13 and 15 min) 10 ml of aliquots were withdraw then filtered through whatman filter paper no.52. Cumulative
percentage of labelled amount of drug released was calculated. The drug release was compared with positive control
(Placebo for Roxithromycin).[11]
Stability Studies
The optimized formulation was wrapped in aluminum foil and subjected to 40 ±2°C temperature and 75±5% RH in
oven for the period of Six months. The formulation was analyzed for hardness, drug content, Disintegration time,
and dissolution.
Sampling points: The optimized formulations were subjected to stability for a period of Three months. The samples
were withdrawn at the end of Six months.
Preformulation Study
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Determination of absorbance maximum (λ max )
Wavelength of maximum absorption was found to be 205 nm for Roxithromycin in methanol. The drug content of
formulation was determined at the same wavelength in methanol.
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
0.2 y = 0.0094x + 0.0796 R² = 0.9786
01020 30 40 50 60
Compatibility study
Major functional groups present in Roxithromycin show characteristic peaks in IR spectrum. shows peaks observed
at different wave numbers and the functional group associated with these peaks. The major peaks were identical to
functional group of Roxithromycin. Hence, the purity of sample was confirmed.
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
The presence of absorption bands corresponding to the functional groups N-H Streching pri, sec amine 3377cm -1, O-
H Streching carboxylic acid 3299 cm -1, C=C Streching alkenes 1664 cm -1, C-C stretching aromatics 1410 cm -1, C-N
Streching aromatic amine1332 cm-1, C-O Streching carboxylic acid 1165 cm-1,present in the structure of
Roxithromycin and the absence of any well-defined unaccountable peaks is a confirmation of the purity of the drug
sample. From above spectrum, it was found that Roxithromycin is compatible mixture of all excipient.
Cyclodextrin/ medium Phase Stability constant M-1 Increased solubility Complexation Efficiency
solubility diagram St / So
PEG 6000 in AL 162.5 3.72 0.042
distilled water
X-Ray diffraction
The X-ray diffraction pattern Mixtures prepared by Solid dispersion
From the Fig X-ray diffracometry (XRD) spectra Drug. The x-ray diffractogram of Roxithromycin has sharp
peaks at diffraction angles (2θ) 12.26-, 15.88-, 19.88-, 22.08-, and 23.92- showing a typical crystalline
pattern. However, all major characteristic crystalline peaks appear in the diffractogram of both physical mixtures
and solid dispersion system.[12]
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
The DSC curve of Roxithromycin profiles a sharp endothermic peak at 123°C corresponding to its melting, which
confirm the purity of the drug. The drug do not undergoes decomposition following its melting.
100 F2 F3 F4
013579 11 13 15
Percent drug release data expressed Indicate In-Vitro release study was shown 98.7% release of Roxithromycin
through F6 formulation in 15 minutes. Formulation F6 showed less disintegration time and percent cumulative drug
release 98.7% so it was declared as an optimized formulation and was subjected for further evaluation and stability
TABLE 6: Evaluation Parameters Of F6 Optimized Batch
% cumulative
0 5 10 15 20
TABLE 7: Parameters Studied Of [F6] Formulation Before And After Stability Study
Stability Study
The accelerated stability study was carried out on optimized formulation F6. The tablets were wrapped in aluminium
foil and stored at 40 ± 20C &75 ± 5 % RH for a six months. After three months samples were withdrawn and tested
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Abhishek Kumar Singh et Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):59-
for physical parameters, thickness, hardness, percent friability, content uniformity, disintegration time, wetting time,
Water absorption ratio (%) and in-vitro drug release studies.[8]
TABLE 8: Dissolution Study Of Formulation [F6] Before And After Stability Study.
Roxithromycin slightly soluble in water. According to the biopharmaceutical classification, it comes under Class IV
and its poor aqueous solubility and dissolution is rate-limiting step in the absorption of poorly water soluble drug.
Oral bioavailability of Roxithromycin can be improved by using the Solid dispersion technique. The prepared
combinations were characterized by FT-IR, DSC, XRD, dissolution study.
Based on the results of saturation solubility studies The Mixture of Roxithromycin with PEG 6000 indicates highest
increase in solubility with 3.7-folds Roxithromycin and PEG 6000 (1:2SD) were selected as optimized combinations
for Roxithromycin. The optimized combinations was formulated into Fast dissolving tablet. The optimized
combinations were subjected to FT-IR and while dissolution, and accelerated stability studies were performed on
their formulations.
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