Survey 6
Survey 6
Survey 6
Alidade assembly
3. Vertical clip screw.
4. Altitude spirit level.
5. A-frame.
6. Upper plate.
7. Lower plate.
8. Plate spirit level. Horizontal circle
9. Levelling head.
10. Tripod.
• The size of the theodolite is expressed by the
diameter of the scale plate.
➢ 80mm theodolite
➢ 120 mm theodolite etc.
• The altitude level is more sensitive than the plate
Striding levels
2. Swinging.
• The process of rotating the telescope in the
horizontal plane about the vertical axis.
• We have right swing and left swing.
2. Vertical axis.
• Axis about which the telescope is rotated
about the horizontal plane.
5. Line of sight.
When the bubble is at its center, the spirit
level axis should be parallel to the
horizontal ground.
Vertical circle
Altitude level
Plate level
Horizontal Circle
Fundamental relations.
1. Setting
2. Centering
3. Levelling.
4. Elimination of parallax.
Permanent adjustments.
1. Plate level test.
To make the plate bubble at the center
of its run only when the vertical axis is
truly vertical.
2. Cross hair ring test.
To make the vertical cross hair in a
plane perpendicular to the horizontal
3. Collimation in azimuth test.
To make the LOS perpendicular to the
horizontal axis.
Permanent adjustments.
4. Spire test.
To make the horizontal axis
perpendicular to the vertical axis.
Method of repetition.
• A horizontal angle is measured repeatedly for a
minimum of three times in clockwise direction.
5.For ranging.
2. Coordinate methods.
Closing errors are identified, calculated
and corrected prior to plotting.
Traverse computations
1. Latitude (L)
2. Departure (D)
Traverse computations
Latitude (L)
• The length of the projection of a line on the
N-S meridian.
• L = l cos 𝜽
• Northings are positive latitudes.
• Southings are negative latitudes.
Traverse computations
Departure (D)
• The length of the projection of the line on
the E-W meridian.
• D = l sin 𝜽
• Eastings are positive departure.
• Westings are negative departure.
Traverse computations
If the latitude and departure of a line AB is L
and D respectively then the length and bearing
of the line is given as
l = 𝑳𝟐 + 𝑫𝟐
−𝟏 𝑫
Ɵ = tan
# The latitude and departure of a line AB is
3m and -4m respectively, the length and
bearing of the line AB is ____
Consecutive or Dependent coordinates.
Latitude and departure of the forward
point of a line w.r.t its previous point.
Total or Independent coordinates.
Latitude and departure of points
expressed w.r.t a common origin.
Total or Independent coordinates.
Latitude and departure of points
expressed w.r.t a common origin.