Janmansh Resume 1
Janmansh Resume 1
Janmansh Resume 1
Janmansh Agarwal
janmanshagarwal@gmail.com ● github.com/Janmansh ● LinkedIn: Janmansh ● +91 9428967573
TECHNICAL ■ Software Development Engineer (Fullstack)- Uber, Bangalore, India - Go, GraphQL, ReactJS, FusionJS
EXPERIENCE Jun 2023 – Present
● Developed a tool to improve developer experience using ReactJS and FusionJS, and reduce the time to work on the
service by 75%
● Added pagination support to the contacts board of an agent, for faster loading and efficient resolutions. Created an db
index for the same for faster db querying.
■ DSA Mentor - Placewit, Bangalore, India - Data Structures and Algorithms Nov 2022 – Jan 2023
● Mentored a batch of 36 pre final year students in Data Structures and Algorithms for placements.
● Achieved 100% results in the batch during placements.
■ Software Development Intern - Uber, Bangalore, India - Go, GraphQL, ReactJS, FusionJS May 2022 –
Jul 2022
● Built a dashboard where a customer care agent can see all the present and past cases assigned to them along with a
summary of the same. Also added support where agent can release the case if he is not able to solve it.
● Ensured 100% code coverage by writing unit tests for the application codebase. In the process, discovered and cleaned
up major chunks of redundant/outdated code and added documentation for easier modifications in future.
TECHNICAL Languages: Adept: C/C++. Familiar: Typescript, Javascript, Python, Go, GraphQL, ProtoBuf(proto3)
SKILLS Tools/Framework: Git, MySQL, Nodejs, ReactJS, FusionJS, CSS
RELEVANT Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Linear Algebra and Matrices, Discrete Mathematics,
COURSES Theory of Computation, Database Management Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software
ACHIEVEMENTS ■ Codechef: Max Rating of 2060 (5 stars) and Codeforces: Max Rating of 1814 (Blue - expert)
AND AWARDS ■ Ranked 181 out of 3505 teams in ICPC Amritapuri Preliminary Round, and 417 in the Regionals.
■ Ranked 1356 out of 12692 in FaceBook HackerCup 2021 Round 1, and 1932 out of 6789 in Round 2.
■ Google KickStart 2021 Round C: Global rank 871 out of 12000+ participants.
■ Google KickStart 2021 Round D: Global rank 974 out of 19800+ participants.
■ Google Codejam 2021 Round 1: Global rank 2705 out of 8000+ participants.
■ Google Hashcode 2021 : Global rank 2232. All my Google rounds and certificates can be found here.
■ Ranked 5th in India (3080+ teams), 53rd globally (5560+ teams) in IEEEXtreme 15.0.
■ Ranked 1730 out of more than 1.2 Million candidates in JEE Mains 2019.
■ Won 1st prize in intra college elocution competition at NITK with over 50 applicants.
■ Bagged 4th position in CTF at NITK’s annual technical fest Engineer, 1st among first years.
■ Recipient of the INSPIRE Award from Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
EXTRA ■ Problem-setter for Codechef and Problem setter and Contest admin for Codedrills.
CURRICULAR ■ Head of Algorithms SIG, Web Enthusiasts’ Club, NITK
ACTIVITIES ● Responsible for organising all algorithms related events in the college.
■ Executive Member, IEEE, NITK Chapter.
● Organised technical events and worked on a year-long project.
■ Active on online competitive programming websites Codeforces, Codechef, Hackerearth, Atcoder,