Janmansh Resume 1

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Janmansh Agarwal
janmanshagarwal@gmail.com ● github.com/Janmansh ● LinkedIn: Janmansh ● +91 9428967573

EDUCATION National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India

■ B.Tech, Major: Computer Science and Engineering, Minor: Management Jul 2019 – May 2023
CGPA: Major: 8.58/10.00 Minor: 8.6/10.00
Bright Day School, Vadodara, India (Gujarat Board)
■ Class 12 - PCM: 91%, Percentile Score: 99.09 Jun 2017 – May 2019

TECHNICAL ■ Software Development Engineer (Fullstack)- Uber, Bangalore, India - Go, GraphQL, ReactJS, FusionJS
EXPERIENCE Jun 2023 – Present
● Developed a tool to improve developer experience using ReactJS and FusionJS, and reduce the time to work on the
service by 75%
● Added pagination support to the contacts board of an agent, for faster loading and efficient resolutions. Created an db
index for the same for faster db querying.
■ DSA Mentor - Placewit, Bangalore, India - Data Structures and Algorithms Nov 2022 – Jan 2023
● Mentored a batch of 36 pre final year students in Data Structures and Algorithms for placements.
● Achieved 100% results in the batch during placements.
■ Software Development Intern - Uber, Bangalore, India - Go, GraphQL, ReactJS, FusionJS May 2022 –
Jul 2022
● Built a dashboard where a customer care agent can see all the present and past cases assigned to them along with a
summary of the same. Also added support where agent can release the case if he is not able to solve it.
● Ensured 100% code coverage by writing unit tests for the application codebase. In the process, discovered and cleaned
up major chunks of redundant/outdated code and added documentation for easier modifications in future.

TECHNICAL Languages: Adept: C/C++. Familiar: Typescript, Javascript, Python, Go, GraphQL, ProtoBuf(proto3)
SKILLS Tools/Framework: Git, MySQL, Nodejs, ReactJS, FusionJS, CSS

RELEVANT Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Linear Algebra and Matrices, Discrete Mathematics,
COURSES Theory of Computation, Database Management Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software

SELECTED All projects and work availabe on Github

PROJECTS ■ CodePal - (November 2020 - Present): (v1.7.0 and 5300+ total installs as of 30th January 2023,

Licensed under GPL v3) Technologies: Node.js, TypeScript

● Developed a Visual Studio Code Extension for programmers on the codeforces platform to view problems and contests,
filter them by ratings and tags, automatically compile and run solutions, create directories for contests and problems
consisting of all their sample test cases, open submission and problem pages on single clicks and perform stress testing
for solutions.
● Made extensive use of the VSC Extension API and fetched data from Codeforces using its public API and Web scraping.
● Successfully published the extension to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. Details of the releases along with the user
guide and installation statistics can be found here.

ACHIEVEMENTS ■ Codechef: Max Rating of 2060 (5 stars) and Codeforces: Max Rating of 1814 (Blue - expert)
AND AWARDS ■ Ranked 181 out of 3505 teams in ICPC Amritapuri Preliminary Round, and 417 in the Regionals.
■ Ranked 1356 out of 12692 in FaceBook HackerCup 2021 Round 1, and 1932 out of 6789 in Round 2.
■ Google KickStart 2021 Round C: Global rank 871 out of 12000+ participants.
■ Google KickStart 2021 Round D: Global rank 974 out of 19800+ participants.
■ Google Codejam 2021 Round 1: Global rank 2705 out of 8000+ participants.
■ Google Hashcode 2021 : Global rank 2232. All my Google rounds and certificates can be found here.
■ Ranked 5th in India (3080+ teams), 53rd globally (5560+ teams) in IEEEXtreme 15.0.
■ Ranked 1730 out of more than 1.2 Million candidates in JEE Mains 2019.
■ Won 1st prize in intra college elocution competition at NITK with over 50 applicants.
■ Bagged 4th position in CTF at NITK’s annual technical fest Engineer, 1st among first years.
■ Recipient of the INSPIRE Award from Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

EXTRA ■ Problem-setter for Codechef and Problem setter and Contest admin for Codedrills.
CURRICULAR ■ Head of Algorithms SIG, Web Enthusiasts’ Club, NITK
ACTIVITIES ● Responsible for organising all algorithms related events in the college.
■ Executive Member, IEEE, NITK Chapter.
● Organised technical events and worked on a year-long project.
■ Active on online competitive programming websites Codeforces, Codechef, Hackerearth, Atcoder,

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