Cloud Compiting
Cloud Compiting
Cloud Compiting
Cloud Server
Cloud Deployment Model
Cloud Hypervisor
Cloud Computing Examples
Cloud Computing Jobs Features of Cloud Computing
Multitenancy in Cloud computing
Grid Computing
Aneka in Cloud Computing
Scaling in Cloud Computing
How Does Multi-Cloud Differ from A Hybrid Cloud Rapid Elasticity in Cloud
Computing Fog computing vs Cloud computing
Strategy of Multi-Cloud
Service level agreements in Cloud Computing
Xaas in Cloud Computing
Resource pooling in Cloud Computing
Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
DaaS in Cloud Computing
What is Cloud Computing Replacing
Cloud computing vs Internet of Things
Web Services in Cloud Computing
CaaS in Cloud Computing
Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
Principles of Cloud Computing
What are Roots of Cloud Computing
What is Data Center in Cloud Computing
Resiliency in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Security Architecture
Introduction to Parallel Computing
Cloud Server
Google upgraded its algorithm in July 2018 to include page load speed as a ranking
metric. Consider the consequences if customers leave the page because of load
time then the rankings of the page suffer. Load-time was one of many instances of
the significance of hosting services and its effects are on the overall profitability of
the company. Now, let's disintegrate the distinction between the two key kinds of
services provided to understand the significance of web hosting servers: These two
servers are: Cloud hosting and dedicated servers. Each server has certain benefits
and drawbacks that may become especially significant to an organization on a plan,
meeting time restrictions or looking to develop. The meanings and variations you
need to know are discussed here.
Cloud Ecosystem
A cloud environment is a dynamic system of interrelated components, all of which
come together to produce cloud services possible. The cloud infrastructure of cloud
services is made up of software and hardware components and also cloud clients,
cloud experts, vendors, integrators and partners. The cloud is a technique that is
applied to function as a single entity with limitless multiple-servers. As data is stored
"in the cloud," it implies that it is kept in a virtual environment that can pull support
from numerous geographically placed physical platforms across the world. Similarly,
the hubs are specific servers that are linked via the opportunity to exchange services
in virtual space, mostly in data center facilities. It's a cloud.
To distribute computing resources, cloud servers support pooled files and folders,
including Ceph or a wide Storage Area Network (SAN). Through devolution, hosted
and virtual server data are integrated. In the context of a malfunction, its condition
can be easily transferred from this environment. To manage the various sizes of
cloud storage that are splintered, a hypervisor is often built. It also controls the
assignment of hardware facilities, such as core processors, RAM and storage space,
to every cloud server.
Dedicated Hosting System
The dedicated environment for server hosting may not allow usage of virtual
technologies. The strengths and weaknesses of a specific item of hardware devices
are the foundation of all tools. The word 'dedicated' derives from the fact that,
depending on hardware, it is separated from any other physical environment around
it. The equipment is deliberately developed to offer industry-leading efficiency,
power, longevity and, very important, durability.
What is Cloud Server, and How it works
The on-demand procurement of computer network resources, particularly storing
data (cloud services) and computational capability, is cloud computing without
explicit, active user intervention. In common, the term describes data centers
accessible over the Web to many users. Large servers, over all today, also have
operations spread through cloud servers over several environments. If the
communication to the user is slightly closer, an edge server can be assigned. Cloud
server hosting is, in basic words, a virtualized storage network. The core level
support for several cloud storage is provided by devices known as bare metal
servers. Various bare metal nodes are mainly composed of a public cloud, typically
housed in protected network infrastructure for collocation. Multiple virtual servers are
hosted by all of these physical servers. In a couple of seconds, a virtual machine can
be built. When it is no longer required, it can also be discarded fast. It is also an easy
task to submit information to a virtual server, without the need for in-depth hardware
upgrades. Another of the main benefits of cloud infrastructure is versatility, and it is a
quality that is central to the cloud service concept. There will be several web servers
within such a private cloud that provide services for the same physical environment.
And though each device will be a bare metal server, what consumers invest for and
eventually use is the virtual environment.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated hosting contains the ability to provide a data center with only a specific
customer. All of the server's facilities are offered to the particular client who leases or
purchases the computer equipment. Services are designed to the customer's
requirements, such as storage, RAM, bandwidth load, and processor sort. The most
efficient computers in the marketplace are dedicated hosting servers, which most
often include several processors. A dedicated server can need a server network. The
cluster is based on modern technology, everyone connecting to a virtual network
location for several dedicated servers. After all, only one customer has access to the
tools that are in the virtual environment.
Hybrid cloud server (Mixture of Dedicated and cloud server)
A hybrid cloud is named as an incredibly prevalent architecture that several
businesses use. Dedicated and cloud hosting alternatives are used in a hybrid cloud.
A hybrid may also combine dedicated hosting servers with protected and public
cloud servers. This configuration enables several configurations that are appealing to
organizations with unique requirements or financial restrictions on the
personalization aspect.
Using dedicated servers for back-end operations is one of the most common hybrid
cloud architectures. The hybrid servers' power provides the most stable storage
space and communication climate. On cloud storage, its front-end is hosted. For
Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, which need flexibility and scalability
based on customer-handling parameters, this architecture works perfectly.
Common factors of cloud server and dedicated server
Either dedicated or cloud servers both perform similar required actions through their
root. The following software is used with both strategies:
Keep information preserved
Request permission for the data
Queries for information processed
Return data to the person who needed it.
Differences between hosting services or virtual private server (VPS) services are
often preserved by cloud storage and physical hosting.
Processing large quantities of data without hiccups from delay or results.
Knowledge reception, analysis and returning to clients with business usual
reaction times.
Protection of the integrity of information stored.
Ensuring web apps' efficiency.
Cloud-based systems and dedicated servers of the modern generation have the
specific capacity to handle almost any service or program. Using related back-end
tools, they can be handled, so that both approaches may execute on similar
applications. The differentiation is in the results.
Matching the perfect approach to a framework will save money for organizations,
increase flexibility and agility, and help to optimize the use of resources.
Cloud server vs. dedicated server
While analyzing performance, scalability, migration, management, services, and
costing, the variations among cloud infrastructure and dedicated servers become
more evident.
Dedicated hosting ranges separately from servers based on clouds. The classifier
model is constrained by the size of stacks or drive-bays of the Distributed Antenna
System (DAS) present on the server. Via an existing logical volume manager (LVM)
file, a RAID handler, and a connected charger, a dedicated server might be able to
communicate a disk to an already open bay. Hot swapping is more complicated for
DAS arrays. Cloud server space, by addition, is readily customizable (and
contractible). The cloud server is not always a part of the connection to provide more
storage capacity since the SAN is away from the host. In the cloud world, extending
capacity does not suffer any slowdown. Excluding operational downtime, dedicated
servers often require more money and resources to update processors. The
complete conversion or communicating of another server is necessary for
webservers on a single device that needs additional processing capacity.
For a business that's looking for easy deployment and information retrieval,
dedicated servers are typically the most preferred option. Although they manipulate
data locally, they may not experience a wide range of delays when carrying out
certain operations. This output pace is particularly essential for organizations,
including e-commerce, in which every 1/10th of a second count. To manage
information, cloud servers have to go through SAN, which carries the operation
through the architecture's rear end.
The application should also be routed via the hypervisor. This additional processing
imposes a certain delay factor that cannot be decreased. Devices on dedicated
servers are dedicated exclusively to the web or software host. They may not require
to queue queries until all of the computing capacity is used at one (which is highly
doubtful). For businesses with Processor sensitive load balancing operations, this
enables dedicated servers an excellent option. CPU units in a cloud system need
supervision to prevent efficiency from decaying. Without the need for an additional
amount of lag, the existing version of hosts cannot accommodate requests.
Dedicated servers are completely connected to the host site or program, preventing
the overall environment from being throttled. Especially in comparison to the cloud
storage world, the commitment of this degree enables networking to be a simple
operation. Using the physical network in the cloud system poses a serious risk of
bandwidth being throttled. If more than one occupant is concurrently utilizing the
same channel, a variety of adverse impacts can be encountered by both occupants.
Administration and Operations
Dedicated servers can enable an enterprise to track their dedicated devices. In-
house workers also ought to grasp the management of programs more precisely. A
business would also need a detailed understanding of the load profile to keep
storage overhead within the correct range. Scaling, updates and repairs are a
collaborative endeavor between customers and suppliers that should be strategically
planned to keep downtime to a minimum. It will be more convenient for cloud servers
to handle. With much less effect on processes, interoperability is quicker. If a
dedicated environment requires scheduling to estimate server needs correctly, cloud
services platforms require planning to address the possible constraints that you may
Cost Comparison
Normally, cloud servers contain a lower initial expense than dedicated servers. After
all, when a business scales and needs additional capital, cloud servers start losing
this benefit. There are also some characteristics that really can boost the price of
cloud and dedicated servers. For example, executing a cloud server via a specific
network interface can be very costly. An advantage of dedicated servers is that it is
possible to update them. Network cards and Non-Volatile Memory (NVMe) drive with
more storage, which can boost capacities at the cost of a business's equipment
Usually, cloud servers are paid on a regular OpEx (Operational expenditure) model.
CapEx (Capital expenditure) are generally physical server alternatives. They enable
you to overwrite the assets at no extra cost. You also have capital investment
expenses that can be paid off for a period of 3 years.
Streamlined migration can be attained through both dedicated and cloud hosting
services. Migration involves further preparation inside a dedicated setting. The new
approach may hold both previous and present progress in view to execute a smooth
migration. There should be a full-scale decision made. In most instances, before the
new server is entirely prepared to accept over, the old and new implementations can
run simultaneously. Maintaining the existing systems as a backup is also
recommended before the latest approach can be sufficiently checked.
Cloud Deployment Model
Today, organizations have many exciting opportunities to reimagine, repurpose and
reinvent their businesses with the cloud. The last decade has seen even more
businesses rely on it for quicker time to market, better efficiency, and scalability. It
helps them achieve lo ng-term digital goals as part of their digital strategy.
Though the answer to which cloud model is an ideal fit for a business depends on
your organization's computing and business needs. Choosing the right one from the
various types of cloud service deployment models is essential. It would ensure your
business is equipped with the performance, scalability, privacy, security, compliance
& cost-effectiveness it requires. It is important to learn and explore what different
deployment types can offer - around what particular problems it can solve. Read on
as we cover the various cloud computing deployment and service models to help
discover the best choice for your business.
What Is A Cloud Deployment Model?
It works as your virtual computing environment with a choice of deployment model
depending on how much data you want to store and who has access to the
Different Types Of Cloud Computing Deployment Models
Most cloud hubs have tens of thousands of servers and storage devices to enable
fast loading. It is often possible to choose a geographic area to put the data "closer"
to users. Thus, deployment models for cloud computing are categorized based on
their location. To know which model would best fit the requirements of your
organization, let us first learn about the various types.
Public Cloud
The name says it all. It is accessible to the public. Public deployment models in the
cloud are perfect for organizations with growing and fluctuating demands. It also
makes a great choice for companies with low-security concerns. Thus, you pay a
cloud service provider for networking services, compute virtualization & storage
available on the public internet. It is also a great delivery model for the teams with
development and testing. Its configuration and deployment are quick and easy,
making it an ideal choice for test environments.
Benefits of Public Cloud
Minimal Investment - As a pay-per-use service, there is no large upfront cost and
is ideal for businesses who need quick access to resources
No Hardware Setup - The cloud service providers fully fund the entire
No Infrastructure Management - This does not require an in-house team to utilize
the public cloud.
Limitations of Public Cloud
Data Security and Privacy Concerns - Since it is accessible to all, it does not fully
protect against cyber-attacks and could lead to vulnerabilities.
Reliability Issues - Since the same server network is open to a wide range of
users, it can lead to malfunction and outages
Service/License Limitation - While there are many resources you can exchange
with tenants, there is a usage cap.
Private Cloud
Now that you understand what the public cloud could offer you, of course, you are
keen to know what a private cloud can do. Companies that look for cost efficiency
and greater control over data & resources will find the private cloud a more suitable
choice. It means that it will be integrated with your data center and managed by your
IT team. Alternatively, you can also choose to host it externally. The private cloud
offers bigger opportunities that help meet specific organizations' requirements when
it comes to customization. It's also a wise choice for mission-critical processes that
may have frequently changing requirements.
The Benefits
You are entirely free from the infrastructure management and aligning software
environment: no installation or software maintenance.
You benefit from automatic updates with the guarantee that all users have the
same software version.
It enables easy and quicker testing of new software solutions.
For Who?
SAAS model accounts for 60% of sales of cloud solutions. Hence, it is applicable
and preferred by most companies.
Cloud Hypervisor
The key is to enable hypervisor virtualization. In its simplest form, a hypervisor is
specialized firmware or software, or both, installed on a single hardware that will
allow you to host multiple virtual machines. This allows physical hardware to be
shared across multiple virtual machines. The computer on which the hypervisor runs
one or more virtual machines is called the host machine. Virtual machines are called
guest machines. The hypervisor allows the physical host machine to run various
guest machines. It helps to get maximum benefit from computing resources such as
memory, network bandwidth and CPU cycles.
Advantages of Hypervisor
Although virtual machines operate on the same physical hardware, they are isolated
from each other. It also denotes that if one virtual machine undergoes a crash, error,
or malware attack, it does not affect other virtual machines. Another advantage is
that virtual machines are very mobile because they do not depend on the underlying
hardware. Since they are not connected to physical hardware, switching between
local or remote virtualized servers becomes much easier than with traditional
Types of Hypervisors in Cloud Computing
There are two main types of hypervisors in cloud computing.
Type I Hypervisor
A Type I hypervisor operates directly on the host's hardware to monitor the hardware
and guest virtual machines, and is referred to as bare metal. Typically, they do not
require the installation of software ahead of time. Instead, you can install it directly
on the hardware. This type of hypervisor is powerful and requires a lot of expertise to
function well. In addition, Type I hypervisors are more complex and have few
hardware requirements to run adequately. Because of this it is mostly chosen by IT
operations and data center computing.
Examples of Type I hypervisors include Oracle VM Server for Xen, SPARC, Oracle
VM Server for x86, Microsoft Hyper-V, and VMware's ESX/ESXi.
Type II Hypervisor
It is also called a hosted hypervisor because it is installed on an existing operating
system, and they are not more capable of running more complex virtual tasks.
People use it for basic development, testing and simulation.
If a security flaw is found inside the host OS, it can potentially compromise all
running virtual machines. This is why Type II hypervisors cannot be used for data
center computing, and they are designed for end-user systems where security is less
of a concern. For example, developers can use a Type II hypervisor to launch virtual
machines to test software products prior to their release.
Hypervisors, their use, and Importance
A hypervisor is a process or a function to help admins isolate operating systems and
applications from the underlying hardware. Cloud computing uses it the most as it
allows multiple guest operating systems (also known as virtual machines or VMs) to
run simultaneously on a single host system. Administrators can use the resources
efficiently by dividing computing resources (RAM, CPU, etc.) between multiple VMs.
A hypervisor is a key element in virtualization, which has helped organizations
achieve higher cost savings, improve their provisioning and deployment speeds, and
ensure higher resilience with reduced downtimes.
The Evolution of Hypervisors
The use of hypervisors dates back to the 1960s, when IBM deployed them on time-
sharing systems and took advantage of them to test new operating systems and
hardware. During the 1960s, virtualization techniques were used extensively by
developers wishing to test their programs without affecting the main production
system. The mid-2000s saw another significant leap forward as Unix, Linux and
others experimented with virtualization. With advances in processing power,
companies built powerful machines capable of handling multiple workloads. In 2005,
CPU vendors began offering hardware virtualization for their x86-based products,
making hypervisors mainstream.
Why use a hypervisor?
Now that we have answered "what is a hypervisor", it will be useful to explore some
of their important applications to better understand the role of hypervisors in
virtualized environments. Hypervisors simplify server management because VMs are
independent of the host environment. In other words, the operation of one VM does
not affect other VMs or the underlying hardware. Therefore, even when one VM
crashes, others can continue to work without affecting performance. This allows
administrators to move VMs between servers, which is a useful capability for
workload balancing. Teams seamlessly migrate VMs from one machine to another,
and they can use this feature for fail-overs. In addition, a hypervisor is useful for
running and testing programs in different operating systems.
However, the most important use of hypervisors is consolidating servers on the
cloud, and data centers require server consolidation to reduce server sprawl.
Virtualization practices and hypervisors have become popular because they are
highly effective in solving the problem of underutilized servers.
Virtualization enables administrators to easily take advantage of untapped hardware
capacity to run multiple workloads at once, rather than running separate workloads
on separate physical servers. They can match their workload with appropriate
material resources, meeting their time, cost and service level requirements.
What are the different Types of Hypervisors?
Type 1 Hypervisors (Bare Metal or Native Hypervisors): Type 1 hypervisors are
deployed directly over the host hardware. Direct access to the hardware without any
underlying OS or device drivers makes such hypervisors highly efficient for
enterprise computing. The implementation is also inherently secure against OS-level
vulnerabilities. VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VM, and Xen are examples
of type 1 hypervisors.
Type 2 Hypervisors (Hosted Hypervisor): Type 2 hypervisors run as an
application over a traditional OS. Developers, security professionals, or users who
need to access applications only available on select OS versions often rely on type 2
hypervisors for their operations. KVM, VMware Server and Workstation, Microsoft
Virtual PC, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and QEMU are popular type 2 hypervisors.
Need of a Virtualization Management Tool
Today, most enterprises use hypervisors to simplify server management, and it is the
backbone of all cloud services. While virtualization has its advantages, IT teams are
often less equipped to manage a complex ecosystem of hypervisors from multiple
vendors. It is not always easy to keep track of different types of hypervisors and to
accurately monitor the performance of VMs. In addition, the ease of provisioning
increases the number of applications and operating systems, increasing the routine
maintenance, security and compliance burden.
In addition, VMs may still require IT support related to provisioning, de-provisioning
and auditing as per individual security and compliance mandates. Troubleshooting
often involves skimming through multiple product support pages. As organizations
grow, the lack of access to proper documentation and technical support can make
the implementation and management of hypervisors difficult. Eventually, controlling
virtual machine spread becomes a significant challenge.
Different groups within an organization often deploy the same workload to different
clouds, increasing inefficiency and complicating data management. IT administrators
must employ virtualization management tools to address the above challenges and
manage their resources efficiently.
Virtualization management tools provide a holistic view of the availability of all VMs,
their states (running, stopped, etc.), and host servers. These tools also help in
performing basic maintenance, provisioning, de-provisioning and migration of VMs.
Key Players in Virtualization Management
There are three broad categories of virtualization management tools available in the
Proprietary tools (with varying degrees of cross-platform support): VMware
venter, Microsoft SCVMM
Open-source tools: Citrix XenCenter
Third-party commercial tools: Dell Foglight, Solar Winds Virtualization Manager,
Splunk Virtualization Monitoring System.
Cloud Computing Examples
Cloud computing is an infrastructure and software model that enables ubiquitous
access to shared storage pools, networks, servers and applications.
It allows data processing on a privately owned cloud or on a third-party server. This
creates maximum speed and reliability. But the biggest advantages are its ease of
installation, low maintenance and scalability. In this way, it grows with your needs.
IaaS and SaaS cloud computing has been skyrocketing since 2009, and it's all
around us now. You're probably reading this on the cloud right now.
For some perspective on how important cloud storage and computing are to our daily
lives, here are 8 real-world examples of cloud computing:
Examples of Cloud Storage
Ex: Dropbox, Gmail, Facebook
The number of online cloud storage providers is increasing every day, and each is
competing on the amount of storage that can be provided to the customer.
Right now, Dropbox is the clear leader in streamlined cloud storage, allowing users
to access files through their application or website on any device with up to 1
terabyte of free storage.
Gmail, Google's email service provider, on the other hand, offers unlimited storage
on the cloud. Gmail has revolutionized the way we send email and is largely
responsible for the increasing use of email across the world.
Facebook is a mixture of both in that it can store an infinite amount of information,
pictures and videos on your profile. Then they can be easily accessed on multiple
devices. Facebook goes a step further with its Messenger app, which allows profiles
to exchange data.
Examples of Marketing Cloud Platforms
Ex: Maropost for Marketing, Hubspot, Adobe Marketing Cloud
Marketing Cloud is an end-to-end digital marketing platform for customers to manage
contacts and target leads. Maropost Marketing Cloud combines easy-to-use
marketing automation and hyper-targeting of leads. Plus, making sure email arrives
in the inbox, thanks to its advanced email delivery capabilities.
In general, marketing clouds fill the need for personalization, and this is important in
a market that demands messaging to be "more human". So communicating that your
brand is here to help will make all the difference in closing.
Examples of Cloud Computing in Education
Ex: SlideRocket, Ratatype, Amazon Web Services
Education is rapidly adopting advanced technology as students already are.
Therefore, to modernize classrooms, teachers have introduced e-learning software
like SlideRocket. SlideRocket is a platform that students can use to create and
submit presentations, and students can also present them over the cloud via web
conferencing. Another tool teachers use is RataType, which helps students learn to
type faster and offers online typing tests to track their progress.
Amazon's AWS Cloud for K12 and Primary Education is a virtual desktop
infrastructure (VDI) solution for school administration. The cloud allows instructors
and students to access teaching and learning software on multiple devices.
Examples of Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Ex: ClearDATA, Dell's Secure Healthcare Cloud, IBM Cloud
Cloud computing allows nurses, physicians and administrators to quickly share
information from anywhere. It also saves on costs by allowing large data files to be
shared quickly for maximum convenience. This is a huge boost to efficiency.
Ultimately, cloud technology ensures that patients receive the best possible care
without unnecessary delay. The patient's status can also be updated in seconds
through remote conferencing. However, many modern hospitals have not yet
implemented cloud computing, but are expected to do so soon.
Examples of Cloud Computing for Government
Uses: IT consolidation, shared services, citizen services
The US government and military were early adopters of cloud computing. Under the
Obama administration to accelerate cloud adoption across departments, the U.S.
The federal cloud computing strategy was introduced.
According to the strategy: "The focus will shift from the technology itself to the core
competencies and mission of the agency.". US Government's cloud includes social,
mobile and analytics technologies. However, they must adhere to strict compliance
and security measures (FIPS, FISMA, and FedRAMP). This is to protect against
cyber threats both domestically and abroad. Cloud computing is the answer for any
business struggling to stay organized, increase ROI, or grow their email lists.
Maropost has the digital marketing solutions you need to transform your business.
Cloud Computing Jobs
Cloud computing touches many aspects of modern life, and there is a great need for
cloud professionals. Learn about the skills and education required for a cloud
computing career. Cloud professionals are in high demand, and as the reliance on
remote access continues to grow, so are talented IT professionals. Cloud computing
is a system of databases and software, typically operating in data centers and
warehouses. This enables users and businesses to access digital information over
the Internet from anywhere, rather than having physical servers in a network closet
in the back office. Cloud computing businesses need less IT provides. Overhead
costs, especially for small businesses and startups that may not have the capital to
invest in extensive on-premises I.T. Department.
Interacting with cloud technology is involved in almost every aspect of modern life,
whether as a consumer or in an IT environment. On the consumer side, the lack of
physical media such as CDs, DVDs and video games has led to the rise of on-
demand streaming services. This requires remote storage options that can support
delivering large amounts of data accurately and quickly. in I.T. In the field, advances
in artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT compatibility have driven
enterprises to seek the agility and flexibility of the cloud. Such a complex system
requires specific knowledge and skills, requiring specific training and requirements.
Cloud computing career requirements
Regardless of what stage of your career you're in, the skills required for cloud
computing are the same. You'll need a solid foundation in:
Programming languages. Specific languages include Java, JavaScript, and
Database management and programming. Those familiar with SQL, NoSQL,
and Linux will have the advantage.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning. These two technologies aid
businesses' agility and efficiency by processing and analyzing patterns, making
insights based on that data and facilitating faster, more accurate decision-
Understanding and experience with cloud technologies and providers.
These vendors include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform,
Microsoft Azure, and Oracle.
As with any I.T. specialty, you also need to be curious, analytical, and willing to stay
on top of rapidly changing user needs that drive technological innovation.
Resources Pooling
Resource pooling is one of the essential features of cloud computing. Resource
pooling means that a cloud service provider can share resources among multiple
clients, each providing a different set of services according to their needs. It is a
multi-client strategy that can be applied to data storage, processing and bandwidth-
delivered services. The administration process of allocating resources in real-time
does not conflict with the client's experience.
On-Demand Self-Service
It is one of the important and essential features of cloud computing. This enables the
client to continuously monitor server uptime, capabilities and allocated network
storage. This is a fundamental feature of cloud computing, and a customer can also
control the computing capabilities according to their needs.
Easy Maintenance
This is one of the best cloud features. Servers are easily maintained, and downtime
is minimal or sometimes zero. Cloud computing powered resources often undergo
several updates to optimize their capabilities and potential. Updates are more viable
with devices and perform faster than previous versions.
Scalability And Rapid Elasticity
A key feature and advantage of cloud computing is its rapid scalability. This cloud
feature enables cost-effective handling of workloads that require a large number of
servers but only for a short period. Many customers have workloads that can be run
very cost-effectively due to the rapid scalability of cloud computing.
This cloud feature helps in reducing the IT expenditure of the organizations. In cloud
computing, clients need to pay the administration for the space used by them. There
is no cover-up or additional charges that need to be paid. Administration is
economical, and more often than not, some space is allocated for free.
Measured And Reporting Service
Reporting Services is one of the many cloud features that make it the best choice for
organizations. The measurement and reporting service is helpful for both cloud
providers and their customers. This enables both the provider and the customer to
monitor and report which services have been used and for what purposes. It helps in
monitoring billing and ensuring optimum utilization of resources.
Data security is one of the best features of cloud computing. Cloud services make a
copy of the stored data to prevent any kind of data loss. If one server loses data by
any chance, the copied version is restored from the other server. This feature comes
in handy when multiple users are working on a particular file in real-time, and one file
suddenly gets corrupted.
Automation is an essential feature of cloud computing. The ability of cloud computing
to automatically install, configure and maintain a cloud service is known as
automation in cloud computing. In simple words, it is the process of making the most
of the technology and minimizing the manual effort. However, achieving automation
in a cloud ecosystem is not that easy. This requires the installation and deployment
of virtual machines, servers, and large storage. On successful deployment, these
resources also require constant maintenance.
Resilience in cloud computing means the ability of a service to quickly recover from
any disruption. The resilience of a cloud is measured by how fast its servers,
databases and network systems restart and recover from any loss or damage.
Availability is another key feature of cloud computing. Since cloud services can be
accessed remotely, there are no geographic restrictions or limits on the use of cloud
Large Network Access
A big part of the cloud's characteristics is its ubiquity. The client can access cloud
data or transfer data to the cloud from any location with a device and internet
connection. These capabilities are available everywhere in the organization and are
achieved with the help of internet. Cloud providers deliver that large network access
by monitoring and guaranteeing measurements that reflect how clients access cloud
resources and data: latency, access times, data throughput, and more.
Benefits of Cloud Services
Cloud services have many benefits, so let's take a closer look at some of the most
important ones.
Cloud computing lets users access files using web-enabled devices such as
smartphones and laptops. The ability to simultaneously share documents and other
files over the Internet can facilitate collaboration between employees. Cloud services
are very easily scalable, so your IT needs can be increased or decreased depending
on the needs of your business.
Work from anywhere
Users of cloud systems can work from any location as long as you have an Internet
connection. Most of the major cloud services offer mobile applications, so there are
no restrictions on what type of device you're using.
It allows users to be more productive by adjusting the system to their work
Cost savings
Using web-based services eliminates the need for large expenditures on
implementing and maintaining the hardware. Cloud services work on a pay-as-you-
go subscription model.
Automatic updates
With cloud computing, your servers are off-premises and are the responsibility of the
service provider. Providers update systems automatically, including security updates.
This saves your business time and money from doing it yourself, which could be
better spent focusing on other aspects of your organization.
Disaster recovery
Cloud-based backup and recovery ensure that your data is secure. Implementing
robust disaster recovery was once a problem for small businesses, but cloud
solutions now provide these organizations with the cost-effective solutions with the
expertise they need. Cloud services save time, avoid large investments and provide
a third party experience for your company.
Various features of cloud computing are helping both the host and the customer. A
host also has various advantages, which benefit the customers. These days, the
organization is in dire need of data storage. The previously mentioned features of
cloud computing make it a popular choice among various organizations across
Multitenancy in Cloud computing
Multitenancy is a type of software architecture where a single software instance can
serve multiple distinct user groups. It means that multiple customers of cloud
vendors are using the same computing resources. As they are sharing the same
computing resources but the data of each Cloud customer is kept separate and
secure. It is a very important concept of Cloud Computing.
Multitenancy is also a shared host where the same resources are divided among
different customers in cloud computing.
For Example :
The example of multitenancy is the same as working of Bank. Multiple people can
store money in the same Bank. But every customer asset is different. One customer
cannot access the other customer's money and account, and different customers are
not aware of each other's account balance and details, etc.
Advantages of Multitenancy :
The use of Available resources is maximized by sharing resources.
Customer's Cost of Physical Hardware System is reduced, and it reduces the
usage of physical devices and thus power consumption and cooling cost savings.
Save Vendor's cost as it becomes difficult for a cloud vendor to provide separate
Physical Services to each individual.
Disadvantages of Multitenancy :
Data is stored in third-party services, which reduces our data security and puts it
into vulnerable conditions.
Unauthorized access will cause damage to data.
Each tenant's data is not accessible to all other tenants within the cloud
infrastructure and can only be accessed with the permission of the cloud provider. In
a private cloud, customers, or tenants, can be different individuals or groups within
the same company. In a public cloud, completely different organizations can securely
share their server space. Most public cloud providers use a multi-tenancy model,
which allows them to run servers with single instances, which is less expensive and
helps streamline updates.
Diagonal Scaling
It is a mixture of both Horizontal and Vertical scalability where the resources are
added both vertically and horizontally. Well, you get diagonal scaling, which allows
you to experience the most efficient infrastructure scaling.
When you combine vertical and horizontal, you simply grow within your existing
server until you hit the capacity. Then, you can clone that server as necessary and
continue the process, allowing you to deal with a lot of requests and traffic
Scale in the Cloud
When you move scaling into the cloud, you experience an enormous amount of
flexibility that saves both money and time for a business. When your demand booms,
it's easy to scale up to accommodate the new load. As things level out again, you
can scale down accordingly. This is so significant because cloud computing uses a
pay-as-you-go model. Traditionally, professionals guess their maximum capacity
needs and purchase everything up front. If they overestimate, they pay for unused
resources. If they underestimate, they don't have the services and resources
necessary to operate effectively. With cloud scaling, though, businesses get the
capacity they need when they need it, and they simply pay based on usage. This on-
demand nature is what makes the cloud so appealing. You can start small and adjust
as you go. It's quick, it's easy, and you're in control.
Difference between Cloud Elasticity and Scalability:
Cloud Elasticity Cloud Scalability
Elasticity is used just to meet the sudden Scalability is used to meet the static
up and down in the workload for a small increase in the workload.
period of time.
Elasticity is used to meet dynamic Scalability is always used to address the
changes, where the resources need can increase in workload in an organization.
increase or decrease.
Elasticity is commonly used by small Scalability is used by giant companies
companies whose workload and demand whose customer circle persistently grows
increases only for a specific period of in order to do the operations efficiently.
It is a short term planning and adopted Scalability is a long term planning and
just to deal with an unexpected increase adopted just to deal with an expected
in demand or seasonal demands. increase in demand.
Why is cloud scalable?
Scalable cloud architecture is made possible through virtualization. Unlike physical
machines whose resources and performance are relatively set, virtual machines
virtual machines (VMs) are highly flexible and can be easily scaled up or down. They
can be moved to a different server or hosted on multiple servers at once; workloads
and applications can be shifted to larger VMs as needed.
Third-party cloud providers also have all the vast hardware and software resources
already in place to allow for rapid scaling that an individual business could not
achieve cost-effectively on its own.
Benefits of cloud scalability
Key cloud scalability benefits driving cloud adoption for businesses large and small:
Convenience: Often, with just a few clicks, IT administrators can easily add more
VMs that are available-and customized to an organization's exact needs-without
delay. Teams can focus on other tasks instead of setting up physical hardware
for hours and days. This saves the valuable time of the IT staff.
Flexibility and speed: As business needs change and grow, including
unexpected demand spikes, cloud scalability allows IT to respond quickly.
Companies are no longer tied to obsolete equipment-they can update systems
and easily increase power and storage. Today, even small businesses have
access to high-powered resources that used to be cost-prohibitive.
Cost Savings: Thanks to cloud scalability, businesses can avoid the upfront cost
of purchasing expensive equipment that can become obsolete in a few years.
Through cloud providers, they only pay for what they use and reduce waste.
Disaster recovery: With scalable cloud computing, you can reduce disaster
recovery costs by eliminating the need to build and maintain secondary data
When to Use Cloud Scalability?
Successful businesses use scalable business models to grow rapidly and meet
changing demands. It's no different with their IT. Cloud scalability benefits help
businesses stay agile and competitive. Scalability is one of the driving reasons for
migrating to the cloud. Whether traffic or workload demands increase suddenly or
increase gradually over time, a scalable cloud solution enables organizations to
respond appropriately and cost-effectively to increased storage and performance.
How do you determine optimal cloud scalability?
Changing business needs or increasing demand often necessitate your scalable
cloud solution changes. But how much storage, memory, and processing power do
you need? Will you scale in or out?
To determine the correct size solution, continuous performance testing is essential.
IT administrators must continuously measure response times, number of requests,
CPU load, and memory usage. Scalability testing also measures the performance of
an application and its ability to scale up or down based on user requests. Automation
can also help optimize cloud scalability. You can set a threshold for usage that
triggers automatic scaling so as not to affect performance. You may also consider a
third-party configuration management service or tool to help you manage your
scaling needs, goals, and implementation.
How Does Multi-Cloud Differ from A Hybrid Cloud?
The IT market is still buzzing because of the advent of cloud computing. Though the
breakthrough technology first came out some 10 years back, companies are
benefiting from its benefits for business in various forms. The cloud has offered more
than just storage of data and security benefits. It has caused a storm of confusion
within organizations because new terms are constantly being invented to describe
the various cloud types. At first, the IT industry began to recognize the private cloud
infrastructures that could support only the data and workload of the particular
company. As time passed, it was apparent that the cloud-based solution had
developed and was made public and managed by third-party companies like AWS or
Google Cloud and Microsoft. The cloud today is now able to support hybrid and
multi-cloud infrastructure.
What is Multi-Cloud?
Multi-cloud is the dispersion of cloud-based assets, software, and apps across a
variety of cloud environments. The multi-cloud infrastructure is managed specifically
for a specific workload with the mix-and-match strategy used by diverse cloud
services. The main benefit of a multi-cloud for many companies is the possibility of
using two or more cloud services or private clouds in order to avoid dependence on
one cloud service. However, multi-cloud doesn't allow the orchestration or
connection between these various services.
Challenges around Multi-Cloud
Siloed cloud providers - Sometimes, the different cloud providers cause an
issue with cloud monitoring and management since they have tools to monitor the
workload exclusively within their cloud infrastructure.
Insufficient knowledge - multi-cloud is a relatively new concept, and the market
for cloud services isn't at a point where there are people who are proficient in
Selecting different cloud vendors - It is a fact that many organizations have
issues when choosing cloud providers that cooperate with each other without
encountering any difficulties.
Why do Multi-Cloud?
Multi-cloud technology supports changes and growth in business. Each department
or team has its tasks, organizational roles, and volume of data produced in every
company. They also have different requirements in terms of security, performance,
and privacy. In turn, the use of multi-cloud in this type of business setting allows
companies to satisfy the unique requirements of their departments in relation to the
storage of data, structuring, and security. Additionally, businesses must be able to
adapt and allow their IT to evolve as their business expands. It's not just a business-
enablement strategy and IT-forward plan. Looking deeper into multi-cloud's many
advantages for business, companies get an edge on the marketplace, both
technologically as well as commercially. These companies also enjoy geographical
benefits from using multi-cloud in that it helps address the issue of app latency and
issues to a great extent. However, two other important issues force enterprises to
implement multi-cloud on their premises: vendor lock-in and outages for cloud
providers. Multi-cloud solutions can be a powerful tool for preventing lock-in from
vendors and a method to prevent the possibility of failure or downtime at just a few
locations, and a way to take advantage of unique services from various cloud service
providers. In a simple statement, CIOs and IT executives of enterprise IT are opting
for the multi-cloud option since it allows for greater flexibility, as well as complete
control of the data of the business and the workload. Many times, business decision-
makers prefer multi-cloud options together with the hybrid cloud strategy.
Furthermore, we've got an 8-point list of ways to reduce Multi-Cloud expenses.
What is Hybrid-Cloud?
The term "hybrid cloud" refers to a mix of third parties' private cloud on-premises and
cloud services. It is also referred to as a public and private cloud in addition to
conventional data centres. In simple terms, it is made up of multiple cloud
combinations. The mix could consist of two cloud types: two private clouds, two
public clouds, or one public cloud, as well as the other cloud being private.
Challenges around Hybrid Cloud
Security - Through the hybrid cloud model, enterprises must simultaneously
handle different security platforms while transferring specific data from the private
cloud or reverse.
Complexities associated with cloud integrations - A high level of technical
expertise is required to seamlessly integrate public and private cloud
architectures without adding additional complexities to the process.
Complications around scaling - As the data grows, the cloud must also be able
to grow. However, altering the hybrid cloud's architecture to keep up with data
growth can be extremely difficult.
Why do Hybrid Cloud?
No matter how big the business, the transition to cloud computing cannot be
completed in one straightforward move. Even if they plan to migrate to a public cloud
managed by third-party companies, it is essential for proper planning for the time
needed to ensure that the cloud implementation is as precise as is possible. But,
prior to jumping into the cloud, companies should create a checklist of data,
resources, as well as workloads and systems that will be moved to the cloud while
others remain on their own located in data centres. In general terms, interoperability
is a well-known and dependable illustration of the hybrid cloud. Furthermore, unless
businesses are based in the cloud in the early days of operation, they're likely to be
on a path that involves preparation, strategies, and support for cloud infrastructure
and existing infrastructure. A lot of companies have also considered the possibility of
constructing and implementing a distinct cloud environment for their IT requirements,
which is integrated with their existing data centers in order to reduce the interference
between internal processes and cloud-based tools. However, the complexity of the
setup is more than decreases because of the necessity to perform a range of
functions in different environments. In this scenario, it is essential that every
business ensures that they have the resources to create and implement integrated
platforms that provide a practical design and architecture for business operations.
Which Cloud-based Solution to Adopt?
Both hybrid and multi-cloud platforms provide distinct advantages to companies that
can be confusing. What are the best ways of picking one of these two to help
businesses succeed? Which cloud service is suitable for what department or work?
What is the best way to ensure that implementing one of these options will benefit
organizations in the many years? All of these questions will be addressed in the next
section, which explains how the two cloud services differ from each other and which
one is the best choice in the case of an organization.
How does Multi-Cloud Differ from a Hybrid Cloud?
There are distinct differences between hybrid and multi-cloud clouds in the
commercial realm. Both terms are commonly employed in conjunction. This
distinction is also anticipated to grow since multi-cloud computing has become the
default for numerous organizations.
As is well-known that the multi-cloud approach makes use of several cloud
services that typically come offered by different Third-party cloud solutions
providers. This strategy allows companies to find diverse cloud solutions for
various departments.
In contrast to the multi-cloud model, hybrid cloud components typically
collaborate. The processes and data tend to mix and interconnect in a hybrid
cloud environment, in contrast to multi-cloud environments that operate in silos.
Multi-cloud can provide organizations with additional peace of mind because it
reduces the dependence on a single cloud service, thus reducing costs and
enhancing flexibility.
Practically speaking, an application that runs on a hybrid cloud platform uses load
balancing in conjunction with applications and web services provided by a public
cloud. At the same time, databases and storage are located in a private cloud
structure. The cloud-based solution includes resources that can perform the
same private and public cloud functions.
Practically speaking, an application running in a multi-cloud environment could
perform all computing and networking tasks on one cloud service and utilize
database services from other cloud providers. In multi-cloud environments,
certain applications could use resources exclusively located in Azure. However,
other applications may use resources exclusively from AWS. Another example
would be the use of a private and public cloud. Some applications may use
resources only within the public cloud, whereas others use resources only within
private clouds.
In addition to their differences, both cloud-based services give businesses the
ability to provide their services to customers in an efficient and productive way.
Rapid Elasticity in Cloud Computing
Elasticity is a 'rename' of scalability, a known non-functional requirement in IT
architecture for many years already. Scalability is the ability to add or remove
capacity, mostly processing, memory, or both, from an IT environment.
Ability to dynamically scale the services provided directly to customers' need for
space and other services. It is one of the five fundamental aspects of cloud
It is usually done in two ways:
Horizontal Scalability: Adding or removing nodes, servers, or instances to or
from a pool, such as a cluster or a farm.
Vertical Scalability: Adding or removing resources to an existing node, server,
or instance to increase the capacity of a node, server, or instance.
Most implementations of scalability are implemented using the horizontal method, as
it is the easiest to implement, especially in the current web-based world we live in.
Vertical Scaling is less dynamic because this requires reboots of systems,
sometimes adding physical components to servers. A well-known example is adding
a load balancer in front of a farm of web servers that distributes the requests.
Why call it Elasticity?
Traditional IT environments have scalability built into their architecture, but scaling
up or down isn't done very often. It has to do with Scaling and the amount of time,
effort, and cost. Servers have to be purchased, operations need to be screwed into
server racks, installed and configured, and then the test team needs to verify
functioning, and only after that's done can you get the big There are. And you don't
just buy a server for a few months - typically, it's three to five years. So it is a long-
term investment that you make. The latch is doing the same, but more like a rubber
band. You 'stretch' the ability when you need it and 'release' it when you don't have
it. And this is possible because of some of the other features of cloud computing,
such as "resource pooling" and "on-demand self-service". Combining these features
with advanced image management capabilities allows you to scale more efficiently.
Three forms for scalability
Below I describe the three forms of scalability as I see them, describing what makes
them different from each other.
Manual Scaling
Manual scalability begins with forecasting the expected workload on a cluster or farm
of resources, then manually adding resources to add capacity. Ordering, installing,
and configuring physical resources takes a lot of time, so forecasting needs to be
done weeks, if not months, in advance. It is mostly done using physical servers,
which are installed and configured manually. Another downside of manual scalability
is that removing resources does not result in cost savings because the physical
server has already been paid for.
Semi-automated Scaling
Semi-automated scalability takes advantage of virtual servers, which are provisioned
(installed) using predefined images. A manual forecast or automated warning of
system monitoring tooling will trigger operations to expand or reduce the cluster or
farm of resources. Using predefined, tested, and approved images, every new virtual
server will be the same as others (except for some minor configuration), which gives
you repetitive results. It also reduced the manual labor on the systems significantly,
and it is a well-known fact that manual actions on systems cause around 70 to 80
percent of all errors. There are also huge benefits to using a virtual server; this saves
costs after the virtual server is de-provisioned. The freed resources can be directly
used for other purposes.
Elastic Scaling (fully automatic Scaling)
Elasticity, or fully automatic scalability, takes advantage of the same concepts that
semi-automatic scalability does but removes any manual labor required to increase
or decrease capacity. Everything is controlled by a trigger from the System
Monitoring tooling, which gives you this "rubber band" effect. If more capacity is
needed now, it is added now and there in minutes. Depending on the system
monitoring tooling, the capacity is immediately reduced.
Scalability vs. Elasticity in Cloud Computing
Imagine a restaurant in an excellent location. It can accommodate up to 30
customers, including outdoor seating. Customers come and go throughout the day.
Therefore restaurants rarely exceed their seating capacity. The restaurant increases
and decreases its seating capacity within the limits of its seating area. But the staff
adds a table or two to lunch and dinner when more people stream in with an
appetite. Then they remove the tables and chairs to de-clutter the space. A nearby
center hosts a bi-annual event that attracts hundreds of attendees for the week-long
convention. The restaurant often sees increased traffic during convention weeks.
The demand is usually so high that it has to drive away customers. It often loses
business and customers to nearby competitors. The restaurant has disappointed
those potential customers for two years in a row. Elasticity allows a cloud provider's
customers to achieve cost savings, which are often the main reason for adopting
cloud services. Depending on the type of cloud service, discounts are sometimes
offered for long-term contracts with cloud providers. If you are willing to charge a
higher price and not be locked in, you get flexibility.
Let's look at some examples where we can use it.
Cloud Rapid Elasticity Example 1
Let us tell you that 10 servers are needed for a three-month project. The company
can provide cloud services within minutes, pay a small monthly OpEx fee to run
them, not a large upfront CapEx cost, and decommission them at the end of three
months at no charge. We can compare this to before cloud computing became
available. Let's say a customer comes to us with the same opportunity, and we have
to move to fulfill the opportunity. We have to buy 10 more servers as a huge capital
cost. When the project is complete at the end of three months, we'll have servers left
when we don't need them anymore. It's not economical, which could mean we have
to forgo the opportunity. Because cloud services are much more cost-efficient, we
are more likely to take this opportunity, giving us an advantage over our competitors.
Cloud Rapid Elasticity Example 2
Let's say we are an eCommerce store. We're probably going to get more seasonal
demand around Christmas time. We can automatically spin up new servers using
cloud computing as demand grows. It works to monitor the load on the CPU,
memory, bandwidth of the server, etc. When it reaches a certain threshold, we can
automatically add new servers to the pool to help meet demand. When demand
drops again, we may have another lower limit below which we automatically shut
down the server. We can use it to automatically move our resources in and out to
meet current demand.
Cloud-based software service example
If we need to use cloud-based software for a short period, we can pay for it instead
of buying a one-time perpetual license. Most software as service companies offers a
range of pricing options that support different features and duration lengths to
choose the most cost-effective one. There will often be monthly pricing options, so if
you need occasional access, you can pay for it as and when needed.
What is the Purpose of Cloud Elasticity?
Cloud elasticity helps users prevent over-provisioning or under-provisioning system
resources. Over-provisioning refers to a scenario where you buy more capacity than
you need.
Under-provisioning refers to allocating fewer resources than you are used to.
Fog is a more secure system with different protocols and standards, which
minimizes the chances of it collapsing during networking.
As the Cloud operates on the Internet, it is more likely to collapse in case of
unknown network connections.
Fog has some additional features in addition to the features provided by the
components of the Cloud that enhance its storage and performance at the end
Cloud has different parts such as frontend platform (e.g., mobile device), backend
platform (storage and servers), cloud delivery, and network (Internet, intranet,
Here, the system's response time is relatively higher compared to the Cloud as
fogging separates the data and then sends it to the Cloud.
Cloud service does not provide any isolation in the data while transmitting the
data at the gate, increasing the load and thus making the system less responsive.
Edge computing can be used for smart city traffic management, automating smart
buildings, visual Security, self-maintenance trains, wireless sensor networks, etc.
Cloud computing can be applied to e-commerce software, word processing,
online file storage, web applications, creating image albums, various applications,
Reduces latency:
Fog computing cascades system failure by reducing latency in operation. It
analyzes the data close to the device and helps in averting any disaster.
Flexibility in Network Bandwidth:
Large amounts of data are transferred from hundreds or thousands of edge
devices to the Cloud, requiring fog-scale processing and storage.
For example, commercial jets generate 10 TB for every 30 minutes of flight. Fog
computing sends selected data to the cloud for historical analysis and long-term
Such nodes tend to be much closer to devices than centralized data centers so that
they can provide instant connections. The considerable processing power of edge
nodes allows them to compute large amounts of data without sending them to distant
Fog can also include cloudlets - small-scale and rather powerful data centers
located at the network's edge. They are intended to support resource-intensive IoT
apps that require low latency. The main difference between fog computing and cloud
computing is that Cloud is a centralized system, whereas Fog is a distributed
decentralized infrastructure.
Fog is an intermediary between computing hardware and a remote server. It controls
what information should be sent to the server and can be processed locally. In this
way, Fog is an intelligent gateway that dispels the clouds, enabling more efficient
data storage, processing, and analysis. It should be noted that fog networking is not
a separate architecture. It does not replace cloud computing but complements it by
getting as close as possible to the source of information.
There is another method for data processing similar to fog computing - edge
computing. The essence is that the data is processed directly on the devices
without sending it to other nodes or data centers. Edge computing is particularly
beneficial for IoT projects as it provides bandwidth savings and better data security.
The new technology is likely to have the biggest impact on the development of IoT,
embedded AI, and 5G solutions, as they, like never before, demand agility and
seamless connections.
Advantages of fog computing in IoT
The fogging approach has many benefits for the Internet of Things, Big Data, and
real-time analytics. The main advantages of fog computing over cloud computing are
as follows:
Low latency - Fog tends to be closer to users and can provide a quicker
There is no problem with bandwidth - pieces of information are aggregated at
separate points rather than sent through a channel to a single hub.
Due to the many interconnected channels - loss of connection is impossible.
High Security - because the data is processed by multiple nodes in a complex
distributed system.
Improved User Experience - Quick responses and no downtime make users
Power-efficiency - Edge nodes run power-efficient protocols such as Bluetooth,
Zigbee, or Z-Wave.
Disadvantages of fog computing in IoT
The technology has no obvious disadvantages, but some shortcomings can be
Fog is an additional layer in a more complex system - a data processing and
storage system.
Additional expenses - companies must buy edge devices: routers, hubs,
Limited scalability - Fog is not scalable like a cloud.
The demand for information is increasing the overall networking channels. And to
deal with this, services like fog computing and cloud computing are used to quickly
manage and disseminate data to the end of the users. However, fog computing is a
more viable option for managing high-level security patches and minimizing
bandwidth issues. Fog computing allows us to locate data on each node on local
resources, thus making data analysis more accessible.
Strategy of Multi-Cloud
Cloud Computing is the delivery of cloud computing services like servers, storage
networks, databases, applications for software Big Data Processing or analytics via
the Internet. The most significant difference between cloud services and traditional
web-hosted services is that cloud-hosted services are available on demand. We can
avail ourselves of as many or as little as we'd like from a cloud service. Cloud-based
providers have revolutionized the game using the pay-as-you-go model. This means
that the only cost we pay is for services we use, proportion to the number of times
our customers or we utilize the services.
We can save money on expenditures for buying and maintaining servers in-house as
well as data warehouses and the infrastructure that supports them. The cloud
service provider handles everything else. There are generally three kinds of clouds:
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
A public cloud is described by cloud-based computing provided by third-party
vendors like Amazon Web Services over the Internet and making them accessible to
users on the subscription model. One of the major advantages of the cloud public is
that it permits customers to pay only the amount they've used in terms of bandwidth,
storage processing, or the ability to analyse. Cloud providers can eliminate the cost
of infrastructure for buying and maintaining their cloud infrastructures (servers,
software, and much more). A private cloud is described as a cloud that provides the
services of computing via the Internet or a private internal network to a select group
of users. The services are not accessible open to all users. A private cloud is often
known as a private cloud or a corporate cloud. Private cloud enjoys certain benefits
of a cloud public like:
Benefits of Clouds that are private Cloud:
Low latency because of the proximity to Cloud setup (hosted near offices)
Greater security and privacy thanks to firewalls within the company
Blocking of sensitive information from third-party suppliers and users
One of the major disadvantages of using a private cloud is that we can't reduce the
cost of equipment, staffing, and other infrastructure costs in establishing and
managing our cloud. The most effective way to use a private cloud can be achieved
through an effective Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud setup. In general, Cloud
Computing offers a few business-facing benefits:
Let's discuss multi-Cloud and how it compares to Hybrid Cloud.
Hybrid Cloud vs. Multi-Cloud
Hybrid Cloud is a combination of private and public cloud computing services. The
primary difference is that both the public and private cloud services that are part of
the Hybrid Cloud setup communicate with each other. Contrary to this, in a multi-
Cloud setup, both the public and private cloud providers are not able to speak to one
another. In general, cloud configurations for public and private clouds are utilized for
completely different purposes and are separated from one another within the
business. Hybrid cloud solutions have advantages that could entice users to choose
the hybrid approach. With a private and a public cloud that communicates with one
another, we can reap the advantages of both by hosting less crucial elements in a
cloud that is public and using the private cloud reserved for important and sensitive
information. In a broad sense in the overall picture, from a holistic perspective,
Hybrid cloud has more of an execution point of view to take advantage of the
benefits that come from both cloud services that are private and public, as well as
their interconnection. Contrarily, multi-cloud is a more strategic option than an
execution decision. Multi-Cloud is usually not a multi-vendor cloud configuration.
Multi-cloud can utilize services from multiple vendors and is a mix between AWS,
Azure, and GCP. The primary distinguishing factors that differentiate Hybrid and
Multi-Cloud could be:
A Multi-Cloud is utilized to perform a range of tasks. It typically consists of
multiple cloud providers.
A hybrid cloud is typically the result of combining cloud services that are private
and public, which mix with one another.
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Multi-Cloud Strategy involves the implementation of several cloud computing
solutions simultaneously. Multi-cloud refers to the sharing of our web, software,
mobile apps, and other client-facing or internal assets across several cloud services
or environments. There are numerous reasons to opt for a multi-cloud environment
for our company, including the reduction of dependence on a single cloud service
provider and improving fault tolerance. Furthermore, businesses choose cloud
service providers that follow an approach based on services. This has a major
impact on why companies opt for a multi-cloud system. We'll talk about this in the
near future.
A Multi-Cloud may be constructed in many ways:
It is a mix of cloud computing services offered by the private cloud to create a
multi-cloud cloud,
Setting up our servers in various regions of the globe and creating an online
cloud network to manage and distribute the services is an excellent illustration of
an all-private multi-cloud configuration.
It could be a mixture of all cloud service providers and
A combination of several cloud service providers, like Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, is an example of a free
cloud setup.
It may comprise a combination of both private cloud service providers to make a
multi-cloud architecture.
Private cloud providers that use AWS in conjunction with AWS or Azure could fall
into this category. If it is optimized for your business, we could enjoy all the
benefits of AWS and Azure.
A typical multi-Cloud setup is a mix of two or more cloud providers together with one
private cloud to remove the dependence on one cloud services provider.
Why has Multi-cloud strategy become the norm?
When cloud computing was introduced in a huge way, businesses began to
recognize a few issues.
Relying on security services that one cloud service provider provides makes us more
susceptible to DDoS as well as other cyber-attacks. If there is an attack on the cloud,
the whole cloud would be compromised, and the company could be crippled.
If we're relying on just one cloud-based service, reliability is at risk. A cyber-attack,
natural catastrophe, or security breach could compromise our private information or
result in a loss of data.
Loss of Business
Software-driven businesses are working on regular UI improvements, bug fixes, and
patches that have to be rolled out monthly or weekly to their Cloud Infrastructure. In
order to implement a single cloud strategy, the business suffers downtime because
their cloud services are not accessible to their customers. This can result in the loss
of business as well as the loss of money.
Vendor lock-in
Vendor lock-in refers to the situation of a client of one particular service, product, or
product in which the customer is unable to easily switch from the product or service
to a competitor's service or product. This is usually the case in the event that
proprietary software is utilized in a service that isn't compatible with the new service
or product vendor or even within the legal bounds of the contract or the law. It is why
businesses are forced to commit to a certain cloud provider even if they're
dissatisfied with their service. The reason for switching providers can be numerous,
including better capabilities and features provided by competitors to lower pricing,
and so on. Additionally, moving the data between cloud providers to the next is a
hassle since it has to be transferred to the local data-centres before being
transferred to the cloud provider.
Benefits of a Multi-Cloud Strategy
Let's discuss the advantages from the benefits of a Multi-Cloud Strategy that
inherently answer the challenges posed by one or more cloud-based service. Many
of the problems with a single cloud environment are solved when we consider a
multi-cloud perspective.
One of the most important benefits of multi-cloud cloud computing systems is
flexibility. There is no lock-in of the vendor customers able to test different cloud
providers and play with their capabilities and features. A lot of companies that are
tied to a single provider cannot implement new technologies or innovate because the
cloud service provider is bound to them to certain compatibility. This is not a problem
with a multi-cloud system. we can create a cloud system to sync with our company's
goals. Multi-cloud lets us select our cloud services. Each cloud service has its
distinct features. Choose the ones that meet our business's requirements the best,
and then choose services from a variety of providers to select the best solution for
our business.
The most important aspect of multi-cloud is risk reduction. If multiple cloud providers
host us, we can reduce the chance of being hacked and losing data in the event of
vulnerabilities in our cloud provider. Also, we reduce the chance of injury caused by
natural disasters or human error. In the end, we should not put all our eggs in one
Fault Tolerance
One of the biggest issues with using one cloud service provider is that it offers zero
fault tolerance. With a multi-cloud system, it is possible to have backups and data
redundancies in the right place. Also, we can strategically schedule downtime for
deployment or maintenance of our software/applications without letting our clients
Each cloud service provider, such as AWS (64plus nations), Azure (140+ countries),
or GCP (200plus countries), has been established throughout the world. Based on
our location and our workload, we'll be able to choose the best cloud service provider
to lower the delay and speed of our operations.
IoT and ML/AI are Emerging Opportunities.
In the age of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence growing exponentially,
there's a lot of potential for analysis of our data on the cloud and using these
capabilities for better decision-making and customer service. The top cloud service
providers offer their distinct features. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for AI, AWS for
serverless computing, and IBM for AI/ML are just a couple of options worth
The cost will always be an important factor when making a purchase decision. Cloud
computing is evolving in the time we go through this. The competition is so fierce that
providers of cloud services are coming up with a viable pricing solution that we can
gain. In a multi-cloud setting, depending on the service or feature we'll use with the
service provider, we are able to select the most appropriate option. AWS, Azure, and
Google all offer pricing calculators. They help manage costs to aid us in making the
right choice.
Governance and Compliance Regulations
The big clients typically will require you to comply with specific local as well as
cybersecurity regulations. For example, GDPR compliance or the ISO cybersecurity
certification. There is a chance that our business could be affected because a certain
cloud service could violate our security certificates, or the cloud provider may not
have been certified. We may choose an alternative provider without losing our
significant clientele if this happens.
Few Disadvantages of Multi-Cloud
Discount on High Volume Purchases
Cloud service providers that are public offer massive discounts when we buy their
services in bulk. But, if we have multi-cloud, it is unlikely that we'll get these
discounts because the volume we purchase will be split between various service
The Training of Existing Employees or new Hiring
We must prepare our existing staff or recruit new employees to be able to use cloud
computing in our company. It will cost us more and time spent in training.
Effective Multi-Cloud Management
Multi-cloud requires efficient cloud management, which requires knowing the
workload and business requirements and then dispersing the work among cloud
service providers most suitable for the task. For instance, a company might make
use of AWS for computing service, Google or Azure for communication and email
tools, and Salesforce to manage customer relationships. It requires expertise in the
cloud and business domain to comprehend these subtleties.
Service level agreements in Cloud Computing
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the bond for the performance of the negotiation
between a cloud service provider and a client. Earlier, in cloud computing, all service
level agreements were negotiated between a customer and a service consumer.
With the introduction of large utilities such as cloud computing providers, most
service level agreements are standardized until a customer becomes a large
consumer of cloud services. Service level agreements are also defined at different
levels, which are mentioned below:
Customer-based SLA
Service-based SLA
Multilevel SLA
Some service level agreements are enforceable as contracts, but most are
agreements or contracts that are more in line with an operating level agreement
(OLA) and may not be constrained by law. It's okay to have a lawyer review
documents before making any major settlement with a cloud service provider.
Service level agreements usually specify certain parameters, which are mentioned
Availability of the Service (uptime)
Latency or the response time
Service components reliability
Each party accountability
If a cloud service provider fails to meet the specified targets of the minimum, the
provider will have to pay a penalty to the cloud service consumer as per the
agreement. So, service level agreements are like insurance policies in which the
corporation has to pay as per the agreement if an accident occurs.
Microsoft publishes service level agreements associated with Windows Azure
platform components, demonstrating industry practice for cloud service vendors.
Each component has its own service level contracts. The two major Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) are described below:
Windows Azure SLA -
Windows Azure has separate SLAs for computing and storage. For Compute, it is
guaranteed that when a client deploys two or more role instances to different fault
and upgrade domains, the client's Internet-facing roles will have external connectivity
at least 99.95% of the time. In addition, all role instances of the client are monitored,
and 99.9% of the time it is guaranteed to detect when the role instance's process
does not run and starts properly.
SQL Azure SLA -
The SQL Azure client will have connectivity between the database of SQL Azure and
the Internet Gateway. SQL Azure will handle a "monthly availability" of 99.9% within
a month. The monthly availability ratio for a particular tenant database is the ratio of
the time the database was available to customers to the total time in a month. Time
is measured in intervals of a few minutes in a 30-day monthly cycle. If SQL Azure
Gateway rejects attempts to connect to the customer's database, part of the time is
unavailable. Availability is always remunerated for a full month. Service level
agreements are based on the usage model. Often, cloud providers charge their pay-
per-use resources at a premium and enforce standard service level contracts for just
that purpose. Customers can also subscribe to different tiers that guarantee access
to a specific amount of purchased resources.
Service level agreements (SLAs) associated with subscriptions often offer different
terms and conditions. If the client requires access to a particular level of resources,
the client needs to subscribe to a service. A usage model may not provide that level
of access under peak load condition. Cloud infrastructure can span geographies,
networks, and systems that are both physical and virtual. While the exact metrics of
cloud SLAs can vary by service provider, the areas covered are the same:
Volume and quality of work (including precision and accuracy);
Responsiveness; and
The purpose of the SLA document is to establish a mutual understanding of the
services, priority areas, responsibilities, guarantees and warranties. It clearly outlines
metrics and responsibilities between the parties involved in cloud configuration, such
as the specific amount of response time to report or address system failures.
The importance of a cloud SLA
Service-level agreements are fundamental as more organizations rely on external
providers for critical systems, applications and data. Cloud SLAs ensure that cloud
providers meet certain enterprise-level requirements and provide customers with a
clearly defined set of deliverables. It also describes financial penalties, such as credit
for service time, if the provider fails to meet guaranteed conditions.
The role of a cloud SLA is essentially the same as that of any contract -- it's a
blueprint that governs the relationship between a customer and a provider. These
agreed terms form a reliable foundation upon which the Customer commits to use
the cloud providers' services. They also reflect the provider's commitments to quality
of service (QoS) and the underlying infrastructure.
What to look for in a cloud SLA
The cloud SLA should outline each party's responsibilities, acceptable performance
parameters, a description of the applications and services covered under the
agreement, procedures for monitoring service levels, and a program for remediation
of outages. SLAs typically use technical definitions to measure service levels, such
as mean time between failures (MTBF) or average time to repair (MTTR), which
specify targets or minimum values for service-level performance. does.
The defined level of services must be specific and measurable so that they can be
benchmarked and, if stipulated by contract, trigger rewards or penalties accordingly.
Depending on the cloud model you choose, you can control much of the
management of IT assets and services or let cloud providers manage it for you. A
typical compute and cloud SLA expresses the exact levels of service and recourse or
compensation that the User is entitled to in case the Provider fails to provide the
Service. Another important area is service availability, which specifies the maximum
time a read request can take, how many retries are allowed, and other factors. The
cloud SLA should also define compensation for users if the specifications are not
met. A cloud service provider typically offers a tiered service credit plan that gives
credit to users based on the discrepancy between the SLA specifications and the
actual service tiers.
Selecting and monitoring cloud SLA metrics
Most cloud providers publicly provide details of the service levels that users can
expect, and these are likely to be the same for all users. However, an enterprise
choosing a cloud service may be able to negotiate a more customized deal. For
example, a cloud SLA for a cloud storage service may include unique specifications
for retention policies, the number of copies to maintain, and storage space. Cloud
service-level agreements can be more detailed to cover governance, security
specifications, compliance, and performance and uptime statistics. They should
address security and encryption practices for data security and data privacy, disaster
recovery expectations, data location, and data access and portability.
Verifying cloud service levels
Customers can monitor service metrics such as uptime, performance, security, etc.
through the cloud provider's native tooling or portal. Another option is to use third-
party tools to track the performance baseline of cloud services, including how
resources are allocated (for example, memory in a virtual machine or VM) and
security. Cloud SLA must use clear language to define the terms. Such language
controls, for example, the inaccessibility of the service and who is responsible - slow
or intermittent loading can be attributed to latency in the public Internet, which is
beyond the control of the cloud provider. Providers usually specify and waive any
downtime due to scheduled maintenance periods, which are usually, but not always,
regularly scheduled and re-occurring.
Negotiating a cloud SLA
Most common cloud services are simple and universal, with some variations, such
as infrastructure (IaaS) options. Be prepared to negotiate for any customized
services or applications delivered through the cloud. There may be more room to
negotiate terms in specific custom areas such as data retention criteria or pricing and
compensation/fines. Negotiation power generally varies with the size of the client,
but there may be room for more favorable terms. When entering into any cloud SLA
negotiation, it is important to protect the business by making the uptime clear. A
good SLA protects both the customer and the supplier from missed expectations. For
example, 99.9% uptime ("three nines") is a common bet that translates to nine hours
of outages per year; 99.9999% ("five nine") means an annual downtime of
approximately five minutes. Some mission-critical data may require high levels of
availability, such as fractions of a second of annual downtime. Consider several
areas or areas to help reduce the impact of major outages. Keep in mind that some
areas of Cloud SLA negotiations have unnecessary insurance. Certain use cases
require the highest uptime guarantee, require additional engineering work and cost
and may be better served with private on-premises infrastructure. Pay attention to
where the data resides with a given cloud provider. Many compliance regulations
such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) require data to
be held in specific areas, along with certain privacy guidelines. The cloud customer
owns and is responsible for this data, so make sure these requirements are built into
the SLA and validated by auditing and reporting. Finally, a cloud SLA should include
an exit strategy that outlines the provider's expectations to ensure a smooth
Scaling a cloud SLA
Most SLAs are negotiated to meet the current needs of the customer, but many
businesses change dramatically in size over time. A solid cloud service-level
agreement outlines the gaps where the contract is reviewed and potentially adjusted
to meet the changing needs of the organization. Some vendors build in notification
workflows that are triggered when a cloud service-level agreement is close to breach
in order to initiate new negotiations based on changes in scale. This uptime can
cover usage exceeding the availability level or norm and can warrant an upgrade to
a new service level.
Xaas in Cloud Computing
"Anything as a service" (XaaS) describes a general category of cloud computing
and remote access services. It recognizes the vast number of products, tools, and
technologies now delivered to users as a service over the Internet. Essentially, any
IT function can be a service for enterprise consumption. The service is paid for in a
flexible consumption model rather than an advance purchase or license.
What are the benefits of XaaS?
XaaS has many benefits: improving spending models, speeding up new apps and
business processes, and shifting IT resources to high-value projects.
Expenditure model improvements. With XaaS, businesses can cut costs by
purchasing services from providers on a subscription basis. Before XaaS and cloud
services, businesses had to buy separate products-software, hardware, servers,
security, infrastructure-install them on-site, and then link everything together to form
a network. With XaaS, businesses buy what they need and pay on the go. The
previous capital expenditure now becomes an operating expense.
Speed up new apps and business processes. This model allows businesses to
adopt new apps or solutions to changing market conditions. Using multi-tenant
approaches, cloud services can provide much-needed flexibility. Resource pooling
and rapid elasticity support mean that business leaders can add or subtract services.
When users need innovative resources, a company can use new technologies,
automatically scaling up the infrastructure.
Transferring IT resources to high-value projects. Increasingly, IT organizations
are turning to a XaaS delivery model to streamline operations and free up resources
for innovation. They are also harnessing the benefits of XaaS to transform digitally
and become more agile. XaaS gives more users access to cutting-edge technology,
democratizing innovation. In a recent survey by Deloitte, 71% of companies report
that XaaS now constitutes more than half of their company's enterprise IT.
What are the disadvantages of XaaS?
There are potential drawbacks to XaaS: possible downtime, performance issues, and
Possible downtime. The Internet sometimes breaks down, and when this happens,
your XaaS provider can be a problem too. With XaaS, there can be issues of Internet
reliability, flexibility, provisioning, and management of infrastructure resources. If
XaaS servers go down, users will not be able to use them. XaaS providers can
guarantee services through SLAs.
Performance issues. As XaaS becomes more popular, bandwidth, latency, data
storage, and recovery times can be affected. If too many clients use the same
resources, the system may slow down. Apps running in virtualized environments can
also be affected. Integration issues can occur in these complex environments,
including the ongoing management and security of multiple cloud services.
Complexity effect. Advancing technology for XaaS can relieve IT, workers from
day-to-day operational headaches; however, it can be difficult to troubleshoot if
something goes wrong. Internal IT staff still needs to stay updated on new
technology. The cost of maintaining a high-performance, a robust network can add
up - although the overall cost savings of the XaaS model are usually enormous.
Nonetheless, some companies want to maintain visibility into their XaaS service
provider's environment and infrastructure. Furthermore, a XaaS provider that gets
acquired shuts down a service or changes its roadmap can profoundly impact XaaS
What are some examples of XaaS?
Because XaaS stands for "anything as a service," the list of examples is endless.
Many kinds of IT resources or services are now delivered this way. Broadly
speaking, there are three categories of cloud computing models: software as a
service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Outside these categories, there are other examples such as disaster recovery as a
service (DRaaS), communications as a service (CaaS), network as a service (NaaS),
database as a service (DBaaS), storage as a service (STaaS), desktop as a service
(DaaS), and monitoring as a service (MaaS). Other emerging industry examples
include marketing as a service and healthcare as a service.
NetApp and XaaS
NetApp provides several XaaS options, including IaaS, IT as a service (ITaaS),
STaaS, and PaaS.
When you differentiate your hosted and managed infrastructure services, you can
increase service and platform revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and turn
IaaS into a profit center. You can also take advantage of new opportunities to
differentiate and expand services and platform revenue, including delivering more
performance and predictability from your IaaS services. Plus, NetApp ®
technology can enable you to offer a competitive advantage to your customers
and reduce time to market for deploying IaaS solutions.
When your data center is in a private cloud, it takes advantage of cloud features
to deliver ITaaS to internal business users. A private cloud offers characteristics
similar to the public cloud but is designed for use by a single organization.
These characteristics include:
Catalog-based, on-demand service delivery
Automated scalability and service elasticity
Multitenancy with shared resource pools
Metering with utility-style operating expense models
Software-defined, centrally managed infrastructure
Self-service lifecycle management of services
STaaS. NetApp facilitates private storage as a service in a pay-as-you-go model by
partnering with various vendors, including Arrow Electronics, HPE ASE, BriteSky,
DARZ, DataLink, Faction, Forsythe, Node4, Proact, Solvinity, Synoptek, and 1901
Group. NetApp also seamlessly integrates with all major cloud service providers
including AWS, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.
PaaS. NetApp PaaS solutions help simplify a customer's application development
cycle. Our storage technologies support PaaS platforms to:
Reduce application development complexity.
Provide high-availability infrastructure.
Support native Multitenancy.
Deliver webscale storage.
PaaS services built on NetApp technology enable your enterprise to adopt hybrid
hosting services-and accelerate your application-deployment time.
The future market for XaaS
The combination of cloud computing and ubiquitous, high-bandwidth, global internet
access provides a fertile environment for XaaS growth. Some organizations have
been tentative to adopt XaaS because of security, compliance and business
governance concerns. However, service providers increasingly address these
concerns, allowing organizations to bring additional workloads into the cloud.
Resource pooling in Cloud Computing
Resource Pooling
The next resource we will look at that we can pool is the storage. The big blue box
represents a storage system with many hard drives in the diagram below. Each of
the smaller white squares represents the hard drives.
With my centralized storage, I can slice up my storage however I want and give the
virtual machines their own small part of that storage for however much space they
require. In the example below, I take a slice of the first disk and allocate that as the
boot disk for 'Tenant 1, Server 1'.
I take another slice of my storage and provision that as the boot disk for 'Tenant 2,
Server 1'.
Shared centralized storage makes storage allocation efficient - rather than giving
whole disks to different servers, I can give them exactly how much storage they
require. Further savings can be made through storage efficiency techniques such as
thin provisioning, deduplication, and compression. Check out my Introduction to SAN
and NAS Storage course to learn more about centralized storage.
Network Infrastructure Pooling
The next resource that can be pooled is network infrastructure. At the top of the
diagram below is a physical firewall.
All different tenants will have firewall rules that control what traffic is allowed into
their virtual machines, such as RDP for management and HTTP traffic on port 80 if it
is a web server. We don't need to give each customer their physical firewall; We can
share the same physical firewall between different clients. Load balancers for
incoming connections can also be virtualized and shared among multiple clients. In
the main section on the left side of the diagram, you can see several switches and
routers. Those switches and routers are shared, with traffic going through the same
device to different clients.
Service pooling
The cloud provider also provides various services to the customers, as shown on the
right side of the diagram. Windows Update and Red Hat Update Server for operating
system patching, DNS, etc. Keeping DNS as a centralized service saves customers
from having to provide their DNS solution.
Location Independence
As stated by NIST, the customer generally has no knowledge or control over the
exact location of the resources provided. Nevertheless, they may be able to specify
the location at a higher level of abstraction, such as the country, state, or data center
level. For example, let's use AWS again; When I created a virtual machine, I did it in
a Singapore data center because I am located in the Southeast Asia region. I would
get the lowest network latency and best performance by having mine. With AWS, I
know the data center where my virtual machine is located, but not the actual physical
server it is running on. It could be anywhere in that particular data center. It can use
any personal storage system in the data center and any personal firewall. Those
specifics don't matter to the customer.
How does resource pooling work?
In this private cloud as a service, the user can choose the ideal resource
segmentation based on his needs. The main thing to be considered in resource
pooling is cost-effectiveness. It also ensures that the brand provides new delivery of
services. It is commonly used in wireless technology such as radio communication.
And here, single channels join together to form a strong connection. So, the
connection can transmit without interference. And in the cloud, resource pooling is a
multi-tenant process that depends on user demand. It is why it is known as SaaS or
Software as a Service controlled in a centralized manner. Also, as more and more
people start using such SaaS services as service providers. The charges for the
services tend to be quite low. Therefore, owning such technology becomes more
accessible at a certain point than it. In a private cloud, the pool is created, and cloud
computing resources are transferred to the user's IP address. Therefore, by
accessing the IP address, the resources continue to transfer the data to an ideal
cloud service platform.
Benefits of resource pooling
High Availability Rate
Resource pooling is a great way to make SaaS products more accessible.
Nowadays, the use of such services has become common. And most of them are far
more accessible and reliable than owning one. So, startups and entry-level
businesses can get such technology.
Balanced load on the server
Load balancing is another benefit that a tenant of resource pooling-based services
enjoys. In this, users do not have to face many challenges regarding server speed.
Provides High Computing Experience
Multi-tenant technologies are offering excellent performance to the users. Users can
easily and securely hold data or avail such services with high-security benefits. Plus,
many pre-built tools and technologies make cloud computing advanced and easy to
Stored Data Virtually and Physically
The best advantage of resource pool-based services is that users can use the virtual
space offered by the host. However, they also moved to the physical host provided
by the service provider.
Flexibility for Businesses
Pool-based cloud-based services are flexible as they can be transformed according
to the need of the technology. Plus, users don't have to worry about capitalization or
huge investments.
Physical Host Works When a Virtual Host Goes Down
It could be a common technical issue that the virtual host becomes slow or slow. So,
in that case, the physical host of the SaaS service provider will start working.
Therefore, the user or tenant can get a suitable computing environment without
technical challenges.
Disadvantages of resource pooling
Most service providers offering resource pooling-based services provide a high
security features. However, many features can provide a high level of security with
such services. But even then, the company's confidential data may pass to a third
party, a service provider. And due to any flaw, the company's data may be misused.
But even then, it would not be a good idea to rely solely on a third-party service
It can be another disadvantage of using resource pooling for organizations. Because
if they find cheap solutions, they may face challenges while upgrading their business
in the future. Also, another element can hinder the whole process and limit the scale
of the business.
Restricted Access
In private resource pooling, users have restricted access to the database. In this,
only a user with user credentials can access the company's stored or cloud
computing data. Since there may be confidential user details and other important
documents. Therefore such a service provider can provide tenant port designation,
domain membership, and protocol transition. They can also use another credential
for the users of the allotted area in cloud computing.
Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Load balancing is the method that allows you to have a proper balance of the
amount of work being done on different pieces of device or hardware equipment.
Typically, what happens is that the load of the devices is balanced between different
servers or between the CPU and hard drives in a single cloud server. Load balancing
was introduced for various reasons. One of them is to improve the speed and
performance of each single device, and the other is to protect individual devices from
hitting their limits by reducing their performance. Cloud load balancing is defined as
dividing workload and computing properties in cloud computing. It enables
enterprises to manage workload demands or application demands by distributing
resources among multiple computers, networks or servers. Cloud load balancing
involves managing the movement of workload traffic and demands over the Internet.
Traffic on the Internet is growing rapidly, accounting for almost 100% of the current
traffic annually. Therefore, the workload on the servers is increasing so rapidly,
leading to overloading of the servers, mainly for the popular web servers. There are
two primary solutions to overcome the problem of overloading on the server-
First is a single-server solution in which the server is upgraded to a higher-
performance server. However, the new server may also be overloaded soon,
demanding another upgrade. Moreover, the upgrading process is arduous and
The second is a multiple-server solution in which a scalable service system on a
cluster of servers is built. That's why it is more cost-effective and more scalable to
build a server cluster system for network services.
Cloud-based servers can achieve more precise scalability and availability by using
farm server load balancing. Load balancing is beneficial with almost any type of
service, such as HTTP, SMTP, DNS, FTP, and POP/IMAP. It also increases
reliability through redundancy. A dedicated hardware device or program provides the
balancing service.
Different Types of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing:
Static Algorithm
Static algorithms are built for systems with very little variation in load. The entire
traffic is divided equally between the servers in the static algorithm. This algorithm
requires in-depth knowledge of server resources for better performance of the
processor, which is determined at the beginning of the implementation.
However, the decision of load shifting does not depend on the current state of the
system. One of the major drawbacks of static load balancing algorithm is that load
balancing tasks work only after they have been created. It could not be implemented
on other devices for load balancing.
Dynamic Algorithm
The dynamic algorithm first finds the lightest server in the entire network and gives it
priority for load balancing. This requires real-time communication with the network
which can help increase the system's traffic. Here, the current state of the system is
used to control the load. The characteristic of dynamic algorithms is to make load
transfer decisions in the current system state. In this system, processes can move
from a highly used machine to an underutilized machine in real time.
Round Robin Algorithm
As the name suggests, round robin load balancing algorithm uses round-robin
method to assign jobs. First, it randomly selects the first node and assigns tasks to
other nodes in a round-robin manner. This is one of the easiest methods of load
balancing. Processors assign each process circularly without defining any priority. It
gives fast response in case of uniform workload distribution among the processes.
All processes have different loading times. Therefore, some nodes may be heavily
loaded, while others may remain under-utilised.
Weighted Round Robin Load Balancing Algorithm
Weighted Round Robin Load Balancing Algorithms have been developed to enhance
the most challenging issues of Round Robin Algorithms. In this algorithm, there are a
specified set of weights and functions, which are distributed according to the weight
values. Processors that have a higher capacity are given a higher value. Therefore,
the highest loaded servers will get more tasks. When the full load level is reached,
the servers will receive stable traffic.
Opportunistic Load Balancing Algorithm
The opportunistic load balancing algorithm allows each node to be busy. It never
considers the current workload of each system. Regardless of the current workload
on each node, OLB distributes all unfinished tasks to these nodes. The processing
task will be executed slowly as an OLB, and it does not count the implementation
time of the node, which causes some bottlenecks even when some nodes are free.
Minimum To Minimum Load Balancing Algorithm
Under minimum to minimum load balancing algorithms, first of all, those tasks take
minimum time to complete. Among them, the minimum value is selected among all
the functions. According to that minimum time, the work on the machine is
scheduled. Other tasks are updated on the machine, and the task is removed from
that list. This process will continue till the final assignment is given. This algorithm
works best where many small tasks outweigh large tasks.
Load balancing solutions can be categorized into two types -
Software-based load balancers: Software-based load balancers run on
standard hardware (desktop, PC) and standard operating systems.
Hardware-based load balancers: Hardware-based load balancers are
dedicated boxes that contain application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)
optimized for a particular use. ASICs allow network traffic to be promoted at high
speeds and are often used for transport-level load balancing because hardware-
based load balancing is faster than a software solution.
Major Examples of Load Balancers -
Direct Routing Request Despatch Technique: This method of request dispatch
is similar to that implemented in IBM's NetDispatcher. A real server and load
balancer share a virtual IP address. The load balancer takes an interface built
with a virtual IP address that accepts request packets and routes the packets
directly to the selected server.
Dispatcher-Based Load Balancing Cluster: A dispatcher performs smart load
balancing using server availability, workload, capacity and other user-defined
parameters to regulate where TCP/IP requests are sent. The dispatcher module
of a load balancer can split HTTP requests among different nodes in a cluster.
The dispatcher divides the load among multiple servers in a cluster, so services
from different nodes act like a virtual service on only one IP address; Consumers
interconnect as if it were a single server, without knowledge of the back-end
Linux Virtual Load Balancer: This is an open-source enhanced load balancing
solution used to build highly scalable and highly available network services such
as HTTP, POP3, FTP, SMTP, media and caching, and Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) is done. It is a simple and powerful product designed for load
balancing and fail-over. The load balancer itself is the primary entry point to the
server cluster system. It can execute Internet Protocol Virtual Server (IPVS),
which implements transport-layer load balancing in the Linux kernel, also known
as layer-4 switching.
Types of Load Balancing
You will need to understand the different types of load balancing for your network.
Server load balancing is for relational databases, global server load balancing is for
troubleshooting in different geographic locations, and DNS load balancing ensures
domain name functionality. Load balancing can also be based on cloud-based
Network Load Balancing
Cloud load balancing takes advantage of network layer information and leaves it to
decide where network traffic should be sent. This is accomplished through Layer 4
load balancing, which handles TCP/UDP traffic. It is the fastest local balancing
solution, but it cannot balance the traffic distribution across servers.
HTTP(S) load balancing
HTTP(s) load balancing is the oldest type of load balancing, and it relies on Layer 7.
This means that load balancing operates in the layer of operations. It is the most
flexible type of load balancing because it lets you make delivery decisions based on
information retrieved from HTTP addresses.
Internal Load Balancing
It is very similar to network load balancing, but is leveraged to balance the
infrastructure internally. Load balancers can be further divided into hardware,
software and virtual load balancers.
Hardware Load Balancer
It depends on the base and the physical hardware that distributes the network and
application traffic. The device can handle a large traffic volume, but these come with
a hefty price tag and have limited flexibility.
Software Load Balancer
It can be an open source or commercial form and must be installed before it can be
used. These are more economical than hardware solutions.
Virtual Load Balancer
It differs from a software load balancer in that it deploys the software to the hardware
load-balancing device on the virtual machine.
Here are some of the importance of load balancing in cloud computing.
Offers better performance
The technology of load balancing is less expensive and also easy to implement. This
allows companies to work on client applications much faster and deliver better
results at a lower cost.
Helps Maintain Website Traffic
Cloud load balancing can provide scalability to control website traffic. By using
effective load balancers, it is possible to manage high-end traffic, which is achieved
using network equipment and servers. E-commerce companies that need to deal
with multiple visitors every second use cloud load balancing to manage and
distribute workloads.
Can Handle Sudden Bursts in Traffic
Load balancers can handle any sudden traffic bursts they receive at once. For
example, in case of university results, the website may be closed due to too many
requests. When one uses a load balancer, he does not need to worry about the
traffic flow. Whatever the size of the traffic, load balancers will divide the entire load
of the website equally across different servers and provide maximum results in
minimum response time.
Greater Flexibility
The main reason for using a load balancer is to protect the website from sudden
crashes. When the workload is distributed among different network servers or units,
if a single node fails, the load is transferred to another node. It offers flexibility,
scalability and the ability to handle traffic better.
Because of these characteristics, load balancers are beneficial in cloud
environments. This is to avoid heavy workload on a single server.
Thousands of people have access to a website at a particular time. This makes it
challenging for the application to manage the load coming from these requests at the
same time. Sometimes this can lead to system failure.
DaaS in Cloud Computing
Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a cloud computing offering where a service provider
distributes virtual desktops to end-users over the Internet, licensed with a per-user
subscription. The provider takes care of backend management for small businesses
that find their virtual desktop infrastructure to be too expensive or resource-
consuming. This management usually includes maintenance, backup, updates, and
data storage. Cloud service providers can also handle security and applications for
the desktop, or users can manage these service aspects individually. There are two
types of desktops available in DaaS - persistent and non-persistent.
Persistent Desktop: Users can customize and save a desktop from looking the
same as each user logs on. Permanent desktops require more storage than non-
permanent desktops, making them more expensive.
Non-persistent desktop: The desktop is erased whenever the user logs out-they're
just a way to access shared cloud services. Cloud providers can allow customers to
choose from both, allowing workers with specific needs access to a permanent
desktop and providing access to temporary or occasional workers through a non-
permanent desktop.
Benefits of Desktop as a Service (DaaS)
Desktop as a Service (DaaS) offers some clear advantages over the traditional
desktop model. With DaaS, it is faster and less expensive to deploy or deactivate
active end users.
Rapid deployment and decommissioning of active end-users: the desktop is
already configured; it needs to be connected to a new device. DAAs can save a lot of
time and money for seasonal businesses that experience frequent spikes and
declines in demand or employees.
Reduced Downtime for IT Support: Desktop as a Service allows companies to
provide remote IT support to their employees, reducing downtime.
Cost savings: Because DAAS devices require much less computing power than a
traditional desktop machine or laptop, they are less expensive and use less power.
Increased device flexibility: DaaS runs on various operating systems and device
types, supporting the tendency of users to bring their own devices into the office and
shifting the burden of supporting desktops across those devices to the cloud service
provider Is.
Enhanced Security: The security risks are significantly lower as the data is stored in
the data center with DaaS. If a laptop or mobile device is stolen, it can be
disconnected from service. Since no data remains on that stolen device, the risk of a
thief accessing sensitive data is minimal. Security patches and updates are also
easier to install in a DaaS environment as all desktops can be updated
simultaneously from a remote location.
How does Desktop as a Service (DaaS) work?
With Desktop as a Service (DaaS), the cloud service provider hosts the
infrastructure, network resources, and storage in the cloud and streams the virtual
desktop to the user's device. The user can access the desktop's data and
applications through a web browser or other software. Organizations can purchase
as many virtual desktops as they want through the subscription model. Because
desktop applications stream from a centralized server over the Internet, graphics-
intensive applications have historically been difficult to use with DaaS. New
technology has changed this, and applications such as Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) that require a lot of computer power to display quickly can now easily run on
When the workload on a server becomes too high, IT administrators can move a
running virtual machine from one physical server to another in seconds, allowing
graphics-accelerated or GPU-accelerated applications to run seamlessly. Meets.
GPU-accelerated Desktop as a Service (GPU-DaaS) has implications for any
industry that requires 3D modeling, high-end graphics, simulation, or video
production. The engineering and design, broadcast, and architecture industries can
benefit from this technology.
How is DaaS different from VDI?
Both DaaS and VDI offer a similar result: bringing virtual applications and desktops
from a centralized data center to users' endpoints. However, these offerings differ in
setup, architecture, controls, cost impact, and agility, as summarized below:
Specialty Slave VDI
Setup The cloud provider hosts all of With VDI, you manage all IT
the organization's IT resources on-premises or yourself
infrastructure, including in a colocation facility. VDI is used
compute, networking, and for servers, networking, storage,
storage. licenses, endpoints, etc.
The provider handles all More about this source
hardware monitoring, availability, textSource text required for
troubleshooting, and upgrade additional translation information
issues. Send feedback
It also manages the VMs that run Side panels
the OS. Some providers also History
provide technical support. Saved
Architectur Most DaaS offerings take Most VDI offerings are single-
e advantage of the multi-tenancy tenant solutions where customers
architecture. Under this model, a operate in a completely dedicated
single instance of an application- environment.
hosted by a server or Leveraging the single-tenant
datacenter-serves multiple architecture in VDI allows IT
"tenants" or customers. administrators to gain complete
The DaaS provider differentiates control over its IT resource
each customer's services and distribution and configuration.
provides them dynamically. You also don't have to worry
Resource consumption or about the overuse of resources
security of other clients may and any other organization
affect you with multi-tenant causing service disruption.
architecture if services are
Control The cloud vendor controls all of With VDI deployment, the
its IT infrastructure, including organization has complete control
monitoring, configuration, and over its IT resources. Since most
storage. You may not have VDI solutions leverage a single-
complete knowledge of these tenant architecture, IT
aspects. administrators can ensure that
Internet connectivity is required only permitted users access
to access the control plane of virtual desktops and applications.
DAAs, making it more vulnerable
to breaches and cyber attacks.
Cost There is almost no upfront cost VDI requires a real capital
with DaaS offerings as it is expenditure (CapEx) to purchase
subscription-based. The pay-as- or upgrade a server. it is suitable
you-go pricing structure allows for
companies to dynamically scale Enterprise-level organizations that
their operations and pay only for have projected growth and
the resources consumed. resource requirements.
DaaS offerings can be cheaper
for small to medium-sized
businesses (SMBs) with
fluctuating needs.
Agility DaaS deployments provide VDI requires considerable efforts
excellent flexibility. to set up and build and maintain
For example, you can provision complex infrastructure. For
virtual desktops and applications example, adding new features
immediately and accommodate can take days or even weeks.
temporary or seasonal Budget can also limit the
employees. organization if it wants to buy new
You can also reduce the hardware to handle the scalability.
resources easily. With DaaS
solutions, you can support new
technological trends such as the
latest GPUs or CPUs or CPU or
software innovations.
What are the use cases for DaaS?
Organizations can leverage DaaS to address various use cases and scenarios such
Users with multiple endpoints. A user can access multiple virtual desktops on a
single PC instead of switching between multiple devices or multiple OSes. Some
roles, such as software development, may require the user to work from multiple
Contract or seasonal workers. DaaS can help you provision virtual desktops within
minutes for seasonal or contract workers. You can also quickly close such desktops
when the employee leaves the organization.
Mobile and remote worker. DaaS provides secure access to corporate resources
anywhere, anytime, and any device. Mobile and remote employees can take
advantage of these features to increase productivity in the organization.
Mergers and acquisition. DaaS simplifies the provision and deployment of new
desktops to new employees, allowing IT administrators to quickly integrate the entire
organization's network following a merger or acquisition.
Educational institutions. IT administrators can provide each teacher or student
with an individual virtual desktop with the necessary privileges. When such users
leave the organization, their desktops become inactive with just a few clicks.
Healthcare professionals. Privacy is a major concern in many health care settings.
It allows individual access to each healthcare professional's virtual desktop, allowing
access only to relevant patient information. With DaaS, IT administrators can easily
customize desktop permissions and rules based on the user.
There are two types of models in cloud computing called the deployment model and
service model. Deployment models describe the access type to the cloud. These
types are public, private, community and hybrid. First, the public cloud provides
services to the general public. Secondly, the private cloud provides services for the
organization. Third, the community cloud provides services to a group of
organizations. Finally, a hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private clouds.
The private cloud performs critical activities in a hybrid while the public performs
non-critical activities. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the three service models in cloud
computing. Firstly, IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. It provides access to
basic resources such as physical machines, virtual machines, and virtual storage.
Secondly, PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. It provides a runtime environment
for the applications. Lastly, SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It allows end-
users to use software applications as a service. Overall, cloud computing offers
many advantages. It is highly efficient, reliable, flexible, and cost-effective. It allows
applications to access and use resources in the form of utilities. In addition, it
provides online development and deployment tools. One drawback is that there can
be security and privacy issues.
What is the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things connects all nearby smart devices to the network. These
devices use sensors and actuators to communicate with each other. Sensors sense
surrounding movements while actuators respond to sensory activities. The devices
can be a smartphone, smart washing machine, smartwatch, smart TV, smart car,
etc. Assume a smart shoe that is connected to the Internet. It can collect data on the
number of steps it can run. The smartphone can connect to the Internet and view this
data. It analyzes the data and provides the user with the number of calories burned
and other fitness advice.
Another example is a smart traffic camera that can monitor congestion and
accidents. It sends data to the gateway. This gateway receives data from that
camera as well as other similar cameras. All these connected devices form an
intelligent traffic management system. It shares, analyzes, and stores data on the
When an accident occurs, the system analyzes the impact and sends instructions to
guide drivers to avoid the accident. Overall, the Internet of Things is an emerging
technology, and it will grow rapidly in the future. Similarly, there are many examples
in healthcare, manufacturing, energy production, agriculture, etc. One drawback is
that there can be security and privacy issues as the devices capture data throughout
the day.
Which is better, IoT or cloud computing?
Over the years, IoT and cloud computing have contributed to implementing many
application scenarios such as smart transportation, cities and communities, homes,
the environment, and healthcare. Both technologies work to increase efficiency in
our everyday tasks. Cloud computing collects data from IoT sensors and calculates it
accordingly. Although the two are very different paradigms, they are not
contradictory technologies; They complement each other.
Difference between the Internet of things and cloud computing
Meaning of Internet of things and cloud computing. IoT is a network of
interconnected devices, machines, vehicles, and other 'things' that can be embedded
with sensors, electronics, and software that allows them to collect and interchange
data. IoT is a system of interconnected things with unique identifiers and can
exchange data over a network with little or no human interaction. Cloud computing
allows individuals and businesses to access on-demand computing resources and
Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
The main objective of IoT is to create an ecosystem of interconnected things and
give them the ability to sense, touch, control, and communicate with others. The idea
is to connect everything and everyone and help us live and work better. IoT provides
businesses with real-time insights into everything from everyday operations to the
performance of machines and logistics and supply chains. On the other hand, cloud
computing helps us make the most of all the data generated by IoT, allowing us to
connect with our business from anywhere, whenever we want.
Applications of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
IoT's most important and common applications are smartwatches, fitness trackers,
smartphones, smart home appliances, smart cities, automated transportation, smart
surveillance, virtual assistants, driverless cars, thermostats, implants, lights, and
more. Real-world examples of cloud computing include antivirus applications, online
data storage, data analysis, email applications, digital video software, online meeting
applications, etc.
Internet of Things vs. Cloud Computing: Comparison Chart
Internet of things Cloud Computing
Iot is a network of interconnected devices Cloud computing is the on-demand
that are capable of exchanging data over a delivery of IT resources and
network. application via the internet.
The main purpose is to create an ecosystem The purpose is to allow access to
of interconnected things and give them the large amounts of computing power
ability to sense, touch, control, and virtually, and offering a single system
communicate. view.
The role of IoT is to generate massive Cloud computing provides a way to
amounts of data. store IoT data and provides tools to
create IoT applications.
Web Services in Cloud Computing
The Internet is the worldwide connectivity of hundreds of thousands of computers
belonging to many different networks. A web service is a standardized method for
propagating messages between client and server applications on the World Wide
Web. A web service is a software module that aims to accomplish a specific set of
tasks. Web services can be found and implemented over a network in cloud
computing. The web service would be able to provide the functionality to the client
that invoked the web service. A web service is a set of open protocols and standards
that allow data exchange between different applications or systems. Web services
can be used by software programs written in different programming languages and
on different platforms to exchange data through computer networks such as the
Internet. In the same way, communication on a computer can be inter-processed.
Any software, application, or cloud technology that uses a standardized Web
protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to connect, interoperate, and exchange data messages
over the Internet-usually XML (Extensible Markup Language) is considered a Web
Is. Web services allow programs developed in different languages to be connected
between a client and a server by exchanging data over a web service. A client
invokes a web service by submitting an XML request, to which the service responds
with an XML response.
Web services functions
It is possible to access it via the Internet or intranet network.
XML messaging protocol that is standardized.
Operating system or programming language independent.
Using the XML standard is self-describing.
A simple location approach can be used to detect this.
Web Service Components
XML and HTTP is the most fundamental web service platform. All typical web
services use the following components:
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP stands for "Simple Object Access Protocol". It is a transport-independent
messaging protocol. SOAP is built on sending XML data in the form of SOAP
messages. A document known as an XML document is attached to each message.
Only the structure of an XML document, not the content, follows a pattern. The great
thing about web services and SOAP is that everything is sent through HTTP, the
standard web protocol. Every SOAP document requires a root element known as an
element. In an XML document, the root element is the first element. The "envelope"
is divided into two halves. The header comes first, followed by the body. Routing
data, or information that directs the XML document to which client it should be sent,
is contained in the header. The real message will be in the body.
UDDI (Universal Description, Search, and Integration)
UDDI is a standard for specifying, publishing and searching online service providers.
It provides a specification that helps in hosting the data through web services. UDDI
provides a repository where WSDL files can be hosted so that a client application
can search the WSDL file to learn about the various actions provided by the web
service. As a result, the client application will have full access to UDDI, which acts as
the database for all WSDL files. The UDDI Registry will keep the information needed
for online services, such as a telephone directory containing the name, address, and
phone number of a certain person so that client applications can find where it is.
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
The client implementing the web service must be aware of the location of the web
service. If a web service cannot be found, it cannot be used. Second, the client
application must understand what the web service does to implement the correct
web service. WSDL, or Web Service Description Language, is used to accomplish
this. A WSDL file is another XML-based file that describes what a web service does
with a client application. The client application will understand where the web service
is located and how to access it using the WSDL document.
How does web service work?
The diagram shows a simplified version of how a web service would function. The
client will use requests to send a sequence of web service calls to the server hosting
the actual web service.
Remote procedure calls are used to perform these requests. The calls to the
methods hosted by the respective web service are known as Remote Procedure
Calls (RPC). Example: Flipkart provides a web service that displays the prices of
items offered on The front end or presentation layer can be written
in .NET or Java, but the web service can be communicated using a programming
language. The data exchanged between the client and the server, XML, is the most
important part of web service design. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a
simple, intermediate language understood by various programming languages. It is
the equivalent of HTML. As a result, when programs communicate with each other,
they use XML. It forms a common platform for applications written in different
programming languages to communicate with each other. Web services employ
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to transmit XML data between applications.
The data is sent using standard HTTP. A SOAP message is data sent from a web
service to an application. An XML document is all that is contained in a SOAP
message. The client application that calls the web service can be built in any
programming language as the content is written in XML.
Features of Web Service
Web services have the following characteristics:
XML-based: A web service's information representation and record transport layers
employ XML. There is no need for networking, operating system, or platform
bindings when using XML. At the mid-level, web offering-based applications are
highly interactive.
Loosely Coupled: The subscriber of an Internet service provider may not
necessarily be directly connected to that service provider. The user interface for a
web service provider may change over time without affecting the user's ability to
interact with the service provider. A strongly coupled system means that the
decisions of the mentor and the server are inextricably linked, indicating that if one
interface changes, the other must be updated.
A loosely connected architecture makes software systems more manageable and
easier to integrate between different structures.
Ability to be synchronous or asynchronous: Synchronicity refers to the client's
connection to the execution of the function. Asynchronous operations allow the client
to initiate a task and continue with other tasks. The client is blocked, and the client
must wait for the service to complete its operation before continuing in synchronous
invocation. Asynchronous clients get their results later, but synchronous clients get
their effect immediately when the service is complete. The ability to enable loosely
connected systems requires asynchronous capabilities.
Coarse Grain: Object-oriented systems, such as Java, make their services available
differently. At the corporate level, an operation is too great for a character technique
to be useful. Building a Java application from the ground up requires the
development of several granular strategies, which are then combined into a coarse
grain provider that is consumed by the buyer or service. Corporations should be
coarse-grained, as should the interfaces they expose. Building web services is an
easy way to define coarse-grained services that have access to substantial business
enterprise logic.
Supports remote procedural calls: Consumers can use XML-based protocols to
call procedures, functions, and methods on remote objects that use web services. A
web service must support the input and output framework of the remote system.
Enterprise-wide component development Over the years, JavaBeans (EJBs)
and .NET components have become more prevalent in architectural and enterprise
deployments. Several RPC techniques are used to both allocate and access them.
A web function can support RPC by providing its services, similar to a traditional role,
or translating incoming invocations into an EJB or .NET component invocation.
Supports document exchanges: One of the most attractive features of XML for
communicating with data and complex entities.
Container as a Service (CaaS) in Cloud Computing
What is a Container?
A container is a useful unit of software into which application code and libraries and
their dependencies can be run anywhere, whether on a desktop, traditional IT, or in
the cloud. To do this, containers take advantage of virtual operating systems (OS) in
which OS features (in the Linux kernel, which are groups of first names and
domains) are used in CPU partitions, memory, and disk access.
Container as a Service (CaaS):
A container as a Service (CaaS) is a cloud service model that allows users to
upload, edit, start, stop, rate, and otherwise manage containers, applications and
collections. It enables these processes through tool-based virtualization, a
programming interface (API), or a web portal interface. CaaS helps users build rich,
secure, segmented applications through local or cloud data centers. Containers and
collections are used as a service with this model and installed on-site in the cloud or
data centers.
CaaS assists development teams in deploying and managing systems efficiently
while providing more control of container orchestration than is permitted by PaaS.
Containers-as-a-service (CaaS) is part of cloud services where the service provider
empowers customers to manage and distribute applications containing containers
and collections. CaaS is sometimes regarded as a special infrastructure-as-a-service
(IaaS) model for cloud service delivery. Still, where larger assets are containers,
there are virtual machines and physical hardware.
Advantages of Container as a Service (CaaS):
Containers and CaaS make it easy to deploy and design distributed applications
or build small services.
A collection of containers can handle different responsibilities or different coding
environments during development.
Network protocol relationships between containers can be defined, and
forwarding can be enforced.
CaaS promises that these defined and dedicated container structures can be
quickly deployed in cloud capture.
For example, consider a mock software program designed with a microservice
design, in which the service plan is organized with a business domain ID. Service
domains can be payment, authentication, and a shopping cart.
Using CaaS, these application containers can be sent to a live system instantly.
Enables program performance using log integration and monitoring tools by
posting the installed application to the CaaS platform.
CaaS also includes built-in automated measurement performance and
orchestration management.
It enables teams to quickly build high visibility and distributed systems for high
Furthermore, CaaS enhances team development with vigor by enabling rapid
Containers prevent targeted deployment, while CaaS can reduce operational
engineering costs by reducing the DevOps resources required to manage the
Disadvantages of Container as a Service (CaaS):
Extracting business data from the cloud is dangerous. Depending on the provider,
there are limits to the technology available.
Security issues:
Containers are considered safer than their Microsoft counterparts but have some
Although they are platform agnostic, containers share the same kernel as the
operating system.
It puts containers at risk of being targeted if they are targeted.
As containers are deployed in the cloud via CaaS, the risk increases
Performance Limits:
Containers are field of view and do not run directly on bare metal.
Something is missing with the bare metal and the extra layer between the
application containers and their characters.
Combine this with the net loss of the container associated with the hosting plan;
the result is a significant performance loss.
Therefore, businesses face some loss in the functionality of containers even after
high-quality hardware is available.
Therefore, it is sometimes referred to use bare-metal programs to test the
application's full potential.
How does CaaS Works?
A Container as a Service is a computing and accessible computer cloud. Used by
users to upload, build, manage and deploy container-based applications on cloud
platforms. Cloud-based environment connections can be made through a graphical
interface (GUI) or API calls. The essence of the entire CaaS platform is an
orchestration tool that enables the management of complex container structures.
Orchestration tools combine between active containers and enable automated
operations. The existing orchestrators in the CaaS framework directly impact the
services provided by the service users.
What is a Container in Cars?
Virtualization has been one of the most important paradigms in computing and
software development over the past decade, leading to increased resource utilization
and reduced time-to-value for development teams while reducing the duplication
required to deliver services. The ability to deploy applications in virtualized
environments means that development teams can more easily replicate the
conditions of a production environment and operate more targeted applications at a
lower cost. It helps to reduce the amount of work done. Virtualization meant that a
user could divide his processing power among multiple virtual environments running
on the same machine. Still, each environment contained a substantial amount of
memory, as the virtual environments each had to run their operating system. To work
and require six instances to run. Operating systems on the same hardware can be
extremely resource-intensive. Containers emerged as a mechanism to develop
better control of virtualization. Instead of virtualizing an entire machine, including the
operating system and hardware, containers create a separate context in which an
application and its important dependencies such as binaries, configuration files, and
other dependencies are in a discrete package. Both containers and virtual machines
allow applications to be deployed in virtual environments. The main difference is that
the container environment contains only those files that the application needs to run.
In contrast, virtual machines contain many additional files and services, resulting in
increased resource usage without providing additional functions. As a result, a
computer that may be capable of running 5 or 6 virtual machines can run tens or
even hundreds of containers.
What are Containers used For?
One of the major advantages of containers is that they take significantly less time to
initiate than virtual machines. Because containers share the Linux kernel, each
virtual machine must fire its operating system at start-up. The fast spin-up times for
containers make them ideal for large discrete applications with many different parts
of services that must be started, run, and terminated in a relatively short time frame.
This process takes less time to perform with containers than virtual machines and
uses fewer CPU resources, making it significantly more efficient. Containers fit well
with applications built in a microservices application architecture rather than the
traditional monolithic application architecture. Communicate with another. Whereas
traditional monolithic applications tie every part of the application together, most
applications today are developed in the microservice model. The application consists
of separate microservices or features deployed in containers and shared through an
API. The use of containers makes it easy for developers to check the health and
security of individual services within applications, turn services on/off in production
environments, and ensure that individual services meet performance and CPU
usage goals.
CaaS vs PaaS, IaaS, and FaaS
Let's see the differences between containers as a service and other popular
cloud computing models.
Cars vs. PaaS
Platform as a Service (PaaS) consists of third parties providing a combined platform,
including hardware and software. The PaaS model allows end-users to develop,
manage and run their applications, while the platform provider manages the
infrastructure. In addition to storage and other computing resources, providers
typically provide tools for application development, testing, and deployment.
CaaS differs from PaaS in that it is a lower-level service that only provides a specific
infrastructure component - a container. CaaS services can provide development
services and tools such as CI/CD release management, which brings them closer to
a PaaS model.
Cars vs. IaaS
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides raw computing resources such as
servers, storage, and networks in the public cloud. It allows organizations to increase
resources without upfront costs and less risk and overhead.
CaaS differs from IaaS in that it provides an abstraction layer on top of raw hardware
resources. IaaS services such as Amazon EC2 provide compute instances,
essentially computers with operating systems running in the public cloud. CaaS
services run and manage containers on top of these virtual machines, or in the case
of services such as Azure Container Instances, allowing users to run containers
directly on bare metal resources.
Cars vs. FaaS
Work as a Service (FaaS), also known as serverless computing, is suitable for users
who need to run a specific function or component of an application without managing
servers. With FaaS, the service provider automatically manages the physical
hardware, virtual machines, and other infrastructure, while the user provides the
code and pays per period or number of executions.
CaaS differs from FAS because it provides direct access to the infrastructure-users
can configure and manage containers. However, some CaaS services, such as
Amazon Fargate, use a serverless deployment model to provide container services
while abstracting servers from users, making them more similar to the FaaS model.
What is a Container Cluster in CaaS?
A container cluster is a dynamic content management system that holds and
manages containers, grouped into pods and running on nodes. It also manages all
the interconnections and communication channels that tie containers together within
the system. A container cluster consists of three major components:
Dynamic Container Placement
Container clusters rely on cluster scheduling, whereby workloads packaged in a
container image can be intelligently allocated between virtual and physical machines
based on their capacity, CPU, and hardware requirements. Cluster Scheduler
enables flexible management of container-based workloads by automatically
rescheduling tasks when a failure occurs, increasing or decreasing clusters when
appropriate, and workloads across machines to reduce or eliminate risks from
correlated failures spread. Dynamic container placement is all about automating the
execution of workloads by sending the container to the right place for execution.
Thinking in Sets of Containers
For companies using CaaS that require large quantities of containers, it is useful to
start thinking about sets of containers rather than individuals. CaaS service providers
enable their customers to configure pods, a collection of co-scheduled containers in
any way they like. Instead of single scheduling containers, users can group
containers using pods to ensure that certain sets of containers are executed
simultaneously on the same host.
Connecting within a Cluster
Today, many newly developed applications include micro-services that are
networked to communicate with each other. Each of these microservices is deployed
in a container that runs on nodes, and the nodes must be able to communicate with
each other effectively. Each node contains information such as the hostname and IP
address of the node, the status of all running nodes, the node's currently available
capacity to schedule additional pods, and other software license data.
Communication between nodes is necessary to maintain a failover system, where if
an individual node fails, the workload can be sent to an alternate or backup node for
Why are containers important?
With the help of containers, application code can be packaged so that we can run it
Helps promote portability between multiple platforms.
Helps in faster release of products.
Provides increased efficiency for developing and deploying innovative solutions
and designing distributed systems.
Why is CAAS important?
Helps developers to develop fully scaled containers as well as application
Helps to simplify container management.
Google helps automate key IT tasks like Kubernetes and Docker.
Helps increase the velocity of team development resulting in faster development
and deployment.
Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
Fault tolerance in cloud computing means creating a blueprint for ongoing work
whenever some parts are down or unavailable. It helps enterprises evaluate their
infrastructure needs and requirements and provides services in case the respective
device becomes unavailable for some reason. It does not mean that the alternative
system can provide 100% of the entire service. Still, the concept is to keep the
system usable and, most importantly, at a reasonable level in operational mode. It is
important if enterprises continue growing in a continuous mode and increase their
productivity levels.
Main Concepts behind Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing System
Replication: Fault-tolerant systems work on running multiple replicas for each
service. Thus, if one part of the system goes wrong, other instances can be used
to keep it running instead. For example, take a database cluster that has 3
servers with the same information on each. All the actions like data entry, update,
and deletion are written on each. Redundant servers will remain idle until a fault
tolerance system demands their availability.
Redundancy: When a system part fails or goes downstate, it is important to have
a backup type system. The server works with emergency databases that include
many redundant services. For example, a website program with MS SQL as its
database may fail midway due to some hardware fault. Then the redundancy
concept has to take advantage of a new database when the original is in offline
Techniques for Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
Priority should be given to all services while designing a fault tolerance system.
Special preference should be given to the database as it powers many other
After setting the priorities, the Enterprise has to work on mock tests. For example,
Enterprise has a forums website that enables users to log in and post comments.
When authentication services fail due to a problem, users will not be able to log
Then, the forum becomes read-only and does not serve the purpose. But with fault-
tolerant systems, healing will be ensured, and the user can search for information
with minimal impact.
Major Attributes of Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
None Point of Failure: The concepts of redundancy and replication define that
fault tolerance can occur but with some minor effects. If there is no single point of
failure, then the system is not fault-tolerant.
Accept the fault isolation concept: the fault occurrence is handled separately
from other systems. It helps to isolate the Enterprise from an existing system
Existence of Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
System Failure: This can either be a software or hardware issue. A software
failure results in a system crash or hangs, which may be due to Stack Overflow or
other reasons. Any improper maintenance of physical hardware machines will
result in hardware system failure.
Incidents of Security Breach: There are many reasons why fault tolerance may
arise due to security failures. The hacking of the server hurts the server and
results in a data breach. Other reasons for requiring fault tolerance in the form of
security breaches include ransomware, phishing, virus attacks, etc.
Take-Home Points
Fault tolerance in cloud computing is a crucial concept that must be understood in
advance. Enterprises are caught unaware when there is a data leak or system
network failure resulting in complete chaos and lack of preparedness. It is advised
that all enterprises should actively pursue the matter of fault tolerance.
If an enterprise is in growing mode even when some failure occurs, a fault tolerance
system design is necessary. Any constraints should not affect the growth of the
Enterprise, especially when using the cloud platform.
Principles of Cloud Computing
Studying the principles of cloud computing will help you understand the adoption and
use of cloud computing. These principles reveal opportunities for cloud customers to
move their computing to the cloud and for the cloud vendor to deploy a successful
cloud environment. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) said
cloud computing provides worldwide and on-demand access to computing resources
that can be configured based on customer demand. NSIT has also introduced the 5-
4-3 Principle of Cloud Computing which includes five distinctive features of cloud
computing, four deployment models, and three service models.
Five Essential Characteristics Features
The essential characteristics of cloud computing define the important features for
successful cloud computing. If any feature is missing from the defining feature,
fortunately, it is not cloud computing. Let us now discuss what these essential
features are:
On-demand Service
Customers can self-provision computing resources like server time, storage,
network, applications as per their demands without human intervention, i.e., cloud
service provider.
Broad Network Access
Computing resources are available over the network and can be accessed using
heterogeneous client platforms like mobiles, laptops, desktops, PDAs, etc.
Resource Pooling
Computing resources such as storage, processing, network, etc., are pooled to serve
multiple clients. For this, cloud computing adopts a multitenant model where the
computing resources of service providers are dynamically assigned to the customer
on their demand. The customer is not even aware of the physical location of these
resources. However, at a higher level of abstraction, the location of resources can be
Sharp elasticity
Computing resources for a cloud customer often appear limitless because cloud
resources can be rapidly and elastically provisioned. The resource can be released
at an increasingly large scale to meet customer demand.
Computing resources can be purchased at any time and in any quantity depending
on the customers' demand.
Measured Service
Monitoring and control of computing resources used by clients can be done by
implementing meters at some level of abstraction depending on the type of Service.
The resources used can be reported with metering capability, thereby providing
transparency between the provider and the customer.
Cloud Deployment Model
As the name suggests, the cloud deployment model refers to how computing
resources are acquired on location and provided to the customers. Cloud computing
deployments can be classified into four different forms as below:
Private Cloud
A cloud environment deployed for the exclusive use of a single organization is a
private cloud. An organization can have multiple cloud users belonging to different
business units of the same organization. Private cloud infrastructure can be either on
or off, depending on the organization. The organization may unilaterally own and
manage the private cloud. It may assign this responsibility to a third party, i.e., cloud
providers, or a combination of both.
Public Cloud
The cloud infrastructure deployed for the use of the general public is the public
cloud. This public cloud model is deployed by cloud vendors, Govt. organizations, or
both. The public cloud is typically deployed at the cloud vendor's premises.
Community Cloud
A cloud infrastructure shared by multiple organizations that form a community and
share common interests is a community cloud. Community Cloud is owned,
managed, and operated by organizations or cloud vendors, i.e., third parties.
Communications may take place on the premises of cloud community organizations
or the cloud provider's premises.
Hybrid Cloud
Cloud infrastructure includes two or more distinct cloud models such as private,
public, and community, so that cloud infrastructure is a hybrid cloud. While these
distinct cloud structures remain unique entities, they can be bound together by
specialized technology enabling data and application portability.
Services Offering Models
Cloud computing offers three kinds of services to its end users, which we will be
discussing in this section
Software as a Service (SaaS), here cloud service provider offers its customer to use
applications running on cloud infrastructure over the Internet on a subscription basis.
Service providers provide servers, storage, networks, virtualization, operating
systems, running environments, and software with this capability. Users can access
cloud applications on or off-premises. The customer can extend or extend the
offered services based on their demands. The customer need not worry about the
maintenance and updates as it is the service provider's responsibility. The most
popular examples of SaaS are Google Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Slack.
Platform as a Service (PaaS), where cloud service providers provide their
consumers with the infrastructure a runtime environment that leverages web-based
development and deployment of software or applications. The PaaS customer is not
required to manage or control the cloud infrastructure, although they have full control
over the deployed software. The most popular PaaS services are Google App
Engine, Windows Azure, and Heroku.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), here cloud service provider provides server,
storage, network services to its end users through virtualization. The consumer can
access these virtualized computing resources over the Internet. The IaaS customer
is not required to manage or control the cloud infrastructure, although the customer
has control over the run time environment, middleware, operating system, and
deployed applications. The most popular IaaS services are Google Compute Engine,
Rackspace, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Principles to Scale Up Cloud Computing
This section will discuss the principles that leverage the Internet to scale up cloud
computing services.
Cloud resources are always unlimited for customers, but each cloud has a limited
capacity. If customer demand continues to grow, the cloud will have to exceed its
potential, for which the form federation of service providers enables collaboration
and resource sharing. A federated cloud must allow virtual applications to be
deployed on federated sites. Virtual applications should not be location-dependent
and should be able to migrate easily between sites. Union members should be
independent, making it easier for competing service providers to form unions.
Cloud computing services should provide end-users complete freedom that allows
the user to use cloud services without depending on a specific cloud provider.
Even the cloud provider should be able to manage and control the computing service
without sharing internal details with customers or partners.
We are all aware that a cloud service provider provides its computing resources to
multiple end-users. The end-user must be assured before moving his computing
cloud that his data or information will be isolated in the cloud and cannot be
accessed by other members sharing the cloud.
Cloud computing resources should be elastic, which means that the user should be
free to attach and release computing resources on their demand.
Business Orientation
Companies must ensure the quality of service providers offer before moving mission-
critical applications to the cloud. The cloud service provider should develop a
mechanism to understand the exact business requirement of the customer and
customize the service parameters as per the customer's requirement.
Trust is the most important factor that drives any customer to move their computing
to the cloud. For the cloud to be successful, trust must be maintained to create a
federation between the cloud customer, the cloud vendor, and the various cloud
providers. So, these are the principles of cloud computing that take advantage of the
Internet to enhance cloud computing. A cloud provider considers these principles
before deploying cloud services to end-users.
What are Roots of Cloud Computing?
We trace the roots of cloud computing by focusing at the advancement of
technologies in hardware (multi-core chips, virtualization), Internet technologies
(Web 2.0, web services, service-oriented architecture), distributed computing (grids
or clusters) and system management (data center automation, autonomous
computing). Some of the technologies are marked in the early stages of their
development; A specification process was followed, leading to maturity and universal
adoption as a result. The emergence of cloud computing is linked to these
technologies. We take a closer look at the technologies which is the basis of cloud
computing that give a canvas of the cloud ecosystem. Cloud computing Internet
technologies have so many roots. They help the computers to increase their
capability and make them more powerful. In cloud computing, there are three main
types of services which are IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS - Platforms as a
service and SaaS - Software as a Service. There are four types of cloud depending
on the platform which are free, public, hybrid, and platform. Cloud computing
technology is an advanced and contributes to the next level in business.
What is Cloud Computing?
"Cloud computing contains many servers that host the web services and data
storage. The technology allows the companies to eliminate the requirement for costly
and powerful systems." Company data will be stored on low-cost servers, and
employees can easily access the data by a normal network. In the traditional data
system, the company maintains the physical hardware, which costs a lot, while cloud
computing supply a virtual platform. In a virtual platform, every server hosts the
applications, and the data is handled by a distinct provider. Therefore, we should to
pay them. The development of cloud computing is tremendous with the
advancement of Internet technologies. And it is a new concept for low capitalization
firms. Most of the companies are switching to cloud computing to provide the
flexibility, accuracy, speed, and low cost to their customer. Cloud computing has
much of applications, Like as infrastructure management, application execution, and
also data access management tool. There are four roots of cloud computing which
are given below:
Internet Technologies
Distributed Computing
System management
We will look at every root in detail below.
Root 1: Internet Technologies
The first one is Internet Technologies that includes service-oriented architecture, and
Web 2.0, and also the web services. Internet technologies are commonly accessible
by the public. People access content and run applications that depend on network
connections. Cloud computing relies on centralized storage, networks and
bandwidth. However, the Internet is not a network - it is highly multiplexed and
centralized management. Therefore, anyone can host the number of websites
anywhere in worldwide. Because of network servers, a lot of websites can be
created. Service-Oriented Architecture is a self-contained module designed for
business functions. It is provided for authentication services business management
and event logging, also saves us a lot of paperwork and time. Web services such as
XML and HTTP provide web delivery services by common mechanisms. It is an
universal concept of web service globally. Web 2.0 services are more convenient for
the users, and they do not need to know much about programming and coding
concepts to work. Information technology companies provide services in which
people can access the services on a platform. Predefined templates and blocks
make it easy to work with, and they can work together via a centralized cloud
computing system. Examples of Web 2.0 services are hosted services such as
Google Maps, micro blogging sites such as Twitter, and social sites such as
Root 2: Distributed Computing
The second root of cloud computing is distributed computing, that includes the grid,
utility computing, and cluster. To understand it more easily, here's an example,
computer is a storage area, and save documents in the form of files or pictures.
Each document stored in a computer has some specific location, on a hard disk or
stored on the Internet.
When someone visits the website on the Internet, that person browses by
downloading the files. Users can access files at a location after processing; it can
send the file back to the server. So, it is known as the distributed computing of the
cloud. People can access it from anywhere in overseas. All resources in memory
space, processor speed and hard disk space are used with the help of the route. The
company using the technology never faces any problem and will always be in
competition with other companies too.
Root 3: Hardware
The third one is the hardware by the roots of cloud computing, that includes multi-
core chips and virtualization. When we talk about the hardware, it is virtual cloud
computing and people do not need it more. Computers require hardware like
Random access memory, CPU, , Read Only Memory and motherboard to store,
process, analyze and manage the data and information. There are no hardware
devices because in cloud computing all the apps are managed by the internet. If you
are using huge amount of data, it becomes so difficult for your computer to manage
the continuous increase in data. The cloud stores the data on its own computer
slightly than the computer that holds the data. Virtualization allows the people to
access the resources from virtual machines in cloud computing. It makes it cheaper
for customers to use the cloud services. Furthermore, in the Service Level
Agreement based cloud computing model, each customer gets their virtual machine
called a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The single cloud computing platform which
distribute the hardware, software and operating systems.
Root 4: System Management
The fourth root of cloud computing contains autonomous cloud and data center
automation here. System management handles operations to improve productivity
and efficiency of the root system. To achieve it, the system management ensures
that all the employees have an easy access to the necessary data and information.
Employees can change the configuration, receive/retransmit information and perform
other related tasks from any location. It makes for the system administrator to
respond to any user demand. In addition, the administrator can restrict or deny
access for different users. In the autonomous system, the administrator task
becomes easier as the system is autonomous or self-managing. Additionally, data
analysis is controlled by sensors. System responses perform many functions such as
optimization, configuration, and protection based on the data. Therefore, human
involvement is low here, but here the computing system handles most of the work.
Difference between roots of cloud computing
The most fundamental differences between utilities and clouds are in storage,
bandwidth, and power availability. In a utility system, all these utilities are provided
through the company, whereas in a cloud environment, it is provided through the
provider you work with. You might be using a file-sharing service to upload the
pictures, documents, and files to the server which work remotely. You need many
physical storage devices to hold the data with access to electricity and the Internet.
In addition, the physical components required the file sharing service and access to
the Internet by providing thwe third-party service provider's data center. Many
different Internet technologies can make up the infrastructure of a cloud.
For example, if any internet service provider has lower speed of internet, then they
can transfer their data without getting the better infrastructure of hardware.
The potential of the technology is enormous as it is increasing the overall efficiency,
security, reliability, and flexibility of businesses.
What is Data Center in Cloud Computing?
What is a Data Center?
A data center - also known as a data center or data center - is a facility made up of
networked computers, storage systems, and computing infrastructure that
businesses and other organizations use to organize, process, store large amounts of
data. And to broadcast. A business typically relies heavily on applications, services,
and data within a data center, making it a focal point and critical asset for everyday
operations. Enterprise data centers increasingly incorporate cloud computing
resources and facilities to secure and protect in-house, onsite resources. As
enterprises increasingly turn to cloud computing, the boundaries between cloud
providers' data centers and enterprise data centers become less clear.
How do Data Centers work?
A data center facility enables an organization to assemble its resources and
infrastructure for data processing, storage, and communication, including:
systems for storing, sharing, accessing, and processing data across the
physical infrastructure to support data processing and data communication; And
Utilities such as cooling, electricity, network access, and uninterruptible power
supplies (UPS).
Gathering all these resources in one data center enables the organization to:
protect proprietary systems and data;
Centralizing IT and data processing employees, contractors, and vendors;
Enforcing information security controls on proprietary systems and data; And
Realize economies of scale by integrating sensitive systems in one place.
Why are data centers important?
Data centers support almost all enterprise computing, storage, and business
applications. To the extent that the business of a modern enterprise runs on
computers, the data center is business. Data centers enable organizations to
concentrate their processing power, which in turn enables the organization to focus
its attention on:
IT and data processing personnel;
computing and network connectivity infrastructure; And
Computing Facility Security.
What are the main components of Data Centers?
Elements of a data center are generally divided into three categories:
1. Calculation
2. enterprise data storage
3. networking
A modern data center concentrates an organization's data systems in a well-
protected physical infrastructure, which includes:
storage subsystems;
networking switches, routers, and firewalls;
cabling; And
Physical racks for organizing and interconnecting IT equipment.
Datacenter Resources typically include:
power distribution and supplementary power subsystems;
electrical switching;
backup generator;
ventilation and data center cooling systems, such as in-row cooling configurations
and computer room air conditioners; And
Adequate provision for network carrier (telecom) connectivity.
It demands a physical facility with physical security access controls and sufficient
square footage to hold the entire collection of infrastructure and equipment.
How are Datacenters managed?
Datacenter management is required to administer many different topics related to the
data center, including:
Facilities Management. Management of a physical data center facility may
include duties related to the facility's real estate, utilities, access control, and
Datacenter inventory or asset management. Datacenter features include
hardware assets and software licensing, and release management.
Datacenter Infrastructure Management. DCIM lies at the intersection of IT and
facility management and is typically accomplished by monitoring data center
performance to optimize energy, equipment, and floor use.
Technical support. The data center provides technical services to the
organization, and as such, it should also provide technical support to the end-
users of the enterprise.
Datacenter management includes the day-to-day processes and services
provided by the data center.
Most data center outages can be attributed to these four general categories.
Datacenter Architecture and Design
Although almost any suitable location can serve as a data center, a data center's
deliberate design and implementation require careful consideration. Beyond the
basic issues of cost and taxes, sites are selected based on several criteria:
geographic location, seismic and meteorological stability, access to roads and
airports, availability of energy and telecommunications, and even the prevailing
political environment.
Once the site is secured, the data center architecture can be designed to focus on
the structure and layout of mechanical and electrical infrastructure and IT equipment.
These issues are guided by the availability and efficiency goals of the desired data
center tier.
Datacenter Security
Datacenter designs must also implement sound security and security practices. For
example, security is often reflected in the layout of doors and access corridors, which
must accommodate the movement of large, cumbersome IT equipment and allow
employees to access and repair infrastructure. Fire fighting is another major safety
area, and the widespread use of sensitive, high-energy electrical and electronic
equipment precludes common sprinklers. Instead, data centers often use
environmentally friendly chemical fire suppression systems, which effectively
oxygenate fires while minimizing collateral damage to equipment. Comprehensive
security measures and access controls are needed as the data center is also a core
business asset. These may include:
Badge Access;
biometric access control, and
video surveillance.
These security measures can help detect and prevent employee, contractor, and
intruder misconduct.
What is Data Center Consolidation?
There is no need for a single data center. Modern businesses can use two or more
data center installations in multiple locations for greater flexibility and better
application performance, reducing latency by locating workloads closer to users.
Conversely, a business with multiple data centers may choose to consolidate data
centers while reducing the number of locations to reduce the cost of IT operations.
Consolidation typically occurs during mergers and acquisitions when most
businesses no longer need data centers owned by the subordinate business.
What is Data Center Colocation?
Datacenter operators may also pay a fee to rent server space in a colocation facility.
A colocation is an attractive option for organizations that want to avoid the large
capital expenditure associated with building and maintaining their data centers.
Today, colocation providers are expanding their offerings to include managed
services such as interconnectivity, allowing customers to connect to the public cloud.
Because many service providers today offer managed services and their colocation
features, the definition of managed services becomes hazy, as all vendors market
the term slightly differently. The important distinction to make is:
The organization pays a vendor to place their hardware in a facility. The customer
is paying for the location alone.
Managed services. The organization pays the vendor to actively maintain or
monitor the hardware through performance reports, interconnectivity, technical
support, or disaster recovery.
What is the difference between Data Center vs. Cloud?
Cloud computing vendors offer similar features to enterprise data centers. The
biggest difference between a cloud data center and a typical enterprise data center
is scale. Because cloud data centers serve many different organizations, they can
become very large. And cloud computing vendors offer these services through their
data centers.
Large enterprises such as Google may require very large data centers, such as the
Google data center in Douglas County, Ga. Because enterprise data centers
increasingly implement private cloud software, they increasingly see end-users, like
the services provided by commercial cloud providers. Private cloud software builds
on virtualization to connect cloud-like services, including:
system automation;
user self-service; And
Billing/Charge Refund to Data Center Administration.
The goal is to allow individual users to provide on-demand workloads and other
computing resources without IT administrative intervention.
Further blurring the lines between the enterprise data center and cloud computing is
the development of hybrid cloud environments. As enterprises increasingly rely on
public cloud providers, they must incorporate connectivity between their data centers
and cloud providers. For example, platforms such as Microsoft Azure emphasize
hybrid use of local data centers with Azure or other public cloud resources. The
result is not the elimination of data centers but the creation of a dynamic
environment that allows organizations to run workloads locally or in the cloud or
move those instances to or from the cloud as desired.
Evolution of Data Centers
The origins of the first data centers can be traced back to the 1940s and the
existence of early computer systems such as the Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer (ENIAC). These early machines were complicated to maintain and operate
and had cables connecting all the necessary components. They were also in use by
the military - meaning special computer rooms with racks, cable trays, cooling
mechanisms, and access restrictions were necessary to accommodate all equipment
and implement appropriate safety measures.
However, it was not until the 1990s, when IT operations began to gain complexity
and cheap networking equipment became available, that the term data center first
came into use. It became possible to store all the necessary servers in one room
within the company. These specialized computer rooms gained traction, dubbed data
centers within organizations.
At the time of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, the need for Internet speed and
a constant Internet presence for companies required large amounts of networking
equipment required large facilities. At this point, data centers became popular and
began to look similar to those described above.
In the history of computing, as computers get smaller and networks get bigger, the
data center has evolved and shifted to accommodate the necessary technology of
the day.
Difference between Cloud and Data Center
Most organizations rely heavily on data for their respective day-to-day operations,
irrespective of the industry or the nature of the data. This data can range from
making business decisions, identifying patterns to improving the services provided,
or analyzing weak links in a workflow.
Cloud may be a term used to describe a group of services, either a global or
individual network of servers, that have a unique function. Cloud is not a physical
entity, but they are a group or network of remote servers arched together to operate
as a single unit for an assigned task.
In short, a cloud is a building containing many computer systems. We access the
cloud through the Internet because cloud providers provide the cloud as a service.
One of the many confusions we have is whether the cloud is the same as cloud
computing? The answer is no. Cloud services like Compute run in the cloud. The
computing service offered by the cloud lets users' rent' computer systems in a data
center over the Internet.
Another example of a cloud service is storage. AWS says, "Cloud computing is the
on-demand delivery of IT resources over the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.
Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you
can access technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases,
from a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS)."
Types of Cloud:
Businesses use cloud resources in different ways. There are mainly four of them:
Public Cloud: The cloud method is open to all with the Internet on a pay-per-use
Private Cloud: This is a cloud method used by organizations to make their data
centers accessible only with the organization's permission.
Hybrid cloud: It is a cloud method that combines public and private clouds. It
caters to the various needs of an organization for its services.
Community cloud is a cloud method that provides services to an organization or
a group of people within a single community.
Data Center
A data center can be described as a facility/location of networked computers and
associated components (such as telecommunications and storage) that help
businesses and organizations handle large amounts of data. These data centers
allow data to be organized, processed, stored, and transmitted across applications
used by businesses.
Types of Data Center:
Businesses use different types of data centers, including:
Telecom Data Center: It is a type of data center operated by
telecommunications or service providers. It requires high-speed connectivity to
Enterprise data center: This is a type of data center built and owned by a
company that may or may not be onsite.
Colocation Data Center: This type of data center consists of a single data
center owner's location, providing cooling to multiple enterprises and hyper-scale
their customers.
Hyper-Scale Data Center: This is a type of data center owned and operated by
the company itself.
Difference between Cloud and Data Center:
S.N Cloud Data Center
1. Cloud is a virtual resource that Data Center is a physical resource that
helps businesses store, organize, helps businesses store, organize, and
and operate data efficiently. operate data efficiently.
2. The scalability of the cloud required The scalability of the Data Center is
less amount of investment. huge in investment compared to the
3. Maintenance cost is less as Maintenance cost is high because the
compared to service providers. developers of the organization do the
4. The organization needs to rely on The organization's developers are
third parties to store its data. trusted for the data stored in the data
5. The performance is huge compared The performance is less than the
to the investment. investment.
6. This requires a plan for optimizing It is easily customizable without any
the cloud. hard planning.
7. It requires a stable internet This may or may not require an internet
connection to provide the function. connection.
8. The cloud is easy to operate and is Data centers require experienced
considered a viable option. developers to operate and are not
considered a viable option.
Resiliency in Cloud Computing
Resilience computing is a form of computing that distributes redundant IT
resources for operational purposes. In this computing, IT resources are pre-
configured so that these sources are needed at processing time; Can be used in
processing without interruption. The characteristic of flexibility in cloud computing
can refer to redundant IT resources within a single cloud or across multiple clouds.
By taking advantage of the flexibility of cloud-based IT services, cloud consumers
can improve both the efficiency and availability of their applications. Fixes and
continues operation. Cloud Resilience is a term used to describe the ability of
servers, storage systems, data servers, or entire networks to remain connected to
the network without interfering with their functions or losing their operational
capabilities. For a cloud system to remain resilient, it needs to cluster the servers,
has redundant workloads, and even rely on multiple physical servers. High-quality
products and services will accomplish this task. The three basic strategies that are
used to improve a cloud system's resilience are:
Testing and Monitoring: An independent method ensures that equipment meets
minimum behavioural requirements. It is important for system failure detection
and resource reconfiguration.
Checkpoint and Restart: Based on such conditions, the state of the whole
system is saved. System failures represent a phase of restoration to the most
recent corrected checkpoint and recovery of the system.
Replication: The essential components of a device are replicated, using
additional resources (hardware and software), ensuring that they are usable at
any given time. With this strategy, the additional difficulty is the state
synchronization task between replicas and the main device.
Security with Cloud Technology
Cloud technology, used correctly, provides superior security to customers anywhere.
High-quality cloud products can protect against DDoS (Distributed Denial of
Service) attacks, where a cyberattack affects the system's bandwidth and makes the
computer unavailable to the user. Cloud protection can also use redundant security
mechanisms to protect someone's data from being hacked or leaked. In addition,
cloud security allows one to maintain regulatory compliance and control advanced
networks while improving the security of sensitive personal and financial data.
Finally, having access to high-quality customer service and IT support is critical to
fully taking advantage of these cloud security benefits.
Advantages of Cloud Resilience
The permanence of the cloud is considered a way of responding to the "crisis". It
refers to data and technology.
The infrastructure, consisting of virtual servers, is built to handle sufficient computing
power and data volume variability while allowing ubiquitous use of various devices,
such as laptops, smartphones, PCs, etc.
All data can be recovered if the computer machine is damaged or destroyed and
guarantees the stability of the infrastructure and data.
Issues or Critical aspects of Resiliency
A major problem is how cloud application resilience can be tested, evaluated and
defined before going live, so that system availability is protected against business
objectives. Traditional research methods do not effectively reveal cloud application
durability problems for many factors. Heterogeneous and multi-layer architectures
are vulnerable to failure due to the sophistication of the interactions of different
software entities. Failures are often asymptomatic and remain hidden as internal
equipment errors unless their visibility is due to special circumstances. Poor
scheduling of production usage patterns and the architecture of cloud applications
result in unexpected 'accidental' behaviour, especially hybrid and multi-cloud. Cloud
layers can have different stakeholders managed by different administrators, resulting
in unexpected configuration changes during application design that cause interfaces
to break.
Cloud Computing Security Architecture
Security in cloud computing is a major concern. Proxy and brokerage services
should be employed to restrict a client from accessing the shared data directly. Data
in the cloud should be stored in encrypted form.
Security Planning
Before deploying a particular resource to the cloud, one should need to analyze
several aspects of the resource, such as:
A select resource needs to move to the cloud and analyze its sensitivity to risk.
Consider cloud service models such as IaaS, PaaS,and These models require
the customer to be responsible for Security at different service levels.
Consider the cloud type, such as public, private, community, or
Understand the cloud service provider's system regarding data storage and its
transfer into and out of the cloud.
The risk in cloud deployment mainly depends upon the service models and cloud
Understanding Security of Cloud
Security Boundaries
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) stack model defines the boundaries between
each service model and shows how different functional units relate. A particular
service model defines the boundary between the service provider's responsibilities
and the customer. The following diagram shows the CSA stack model:
Encryption helps to protect the data from being hacked. It protects the data being
transferred and the data stored in the cloud. Although encryption helps protect data
from unauthorized access, it does not prevent data loss.
Why is cloud security architecture important?
The difference between "cloud security" and "cloud security architecture" is that the
former is built from problem-specific measures while the latter is built from threats. A
cloud security architecture can reduce or eliminate the holes in Security that point-of-
solution approaches are almost certainly about to leave. It does this by building down
- defining threats starting with the users, moving to the cloud environment and
service provider, and then to the applications. Cloud security architectures can also
reduce redundancy in security measures, which will contribute to threat mitigation
and increase both capital and operating costs.
The cloud security architecture also organizes security measures, making them more
consistent and easier to implement, particularly during cloud deployments and
redeployments. Security is often destroyed because it is illogical or complex, and
these flaws can be identified with the proper cloud security architecture.
Elements of cloud security architecture
The best way to approach cloud security architecture is to start with a description of
the goals. The architecture has to address three things: an attack surface
represented by external access interfaces, a protected asset set that represents the
information being protected, and vectors designed to perform indirect attacks
anywhere, including in the cloud and attacks the system. The goal of the cloud
security architecture is accomplished through a series of functional elements. These
elements are often considered separately rather than part of a coordinated
architectural plan. It includes access security or access control, network security,
application security, contractual Security, and monitoring, sometimes called service
security. Finally, there is data protection, which are measures implemented at the
protected-asset level. A complete cloud security architecture addresses the goals by
unifying the functional elements.
Cloud security architecture and shared responsibility model
The security and security architectures for the cloud are not single-player processes.
Most enterprises will keep a large portion of their IT workflow within their data
centers, local networks, and VPNs. The cloud adds additional players, so the cloud
security architecture should be part of a broader shared responsibility model. A
shared responsibility model is an architecture diagram and a contract form. It exists
formally between a cloud user and each cloud provider and network service provider
if they are contracted separately. Each will divide the components of a cloud
application into layers, with the top layer being the responsibility of the customer and
the lower layer being the responsibility of the cloud provider. Each separate function
or component of the application is mapped to the appropriate layer depending on
who provides it. The contract form then describes how each party responds
Introduction to Parallel Computing
This article will provide you a basic introduction and later will explain in detail about
parallel computing. Before moving on to the main topic first let us understand what is
parallel Computing.
What is Parallel Computing?
The simultaneous execution of many tasks or processes by utilizing various
computing resources, such as multiple processors or computer nodes, to solve a
computational problem is referred to as parallel computing. It is a technique for
enhancing computation performance and efficiency by splitting a difficult operation
into smaller sub-tasks that may be completed concurrently. Tasks are broken down
into smaller components in parallel computing, with each component running
simultaneously on a different computer resource. These resources may consist of
separate processing cores in a single computer, a network of computers, or
specialized high-performance computing platforms.
Various Methods to Enable Parallel Computing
Different frameworks and programming models have been created to support
parallel computing. The design and implementation of parallel algorithms are made
easier by these models' abstractions and tools. Programming models that are often
utilized include:
1. Message Passing Interface (MPI): The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a
popular approach for developing parallel computing systems, particularly in
situations with distributed memory. Through message passing, it allows
communication as well as collaboration between various processes.
2. CUDA: NVIDIA designed CUDA, a platform for parallel computing and a
programming language. It gives programmers the ability to use general-purpose
parallel computing to its full potential using NVIDIA GPUs.
3. OpenMP:For shared memory parallel programming, OpenMP is a well-liked
approach. It enables programmers to define parallel portions in their code, which
are then processed by several threads running on various processors.
Types of Parallel Computing
There are 4 types of parallel computing and each type of parallel computing is
explained below
Bit-level parallelism: The simultaneous execution of operations on multiple bits or
binary digits of a data element is referred to as bit-level parallelism in parallel
computing. It is a type of parallelism that uses hardware architectures' parallel
processing abilities to operate on multiple bits concurrently. Bit-level parallelism is
very effective for operations on binary data such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and logical operations. The execution time may be considerably
decreased by executing these actions on several bits at the same time, resulting in
enhanced performance. For example, consider the addition of two binary numbers:
1101 and 1010. As part of sequential processing, the addition would be carried out
bit by bit, beginning with the least significant bit (LSB) and moving any carry bits to
the following bit. The addition can be carried out concurrently for each pair of related
bits when bit-level parallelism is used, taking advantage of the capabilities of parallel
processing. Faster execution is possible as a result, and performance is enhanced
overall. Specialized hardware elements that can operate on several bits at once,
such as parallel adders, multipliers, or logic gates, are frequently used to implement
bit-level parallelism. Modern processors may also have SIMD (Single Instruction,
Multiple Data) instructions or vector processing units, which allow operations on
multiple data components, including multiple bits, to be executed in parallel.
2. Instruction-level parallelism: ILP, or instruction-level parallelism, is a parallel
computing concept that focuses on running several instructions concurrently on a
single processor. Instead of relying on numerous processors or computing
resources, it seeks to utilize the natural parallelism present in a program at the
instruction level. Instructions are carried out consecutively by traditional processors,
one after the other. Nevertheless, many programs contain independent instructions
that can be carried out concurrently without interfering with one another's output. To
increase performance, instruction-level parallelism seeks to recognize and take
advantage of these separate instructions. Instruction-level parallelism can be
achieved via a variety of methods:
Pipelining: Pipelining divides the process of executing instructions into several
steps, each of which may carry out more than one command at once. This
enables the execution of many instructions to overlap while they are in different
stages of execution. Each step carries out a distinct task, such as fetching,
decoding, executing, and writing back instructions.
Out-of-Order Execution: According to the availability of input data and
execution resources, the processor dynamically rearranges instructions during
out-of-order execution. This enhances the utilization of execution units and
decreases idle time by enabling independent instructions to be executed out of
the order they were originally coded.
Task Parallelism
The idea of task parallelism in parallel computing refers to the division of a program
or computation into many tasks that can be carried out concurrently. Each task is
autonomous and can run on a different processing unit, such as several cores in a
multicore CPU or nodes in a distributed computing system. The division of the work
into separate tasks rather than the division of the data is the main focus of task
parallelism. When conducted concurrently, the jobs can make use of the parallel
processing capabilities available and often operate on various subsets of the input
data. This strategy is especially helpful when the tasks are autonomous or just
loosely dependent on one another. Task parallelism's primary objective is to
maximize the use of available computational resources and enhance the program's
or computation's overall performance. In comparison to sequential execution, the
execution time can be greatly decreased by running numerous processes
concurrently. Task parallelism can be carried out in various ways few of which are
explained below
Thread-based parallelism: This involves breaking up a single program into
several threads of execution. When running simultaneously on various cores or
processors, each thread stands for a distinct task. Commonly, shared-memory
systems employ thread-based parallelism.
Task-based parallelism: Tasks are explicitly defined and scheduled for
execution in this model. A task scheduler dynamically assigns tasks to available
processing resources, taking dependencies and load balance into consideration.
Task-based parallelism is a versatile and effective method of expressing
parallelism that may be used with other parallel programming paradigms.
Process-based parallelism: This method involves splitting the program into
many processes, each of which represents a separate task. In a distributed
computing system, processes can operate on different compute nodes
concurrently. In distributed-memory systems, process-based parallelism is often
Superword-level parallelism
Superword-level parallelism is a parallel computing concept that concentrates on
utilising parallelism at the word or vector level to enhance computation performance.
Architectures that enable SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) or vector
operations are particularly suited for their use.
Finding and classifying data activities into vector or array operations is the core
concept of superword-level parallelism. The parallelism built within the data may be
fully utilized by conducting computations on several data pieces in a single
instruction. Superword-level parallelism is particularly beneficial for applications with
predictable data access patterns and easily parallelizable calculations. In
applications where a lot of data may be handled concurrently, such as scientific
simulations, picture and video processing, signal processing, and data analytics, it is
frequently employed.
Applications of Parallel Computing
Parallel computing is widely applied in various fields and a few of its applications are
mentioned below
Financial Modelling and Risk Analysis: In financial modeling and risk analysis,
parallel computing is used to run the complex computations and simulations needed
in fields like risk analysis, portfolio optimization, option pricing, and Monte Carlo
simulations. In financial applications, parallel algorithms facilitate quicker analysis
and decision-making.
Data Analytics and Big Data Processing: To process and analyse large datasets
effectively in the modern era of big data, parallel computing has become crucial. To
speed up data processing, machine learning, and data mining, parallel frameworks
like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark distribute data and computations across a
cluster of computers.
Parallel Database Systems: For the purpose of processing queries quickly and
managing massive amounts of data, parallel database systems use parallel
computing. To improve database performance and enable concurrent data access,
parallelization techniques like query parallelism and data partitioning are used.
Advantages of Parallel Computing
Cost Efficiency: Parallel computing can help you save money by utilizing
commodity hardware with multiple processors or cores rather than expensive
specialized hardware. This makes parallel computing more accessible and cost-
effective for a variety of applications.
Fault Tolerance: Systems for parallel computing can frequently be built to be fault-
tolerant. The system can continue to function and be reliable even if a processor or
core fails because it can continue to be computed on the other processors.
Resource Efficiency: Parallel computing utilizes resources more effectively by
dividing the workload among several processors or cores. Parallel computing can
maximize resource utilization and minimize idle time instead of relying solely on a
single processor, which may remain underutilized for some tasks.
Solving Large-scale Problems: Large-scale problems that cannot be effectively
handled on a single machine are best solved using parallel computing. It makes it
possible to divide the issue into smaller chunks, distribute those chunks across
several processors, and then combine the results to find a solution.
Scalability: By adding more processors or cores, parallel computing systems can
increase their computational power. This scalability makes it possible to handle
bigger and more complex problems successfully. Parallel computing can offer the
resources required to effectively address the problem as its size grows.
Disadvantages of Parallel Computing
Increased Memory Requirements: The replication of data across several
processors, which occurs frequently in parallel computing, can lead to higher
memory requirements. The amount of memory required by large-scale parallel
systems to store and manage replicated data may have an impact on the cost and
resource usage.
Debugging and Testing: Debugging parallel programs can be more difficult than
debugging sequential ones. Race conditions, deadlocks, and improper
synchronization problems can be difficult and time-consuming to identify and fix. It is
also more difficult to thoroughly test parallel programs to ensure reliability and
Complexity: Programming parallel systems as well as developing parallel
algorithms can be much more difficult than sequential programming. Data
dependencies, load balancing, synchronization, and communication between
processors must all be carefully taken into account when using parallel algorithms.