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Uscp Notes

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Lesson 1: Manifestations of Human Social Differences – distinctions in the ways

Variations Through Cultural people within a society behave, interact, and

perceive one another.
Diversity, Social Differences, and
Political Identities Social Class - “group of people with similar
socioeconomic status in the Philippines”
Variation - having similarities, but there are also (sociologists) -meaning, their standing within
differences which make each thing special. society based on their level of achievements.
Cultural Diversity – complex whole which 1. Peninsulares – highest socioeconomic
encompasses practices, values, and beliefs. class (citizens with pure Spanish blood)
2. Insulares – pure Spaniards born in the
-powerful ingredient in people's lives that shapes
how they see things.
3. Ilustrados – Filipinos who studied
-mix of different cultures that makes life even abroad
richer. 4. Chinese Mestizos – fourth in the
5. Indios – native Filipinos

Sex – biological differences that distinguishes Educational Attainment – highest level of

humans into two main categories: male and education completed
White-Collar Jobs – performs job duties in an
Gender – encompasses all social, cultural, and office setting
psychological characteristics that a culture
assigns to people. -requires formal education

Gender Equality – equal rights and -starting wage is generally high (salary basis)
opportunities among males and females (United Blue-Collar Jobs – performs labor jobs
Nations International Children’s Emergency
Fund (UNICEF)) -formal education is not required

Education – educational attainment -starting wage is generally low (hourly basis)

New-Collar Jobs – technical and hands-on Types of Society
work, but not limited to any particular setting.
1. Horticultural Society – cultivation of
-may not require a degree, but should have fruits, vegetables, and plants.
considerable talents/skills. 2. Agricultural Society – reliance upon
-starting wage is high, for a high school
diplomat. -also known as Agrarian society.
Green-Collar Jobs – works are related to the 3. Industrial Society – uses advanced
environment. sources of energy to run large
Political Identities – how a group of people
think of themselves in relation to government. -innovations in transportation, factories, and
cities (production)
Politics – activities of the government
4. Post-Industrial Society – based on
Government – system by which a community is
services and technology, not production.
5. Hunting and Gathering Societies –
Forms of Government earliest form of society

1. Monarchy - political system based upon -members survive primarily by hunting.

the undivided sovereignty or rule of a -there is division of labor (women gathers, men
single person. hunts)
2. Democracy - “power of the people"; a
way of governing which depends on the 6. Pastoral Society – domestication and
will of the people. breeding of animals

-demos: people; krato: meaning power -common in areas where crops cannot be
supported and only have to move when the land
power of the people": a way of governing which in which animal graze is no longer usable.
depends on the will of the people.
Culture – complex whole which encompasses
3. Dictatorship - one person or a small beliefs, practices, values, and everything that a
group possesses absolute power person learns and shares as a member of
without effective constitutional society.
Classification of Culture
Lesson 2: Defining Culture and
1. Material Culture – visible and tangible
Society from the Perspective of (ex: tools, furniture, buildings, etc.)
Anthropology and Sociology
-material objects of culture with physical
Anthropology – study of the origin of humans representations.
-anthropos: man; logos: study -created and utilized by people.
Sociology – study of human behavior in society 2. Non-Material Culture – nontangible or
without physical representation.
-socius: companion; ology: study of

Society – group of people who share a common -can be categorized into...

territory and culture. a. Cognitive Culture – ideas and concepts that
Territory – definable region as small as a are products of the intellectual reasoning of
barangay, city, country, to as large as Asia. human mind.
b. Normative Culture – standards and rules for 2. Culture is adaptive
human behavior.
Human Culture – adaptive mechanism that
Elements of Culture uniquely channels these urges in particular
1. Beliefs – ideas people have about what
is true in the environment around them. a. Subculture – shared way of living of a
2. Values – describes what is good and subgroup in a society.
bad in a given society
b. Counterculture – type of subculture which
3. Language – set of spoken and written
rejects some of the norms in society.

-known as storehouse of culture Culture in the Perspective of

4. Technology – application of knowledge
to ease the task of living and 1. Culture is learned
maintaining the environment. Enculturation – passing of culture from one
5. Norms – specific standards to guide generation to another
appropriate behavior
Acculturation – learning the culture of another
Types of Norms society
a. Proscriptive Norms – tells us things NOT to 2. Culture is shared
do 3. Culture is symbolic
b. Prescriptive Norms – defines and tells us Cultural Symbol – powerfully conveys shared
things to do meanings.
Forms of Norms 4. Culture is holistic
a. Folkways – known as customs Culture – encompasses all. It is a blueprint for
living and tells us how to respond in any given
-norms for everyday behavior the people follow
b. Mores – strict norms that control moral and
ethical behavior Orientations In Viewing Other Cultures

c. Taboos – norms that society holds so 1. Ethnocentrism – tendency to believe

strongly that violating results into extreme that one’s culture is superior.
disgust. -coined by Willian Sumner to provide a technical
-very strong negative norm; violator of the taboo term for viewing one’s ethnicity (ethno) in center
is considered unfit to live in that society. of all cultures (centrism)

Laws – codified ethics enforced by a law -consider one’s own culture as the center of
enforcement agency everything.

2. Xenocentrism – belief that one’s culture

Culture in the Perspective of Sociology
is inferior to another.
1. Culture is dynamic & flexible
-coined by Donald P. Kent and Robert G.
Cultural Lag - aspects of culture change more Burnight
slowly than others.
-results from an attempt on the part on an
-occurs when one part of a society changes individual to correct ethnocentrism (John D.
faster than other, leading to a gap or “lag” Fullmer)
between them.
3. Cultural Relativism - principle that an
individual’s belief and culture should be
understood by others.

-termed by Though Franz Boas

-truth, goodness, or beauty are relative to

different understandings, beliefs, or cultures,
and there are no universal moral standards with
which to judge something as more true or
beautiful, or better than anything else.

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