Uscp Notes
Uscp Notes
Uscp Notes
Gender Equality – equal rights and -starting wage is generally high (salary basis)
opportunities among males and females (United Blue-Collar Jobs – performs labor jobs
Nations International Children’s Emergency
Fund (UNICEF)) -formal education is not required
-demos: people; krato: meaning power -common in areas where crops cannot be
supported and only have to move when the land
power of the people": a way of governing which in which animal graze is no longer usable.
depends on the will of the people.
Culture – complex whole which encompasses
3. Dictatorship - one person or a small beliefs, practices, values, and everything that a
group possesses absolute power person learns and shares as a member of
without effective constitutional society.
Classification of Culture
Lesson 2: Defining Culture and
1. Material Culture – visible and tangible
Society from the Perspective of (ex: tools, furniture, buildings, etc.)
Anthropology and Sociology
-material objects of culture with physical
Anthropology – study of the origin of humans representations.
-anthropos: man; logos: study -created and utilized by people.
Sociology – study of human behavior in society 2. Non-Material Culture – nontangible or
without physical representation.
-socius: companion; ology: study of
Laws – codified ethics enforced by a law -consider one’s own culture as the center of
enforcement agency everything.