GS536 Smoke Detector

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long, install a smoke alarm device at each end.

If there is a
Smoke Alarm Device User Manual basement: install a smoke alarm device on the basement
Model number: GS536 Ref:ST536 ceiling at the bottom of the stairwell.
Thank you for purchasing our smoke alarm device. Please Typical multi-storey dwelling with recommended protection.
take a few minutes to read the user’s manual thoroughly and Install a smoke alarm device on the ceiling or wall inside
familiarize yourself and your family with its operation. And each bedroom and in the hallway outside each separate
save it for future reference. sleeping area. If a bedroom area hallway is more than 30 feet
long, install a smoke alarm device at each end install a smoke
alarm device at the top of a first – to- second floor stairwell.

Important Safety Information:

1: The test button accurately tests smoke alarm device
functions. Do not use any other test method. Test smoke
alarm device weekly to ensure proper operation.
2: If you're sure it isn't a really alarm, open windows or fan
the air around smoke alarm device for silence it
3: This smoke alarm device is designed to be used inside a
Diagram 1 single family only. In multifamily buildings, each
individual living unit should have its own smoke alarm
Product Specifications:
devices. Do not install in non-residential buildings. And
 POWER: DC9V(1604S 6F22) Carbon batteries this smoke alarm device is not a substitute for a complete
 OPERATION CURRENT: <10uA (standby), <30mA alarm system.
(alarm) 4: Install a smoke alarm device in every room and on every
 ALARM VOLUME: >85dB(A) at 3 meters. level of the home. Smoke may not reach the smoke alarm
 SMOKE ALARM DEVICE SOUND PATTERN: device for many reasons. For example, if a fire starts in a
BI 0.5s - pause 0.5s – BI 0.5s – pause 0.5s – BI 0.5s – remote part of the home, on another level, in a chimney,
pause 1.5s, with the red LED flash, repeat this alarm wall, roof, or on the other side of a closed door, smoke
pattern. may not reach the smoke alarm device in time to alert
 COMPLY WITH STAANDARD: EN14604:2005/AC:2008 household members. A smoke alarm device will not
promptly detect a fire except in the area or room in which
it is installed.
The unit is a photoelectric smoke alarm device. With the 5: Smoke alarm device may not alert every household
photoelectric technology, it is more sensitive to detecting member every time. The alarm horn is loud in order to
slow smolder fires which general thick, black smoke, a little alert individuals to a potential danger. However, there
heat and may smolder for hours before bursting into flames. may be some circumstances where a household member
The smoke alarm device does not contain the radioactive may not hear the alarm (i.e. outdoor or indoor noise,
material which is harmless to the environment. sound sleepers, drug or alcohol usage, the hard of hearing,
The smoke alarm device should be installed in every room etc.). If you suspect that this smoke alarm device may not
(except the bathroom and kitchen), and every other area of alert a household member, install and maintain specialty
the home, making sure the people in the home will be able to smoke alarm devices. Household member must hear the
hear and respond to the alarm sound. For minimum alarm’s warning sound and quickly respond to it to
protection, you should fit an alarm respectively for the reduce the risk of damage, injury, or death that may result
hallways, living room, bedrooms and child rooms, each unit from fire, If a household member is hard of hearing,
shall be placed in the middle of the ceiling of each room to install special smoke alarm devices with lights or
protect. vibrating devices to alert occupants.
Typical single storey dwelling with recommended: 6: Smoke alarm devices can only sound their alarms when
Install a smoke alarm device on the ceiling or wall inside they detect smoke or detect combustion particles in the air.
each bedroom and in the hallway outside each separate They do not sense heat, flame, or gas. This smoke alarm
sleeping area. If a bedroom area hallway is more than 30 feet device is designed to give audible warning of a developing
Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C
fire. However, many fires are fast - burning, explosive, or
intentional, and others are caused by carelessness or safety
hazards. In this circs, Smoke may not remake the unit
alarm QUICKLY ENOUGH to ensure safe escape.
7: Smoke alarm devices have limitations. This smoke alarm
device is not foolproof and is not warranted to protect lives
or property from fire. Smoke alarm devices are not a
substitute for insurance. Homeowners and renters should
insure their lives and property. In addition, it is possible for
the smoke alarm device to fail at any time. For this reason,
you must test the smoke alarm device weekly and replace
unit every one year. Diagram 3
Do Not Install Smoke alarm devices in
Battery Connections: the Following Places:
1: Near appliances or areas where normal combustion
Regularly occurs (kitchens, near furnaces, hot water
heaters). Use specialized smoke alarm device with
unwanted alarm control for this areas.
2: In areas with high humidity, like bathrooms or areas near
dishwashers or washing machines. Install al least 10feet
away from these areas.
3: Near air returns or heating and cooling supply vents.
Install at least 3 feet away from these areas. The air could
blow smoke away from the detector, interrupting its

Diagram 2 4: In rooms where temperatures may fall below 0℃ or rise

Battery Specification: above 40℃, or in humidity higher than 93%. These
conditions will reduce battery life or cause a fault alarm.
Carbon Zinc Battery: 5: In extremely dusty, dirty, or insect – infested areas
Gold Peak:GP1604S 9V by GP International (Shen influence particles interfere with smoke alarm device
zhen).LTD operation.
Raymax:6F22 9V by Zhejiang Mustang Battery Co., Ltd
Replace Battery: Operation:
1: Turn the alarm body counterclockwise and take out the Testing
alarm body from the bracket. Power on the alarm is mounted on bracket .Test the unit to
2: Take out the old battery, connect the new battery to power ensure proper operation by pressing the test button, this will
connector. sound the alarm if the electronic circuitry, Bracket is
3: Fix the battery into battery box, fit alarm body on bracket mounted , horn, and battery are working .If no alarm sounds,
and turn the alarm body clockwise. (see Diagram 3). there is a defective battery or other failure, you can refer to
4: Test smoke alarm using test button. The sound “Trouble shooting” section for solution.
pattern is 3 short beeps-pause 1.5 seconds, repeat it. DO NOT use an open flame to test your alarm, you could
If there’s no sound output, it means that the smoke damage the alarm or ignite combustible materials and start a
alarm is faulty or the installing operation is wrong, fire.
and you can get helps from the section: “trouble CAUTION: Due to the loudness (85 decibels) of the alarm,
shooting”. Always stand an arms-length away from the unit when
WARNING:Test the alarm for correct operation
Test the alarm weekly to ensure proper operation. Erratic or
using the test facility whenever the battery is replaced
Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C
low sound coming from your alarm may indicate a defective well-padded carton, and ship to the original place you buy.
alarm, you can refer to “Trouble shooting” section for If the alarm is no longer under warranty, have a licensed
solution. electrician replace it immediately with a comparable alarm.
LED indicators
Trouble shooting:
This alarm is equipped with a red LED indicator, with two Problem Method of disposal
modes of operation 1. Fit the alarm on the bracket
Red LED-Flashing every 32 seconds: indicates that thesmoke and turn the alarm body
alarm is operating properly. clockwise, until matching
RED LED-Flashing: when the Test button is pressed, or Smoke alarm device well on the bracket.
when the smoke alarm sense particles of combustion and does not sound when 2. Clean smoke alarm device.
goes into alarm(constant pulsating sound),the red LED will tested. Please refer to the
flash once per second. The flashing LED and pulsating alarm “maintenance and cleaning”
will continue until the air is cleared section.
Fault indication - The unit will generate a "chirp" between 3. If there are still failures
two flashes every 32 seconds when the unit goes into fault during warranty, you can
mode. return to your retailer.
NOTE: WEEKLY TESTING IS REQUIRED. 4. If the unit is out of warranty,
DANGER: If the alarm sounds, and it is not being tested, it please replace another new alarm.
means the unit is sensing smoke, THE SOUND OF THE The alarm “chirp” with The battery is under low battery
ALARM REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AND red LED flashes once status, please replace the smoke
ACTION. every 32 seconds. alarm device.
Clean smoke alarm device. Please
Smoke alarm device
refer to the “maintenance and
chirp occurs every
cleaning” section. Purchase and
Maintenance and Cleaning: 32 seconds(alarm goes
change another smoke alarm
into fault mode).
In addition to weekly testing, the alarm requires periodic device if the problem still exist
cleaning to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Smoke alarm device 1. Press test button to pause
Clean the alarm at least once a month to remove dust, dirt, or sounds unwanted alarm.
debris. alarms intermittently or 2. Clean smoke alarm device.
Use a vacuum cleaner with the soft brush, vacuum all sides when residents are Please refer to the
and covers of smoke alarm device. cooking, taking “maintenance and cleaning”
This alarm has a low battery monitor which will cause the showers, etc. section.
alarm to “chirp” approx every 32 seconds and the red LED 3. Move smoke alarm device to
flash once at the same time for a minimum of thirty days new location and press test
when the battery gets low. button.
If there is a defective battery or other failures, you can refer 1. Clean smoke alarm device.
to “Trouble shooting” for solution, if there are still failures Please refer to the
during warranty, you can return to your retailer.. The alarm sounds “maintenance and cleaning”
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to remove the cover to clean different from it is used section.
inside. This will affect warranty. to. It starts and stops. 2. If there are still failures during
warranty, you can return to
your retailer.
3. If the unit is out of warranty,
please replace another new alarm.
Caution: Do not attempt to repair the alarm. It will affect
your warranty.
If the alarm is not operating properly, and is still under
warranty, return it to the original place you buy. Pack it in a Practice Fire Safety:
Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C
If the alarm sounds, and you have not pushed the test button, · Put smoke alarm at both ends of a bedroom hallway or
it is warning of a dangerous situation, your immediate large room if the hallway or room is more than 9.1 m (30
response is necessary. To prepare for such occurrences, ft) long.
develop family escape plans, discuss them with all household · Install smoke alarms no slopped, peaked or cathedral
members, and practice them regularly. ceilings between 500 and 1500mm from the highest
1: Expose everyone to the sound of a smoke alarm device point of the ceiling. Smoke alarms in rooms with ceiling
and explain what the sound means. slopes greater than 1m in 8 m horizontally shall be
2: Determine two exits from each room and an escape route located on the high side of the room (See Diagram 7)
to the outside from each exit.
3: Teach all household members to touch the door and use an
alternate exit when the door is hot, instruct them not to
open the door if the door is hot.
Warranty Information:
4: Teach household members to crawl along the floor to stay Company warrants to the original consumer.
below dangerous smoke, fumes and gases. Purchase each new smoke alarm device to be free from
5: Determine a safe meeting place for all members outside defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
the building. service for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase. This
warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident,
misuse or abuse or lack of reasonable care of the product.
What to Do in Case of Fire: In no case shall company be liable for any incidental or
1: Do not be panic; stay calm. consequential damages for breach of this or any other
2: Leave the building as quickly as possible. Touch doors to warranty express or implied,whatsoever. The bad product
feel if they were hot before opening them. Use an alternate can be mailed to the following address with a detail
exit if necessary. Crawl along the floor, and do stop to explanation of problem.
collect anything.
3: Meet at a pre-arranged meeting place outside the building.
4: Call the fire department form outside the building.
5: Do not go back inside a burning building. Wait for the fire
department to arrive. ·Take off the bracket from the alarm body.
Note: These guidelines will assist you in the event of a fire, · Press the bracket on the installation position, mark
however, to reduce the chance that fires will start, practice installation hole of the bracket with pencil.
fire safety rules and prevent hazardous situations. ·Bore two installation holes on the sign with electric drill.
Make diameter of holes is 5mm, Strike the two plastic
plugs into holes with hammer.
·Attach the bracket to the plastic plugs and fix tightly the
Where is the best to be Installed: screws into the plastic plugs. (Refer to Diagram 8).
·At first you need install one unit in the bedroom and route ·Fit the alarm on the bracket and turn the alarm body
way, if you have several bedrooms, you’d better install clockwise, until matching well on the bracket.
each alarm in every room. (see Diagram 4). ·Press the button for test the unit. The alarm sounds 3
·Install it in the stairway and in every floor. ( see Diagram 5) beeps – 1.5 seconds pause, repeat it until release the
·Smoke, heat and burning things will spread horizontally button, if no sound, it indicates a defective alarm, you
after rising to the ceiling, so install the alarm on middle of can refer to ”Trouble shooting” for solution or return to
the ceiling of ordinary structure house let the alarm induce your retailer during warranty.
every corner. ·If you have any questions on installation, you can contact
·Install an alarm in every bedroom. your retailer.
· Install an alarm in every room where large electrical
appliances are operated (for example portable heaters ).
· If alarm couldn’t be installed in the middle of the ceiling
for some reasons, the distance which the alarm away form
the wall corner should be beyond 30cm (see Diagram 6).
Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C
Diagram 6

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

Diagram 7

Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C
Installation sketch map:

Diagram 8

To prevent injury, this unit must be securely attached to the
ceiling in accordance with the installation instructions.
No.666 Qingfeng Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo,
Zhejiang Province,China
TEL: 0086-574-87729581
FAX: 0086-574-87729581
Document NO.: RD-536-39-001 Version: C

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