Dr. Hari Narayan Saini (PT)
Associate Professor
NIMS College Of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy,
NIMS University, Jaipur
Base of support
Step length
Stride length
Gait cycle
Walking velocity
Double limb support
Single limb support
Ground reaction force
Basic gait terms
Base of support:-
Distance between a person’s feet while standing or
during ambulation.
Provides balance & stability to maintain erect
The larger the BOS the more stable an object will be.
Normally 2-4 inches from heel to heel.
Step length
The point following heel off when only the toe off the
reference extremity is in contact with the ground.
Swing phase
Acceleration phase:-
It begins once the toe leaves the ground and
continues until mid swing, or the point at which the
swinging extremity is directly under the body.
Swing phase
Mid swing:-
It occurs approximately when the reference
extremity passes directly under the body.
It extends from end of acceleration to the beginning
of deceleration.
Swing phase
It occurs after mid swing
When the reference extremity is decelerating in
preparation for heel strike.
Difference between walking and running
Always a double support phase, no flight phase.
No double support phase, always flight phase.
Determinants of gait
Vertical displacement:-
Rhythmic up and down movement.
Highest point = mid stance
Lowest point = Double support
Average displacement 5 cm
Rhythmic side to side movement
Lateral limit = Mid stance
Average displacement 5cm
Overall displacement
Neck movement
Swinging of arms
1.Pelvic rotation
In hemiplegic patients.
To avoid the foot from scrapping the ground, the hip
and the lower limb rotates outward.
High stepping gait
Here one leg crosses directly over the other leg with
each step due to adductor tightness.
Seen in cerebral palsy.
Drunkers or reeling gait
In-toeing means that when a child walks or runs, the feet turn
inward instead of pointing straight ahead. It is commonly
referred to as being pigeon toed.
Initial swing
Terminal swing
Forward descent
Kinetics of running