3.4 Agriculture and Rural Development en
3.4 Agriculture and Rural Development en
3.4 Agriculture and Rural Development en
1. Basic Information
1.1. CRIS Number: 2008/20-311
1.2. Title: Development of the administrative capacity to adopt and implement the
Acquis in the agricultural sector
1.3. ELARG Statistical Code: 3.11
1.4. Location: Skopje and additional nation wide project related locations
Implementing arrangements
The total costs of the project should be net of VAT and/or other taxes. Should this not be the case, the amount
of VAT and the reasons why it should be considered eligible should be clearly indicated.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of the agricultural
sector in the country.
The purpose of the project is to provide technical and material assistance to the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) and the Agency for Financial Support in
Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD Agency) in order to strengthen the national and
regional capabilities that are required to tackle the priorities for EU alignment and market-
orientated reforms and development in the sector, focusing on:
- adoption and implementation of the acquis vis-à-vis the CAP, specifically in relation to
CMO establishment
- development and implementation of agri-environment measures
- reinforcing the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development
(IPARD Agency)
- designing a functional Integrated Administration and Control System and establishing
the associated institutional capacity
For agricultural reform and rural development, the Accession Partnership outlines a series of
priorities to be addressed. The Partnership stresses the importance of speeding up the
registration of agricultural land in the real estate cadastre and ensuring collection and
processing of sound and reliable agricultural data. It calls for establishment of effective and
financially sound paying bodies for the management and control of agricultural funds, in line
with EU requirements and international auditing standards and for upgrade of the capacity of
the agricultural administration. Furthermore, it calls for completing the preparations for
enforcement and practical application of the management mechanisms of the common
agricultural policy and specific attention draws to the integrated administration and control
system (IACS) and to the land parcel identification system (LPIS).
The National Plan for Adoption of Acquis with regard to agricultural reform and rural
development intends to further pursue legal development and harmonisation with the Acquis,
strengthen administrative capacity building of overall administration in the field of
agriculture, particularly of that of Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural
Development (IPARD Agency) as well as the establishment of integrated administration and
control system (IACS) and land parcel identification system (LPIS).
3. Description of project
During the past few years, the sector has witnessed significant developments on the legal,
policy and strategic side. A variety of laws has been adopted, harmonising with the EU Acquis,
and while the National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (2007 – 2013) sets out
the policy objectives, the Operational Programme for IPA Component 5 identifies key
measures to be undertaken to stimulate the sector.
The administrative structures in charge of the sector are at the time of writing of this fiche
under development and receive assistance from different donor agencies, including the EU
under the CARDS programme. It is expected that the structures will receive their accreditation
during the year 2009. In order to further guide the development and implementation of the
reform in the sector, a number of key priorities have been identified that will need support
during 2010 and 2011, when the trust of the present programme will be operational. These
priorities are:
- adoption and implementation of the acquis vis-à-vis the CAP, specifically in relation to
CMO establishment
- development and implementation of agri-environment measures
Agri-environment measures are the only obligatory elements of rural development plans
following EC Regulation 1698/2005 on rural development. Regulation specifies that rural
development plans shall include "provisions to ensure the effective and correct implementation
of the plans, including monitoring and evaluation". In addition, the Regulation envisages that
"monitoring shall be carried out by reference to specific physical and financial indicators" and
that "Member States shall submit annual progress reports to the Commission". Annual progress
reports must be submitted to the Commission of each year covering the previous calendar year.
The IPARD Programme 2007-2013 envisages extension and introduction of pilot Agri-
Environment measures in the second financial period 2010-2013. Therefore the project will
concern strengthening of the capacity within the Department for Rural Development to carry
out the programming and Monitoring and Evaluation of such measures as well as
establishment of appropriate systems for implementation, reporting, monitoring and evaluation
within the IPARD Agency . The preparation of feasibility studies, Agri-environmental Plan
and appropriate legislation preparation will be carried out by forthcoming CARDS 2006
project. The Agri-Environment measure is planned to be introduced initially as pilot within the
National Rural Development Programme in 2009. Training of Department of Rural
Development staff in central offices will be provided as well as supply of IT and office
Currently there is no integrated information regarding the farmers available to the MAFWE.
The present Agricultural Land Registry was established in 1945 and contains information
about farmers, their holding and the type of cultivation, which is maintained, hand-written, in
old protocols. The farmer’s registration records are not complete, as farmers are not obliged to
report changes in their tenure and in their farm production. Due to this out-dated system, no
collective information can be compiled, as, for example, the total number of farmers in a
district, or the total area of irrigated land. These hamper administrative and control procedures
whenever required.
The Integrated Administrative and Control System is linked to the Animal Identification
programme that is presently ongoing and managed through the veterinary department in
MAFWE. The Animal Identification system allows animal surveliance by identifying and
tracking specific animals. Also, with support form the World Bank, a GIS database will be
Efforts have been made to establish an Integrated Farm Registry, but due to lack of know-how
as well as human capacity and an insufficient integrated support system with other local
government institutions, the project is still in its early stages. It needs further support to
develop to its full potential.
The initial establishment of the core Farm Register is foreseen by the end of 2008 (which is to
a great extent covered by the WB project). However, the future integration and/or connection
of other registers and data-bases (records for direct support and state aid), as well as the
Animal Identification and Registration System, the Vineyards Register, which are under
preparation, and the Land Parcel Identification System (when established) will be subject of
this project.
The expected combined impact of the four main components of this project is a significant
improvement in the administrative capacities of the institutions responsible for rural
development. After project completion, the key elements of the system are expected to be in
place and operational. This in turn, is expected to have a positive impact on developments in
the agricultural sector, stimulating growth, diversification and exports.
Component 1: Adoption and implementation of the acquis vis-à-vis the CAP, specifically
in relation to CMO establishment
3.4 Activities
Component 1: Adoption and implementation of the acquis vis-à-vis the CAP, specifically
in relation to CMO establishment
1) Training needs assessment, training plan development and implementation with
specific reference to:
a. the Agriculture Department and Policy Analyses Department in the
development of CMO measures and their monitoring and impact assessment;
b. the State Agriculture Inspectorate in the controlling and monitoring of the
implementation of the CMO measures;
c. the IPARD Agency in the management and control of agricultural funds
dedicated to direct payments and CMO measures;
For each component a steering committee will be established to oversee the overall
implementation of the project.
Advisory services will be provided to the beneficiary. The contracts to support the project will
contain next to a team leader additional expertise to assist in key tasks, e.g. in the field of
administrative capacity building, training, IT development, legal development and others.
Some of these experts will address the cross-cutting issues.
The core project team – consisting of the team leader and other expertise will be placed within
the respective units.
The team leader will be responsible for the overall management, representation (co-ordination
with the EU and other international bodies) as well as reporting. The co-ordination of activity
development in the different components of the activity is significantly important. The team
leader is responsible for an appropriate management of resources. During the inception phase
of the project, a detailed deployment plan will be developed under the coordination of a
Steering Committee in which each co-operating national institution will be represented to
ensure appropriate inclusion.
In addition to this, the World Bank Macedonian agriculture and EU acquis project, and
especially it’s first component Strengthening MAFWE’s administrative and management
capacity in compliance with EU accession requirement, among others institutional capacity
building activities, will be focused on assisting MAFWE to develop the basic elements of a
comprehensive Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), including: a
computerised data base of records for each agricultural holding obtained from aid applications
representing a Registry of Farm Households with its progressive expansion with data from
relevant databases over the life of the project; an integrated control system consist of
administrative checks on the aid applications supplemented by a system of on-the-spot checks
to verify eligibility for the aid; and finally an identification system for agricultural parcels
Although impact realised through the previous assistance overall is satisfactory, a number of
challenges remain:
- Legal Reform: Initial timelines for the adoption of legal instruments are not always
honoured, leading to delays in implementation and causing difficulties in project
- Enforcement: In previous years, a large focus has been on establishing the legal frameworks in
the country. The capacity to enforce the law, however, has received insufficient attention,
leading to a situation where the legal reform is rather well advanced, but the practice – law
enforcement and implementation - has not followed.
- Conditionalities: Often project implementation is hampered by either insufficient staff and
resources allocated to (newly established) institutions or insufficient operational funds available
in the government budget to allow for appropriate implementation of the mandate of the
concerned department.
- Coordination: Further improvements of the coordination of the relevant institutions and the
involvement of all relevant stakeholders - in line with the spirit of EU accession, is needed.
The mainstreaming of the cross cutting issues is regarded on two different levels:
1) Ensuring that the internal policies, structure or operating procedures of the beneficiary
IPARD Agency will conform to and promote the relevant principles outlined per section
2) Ensuring that the products, outputs produced by the beneficiaries (e.g. laws, regulations,
policies, and strategies) will conform to and promote the relevant principles outlined per
section below.
Throughout the project cycle, in particular when developing project ToR, state actors
specifically addressing (one of) the cross cutting issues shall be consulted. Specific attention
will be paid to transfer knowledge to trainees on mainstreaming the cross cutting issues into
future IPA plans.
The European Community has a longstanding commitment to address environmental concerns
in its assistance programmes (as part as a wider commitment to sustainable development).
Key references include art. 6 of the Treaty and also the Cardiff process which foresees the
systematic consideration of environmental aspects into EC development cooperation and in
other policies (hence very important for the acquis).
The second component of this project is strictly concerned with environmental issues,
assisting and providing institutional support for training institutions in advisory, monitoring
and control issues related to various environmental aspects.
2 - Amounts contracted and Distributed per Quarter over the full duration of Programme
(*) non standard aspects (in case of derogation to PRAG) also to be specified
(**) section on investment criteria (applicable to all infrastructure contracts and construction
• Rate of return
• Co-financing
• Compliance with state aids provisions
• Ownership of assets (current and after project completion)
LOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FOR Programme name and number: Agriculture and rural development
Agriculture and rural development
Contracting period expires two years from Execution period expires two years Disbursement period expires
the date of the conclusion of the Financing from the final date for contracting one year from the final date for
Agreement execution of contracts.
Total budget: IPA budget:
EUR 2.5 million EUR 2.0 million
The purpose of the project is to provide technical - Timely delivery of the programming - MIPD updates DIS accreditation will be
and material assistance to the Ministry of document by the Government to the - Delivery dates of Operational implemented by the end of 2008.
Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Commission Programmes
(MAFWE) and the the Agency for Financial - Timely implementation of the IPARD - Contract records
Support in Agriculture and Rural Programme - - Audit reports
Development (IPARD Agency) in order to - Timely implementation of the project tender - Contracting records commission
strengthen the national and regional capabilities processes - Accreditation dossiers for PA
that are required to tackle the priorities for EU - Timely contacting of support project
alignment and market-orientated reforms and Availability of beneficiary agencies and staff
development in the sector, focusing on:
- adoption and implementation of the acquis
vis-à-vis the CAP, specifically in relation
to CMO establishment
- development and implementation of agri-
environment measures
- reinforcing the Agency for Financial
Support in Agriculture and Rural
Development (IPARD Agency)
- designing a functional Integrated
Administration and Control System and
establishing the associated institutional
- Pilot AE measures implemented by the implemented, measured through after-
IPARD Agency training surveys.
- IPARD Agency capable to manage/control
agriculture funds dedicated to direct payments
to rural development measures;
- Methodology for payment calculations and
agri-environmental schemes on farm level
developed by/for the IPARD Agency
Component 3: design of a functional Integrated The measurable indicators are: -
Administration and Control System and - Output data from IACS system utilised
establishing the associated institutional capacity to formulate policies relating to
agriculture and sustainable rural
The expected results are: development;
- Establishment and functioning of the LPIS to - Number of staff appointed to IACS unit,
the whole territory of the country; budget of IACS unit;
- Integration of various registers and databases - Number of staff trained;
into fully functional IACS; - Number of staff effectively trained and
- Vehicles purchased and operational; prepared to use the IACS system;
- IACS unit established; - Number of vehicles;
- Operating manuals for IACS system - Number of cooperation agreement
developed; between farmers/breeders and IACS unit
- Cooperation agreement between arranged
farmers/breeders and IACS unit arranged. - Satisfaction levels of training
implemented, measured through after-
training surveys.
controlling and monitoring of the
implementation of the CMO measures;
c. the IPARD AGENCY in the management
and control of agricultural funds dedicated
to direct payments and CMO measures;
2. Training needs assessment, training plan
development and implementation with specific
reference to the IPARD Agency for:
a. Implementation of new public measures as
proposed in the IPARD Programme (rural
infrastructure and LEADER); and in relation to
CMO measures
b. Producer group support.
3. Strategic, Operational and knowledge
management, with specific reference to:
a. Reorganization of the Agriculture Department
b. Developing manuals and publicity materials
on the basis of the legal acts and institutional
arrangements with regards to the CMOs
thereby providing and communicating
information necessary for the effective
c. Elaborating of agricultural economic analysis
for: policy decisions and regular agricultural
report requirements on cereals, oilseeds, mild,
sugar, pork, beef, poultry, eggs, vegetables,
fruits, wine, potatoes and farm development
d. Review of the reliability of the economic
analysis the respective CMO’s within
e. Elaboration recommendations for the
adaptation of the sectoral strategies with
respect to the requirements of the competitive
f. Identify priority legislation to be harmonised
with the EU Acquis, implement
Component 2: development and
implementation of agri-environment measures Service contract, supplies Service contract 700.000 (IPA)
1. Training needs assessment, training plan Supplies combined with other
development and implementation with components in one supply contract:
specific reference to: EUR 400.000 (national
a. EU legislation on the agricultural contribution)
production methods according to the
environmental and landscape conservation
b. Regulatory background, control and
sanctions of cross compliance and cross-
compliance implementation
c. Data recording and handling of software,
quality assurance of data, cross checking of
d. Advisory Services related to Agri-
2. Training needs assessment, training plan
development and implementation with
specific reference to the IPARD Agency
for: agri-environmental measures
3. Strategic, operational and knowledge
management, with specific reference to:
a. Development of the regulatory background,
control and sanctions of Cross Compliance;
b. Development of National Agri-
environmental Programme (AEP) and pilot
AE measures, as well as introduction of
Cross Compliance as a requisite for the
direct payments within SPS/SAPS;
c. Development of Methodology for payment
of payment calculations and agri-
environmental schemes design on farm
d. Promote the agri-environmental schemes
(focus on Regional MAFWE Inspectors and
e. Development of the software system
(AEMIS) for agri-environment measures
compatible with IACS, FADN, Biodiversity
Monitoring Programme, Information
handled on GIS surface,
f. Cooperation and information exchange
between MAFWE and MEPP.
Component 3: design of a functional Technical Assistance, Supplies
Integrated Administration and Control System Service contract 600.000 (IPA)
and establishing the associated institutional Supplies combined with other
capacity components in one supply contract:
1. Training needs assessment, training plan EUR 400.000 (national
development and implementation with contribution)
specific reference to: Supply contract for vehicles: EUR
a. Related to the necessary adjustment and 100.000 (national contribution)
extension of IACS/LPIS due to the
introduction of the Single Payment
Scheme and particularly Cross
b. Data recording and handling of software;
c. Development of operating manulas for
IACS system.
2. Strategic, operational and knowledge
management, with specific reference to:
a. Expansion of the LPIS on the whole
territory of the country;
b. Purchase all-road vehicles that will
enable the experts to execute on the spot
controls for data recoding;
c. Setting-up of an IACS unit within the
MAFWE responsible for the
implementation of the system;
d. Establish an effective co-operation
system between the farmers/breeders and
the IACS unit through: meetings;
seminars; training of extension service
staff; media campaigns.
Pre conditions
The project includes the following conditionalities:
- Endorsement by all key stakeholders of the Terms of Reference, specifications for the individual contracts to be engaged;
- Appointment of counterpart personnel by the beneficiaries before the launch of the tender process;
- Allocation of working space and facilities by the beneficiaries for technical assistance before the launch of the tender process (if required);
- Participation by the beneficiaries in the tender process as per EU regulations;
- Organisation, selection and appointment of members of working groups, steering and coordination committees, seminars by the beneficiaries as per workplan of the
- Appointing the relevant staff by the beneficiaries to participate in training activities as per work plan;
- Amendments to legislation to harmonise with the Common Agricultural Policy enacted;
- Sufficient managerial and technical human resources allocated to the relevant Departments
- EU procedures to be followed for the procurement of supplies, contracting of technical assistance & training financed from pre-accession funds.
In the event that conditionalities are not met, suspension or cancellation of projects will be considered.
ANNEX 2 - Amounts (in million EUR) contracted and Distributed per Quarter over the full duration of Programme (only IPA funds)
Contracted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Component 1: CMO
service contract
Component 2: EA
service contract
Component 3: IACS
Service contract
Cumulated 2.0
Component 1: CMO
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
service contract
Component 2: EA
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
service contract
Component 3: IACS
0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
Service contract
Cumulated 0.6 1.2 1.7 2.0
ANNEX 3 – Description of Institutional Framework
recruited Status as Total new
Department 2006 from other of 2008 2009 2010 employees Total
government 31.12.2007 (2008-2010)
Policy Analyses
1 2 5 8 6 5 5 16 24
Agriculture Department 5 1 3 9 9 7 6 22 31
Rural Development
4 2 2 8 10 10 9 29 37
State Agriculture
28 2 17 47 19 13 11 43 90
EU Department 1 0 3 4 2 2 2 6 10
The Law on Organisation and Operation of the State Administration Bodies (“Official Gazette of RM”
Nos. 58/00 and 44/02) defines the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water
Economy related to agriculture and rural development, forestry and water economy, utilisation of
agricultural land, forests and other natural resources, hunting and fishery, protection of livestock from
diseases and pests, monitoring and exploring the water conditions, maintaining and improving the
waters regime and other items defined with the Law.
The overall budget of the MAFWE for 2008 is 3.123.929.000,00 MKD. The Project’s beneficiaries
have the following budgets for 2008:
− Policy Analyses Department: 6.617.000,00 MKD
− Agriculture Department : 159.026.000,00 MKD
− Rural Development Department: 13.756.000,00 MKD
− State Agriculture Inspectorate: 40.682.000,00 MKD
− EU Department: 13.477.000,00 MKD
monitors the overall development of the agriculture sector; and proposes measures (market
and direct support measures) for development of agriculture sector through the support
programmes of the MAFWE.
- Rural Development Department: all aspects of management, programming, monitoring and
evaluation of rural development policies both national and EU funded schemes; develops and
proposes rural development policies and strategies in line with national strategies; organizes
and supports the work of the Rural Development Monitoring Committee and Inter-
Governmental Rural Development Body; prepares multiannual plans for utilization of EU
rural development pre-accession funds based on the strategic document for rural development
and the Rural Development Programme.
- State Agriculture Inspectorate: supervision of the circulation of plants, products, means,
items and other things defined by the agricultural legislation, in imports, exports and re-
exports via state border; examination and control of agricultural land, agricultural crops and
plantations, records on breeding and other cattle, areas of processing and finishing
agricultural products, equipment used in these procedures, agricultural technique, business
quarters, business books, contracts, inventory lists as well as other documentation relevant for
acquiring insight in entities’ activities in compliance with agricultural and other legislative;
and supervision of the overall quantities of products of plant origin, encompassed with the
certificate issued by authorized legal persons and institutions.
- EU Department: monitoring and management and coordination of all aspects of EU
integration processes within the MAFWE; preparation, implementation, coordination and
monitoring of the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA);
implementing the process of EU integration and approximation/adoption of the EU Acquis
Communautaire; programming of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) , Component I;
and preparation of database of all relevant data (acts, documents, reports etc) related to the
EU integration process in the fields under the responsibilities of MAFWE.
Human Resources
State Secretary
Strategic Planning
State Advisors
Sector for Sector for Sector for Sector for Secto Sector for Sector Veterinary Seed and Plant State State Water Hydro
agriculture rural international EU Affairs r for forestry for Policy Directorate Planting Protection Agriculture forestry Economy meteorolog
development cooperation Fores police Analyses Material Directorate Inspectorate and Directorate ical
try Directorate hunting Directorate
The organigam of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD
Agency) is presented further below
The Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development was given a mandate with
the Law on establishing the Agency which came into force on 02.06.2007. The Government appointed
the Director of the Agency on 18.08.2007.
Article 1 of this law reads: This Law shall regulate the establishment, competences, organisation and
the manner of performing the work and management of the Agency for Financial Support of
Agriculture and Rural Development and shall determine the sources of funding and their purpose, as
well as other issues of relevance to the development of agriculture and rural areas.
Employment on basis of Agency for Civil Servants from the second half of 2007 till 13.02.2008
- 6 employees
Law establishing the Agency for Financial Support in the Agriculture and Rural Development and the
- Sector for Approval of Projects: main function is to receive the project applications and to
evaluate the project application before approving it;
- Sector for Authorization of Payment: main function is to receive the claim for payment and
to perform necessary control of the eligibility of the costs occurred during realization of the
- Sector for Control: main function is to control the investment before approval according the
request from the Sector for Approval of Project, to control the realization of the investment
before payment and to perform ex-post control of the investment.
- Sector for Finance and Accounting: main function is to execute the payment and to record
the payments which are executed
- Sector for General and Legal Affairs: main function is to give administrative and legal
support to the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD
- Sector for Internal Audit: main function is to perform audit of the administrative and
financial work of the IPARD Agency and possible delegated bodies, thus examining all
operating functions of the IPARD Agency
- Sector for Information and Communication Technology: main function is to give ICT
support to the working process of the IPARD Agency by creating secure IT system, data base
and provide technical support to the ICT system. (the sector is not part of the accreditation
- Unit for Human Resources: main functions are keeping and updating the personal records
of the IPARD Agency’s civil servants and their personal files, carrying out employment
procedure within the Agency for the purpose of occupying the available work posts, taking
care of the rights and liabilities coming out of the employment contract of each of the
Agency’s employees, preparation and implementation of the human resources development
program within the IPARD Agency, preparing the monthly allowances for the IPARD
Agency employees, identifying necessary, and proposing training programs for the IPARD
Agency’s employees.
- Sector for National Payments: ( the sector is not part of the accreditation process)
Sector for Direct Sector for Rural Sector for Sector for Control Finance and Sector for General Sector for Information and
Payments Development Authorization of 1 Accounting and Legal Affairs Communication
1 1 Payments Department 1 Technology
1 1 1
Unit for Agriculture Unit for Development Unit for Authorization Unit for Control of Unit for Information
Development of Economic Entities of EU Funded Rural Development Unit for Execution of Unit for Legal Affairs Systems
Support 1+12 Measures Measures Payment 1+4 1+4
1+18 1+4 1+12 1+6
Unit for Less Favored Unit for Rural Area Unit for Authorization Unit for Control of
Regions and Development of National Measures Direct Payments Unit for Accounting Unit for General Unit of Databases
Implementation of Agro- 1+8 for Rural Development 1+4 1+7 Affairs 1+4
Environment Measures 1+8
¾ Organizational units which which are not subject of accreditation by the European Commission
¾ Organizational units which are subject of accreditation by the European Commission
¾ total: 149 expected employees + 1 director = 150
Annex 4- Reference to laws, regulations and strategic documents
• Bylaws on direct payments
• Bylaws on intervention on the market of agricultural and food products
• Bylaws on implementation of the measures for development of rural areas
• Bylaws on acts concerning AIS
• Law on establishing the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development
(IPARD Agency) has been approximated with the EC Regulation 1085/2006 Establishing an
IPA and EC Regulation 718/2007 Setting up the rules for implementing EC Reg.1085/2006
• The Framework Agreement has been ratified by the Parliament thus is part of national
• The Sectoral Agreement awaits signing procedure and ratification
- the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development (Official Gazette no. 134/07) was recently
enacted and, as an umbrella law, it provides basis to regulate the fields of direct support and
market measures in agriculture, as well as the rural development measures. In this respect, it
is expected that several bylaws of this law will be enacted during 2008/2009 as it is foreseen
in the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA 2008). These bylaws are
in the following fields and related to below mentioned EU acts:
- in addition to this, the Law on State Aid in Agriculture will be enacted by the end of 2008 /
beginning of 2009 approximated with the following EU acts: (2006/C 319/01), 32006R1857,
32004R1860, 32004R0001, 32000Y0201(01).
Reference to Accession Partnership (2007-2008): The program will address the following AP
priorities: “Speed up the registration of agricultural land in the real estate cadastre”; “Ensure collection
and processing of sound and reliable agricultural data”; “Continue preparations to establish effective
and financially sound paying bodies for the management and control of agricultural funds, in line with
EU requirements and international auditing standards”; “Upgrade the capacity of the agricultural
administration and complete preparations for enforcement and practical application of the
management mechanisms of the common agricultural policy, in particular the integrated
administration and control system (IACS), and ensure a functioning land parcel identification system
Reference to the Progress Report (2007): The projects have reference to the Progress Report, which
highlights the importance of setting up of appropriate integrated administration and control system
(IACS), especially a land parcel identification system (LPIS). In terms od Agency for Financial
Support of Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD Agency), although the Law establishing the
IPARD Agency was enacted, it still needs certain institutional strenghtening. In addition to this, the
State Agricultural Inspectorate also needs evident reinforcement.
With regards to the common market organisations, the Progress Report stress that limited progress is
to be be reported and that, overall, preparations in these areas are in the start-up phase.
Reference to National Plan for Adoption of Acquis (2007): The Plan has following assessment and
priorities with regard to agriculture and rural development: “With regard to better realisation and
management of the general measures for agricultural development, the realisation of the following
activities is foreseen: Adoption of a Law on Agriculture and Rural Development; … Establishment of
advisory and expert bodies for support of the agricultural policy; Regulating the markets of certain
agricultural and food products; System of direct support of the agricultural producers; Protection of
geographical indications, designations of origin and traditional specialty guaranteed on agricultural
and food products; Rural Development Support Policy; Support for scientific and research projects in
the area of agriculture; Agricultural Information System (AIS); Adoption of bylaws to the Law on
Agriculture and Rural Development; Drafting a programme for support of the introduction of
certification and registration systems; Introduction of Code of Good Agricultural Practice; Adoption of
bylaws to the rural development measures; Adoption of the Law on Establishing the Directorate for
Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development and Adoption of bylaws to the Law on
Establishing the Directorate for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development; Drafting a
strategic document for establishing integrated IT system of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Water Economy; Drafting a strategy and operational plan for development of sustainable and efficient
Agricultural Information System (AIS); Adoption of a Law on Farm Accountancy. … With regard to
strengthening the administrative capacity for better realisation and management of the general
measures for agricultural development, the realisation of the following activities is foreseen: Adoption
of new systematisation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and strengthening
and reorganisation of the administrative capacity; Establishing Agro-food Council for development of
private and public dialogue; Setting up an inter-ministerial group for rural development; Strengthening
the administrative capacity of the Sector for Rural Development; Strengthening the administrative
capacity of the The Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD
Agency).Further staffing of the Sector for Agricultural Policy Analysis and Agricultural Information
System; Establishing a Single Farm Register; Establishing a Land Parcel Register (As a basis for
establishing a complete LPIS with digitalisation of the data from the cadastre in the State Authority for
Geodetic Works (SAGW), a Land Parcel Register will be established); Establishment of a Farm
Accountancy Data Network (FADN); Act on Accreditation of the IPARD Agency by the European
Commission … For the purpose of successful realisation of the Law on Agriculture and Rural
Development, apart from the existing staff capacity of the existing and newly established institutions,
it is required to employ new suitable personnel. In addition, it is necessary to provide equipping with
adequate IT technology, professional personnel upgrade, additional training and engagement of local
and foreign experts. For this reason, in this period strengthening the administrative capacity on most
levels is foreseen. From the aspect of realisation of the measures for support of agriculture and rural
development, it is foreseen to realise the following activities: Strengthening and further staffing of the
Sector for Rural Development; Further staffing of the Sector for Rural Development as an institution
in charge of setting, coordinating and implementing the policy for development of rural areas;
Strengthening the capacity of the newly formed IPARD Agency In accordance with the foreseen
competences of the Agency for Implementing Measures of National Programmes for Support and the
capacity required for the development of appropriate mechanisms for management of the EU pre-
accession funds, as well as the other accompanying activities in terms of: registration of applications
(regional office); approval of applications; authorisation of payments; carrying out payments;
accounting and internal audit; system of checks and controls / on-site inspections, and preparing
operational reports, there is series of additional medium-term measures to be implemented in relation
to the IPARD Management and IPARD Agency which will be determined in details upon the adoption
of the IPARD Programme. Moreover, for the requirements for managing an agricultural policy and
regulating the market for agricultural and food products, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity in
terms of interventions on the market, storing and keeping goods, selling goods in cases laid down by
law etc. To that end, taking into consideration the foreseen scope of medium-term activities of the
Agency, as upgrading of the short-term priorities, it will be necessary to provide additional technical
and safe working conditions. To realise these objectives, and in terms of establishment of the required
administrative capacity for management and realisation of the measures and activities in the field of
agriculture and rural development, the following activities have been foreseen: Establishing a
Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS); Further staffing of the Sector for Agricultural Policy
Analysis and Agricultural Information System; Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) (Establishing
a Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) pursuant to Regulations 32003R1782 and 32004R0796 for
the purpose of recording the use of land parcels); Integrated Administrative and Control System
(IACS) (Establishing an Integrated Administrative Control System (IACS) in accordance with
Regulations 32003R1782 and 32004R0795 for the purpose of efficient implementation of the
measures for support of the agriculture sector. A computer database, as a single farm register, will be
established for the purpose of data modelling, defining standards and forms of exchange, control
procedures for data quality and an overall strategy for application of information and communication
(including an alphanumerical identification of agricultural parcels in accordance with the land parcel
register and a System of Identification and Registration of Animals). IACS will also include the
following systems as part of the activities for financial support of agricultural producers: System for
Identification and Registration of Payment Orders, Applications for Financial Support, Integrated
Control System, and a single system of recording the identity of every farmer submitting an
application for support); Establishing a Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) (Introduction of a
network for collection of accounting data on the income and business operations of the agricultural
holdings in the country pursuant to Regulation 31965R0079, due to the necessity of support for the
agricultural policy in the process of adjustment to the EU Common Agricultural Policy”.
agriculture sector is dominated by very small and highly fragmented family farms, engaged mainly in
subsistence agriculture, while only a small surplus is marketed locally. Economies of scale are thus not
exploited. The agricultural sector remains relatively problematic for several reasons, such as lack of
irrigation, land fragmentation and lack of proper management systems in general”; “Assistance will
focus on … preparing the country for the implementation of the Community’s rural development
policy, in particular by focusing on investments in agricultural production to restructure and upgrade
the sector to Community standards and on investments to develop and diversify economic activities in
rural areas”; “Strategic choice is concentrated around three areas of intervention, which are included in
the priorities identified in the Accession Partnership: (i) implementation of sectoral reforms; (ii)
adoption and implementation of the acquis and (iii) support to the preparation for decentralised
management of EU funds”; “As regards the adoption and implementation of the acquis, and with a view
to helping the country complying with the Copenhagen criteria, priority will be given to areas, where
the harmonisation of the legislation is an obligation linked to the implementation of the Stabilisation
and Association Agreement and where the volume of legislation to be harmonised is particularly large
and where harmonisation requires costly investments that must be spread over many years”; “In the
field of agriculture and rural development the capacity of the administration to enforce the management
mechanisms of the Common Agricultural Policy needs to be further upgraded”.
ANNEX 5- Details per EU funded contract
Management and contracting arrangements
For each component a steering group will be established to oversee the overall
implementation of the project.
Advisory services will be provided to the beneficiary. The contracts to support the project will
contain next to a team leader additional expertise to assist in key tasks, e.g. in the field of
administrative capacity building, training, IT development, legal development and others.
Some of these experts will address the cross-cutting issues.
The core project team – consisting of the team leader and other expertise will be placed within
the respective units.
The team leader will be responsible for the overall management, representation (co-ordination
with the EU and other international bodies) as well as reporting. The co-ordination of activity
development in the different components of the activity is significantly important. The team
leader is responsible for an appropriate management of resources. During the inception phase
of the project, a detailed deployment plan will be developed under the coordination of a
Steering Committee in which each co-operating national institution will be represented to
ensure appropriate inclusion.
400.000. The contract should include the software necessary for the LIPS system and the
Farm Registry.
2) 1 supply contract is expected to be concluded to provide the vehicles required under
Component 3: Design of a functional Integrated Administration and Control System and
establishing the associated institutional capacity. Approximately 6-8 vehicles are to be
procured. The specifications of the vehicles will be made through a dedicated Framework
Contract financed under the Project Preparation and Support Facility. The supply contract will
have a duration of 4 to 8 months for delivery and training in equipment use, a subsequent 12
months warranty period, and hence an overall duration of 16 – 20 months, and should start in
3rd quarter 2010. The total value of this supply contract is expected to be 100.000 Euro.