CGBLE Bullet Points by Rida Batool
CGBLE Bullet Points by Rida Batool
CGBLE Bullet Points by Rida Batool
He has a control direct or indirect over affairs of company, regarding as directors and so
on so.
the comapny shall not state false or misleading information while filling application
MOA: is framed and altered time to time with accordance of comapny act.
AOA: is article of association, framed with in accordance with comapny law/ act.
1- name clause
3-objects clause
4-liablity clause
5-capital clause
6-subscription clause
Alter of MOA
Commission shall send copy of order to co. and registered office within 7 days
registrar shall issue the certificate as in evidence of moa complying with com act
Alter AOA
Effect of Registration
After the certificate of incroporation the company is registered with gives the following
1- Subscibers of Moa and other memebers who will be later joining will become a BODY
2- Body Corporate is able to exercise the fucntions of perpetual session and have a
common seal
5- person purposed in AOA as directors and auditors shall be appoitned as officers from
that day.
Commission if satisfied shall grant licence to company as Public limited comapny if:
Circumstances of Revocation
3- company after satisfying debts and liablities shall transfer its assts to other comapny
under sec 42 within 90 days
Penalty sec 44
any officer making default under section 42 and 43 shall be liable of penalty level 2.
Def of Director
According to company law, the director means a person who is appointed on the position
of director, with whatever name called.
Types of Directors
1. Whole time director: A whole time employee who has a great qualification and
manages affairs of comapny of specific department.
2. Executive director: A director who devotes his whole time to the operations of the
company whether paid or not.
4. Independant director: A director who is not involved nor related with following: (i)
company (ii)subsidary company (iii)holding company (iv)associated comapny
1. SMC - 1
2. Private - 2
3. Public - 3
4. Listed - 7
no# of directorship
a person who is a director of company is only allowed to hold not more than 7 offices of
different companies at same time, more than 7 he'd be ineligible for.
1. minor
3. undischarged insolvent
5. a non-member (exemption)
1. a person represnting the party which is not a natural person i.e, body corporate
3. CEO
a election of director is required if the vacancy has been open for 90 days and no one has
filled it, so members (10% voting pwr) or (10% gurantee) will request commission or
directors (45 days prior) or commission by themseleves conduct the election of directors.
1. an existing directors will fix the number of directors to be elected 35 days before
the election
2. if the fixed number and nomminee number are equal then no election is required
and they shall be called as UNAPPOSED directors
4. the voting rights shall be according to shares or gurantee, a member has right to
use his shares as voting per share, so either he can put votes on one candidate or
divide votes on different candidates
6. the highest votes recieved shall determine the director of comapny and so on so.
1. a director or member with 10% voting rights makes a request to re-elect within 30
das of elevtion
2. if the member satisfies the court with proof of election being held on material
irregularity or defect in election
1. a member who has requsite shareholding can demand for fresh meeting, in order
to make himeself a director in BOD, so court may allow for re-election within 30
Casual Vacancy
a casual vacany of director shall be filled within 90 days, or if the director is outside of
pakistan then he shall appoint alternative director on his position
Vacation of office
1. on the terms that director has been absent on 3 consecutive meetings w/o leave
Removal of Director
2. a special resolution shall not be passed of the votes are agaisnt equal to it or more in
poroprtion to it
4. for elected directors: equal to minumum no# of votes when electing him
or four
any contravention shall be liable to penalty level 2 and other than listed level 1
electronic forever
Appointment of Ceo
Removal of Ceo
a chairman shall be appointed from non-executive directors and shall be appointed for 3
Appointment of Auditors
2. First Auditor - appointed by Board shall retire at the first AGM held
4. If the auditor isnt appointed on first 90 days, or on Agm or office has remained
vacant for more than 30 days then SECP/ Commission shall appoint the auditor
and he shall leave after next agm
1- by Board
2- By Directors or Members
3- Secp
1- the directors, officers or employees of comapny who worked for 3 consecutive years in
3- spouse of director
4- person who is indebted by company (unless co. provided debt on ordianry course of
Signature of Auditors
in auditors report:
Statutory Meeting
by birth meeting
if general meeting is held before the statuttory meeting then this is not neccessary
to be held anymore
notice shall define place, date and hour the meeting is to be held
if members are calling for meeting and in 21 dats meeting has been not conducted
then members shall hold the meeting
(ii)sign of requistionist
if meeting is not held then members are allowed to hold meeting with 3 months of
deposition of requistion
shall hold the meeting at the situated place and company will pay their expenses
deducted from Directors
Notice of Meeting
it shall specify date, place and hour of the meeting along with the businesss that
needs to be trascated in the meeting
shall be sent to members, directors and other entilted relevant person to recieve
notice of meeting
it shall be sent via, post, courrier, electronic means or other way as it may deem fit
to the following above person's usual residential address
Ordinary Business
all of the following shall be discussed into ordinary business except election of directors
Notice of Resoultion
1- members not having less than 5% of voting power may give notice
the proxy form shall be submitted within 48 hours prior to the meeting
Quorum of Meeting
Listed comapny
if quorum isnt fulfilled in 30 mins of meeting the meeting shall be adjourned (if called by
Board) OR dissolved (if called by members)
if the adjourned meeting is not yet fulfilling the quorum then with at least 2 memebers
meeting shall be conducted and finallized decsisons shall be ammedned in Aoa
a member with 10% of voting power shall make a petition to court for asking for
fresh meeting and decalring their rights were not used appropriately
the member shall give proof to satisfy the court that their rights were being not
Filing of Resolution
Records of Resolution
Inspection of Records
within 7 days of filing shall be given to members who demand by charging such fees
Voting can be done through shares too, since according to the shares a person is enable
to vote with number of shares either given vote to one person or divide votes accordinly
to number of shares and vote different persons
1 person = 1 vote
show of hands
postal ballot
Interim dividend is dividend whihc is paid in between the year and the amount is
deducted from final dividend.
Decission od shareholders
1. a dividend shall be only paid through the ordinary profits not unrealized gains
2. the amount of dividend shall not excced upto which was decided by board
3. dividend shall not be paid through (i) sale or dispose of immoviable prpoperty
(ii)sale of assets from acquired company or associating co. [unless the saale is on
the terms of ordinary course of business]
1. designated bank
2. dividend warrants
3. cross cheques
directors shall not withhold or defer the payment on dividend either the CEO shall be
punished on the consequences of withholding the payment, he might be imprisoned for 2
years or he might be fined with 5 million or extended.
Unpaid Dividend
the unapid dividend is the dividend which has been returned to unclaimed by
shareholder, it could be on reasons such as, death of shareholder or change/ not recieved
through registered address
1. the uncailmed profits shall be returned to company and kept in scheduled bank's
2. after the 90 days of deposit the comapny may publish the information about the
shareholder and his unclaimed profits along with application
3. upon recieveing the application the dividend shall be paid within 30 days
4. any contravention done under this section shall be laible of penalty level 3
1. a comapny must maintain books of accounts and other papers and keep them in
Registered office
2. branches of comapny shall maintain the books separately but consolidate and
summariize the books and submit them at Registered office
Types of Regualations
1- Mandatory regulations: the regulations which are strictly compliance provissions and in
non-compliance of the regulations may lead to the penal proccedings as defined under
regulation 37.
a person can hold 7 companies as director, if it exceeds than 7 then within 1 year a person
is required to vacant his office(s).
Composition of Board
2 independant directors
2 executive directors
3 non-executive directors
independant director shall be a not related either financlally or in another way with:
executive directors shall be 1/3 of number and if rounded upto 1 then shall do an
executive director is a director who devotes his whole time to the operations of the
company whether paid or not.
Minorty shareholders
a collection of shareholders who collectively hold the minor or small part of shares in
company, hence in cocg the regualtion states:
remuneration of directors
Audit committee
Financaial literate:
HR committee
Nomination Committee
Qualification of CFO
5 years: CIA, CICA, CFE or postgraduate from aduit in uni or other body corporate
regonized by HEC
7 years: post graduate in audit or finance from uni or body corporate recognized by
HEC or has corporate expeience
the internal auditor shall report to the audit committee and ceo
the comapny shall not appoint the person as ext. auditor if:
co. shall ensure auditor is not doing additonal operations except audit in co.
an auditor shall give report 45 days prior to the director's annual report
14 years of education
15 years of corporate
Modes of Winding up
by court
1. when creditor who indebted 100,000Rs/- or more demands money and co.
refuses, neglects or compunds the payment
4. cout may decide if comapny is able to pay its debt, it could through its contingent
5. SECP or Registrar
a court may order after 90 days of recieving petition and may order the following:
2. interim order
court may not refuse the order i fthe company is holding mortgage of assets or liablities
1. past or present memebers may be liable to pay for the amount if they have been
in company at time of winding up
4. past or presennt memeber is not liable in case of shares until he has any unpaid
amount left
Official Liqidator
Conditions to Appoint
5. o.l shall not quit office until procceding of liquitation is not complted except
disablitly or death
1. misconduct
2. fraud
3. professional incompetent
5. conflict of interest
Remuneration Restriction
4. in undertaking company the investment shall not include advances or loans unless
its approved through agreement
(i) nature (ii) period (iii) porpose (iv) secuirty (v)resturn on investment (vi)penalty
whichever is higher.
Associated companies
1. a person may enter into contract with a related party after getting a approval from
the board
2. after getting the approval of board, person/ director or employee should present
the report along with the justification of entering into rpt to shareholders
3. if the person has entered into contract without approval of board then the
contract shall be ratified within the 90 days
7. Company can proceed for recovery of losses from director or employee who has
entered into such contract or arrangement
5. in comapny director or his relatives with the significant influence (20% investment
in the company)
4. pricing policy
a contract in which both party conduct a transaction seemingly in way they are unrelated
or dont have any undue influence or pressure
1. train and eduacte employees so they can identify and report rpt to board
Responsiblity of Company
2. company shall maintain records of members via emails and phone numbers
Procedure of E-voting
authentication by login
maintanance of password
CAPTCHA mechanisms
Procedure of voting
3 working days company shall publish in eng and urdu, in daily newspaper circultated
nationwide the ballots announcement
member shall submit duly signed ballot paper with copy of cnic through post to chairman
1 day before poll
Result of Poll
chairman shall record the date and time of reciept of ballot papers
chiarman shall unblock the result in the meeting and announce the result
life insurance:
3. payment on annuity
non-life insurance:
life business:
non-life business:
4. liablity business
1. public company
Registration by SECP
1. applicant is having:
solvency requirements
2. applicant is able to meet its: liablities, sound management and compliance with
Supervision fee
Secp shall be paid with supervision fee: 100,000/- or 0.1% of dispose of premium
2. incorporated in pak: director shall be fit and proper for his position
3. incorporate out pak: principal officer shall be fit and proper for his position
Statutory fund:
statutory fund is only shown in reords of life insurance policy and it should be maintianed
for at least 1 or more life insuracne, ie, capital redemption, pension fund etc
Solvency Requirement
in life business: admissbale asset surplus greater than liablities (75 M or higher)
books and records of policy: state name and address of policy holder, date of
effect, records of any transaction
books and records of claim: date of claim, anme and address of claimant, date of
discharge, date of rejection with grounds
signed by:
Quaterly returns
shall not be insolvetn, convicted crime or has remuneration or shares in the company.
SBP shall call upon the banking compnay to hold a fresh election of directors
Vacation of office
SBP may remove the director if he failed to perform undertaking OR he failed to pay the
loan or any due (1 month warning is given )
2. may pay dividend without writing off depreciation and bad debts
Reserve fund
Cash fund
5% of demand liability
2% of time liablity
1. banking comapny shall not grant loans and advances agaisnt its securites of its
own shares
Authentication of account
filing of accounts
Display of accounts
Business of NBFC
3- Discounting Services
4- Leasing
6- Asset Management
2. he shall not be director of company which has been deafult in paying loan
1. when the person has granted the permission for forming NBFC, he shall apply for
Form II for granting licence
5. if any nbfcs opeating before this time shall form with licence with feees 50,000/-
IFS --300M
Records Maintenance
shall be inspected
Credit Rating
A- to A+ = 1.5 of equity
2. nbfc shall not make an account of the person who is not giving his true identity
20% of Profit after tax until it's equal to the equity of reserve fund
5% of profit after tax from reserve finds when it is equal to reserve fund
Incorporation of NBFC
3. registed by shareholders
5. if the co. which is not incorporated under shall apply for approval of licence
Procedure of Amalgamtion
2. notice of meeting shall be sent to shareholders of both NBFCs specifying the date,
time and place along with the objective of amalgamtion
3. if shareholders of both NBFCs approve for amalgamation at 2/3 of voting then the
sanction shall be passed by SECP
4. the registrar shall be informed about the amalgamtion within 15 days to strike the
old name off and present as amalgamated NBFCs
5. the liablites and assts of one NBFC shall be transferred to amalgamted NBFC
Venture Project: a business which is new formed or expanded, has business of services,
production or manufactrung with focus of new process or technologies, located at the
remote or underdeveloped area, the key is that it is finaced by venture capital investment
or NBFC if it comes under these conditions.
Types of Companies
1. Incorporation
foreign comapny
2. Liability
Limited by Shares
Limited by Gurantee
Unlimited Liability
3. Control
Holding company
subsidary comapy
4. Transfer of Shares
Private company
listed company
public company
Body Corporate
if the company's member has reduced in public company below 3 and in private company
below 2, and the business kept operating for 6 months then,
member is laible to pay debts for the time he has been present in company OR will be
jointly suied (joinder suied)
person above 20 are not considered to form a company, association or partnership and
will be deemed illegal, unless:
exemtions to Sec 09
1- a partnership or community is formed under other laws in Pakitan for time being
3-2 or more joint family business carried in pakistan i.e, hindu family business
4-any partneship formed in which professional practices are being carried, i.e,
accountants association, lawyers society etc.