Grade 8 Jss Endterm 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

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A Series of Assessment Questions Covering the

Syllabus upto end of term 2 as per the
Curriculum design

All Students should attempt all the questions at

the back of their exercise books!


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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet



Name: ____________________________________. LEVEL
School: ___________________________________. ______________________________________

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Martha, a grade 8 learner, prepared food using the equipment below.

a) Which method of cooking did Martha use from the illustration

above? (1mk)

b) What are the three advantages of preparing food through the

method shown above? (3mks)
i. .
iii. .

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2. Grade 8 learners were discussing different ways of conserving water

together with their importance. Give 4 reasons why water

conservation is important. (4mks)

3. During her visit to the tailor for the practical on fabric, Lucy made the
seam below.

a) Identify the type of seam illustrated above. (1mk)

b) Beside the type of seam shown above, what are other three
types of seams? (3mks)

4. Water is harvested through various ways Give four ways that are
under the surface runoff harvesting of water. (4mks)

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5. While at home, Mrs. Anjali asked her daughter to highlight some of the

ingredients and substances needed during soap making. What are

the four highlights if she gave correct answers? (4mks)

6. During their visit to Kitale maize milling company, grade 8 learners were

taught on some of the ways used in adding value to crop produce,

highlight four of them. (4mks)

7. While collecting water for use, Malindi School constructed the structure

a) What is the term of the structure shown above? (1mk)

b) What are the advantages of the structure shown above in water

collection? (3mks)

8. Different tilth accommodates different size of seeds to enhance

proper germination. Explain how the tilth affects the size of planting

materials. (4mks)

9. During a laundry practical lesson, grade 8 learners were asked by their

teacher to identify 4 ways that are used in special treatment of fabrics

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during laundry. Which answers did they give if they highlighted correct

answers? (4mks)

10. In the preparation of animal products such as meat, different methods

are used. Study the picture below.

a) Identify the method of cooking shown above (1mk)

b) What are the three disadvantages of the method of cooking shown

above? (3mks)

11. During cleaning of articles, there are some precautions to be taken

especially when cleaning loose colored articles. Highlight three

precautions taken on loose colored clothes. (3mks)

12. Rachael was encouraged by her teacher to plant some trees

around the crops she had grown. Give one importance of trees

around the grown crops. (1mk)

13. After harvesting crops from the farm, some procedures such as

addition of value is done. Give two importance of adding value

to harvested produce (2mks)

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14. One way of keeping healthy is eating foods that are nutritious

such as vegetables. Give two ways of conserving vitamins and

minerals in vegetables. (2mks)

15. Different foods are cooked differently to facilitate easy eating and

even digestion. Give any two methods of cooking. (2mks)

16. Identify the following type of erosion.

17. The picture below shows one of the methods of soil conservation
Mr. Ken practices on his garden.

a). Identify the method of soil conservation. (1mk)

b). Explain how the method conserves soil in an agricultural

environment. (2mks)

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c). Describe how the method mentioned in 1(a) above is carried out.

d). Name three other soil conservation methods that can be practiced
in the garden. (3mks)

18. State four importance of conserving soil in agricultural

environment. (4mks)
19. The picture below shows a farm model constructed by Grade 8
learners. Study the farm model then answer the questions.

a). Identify some of the locally available materials used to construct the
farm model. (3mks)
b). From the farm model, identify one method of soil conservation.

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20. Grade 8 learners went for a field excursion. They came

across the method shown in the picture below of storing water.

a. Identify the method of storing water. (1mk)

b. Name five tools that might have been used to construct the
structure named in (5mks)

c. How is the structure in the picture above important to a farmer?


21. a. What is a farm layout? (2mks)

22. Write two importance of Farm layout. (2mks)

23. Identify four methods of harvesting and storing water for

farming purposes (4mks)

a). State four factors to consider when setting up a water

harvesting and storage unit at school. (4mks)


25. Why do you sprinkle a layer of salt on all parts of the fish
when processing it? (2mks)

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1. The table below shows materials used for preparing various soil conservation structures.
Use it to answer the questions that follow.
Fill in the table below. (8mks)
Materials used Identify the type of Soil How the methods conserves soil in
conservation method. agricultural environment.

Maize stalks

Planted maize
and sweet
Water channels
with planted

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

2. Grade 8 leaner at Huduma junior secondary wanted to prepare vegetables for lunch. State
four moments the vegetables might lose nutrients during the process. (4mks)

3. Name three types of water storage tanks. (3mks)

a.) State three signs to identify vegetable crops attacked by pests. (3mks)
b.) State two ways pests and diseases affects vegetable crops. (2mks)

5. State three items added to soap to improve its value. (3mks)

6. What is poultry rearing? (1mk)
7. The water catchment structure below is called_______________________________ (1mks)
[water tank, water pond]

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8. State three types of soil tilth. (3mks)

9. Grade 8 learners were discussing methods used to add value to agricultural produce at home.
Mention any three methods they suggested. (3mks)
__________________________ _______________________ ________________________
10. Name three locally available materials used in construction of a poultry fold. (3mks)

11. State the maintenance carried out on the following structures. (3mks)
a.) Water pans
b.) Water tanks.
c.) Gutters
12. State four routine management practices done in when rearing poultry in a fold. (4mks)
13. Use the diagram above to answer the questions that follow below.

a.) Identify the tool and the practice sown above. (2mks) Tool
_____________________________ Practice _________________________________
b.) Mention two other practices done on fish during preparation for storage and consumption.

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c.) Identify two precautions to observe when preparing fish. (2mks)

14. Suspended gardens are also called _____________________________________ (1mk)

15. __________________________ is the process of constructing fabric. (1mk)

[knitting, Crocheting]
16. List down two hygiene practices in rearing of animals. (2mks)

17. State four factors to consider when sorting and grading eggs. (4mks)
18. State two items to use when preparing poultry carcass. (2mks)
19. While learning about conserving food nutrients when preparing vegetables, A grade 8 teacher
asked learners to state three things to avoid when washing vegetables to reduce lose
of nutrients. List down any two. (2mks)
20. Grade 8 teacher asked learners to make a farm layout drawing. Suggest two enterprises you
will include in your farm lay out. (2mks)
21. Using trash line as soil conservation measure has advantage over using stone line. Give the
advantage of trash line over stone line. (1mk)

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet



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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

1. Observe the following diseased plants carefully. Identify the following effects of vegetables
crops attacked by pests and diseases.(6 mks)

2. State five ways used to Control of pests and diseases on vegetables crops. (5 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Grace is a fish farmer from Lake Victoria. Identify three processes she carries out to prepare
fresh fish for transportation, storage and consumption.(3 mks)
a. ……………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………….

4. Abraham visited a fish processing site and took the following photographs. Identify the
process or activity taking place in each picture.(4 mks)

5. Name four practices carried out to dress a poultry carcass.(4 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………….. pg. 2

6. State two Methods used in preserving milk. (2 mks)

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

a. ……………………………………………
b. …………………………………………….
7. Mention three Methods used to preserve meat. (3 mks)
a. ……………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………

8. What is the importance of preserving milk and meat? (2 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………………….…

9. State five methods of soil conservation in agricultural environment. (5 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………….
10.State two components of agriculture and nutrition. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………….
11.Mention five causes of Soil Pollution in Farming.(5 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………

12.Identify the following method of soil conservation in farming. (5 mks)

13.State two importance of Farm layout. (2 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
14.Mention four Local available material that can be used to make a farm model in school. (4
a. ……………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………..
15.State five methods of harvesting and storing water for farming purposes. (5 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………….. pg. 3
b. ………………………………………………………..
16.Outline five Factors to consider when setting up a water harvesting and storage unit at

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

home or at school.(5 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

17.State five Importance of harvesting and storing water.( 5mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………….……

18.State four Maintenance practices of water harvesting and storage structures.(4 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..................

19.State three Uses of water harvested and stored on the farm.(3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………………..
20.In Kenya we have various types of water tanks made from various materials. Mention three
types of water storage tanks.(3mks)
a. ……………………………………….
b. ……………………………………….

21.Davis, a grade 8 learner wants to start an innovative gardens at home, state five ways in which
the innovative gardens would benefit him. (5 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………………………………………
(3 Marks)
22. Discuss three farming practices that pollute soil?



c) _________________________________________________________
(2 Marks)
23. Anita, a grade 8 student keeps some poultry at home as shown below.

State three routine practices she most likely uses.

i) ______________________________________

ii) ______________________________________

iii) ________________________________________

pg. 4

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(6 Marks)
24. Grade 7 learners were asked by their teacher to state and explain the practices carried out
during minimum tillage. What answers do you think they gave?







25. State the meaning of Agroforestry. (1 Marks)

(2 Marks)
26. State two ways by which innovative lights are used to scare birds.

a) _______________________________________________________

b) ________________________________________________________

(1 Marks)
27. Identify the type of seedbed mainly used to conserve moisture.

pg. 5

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(2 Marks)
28. During a classroom discussion grade 7 learners were requested to define the term
agroforestry. What do you think they gave as an answer?



(2 Marks)
29. Name two common weeds.

a. …..................................................................
b. …..................................................................

(2 Marks)
30. What are the two types of seedbeds that may be used to conserve soil moisture?

i. _______________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________

(2 Marks)
31. List two examples of minimum tillage practices.

a. ____________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________

(1 Marks)
32. Define the following term.

Conservation _______________________________________________________________

pg. 6

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(5 Marks)
33. Name five factors to consider when planning to plant crops.






(1 Marks)
34. Identify the domestic animal in the picture below.

(2 Marks)
35. State two activities that increase the rate of soil erosion.

i) ____________________________________________________

ii) ____________________________________________________

(3 Marks)
36. Apart from sunken bed, name three other structures that farmers use to retain water in
the farm.



pg. 7
37. A sickle as a farm tool is used for …......................................................................... (1 Marks)

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(4 Marks)
38. During a discussion, grade 7 learners were asked to discuss ways of conserving water. what
answers dis they give?





(2 Marks)
39. Name the types of soil erosion marked X and Y in the diagram below.

(2 Marks)
40. Define the following term.

Water conservation __________________________________________________________

(2 Marks)
41. The diagram below shows a creeping crop.

Name two examples of such cro

pg. 8

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(2 Marks)
42. Identify two trees that are suitable for agroforestry.



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Name: ____________________________________. LEVEL
School: ___________________________________. ______________________________________

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. State two categories of creative arts and sports.

2. Mention two principles of creative arts.
3. Grade 8 learners were learning about elements and principles of visual
arts. Name any three elements of creative arts. (3mks)
4. Grade 8 were told to research on careers related to sports. Mention
three career opportunities they likely to have presented in class. (3mks)
5. Draw a still life composition of any wind instrument and a ball. Use
strippling technique to create dark and light effects. (3mks)

6. Match the musical term with it's meaning. (2mks)

Diminuendo Gradually becoming louder

Crescendo Gradually becoming softer

7. Name two voice parts that can perform a trio. (2mks)

8. Match the instrument with the community of origin. (4mks)

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Obokano Luhya

Nyatiti Gusii

Mbere Lui

Ishiriri Kamba

9. Write the French rhythm of the following rhythms. (6mks)

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10. Mention three occasions our Kenya National Anthem is

performed. (3mks)

11. Complete the table below by writing the note name of the
rests shown.

12. Study the string instrument below and use it to answer

questions below.

a). Name the parts marked. (6mks)





b). The instrument is classified as (fiddle, lyre) (4mks)

c). Which is the likely origin of this instrument?

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13. Grade 6 learners from Songa Primary School participated in

sprint race during PHE lesson. Indicate true or false in the finishing
techniques shown below. (2mks)
a. Run through technique is touching the finishing line by shrugging
the shoulders or turning the chest sideways

b. Drop finish technique is behind both arms backwards and cross

the finishing line with the chest first

14. Identify the type of pass demonstrated below.(3 mks)

15. Identify two landing techniques in footwork in netball.(2 mks)

16. Name the type of pass below

Overhead pass

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17. Name three passes used in performing handball game. (3


18. Describe what upsweep baton exchange is. (2mks)

19. Mention three equipment used by a goal keeper in the

game of hockey. (3mks)

20. On the circles below, insert the colours you have identified
as primary colors.( 3 mks)



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1. State three strategies used by middle distance runners during a race. (3mks)
2. List down any four careers you can pursue from the study of Creative arts and sports. (5mks)
3. a. State three safety measures to observe when playing javelin. (3mks)
b. Name the four phases during a javelin throw. (4mks)
4. The government of Kenya through the ministry of sports and culture is really encouraging
youths to take part in arts and sports. State four benefits of both arts and sports. (4mks)

pg. 1
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

5. Identify five elements of a play. (5mks)

_________________________ _______________________ ______________________
_________________________ _______________________
6. ____________________ is the art of listening and writing down correctly the played
rhythmic patterns. (2mks)
7. Identify two examples of the following activities in handball. (4mks)
a.) Pass __________________________________ __________________________________
b.) Dribbling ______________________________ __________________________________
8. Name three techniques of playing a descant recorder. (3mks)
9. a.__________________________ is the action of a player using their skills to bring the
football under control from a pass or when the ball is running loose. (2mks)
b. Name three body parts used when trapping a ball. (3mks)

10. Creative arts provides us with entertain. State four components of creative arts that entertain
11. Explain how creative arts has boosted tourism in Kenya. (2mks)
12. Identify one rule in each of the following sports. (2mks)
a) Handball
b) Soccer
13. What is photomontage? (2mks)
14. Differentiate between 2D and 3D art forms. (2mks)
pg. 2
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet



1. Define the following terms

a. Pitch: ………………………….……………………………………………

b. Volume: …………………..………………………………………………..

c. Tempo: ……………………………………………………………………..

d. Dance formation: ………………………………………………………….

2. What is body adornment?


3. What is creative arts? (2 mks)


4. What is sports? (2 mks)


5. Identify five roles of Creative arts and sports in the society.(5 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
d. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
e. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. State four components of Creative Arts and Sports.(4 mks)
a) ……………………………………………….……
b) …………………………………………………….
c) …………………………………………………….
d) …………………………………………………….
7. State two Principles of Visual arts.(2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………………………………
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

8. Outline four Basic Elements of a play. (4 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………….…………………………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
d. ………………………………………………………………………………………….

9. State and explain three elements of Music in Creative Arts.(6 mks)

a) ……………………………………………………………………………………

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………

c) ………………………………………….………………………………………….
10. State three examples of themes in plays. (3 mks)
a) …………………………………………………….………
b) …………………………………………………….……….
c) ………………………………………………………………
11. State three Elements of Dance in Creative Arts.(3 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………………….
12. The arts can be experienced through the following senses
namely?(3 mks)
a. …………………………………………….….
b. ………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………..
13. State three Factors to consider when making preparation and
presentation of art research. (3 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………..…
c. ……………………………………………………………………………..
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

14. Look at the hand signs below for notes B,A and G. Put the notes B A

G under the correct hand sign.

15. How can a song benefit a singer and listeners?

a) ………………………………………………………………………………..

b) ……………………………………………………………………………….

16. Identify the three sections of a narrative (3mks)

a) ………………………………………………………………………………….
b) …………………………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………………………

17. Write down two importance of studying performing arts to you?

a) …………………………………………………………………………………..
b) …………………………………………………………………………………..

18. What is the difference between performing arts and other arts?

19. Write down three elements of performing arts. (3mks)

a) ……………………………………………………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………….
20. Fill in the chart below;
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

21. When performing a dance or a song adjudicators/judges check on;

a) ………………………………………………………………………………

b) ………………………………………………………………………………

22. Name two categories of participants in a dance presentation:

i. …………………………………………………

ii. …………………………………………………..

23. State four components of Creative Arts and Sports.(4 mks)

e) ________________________________________
f) _________________________________________
g) _________________________________________
h) _________________________________________
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

24. The teacher has places some stationary items on the table. Draw
showing overlap and shade using smudge technique. Make it neat (14

25. Name the following parts of a note. (3 mks)

26. Draw the following note. ( 5 mks)

©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

27. Draw the joined note of the French rhythm notes below.(3 mks)
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet



Name: ____________________________________.

School: ___________________________________. LEVEL

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Grade eight learners were put into groups to discuss the meaning

of sin. From the discussion, write the meaning of sin. (2mks)

2. Your class was given an assignment to read Genesis 3:1-13 and

identify the origin of sin from the Bible verses. From the findings,

what was the origin of sin? (2mks)

3. From Genesis 3:14-19, you learnt about the consequences of sin after

the fall of man. Give one punishment that God gave each of the

following. (3mks)

a. Adam

b. Eve

c. The snake

4. Your teacher asked the class to summarize the consequences of sin

after the fall of man. Four learners said the following:

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Leon: Pain became part of human experience

Grace: Human beings were separated from God.

Joyce: The friendship between God and human beings became


Brian: Death came into the world.

Who among the above learners gave the wrong statement on the
consequences of sin after the fall of man? (1mk)

5. During a C.R.E lesson, your teacher told your group to read Genesis

4:6-12 and make summary notes on the consequences of sin after the

fall of man;

a. Identify the sin that Cain committed (2mks)

b. How did God punish him? (2mks)

6. In a C.R.E lesson, you learnt that sin spread all over the world after

the fall of man. Give a reason why the people built the tower of

Babylon (2mks)



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8. How did God stop the construction of the tower of Babylon? (2mks)

9. During a youth seminar, the pastor talked about the causes of sin today.

List four actions that can lead to sin among the youth. (4mks)

10. List three social media that can cause youths to get temptations.4

11. Your teacher put you in groups to discuss skills and moral values

young people need to overcome temptations to sin. Give four

points that your group presented to class. (4mks)

12. During a CRE lesson, your class watched a video clip on tempting

situations that can lead young people into sin. Write three ways of how

you can overcome temptations in day-to-day life. (3mks)

13. Give a reason why God sent away Adam and Eve from the garden of
Eden (1mk)

14. Your teacher gave you an assignment to carry out research on

the meaning of redemption. Write the meaning of redemption.


15. Grade eight learners were put in small groups to discuss how God
demonstrated his love for humankind after the fall of man. From the
table below, tick the ways in which God demonstrated his love for
human beings after the fall of man or place an X where He did not
demonstrate love. (5mks)

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Ways God demonstrated love Tick or X

He looked for Adam and Eve when they hid from him
He made cloths from animal skins to cover the nakedness od
Adam and Eve
He put a mark on Cain’ s face to protect him from harm
He punished human beings after they had sinned
He called Abraham to bless the whole world

16. During a library lesson, you read Genesis 12:1-3 on the call of Abraham.

State three promises that God gave to Abraham. (3mks)

17. You teacher asked you to read Isaiah 53: 5 -12 and make notes on how

Jesus Christ suffered. Give three ways of how Jesus Christ suffered. (3mks)

18. From the box below. Select the prophet who called Jesus the suffering


19. Give two reasons why Jesus Christ suffered. (2mks)

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20. God's plan of salvation is fulfilled through Jesus Christ. How did
God save the world through Jesus Christ (2mks)

21. During a C.R.E lesson, you discussed sharing the love of God with

others. Write three ways of how you shared God's love with others in

school. (3mks)

22. Name the first five books of the Bible (5mks)

23. What was the importance of the promises made to Abraham


24. Define the term “ covenant” and its characteristics (5mks)

25. What was the importance of circumcision to Abraham and

his descendants (5mks)

26. What do we learn about the nature of God from the renewal

of the covenant. (5mks)

27. List the first five commandments God gave to Moses. (5mks)

28. Why was Moses a suitable leader for the Israelites (5mks)

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1. Name two divisions of the bible. (2mks)
2. State four ways human beings misuse natural resources. (4mks)
3. Adam and eve fall into in because : (2mks)
a.) __________________________________________________________________________
b.) __________________________________________________________________________
4. State four different ways we can share God’s love to others in the community. (4mks)
5. Highlight three instances Abraham showed his faith in God. (3mks)
6. What is a covenant? (2mks)
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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

7. State five characteristics of a covenant. (5mks)

8. Name four values you can acquire from the study of christian religious education. (4mks)
9. State four ways of taking care of domestic animals. (4mks)
10. Name four covenants in modern life. (4mks)
11. Name the accounts of creation found in the bible. (2mks)
12. State five leadership qualities that you can learn from Moses. (5mks)
13.During a group discussion, grade 8 leaners discussed Isaiah’s prophesy about the coming of

Jesus Christ. List down four titles he gave to Jesus Christ. (4mks)
______________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________________ 14. Outline any
two similarities in the two biblical accounts of creation. (2mks)
15. Identify three ways in which social media is misused today. (3mks)
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

1. Why is the Bible important to the society?(2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Explain the two dimensions of the Bible. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. How can Christians participate in charity work in the community to serve God and
others?(2 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. List the Poetic books of the Old Testament. (4 mks)
a. ………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………..
d. ………………………………………..

5. Write down values that Christian acquire by learning Christian Religious Education. (3
a. ……………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
6. Why should CRE be taught in schools?(3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..,.
c. ………………………………………………………………………………….
7. List down the similarities and differences between the two Biblical accounts of creation.
(4 mks)

Similarities (2mks) Differences (2mks)

©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

8. Explain the attribute of God from the two creation accounts. (3 mks)
a. ………………..………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………………………….
9. Explain different ways in which people promote and protect the animals, fish and
birds.(2 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Identify five major divisions of the New Testament in their order (5mks)

a. ……………………………………………..

b. ………………………………………………..

c. …………………………………………………

d. ………………………………………………….

e. …………………………………………………

11. Describe the development of the Bible translation from the original language to local

languages (7mks)









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12. Give seven effects of the Bible translation into African languages (7mks)














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13. Identify five literacy forms used by the Authors of the Bible (5mks)








14. Give seven differences between the first and the second account of creation stories.








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15. State six consequences of sin according to (Gen 3, 4, 6 – 9, 11)









16. Outline seven ways in which wrongdoers were punished in Africa society. (7mks)





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17. Explain the meaning of the expression the Bible is the Word of God’ (6mks)








18. Highlight seven promises God made to Abraham (7mks)






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Name: ____________________________________.

School: ___________________________________. LEVEL

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.



1. The teacher will read for you a story. Answer the questions

A long time ago, when the land was very productive and herds of animals
roamed the jungle there was a man called Wafula. He was an expert
trapper. He was known all over the land for his power and precision of his
traps. Whenever he set a trap, people expected an animal to be caught in it.
Indeed, every time he went out to inspect his traps, the villagers would gather
in the woods to await his return. They were never disappointed. Wafula sold
the meat he caught in his traps and became very rich and prosperous.

However, Wafula was never happy because he felt he could do much better.
He was never satisfied with anything unless it was absolutely accurate and
correct. His neighbors wondered what they would do to him and his incessant
yearning to set the best traps. “ There is no beauty in life without a
shortcoming", the neighbors told Wafula to remind him of the ancient proverb
Unfortunately, they found it difficult to talk to Wafula since he lived a solitary
life. He hardly talked to anyone unless it was completely necessary. He did

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not seem to enjoy the company of anyone not even that of the closest family
members. He always went into the depths of the forest alone He never cared
to teach anyone his great trapping skills.

Whenever he went out to hunt alone, the elders would say, “ The lone traveler
is announced by vultures," or “ Those who travel in pairs alert each other the
way your hair alerts you to the presence of a leopard." One day, however,
Wafula set what he considered to be a perfect trap by putting all his skills into
it. As he was putting the final touches to the trap, it suddenly snapper and shut
with his whole body except his head. His head was left protruding awkwardly
out of the trap s entrance Poor Wafula cried, shouted and called for help,
since he was alone deep in the forest, it took long before anyone noticed that
something was amiss with the trapper, true to the wise men’ s words ... “ The
lone traveler is announced by vultures".

a) According to the first paragraph, the land in question was (2marks)

b) Why was Wafula famous in the land? (2marks)

c) How did Wafula gather his wealth'? (2marks)

d) What do you think the elders meant when they said, "The lone traveller
is announced vultures?" (2marks)

e) The best title for the passage above would be (2marks)

2. Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.

Mother had always warned us against leaving the house without her
knowledge She was not only assertive in everything she said but also followed
every rule to the letter She always insisted that everybody should finish their
homework and any chore given before going out to play with the other
children. We never took her advice seriously until my elder brother. Jack, and I
learnt our lesson the hard way.

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One day, mother went to the neighbouring village to see her mother, our
grandmother who was sick Before leaving, the reminded us not to go
anywhere but remain home and do some general cleaning since it was a
weekend. Her facial expression showed she meant every word she said Suon
after, we heard shouts of excited children outside. Jack dashed out at
lightning speed and realized it was zaki, his best friend and two of our cousins.
They started talking but did nut make out anything they said. Later, Jack
came back inside and convinced me to join them on a fishing expedition. I
always trusted my brother to make the right decisions and so I joined them
without asking any questions.

Hurriedly, we locked the house leaving unwashed utensils in the sink and
soaked uniforms in a bucket outside. Before long, we were at River Sio. Many
people believed there were crocodiles there while others said there were evil
spirits which kept haunting people. However, we believed none of those
stories. We started our expedition. Earlier on. Kaki had taught us how to fix a
bait to the fishing rod. We made many attempts before we caught any fish.
Before long, we all had enough fish to roast on the river bank and even some
to carry home.

Jack and Kaki’ s creativity never ceased to amaze me. They suggested that
swimming could excite all of us since it was getting hotter. However, I had
never been keen on swimming. I decided to sit back and watch them swim. I
watched them dive into the water one by one and almost changed my
mind. It seemed really enjoyable. Instead. I started making a rope with some
sisal threads I had carried and settled on the green grass next to the river.
Before long I heard an ear-piercing scream coming from them. There was
total confusion. The boys sprinted to the river bank. My two cousins ran away
clutching their clothes while Kaki stood frozen, watching Jack helplessly. Jack
seemed to be struggling with something inside the water Out of the blue,

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there came a hunter who dived into the river and cut the sea weed holding
Jack By then he was gasping for breath. If only we had listened to mother...

a) According to the first paragraph, we can rightly say that the writer’ s
mother (2marks)

b) The words “ followed every rule to the letter” have been used to mean

c) What made Jack dash out? (2marks)

d) Why did the writer join the others on the fishing expedition? (2marks)

e) The word 'amaze' as used in the passage can be replaced by

3. Read the story below and then answer the question that follows. (4marks)

A club is an organization by learners who have a common interest in a

particular activity Usually, a membership fee is paid before registration. Such
clubs include drama, debate, wildlife journalism, scouts, art and design,
environmental, choir, presidential award, health, basketball and football.

On the other hand, a society is a number of learners associated together by a

common interest or purpose. In most schools, the societies include the
Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Hindus. Both clubs and societies are not
restricted to learning institutions such as primary schools. Activities in clubs and
societies are carried out in school after classes.

It therefore goes without saying that clubs and societies are very important in
schools. Clubs and societies are socialization tools. Learners share their interest
with others thus enabling them to benefit from the relationship. They are also
important to enable the learners to learn outside the classroom setting.
Moreover, joining a club or society is an opportunity for a learners to develop
his or her leadership skills. They also help them visit interesting pi ices and learn
new things Clubs and societies also introduce new career options to learners.
A child may join the journalism club, like it so much that he or she opts to

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develop a career as a journalist. Some children ignore clubs and societies in

school because they do not understand their necessity.
When a pupil is choosing a club or society to join, they should have an interest
in it. This will ensure that they enjoy the activities that take place in the club or
society. For instance, a learner who is interested in the environment may
choose to join the environmental club in his or her school. If a learner is unsure
of what

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club or society to join, teachers and parents may help him or her in choosing
what to participate in. Activities in clubs and societies have a patron who
supervises the activities that learners carry out in clubs and societies. Because
of the many benefits of joining a club or society, they are for everyone!

In about 250 words, write a summary of the passage above.


4. Change the given sentence into either negative or positive. (3marks)

a) The learners did not take part in the public speaking contest.

b) We went home on foot.

c) Wamalwa runs very fast and wins medals.

5. Complete the given sentences using the correct word from the ones in
brackets. (3marks)

a) Neither Juma nor his cousins _________________ to blame for the misfortune.

(was, were)

b) The teachers _________________ gone for a meeting, (has, have)

c) The king as well as the queen ____________________ present at the security

meeting. (was, were)

6. Complete the given sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a) Ahmed ____________________ not know what caused the death offish in the
lake. (do)

b) She ________________ done everything possible to keep her compound

clean. (have)

c) I _______________ planning to show my classmates how to make good use

of the dustbins. (be)

d) We __________________ ready to recite a poem during the tree planting

ceremony. (be)

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7. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate collective noun. (3marks)

a) Wendy was punished for carrying a ________________ of cards to school.

b) At night, the sky glitters with a ____________________ of stars.

c) We used a ______________ of papers to print the photographs taken


8. Form a compound word then use it to complete the given sentence. Use

the root word in brackets. (3marks)

a) I sought help from the __________________ but no one seemed to notice me.

b) A _________________ at Lake Victoria almost drowned this morning. (fisher)

c) She struck the ____________________ once and lit the fire. (match)



9. Read the story below and then answer the questions that follow.

A long time ago, in the sleepy village of Amagoro, there lived a man called
Ojamoong. his wife and mother.
Ojamoong had just lost his five children and his father to a clan of hyenas that
occasionally attacked
Amagoro village.

Amagoro village was on top of Buta hills. The village was surrounded by
Emuria forest that was home to dangerous wild animals. At the bottom of
Buta hills was Lake Akipi. Residents of Amagoro village, including Ojamoong,
fished in Lake Akipi.

One morning, cries of war and drumbeats were heard at the village elder's

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“ Hyenas are on their way to our village! Run for dear lives," the village
messenger shouted at the top of his voice.

Ojamoong rose in a panic, put on his sandals and ran outside. He called out

for his mother and his wife. They came out of their huts trembling, fear written

on their faces.

“ Follow me," said Ojamoong, in deep voice.

The two women wrapped their lesos around their waists and followed

him. They passed tense villagers running in different directions. Others

locked themselves in their huts.

"Where are we going?" asked Ojamoong s wife.

• Do not panic, my dear wife. Just follow me. This village is no longer safe

for us. We may never return to Amagoro," replied Ojamoong.

“ I agree, we are not prisoners of Amagoro village," his wife replied.

The sudden shaking of a nearby bush interrupted them. Ojamoong held his
mother’ s and wife’ s hands and they ran quickly towards Lake Akipi. They did
not dare to look behind. It took them five minutes to reach the shore of the
lake. They found a canoe and its oars at the shore of the lake. Ojamoong
smiled in relief as he pushed it into the water. The hyenas would not get to

His excitement was, however, cut short by his mother’ s abrupt screams.
Ojamoong turned back. What he saw almost paralyzed him with fear. More
than fifty hyenas were charging towards them. In less, than five minutes, they
would be killed by the beasts. Their only savior was the canoe. However, the
canoe could only carry two people at a time. A third person would make it
sink. What should Ojamoong do?

a) Which words have been used at the end of the story? What role do they
play? (2marks)

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b) What type of a narrative have you read above? (2marks)

c) State two uses of such types of narratives. (2marks)

d) Describe the dilemma in the story? (2marks)

e) Describe Ojamoong in the story. (2marks)

10. Read the poem below and then answer the

questions that follow.

Let's keep the environment clean

Cars rush by on the streets,

Their smoke turns the air behind grey,

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It floats over the sides, In building where people stay,

Why do we make our environment unclean?

Bottles and papers lie on the ground,

Every place appears dirty,

Oil spills in our water bodies,

Making the water murky,

Why do we make our environment unclean?

Because of lack of care,

The ice caps in the North are melting,

Polar bears are losing their homes,

The climate is changing and animals are dying,

Why do we make our environment unclean?

By Riel Siubhan

a) Who is the poet? (2marks)

b) How many stanzas does the poem have? (2marks)

c) How many lines does each stanza have? (2marks)

d) Where do you think the oil that spills in our water bodies come from?

e) Who is responsible for the pollution of the environment? (2marks)


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Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. (10marks)

Once, there was a frog who lived in the middle of a swamp. His entire family
had lived in that swamp for generations but this particular frog decided that
he had had quite enough wetness to last him a lifetime. He decided that he
was going to find a dry place to live instead. The only thing that separated
him from the dry land was a swampy, muddy, swiftly flowing river. But the river
was home to all sorts of slippery, slithering snakes that loved nothing better
than a good plump frog for dinner. So, the frog did not dare try to swim

The snakes hissed and jeered at him, daring him to come closer but he
refused. Occasionally, they would slither closer, jaws open to attack but the
frog always leapt out of the way. But no matter how far upstream he searched
or how far downstream he went, the frog was not able to find a way across
the water. He had felt certain that there would be a bridge or a place where
the banks come together yet all he found was more reeds and water. After a
while, even the snakes stopped teasing him and went off in search of easier
The frog sighed in frustration and sat to sulk in the rushes. Suddenly, he spotted
two big eyes staring at him from the water. The giant log-shaped animal
opened its mouth and asked him, “ What are you doing, frog? Surely there are
enough flies right there for a meal.” The frog croaked in surprise and leapt
away from the crocodile. That creature could swallow him whole in a moment
without thinking about it! Once he was satisfied that he was a safe distance
away, he answered, “ I am tired of living in swampy waters and I want to
travel to the other side of the river. But if I swim across, the snakes will eat me."

The crocodile concurred with him and sat thinking a while. ‘ Well, if you are
afraid of the snakes, I could give you a ride across," he suggested. “ Oh no, I
don't think so," frog answered quickly. “ You would eat me on the way over or
go under water so that the snakes could get me!"

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a) What do we learn about the frog’ s family? (2marks)

b) Why couldn’ t the frog cross the river to dry land? (2marks)

c) The word teasing has been used to mean (2marks)

d) The snakes went to search for easier prey because (2marks)

e) Why was the frog reluctant to take the crocodile’ s offer? (2marks )

Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

“ Now, why would I let the snakes get you? I think they are a terrible nuisance
with all their hissing and slithering! The river would be much better without them
altogether! Anyway if you are worried that I might eat you, you can ride on my
tail." The frog considered his offer. He wanted to get to dry ground very badly
and there did not seem to be any way across the river. He looked at the
crocodile from his short, squat buggy eyes and wondered about the
crocodiles motives. But if he rode on the tail, the crocodile could not eat him

“ Okay, it sounds like a good plan to me. Turn around so that I can hop on
your tail." The crocodile flopped his tail into the marshy mud and let the frog
climb on then he waddled out to the river. But he couldn't stick his tail into the
water, the snakes would eat the frog. They clumsily floated downstream far
away until the crocodile said, “ Hop onto my back so I can steer straight with
my tail. The frog moved and the journey smoothed out. From where he was
sitting, the frog couldn't see much except the back of the crocodile’ s head.
“ Why don't you hop up on my head so you can see everything else?”
crocodile invited the frog.

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“ But I don’ t want to see anything,” the frog answered suddenly feeling
nervous. Oh. come on now. It's a beautiful view! Surely you don’ t think that I
am going to eat you after we are halfway across. My home is in the marsh.
What would be the point of swimming across the river full of snakes if I didn’ t
leave you on the other bank?”

a) Why did the crocodile said that the river would be better off? (2marks)

b) By agreeing to ride on the crocodile's tail, the frog can be described as


c) Why do you think the crocodile told the frog to hop onto its back and head

d) The crocodile told the frog to get closer to its head in order to (2marks)

e) The best title for the passage above would be (2marks)


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Write a composition on environmental conservation. Use conjunctions to

sequence your ideas.

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As soon as the water starts bubbling, Achiko adds four handfuls of flour to it. This lowers
the temperature of the water and it stops producing bubbles. She has to wait for the
temperature to rise again before she can begin stirring the mixture of water and flour.
While she is waiting to see bubbles, she checks the cleanliness of the cooking stick and holds
it ready”. As soon as the mixture has produced enough froth to almost submerge the flour,
Achiko stirs the flour in the water three times, noticing that the temperature has dropped
once more, she pauses to give it time to rise. When bubbles appear again, she stirs the
She must be careful how long she pauses or how soon she adds flour to the boiling
soft mixture. This is because failure to pause for the heat to build up after the initial
contact of water and flour ruins the results. Thereafter, it does not matter how high or hot
the flame under the pot is, the ugali will remain half-cooked. Therefore, maximum
concentration is required at this stage.
Once the bubbles in the mixture grow wild, Achiko it is time to add more flour and turn the
mixture in the pot vigorously to get rid of any lumps of raw flour in the increasingly stiffening
mixture. As the mixture thickens, the amount of flour added decreases until it is a matter of a
sprinkled to complete process.
Achiko insists on silence when she is cooking ugali. She says this is important because the
time people prepare Ugali is the same time ghosts of people who dies of starvation long time
ago are roaming homesteads. As soon as she adds the first handful of flour to the water, she
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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet
meaning fully looks at the children who are surrounding the pot. They immediately interpret
the message. Repeating what her mother has told her about ugali disappearing if it is prepared
in a noisy room. Achiko shocks the children by telling that whistling interfered with mixing of
hot water, flour and air. Chacha, who likes whistling, has to promise never to do that again. All
are silent, but eager.
In anticipation, the children watch Achiko’s arms skillfully turning over the increasingly
stiffening lumps in the pot. Her neck, back and arms grow more and more taut as works at
the pot. While she is still cooking, she uses her finger to test the texture of the cooking ugali.
She keeps this up until ugali is thoroughly cooked. Finally, she sets the meal before the family.

i. Why does Achiko maintain silence when she is cooking? (2mks)

ii. Why does she have to keep on checking the fire? (2mks)
iii. Why does the water have to boil before she adds the flour? (2mks)
iv. Explain why Achiko is always anxious about her cooking. (2mks)
v. Explain what message the children get from Achiko’s look before she starts stirring the
mixture. (2mks)
vi. According to the passage, why is whistling bad? (2mks)
vii. State one superstition that is associated with cooking ugali in this passage? (1mk)
viii. Explain the meaning of following words and phrases as used in the passage. (2mks)
ix. Popular_________________________________________________________________

x. Commendable____________________________________________________________

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

a.) Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the present simple tense in
brackets. (13mks)
Cows ______________(is/are) important animals in our country. We all
_______________(feel/feels) that if the country _________________(encourage/encourages)
and ________________________(pump/pumps) money into the dairy
industry_____________________________(have/has) enough milk to go round but research
into agricultural potential of this land__________________(show/shows) that
we_______________(is/are) able to produce twenty times more milk that
we_____________(produce/produces) today.
The need for this___________________(is/are) seen on the radiant face of a child when given
milk. The face says. “This_____________________(is/are) heavenly,’ Thus the
child________________________(congratulate/congratulates) the farmer and at the same
time___________________________(pass/passes) a vote of confidence in his country, the
source of the milk. The milk, therefore______________________(preach/preaches)

b.) Complete the following sentences by filling in the blank spaces with the correct form
of the words in bracket. (5mks)
i. Neither the headteacher nor his deputy ____________________(is/are) around.
ii. Neither the prefects nor the monitors__________________(have/has) the lost bell.
iii. He told me that none of the girls _________________(was/were) allowed to sit for
the exams.
iv. One of my friends___________________(is/are) coming to my home tomorrow.
v. Wither the principal or the teachers________________(is/are) to blame.

c.) Write five sentences using the following verbs. (5mks)

i. Swim
ii. Cultivate.
iii. Read.
iv. Promise.
v. Borrow.

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet
d.) Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the most appropriate preposition.
i. He took_________________his clothes and dived into the pool.
ii. She will preside_____________the function.
iii. The exercise was conducted in accordance ________________regulations.
iv. Mutiso arrived at the airport just_______________time to catch the plane.
v. He cannot prevent me ___________going if I want to.

e.) Choose the correct alternative from the word(s) given in brackets to complete each of the
following sentences. (5mks)
i. This is one of those stories that______________(seem/seems) to have no ending.
ii. He is the longest serving of all Kenyan’s _____________________________(attorney
generals/attorney general)
iii. A range of issues ____________(was/were) discussed.
iv. The chaos_____________(has/have) been quelled by the police.
v. they have remained hopeful inspite of many____________crisis/crises) they have faced.

f.) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate article. (5mks)
i. Brailles is system of reding and writing by touch for ___________________blind.
ii. The king wanted _____________________heir to his throne.
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

1. Functional Writing (20mks)
a) Imagine that your brother just graduated from Egerton University and has requested you to design an
invitation card that will be used to invite guests for his graduation party. Design the card.


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b) Imagine that you are one of the invited guests but unfortunately you will not manage to attend the graduation
party, write a letter declining the invitation. (20mks)

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2. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word. (10 mks)
At home, Jennifer was getting uneasy. It was ……………………………. late and yet Joseph had not returned
home. …………………………… was waiting for him…………………………the fire. The fire was
dwindling and she could not add more firewood………………………it lest there was not enough of it for the
following morning. She …………………………… the fire hoping that he
………………………………….come home the very next minute. In the end, she could
not……………………….for him any longer. She went to bed. He would …………………………………her up
when he came. Sleep took her almost ………………………….. . She did not wake
up…………………………..until morning.

3. Identify the silent letters in the following words. (5mks)

a) Would –

b) Debt-

c) Rhyme –

d) Edge –

e) Sketch –

ii) in the following sentences state whether the word underlined has been used either as a verb or a noun.
a) Kindly keep a record of all your books. …………………………………………………….
b) To always conduct yourself right is good. …………………………………………….
c) After the heavy rains, the cattle keepers will get good produce. ……………………………..

iii) Write the homophones of the following words. (2mks)

a) Quite –……………………………………………..

b) Dairy -…………………………………………….

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet



Name: ____________________________________.

School: ___________________________________. LEVEL

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. You have been asked by your teacher to give the reasons why the

Qur'an was revealed to mankind. Give two reasons that you will

provide. (4mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………..

b. ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. Mention any two reasons why the Qur'an was revealed in portions
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………

b. …………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Mention any three prophets who are Ulul Azm (3mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………….

c. ………………………………………………………………………………..

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4. While studying the revelation of the Qur'an, Salim, a grade Eight

learner came across the stages of the revelation of the Qur'an.

Mention the stages that Salim came across. (2mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………………….

b. ………………………………………………………………………………

5. How long did it take angel Jibril (A.S) to reveal the Qur'an to the
prophet (S.A. W)? (2mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………..

6. Complete the following hadith with the most appropriate phrase; The
prophet (S.A. W) said that a Muslim is a brother

7. Rajab, a grade eight learner has realized that his uncle has a large

snake in his house which he worships instead of Allah. This form of

shirk is known as ……………………………………(2mks)

8. Mention the two types of hadith that you learnt in Grade 7 (2mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………

b. …………………………………………………………………

9. Explain any two forms of hadith (2mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………..

b. ……………………………………………………………………………….

10. Differentiate between Isnad and Matn. (4mks)

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11. Mention any three rules of Matn for authenticity of hadith. (3mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………….

b. ………………………………………………………………………………….

c. …………………………………………………………………………………..

12. State any three qualities of a good friend according to the

teachings of the Qur'an. (3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………………..

b. …………………………………………………………………………………..

c. …………………………………………………………………………………..

13. Maulid, a grade eight learner had the intention of performing

Dhuhr Swalat in a congregation but unfortunately he arrived there

late after the prayer. According to the hadith on intention, what

happened to Maulid? (2mks)



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14. Explain the meaning of the term Tawheed. (2mks)





15. Mention any three effects of a shirk to a Muslim. (3mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………

b. …………………………………………………………………………………………

16. State and explain any two sunnah prayers. (2mks)





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17. Explain the meaning of Jamu Taqdim in relation to

swalatul musafir. (2mks)





18. Give one reason why Muslims fast during the month of
Ramadhan. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………


b. ……………………………………………………………………………


19. Which is the first month on the Islamic calender? (2 mks)




20. Mention one type of zakaat. (2 mks)



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1. State how differently t h e shirk-Al-Akbar has been manifested. (5 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………
d. ……………………………………………………………………………………
e. ……………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mention three differences between Angels Jinns and Human beings. (6 mks)
N Angels Jinns Human being



3. State five duties of Angles in general. (5 mks)

a) ……………………………………………………………………….
b) ……………………………………………………………………….
c) ……………………………………………………………………………
d) ……………………………………………………………………………
e) ………………………………………………….………………………..
4. State other five names of the Quran. (5 mks)
a. …………………………………..
b. …………………………………..
c. ………………………………….
d. ………………………………….
e. ………………………………….
5. Mention three pillars of Islam (3 mks)
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a. …………............................................................................................
b. ………………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………….
6. What was the need for revelation of the Quran? State five points. (5 mks)
a) ……………………………………………………………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………………………
c) ……………………………………………………………………………
d) ……………………………………………………………………………
e) ……………………………………………………………………………

7. State three roles of Angel Jibril in the revelation of the Quran.(3 mks)
a) ……………………………………………………………………………..
b) ……………………………………………………………………………..
c) ……………………………………………………………………………..
8. Describe the two stages in which the Quran was revealed. (4 mks)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
9. What three Lessons are learnt from the surah Al-Fatiha? (3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………………….

10. Mention four Circumstances under which Suratul fill was revealed. (4
a. …………………………………………………………………………..…
b. …………………………………………………………………………..…
c. ………………………………………………………………………………
d. …………………………………………………………...…………………
11. List four etiquettes required in reading the Quran. (4 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..

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c. ………………………………………………………………………………..
d. ………………………………………………………………………………..

12. Outline three differences between Hadith and Sunnah. (6 mks)


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13. Outline the origin of Hadith. (5 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………
c. ………………………………………………………………
d. ………………………………………………………………
e. ………………………………………………………………
14. Outline three Contribution of Hadith to Islamic thought and
culture. (3 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………………..
15. Mention three Articles of Iman. (3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………….
16. What is the meaning of Tawheed? (2 mks)
17. Mention two Categories of Tawheed. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………….
18. Write four significance of Tawheed. (4 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………………………..
d. ………………………………………………………………..
19. Mention 4 common forms of shirk al-Akbar. (4 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………………………..
d. ……………………………………………………………………..
20. Mention how the Quran condemns shirk. (5 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………..

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

b. …………………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………………….
d. …………………………………………………………………….
e. ……………………………………………………………………

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

1. Define the term Quran. (2 mks)

2. Mention three Articles of Iman. (3 mks)

a. ………………………………..……………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….

3. What is the meaning of Tawheed? (2 mks)

4. Mention two Categories of Tawheed. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………….

5. Outline four Differences between Shahada and Tashahud. (8 mks)

Shahada Tashhud

6. Define swalah. (2 mks)

7. Mention three Essential condition of Swalah. (3 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………

8. Define the following. (4mks)

a. Twahara

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b. Najaasat
9. Mention two types of Najaasat. (2 mks)
a) ……………………………………………
b) ……………………………………….…..

10. State the three classes of water.(3 mks)

a) …………………………………………………………….………
b) …………………………………………………………………….
c) …………………………………………………………………….
11. Taking of ritual bath (Ghusl) is compulsory under the following circumstances: namely. (3mks)
a) …………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………

12. It is Sunnah to take bath in the following occasions: namely (3 mks)

a) ………………………………………………….…………………..
b) ………………………………………………………………………..
c) ………………………………………………………………………..

13. State How to perform ritual bath (Ghusl)(5 mks)

a) ……………………………………………………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………….…..
c) ……………………………………………………………………
d) ……………………………………………………………………
e) …………………………………………………………………….
14. Mention three Importance of taking Ghusl. (3 mks)
a) ……………………………………………………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………………
c) ……………………………………………………………………
15. What was the need for revelation of the Quran? State fine points. (5 mks)
a) ………………………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………………………….
c) ………………………………………………………………….
d) …………………………………………………………………..
e) ………………………………………………………………….

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16. State three roles of Angel Jibril in the revelation of the Quran.(3 mks)
a) .....................................................................................................
b) ………………………………………………………………….
c) …………………………………………………………………..
17. Describe the two stages in which the Quran was revealed. (4 mks)
a) ……………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………….….
18. State four reasons for revelation of the Quran in portions. (4 mks)
a) …………………………………………………………………..
b) …………………………………………………………………….

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JINA: ____________________________________.

SHULE: ___________________________________. LEVEL

NAMBARI YA MTIHANI: ___________________. TAREHE: _______________________.

1. A. KUSOMA - UFAHAMU (Alama 15)

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

Tangu tulipokuwa wadogo, tulipenda sana kucheza. Lengo letu kuu la

michezo hiyo lilikuwa kujifurahisha. Hatukujua faida zingine za michezo. Je,
michezo ina faida gani kwetu? Kuna aina nyingi za michezo katika
jamii.Baadhi ya aina hizo za michezo ni kama vile mpira wa miguu, wa
pete, riadha, mpira wa vikapu na mazoezi mengine ya kupunguza mwili na
kuufanya uwe na afya bora. Mwili wenye afya huwa imara kama chuma
cha pua. Nasi tujuavyo. afya ni bora kuliko mali.

Michezo imeonekana kuwa mizuri katika ubongo. Kwanza kabisa michezo ni

njia ya pekee ya kuufanya ubongo kuchangamka na kufanya kazi vizuri.
Kwa hakika, kila mwanadamu hana budi kutenga muda mfupi wa mazoezi
ili awe na afya bora. Licha ya hayo, michezo ina faida zifuatazo katika

Ni wazi kama jua la mtikati kuwa michezo huimarisha afya ya kila mtu.Mja
yeyote akiwa mwanamichezo bila shaka ataimarisha afya ya mwili wake.
Michezo huvifanya viungo vya mwili kuwa na nguvu na pia kuufanya mwili

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uweze kukabiliana na magonjwa mbalimbali. Mtu apendaye michezo

hujiepusha na magonjwa kama vile shinikizo la damu na ugonjwa wa moyo.

Faida nyingine ya michezo ni kuwa huwasaidia watu kupata ajira. Baadhi ya

wanamichezo duniani wamefanya michezo hiyo kuwa ajira kwao. Wapo
wachezaji wa michezo kama vile kandanda, riadha na mingineyo ambao
hupata mshahara mnono kutokana na michezo hiyo. Kando na kuwapa
wanamichezo kazi, wapo wafanyakazi wengine wafanyao kazi zinazohusiana
na michezo. Hao ni kama vile madereva wa mabasi ya wachezaji, wapishi
wao, makocha na marefa wa michezo mbalimbali. Kwa ufupi, michezo
huiwezesha nchi kujiendeleza kiuchumi. Wachezaji na wafanyakazi ambao
wametajwa hutumia pesa wapatazo kulipa ushuru na kufanyia miradi ya

Hatimaye, michezo huimarisha maadili ya wachezaji. Wakati wa michezo,

wachezaji hulazimika kufanya kila jambo kwa umoja na ushirikiano. Michezo
mingi huhitaji ushirikiano wa hali ya juu ili kupata mshindi. Mchezaji
anapojaribu kuwapuuza wenzake, huwa vigumu sana kwa timu hiyo
kunyakua ushindi. Maadili mengine ambayo hukuzwa kupitia michezo ni
heshima. Kila mchezaji hulazimika kuheshimu na kufuata sheria za mchezo
wowote. Yeyote asiyekuwa na heshima hupoteza nafasi ya kushiriki katika
michezo. Ni pendekezo langu kwa kila mmoja kuwa tujitahidi kufanya mazoezi
na kushiriki katika michezo mbalimbali kite wakati.


1.Taja visawe viwili vya neno 'afya' jinsi lilivyotumika katika kifungu. (Alama 1)

2.Tashbihi iliyotumika katika aya ya kwanza ina maana gani? (Alama 1)

3.Maneno 'hana budi' yana maana gani jinsi yalivyotumika katika ufahamu?
(Alama 2)

4.Kifungu kinaeleza kuwa michezo huwasaidiaje watu kupata ajira? (Alama 2)

5.Mwandishi anamaanisha nini anaposema kuwa ni wazi kama jua la mtikati?
(Alama 1)

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6.Eleza kile ambacho kitatokea kwa uchumi wa nchi yoyote ikiwa michezo
haitakuwapo? (Alama 2)
7.Maadili gani ambayo huweza kukuzwa na michezo kulingana na
ufahamu? (Alama 2)

8.Mwandishi anatoa maoni gani katika aya ya mwisho? (Alama 1)

9.Eleza dhamira ya mwandishi wa makala haya? (Alama 2)

10. Funzo gani linalopatikana kutokana na makala haya? (Alama 1)

2. UFUPISHO (Alama 10)

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

Hali ya kutoka mahali pamoja hadi pengine huitwa usafiri. Mawasiliano nayo
ni kutoa ujumbe sehemu moja hadi nyingine. Siku za kale, njia za kusafiri na
kuwasiliana zilikuwa tofauti sana. Watu walipotaka kusafiri ama kusafirisha
mizigo yao, walilazimika kutembea kwa miguu wakiwa wamebeba mizigo
hiyo kichwani, mgongoni au kwenye mabega. Ikiwa watu hao walifaa kufika
mbali, waling’ oa nanga asubuhi na mapema ili wafike kwa wakati. Tatizo
kuu la usafiri wa aina hii ni kuwa mtu asingeweza kusafiri usiku. Iwapo jua
lingetua akiwa hajafika. alitafuta mahali pa kulala na kuendelea na safari
kesho yake. Vilevile, watu hao wangeshambuliwa na wanyama wa porini na
kufariki wakiwa safarini.

Njia nyingine ya usafiri ilikuwa ya kutumia wanyama kama vile punda,

fahali na ngamia. Wanyama hawa wangefungiwa mizigo mgongoni na
kuisafirisha hadi kule ilikofaa kupelekwa. Ukilinganisha na usafiri wa
kutembea kwa miguu, yule aliyetumia wanyama hawa angebebwa na
wanyama hao na kwa hivyo asingechoka sana.

Kadhalika, kunao waliotumia mashua kutoa mizigo mahali pamoja hadi

pengine iwapo waliishi palipokuwa na maji. Hii ni kwa sababu ni vigumu
kuuvuka mto ukiwa umeubeba mzigo wowote. Hata waliojua kuogelea

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kama samaki walishindwa kuogelea wakiwa wamebeba mzigo. Yeyote

aliyejaribu alizama ndani ya maji na mzigo wake. Pia, haikuwezekana
kusafirisha mzigo wowote kwa kutumia wanyama. Hii ndiyo sababu
waliotaka kusafirisha kitu chochote walifanya hivyo kwa kutumia mashua.


1.Eleza ujumbe wa aya ya kwanza kwa sentensi moja. (Alama 2)

2.Eleza ujumbe wa aya ya pili kwa sentensi moja. (Alama 2)

3.Eleza ujumbe wa aya ya tatu kwa sentensi moja. (Alama 2)

4. Sentensi 'Kadhalika, kunao waliotumia mashua kutoa mizigo mahali

pamoja hadi pengine iwapo waliishi palipokuwa na maji’ imetumika katika

aya ya mwisho. Fupisha sentensi hiyo kwa maneno yasiyozidi saba. (Alama


5 Eleza maana ya ufupisho. (Alama 2)

3. FASIHI (Alama15)

1.Eleza maana ya mighani. (Alama 1)

2.Taja mighani yoyote unayoijua. (Alama 1)

3.Andika sifa mbili za mighani. (Alama 2)

4.Eleza maana ya visasili. (Alama 1)

5.Taja kisasili chochote unachokijua. (Alama 1)

6.Andika sifa mbili za visasili. (Alama 2)

7.Taja vipengele vitatu vya kuzingatia katika uwasilishaji wa mighani na

visasili. (Alama 2)

8.Eleza maana ya tamthilia. (Alama 1)

9.Andika mifano mitatu ya tamthilia unazozijua. (Alama 2)

10.Taja sifa mbili za tamthilia. (Alama 2)

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Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa kwenye kifungu kifuatacho kwa jibu lifaalo zaidi.
(Alama 10)

UKIMWI ni ____1_________________ ambayo husambazwa kupitia njia

___2________________. ___3__________________, mtu huweza kuupata UKIMWI
iwapo atajihusisha na mapenzi ya kiholela. Kupitia njia hii, mtu huyo
anaweza____4________________ virusi vya UKIMWI hasa iwapo aliyefanya
naye mapenzi ______5_______________ uele huo. Njia
_____6___________________ inayoweza kumsababishia mtu UKIMWI ni
kuongezwa damu iliyo na virusi hivyo. Hii inaamaanisha kuwa madaktari
wanafaa kuwa
______7_______________ sana wanapomwongeza mgonjwa damu. La sivyo,
mtu huyo anaweza _____8___________________ . Yeyote aliye na virusi vya
UKIMWI anashauriwa kuwa _______________9_____ ; iwapo atazingatia
mwelekeo anaopewa na maafisa wa afya, basi anaweza akaishi kwa
muda ______10_________________ mno.

5. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kulingana

na maagizo.

Alama ifuatayo ya kuakifisha

inaitwaje? (Alama 1)

6. Tumia alama ya nambari ya kumi na moja kutunga sentensi. (Alama 2)

7. Tunga sentensi ukitumia viwakilishi vifuatavyo. (Alama 4)

(a) gani

(b) yupi

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8. Tambua aina ya maneno yaliyopigiwa

mstari. (Alama 2)

Wageni hao wataketi kwenye viti hivi.

9. Andika matumizi yoyote ya alama ifuatayo ya kuakifisha. (Alama 1)

10. Tumia kiakifishi cha nambari ya kumi na tano kutunga sentensi. (Alama 2)

11. Andika nomino mbili zinazopatikana katika ngeli ya l-l.(Alama 2)

12. Andika wingi wa nomino ulizoandika katika nambari ya kumi na saba.

(Alama 1)

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13. Tumia nomino ifuatayo kutunga sentensi

katika umoja. (Alama 2) furaha

14. Andika sentensi ya nambari ya kumi na tisa katika wingi. (Alama 2)

15. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo. (Alama 2)

(a) Anika

(b) kwa kasi

16. Tumia vinyume vya maneno yafuatayo kutunga sentensi. (Alama 4)

(a) Funga

(b) juu ya mti

17. Andika kanuni mbili ambazo hutumika katika kubadilisha usemi halisi
kuwa katika usemi wa taarifa. (Alama 2)

18. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika umoja. (Alama 1)

Mawele ya watoto wetu yamenawiri.

19. Tambua viambishi vipatanishi vya ngeli ya U-YA. (Alama 2)

20. KUANDIKA (Alama 20)

Mwandikie rafiki yako barua ukimshukuru kwa kukusaidia katika

masomo yako.

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Kamilisha kifungu kifuatacho kwa kutumia maneno uliyopewa katika mabano (alama 10)
Siku ya kuzuru mbuga nilijitayarisha 1.________________. Baada ya kuoga nilijipaka
2._____________. Niliepuka 3._________________marashi 4_____________ kwani mwalimu
alisema si vyema kuwasumbua wenzako kwa 5______________ambayp hawaipendi. Nilitia
chai kwenye kikombe na kutia 6______________ vijiko 7______________. Nilikuwa makini ili
nisije nikatia 8______________badala ya sukari. 9_______________safri ilkuwa ndefu,
nilibeba 10________________kwenye chupa.

(maji, chumvi, viwili, kwa vile, sukari, mengi, kujirashia, mapema, mafuta, harufu)

UFAHAMU. (11-18)
Baada ya mateso ya muda mrefu kwenywe mikono ya mwajiri katili, Vumilia
alinyanyuliwa na maafisa wa serikali waliosimamia haki za Watoto. Mwajiri wake alijikuta
mashakani alipopatikana akimtesa. Siku hiyo kweli ilkuwa siku ya afua kwa Vumilia. Mwajiri
alishikwa na askari na kupelekwa ndani.
Vumilia alipelekwa shuleni aendelee na masomo yake. Kweli liandikwalo na Mungu
lazima liwe naye Vumilia alisoma hadi kilele cha masomo hata ingawa alkuwa maskini
hohehahe, kutokana na misaada ya watu mbalimbali, alimaliza masomo yake ya shule ya upili
na kupita vilivyo. Alikwenda chuoni kusomea urubani, baadaye aliajiriwa kazi na shirika la
ndege la Kenya. Hapo aliweza kupata pesa nzuri kwa mahitaji yake.
Huko nyumbani, wazazi wake walizidi kudhoofika kimaisha. Waliposikia kuwa mtoto
wao wa pekee kapata kazi wingu la tamaa liliwajia. Ajabu lakini ni kuwa wingu hilo halikuwa
mvua ya mafanikio kwao. Vumilia aliponda mali na kutia maskia nta. Ama kwa hakika mirija
yao ilivukuta uhondo wa kutosha kutoka kwa mwenzao. Waliogelea kwenye mavuno ambayo
hawakuyapalilia wala kunyunyiza maji.

pg. 1

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Kwa bahati mbaya, kutokana na makosa madogo madogo Vumilia alifutwa kazi. Hapo ndipo
marafiki wote walipomtoroka.wazazi wake waliposikia hivyo walikwenda kumtafuta wakaishi naye
hadi akapata ajira nyingine.

11. Ni nani aliyekuwa akimtesa Vumilia? (alama 1)

12. Eleza maana ya malezo, “liandikwalo na Mungu laziwa liwe”. (alama 1)
13. Hapo mwanzoni Vumilia alinyimwa haki gani? (alama 1)
14. Kwa nini marafiki walimtoroka Vumilia? (alama 1)
15. Je, Vumilia alipata kazi tena? (alama 1)
16. Moja ya yafuatayo ni uongo kulingana na Habari. (alama 1)
A. Vumilia hakuwashugulikia wazazi wake.
B. Vumilia alkuwa na marafiki wengi.
C. Vumilia alipatana na wazazi wake alipofutwa kazi.
D. Vumilia aliwasgughulikia wazazi wake vizuri.

17. Taja sifa moja ya wazazi wake Vumilia baada ya kupata Habari kuwa Vumilia alkuwa
amefutwa kazi. (alama 1)
18. Ni nini maana ya kutia masikia nta? (alama 1)
19. Tambua nomino za pekee katika sentensi ifuatayo. (alama 1) Nchi ya Kenya ina malasili
chungu nzima.

20. Andika katika wakati uliopo. (alama 1) Mwalimu atakupa maoni yake kuhusu insha

21. Andika katika wakati uliopita hali ya kuendelea (alama 1) Nitakapoika nyumbani baba atakuwa

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22. Andika ngeli sahihi kulingana na nomino zifuatazo (alama 4)

Nomino Ngeli

23. Tambua kwa kupiga mstari nomino ya dhahania katika sentensi ifuatayo. (alama 1)
Mwanafunzi alilala kutokana na uchovu aliokuwa nao.

24. Tunga sentensi ukitumia kitenzi kisaidizi (alama 1)

(- ngali)
25. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika wakati ujao hali ya kuendelea. (alama 1)
Wakulima wanapanda mbegu
26. Chagua vitenzi vishirikishi viwili kutoka kwa jedwali lifuatalo. (alama 2)
(pongezi, anafagia, ki, si, andika, cheza, uu, angali)
_______________________________ _____________________________________
27. Andika vinyume vya maneo yafuatayo (alama 2)
i. Butu_____________________________
ii. Usiku ____________________________


28. Taja vipengele vitatu vya kimuundo vya insha ya maelezo. (alama 3)
29. Andika majibu ya maamkuzi yafuata (alama 2)
a) Salaam aleikum______________________________________
b) Masalkheri__________________________________________

30. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa kurejelea wimbo huu:-

Mabata wadogo wadogo x2 Tumbili wadogo wadogo x 2

Wanaogelea x2 Wanarukaruka x 2
Katika ziwa letu la maji safi Katika miti yetu ya miti juu
Wanafanya kwa kwa kwa x2 Wanafanya ki ki ki x 2
Katika ziwa la maji yetu x2 Katika miti yetu ya miti ya juu

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i. Ni kina nani huimba wimbo huu? (alama 1)

ii. Taja sifa mbili za wimbo huu. (alama 2)

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Andika ratiba ya siku ya wazazi shuleni


Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali yafuatayo.
Vazi njema kivaliwa, huongezeka heshima,
Staha mtu kapewa, poteendapo daima,
Mavazi duni si sawa, kina dada ninasema,
Mavazi rekebisheniusheratiumezidi.

Longi kwa nyuma kushika, na mapajani kubana,

Chupizilipowafika, dhahiri kuonekana,
Buremunaaibika, na kujishusha maana,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.

Kifuanikujikaza, maziwayaning’inie,
Kitu gani munawaza, hamna bahari nyie,
Ni ashikimwasambaza, sikizeniniwambie,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.

Msichana ni hatia, magotinikufichuka,

Hivyo basi kuvalia, rindalisoyafunika,
Huenda zusha hisia, maovuyakawafika,

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Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.

Sitakosakuzitaja, skatimnazovaa,
Zaisha kwa mapaja, kikirikuchuchumaa,
Iko wazi nyonga moja, mkatoulivyokaa,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratilumezidi.

Wazi nitawasomea, nguo hizi nguo gani?

Dada zetumwakosea, kuzivaahadharani,
Ndizo hizo huchochea, usherati mitaani,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.

Nguo chini zishusheni, mwilini mzipanue,

Heri kuingia deni, za heshima mnunue,
Kuigiza za kigeni, ni utumwamtambue,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.

Betitisanamaliza, kalamunaweka chini,

Iwapo wajiuliza, nakereketwa ni nini?
Ni stahanahimiza, sio wake kuhaini,
Mavazi rekebisheni, usheratiumezidi.


(a) Shairi hili ni la aina gani? (alama 2)

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(b) Eleza vina vya beti za kwanza mbili (alama 2)

(c) Toa kibwagizo cha shairi hili kisha ufafanue maana yake. (alama 2)

(d) Eleza maana ya misamiati hii kama ilivyotumika katika ushairi. (alama 4)

Staha –
Dhahiri –
Shani –
Duni –
(e) Shairi hili liko katika bahari zipi? (alama 2)

(f) Uhuru wa mshairiunadhihirikavipi katika shairi hili? ( Alama 3)


1. Pambanua sauti hizi kama ni ghuna au si ghuna. (al 1)

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2. Eleza maana ya kiimbo. (al 1)

3. Eleza maana ya shadda. (al 1)

4. Eleza maana ya mofimu.(al 2)

5. Andika kwa wingi sentensi hizi. (Al.2)

i. Goti la mtoto liliumia.

ii. Ukwato wa ngamia ni mpana.

6. Bainisha nomino hizi ni za aina gani. (al.2)

i. Sukari.

ii. Mapenzi.

7. Tumiavivumishi vya sifa katika mabanokukamilisha sentensi zifuatazo. (al 2)

i. Mtoto Yule ni ______________________ (nene)

ii. Bei ya meli ni _____________________ mno (ghali)

8. Jazapengo kwa kiulizi sahihi kisha uandike sentensi kwa wingi (al 2)

Ni mpishi ________________ aliyepika.

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9. Fafanua maana ya misemo ifuatayo. (al2)

i. Kula mate.

10. Andika katika ukubwa. ( al 2)

i. Jiji hili litapanukaupesi.

ii. Jizeelililokosa adabu limekaripiwa.

11. Geuza sentensi zifuatazo katika hali ya usemi halisi. (al 2)

i. Ruhenialishauliwa na kasisiaache tabia mbaya.

ii. Mwalimu alimwabiapremjiafanye bidii katika masomo yake.

12. Andika vitenzi vifuatavyo katika hali ya kutendeshana. (al 2)
i. Penda .

ii. Endesha.

13. Tambua kikundi nomino (KN) na kikundi tenzi (KT) katika sentensi zifuatazo. (al 2)

i. Anatembea kwa madaa kama tausi.

14. Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo. (Al) 2

i. Mimi nilicheza.

ii. Wewe huchora.

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15. Kamilisha methali zifuatazo ?(al 1)

i. Cha kuvunda. __________________________________________

16. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo. (al 2)

i. Tandika _____________________________________

ii. Umba ___________________________________

17. Pambanua sentensi ifuatayo kwa njia ya mstari. (al 2)

Naimba huku nafanya kazi. _____________________________


Eleza sifa za lugha ya hotelini


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a) Taja aina nne za hadithi.

b) Eleza umuhimu wa hadithi.

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Name: ____________________________________.

School: ___________________________________. LEVEL

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Which of the following are

integers?(2mks) -124, 254, -1.9, -7, 0, 2¹/₄, -

²/₃, 5.83

2. Use number line to evaluate -2,-4 (1 mk)

3. A wedding was attended by people as follows on a given day; ²/₉ were elders ¹/₄ were children and the rest
were the youths. Work out the fraction of the youths at the wedding on that day.

(2 mks)

4. Calculate: 5¹/₂ + 3²/₃ + 1⁴/₅ (3mks)

5. Calculate

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6. Convert the following recurring decimals to fractions. (4mks)

a) 0.4

b) b) 0.723

7. Write 3692 to one significant figure. (1mks)

8. Express the following in standard form. (4mks)

a) 28071

b) 391.0869

9. Work out: (3mks)

12.8 ÷ 0.4 + 0.02(6.76 - 0.08 x 4.0) x 25.25

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10. What is the next fraction in the

pattern? ³/₈, ⁷/₈, 1³/₈, 1⁷/₈,


11. The ratio of the width to length of the football field is 6:10. If the length is 75m,What is the width of the field?

12. A shopkeeper adjusted the price of a loaf of bread from shs 60 to shs 80. Calculate the percentage change in

price of the loaf of bread. (2mks)

13. Simplify the following

14. Five shirts and four pairs of trouser cost a total of sh 6150.Two similar shirts and three similar pairs of trousers at the

same price cost a total of sh 3650. Calculate the cost of a shirt and a pair of trouser. (4mks)

15. Calculate the size of angle marked x? (2mks)

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16. Calculate the area of the figure below made of a square and semi-circle. π = ²²/₇

17. Construct an isosceles triangle ABC given that AB = U.5 cm, AC = BC = 5.5 cm. Bisect angle CBA and BAC.

Draw the circle touching the edges, measure the diameter of the circle. (3mks)

18. Juma spent half of his July salary on school fees. ¹/₈ on farming and ²/₃ of the reminder on food.

Calculate his July salary if he spent sh 3200 on food. (2mks)

19. Three bells ring at the interval of 12 minutes, 18 minutes and 15 minutes. If they rang at the same time at 10:00

am. After how long will they ring together? (2mks)

20. Bakira’ s father collected milk in litres from his dairy cattle in a week. He represented the amount of milk

collected on a bar graph. Study the bar graph and answer the questions that follow:

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a) Which day had the highest amount of milk collected in litres? (1mk)

b) How many litres of milk were collected on Friday? (1mk)

c) Work out the total amount of milk in litres that Bakira’s father collected in a week. (2mks)

21. Circle the integers in the following number (3mks)

1¹/₂ , 24 , -7 , 10¹/₄ , 0 , 4.96

22. Grade 8 learners of Bidii Junior School were performing different operations on a number line. Use a number line

and show how they solved the following.

-7 +7 (2mks)

-2- 4 (2mks)

6+ 4 (2mks)

- 2 - 7 +4 (2mks)

23. There were 6 boys in grade 8 at the beginning of the term, 5 more boys joined the class within the first two weeks.
On the fourth week 2 boys transferred from the class. Use a number line to show the number of boys who
remained in the class. (3mks)

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24. Represent the following number on a number line and compare which one is greater.

-6 and 3 (2mks)

-4 and +2 (2mks)

8 and -10 (2mks)

25. Peter was making jumps on a number line from 3 to 4.

Draw a number line to illustrate his jumps. (2mks)

Which integers did he step on? (2 mks)

Was he moving forward or backward? (2 mks)

How many jumps did he make? (2 mks)

26. A drum had 20 litres of water. Mercy used 7¹/₄ litres to clean the house. She then added 2¹/₂ litres to the
drum. How many litres of water remained in the drum? (3mks)

27. A shopkeeper packed 5¹/₄kg of sugar in ³/₄ packets. He then sold each packet at sh.120. How much money
did he get altogether? (2mks)

28. In a basket, of the fruits are mangoes and the rest are bananas. If there are 12 mangoes;

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how many bananas are there? (2mks)

How many fruits are there altogether? (2mks)

29. Nick spend ¹/₈ of his salary on rent, ¹/₃ on food, ¹/₆ on school fees and saved the rest.

What fraction does he save? (2mks)

If he earns sh.48 000, how much does he spend on rent? (2mks)

30. Convert ³/₈ to a decimal number and write the decimal number to 2 correct decimal places. (3

31. A Mathematics teacher in Latet Junior school wrote the following fractions below on the board

and asked the learners to identify the recurring decimals.

Identify two recurring decimals. (2mks)

Write the decimals in 11(a) using the decimal notation. (2mks)

32. Write 4826 correct to 2 significance figures. (1 mk)

33. Round off 0.000428 correct to 1 significant figure. (1 mk)

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1. Identify the integers in the following numbers by underlining them (2mk)
9 9.5 1 /5
2. Use a number line to perform the following operations.
a.) -3 +5 (2mks)

b.) -4 – 4 (2mks)

c.) -2 -7 +4 (2mks)

d.) 3 + 2 (2mks)

3. Identify which number is greater

a.) -6 and 0 (1mk)

b.) -4 and -3 (1mk)

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4. If you spend 1/8 of your salary on paying rent, 1/3 on food, 1/6 on school fees and save the rest.
a.) Determine the fraction you save. (2mks)

b.) If your salary is sh.24,000. Determine the amount you spent on. (2mks)
i. Food.

ii. School fees. (2mks)

iii. Rent. (2mks)

iv. Savings. (2mks)

5. Convert 5/6 and write the answer in 2 coorect decimal places. (2mks)

6. A water tank holds 100 littres. Akinyi used ¼ of the tank to cean clothes. She also used
0.25 of the tank to clean their house. What is the amount of remaining water in decimals.

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7. Juma was teaching his fellow leaners how to count when using a number line. He wants to
teach Auma how to count when determining -4 +7.
a.How many steps is Juma required count to get the asnwer when starting at -4 mark. (1mk)
b.) what is Jumas final answer (2mks)
c.) Draw an illustration of how juma will finally get the answer. (2mks)

8. Determine the height of the tank below if its volume is 6160 cm3. (3mks)

9. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.

a.) The shape below is called__________________________________ (1mks)

b.) If a =5, b =10 and h = 8 determine the area of the shape. (2mks)

10. Work out: (3mks)

2(3a+b) - 3(a+2b)

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11. Determine the value of angle a, b, c and d. (4mks)


12. The graph below shows Onyangos journey from town M to town N. use it to anser the
questions that follow.

a.) What distance had Onyango covered at:

i. 9am __________________________________ (1mk)
ii. 7am __________________________________ (1mk)
b.) Onyango arrive in tow N at exactly______________________________ (1mk)

c.) What was Onyango’s speed for the first hour. (2mk)

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d.) What is the distance between the two towns (2mks)

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1. Express the following numbers in words:-

(a) 74 379 652 137 (2 marks)

(b) 3 486 789 (2 marks)

2. Round off the following numbers to the nearest numbers indicated in bracket (4 marks)
(a) 379(10)

(b) 89 365(100)

(c) 249 889(1000)

(d) 89 123 564(1 000 000)

3. Three cisterns in a public lavatory are designed to flush at at intervals 0f 8, 13 , 15 seconds. After how many
minutes will they flush together again? (3 marks)

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4. Evaluate 96 ÷ 6 + 7 x 15 – 14 x 5 ( 3 marks)

5. A vegetable vendor had 1348 cabbages. He sold 750 on the first day and 240 on the second day. He added 462 to
the remaining stock on the third day.
(a) How many cabbages did he have at the end? (2 marks)

(b) If he sold all the cabbages at an average price of sh. 12 each, how much money did he collect?

6. Express the following composite numbers as a product of prime factors (3 marks)

(a) 81

(b) 1386

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(c) 2057

7. The GCD of two numbers is 12 and the LCM is 240. If one of the numbers is 60, find the other number.
(2 mks)

8. Perform the following operations using number line ( 6 marks)

a) +5 - (-2) =

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b) -10 – (-3) =

c) (-2) – (+5)=

9. Using divisibility test find out whether the following numbers are divisible by the number in bracket
(a) 104 844 (11) (2 marks)

(b) 84 735(9) (2 mks )

(c) 48 732(6) (2 mks)

10. Work out without using a calculator

a) 98 + 6734 + 348 (2 marks)

(3 marks)

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11. What is the greatest mass that can be taken in exact number of times from 144g, 216g, 126g. (3marks)

12. A man was born in 1966. His father was born in 1928 and the mother 3 years later. If the man’s daughter was
born in 1992 and the son 5 years earlier, find the difference between the age of the man’s mother and that of
the son. ( 3 marks)

13. If x= -2, y= -6 and z= 4 find the value of

a) 2y – 3x + z (2 marks)

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b) (2 marks)

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Name: ____________________________________.
School: ___________________________________. LEVEL
Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Pendo a Grade 8 learner from Tumaini secondary school visited a garage

which is a work environment that was too crowded with metals and spare
parts. List three safety threats that he probably encountered within the
environment (3 marks)

2. The new technology has made the use of computers easier in our day to

day lives Learners can easily identify the components of a computer

case. State 3 components that are found in a computer case. (3 marks)

3. Grade 8 learners were discussing the processes of assembling a computer

case. Identify at least 3 processes of assembling a computer case that were

discussed. (3 marks)

4. Grade 8 learners of Muthaiga primary visited a welding company. They

observed how the workers had dressed. Identify four safety gears they

had worn (2mks)

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5. During a Pre-Technical lesson, learners were required to identify 3

ICT tools found in business communication. Identify the ICT tools

found in business communication. (3 marks)

6. As human being we are surrounded by various types of economic

resources. Identify 3 types of economic resources you know (3 marks) .

7. Shamsey a Grade 8 learner was given was given a l00,200,500,1000 Kenyan

shillings notes, she was to observe the themes found on the notes. Identify

four themes she found on the Kenyan currency. (3mark)

8. Peter wants to start drawing on a daily basis. Outline two types of drawings

he should practice to be a good artist.(2 marks)

9. Learners in Grade 8 in Mau School discussed the different categories of

household tools. Name at least 2 categories and in each give an example.


10. Consumers have been complaining about the production of goods and

services. Identify consumers concerns in the production of goods and


11. Nino was asked by the teacher to discuss ways in which we can manage

computer waste. Identify 2 ways he mentioned. (2 marks)

12. A Grade 8 learner was asked to demonstrate how to put out fire in

case of fire outbreak. Name two firefighting methods he used and give

the meanings. (4marks)

13. Learners in Grade 8 were asked to construct a 90°angle. Construct a 90° angle
using geometrical equipment. (4 marks)

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14. Grade 7 learners were discussing properties of metal by differentiating

between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. State the 3 differences they

discussed. (3 marks)

15. After Grade 8 learners of Makindu primary came from field work, they were

asked by their teacher to identify ways in which economic resources are used

sustainably in our society today. Identify 3 ways (3 marks)

16. Identify three drawing instruments and equipment found in a geometrical set.

17. Grade 8 learners were asked the meaning of entrepreneurship by a resource

person. What did they likely respond? (2mks)

18. Identify two factors to consider when setting personal goals (2mks).

19. State one appropriate dress code for a barber to wear when in a
barbershop (1mark)

20. Draw and name one tool used in the construction industry in the space
below. (2marks)

21. Match the following hazard symbols with their right meaning (3 marks)

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22. List three digital devices used in pre-technical studies (3marks)

23. Identify the tool below and state one way it is used. (2marks)

24. What is the importance of safety in a work environment? (1 mark)

25. Name three types of injuries in a work environment (3marks)

26. Name the following tools used in construction industry (2marks)

27. Construct an isosceles triangle of base length AB = 4cm, line AC = 6cm and line
BC = 6cm (3mks)

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28. A computer case houses components of the computer so as to

provide support and protection. What are some of the components

you can find inside a computer case. (3mrks)

29. Why is it important to handle with care the components of a computer

case? (1mrk)

30. There are different types of computer cases that one can choose from

depending on their needs. What are some of the factors one can

consider when purchasing a computer case? (2 marks)

31. Waste from a computer case can be hazardous to our human health

and to the environment. As a creative student, what are the ways you

can manage waste from a computer case? (2mrks)

32. Differentiate between the following terms. (2mrks)

Soft copy and hardcopy

Primary storage and secondary storage


33. The most commonly used computers are micro/personal computers.

They are designed to be used by one person at a time. Name some of

the examples of the personal computers that you know. (3mrks)

34. Some computers are designed to undertake a specific task. An example is

an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that is specifically used to withdraw

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money. Write any other two special purpose computers and what tasks

they perform. (2mrks)

35. Name three Examples of technical drawings(3 mks)

36. Name the Types of Lines used in drawing. (4 mks)

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1. The table below shows different ways three fire fighters were using to put off a fire that
broke at a school. Fill the gap with the types of methods they used (4mks)
Fire fighter Way that was used Identify the method
Fire fighter 1 Removed piece of burning wood
Fire fighter 2 Covered burning area with a blanket.
Fire fighter 3 Used carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
Fire fighter 4 Poured cold water to the burning area.

2. Name the keying input device used when operating a television (1mks)
3. The practice of making informed decision decisions about earning, spending and saving your
money is know as ________________________________________________ (2mks)
a.) What is computer hardware? (2mks)
b.) Use the picture below to name all the hardware parts labelled (8mks)
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

Part A ______________________________ Part E ______________________________

Part B ______________________________ Part F ______________________________
Part C ______________________________ Part G ______________________________
Part D _____________________________
c.) Classify all the hardware parts as indicated above in the table below.
Input devices(3mks) Processing device (1mk) Output device (4mks)
1.__________________ 1._______________________________ 1._________________
2.__________________ ________________________________ 2._________________
3.__________________ 3._________________
d.) Name the keying input device used when operating a television. (1mk)
5. ________________________________the process involving how an individual or an
organisation plans, controls and monitors usage of money for defined purposes. (2mks)
6. a.) Grade 8 learners in your school have planned to start a business at home in group. State
four methods they will use to generate business ideas. (4mks)
b.) Which four things will the learners consider to determine if their business can succeed.

pg. 2
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

7. Identify the following safety items and indicate where or when they are used. (6mks)
Safety item Identity Where used

State four online threats at a work environment. (4mks)

8. Identify the following artistic drawings. (4mks)

_______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________

9. Identify the following types of lines. (3mks)

a.) ___________________________

b.) ____________________________

c.) _____________________________

10. a.) Identify three forms of communication in business. (3mks)

_________________________________ ____________________________________
a.) Learners in Huduma junior school were discussing about various examples of oral
communication used today. Suggest any four examples they presented (4mks)
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________________

pg. 3
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

11. State three ways of keeping your body safe when using the computer. (3mks)
12. Identify the characteristics of computers illustrated below. (4mks)
Description characteristic
a.) a computer can perform millions of tasks without getting tired
b.) It starts a task from beginning to end
without requiring human assistance.
c.) Computers are reliable because they give consistent output
results for similar
d.) computers perform tasks without any errors if the correct data
is entered

13. State three injuries that can be caused by fire at work place. (3mks)
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet


1. Name three components of Pre-technical Studies. (3 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………….

2. Name the following storage devices. (5 mks)

3. State five factors to consider when selecting a removable storage device for use. (5 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
d. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
e. ………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Identify the scanners name below. (4 mks)

5. Define the following business term.(2 mks)


6. State three advantages and three disadvantages of oral communication channels.(6 mks)
Advantages Disadvantages.

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

7. State three examples of written communication channels. (3 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………….
c. ………………………………………………………………..

8. State four Factors considered when selecting channels of communication.(4 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………………….
d. …………………………………………………………………….

9. Identify three common examples of visual programming applications. (3 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………

10. NAME the following picture to its hardware category. (8 mks)

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11. Give the name of the following safety wears. (4 mks)

12. State two causes of fire in a work environment. (2 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..

13. Name three injuries that can be caused by fire at work places. (3 mks)
b. ………………………………………………………………………..…..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………..
14. Outline two prevention methods of fire outbreaks in a work environment. (2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………….

15. List down two materials made of leather (2mks)

__________________ _________________
16. Give three types of marking tools. (2mks)
17. Identify any three safety measures to observe when swimming (3mks)
18. Draw and name any four tools found in the first aid kit. (8mks)

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19. Name four hazards to personal safety (3mks)
20. Name the tools below (2 mks)

21. List any two professions that require training on safety. (2mks)

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Name: ____________________________________.

School: ___________________________________. LEVEL

Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Wafula wanted to go in the laboratory for some practical. What are some of the

causes of common accidents in the laboratory that that Wafula should take note

of? [ 3 marks]

2. Integrated Science is very essential subject in school. Name 2 careers opportunities

that one would become when studying Integrated Science. [ 2 marks]

3. Njoki was learning about force and energy, she learnt about static electricity,

define what static electricity means and how it occurs. { 2 marks]

4. During an Integrated Science, Grade 8 learners were being taught on acid, bases

and indicators. Define each of the following terms. [ 3 marks]




5. Name 2 diseases that affect kidney. [ 2 marks]

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6. When learning about matter we get to understand that matter exists in different

states. Name three states that matter exists in? [ 3 marks]

7. When solids are moved from one carton to another, each solid retains its shape,

When you transfer liquids from one bucket to another it will take the shape of the

bucket. Describe the property of liquids shown in the activity? [ 2 marks]

8. Name 2 common elements and compounds used in day to day life and

how are they used. [ 2 marks]

9. Grade 8 learners found that sodium is an English name, and it also have a Latin

name and its symbol. Give the symbol of sodium [ 2 marks]

10. Tonny noticed that chlorine is very essential and they even use it at home

Give 2 uses of chlorine [ 2 marks]

11. What is an atom? [ 2 marks]

12. Patrick a Grade 8 leaner went into the laboratory during a practical class then

observed various apparatus and instruments used for measuring volume Name 3

instruments found in the laboratory used for measuring volume. [ 3 marks]

13. Grace placed a magnet in a bucket with office pins. She noticed that most of the

iron fillings were attracted on both ends of the magnet. Explain the observation

made by the student. [ 2 marks]

14. The diagram below shows a Bunsen burner.

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Name the part labelled A and B and their functions [ 2 marks]

15. Give an explanation why the commercial indicators are more preferred to the

plant extract in identifying acidic or basic substances. [ 2 marks]

16. Define the following components of Integrated Science. (3 mks)

(a). Biology -

(b). Chemistry -

(c). Physics -

17. State the meaning of the following Fire safety posters in the
environment. (3mks)

18. Mention three classes of fire. (3 mks)

19. State three components of fire. (3 mks)
20. Identify the following lab hazards.(2 mks)

21. What is a cell?(2 mks),

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22. Name the following components of the cell.(6 mks)

23. State three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell

Plant cells Animal cells.

24. Grade 7 learners in Joy-wise Junior school set up an experiment on simple

distillation. Outline three Scientific skills that they used as they carried out the

experiment. (3 marks)

25. Match the following Basic quantities with their S.I units. (3 marks)

26. Name two apparatus that can be used for magnification (2 marks)

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27. A mixture in which two or more substances mix uniformly into each other is
known as a …………………………….mixture. (1 mk)
28. Mention the four phases of the menstrual cycle.

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29. State two challenges related to menstrual cycle.

30. After fertilisation, the zygote travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus

and attaches itself into the uterine wall. This process is known as. (1 mark)

31. Draw and label the Human urinary system (5 marks)

32. Grade 7 students rubbed some balloons using their hair. They then tried to stick

the balloons to the wall. The rubbed balloons stuck to the wall as a result of

________ (1mk)

33. Name two sources of electrical energy.

34. Mention two ways of promoting wellness in individuals. (2 marks)

35. Differentiate between macronutrients and micronutrients and give one

example of each. (2 marks)

36. List three uses of water in our bodies. (3 marks)

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37. There are conditions and diseases that affect the digestive system. List four of
them. (4 marks)

38. Define mental illness and give two examples of mental illnesses. (2 marks)

39. Draw a first aid kit . List two items that are found in it and their uses. (4 marks)

40. Outline three functions of the skin (3 mks)

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1. Matter exists in three states. Name them (3mks)
_____________________ _______________________ __________________________
2. Name two examples of each of the following. (4mks)
a.) Magnetic materials. ______________________ ______________________________
b.) Non-magnetic materials. _____________________ ____________________________
3. Write the symbol for the following three elements. (3mks)
a.) Calcium __________________________________
b.) Chlorine __________________________________
c.) Copper __________________________________
4. Calculate the density of block of wood below with a width of 6cm, length of 10cm and
height of 2cm with a mass of 675g. (3mks)
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

5. Fill the table below indicating the processes describing changes in states of matter. (4mks)
Solid to Liquid_______________________________
Liquid to gas_________________________________
Gas to liquid_________________________________
Liquid to solid________________________________
a.) _____________________________ the ability of a substance to be reduced in volume or
size by applying force or pressure on it. (1mk)
b.) Name the state of matter which lacks the property in (a) above. (1mks)
7. Grade 8 learners set up an experiment as shown below in the school laboratory. Use it to
answer the questions that follow

a.) What was the learner’s observation after heating blue hydrated copper sulphate. (2mks)

c.) What happens when water is added to the substance formed after heating as shown
above. (2mks)

c.) The change above is known as _________________________________________ (1mk)

8. The chemical name of table salt is sodium chloride. Explain if table slat is an element or a

9. What is the function of air hole on a Bunsen burner? (1mk)


pg. 2
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

10. Identify the following compounds represented by the following symbols. (3mks) a.)
b.) H2O______________________________________________________________________
c.) CO2 ______________________________________________________________________
11. With a reason identify whether the following is an element or a compound. a.)
Reason _________________________________________________________________
Reason _________________________________________________________________
12. State four different substances used in fire extinguishers. (4mks)
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
13. The table below shows different fire safety posters used in various places. Use them to
identify each and indicate its use. (12mks)
Fire safety Identity Meaning.

©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet JSS


1. Identify the following lab apparatus. (2 mks)

2. Name the technique that you would use to obtain:

i) Sand from a mixture of iodine and sand (1 Mark)
ii) Petrol from mixture of water and petrol (1 Mark)
iii) Oil from macadamia nuts (1 Mark)
iv) Water from sodium chloride solution. (1 Mark)

3. The diagram below shows paper chromatogram of separate constituents of black ink.

• • • •

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a) Explain why the constituents separated. (1 Mark)

b) Which constituent is most soluble in water? (1 Mark)
c) Indicate the baseline and the solvent front on the above diagram. (2 Marks)

4. The diagram below shows the curve obtained when solid K is heated to boiling.

a) Is solid K pure of impure? Explain (1 Mark)

b) State the physical state of the substance at regions: -
i) AB …………………………………………. (1 Mark)
ii) CB………………………………………….. (1 Mark)

5. Using kinetic theory, explain: -

i) Why solids have a fixed volume. (1 Mark)

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ii) Why gases are easily compressed. (1 Mark)
6. What type of change takes place when magnesium burns in air? Explain. (2 Marks)
Type of change:……………………………………………………….

7. The table below shows the pH of solutions T – Z.

Solution T U V W X Y Z
pH 4 5 2 7 10 14 8
Which solution is: - (3 Marks)
i) Sodium hydroxide………………………………….
ii) Hydrochloric acid…………………………………...
iii) Distilled water………………………………………

8. Write the chemical symbols for the following elements. (3 Marks)

i) Lead …………………………………………
ii) Iron………….………………………………
iii) Sulphur………….……………………………

9. Is air a mixture or a compound? Explain? (2 Marks)

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10. Complete the following equations: - (4 Marks)

i) zinc + oxygen →
ii) hydrogen + oxygen →
iii) magnesium + oxygen →
iv) sodium + oxygen +Carbon →

11. a) Define the following(2 Marks)

i) an atom:
ii) a molecule

b) Name the elements present in the following compounds: -

i) Sodium sulphite (1 ½ Marks)
ii) Potassium hydrogen carbonate (1 ½ Marks)

12. a) The apparatus shown by the diagram below is used in the laboratory.

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a) Name the parts labeled X, Y and Z. (3 Marks)

ii) What kind of flame is produced when the air hole is closed? (1 Mark)
iii) Name three regions formed by the flame produced when the air hole is closed?
……………………………………………………………………………(1 ½ Marks)
iv) Give two differences between luminous and non-luminous flames. (2 Marks)

b) The diagram below shows the Bunsen burner in use.


i) Name the type of flame shown: …………………………………… (1 Mark)

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ii) Name the parts labeled P, Q and R. (1 ½ Marks)

P: ……………………………….
Q: ……………………………….
R: ……………………………….

iii) Describe how the Bunsen burner produces the type of flame shown. (1 Mark)
c) State two characteristics of the flame in the diagram above. (2 Marks)

d) Apart from the Bunsen burner, name two other heating apparatus that can be used in the laboratory.
(1 Mark)

13. Study the set-up below and answer the questions that follow.

M Thermometer

Gas beads L
Cold water

Miscible liquids

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a) Give the name of the above method of separating mixtures. (1 Mark)

b) On the diagram above, indicate with arrows the water in and water out points. (2 Marks)
c) Name the apparatus marked L and M. (2 Marks)
L: ……………………………………….
M: ……………………………………….
d) State the property considered in order to effectively separate the mixture of the miscible liquids.
…………………………………………………………………………… (1 Mark)
e) State the role of the glass beads. (1 Mark)
f) After five minutes the students noted that there was no liquid collected in the beaker. Give a reason.
(1 Mark)
g) State two industrial application of the method shown in (a) above. (2 Marks)

14. a) What is the chemical name for rust? (1 Mark)

b) Study the set-up below and answer the questions that follow.

Oil layer Cotton wool

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Cold water Nails Anhydrous calcium chloride

Tube I Tube II

i) State the observation made on both tubes after a day. (2 Marks)

Tube I: ……………………………………………………………………………
Tube II: ………………………………………………………..…………………

ii) Explain the results of your observations in (i) above. (2 Marks)

Tube I: ……………………………………………………………………………
Tube II: ………………………………………………………..…………………
iii) Give two methods of preventing rusting. (2 Marks)
iv) State two factors that accelerate rusting. (2 Marks)

15. The diagram below represents part of the human digestive system.

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Name the organs labeled K, L and M. (2mks)

K: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

L: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

M: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

16. a) What is diffusion (2marks)


b) How does diffusion gradient affect the rate of diffusion? (1mark)


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Name: ____________________________________.
School: ___________________________________. LEVEL
Assessment number: ___________________. Date: _______________________.

1. Mr. Abel from Bidii Junior School asked his students to name the three

branches of social studies. What could be the three branches that his

students listed? (3mks)

2. Identify three countries that are crossed by the tropic of cancer

3. Name the following weather instrument

4. Match the following weather instruments to their use.

Measures the amount of rainfall

Measures the amount of water vapour in the
Rain gauge
Measures the amount of atmospheric pressure

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5. During a social studies lesson at Perfect Junior School, the teacher

asked his learners to identify four importance of learning social

studies. What could have been some of the importance that the

learners mentioned? (4mks)

6. List four career opportunities related to social studies. ( 4mks)

7. Time in Accra (Ghana) is 10: 00 a.m. What will be the time in

Mogadishu 50°E? (NB. show your working) (4mks)

8. Name any two theories explaining the origin of the earth.(2 mks)

9. Identify the following planets. (4 mks)

10. Study the diagram on structure of the earth below and

answer the questions that follow.

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a. Name the regions marked A,B and C. (3 mks)

b. Write two effects of rotation and revolution of the earth.(4 mks)
Rotation of the Earth Revolution of the Earth

11. Name three Island countries of Africa. (3mks)

12. Draw a map of Africa and label

the following. (6mks)

a. Mediterranean Ocean

c. Equator

e. The Tropic of Cancer

b. Atlantic Ocean

d. Prime Meridian

f. The Tropic of Capricorn

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13. List three types of a map. (3mks)

14. A resource person from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Commission (EACC) gave a speech to Grade 8 learners on the guiding

principles of leadership and integrity.

a) Give three guiding principles of leadership and integrity in

promotion of good governance. (3mks)
b) Identify two slogans on the guiding principles of good leadership.

15. Grade 8 learners were given an assignment to research in the internet

on self awareness.

a). Give three dimensions of self-awareness. (3mks)

b). Give two factors that negatively influences someone's self-

esteem. (2mks)
16. Grade 8 social studies and life skills teacher organized learners in

groups to discuss changes that took place in humans as a result of

evolution. Identify three changes that took place in human as a result

of evolution, (3mks)

17. Mary a Grade 8 learner researched in the library on the places of

origin of early visitors to the East African Coast. Name three countries

of origin of the early visitors to the East African Coast. (3mks)

18. Grade 8 learners were asked by their teacher to discuss sources of

historical information in the society.

a) State any two main classification of the sources of historical

information in the society. (2mks)
b) Give two ways in which historical information has been preserved over
the years. (2mks)

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19. State two factors that led to the development of the Indian Ocean
slave trade. (2mks)

20. A social studies teacher asked Grade 8 learners to make a library

research on factors influencing population distribution in Africa. Give four

factors they would include in their research. (4mks)

21. Grade 8 learners went on a fieldwork to a weather station. Give four

methods that they used to collect the data. (4mks)

22. Grade 8 learners were put in groups and tasked to discuss the

contribution of the Nile Valley agriculture to world civilization.

a) Give three contributions of Nile Valley agriculture to world

civilization. (3mks)
b) State two importance of domestication of plants and animals in
Africa. (2mks)

23. Grade 8 learners were given an assignment to research in the library

about human rights.

a) Give the meaning of the term "human rights". (1mk)

24. Give three classifications of human rights as stipulated in the
human rights instruments. (3mks)

25. State three characteristics of human rights. (3mks)

26. List two economic activities of early man during the stone age
period (2 Marks)
27. State two ways in which early man obtained food (2 Marks)
28. Why did early man live on trees? (1 Marks)
29. Explain five ways in which Homo erectus attempted to improve his life
(5 Marks)

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1. The scientific theory about human being is also called_________________________(1mk)
2. What is self-esteem? (1mk)
3. The most advanced stage of human development is ___________________________ (1mk)
4. What is a prehistoric site? (1mk)
5. Identify four parts that underwent most changes during man’s evolution. (4mks)
________________________________ ___________________________________
________________________________ ___________________________________
6. State four ways we can build a healthy self-esteem (4mk)
7. Leaners were discussing about entrepreneurial opportunities in the society today. Suggest
any four you will state. (4mks)
_______________________________ ______________________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________________
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

8. Name four social injustices committed to the African during the Indian Ocean trade. (4mks)
_______________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________________
9. State four ways one can use to manage stress. (4mks)
10. Identify four benefits of interconnectedness and interdependence among countries. (4mks)
11. Define the following terms. (2mks)
a. Scramble for Africa__________________________________________________________
b. Partition of Africa ___________________________________________________________
12. ____________________ is the ability to bounce back and recover from adversity, challenges
or stressful situations.
13. Mention four examples of difficult emotions. (4mks)
_______________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________________
14. Identify the items that was used as a symbol of national unity among the ASANTE
community of Ghana. _____________________________________________ (1mk)
15. Name three ways we can manage negative emotions. (3mks)
16. State four signs that indicate an unhealthy relationship. (4mks)
17. _________________ is a disagreement or argument between individuals or groups of
people. (1mk)

18. Mention two activities we can participate in when building a healthy relationship. (2mks)
19. Give two types of maps. (2mks)
_______________________________ _____________________________________
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet


1. Mention five career opportunities related to social studies. (5 mks)
a. ___________________________ c____________________________
b. ____________________________ d___________________________
2. State three components of social studies? (3 mks)
a) _____________________ b_____________________ c
3. Some of the entrepreneurial opportunities for social studies in our society
include? (4 mks)
a. _____________________________ c_______________________________
b. ______________________________ d________________________________
4. State four factors that led to growth of Ancient Egypt Civilization. (4 mks)
a. _________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________
5. State four contributions of early civilization to modern world. (4 mks)
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________

6. Identify the stages of evolution of man.(2 mks)

a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________ d
7. State three Factors that led to the presence of Europeans in Africa. (3 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………

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c. ……………………………………………………………………………………..

8. List four continents in the worlds. (4 mks)

a) ______________________________ c _____________________________________
b) _______________________________

9. State the countries colonized by the following colonial masters. (7 mks)

Colonial masters Countries they colonized.


10. State four terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 on partitioning of

Africa.(4 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………………………………………
d. …………………………………………………………………………………………

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11. Name the countries marked UVWX



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12. State three importance of Democracy in the society. (3 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ………………………………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………….

13. State three Importance of the Constitution.(3 mks)

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………………………………

14. State three National Values provided in the Constitution of Kenya.(3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………………………….
15. Name two types of democracy.(2 mks)
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………
16. What is the Role of Citizens in democracy representation.(3 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………………………………………………

17. List down four proofs that the earth is spherical

a. …………………………………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………………………………….
c. …………………………………………………………………………………….
d. …………………………………………………………………………………….

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18. Identify the following parts of internal structure of the earth

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©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

19. The following ways can be used to promote equity and

non-discrimination in the society. Namely. (4 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………
c. ………………………………………………………………………
d. ………………………………………………………………………
20. Describe three factors that contributed to the presence of
African Diasporas across the World. (3 mks)
a. ………………………………………………………………………………
b. ………………………………………………………………………………
c. ………………………………………………………………………………

21. Africans in diaspora play an important role in the political

development in Africa. Mention at least three roles. (3 mks)
a. …………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………………………

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: Website:
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

22. NAME the following stage of evolution of man correctly

23. State three Positive effects of globalization. (3 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………………………….

24. State the Negative effects of globalization include;(4 mks)

a. …………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………………………
d. …………………………………………………………………………
25. Mention three Qualities of a global citizen in the modern
society.(3 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………………………………….

26. Who were the founders of OAU?(6 mks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………

Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: Website:
©End Term 2 Holiday Assignment Booklet

b. ……………………………………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………
d. ……………………………………………………………………
e. ……………………………………………………………………
f. ……………………………………………………………………

27. What is?


Archaeological site or prehistoric site


Compiled and supplied online by Kenya Educators Consultancy|P.O. Box 8076 – 00200, Nairobi Tel:
+254724333200 | +254 795491185 mail: Website:

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