Diagnostic Test

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Diagnostic test

Before conducting regression analysis, the researcher performed diagnostic tests to

assess normality, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and

Normality Test

The test statistic in a regression model should follow a probability distribution that
is easy to handle, such as the normal distribution. Normality can be assessed by
examining the residuals to determine if they follow a normal distribution (Jones,

Normal Q-Q plot Normal Data

Normal Q-Q plot Right-Skewed Data
Normal Q-Q plot Left-Skewed Data
Normal Q-Q plot Heavy-Tailed Data
Normal Q-Q plot of Light-Tailed Data
Test for Normality using Shaphiro-wilk Test

The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality generates a p-value that determines whether
the data follows a normal distribution. All predictors and dependent variables are
tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. If the p-value is greater than 0.05, the data is
considered to be normally distributed (Shapiro & Wilk, 1965). The table
demonstrates that all variables had p-values exceeding 0.05, indicating normal
distribution for each variable. Consequently, further statistical analyses can be
conducted on the data.
Shaphiro-wilk Test

Variables stats df Sig.

Performance of .984 160 .056

the Firm

Technology .997 160 .988


Customer .986 160 .108


Product .989 160 .246


Process .994 160 .755


a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Multicollinearity was assessed by examining the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)

and tolerance (1/VIF). According to Schwarz, Schwarz, and Black (2014), if the
VIF value exceeds 3, the independent variables are considered collinear. The VIF
values in the table below range from 1.378 to 1.956, indicating that there is no
issue with multicollinearity in the data.

Test of multicollinearity

Collinearity Statistics

Model Tolerance VIF

Technology integration 0.511 1.956

Customer integration 0.717 1.394

Product integration 0.600 1.665

Process integration 0.726 1.378

a. Dependent Variable: Performance of the Firm


Heteroscedasticity occurs when the variance of errors changes across data, leading
to an inefficient yet unbiased OLS estimator (Long & Ervin, 2000). To assess
heteroscedasticity, the researchers utilized the Breusch-Pagan and Koenker tests,
which test the null hypothesis that the variances of the error terms are constant. If
the significant result is less than 5%, the null hypothesis is rejected. The findings
of the Breusch-Pagan and Koenker tests are presented in the table below, showing
that heteroscedasticity was not an issue, as all significant values were greater than

Breusch-Pagan and Koenker test statistics and sig-values

Tests LM Sig
BP 1.089 .580
Koenker 1.211 .546


The autocorrelation test is used to determine if there is a linear relationship

between the errors in a series of observations sorted by time (time series). The
presence of autocorrelation in error terms significantly reduces the model’s
accuracy. This test is essential for time series data to ensure that there is no
autocorrelation. One of the assumptions of linear regression is that the residuals are
independent. To test if this assumption is met, it is necessary to examine a residual
time series plot, which is a plot of residuals versus time (Mbati & Osoro, 2020).
Ideally, most of the residual autocorrelations should fall within the 95% confidence
bands around zero, approximately ±2 divided by the square root of n, where n is
the sample size. Autocorrelation can be formally tested using the Durbin-Watson
test. The Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic ranges from 0 to 4. A DW value of 2
implies no autocorrelation, a value between 0 and 2 indicates positive
autocorrelation, and a value between 2 and 4 indicates negative autocorrelation.
Additionally, one can examine the residual versus time plot to identify any
seasonal or correlated patterns in the residual values (Mkonu & Gichana, 2019).
The autocorrelation was tested using the Durbin-Watson test. The results are
presented in the table below.

Durbin-Watson results

Adjusted RStd. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .802a .650 .555 .60554 1.742

a. Predictors: (Constant), Technology Integration, Customer Integration, Product

Integration, Process Integration

b. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance

The Durbin-Watson statistic always assumes a value between 0 and 4. A DW value

of 2 indicates no autocorrelation, values below 2 indicate positive autocorrelation,
and values above 2 indicate negative autocorrelation (Corporate Finance Institute,
2022). The Durbin-Watson statistic for this study is 1.742. Since this value is close
to 2, it suggests that the errors are independent, indicating no autocorrelation.

The linearity test assesses whether a significant linear relationship exists between
two or more variables. In linear regression, the assumption is that there is a linear
relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y. To
verify this assumption, a scatter plot of x versus y is created. This visualization
helps determine if the data points align along a straight line, indicating a linear
relationship between the variables and confirming that the assumption is met (Kusi
et al., 2014).

The results from these tests are used to guide decisions about selecting the
appropriate regression model. If the scatter plot of x and y suggests a lack of a
linear relationship, possible adjustments include applying a nonlinear
transformation to the variables. Common transformations involve taking the
logarithm, square root, or reciprocal of the variables. Alternatively, adding another
independent variable to the model might be beneficial. For instance, if the scatter
plot shows a parabolic pattern, including x2 as an additional independent variable
could improve the model (Kamar, 2019).

Linearity testing can be performed using the significance values for linearity and
deviation from linearity provided in the ANOVA table (Ngechu, 2020). The Sig.
linearity value indicates how well the independent variable follows a straight line.
If Sig. linearity is less than the significance level (α), this suggests that linear
regression is appropriate for explaining the relationship between the variables.
Conversely, Sig. deviation from linearity assesses whether the data can be
considered linear. If Sig. deviation from linearity is greater than the significance
level (α), linear regression remains suitable for analyzing the variables (Smith,
2019). Testing for linearity determines if there is a mathematical relationship of the
form y=cx, where 𝑐c is a constant. This is important because many statistical
methods assume linearity of the data (Cooper & Schindler, 2003).

The following figure indicates a linear trend

The following graph suggests a nonlinear trend

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