Ijcmr 3306
Ijcmr 3306
Ijcmr 3306
2nd Year M.D Student, Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C.H, Patna,
Senior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C.H, Patna,
Professor & HOD, Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C.H, Patna,
Neonatal seizure (NS) is defined as a paroxysmal alteration 4
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C.H, Patna,
in neurological function i.e. motor, behavior and/or India
autonomic function1 in infants less than 4 weeks of age.
Neonatal seizure is a common neurological problem, infact Corresponding author: Dr Girijanand Jha, Children Ward,
seizures occur more frequently in neonatal period than at any N.M.C.H, Agamkuan, Patna-800007, Bihar, India
other time of life. The reported incidence in India is about
How to cite this article: Abhishek CK, Jha G, Singh BK,
10.3/1000 live births.2 However, as its clinical recognition Kumar S. Profile and short term outcome of seizures in term
is difficult, the true incidence of neonatal seizures is neonates. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
difficult to determine. Though they are often the first sign of 2020;7(12):L1-L4.
neurological dysfunction, their clinical expression at this age
is quite variable, poorly organized and often subtle. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21276/ijcmr.2020.7.12.4
Section: Pediatrics International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 7 | Issue 12 | December 2020 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Abhishek, et al. Short Term Outcome of Seizures in Term Neonates
Sl No. Parameter studied Term neonates with seizure Term neonates without seizure P value
(n=81) (n=354)
01 Mortality 28.4% 23.1% 0.31
02 Hospital stay (days) Mean 8.4, SD 2.7 Mean 7.5, SD 2.4 0.003
03 Ventilator support 15.1% 21.6% 0.19
04 Inotrope support 12.5% 14.1% 0.70
05 Enteral feeds starting after admission (days) Mean 6.1, SD 2.3 Mean 5.2, SD 1.9 0.0003
Table-4: Univariate analysis of short term outcome
(n=2, 2.5%) (table-1). 72 hours of life and most of them could be attributed to birth
asphyxia (61.3% of these events). Rose et al10 also found early
Clinical type of neonatal seizures: Overall, there were 94
onset seizures in 50.33% babies whereas Coen RW et al11
instances of neonatal seizures. The most common type of
found that 81% of babies had early onset seizures. In a study
seizure was subtle seizures (n=35, 37.2%), followed by focal
done by Ajay at New Delhi, 52 neonates developed seizures
clonic seizures (n=19, 20.2%), multifocal clonic seizures
within 48 hours of life, out of which 20 neonates had seizure
(n=15, 15.9%) and myoclonic seizure (n= 14, 14.9%). The
in less than 12 hours of life.12 Theses are in agreement to our
least common type of seizures was tonic seizures (n= 11,
findings and emphasizes the need to be more vigilant during
11.7%) (table-2).
the early hours of life of a neonate, more so when dealing
Time of presentation of seizures: Of the 94 events of with sick neonates.
neonatal seizures studied in these 81 neonates, 27(28.7%) In our study most common risk factor for neonatal seizure
events of NS occurred before 12 hours of life, 23(24.5%) was perinatal asphyxia (46.9% neonates), followed by
between 12 hours to 24 hours of life, 12(12.8%) between 24 sepsis-meningitis in 32.1% neonates. Metabolic disturbances
hours to 72 hours of life and 32(34%) after 72 hours of life. (hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia) were also
Overall, 62 events (66.%) were reported before 72 hours of seen in 32.1% neonates. In a study done by Sahana et al13 on
age and the rest 32 (34%) were reported after 72 hours of clinical profile of neonatal seizures in 109 neonates, 63 had
age (table-3). perinatal asphyxia as the major common etiology (57.80%),
Outcome: In neonates with seizure, mortality was 23 second major common etiology was infection (14.67%). In
(28.4%), mean duration of hospital stay was 8.4 days (SD= another study, Shah et al14 showed that the major etiology
2.7 days). In univariate analysis, neonatal seizure in term of seizures were birth asphyxia(44%), septicemia (11%),
neonates was associated with a significantly higher duration meningitis (11%), hypocalcemia (11%), and hypoglycemia
of hospital stay and delay in commencement of oral feeds (22%). These figures correlate with our findings and
but there was no significant increase in mortality, need of reiterate the high burden of neonatal seizures in asphyxiated
ventilator support or inotrope support in such neonates as neonates which require prompt recognition and management
compared to term neonates without seizures (table-4). of seizures to improve the outcome of these unfortunate
DISCUSSION We also studied the short term outcome of such neonates
Seizures are usually the first indicators of metabolic or and compared it with term neonates without seizures. In
neurological disorder .They are powerful predictors of long univariate analysis, neonates with seizures were found to
term cognitive and developmental impairment. The time have a significant longer duration of hospital stay as well
of onset of seizures has a correlation with the etiology of as significant delay in starting oral feeds. However, there
seizures and prognosis. Biochemical disturbances occur was no increase in mortality, need of ventilator support or
frequently in neonatal seizures either as an underlying cause inotrope support in such neonates. This however may be
or as associated abnormalities and are often underdiagnosed.6 explained by the higher proportion of asphyxiated neonates
This study attempts to determine etiology, biochemical in seizure group who require more interventions owing to
abnormalities and short term outcome in neonatal seizures their perinatal depression.
which would help in early recognition and treatment and Limitations
hence better prognosis in neonatal seizures. First limitation is inherent in the study design, this is a single
In our study subtle seizures was the commonest seizure type centre study. Second, EEG correlation with the seizures was
(37.2%) followed closely by clonic seizures (36.1%) while not done and so it is likely that the true incidence of seizures
tonic seizures were the least common (11.7%). Silverstein couldn’t be reported. Third, we couldn’t do long term follow
et al.7 showed subtle seizures as the commonest type of fits up of these neonates.
occurring in approx 50% of neonates which is only slightly
higher than our findings. Moreover, the comprehensive work CONCLUSION
of Mizrahi et al8 and Scher et al9 also reports subtle seizures Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy was the commonest
as the most common type of neonatal seizures. etiology in our study, followed by sepsis-meningitis. Together,
In our study 62 (66%) of seizures presented within the first these two problems are accountable for approximately 75%
Section: Pediatrics International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 7 | Issue 12 | December 2020 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379