Cat 1 & 2 Subject Method English
Cat 1 & 2 Subject Method English
Cat 1 & 2 Subject Method English
CAT 1&2
QUESTION ONE: Describe a Scheme of work and a Lesson Plan and
draw an example in each case.
Scheme of work
A scheme of work is a summarized forecast of content intended to be taught over a specific
period of time. It clearly outlines how resources; class activities and assessment strategies
will be used to ensure that the learning objectives have been achieved.
A scheme of work of work should be SMART, that is should be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timebound. Therefore, it should be prepared with a lot of
concentration and incorporating the syllabus since the syllabus contains the content to be
taught in a particular unit.
A scheme of work contains two components:
1. Minor components or administrative
2. Major components
Minor components
It consists of
a) Name-name of the teacher preparing the scheme of work
b) School-the name of school
c) Class-the specific class being schemed for
d) Subject-refers to the subject being schemed for
e) Term
f) Number of students
g) Date of preparation
Major components
a) Week-it is the first column in the scheme of work indicating when a given topic or sb
topic will be covered.
b) Lesson- This is the period number as indicated in the class timetable. The lesson can
be single or double. It is written in ordinal system.
c) Lesson tittle- it is derived from a sb topic. It constitutes what can be covered in one
lesson or double lesson
d) Objectives- There are specific objectives to be covered in a lesson, they are derived
from the lesson tittle. Also, they should be stated in terms of what the learners will be
able to do.
e) Method of delivery-it consists of the teacher activity and student activities during
lesson delivery
f) Teaching aids-These are materials used during teaching to assist the teacher in
delivery content. Examples include charts graphs, pictures and specimen.
g) References-resource materials which both the teacher and the students may use in
covering the content schemed for.
h) Remarks-The teacher’s comment on how the lesson went, if the lesson was taught or
not and a brief explanation given.
2. Time allocation
Schemes of work and lesson plan enables the teacher to budget his or her time during
lesson delivery. The teacher is able to allocate more time to topics or subtopics that
seems to be complex to the learners so that they may have enough time to
comprehend what is being taught.
3. Quality assurance
Schemes of work is used during assessment of the teacher’s performance. After the
assessment is done the teacher is then guided on what to improve in during the
teaching and learning process hence enhancing learning.
‘‘By failing to prepare you are planning to fail’’, a famous quote by Benjamin
Franklin. This quote can be applicable to a teacher who opts not to prepare a scheme
of work and a lesson plan, he or she will eventually fail the students and the
institution at large. Therefore, it’s very important to prepare a scheme of work and a
lesson plan in time. Below are some of the importance of scheme of work and lesson
1. Easy transition
Incase a teacher is being transferred or has retired, the incoming teacher is able to
continue with teaching and learning process smoothly because the scheme of work
will indicate what the teacher had covered and what to teach next.
2. Performance appraisal
Performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process of measuring an
individual's work performance against the established requirements of the job.
During the exercise of appraisal of teachers, the schemes of work and lesson plan are
thoroughly checked in order to take the necessary action.
3. Goal to pursue
Scheme of work and lesson plan keeps the teacher focused. A scheme of work is a
forecast of the future therefore it keeps the teacher focused in order to achieve a
particular goal within a specific time frame.
4. Record keeping
Scheme of work and lesson plan are ways of keeping records on the progress of
teaching and learning. These records are important to the teacher since he or she can
refer to them at a later date for the purpose of revision or repetition.
Also, the information is important for the institution because it assists the head of
department to know the progress of a specific subject.