Ice - Formation of Contract
Ice - Formation of Contract
Ice - Formation of Contract
Dr Ihuoma Ilobinso
Elements of a Valid Contract
Consensus ad idem.
The process of negotiation to reach an agreement is
expressed in the form of offer and, acceptance.
A mere supply of information, e.g price, does not constitute
an offer.
See Harvey v Facey (1893) AC 552- the plaintiff requested for
the price of some goods ‘bumper hall pen’, the defendant
replied 900 pounds, the plaintiff sent another telegraph
accepting to buy the it. They sued when the defendant refused
to sell it.
Acceptance is the final and unqualified assent to the terms of an
In other words, the offeree must agree with all the terms of the offer.
He is not allowed to change the terms of the contract or to incorporate
new ones.
The main rationale for this rule is that it could cause hardship to the
offeror if he is to be bound without knowing that his offer has been
• Lapse of time- where the offeror imposes a time limit and the offeree did not
accept the offer within the time specified.
• Failure of a condition- where the offer is conditional and the condition was not
• Death of the offeree or offeror- the person to whom the offer is made is the only
one capable of accepting the offer.
• Death of the offeror- where the offeree has notice of the offerors death before acceptance,
the offer is automatically revoked. However, if the offer was accepted before knowledge of
the offerors death, termination of the offer will be dependent on the nature of the contract.
If the contract is one that can still be performed
For a simple contract to be enforceable, there must be
consideration. In other words, each party must do or promise to do
something in exchange for what is gained from the other party
The court will not usually interfere with the bargains of the
contracting parties. Parties are allowed to make whatever bargains
that they want. The court is not concerned with whether the
considerations are of fair or unfair value, it should just be
something that a value can be placed on.
e.g. a plate of food in exchange for an iphone.
2. Consideration must move from the promisee