Auto Flight

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tasks, such as maintaining an aircraft has three axes. Typically Autoflight the Pitch channel and the other the Roll channel controls the attitude of the aircraft with the so called Inner Loop. autopilot deflects the aircraft control Generallyautopilot and flight that reduces this aircraft is to maintain The function of an autothrottle system SYSTEM
altitude, climbing or +the longitudinal or x-axis Systems have the The most important part of the inner loop is the comparison between the actual attitude of the aircraft and the surfaces with a servo motor. The flight director use the same oscillation. One longitudinal stability without is to automatically control the thrust The Flight
descending guiding the +the vertical or z-axis following parts: commanded attitude. director typically uses the same inputs to modes Firstly, the basic complete yaw rate cycle permanent elevator of the engines to the required value. Management System
aircraft between waypoints + the lateral or y-axis +Computers for The result of the comparison is called the attitude error signal and this drives basically the flight control surface calculate the output signals, but the modes which become active needs approximately 4 deflections. Two different types of system are or FMS in short is a
that make up a route Autoland Autopilots can signal calculation 2. AUTOPILOT OUTER LOOP output signals are indicated and show when you engage the sec. to give a dutch roll A Pitch trim system has used. computer system
programmed into an FMS also control the aircraft +Control Panels as The outer loop controls the aircraft to capture and stabilize a flight path automatically. the pilot how to move the control autopilot to control wheel frequency of 0.25 Hz. generally the following First the classic autothrottle system which reduces pilot
AUTOPILOT SYSTEM: WHICH attitude directly the main interface In the outer loop you can also find a comparison between a commanded value, in this example called the desired pass and surfaces manuall steering or command. The Yaw damper system subsystems: which uses a servomotor to adjust the workload and
IS THE SET OF SERVO The Yaw damper controls to the computers the actual flight path. The result of the comparison is called the Path error signal and this is converted by the autopilot to 2. DISPLAYS Secondly, the upper modes usually has the +MANUAL TRIM with the throttle position and the mechanical improves flight safety
ACTUATORS THAT the rudder to dampen +Outputs to other the attitude command signal for the inner loop. flight director indication in the same which must be selected by following parts: pilot input from the trim linkage to the engines. The second and economy. It
ACTUALLY DO THE dutch roll oscillations aircraft systems like 3. AUTOPILOT COCKPIT CONTROLS indicator as the artificial horizon. The the pilot, usually from the a Yaw Damper switch system is used in modern fly by wire calculates an optimum
CONTROL MOVEMENT AND during the entire flight. flight controls and In older aircraft autopilot control panel - on the pedestal in modern aircraft it is usually located on the glareshield. You flight director indication usually has 2 control panel computer, calculating §Autopilot pitch trim, which airbus aircraft. It delivers a digital flight track between
THE CONTROL CIRCUITS TO The pitch trim system indicators. can find knobs and pushbuttons for the different modes of operation and switches to activate the autopilot. These command bars. One for roll commands, The upper modes are the correct rudder works when the autopilot is signal directly to the FADEC computer the departure airport
MAKE THE SERVO moves the horizontal switches are either mechanical levers, called AP Engage Levers, or pushbuttons called the roll bar and one for pitch primarily selected from the deflection engaged of the engine. There is no automatic and the destination
ACTUATORS MOVE THE stabilizer, to compensate Autopilot engage lever has two positions. In the UP position the autopilot is connected to the flight controls. In the DOWN commands, this is called the pitch bar. autopilot and flight director a Yaw Damper Servo +MACH TRIM, which movement of the throttles, so this airport with the lateral
CORRECT AMOUNT FOR for changes in the center position the autopilot is disengaged from the Servos Another method to display the flight control panel. motor, to move the prevents a tuck-under of system is also called the Autothrust navigation function.
THE SELECTED TASK. of gravity and center of lift Both autopilots work together during automatic landings to get a higher safety level near the ground. director command bars is by using the V- 2. MODE ANNUNCIATION rudder the aircraft due to an system. And it calculates the
FLIGHT DIRECTOR (FD) during flight. Both Levers on this panel have three positions OFF position The command position The CWS position bar. The V-bar is a single command The mode annunciation for and a Rate Gyro to increase in MACH number The Autothrottle modes of operation best profile for this
COMPONENT: THE FD IS Autothrottle generates The pilot uses the Control wheel or column to change the attitude. bargiving both pitch and roll information the Autopilot and Flight detect the changes in +ALPHA TRIM, which are selected in different ways, flight with the vertical
THE BRAIN OF THE accelerations in the x-axis disengage the autopilot on the control panel by pressing either the disengage bar or by moving the autopilot lever to off. at same time.Also, the aircraft symbol in director is located in the Yaw direction. prevents high angle of dependent on the aircraft type. navigation function.
AUTOPILOT SYSTEM by controlling the engine Normally the autopilot is disengaged by pressing the red quick disengage pushbutton, which is located on each control the ADI/PFD is replaced by a triangle. pilots range of vision, bandpass filter prevents attack during high speed AUTOTHROTTLE SIGNALS Finally, the FMS
autoflight system has the thrust. wheel. 3. PHILOSOPHY OF INDICATION normally at each pilot a constant rudder flights A classic autothrottle system has an calculates the
following subsystems: 4. AUTOPILOT ENGAGE INTERLOCK Flight director command bars will be instrument panel. It is deflection during turn, +SPEED TRIM, which Autothrottle computer which estimated time for
+the Autopilot, or AP in short Generally you can engage an autopilot only when the conditions for its safe operation are fulfilled. The circuit which centered whenever the aircraft usually calledFlight Mode but it can’t prevent a provides speed stability calculates the required throttle each step of the flight.
+the Flight Director, or FD monitors these conditions is called the Engage Interlock. maintains the desired attitude or flight Annunciation Panel or FMA short deflection at the during Take Off and Go position for the selected mode and an You can divide the
+the Autothrottle System 5. AUTOPILOT DISENGAGE WARNING path, or when the pilot follows the on the PFD shows the beginning and the end Around. electrical servo motor, which moves FMC into two parts:
When the autopilot disengages, there must be a warning to the pilots to take over the aircraft control manually disengage directions given by the Flight Director Autopilot and Flight Director of the turn +TRIM WARNINGS the throttles to the calculated value. The navigation
warning consists of a red flashing warning light or a corresponding message on the primary flight display. computer. Pitch modes, the Roll modes When a failure in a trim THRUST RATING COMPUTER computer which
6. INTEGRATION INTO FLIGHT CONTROLS The Flight Director command bars are and the modes of the system is detected usually a The thrust rating computer is either calculates the data for
Smaller or older aircraft use an Electrical Autopilot servomotor which is directly connected to the cabel system near the only visible in the Instrument when the Autothrust operation. second system takes over part of the autothrottle computer or lateral navigation and
control column Flight Director power is ON and the 3. FLIGHT PROFILE automatically. When the the flight management computer or the performance
A second way of autopilot integration into flight controls is to use an autopilot hydraulic motor integrated inside the Flight Director computer is valid. Also Each flight has the following remaining system also fails separate. It calculates the thrust limit computer which
hydraulic power unit. the Flight Director must be switched ON flight phases beginning with then the pilots must be for the engines for the actual calculates the data for
7. AUTOPILOT SERVOMOTOR by the operator and all necessary FD the Take-off climb phase alerted to take corrective situation. vertical navigation
The electrical servomotor receives the signal from the autopilot inner loop and drives the surface to a proportional signals are valid. cruise phase the descent actions. ENGAGE INTERLOCK and time.
position When a FD warning flag is displayedin phase landing The Autothrottle System is activated
Please note that an override of an autopilot is always an emergency situation. As long as the autopilot can be disengaged the ADI this means that the Flight by an engage interlock circuit
normally, the override function should not be used. After an override, the autopilot should not be allowed to take over Director computer has no electrical
automatic control again. power available and/or the computer has
In many aircraft types the autopilot has a control wheel steering function, CWS in short. For this function we need force
Transducers, also called CWS Sensors When the pilot applies a force of more than twenty Newtons against the en- gaged
autopilot actuator, then the force transducer generates a voltage for the autopilot which deflects the control surface.
To allow a safe and relaxing flight for the passengers and the pilot the Autopilot must be protected against wrong
command signals. When the autopilot detects a failure it disengages and the pilot must take over control.

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