12 Week Swimrun Training Plan c3cf6f6

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Training Plan: 12-week Beginner’s Short-distance Swimrun

(Sprint distance swimrun = 12 to 15km inc. 20% of swimming)

Swimming Running Swimrunning Extras

Including (inc.) Including (inc.)
Pull buoy (pb)
Paddles (padd)

Week 1: Pool: - Long: 15km inc. some - 75min with race partner Core and
STRENGTH - Technique: 45min change of paces trying the gear. Testing strength: 5-
inc. drills and test the activity. 10min every
3x200m with 1min - Strength: 60min inc. day or second
rest Hill reps (6x 90” day
uphill/60” downhill)
- Strength: 3km inc. Alternative
4x300m pb/padd - Endurance: 70min inc. training like
3x10min increasing 60min yoga or
the pace every 10min 75min mtb

Week 2: Pool: - Long: 17km inc. some Core and

STRENGTH - Technique: 45min change of paces strength: 5-
of drills 10min every
- Strength: 60min inc. day or second
- Strength: 3km inc. hill reps (6x2min uphill day
2x400m + 6x150m + 60-90” downhill)
pb/padd Alternative
- Endurance: 75min inc. training like
- Long: 75min inc. 3x12min increasing 60min yoga or
15min technique + the pace every 12min 75min mtb
2x15min pb/padd

Week 3: Pool: - Long: 18km inc. some - 90min with race partner Core and
STRENGTH - Technique: 45min change of paces trying the gear and strength: 5-
of drills simulating some race 10min every
- Strength: 60min inc. sections at race speed day or second
- Strength: 3km inc. hill reps (6x3min uphill day
3x500m pb/padd + 90” downhill)
with 45” rest. Alternative
- Endurance: 80min inc. training like
3x15min increasing 60min yoga or
the pace every 15min 75min mtb

Week 4: - Technique: 45min - Long: 20km inc. some - 90min with race partner Core and
SWIMRUN of drills change of paces. trying the gear and strength: 5-
FOCUS simulating some race 10min every
- Technique: 60min - Endurance: 70min inc. sections at race speed day or second
inc. drills and 3x10min increasing day
speed (25-50-75m the pace every 10min - 90-120min easy pace

Week 5: Pool: - Long: 20km inc. some - 90-120min with race Core and
SPEED - Technique: 60min change of paces partner including 2 hard strength: 5-
inc. drills and test swims and 2 hard runs 10min every
3x200m with 1min - Speed: 60min inc. day or second
rest Intervals (6x1km solid day
with 60” rest)
Open water:
- Strength: 60min - Endurance: 70min inc.
inc. 6x4min 3x10min increasing
pb/padd with 20” the pace every 10min

Week 6: Pool: - Long: 2h with some - 90-120min with race Core and
SPEED - Speed: 60min inc. change of paces in partner including 3 hard strength: 5-
drills and series of specific race swims and 3 hard runs 10min every
short intervals (25- landscape day or second
50-75-100m day
easy/hard…) - Speed: 60min inc.
intervals (5x1.5km +
Open water: 400m fast)
- Strength: 70min
inc. 4x8min solid - Endurance: 80min inc.
pb/padd increasing 3x12min increasing
the pace with 30” the pace every 12min

Week 7: Pool: - Long: 2h+ with some - 90-120min with race Core and
SPEED - Speed: 60min inc. change of paces in partner including 4 hard strength: 5-
drills and series of specific race swims and 4 hard runs 10min every
short intervals (25- landscape day or second
50-75-100m day
easy/hard…) - Speed: 60min inc.
Intervals (4x2km +
Open water: 400m fast)
- Strength: 75min
inc. 2x(5-4-3-2- - Speed: 60min inc.
1min solid) Intervals (8x 400m fast
pb/padd increasing with 200m rest jog).
the pace with 30”

Week 8: Open water: - Long: 15km inc. some - 2h+ with race partner Core and
SWIMRUN - Strength: 75min change of paces. including a few hard strength: 5-
FOCUS inc. 2x(5-4-3-2- segments 10min every
1min solid) - Endurance: 70min inc. day or second
pb/padd increasing 3x10min increasing - 90-120min easy pace day
the pace with 30” the pace every 10min

- Continuous: inc.
wu: 10min + 5x
(1min hard/1min)
easy + 2x20min
non-stop pb/padd

Week 9 Pool: - Long: 22km inc. some - 2h+ with race partner Core and
- Technique: 75min change of paces including a few hard strength: 5-
inc. drills and test segments 10min every
3x200m with 1min - Speed: 60min inc. day or second
rest Intervals (8x1km solid day
with 60” rest)
Open water:
- Strength: 60min - Endurance: 70min inc.
inc. 8x3min 5x6min increasing the
pb/padd with 20” pace in the 6min

Week 10 Open water: - Long: 2h finishing - 90min with race partner Stretch 5-
- Strength: 75min strong including a few hard 10min every
inc. 2x(8-5-2min segments day or second
solid) pb/padd - Speed: 60min inc. day
increasing the Intervals (6x1.5km - 90min easy pace
pace with 30” rest solid with 200mt jog focusing on transitions
- Continuous: inc.
wu: 10min + 5x - Endurance: 70min inc.
(1min hard/1min 6x4min increasing the
easy) + 3x15min pace in the 4min every
non-stop pb/padd min

Week 11 Open water: - Endurance: 70min inc. - 90min with race partner Stretch 5-
- Continuous: inc. 6x4min increasing the including a few hard 10min every
wu: 10min easy + pace in the 4min every segments day or second
30min non-stop min day
pb/padd - 75min easy pace
- Endurance: 60min inc. focusing on transitions
- Continuous: inc. 3x10min increasing
wu: 10min + 5x the pace every 10min
(1min hard/1min
easy) + 3x15min
non-stop pb/padd

Week 12: Pool: - Endurance: 45min - 45min easy pace to test Stretch 5-
RACE - Speed: 45min inc. easy pace with a few all the gear a last time. 10min every
WEEK drills and series of strides (4x 50-70m) day or second
short intervals (25- - RACE day
50-75-100m - Endurance: 45min
easy/hard…) easy pace

Open water:
- Strength: 35min
inc. 4x2min solid
pb/padd increasing
the pace with 30”

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