MC-Multiskill Technician Fruits & Vegetables
MC-Multiskill Technician Fruits & Vegetables
MC-Multiskill Technician Fruits & Vegetables
Model Curriculum
QP Name: Multi Skill Technician-Fruits and Vegetables
QP Code: FIC/Q0205
QP Version: 1.0
NSQF Level: 3
Phone: 9711260230
Table of Contents
Training Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 3
Program Overview................................................................................................................................... 4
Training Outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 4
Compulsory Modules .......................................................................................................................... 5
Module Details ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Module 1: Introduction to Food Processing Sector and the job role ................................................ 8
Module 9: Carry out production of various types of pickles and pastes ......................................... 8
Module 10: Carry out sorting and grading of fruits and vegetables .................................................. 8
Annexure ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Trainer Requirements........................................................................................................................ 25
Assessor Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 26
Assessment Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 27
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................................................................. 28
Country India
NSQF Level 3
QP Version 1.0
Training Outcomes
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
Sort and grade fruits, vegetables, nuts based on colour, size, appearance, feel and smell
Process fruits and vegetables to produce jam, jelly and ketchup manually or mechanically
Operate various mechanical or automated machineries for canning
Prepare and process various fruits and vegetables manually or in machine-operated units for
Process fruits and vegetables to produce squash and juice manually or mechanically
Plan, organize, prioritize, inspect, and calculate production requirements and maintain
process parameters to achieve the desired quality and quantity
Maintain process parameters to attain the desired quality and quantity
Follow and maintain food safety and hygiene in the work environment
Knowledge of working in a team
The table lists the modules and their duration corresponding to the Compulsory NOS of the QP.
Module 10: Carry out 44:00 46:00 00:00 Hours 00:00 Hours 90:00
sorting and grading of fruits Hours Hours Hours
and vegetables
FIC/N0103 Produce squash 32:00 58:00 00:00 Hours 00:00 Hours 90:00
and juice Hours Hours Hours
NOS Version No.: 1.0
NSQF Level: 4
Module 11: Produce squash 32:00 58:00 00:00 Hours 00:00 Hours 90:00
and juice Hours Hours Hours
FIC/N9901 –Implement 10:00 20:00 00:00 00:00 30:00
Health and Safety practices
at the workplace
NOS Version No. 1.0
NSQF Level 3
Module 12: Ensuring food 05:00 10:00 00:00 00:00 15:00
safety and personal hygiene
Module 13: Managing 05:00 10:00 00:00 00:00 15:00
accidents and emergencies
DGT/VSQ/N0102 24:00 36:00 00:00Hours 00:00Hours 60:00
Employability Skills Hours Hours Hours
NOS Version No.: 1.0
NSQF Level: 4
Module 14: Employability 24:00 36:00 00:00Hours 00:00Hours 60:00
Skills Hours Hours Hours
Total Duration 234:00 366:00 00:00 Hours 00:00 Hours 600:00
Hours Hours Hours
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Whiteboard, Marker, Duster, Projector, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation
Terminal Outcomes:
Terminal Outcomes:
Discuss the procedure to wash the fruits for fruit pulp processing
Perform the tasks to inspect the washed fruits manually and sort them for fruit pulp processing
Classroom Aids:
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), White board, Marker, Projector, Laptop, Presentation,
Participant Handbook and Related Standard Operating Procedures
Terminal Outcomes:
Perform the process to peel, de-seed, and cut the sorted fruits
Describe the ways to dispose of the peeling material or core of the fruits
Classroom Aids:
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), White board, Marker, Projector, Laptop, Presentation,
Participant Handbook and Related Standard Operating Procedures
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), White board, Marker, Projector, Laptop, Presentation,
Participant Handbook and Related Standard Operating Procedures
Tools, Equipment and Other Requirements
Collection tank, Steam jacketed kettle or Pre-cooking tank, De-aeration tank, Evaporator, etc.
15 | Multi Skill Technician - Fruits and Vegetables
Module 6: Aseptic Sterilization and Packing of Fruit Pulp
Mapped to FIC/N0122 v 2.0
Terminal Outcomes:
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), White board, Marker, Projector, Laptop, Presentation,
Participant Handbook and Related Standard Operating Procedures
Tools, Equipment and Other Requirements
Reformer, Flanger, Seamer, Can body beader, and Embossing machines, Machine-lift, Mechanical
conveyor, Packaging machine, etc.
Terminal Outcomes:
Terminal Outcomes:
Discuss the process for preparing different types of pickles, pastes and murabba from fruits and vegetables
Demonstrate the standard work practices followed to produce various types of pickles and pastes
Classroom Aids:
Water tank, spraying system, drying line conveyor, sorting line conveyor, peeling machine, steam
jacketed kettle, salinometer, crusher/mill, pulper, grinding machine, pickle making machine,
container, filling machine, batch mixing cooker, raw ingredients, refractometer, storage tank,
packaging machines, sterilized packing material, cartons, protective gloves, head caps, aprons,
safety goggles, safety boots, mouth masks, various types of sanitisers and disinfectants, trash bins
for waste material disposal, equipment for cleaning, procedural manual for reference
Terminal Outcomes:
Discuss the sequence of operations to be performed for sorting and grading the produce
List the various types of tools, equipment and related machinery utilised in the process
Demonstrate the procedure to be followed for sorting, grading, packaging and dispatching the
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Tools, Equipment and Other Requirements
Thermometer (Digital), Beakers, Measuring Cylinder, Measuring Flask, Weighing Balance (Digital), Brix
Meter/Refractometer, Fruit Tray, Cutting Knives, Mixer/Electric Mixer, Fruit Slicing Machine, Pulper,
Peeler, Steam Jacketed Kettle, Slicer, Pasteurizer, Sterilizer, Clarifier, Protective Gloves, Head Caps,
Aprons, Safety Goggles, Safety Boots, Mouth Masks, Sanitizer, Safety Manual.
27 | Multi Skill Technician - Fruits and Vegetables
Module 12: Ensuring food safety and personal hygiene
Mapped to FIC/N9901 v 1.0
Terminal Outcomes:
Explain the ways to ensure food safety and personal hygiene at the workplace
Demonstrate the steps to be followed for implementing good hygiene and manufacturing practices
Terminal Outcomes:
List the various types of accidents and emergencies that can arise at the workplace and the
ways to address them
Demonstrate the steps to be followed to implement emergency and evacuation procedures
Duration: 05:00 Duration: 10:00
Theory – Key Learning Outcomes Practical – Key Learning Outcomes
List the various types of health and safety Apply appropriate techniques to deal with
hazards present in the environment. hazards safely and appropriately.
Discuss the possible causes of risk, hazard or Demonstrate the use of various types of fire
accident at the workplace. extinguishers effectively.
Elucidate the standard practices and Demonstrate appropriate ways to respond
precautions used to control and prevent to an accident situation or medical
risks, hazards and accidents at the emergency promptly and appropriately.
workplace. Demonstrate the steps to be followed for
Discuss the dangers associated with the use providing artificial respiration and cardio-
of electrical and other equipment. pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in various
State the importance of using protective instances (e.g. cardiac arrest).
equipment and clothing for specific tasks Perform the steps to be followed during
and work conditions. emergency and evacuation procedure.
Discuss the role of organisational protocols Demonstrate the procedure of freeing a
in preventing accidents and hazards. person from electrocution.
Recall the preventive and remedial actions Show how to administer appropriate first aid
to be taken in the case of exposure to toxic to victims in case of cuts, bleeding, burns,
materials at the workplace. choking, electric shock, poisoning etc.
Discuss the various causes of fire and ways
to prevent them.
Elaborate the steps to use different types of
fire extinguishers.
Explain the procedure to provide artificial
respiration and cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) to the affected.
Summarise the rescue techniques to be
followed at times of fire hazard.
Helmet, gloves, rubber mat, ladder, neon tester, leather or asbestos gloves, flame proof aprons,
flame proof overalls buttoned to neck, cuff less (without folds) trousers, reinforced footwear,
helmets/hard hats, cap and shoulder covers, ear defenders/plugs, safety boots, knee pads,
particle masks, glasses/goggles/visors, hand and face shields, machine guards, residual current
Devices, shields, dust sheets, respirator.
Terminal Outcomes:
Discuss Employability skills, Constitutional values, digital, financial, and legal literacy
Explain about diversity and Inclusion, communication skills, and customer service
State the relevance of entrepreneurship skills and how to be ready for jobs and apprenticeship
Trainer Prerequisites
Minimum Educational Specialization Relevant Industry Training Remarks
Qualification Experience Experience
Years Specialization Years Specialization
M.Sc/M.Tech/ME Food Technology or Food Fruit and
Engineering vegetable
2 1
Trainer Certification
Domain Certification Platform Certification
Certified for Job Role: “Multi Skill Technician - Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the
Fruits and Vegetables mapped to QP: Job Role: “Trainer” (VET & SKILLS), mapped to the
“FIC/Q0205, v1.0”. Minimum accepted score is Qualification Pack: “MEP/Q2601”, V.2. Minimum
80%. accepted SCORE IS 80 % as per SSC guidelines.
Assessor Prerequisites
Minimum Specialization Relevant Industry Experience Training/Assessment Remarks
Educational Experience
Qualification Years Specialization Years Specialization
Assessor Certification
Domain Certification Platform Certification
Certified for Job Role: “Multi Skill Technician- Recommended that the Assessor is certified for
Fruits and Vegetables” mapped to QP: the Job Role: “Assessor” (VET & SKILLS), mapped
“FIC/Q0205, v1.0”. Minimum accepted score is to the Qualification Pack: “MEP/Q2701”, V-2.
80%. Minimum accepted SCORE IS 80 % as per SSC
This section includes the processes involved in identifying, gathering and interpreting information to
evaluate the learner on the required competencies of the program.
Assessment will be based on the concept of Independent Assessors empanelled with Assessment
Agencies, identified, selected, trained and certified on Assessment techniques. These
assessors would be aligned to assess as per the laid down criteria.
Assessment Agency would conduct assessment only at the training centres of Training Partner or
designated testing centers authorized by FICSI.
Ideally, the assessment will be a continuous process comprising of three distinct steps:
Each National Occupational Standard (NOS) in the respective QPs will be assigned weightage.
Therein each Performance Criteria in the NOS will be assigned marks for theory and / or practical
based on relative importance and criticality of function.
This will facilitate preparation of question bank / paper sets for each of the QPs. Each of these
papers sets / question bank so created by the Assessment Agency will be validated by the industry
subject matter experts through FICSI, especially with regard to the practical test and the defined
tolerances, finish, accuracy etc.
i. Written Test: This will comprise of (i) True / False Statements (ii) Multiple Choice Questions (iii)
Matching Type Questions. Online system for this will be preferred.
ii. Practical Test: This will comprise a test job to be prepared as per project briefing following
appropriate working steps, using necessary tools, equipment and instruments. Through observation
it will be possible to ascertain candidate’s aptitude, attention to details, quality consciousness etc.
The end product will be measured against the pre-decided MCQ filled by the Assessor to gauge the
level of his skill achievements.
iii. Structured Interview: This tool will be used to assess the conceptual understanding and the
behavioral aspects as regards the job role and the specific task at hand.
Term Description
Declarative Declarative knowledge refers to facts, concepts and principles that need to
Knowledge be known and/or understood in order to accomplish a task or to solve a
Key Learning Key learning outcome is the statement of what a learner needs to know,
Outcome understand and be able to do in order to achieve the terminal outcomes. A
set of key learning outcomes will make up the training outcomes. Training
outcome is specified in terms of knowledge, understanding (theory) and
skills (practical application).
OJT (M) On-the-job training (Mandatory); trainees are mandated to complete
specified hours of training on site
Term Description
QP Qualification Pack
NSQF National Skills Qualification Framework
NSQC National Skills Qualification Committee
NOS National Occupational Standards
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
GHP Good Hygiene Practices