F BTech Course Curriculum 2023 2024
F BTech Course Curriculum 2023 2024
F BTech Course Curriculum 2023 2024
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Committed to holistic development of Lives and Society by imparting
Knowledge of Science and Technology and Crystallizing the future.
The Department's dream is to translate its research and to develop teaching methods so that the
underprivileged minds can find technological solutions to future challenges. Students also have the
opportunity to work with professionals from various fields in emerging areas such as Internet of
Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), Smart Healthcare, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital
Manufacturing, Mechatronics etc. Currently, Department of Mechanical Engineering has four (04)
regular faculties with few faculties expected to join this year. Faculty members of the department have
excellent academic & research credentials and published numerous peer reviewed journal articles/
papers, Books, Book Chapters etc. in diversified field and having adequate experience in advanced
research. The Department believes that by developing a culture of seeking for knowledge and
dissemination of research findings, intellectually sound, self-motivated and reliant mechanical
engineers and researchers, who will be the bedrock of our nation’s match towards qualitative and
massive technological development and dynamic industrialization, will be actualized. In other words,
the department hopes to achieve the national goals and objectives of industrialization and self-
reliance. As a result, it hopes to produce graduates with strong academic and practical background so
that they can fit into the industry immediately upon graduation.
1.2 Vision
1.3 Mission
Impart quality education and training to nurture globally competitive mechanical engineers.
Provide vital state-of-the-art research facilities to create, interpret, apply and disseminate
Develop linkages with world class educational institutions and R&D organizations for
excellence in teaching, research and consultancy services.
2.1 Preamble
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) program offered at NIT Delhi is designed to equip students with
a unique blend of skill sets that include:
Students exiting after completing 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year will be awarded Certificate,
Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering respectively. A minimum Credit
requirement for Certificate is 40 Credits, Diploma is 80 Credits and Advanced Diploma is 120
Credits respectively.
The students can opt for Minor Degree across any specialization offered in the Institute from 5 th
Semester e.g. a student pursuing B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) may opt for Minor
Degrees like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Sciences, Communication, VLSI
etc. offered by the different Departments in the Institute depending upon his/her interest.
The students opting for Minor Degree will have to earn addition credits for the Minor Degree as
per Institute norms which may vary from time to time.
PEO-1 Analyze the complex systems with the help of design engineering, thermal engineering,
manufacturing and allied engineering concepts by applying mathematics and sciences.
PEO-2 Demonstrate multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills to analyze, interpret and create
solutions to real-life mechanical engineering problems.
PEO-3 Embrace capability to expand horizons beyond engineering for creativity, innovation and
PEO-4 Imbibe competence and ethics for social and environmental sustainability with a focus on
the welfare of humankind.
PO-2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO-5 Modern Tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO-6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO-7 Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO-8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO-9 Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO-11 Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO-12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
PSO-1 Students will be able to analyze, interpret and provide solutions to the advanced software
tools for design real life mechanical engineering problems.
PSO-2 Students will gain team spirit for working in variety industries like 3-D printing, Additive
Manufacturing, HVAC, Aviation, and Automobile & Power Sectors.
PSO-3 Students will be able to pursue higher studies for contribution to research and
development as well as participate in Entrepreneurs.
Sl. Courses Total
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
1st 2nd 3 rd
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem
1 Program Core 7 11 16 18 16 15 3 0 86
2 Program Electives 3 6 3 12
3 Open Electives 6 3 9
4 Applied Sciences 8 2 3 13
5 Humanities 2 1 1 4
6 Summer Training & 2 1 2 1 2 1 14 23
7 Allied Engineering 3 4 3 3 13
Total 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160
Total 15+5 20 15 0 10 20
NOTE: Summer Training (6-8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-III.
Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20
NOTE: Summer Training (6-8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-V.
Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20
NOTE: Summer Training (6 - 8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-VII.
Total 18+2 20 18 0 4 20
NOTE: MOOC’s courses approved by the Department only be studied by the students.
Lean Manufacturing
Power Plant Engineering Hybrid and Electrical Alternate Fuels for IC Engines
Applied Thermodynamics Solar Thermal Processes Vehicular Pollution
Automobile Engineering
*The List of program Electives offered by the Department is tentative and will be reviewed on yearly
basis and depending upon the requirements of the Industry/ Availability of faculties the program
electives will be offered. ** The Open Electives will be selected by the students from the Electives
offered by other Department for their BTech programs.
List of Experiments
Predecessors of IoT & Emergence of IoT–Introduction, Wireless Sensor
Networks, Machine-to-Machine Communications, Cyber Physical Systems,
Architectural components of CPS, IoT versus M2M, IoT versus CPS, IoT versus
WoT, Enabling IoT and the Complex Interdependence of Technologies, IoT
Networking Components, Addressing Strategies in IoT.
IoT Sensing and Actuation & IoT Processing Topologies and Types:
Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing
Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuators Types, Actuator Types,
Actuator Characteristics, Data Formats, Processing in IoT, Processing
Topologies, IoT Device Design and Selection Considerations, Processing Off
loading, Off load location, Off load decision making, Off loading considerations.
IoT Sensing and Actuation & IoT Processing Topologies and Types:
Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing
Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuators Types, Actuator Types,
Actuator Characteristics, Data Formats, Processing in IoT, Processing
Topologies, IoT Device Design and Selection Considerations, Processing Off
loading, Off load location, Off load decision making, Off loading considerations.
Course Assessment Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
End Semester 50%
Metal Printer:, Warpage and Support Material, Design Guidelines for Wall
Thickness, Clearance Between Moving Parts, Vertical Slots, Circular Holes,
fillets, channels, vertical Bosses, circular pins, External Screw Threads and
part positioning.
Text Books:
List of Experiments:
The objective of this lab is to learn the basics of engineering drawing and implement the
knowledge of this subject as an engineering design. The lab curriculum is designed for 1st
year UG students for all engineering specializations. At the end of the course students will be
able to implement their ideas in various applications and create job opportunities.
Major Equipments:
Drawing sheet, Drawing board, Mini drafter, HB/1H/2H Pencils, Eraser, Protractor, scale, etc
or using Autocad
List of Experiments
S. No. Description
1. Lettering, Dimensioning,
5. Traces of lines
6. Projection of Planes
9. Isometric views
Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20
CO-5 Create physical models with the basics concept of Boundary Layer.
List of Experiments
S.No. Description
1. To find the metacentric height of the floating body.
2. To determine coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Orifice.
3. To determine coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Venturimeter.
4. To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Rectangular notch.
5. To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of the V notch.
6. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem using a Venturimeter.
7. To find the friction loss and frictional factor of given pipe lines.
8. To study the inception and growth of Cavitation.
9. Flow visualization/patterns
10. Impact of Jet
First Law of Thermodynamics: First law application to non-flow processes
such as isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic and polytropic processes.
Steady flow energy equation, flow work. Application to various practical
systems viz. nozzles, diffuser, turbines, heat exchangers etc. Application of
energy equation to transient flow problems.
Second Law of thermodynamics: Second law, reversible and irreversible
processes, Clausius and Kelvin Planck statements, Carnot cycle, corollaries of
second law: thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality, entropy as
a property, principle of increase of entropy. Calculation of entropy change.
Properties of Pure Simple Compressible Substance: PvT surface, PV, TV, TP
diagrams. Equation of state for ideal and real gases, van der Waal equation, use
of steam tables and Mollier diagram.
Gas and Vapour Power Cycles: Otto, Diesel, Dual, Stirling, Joule Brayton cycle.
Thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure, Rankine cycle.
Online Resources:
Casting Practices: Introduction and Classification of Casting Processes,
Pattern, Pattern allowances and their importance, Mold design and Mold
making procedures, Solidification of Alloys and its mechanism, Gating
System Design and Estimation of Solidification time, Riser Design and Riser
Placement, Casting Defects and remedies, Numerical Problems on Casting.
Joining Processes: Introduction and Classification of Joining Processes,
Physics of Welding, Types of Welding - Fusion and Solid-state welding
processes, Solidification Phenomenon in Welding, Microstructural
Evolution, Weldability, Welding of metals and alloys, Different Zones of
Weld Region and their Microstructural Evolution, Brazing and Soldering,
Defects and Remedies.
Forming Processes: Introduction, Classification of metal forming processes,
Basic metal working concepts and plasticity, Yield criterion, Slip line fields,
Estimation of force and energy requirements, Technology of bulk and sheet
metal forming processes, various features of different types of metal
forming dies (Rolling, Wire and Tube Drawing, Extrusion and Deep
Drawing). Numerical Problems on Forming.
Powder Metallurgy: Powder Metallurgy: (Metals and Ceramics)
Techniques of near net shape manufacturing, techniques of powder
manufacturing, powder compaction methods, introduction to sintering,
Sintering phenomenon, post sintering operations. Numerical Problems on
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, End Semester 50%
List of Experiments
Casting Experiments
1. Demonstration on sweep pattern and core making in mould preparation.
2. Find the grain fineness number of the given moulding sand.
3. Find the green and dry shear strength, compression strength and permeability of the given
moulding sand.
4. Calculate the amount of the clay content in the given moulding sand.
Welding Experiments
5. Fabricate the butt joint in the given samples by using shielded metal arc welding in the given
6. Fabricate butt joint in the given samples by using gas welding, SAW, TIG and MIG welding.
7. Join rectangular cross section plates in the given samples by flash butt welding.
8. Identify welding defects by liquid penetration test in the welded sample.
9. Microstructural evolution of weldments
Forming Experiments
10. Fabricate the cylindrical, rectangular and square shape using sheet metal
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science, Amitabha Ghosh and A. K. Mallick, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.
Ltd. 2010.
2. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, M. P. Groover,
Wiley India Private Limited, 3rd edition, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology, P.L. Jain, TMH, 2014.
2. Manufacturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding, P.N. Rao, TMH, 2nd Edition,
List of Experiment:
1. Drawing work related to inversion of four bar mechanism and slider and crank
5. Computerised Synthesis.
9. Gyroscope
10. Balancing
Models of different mechanisms like four bar mechanism, quick return mechanisms,
mechanisms with lower pairs and machine elements like belt, pulley, gear, gear train
and cams
Course 1. The course has been designed to impart basic understanding of heat and
objectives: mass transfer mechanisms and to enable the students to apply these in
solving real problems.
2. To introduce the thermal analysis and sizing of heat exchangers.
Course CO-1 Understand various modes of heat transfer and mass transfer
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Apply the conduction heat transfer distribution in various applications.
CO-3 Evaluate the heat transfer distribution in various modes.
CO-4 Explore the real time applications of radiation mode of heat transfer.
CO-5 Analyse the performance of heat exchangers.
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera and Dewitt, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Heat Transfer A Practical Approach, Cengel, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Heat Transfer, Holman J.P., Tata McGraw –Hill
The objective of this lab is to learn basic modes of heat transfer and implement the knowledge of this
subject as an engineering design and analyse of heat transfer. The lab curriculum is designed for 2 nd
year UG students for Mechanical engineering. At the end of the course students will be able to
implement their ideas in various applications and create job opportunities.
List of Experiments
S.No. Description
1. To plot temperature distribution and analyse heat transfer through composite wall
10. Thermal conductivity apparatus for Liquids, Nanofluids, Oils, Lubricants, & Coolants.
Strain Measurement: Strain gauges, Selection and Installation factors,
Strain rosettes, ballast circuit, Wheatstone bridge circuit, and Temperature
Pressure Measurement: Pressure gauges, Pressure transducers, strain
gauge pressure cells, measurement of high pressure & low pressures.
Temperature Measurement: Thermometers, thermocouples, thermistors,
pyrometers, Calibration.
Force, Speed and Torque Measurement: Load Cells, Dynamometers,
Tachometer, Stroboscope, measurement of torque of rotating shafts, Seismic
instruments: vibrometers and accelerometers.
Transducers: Transducers, Types of Transducers Types, Strain Gages,
Displacement Transducers, Instrumentation Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier.
Carbon Nanotubes and other smart sensors: Advantages, Typical
applications. Fabrication process. SWCNT and MWCNT. Application areas of
CNT. Principle of operation- Silicon capacitive accelerometer, Piezo-resistive
pressure Sensor, Conductometric gas Sensor, Fiber-optic sensors.
Electrostatic comb-drive.
X-ray basics: Production of X-ray; The continuous and characteristic
spectrum; Absorption; Filters.
Controls: Introduction, Concept of Automatic Controls; Open loop & closed
loop systems; Servo- mechanisms;
List of Experiments
1. Study of different types of gauges (Vernier caliper, Vernier Height gauge, Vernier depth
gauge, Micrometer, filler gauge go-nogo gauge, plug gauge, go-nogo snap gauge bourdon
tube pressure gauge),
2. Calibrations of linear measuring instruments by using slip gauges and calculation of
percentage error.
3. Measurement of included angle of a given specimen using Sine Bar and Clinometers.
4. Measurement of diameter of small size hole using Tool Maker’s Microscope.
5. Measurement of pitch diameter of a screw thread by vertical Profile Projector
6. Determination of RPM and Torque of a given motor using RPM Measurement Tutor and
calculation of percentage error.
7. Determination of velocity of given velocity transducer (Magnetic sensor UGM3140) using
velocity Tutor and calculation of percentage error.
8. Measurement of Temperature of a given sample using Temperature Measurement Tutor and
calculation of percentage error.
9. Calibration of pressure gauge using Dead Weight Tester.
10. Measurement of strain of a given metallic strip.
Shafts and Couplings: Design of solid and hollow shafts based on strength,
rigidity and critical speed – Keys, keyways and splines – Rigid and flexible
Temporary and permanent joints: Threaded fasteners – Bolted joints
including eccentric loading, Knuckle joints, Cotter joints – Welded joints,
riveted joints for structures – theory of bonded joints.
Energy storing elements and engine components: Various types of
springs, optimization of helical springs – rubber springs – Flywheels
considering stresses in rims and arms for engines and punching machines-
Connecting Rods and crank shafts.
Bearings: Sliding contact and rolling contact bearings – Hydrodynamic
journal bearings, Somerfield Number, Raimondi and Boyd graphs, —
Selection of Rolling Contact bearings.
Simple gear drive - Velocity ratio - gear trains - simple gear train -
compound gear train - reverted gear train - epicyclic gear train –simple
problems on simple and compound gear trains-number of teeth and gears.
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%