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F BTech Course Curriculum 2023 2024

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Course Curriculum

B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

National Institute of Technology Delhi

w.e.f. the Academic Year

Vision and Mission of the Institute
National Institute of Technology Delhi

Committed to holistic development of Lives and Society by imparting
Knowledge of Science and Technology and Crystallizing the future.


Application of Knowledge through learning and inculcating Research

Oriented mindset towards Design and Innovative Development for
Realistic Societal Solutions.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology Delhi

1.1 About the Department

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NIT Delhi. Mechanical Engineering is a

diverse field, which involves design, analysis and manufacturing from small machine parts and
devices to large systems. We aspire to have a distinguished tradition of excellence in the theme areas
ranging from thermal, mechanics, design and manufacturing to CAD/CAM/CAE. Department is
committed to disseminate the advanced engineering education and pursues success in research as well.
Department is dedicated to preparing students to face the emerging challenges facing by society. The
department currently runs one undergraduate program B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) and one
master’s program M. Tech. (CAD/CAM). Ph. D. program is also offered by the Department in all area
of the Mechanical Engineering since Academic year 2016-2017. The Department is currently
equipped with CAD Laboratory. Intake for M. Tech. CAD/CAM program is 34 seats + 2 seats
(through DASA) including GATE scholarship, self-financed & sponsored seats. The program has
been started from academic session 2016-17.

The Department's dream is to translate its research and to develop teaching methods so that the
underprivileged minds can find technological solutions to future challenges. Students also have the
opportunity to work with professionals from various fields in emerging areas such as Internet of
Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), Smart Healthcare, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital
Manufacturing, Mechatronics etc. Currently, Department of Mechanical Engineering has four (04)
regular faculties with few faculties expected to join this year. Faculty members of the department have
excellent academic & research credentials and published numerous peer reviewed journal articles/
papers, Books, Book Chapters etc. in diversified field and having adequate experience in advanced
research. The Department believes that by developing a culture of seeking for knowledge and
dissemination of research findings, intellectually sound, self-motivated and reliant mechanical
engineers and researchers, who will be the bedrock of our nation’s match towards qualitative and
massive technological development and dynamic industrialization, will be actualized. In other words,
the department hopes to achieve the national goals and objectives of industrialization and self-
reliance. As a result, it hopes to produce graduates with strong academic and practical background so
that they can fit into the industry immediately upon graduation.

1.2 Vision

To be a global knowledge hub in mechanical engineering education, research, entrepreneurship and

industry outreach services.

1.3 Mission

 Impart quality education and training to nurture globally competitive mechanical engineers.
 Provide vital state-of-the-art research facilities to create, interpret, apply and disseminate
 Develop linkages with world class educational institutions and R&D organizations for
excellence in teaching, research and consultancy services.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 2

B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

2.1 Preamble

B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) program offered at NIT Delhi is designed to equip students with
a unique blend of skill sets that include:

 Strong theoretical foundation

 Predominantly practice-oriented approach with access to well-equipped and specialized
laboratories, and supervised internship via the Practice School
 Hands-on technical training
 Life skills orientation
 Hard and soft skills
 Business perspective, along with emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship
 Specialized courses in advanced areas such as Robotics, Mechatronics, Biomechanics, etc.

2.2 Salient Features:

 Minimum Credits requirements for completion of BTech program is 160.

 The Curriculum is based on the guidelines of National Education Policy (NEP) – 2020.
 The curriculum has embedded the Multi Exit/ Multi Entry in the BTech program.
 There is provision of Major degree and Minor Degree for students.
 The curriculum is designed to meet the prevailing and ongoing industrial requirements.
 The curriculum includes Project based Education with Projects every year.
 The curriculum is flexible and offers Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
 The curriculum inherits the Value based Education and offers Interdisciplinary/
Multidisciplinary Courses.
 The Curriculum offers Digital Pedagogy & Flipped Learning with adequate motivation for
Entrepreneurship/ Startups.
 The curriculum aims the Holistic Development of the students.

2.3 Cardinal Mentions:

 Students exiting after completing 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year will be awarded Certificate,
Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering respectively. A minimum Credit
requirement for Certificate is 40 Credits, Diploma is 80 Credits and Advanced Diploma is 120
Credits respectively.

 The students can opt for Minor Degree across any specialization offered in the Institute from 5 th
Semester e.g. a student pursuing B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) may opt for Minor
Degrees like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Sciences, Communication, VLSI
etc. offered by the different Departments in the Institute depending upon his/her interest.

 The students opting for Minor Degree will have to earn addition credits for the Minor Degree as
per Institute norms which may vary from time to time.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 3

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 Analyze the complex systems with the help of design engineering, thermal engineering,
manufacturing and allied engineering concepts by applying mathematics and sciences.
PEO-2 Demonstrate multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills to analyze, interpret and create
solutions to real-life mechanical engineering problems.
PEO-3 Embrace capability to expand horizons beyond engineering for creativity, innovation and
PEO-4 Imbibe competence and ethics for social and environmental sustainability with a focus on
the welfare of humankind.

Program Outcomes (POs) of B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering)

PO-1 Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering

PO-2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO-3 Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental

PO-4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO-5 Modern Tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO-6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO-7 Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.

PO-8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO-9 Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 4

PO-10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.

PO-11 Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO-12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

PSO-1 Students will be able to analyze, interpret and provide solutions to the advanced software
tools for design real life mechanical engineering problems.
PSO-2 Students will gain team spirit for working in variety industries like 3-D printing, Additive
Manufacturing, HVAC, Aviation, and Automobile & Power Sectors.
PSO-3 Students will be able to pursue higher studies for contribution to research and
development as well as participate in Entrepreneurs.

Course and Semester wise Credits

Sl. Courses Total
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
1st 2nd 3 rd
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem Sem
1 Program Core 7 11 16 18 16 15 3 0 86
2 Program Electives 3 6 3 12
3 Open Electives 6 3 9
4 Applied Sciences 8 2 3 13
5 Humanities 2 1 1 4
6 Summer Training & 2 1 2 1 2 1 14 23
7 Allied Engineering 3 4 3 3 13
Total 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 5

I. Credits Distribution among Different Courses Categories

II. Percentage (%) Credit Distribution among Different Courses Categories

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 6

4.1 Course Scheme


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MALB 101 Engineering Mathematics-I 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 PHBB 111 Engineering Physics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

3 MEBB 111 Introduction to Manufacturing Technology 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

4 HMLB 101 Communication Skills 2 2 2 0 0 2

5 CSBB 111 Computer Programming 2+1 3 2 0 2 3

6 MELB 101 Introduction to Sensors, Actuators & IoT 2 2 2 0 0 2

7 MEPB 122 Joy of Engineering 1 1 0 0 2 1

8 CEPB 101 Nature and Care 1 0 0 0 2 1

Total 15+5 20 15 0 10 20


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 161 Engineering Materials 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

2 MELB 151 Engineering Mechanics 3 3 3 0 0 3
3 MEBB 162 Engineering Visualization 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
4 EEBB 161 Introduction to Electrical & Electronics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
5 CELB 101 Environmental Sciences 2 2 2 0 0 2
6 HMPB 171 Technical Report Writing 1 1 0 0 2 1
7 MEPB 171 Project-I 2 2 0 0 0 2
8 EAPB 101 Extra Academic Activity 0 0 0 0 2 0
Total 14+6 20 14 0 10 20

NOTE: Summer Training (6-8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-III.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 7


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MALB 201 Engineering Mathematics-II 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 MEBB 211 Fluid Mechanics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

3 MELB 201 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 3 3 0 0 3

4 MELB 202 Mechanics of Materials 3 3 3 0 0 3

5 MEPB 221 Computer Aided Machine Drawing 1 1 0 0 2 1

6 MEPB 222 Programming with Python 1 1 0 0 2 1

7 MEBB 212 Manufacturing Sciences-I 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

8 MEPB 223 Summer Training- I 1 1 0 0 0 1

Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 261 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

2 MEBB 262 Heat and Mass Transfer 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
3 MEBB 263 Engineering Metrology & Instrumentation 2+1 3 2 0 2 3
4 MELB 251 Manufacturing Sciences-II 3 3 3 0 0 3
5 MELB 252 Design of Machine Elements 3 3 3 0 0 3
6 MEPB 271 Programming with MATLAB 1 1 0 0 2 1
7 MEPB 272 Project-II 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 14+6 20 14 0 6 20

NOTE: Summer Training (6-8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-V.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 8


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 311 IC Engines & Gas Turbines 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

2 MEBB 312 Fluid Machinery 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

3 MEBB 313 CAD/CAM 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

4 MEBB 314 Industrial Engineering 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

5 EEBB 311 Control Systems & Engineering 3 3 3 0 0 3

6 MEPB 321 Summer Training-II 1 1 0 0 0 1

Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MELB 351 Optimization & Simulation in Engineering 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 MEBB 361 Manufacturing Automation & Robotics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
3 MEBB 362 Mechatronics Engineering 3+1 4 3 0 0 4
4 MEBB 363 Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
5 MELB 38X Program Elective-1 3 3 2 0 0 3

6 MEPB 371 Project-III 2 2 0 0 0 2

Total 15+5 20 15 0 4 20

NOTE: Summer Training (6 - 8 Weeks) is mandatory for each student to continue the program and
their evaluation will be done in the Semester-VII.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 9


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MELB 401 Additive Manufacturing 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 CSLB 40X Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 3 3 3 0 0 3

3 MELB 43X Program Elective-2 3 3 3 0 0 3

4 MELB 43X Program Elective-3 3 3 3 0 0 3

5 XXXXXX Open Elective-1 3 3 3 0 0 3

6 XXXXXX Open Elective-2 3 3 3 0 0 3

7 MEPB 421 Seminar 1 1 0 0 4 1

8 MEPB 422 Summer Training – III 1 1 0 0 0 1

Total 18+2 20 18 0 4 20


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MELB 48X MOOCs (Program Elective-4) 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 XXXXXX MOOCs (Open Elective-3) 3 3 3 0 0 3
3 MEPB 471 Major Project 14 14 0 0 0 14
Total 6+14 20 6 0 0 20

NOTE: MOOC’s courses approved by the Department only be studied by the students.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 10

4.2 Program Elective Courses

Track Program Elective-1 Program Elective-2 Program Elective-3

Quality Management Mathematical Modeling Mechanical Behavior &

Systems & Accreditations of Manufacturing Testing of Materials

Smart Materials & Mechanics of Composite Computer Integrated

Structures Materials Manufacturing
Product Design & Flexible Manufacturing Digital Manufacturing
Development Systems

Micro and Nano Theory of Metal Cutting Design and Analysis of

Manufacturing Management Information

Lean Manufacturing

Fracture Mechanics Dynamics of Mechanical Engineering Tribology


Design MEMS Devices – Design Advanced FEM Human Factors in Engineering

and Fabrication and Design

Vibration and Noise Theory of Elasticity Bio-mechanics

Power Plant Engineering Hybrid and Electrical Alternate Fuels for IC Engines
Applied Thermodynamics Solar Thermal Processes Vehicular Pollution

Non-Conventional Energy Computational Fluid Combustion Generated

Resources Dynamics Pollution & Control

Heat Exchanger Cryogenics Conduction/Convective Heat

Technology Transfer

Automobile Engineering

*The List of program Electives offered by the Department is tentative and will be reviewed on yearly
basis and depending upon the requirements of the Industry/ Availability of faculties the program
electives will be offered. ** The Open Electives will be selected by the students from the Electives
offered by other Department for their BTech programs.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 11

4.3 MOOCs

MOOCs (Program Elective-4) MOOCs (Open Elective-3)

 Quality Control in Manufacturing  Data Science

 Aerodynamics  Internet of Things

 Robotics  Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT)

 Thermodynamics of Cryogenic System  Introduction to Game Development

 Physics of Turbulent Flow  Importance of Safety

 Industry 4.0  Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

4.4 Courses offered to other Departments

Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 119 Engineering Graphics and AutoCAD 2+1 3 2 0 2 3

2 MEBB163 Engineering Workshop Practice 1+1 2 1 0 2 2

3 MEBB 162 Engineering Visualization 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

4 MEPB 121 Product Design & Realization Lab 1 1 0 0 2 1

5 MELB 151 Engineering Mechanics 3 3 3 0 0 3

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 12


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MALB 101 Engineering Mathematics-I 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 PHBB 111 Engineering Physics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

3 MEBB 111 Introduction to Manufacturing 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

4 HMLB 101 Communication Skills 2 2 2 0 0 2

5 CSBB 111 Computer Programming 2+1 3 2 0 2 3

6 MELB 101 Introduction to Sensors, Actuators & IoT 2 2 2 0 0 2

7 MEPB 122 Joy of Engineering 1 1 0 0 2 1
8 EVPB 101 Nature and Care 1 0 0 0 2 1
Total 15+5 20 15 0 10 20

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 13

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 111 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Introduction to Manufacturing Technology
Course This subject provides information about the basics of manufacturing
objectives: processes and tools/ equipment. This course also provides the uses of
conventional machines. In this order, students will come to know about
various manufacturing processes and it’s applications with working
Course CO-1 Identify the process requirements to manufacture a specific product by
Outcomes (COs) manufacturing processes.
CO-2 Provide the knowledge of the effects of various operations on the
quality of the product produced.
CO-3 Describe theoretical knowledge of physical processes occurring on
machines and tools.
CO-4 Assess the quality of products made by different types of welding
CO-5 Understand the forming and machining process in detail with trail
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik, East West Press.
2. Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhary , MMP

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 14

Reference Books:
1. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, by Kalpakjian (Author)
2. Fundamentals of Machining Processes: Conventional and
Nonconventional Processes Byby Hassan El-Hofy (Author)
3. Machining and Machine Tools, by A.B. Chattopadhyay (Author).
Content Unit - I
Introduction- Definitions and broad grouping, Safety and Precautions in
Workshop, Types of manufacturing: According Material Uses, Types of
manufacturing Processes, Tools and equipment.
Unit - II
Casting - Introduction, History, Definition, Major Classification Casting
Materials, Sand mould casting Moulding sands: composition types, methods,
Advantages & Disadvantages casting, Principle & Applications casting,
Casting defects.
Unit - III
Welding - Introduction to metallic parts, Major grouping of joining
processes, brazing and soldering, Broad classification of welding processes,
Advantages & Disadvantages welding, Principle & Applications welding,
Welding defects.
Unit - IV
Forming Processes-Forging Introduction, definition, classification, hot
forging & cold forging, characteristics & applications forging, material
operations, equipment’s & tools: Smith forging Drop forging Pressing or
press forging, Forging dies.
Unit - V
Machining- Definition, Introduction of Lathe Machine, Types of Lathe
machine, Part of Lathe, Operations of Lathe machine, Advantages and
disadvantage, Application and Principle of Lathe Machine.

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%

Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 15

Manufacturing Technology Lab

List of Experiments

Exp. no. Description

Introduction to product design
1. To study different tools used in SolidWorks.
2. 2D and 3D part design in SolidWorks.
Fitting shop
1. To study about different hand tools used in fitting shop.
2. To make a V-Fit from the given mild steel pieces with specified dimensions.
3. To make a square fit from the given mild steel pieces with specified dimensions
Machine shop
1. To study of different parts of Lathe machine.
2. To perform turning and grooving operations on the given work piece in lathe
3. To perform facing, knurling, thread cutting operations on the given work piece in
lathe machine.
Foundry shop
1. To study the different tools used in Foundry shop.
2. To prepare a pattern and moulding box for bench moulding process and sand
mould casting in Foundry Shop.
3. To determine the green shear strength of the given specimen for different
percentages of clay and moisture.
Welding shop
1. To make a lap joint of the given mild steel pieces by arc welding.
2. To make a butt joint of the given mild steel pieces by arc welding.
3. To make a T joint of the given mild steel pieces by arc welding.
Sheet metal shop
1. To study different types of Hand tools used in Sheet metal shop.
2. To prepare a square tray of given dimensions using a Galvanized iron (G.I) sheet.
3. To prepare a Funnel of given dimensions using a G.I. sheet.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 16

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 101 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Introduction to Sensors, Actuators & IoT
Course Coordinator
Course objectives: 1. To make students know the IoT eco system.
2. To provide an understanding of the technologies and the standards relating
to the Internet of Things.
3. To develop skills on IoT technical planning.
Course CO-1 To understand the basics of Networking and Security.
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 To understand predecessor of IoT technology and emergence of Internet
of Things.
CO-3 To understand architecture for Internet of Things.
CO-4 To recognize various devices, sensors, actuators, and various processing
paradigms for IoT.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total Teaching
Contact Hours 2 0 0 2 24
Prerequisite course
code as per
proposed course
Prerequisite Credits
Equivalent course
codes as per
proposed course
and old course
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things, Shriram K Vasudevan, Abhishek S Nagarajan, RMD
Sundaram, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Sudip Mishra, Anandarup Mukherjee, Arijit Roy: Introduction to IOT,
Cambridge University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Bassi, Alessandro, etal, “Enablingthingstotalk”,Springer-VerlagBerlin-2016
2. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, “IoT
Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of Things”,
CISCO Press, 2017
3. Massimo Banzi, Michael Shiloh Make: Getting Started with the Arduino, Shroff Publisher/
Maker Media Publishers.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 17

Content UNIT - I
Basics of Networking & Basics of Network Security: Network Types, Layered
Network Models, Addressing, Internet of Things TCP/ IP Transport layer,
Security, Network Confidentiality, Message Integrity and Authenticity, Digital
signatures, Key Management, Internet Security & Firewall.

Predecessors of IoT & Emergence of IoT–Introduction, Wireless Sensor
Networks, Machine-to-Machine Communications, Cyber Physical Systems,
Architectural components of CPS, IoT versus M2M, IoT versus CPS, IoT versus
WoT, Enabling IoT and the Complex Interdependence of Technologies, IoT
Networking Components, Addressing Strategies in IoT.

IoT Sensing and Actuation & IoT Processing Topologies and Types:
Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing
Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuators Types, Actuator Types,
Actuator Characteristics, Data Formats, Processing in IoT, Processing
Topologies, IoT Device Design and Selection Considerations, Processing Off
loading, Off load location, Off load decision making, Off loading considerations.

IoT Sensing and Actuation & IoT Processing Topologies and Types:
Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing
Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuators Types, Actuator Types,
Actuator Characteristics, Data Formats, Processing in IoT, Processing
Topologies, IoT Device Design and Selection Considerations, Processing Off
loading, Off load location, Off load decision making, Off loading considerations.
Course Assessment Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 18

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 122 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Joy of Engineering
Course This subject provides information about creative and innovative learning. In
Objectives: this order, students will come to know about the basics of digital
manufacturing through designing software. Additive manufacturing is also
be a part of this subject.
Course CO-1 Understand the fundamental knowledge of basic design software in 2-D
Outcomes (COs) and 3-D.
CO-2 Understand the working principle of 3-D Polymer and Metal printers.
CO-3 Familiarize the students with the 3-D printer and Design software’s.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 0 0 2 1 24
course code as per
proposed course
Equivalent course
codes as per
proposed course
and old course
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. A Practical Guide to Design for Additive Manufacturing, Diegel, Olaf,
Axel Nordin, and Damien Motte, Springer, 2020.
2. The 3D Printing Handbook: Technologies, Design and Applications,
Redwood, Ben, Filemon Schoffer, and Brian Garret, 3D Hubs, 2017.
3. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, David F. Rogers, J. A.
Adams, TMH, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Gibson, Ian, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, and
MahyarKhorasani, Springer, 2021.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 19

2. Laser-Induced Materials and Processes for Rapid Prototyping, L.Lu, J.
Y. H. Fuh and Y.S. Wong, Springer, 2001.
3. Rapid Prototyping: Laser-based and Other Technologies, Patri K.
Venuvinod and Weiyin Ma, Springer, 2004.
Fundamentals of Design Software: Concepts, 3D Design, Component
Based Terminology, User Interface, Windows Functions, Windows,
Function Selection and Feedback Design Process, Design Intent, Design
Method, Sketches, Origin, Planes, Dimensions, Relations, Features,
Assemblies, Drawings, Model Editing.

Polymer Printer: Support Material, Accuracy, Tolerances, Layer

Thickness, Resolution, Print Orientation, over sintering, Hollowing Parts,
Horizontal Bridges, Connections, Fill Style, holes, fillets, ribs, font sizes and
small details.

Metal Printer:, Warpage and Support Material, Design Guidelines for Wall
Thickness, Clearance Between Moving Parts, Vertical Slots, Circular Holes,
fillets, channels, vertical Bosses, circular pins, External Screw Threads and
part positioning.

Course Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%


Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 20


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 161 Engineering Materials 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

2 MELB 151 Engineering Mechanics 3 3 3 0 0 3
3 MEBB 162 Engineering Visualization 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
4 EEBB 161 Introduction to Electrical & Electronics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
5 CELB 101 Environmental Sciences 2 2 2 0 0 2
6 HMPB 171 Technical Report Writing 1 1 0 0 2 1
7 MEPB 171 Project-I 2 2 0 0 0 2
8 EAP 101 Extra Academic Activity 0 0 0 0 2 0
Total 14+6 20 14 0 10 20

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 21

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 161 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Engineering Materials
Course The objective of the course is to provide basic understanding of engineering
objectives: materials. To understand the concepts of atomic bonding, crystal structures,
imperfections, diffusions, mechanical properties, and dislocations as related to
processing and performance of engineering materials. Understand the relations
between the composition, temperature and phase diagrams for given material
systems. To understand the various issues in engineering materials during the
selection of materials for the various applications.
Course CO-1 Understand the basic knowledge and classify the different types of
Outcomes (COs) engineering materials.
CO-2 Discuss the mechanical behaviour and various strengthening
mechanisms of engineering materials.
CO-3 Describe the isomorphous and eutectic phase diagram.
CO-4 Applications of electrical and magnetics materials.
CO-5 Identify the form of degradation of materials and suggest methods to
prevent it.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course

Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 22

1. W.D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering; John Wiley & Sons,
2. W.F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering: An
Introduction; Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
3. V. Raghavan, Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering; PHI, Delhi.
4. J. F. Shackelford: Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Mc-
Millan Publishing Co., N.Y.
Reference Books:
1. S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Engineering Materials; Tata Mc-
Graw Hill.
2. L. H. Van Vlack, Elements of Material Science and Engineering; Thomas
Press, India.
3. K. G. Budinski, Engineering Materials – Properties and selection,
Prentince Hall India.
4. Michael F. Ashby, David R. H. Jones Engineering Materials 1 An
Introduction to Properties, Applications, and Design, Fourth Edition,
5. Mechanical Behavior of Materials by Krishan Chawla, Marc A. Meyers,
Cambridge university press.
Content UNIT - I
Structure of Solids: Classification of engineering materials, Structure-
property relationship in engineering materials, Crystalline and non-
crystalline materials, Miller Indices, Crystal planes and directions, Inorganic
solids, Silicate structures and their applications. Crystal imperfections-Point,
line and surface defects.
Mechanical Properties: Elasticity and Plasticity in Materials, Stress-strain
curve, Tensile properties, Hardness and Hardness measurement, Impact
properties, Fatigue, Creep, Optical Microscopy, Optical microscope - Basic
principles and components.
Equilibrium Diagram: Solids solutions and alloys, Gibbs phase rule, Unary
and binary eutectic phase diagram, Examples and applications of phase
diagrams like Iron - Iron carbide phase diagram.
Electrical and Magnetic Materials: Conducting and resistor materials, and
their engineering application; Semiconducting materials, their properties
and applications; Magnetic materials, Soft and hard magnetic materials and
applications; Superconductors; Dielectric materials, their properties and
applications. Smart materials: Sensors and actuators, piezoelectric,
magnetostrictive and electrostrictive materials.
Environmental Degradation of materials: Environmental Degradation of
metals (corrosion), ceramics, and polymers, Cause of corrosion, Types of
corrosion, Protection against corrosion. Selection of materials for different
engineering applications. Recycling Issues in Materials.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 23

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Material Testing Lab

List of Experiments:

1. To study cooling curve of a binary alloy.

2. To study the stress -strain characteristics of (a) Mild Steel by conducting tension test on
Universal Testing Machine.
3. To perform compression test on Universal Testing Machine.
4. To determine the shear strength of a given specimen on Universal Testing Machine.
5. To find the Brinnell’s and Vicker’s hardness numbers of (a) Steel (b) Brass (c) Aluminium (d)
Copper by conducting hardness test.
6. Study of Impact Testing Machine and to perform Izod Test to find the Impact strength of the
given specimen.
7. To determine the Modulus of rigidity by conducting Torsion test on (a) Solid shaft (b) Hollow
8. To determine the Modulus of elasticity of the material by conducting deflection test on a
continuous beam.
9. To find the Modulus of rigidity of the material of a spring by conducting Compression test.
10. To determine the Young’s modulus of the material by conducting deflection test on a simply
supported beam.
11. To investigate creep of a given wire at room temperature.
12. To perform Bending Test on Cantilever Beam set up and calculate the Bending Stress.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 24

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 151 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Engineering Mechanics
Course 1. To apply the knowledge of mathematics, Science and Engineering and to
objectives: expand this into the vast area of ‘rigid body mechanics’.
2. To impart knowledge about the basic laws of statics and their applications
in problem solving.
3. To enhance the ability to design and solve open ended problems.
4. To prepare the students for higher level of courses in the demine of
mechanical engineering.
Course CO-1 Apply the various laws of engineering mechanics for solving simple
Outcomes (COs) and complex problems.
CO-2 Apply analytical skills for analysing statically equilibrium problems.
CO-3 Understand and analyse support reactions in various types of beams.
CO-4 Calculate and analyse the centre of gravity and centroid of the rigid
CO-5 Calculate and analyse the area moment of inertia and mass moment of
inertia of the rigid bodies.
CO-6 Solve problems related to friction.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 0 3 36
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 25

1. Engineering Mechanics by Shames & Rao – Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Engineering Mechanics by Dr. R.K. Bansal, Lakshmi Publications, 2009.
3. Engineering Mechanics – B. Bhattacharyya, Oxford University Publications,
4. Engineering mechanics by S S Bhavikatti, New age International
Publications, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mechanics by Fedrinand L.Singer – Harper Collings
Publishers, 1994.
2. Engineering Mechanics by Seshigiri Rao, Universities Press, Hyderabad,
3. Engineering Mechanics by Rajsekharan, Vikas Publications, 2005.
4. Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) by Hibller and Gupta;
Pearson Education, 2016.
5. Engineering Mechanics by S.Timoshenko, D.H.Young and J.V.Rao, Tata
McGraw-Hill Company, 2013.
6. Engineering Mechanics by Chandramouli, PHI publications, 2011.
7. Engineering Mechanics –Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt. –
Brooks/Cole – Cengage, 2002.
Content UNIT - I
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics- classification of engineering
mechanics – basic terminologies in mechanics - units and dimensions – laws
of mechanics – parallelogram and triangular law of forces – Lame‟s
theorem- principle of transmissibility – single equivalent force – simple
Equilibrium of rigid body- composition system of forces – resolution of
forces – general method of composition of forces – equilibrium of bodies –
equilibrium of connected bodies – simple examples - Moment of a force –
Varignon‟s theorem – couple – resultant of non-concurrent force system- x
and y intercept of resultant- simple problems.
Support Reactions- introduction – types of supports – types of loading –
analytical method for finding out the reactions of a beam – simple problems
on simply supported beams, overhanging beams and roller and hinged
supports beams.
Center of gravity and centroid – Determination of areas – First moment of
area and the centroid of sections – Rectangle, circle, triangle from
integration – T-section, I-section, angle section, hollow sections by using
standard formula.
Area moment of inertia and mass moment of inertia – Introduction –
radius of gyration – theorem of perpendicular axis – theorem of parallel axis
– second moment of area – rectangle, circle, triangle from integration – T-
section, I-section, angle section, hollow section by using standard formula –
polar moment of inertia – mass moment of inertia.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 26

Friction- Introduction - Types of friction - laws of Coulomb friction –
Frictional force –Angle of repose –Equilibrium of a body lying on rough
inclined plane – Analysis of ladder friction – Analysis of wedge friction.
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 27

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 162 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory &
Course 1. To impart and inculcate proper understanding of the theory of projection.
objectives: 2. To improve the visualization skills.
3. To enable the students with various concepts like dimensioning, conventions
and standards related to working drawings in order to become professionally
4. To impart the knowledge on understanding and drawing of simple
residential/office buildings.
Course CO-1 Remember the use of different instruments used in Engineering
Outcomes (Cos) Drawing and Importance of BIS and ISO codes.
CO-2 Illustrate various types of mathematical curves and scale.
CO-3 Construct orthographic projection of Point, Line, and Plane
CO-4 Construct orthographic and sectioning views of regular solids.
CO-5 Create Orthographic view to Isometric projection/view and vice-versa.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Engineering Graphics, N.D. Bhatt and V.M. Panchal, Charotar Publishers.
2. Jolhe, D. A., Engineering drawing, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 28

Reference Books:
1. Engineering Drawing, Agarwal, B, McGraw Hill Education, 2015, Second
2. Shah, M. B. and Rana, B. C., Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education,
3. K.V. Natarajan, A text book of Engineering Graphics, Dhanalakshmi
Publishers, Chennai, 2006.
4. AutoCAD 2007 Bible E. Finkelstein,Wiley Publishing Inc.
Lines Lettering and Dimensioning: Types of lines, Lettering,
Dimensioning, Geometrical Constructions, Polygons. Scales: Plain scales,
Diagonal scales, Scale of chords.
Curves used in Engineering Practice: Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola,
normal and tangents to these curves, Involute, Cycloid, Epi-cycloid, Hypo-
cycloid, Spiral, Helix on cone and cylinder.
Orthographic projection of points: Principles of Orthographic projection,
Projections of points. Projections of Lines: Projections of a line parallel to
one of the reference planes and inclined to the other, line inclined to both
the reference planes, Traces, Projections of Planes: Projections of a plane
perpendicular to one of the reference planes and inclined to the other,
Oblique planes.
Projections of Solids: Projections of solids whose axis is parallel to one of
the reference planes and inclined to the other, axis inclined to both the
planes. Section of Solids: Sectional planes, Sectional views - Prism, pyramid,
cylinder and cone, true shape of the section.
Isometric views: Isometric axis, Isometric Planes, Isometric View,
Isometric projection, Isometric views – simple objects. Assembly drawings
of the machine parts.
NOTE: Interpretation of drawings: Introduction of CAD package to
construct a simple solid model, using a CAD package to construct solid
models and generating orthographic, isometric, sectional views with
dimensioning, Assembly of components and generation of corresponding
drawings. Animation of machines in CAD.
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50% , End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 29

Engineering Visualization Lab

The objective of this lab is to learn the basics of engineering drawing and implement the
knowledge of this subject as an engineering design. The lab curriculum is designed for 1st
year UG students for all engineering specializations. At the end of the course students will be
able to implement their ideas in various applications and create job opportunities.
Major Equipments:
Drawing sheet, Drawing board, Mini drafter, HB/1H/2H Pencils, Eraser, Protractor, scale, etc
or using Autocad

List of Experiments

S. No. Description

1. Lettering, Dimensioning,

2. Plan Scale, Diagonal Scale, Scale of Chords

3. Geometrical construction of Engineering Curves

4. Introduction of Projection of Points and Lines

5. Traces of lines

6. Projection of Planes

7. Projections of Regular Solids

8. Sectional Views of Solids

9. Isometric views

10. Orthographic to isometric

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 30

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 171 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Training
Course Title Project- Summer Training
Course Students may complete the training before the beginning of 3rd semester and
Objectives: register for it in 3rd semester. The duration of the internship or practical training
will be for a minimum of 4 weeks. Practical training or Internship must be
undertaken in physical/ online mode in industry/R&D organizations/Premier
educational institutes. Practical training or Internship must focus on mechanical
engineering domain.
Course CO-1 Exposure to the professional world of engineering and research.
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Correlation of theoretical knowledge with the application practice.
CO-3 Learning technical report writing.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 0 0 0 2 -
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
As applicable
Reference Books:
As applicable
Content As applicable

Course Report submission and presentation


Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 31


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MALB 201 Engineering Mathematics-II 3 3 3 0 0 3

2 MEBB 211 Fluid Mechanics 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

3 MELB 201 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 3 3 0 0 3

4 MELB 202 Mechanics of Materials 3 3 3 0 0 3

5 MEPB 221 Computer Aided Machine Drawing 1 1 0 0 2 1

6 MEPB 222 Programming with Python 1 1 0 0 2 1

7 MEBB 212 Manufacturing Sciences-I 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

8 MEPB 223 Summer Training- I 1 1 0 0 0 1

Total 15+5 20 15 0 8 20

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 32

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 211 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory and Core Engineering Course
Course Title Fluid Mechanics
Course The student is introduced to the mechanics of fluids through a thorough
Objectives: understanding of the properties of fluids. The dynamics of fluids is introduced
through the control volume approach which gives an integrated understanding of
the transport of mass, momentum and energy. To impart method of
determination of major and minor losses in pipes
Course CO-1 Understand the properties of fluids, basic principles & applications of
Outcomes (COs) fluid mechanics.
CO-2 Apply conservation laws to fluid flow problems in engineering
CO-3 Evaluate the kinematics of fluid flow.

CO-4 Analyse laminar and turbulent flow.

CO-5 Create physical models with the basics concept of Boundary Layer.

Semester Autumn: Spring:

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 33

Text Books:
1. Çengel, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Boston,
2. Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid
Mechanics, 4th Ed., Wiley, New York, NY, 2002.
3. Som, S. K., Biswas, G. and Chakraborty, S., “Introduction to Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, 3rd 2012 Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. 1. White, F.M., “Fluid Mechanics”, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill
2. Shames, Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi, 1988
3. Streeter V.L. and Benjamin Wylie, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book
Co., New Delhi, 1999.
4. Yuan, S.W., “Foundation of Fluid Mechanics”, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall
Content UNIT -I
Introduction: Fluids and their properties: Ideal and real fluids, capillarity,
Vapour pressure, compressibility and bulk modulus, Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids.
Fluid Statics: Concept of pressure, Pascal’s law and its engineering
applications, action of fluid pressure on a plane (horizontal, vertical and
inclined) submerged surface, resultant force and centre of pressure,
Buoyancy and flotation, stability of floating and submerged bodies,
Metacentric height.
Fluid Kinematics: Classification of fluid flows, velocity and acceleration of
fluid particle, normal and tangential acceleration, streamline, path line and
streak line, Circulation and Vorticity, Velocity Potential Function, Stream
Function, Flow Net, Acceleration in Fluid Vessel, flow rate and discharge
mean velocity, continuity equation.
Fluid dynamics: Reynolds transport theorem; Conservation equations of
mass, momentum and energy, Navier-Stokes, Euler and Bernoulli equations;
Forces due to fluid flow over flat plates, curved vanes and in the bends,
applications of Bernoulli equation, Flow Measurement: Flow measuring
devices, Pitot tube, obstruction flow meters.
Laminar and Turbulent Flows: Flow through Pipes, Hagen Poiseuille Flow,
Stokes Law, Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flow, Types of Turbulent
Flow, Scale and Intensity of Turbulence, Eddy Viscosity, Prandtl Mixing
Length Theory, Velocity Distribution in Turbulent Flow, Major and Minor
Losses, Moody’s Diagram, Pipe in Series and Parallel, Pipe Network.
Dimensional analysis: Basic and derived quantities, similitude and
dimensional analysis, Buckingham π–theorem, non-dimensional
parameters, model testing

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 34

Boundary Layer Theory: Concept of boundary layer, Equations and
Approximate Integral Analysis, Boundary Layer Separation and its Control,
Thermal Boundary Layer
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Fluid Mechanics Lab

The objective of this lab is to learn the basics of fluid mechanics and implement the knowledge of this
subject as an engineering design and analyse of fluid flow. The lab curriculum is designed for 2 nd year
UG students for Mechanical engineering. At the end of the course students will be able to implement
their ideas in various applications and create job opportunities.

List of Experiments
S.No. Description
1. To find the metacentric height of the floating body.
2. To determine coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Orifice.
3. To determine coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Venturimeter.
4. To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of Rectangular notch.
5. To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of the V notch.
6. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem using a Venturimeter.
7. To find the friction loss and frictional factor of given pipe lines.
8. To study the inception and growth of Cavitation.
9. Flow visualization/patterns
10. Impact of Jet

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 35

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 201 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics
Course objectives: 1. To learn the principles of work and energy.
2. To acquire knowledge about the fundamentals of thermodynamic laws,
concepts and principles.
3. To understand the principles of various cycles and to apply the
thermodynamic concepts in various applications like IC engines and
steam plants.
Course CO-1 Understand the concepts of thermodynamic systems, properties and
Outcomes (COs) laws of thermodynamics.
CO-2 Apply the first law of thermodynamics for non-flow and flow
CO-3 Apply the second law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems
CO-4 Evaluate the quality of steam and properties of pure substances
CO-5 Analyse Gas and vapour power cycles
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 0 3 36
course code as per
proposed course
Equivalent course
codes as per
proposed course
and old course
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Cengel, Y.A. and Boles, M.A., “Thermodynamics an Engineering
Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Nag, P.K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Tata-McGraw Hill
3. Som, S. K., Biswas, G. and Chakraborty, S., “Introduction to Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, 3rd 2012 Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 36

1. G.J.Vanwylen and R.E. Sonntag'' Fundamentals of Thermodynamics,”
Wiley India
2. Arora, C.P., “Thermodynamics”, Tata-McGraw Hill
3. Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.M., “Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics”, 4th 2010
Introduction: Scope and applications of thermodynamics, Concept of
continuum, microscopic and macroscopic approach, system, control volume
thermodynamic system, surrounding, state, process, properties, equilibrium,
heat and work, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.

First Law of Thermodynamics: First law application to non-flow processes
such as isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic and polytropic processes.
Steady flow energy equation, flow work. Application to various practical
systems viz. nozzles, diffuser, turbines, heat exchangers etc. Application of
energy equation to transient flow problems.

Second Law of thermodynamics: Second law, reversible and irreversible
processes, Clausius and Kelvin Planck statements, Carnot cycle, corollaries of
second law: thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality, entropy as
a property, principle of increase of entropy. Calculation of entropy change.

Properties of Pure Simple Compressible Substance: PvT surface, PV, TV, TP
diagrams. Equation of state for ideal and real gases, van der Waal equation, use
of steam tables and Mollier diagram.

Gas and Vapour Power Cycles: Otto, Diesel, Dual, Stirling, Joule Brayton cycle.
Thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure, Rankine cycle.

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%

End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 37

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 202 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Mechanics of materials
Course objectives: 1. To impart basic principles of solid mechanics and their associated laws.
2. To understand the behaviour of engineering materials for different types of
3. To understand the behaviour of beams under different types of loads.
4. To understand the nature of stresses developed in material under complex
loading system.
5. To analyse the cylindrical shells under circumferential and radial loading
Course CO-1 Determine the deformations, stresses and strains in members subjected
Outcomes (COs) to the axial and thermal load.
CO-2 Evaluate and explain the variations of the shear forces and bending
moments along the axis of the beam.
CO-3 Use the bending stress concept to design the machine and structural
CO-4 Evaluate the deflections at various points in the beam and determine the
critical buckling loads of columns under different boundary conditions.
CO-5 Analyse the principal stresses/strains and visualize the variations of
normal and shear stresses in components.
CO-6 Apply the knowledge of thin cylinders in the design of boilers, pressure
vessels, and low pressure processing equipment etc., used in various
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 0 3 36
course code as per
proposed course
Equivalent course
codes as per
proposed course
and old course
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 38

1. S. Ramamrutham, Strength of materials, 16th Edition, Dhanpat Rai
publications, 2011.
2. R.K. Bansal, Strength of Materials, 4th Edition, Laxmi publications (P) ltd,
3. James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno, Mechanics of materials, 7th edition,
Cengage learning, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Nash W.A, Theory and problems in Strength of Materials, Schaum Outline
Series, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
2. Strength of materials by Bhavikatti, Lakshmi Publications.
3. Engineering Mechanics of Solids by Popov E.P, Prentice-Hall of India,
New Delhi.
4. Mechanics of solids by Timo shenko,TMH Publications.
5. Singh D.K “Mechanics of Solids” Pearson Education.
6. Beer F. P. and Johnston R, Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill Book
Co, Third Edition
Content UNIT - I
Simple stresses & strains: Rigid and Deformable bodies – Strength,
Stiffness and Stability – Stresses; Tensile, Compressive and Shear –
Deformation of simple and compound bars under axial load – Thermal stress
– Elastic constants – Strain energy and unit strain energy – Strain energy in
uniaxial loads.
Shear force and bending moment: Types of beams: Supports and Loads –
Shear force and Bending Moment in beams – Cantilever, Simply supported
and Overhanging beams subjected to point loads, UDL, Uniformly varying
loads and combination of these loads- Point of Contra flexure- Relation
between S.F, B.M and rate of loading at a section of a beam.
Flexural stresses: Theory of simple bending- Assumptions- Derivation of
bending equation (M/I = f/y = E/R) – Neutral axis- Determination of
Bending stresses- section modulus of rectangular and circular sections
(Solid and Hollow), I, T, Angle and Channel sections.
Beam deflection: Elastic curve of Neutral axis of the beam under normal
loads – Evaluation of beam deflection and slope: Double integration method,
Macaulay Method.
Columns: End conditions – Equivalent length of a column – Euler‟s equation
– Slenderness ratio – Rankin‟s formula for columns.
Principal stresses & strains: Principal stresses and Principal planes,
Method of determining stresses on oblique sections, Mohr‟s circle.
Cylindrical shells: Thin cylindrical shells – Derivation of formula for
longitudinal and circumferential stresses –hoop, longitudinal stresses and
volumetric strains.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 39

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 221 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Practical Core Engineering Course
Course Title Computer Aided Machine Drawing
Course 1. To impart the basic knowledge of use of computers in product development
Objectives: and design.
2. To introduce the students to mathematical and computational modelling of
curves, surface and solids.
3. To enable the student to use a computer for product modelling and analysis.
Course CO-1 Use mathematical concepts of curve, surface and solid formulations in
Outcomes (Cos) CAD.
CO-2 Interpret drafting, tolerance and geometrical symbols in given
production drawings.
CO-3 Prepare 2D/3D production machine drawings using design software.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 0 0 2 1 24
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. A Practical Guide to Design for Additive Manufacturing, Diegel, Olaf,
Axel Nordin, and Damien Motte, Springer, 2020.
2. The 3D Printing Handbook: Technologies, Design and Applications,
Redwood, Ben, Filemon Schoffer, and Brian Garret, 3D Hubs, 2017.
Reference Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 40

1. Radhakrishnan P & Kothandaraman C.P, “Computer Graphics and
Design”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1990.
2. Groover M P, “Automation, Production System and Computer Aided
Manufacture”, Prentice Hall, 1984.
3. William M Newman & Robert Sproul,, “Principle of Interactice
Computer Graphics”, Mc Graw Hill, 1984
Content Basic concepts of CAD: CAD workstation - principles of computer graphics -
graphics programming - mechanical drafting package.

Development of Surfaces: Draw the development of surfaces for Prisms,

Cylinders, Pyramids and Cones. Representation of elements of machine
drawing: Engineering Materials, Surface finishes, tolerances, sectional views,
Screw threads.
Component Drawings: Bolts and Nuts, Locking devices, Keys and Cotter
joints, Knuckle Joint, Riveted joints, Shaft Couplings, Bearings and Pipe
Assembly Drawing Practice: Draw the assembly drawings of Stuffing Box,
Eccentric, Swivel bearing, Drill jig, Tail stock, Toolpost, Tool head for
shaping machine, machine vice, screw jack, using the component drawings,
Draw the component drawings using the assembly drawings, Machine
Drawing practice using AutoCAD/CATIA etc.
Course Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 41

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MALB 201 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory &
Course Title Manufacturing Science-I
Course 1. The main objective of this course is to emphasize the importance
Objectives: manufacturing sciences in the day-to-day life.
2. To impart knowledge about the different processes, materials and systems in
3. To study and understand the basic manufacturing processes and tools used in
the manufacturing processes like casing, joining, forming and powder
metallurgy etc.
4. To enable the students to understand about the different types of defects in
manufacturing processes such as casting, rolling, forging, drawing extrusion
and welding etc.
Course CO-1 Understand the basic concepts of various manufacturing processes.
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Analysis the design concept of core, core print and gating system in
metal casting processes
CO-3 Examine weld joints fabricated through solid state and fusion joining,
brazing and soldering techniques
CO-4 Develop process-maps for metal forming processes using plasticity
CO-5 Design near net shaped components from metal and ceramic powders
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 42

Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science. Amitabha Ghosh and Mallick A. K, Affiliated
East-West Press Pvt. Ltd. 2010.
2. Manufacturing & Technology: Foundry Forming and Welding by P.N.
Rao, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification, Doru Michael
Stefanescu, Springer, 2009.
4. Welding Metallurgy, Sindo Kao, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2002.
5. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Process, G. K. Lal and S. K.
Choudhury, 2009, CRC Press, 2011.
6. Powder Metallurgy- Science, Technology and Applications, P. C.
Angelo and R. Subramanian, PHI, New Delhi, 2010.
7. Welding and Welding Technology” by Richards L. Little, Tata Mc
Zgraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Materials and Processes, in Manufacturing, Paul Degarmo E, Black
J.T and Ronald A. Kosher, Eight Edition, Prentice –Hall of India,
2. Solidification and Casting, Brian Cantor, Keyna O'Reilly, Taylor and
Francis, 2002.
3. Formability of Metallic Materials: Plastic Anisotropy, Formability
Testing, Forming Limits, Dorel Banabic, Springer, 2010.
4. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (4th Edition) by Serope
Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid, Prentice Hall 2000-06-15 ISBN:
5. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials Processes and
Systems by M. P. Groover, John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.
6. Principles of Metal Casting” by Heine, Loper and Rosenthal, Tata
Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co, Ltd; New Delhi.
7. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing by 5.E.PaulDeGarmo,
J.T. Black, Ronald A. Khoser, Wiley; 9 edition, ISBN:0471033065
8. Foundry Engineering by Taylor H.F Flemings M.C&Wulff J, Wiley
Eastern Limited.
9. Principles of Foundry Technology, by Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Company, Ltd

Online Resources:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 43

Introduction to Manufacturing Processes: Introduction and
Classifications of manufacturing processes, Overview of Machining
Processes, Elastic and Plastic Deformation, Crystal Imperfection and
dislocation, Stress Strain Diagram for different types of materials, Control of
material properties (Alloying and heat treatment, Mechanical Properties and

Casting Practices: Introduction and Classification of Casting Processes,
Pattern, Pattern allowances and their importance, Mold design and Mold
making procedures, Solidification of Alloys and its mechanism, Gating
System Design and Estimation of Solidification time, Riser Design and Riser
Placement, Casting Defects and remedies, Numerical Problems on Casting.

Joining Processes: Introduction and Classification of Joining Processes,
Physics of Welding, Types of Welding - Fusion and Solid-state welding
processes, Solidification Phenomenon in Welding, Microstructural
Evolution, Weldability, Welding of metals and alloys, Different Zones of
Weld Region and their Microstructural Evolution, Brazing and Soldering,
Defects and Remedies.

Forming Processes: Introduction, Classification of metal forming processes,
Basic metal working concepts and plasticity, Yield criterion, Slip line fields,
Estimation of force and energy requirements, Technology of bulk and sheet
metal forming processes, various features of different types of metal
forming dies (Rolling, Wire and Tube Drawing, Extrusion and Deep
Drawing). Numerical Problems on Forming.

Powder Metallurgy: Powder Metallurgy: (Metals and Ceramics)
Techniques of near net shape manufacturing, techniques of powder
manufacturing, powder compaction methods, introduction to sintering,
Sintering phenomenon, post sintering operations. Numerical Problems on
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 44

Manufacturing Science-I Lab

List of Experiments

Casting Experiments
1. Demonstration on sweep pattern and core making in mould preparation.
2. Find the grain fineness number of the given moulding sand.
3. Find the green and dry shear strength, compression strength and permeability of the given
moulding sand.
4. Calculate the amount of the clay content in the given moulding sand.

Welding Experiments
5. Fabricate the butt joint in the given samples by using shielded metal arc welding in the given
6. Fabricate butt joint in the given samples by using gas welding, SAW, TIG and MIG welding.
7. Join rectangular cross section plates in the given samples by flash butt welding.
8. Identify welding defects by liquid penetration test in the welded sample.
9. Microstructural evolution of weldments

Forming Experiments
10. Fabricate the cylindrical, rectangular and square shape using sheet metal


Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Science, Amitabha Ghosh and A. K. Mallick, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.
Ltd. 2010.
2. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, M. P. Groover,
Wiley India Private Limited, 3rd edition, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology, P.L. Jain, TMH, 2014.
2. Manufacturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding, P.N. Rao, TMH, 2nd Edition,

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 45

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 223 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Training
Course Title Summer Training-I
Course A student may complete the training before the beginning of 4th semester and
objectives: register for it in 4th semester. The duration of the internship or practical training
will be for a minimum of 4 weeks. Practical training or Internship must be
undertaken in physical/online mode in industry/R&D organizations/Premier
educational institutes. Practical training or Internship must focus on mechanical
engineering domain.
Course CO-1 Exposure to the professional world of engineering and research
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Correlation of the theoretical knowledge with the application practice
CO-3 Learning technical report writing.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 0 0 0 2 -
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
As applicable
Reference Books:
As applicable
Content Not required

Course Report submission and presentation


Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 46


Sl. No. Course Code Course Name Credits L T P C

1 MEBB 261 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines 3+1 4 3 0 2 4

2 MEBB 262 Heat and Mass Transfer 3+1 4 3 0 2 4
3 MEBB 263 Engineering Metrology & Instrumentation 2+1 3 2 0 2 3
4 MELB 251 Manufacturing Sciences-II 3 3 3 0 0 3
5 MELB 252 Design of Machine Elements 3 3 3 0 0 3
6 MEPB 271 Programming with MATLAB 1 1 0 0 2 1
7 MEPB 272 Project-II 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 14+6 20 14 0 6 20

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 47

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 261 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
Course 1. To familiarize the various steps involved in the Design Process
Objectives: 2. To understand the principles involved in evaluating the shape and
dimensions of a component to satisfy functional and strength requirements.
3. To learn to use standard practices and standard data
4. To learn to use catalogues and standard machine components (Use of P S G
Design Data Book is permitted)
Course CO-1 Understand basic structure and elements of machines.
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Identify functional characteristics of various machine elements.
CO-3 Synthesize various mechanisms based on position, velocity and
acceleration requirements.
CO-4 Determine position, velocity and acceleration of linkages in mechanism
at any instant.
CO-5 Analyse friction and its practical application in mechanical engineering.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Norton R L, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 48

1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R,
Shigley J E, Oxford Press.
2. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Ambekar, A G, Prentice Hall 5.
Theory of Machines, Singh Sadhu, Pearson Education
Content UNIT - I
Introduction of Mechanisms and Machines: Concepts of Kinematics and
Dynamics, Mechanisms and Machines, Planar and Spatial Mechanisms,
Kinematic Pairs, Kinematic Chains, Kinematic Diagrams, Kinematic
Inversion, Four bar chain and Slider Crank Mechanisms and their Inversions,
Degrees of Freedom,Mobility and range of movement - Kutzbach and
Grubler’s criterion, Number Synthesis, Grashof’s criterion , straight line
Velocity and Acceleration Analysis: Graphical and analytical velocity
analysis of four bar pin jointed linkages and four bar slider crank linkages,
Instant centers of velocity, Graphical and analytical acceleration analysis of
four bar pin jointed linkages and four bar slider crank linkages, Graphical
velocity and acceleration analysis of quick return mechanisms.
Graphical and Analytical Linkage Synthesis: Synthesis, Function, Path,
and Motion Generation, Dimensional synthesis (Graphical): Two position
synthesis, Three Position synthesis, Coupler curves, Position Analysis :
Graphical position analysis of linkages, Algebraic position analysis of
linkages, Four bar slider crank position solution, Two position motion
generated by analytical synthesis, Three position motion generated by
analytical synthesis.
Cams: Types of cams, Types of followers, Follower displacement
programming, Derivatives of follower Motion, Motions of follower, Layout of
cam profiles.
Belt, Ropes and Chains: Types of belt drive, Velocity ratio, Slip, Pulley
arrangement, Length of belt, Law of belting, Ratio of friction tension, Power
transmitted, Centrifugal effects on belts, Maximum power transmitted,
Creep, Chains, Chain length, Angular speed ratio, Classification of chain.
Friction, Clutch and Brake: Introduction to friction, Law of friction,
Coefficient of friction, Inclined plane, Pivot and Collars, Friction clutches,
Rolling Friction, Types of brakes, Block and Shoe brakes, Differential band
brake, Internal expanding shoe brake, Braking effect in vehicle.
Balancing: Balancing of rotating masses Single and multiple – single and
different planes. Balancing of Reciprocating Masses- Primary, Secondary,
and higher balancing of reciprocating masses. Analytical and graphical
Gyroscope: Principle of gyroscope, Roll, pitch and Yaw motions, gyroscopic
effect in Aeroplanes, Naval ships, Automobiles and two wheelers.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 49

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines Lab

List of Experiment:

1. Drawing work related to inversion of four bar mechanism and slider and crank


2. Drawing work related to velocity and acceleration diagrams of various mechanisms.

3. Drawing work related to cam profile.

4. Drawing work and computation related to synthesis.

5. Computerised Synthesis.

6. Analysis related to belt, rope, and chain drive.

7. Analysis related to brakes, and clutches.

8. Analysis related to gears and gear train.

9. Gyroscope

10. Balancing

List of Major Equipments:

 Drawing hall facility.

 Models of different mechanisms like four bar mechanism, quick return mechanisms,
mechanisms with lower pairs and machine elements like belt, pulley, gear, gear train
and cams

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 50

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEBB 262 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No

Type of Course Theory and Core Engineering Course

Course Title Heat and Mass Transfer

Course 1. The course has been designed to impart basic understanding of heat and
objectives: mass transfer mechanisms and to enable the students to apply these in
solving real problems.
2. To introduce the thermal analysis and sizing of heat exchangers.
Course CO-1 Understand various modes of heat transfer and mass transfer
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 Apply the conduction heat transfer distribution in various applications.
CO-3 Evaluate the heat transfer distribution in various modes.
CO-4 Explore the real time applications of radiation mode of heat transfer.
CO-5 Analyse the performance of heat exchangers.

Semester Autumn: Spring:

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 2 4 48

course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
1. Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera and Dewitt, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Heat Transfer A Practical Approach, Cengel, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Heat Transfer, Holman J.P., Tata McGraw –Hill

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 51

Reference Books:

1. Heat Transfer, Ozisik, Tata McGraw-Hill

2. Heat Transfer - A Basic Approach, M. Necati Ozisik, McGraw Hill, New
3. Heat Transfer, Alan J. Chapman, Macmillan, New York.
4. Heat Transfer, S. P. Sukhatme, Universities Press.
Introduction: Mode of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction Heat Transfer: Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity of matter
and other relevant properties, heat diffusion equation, boundary and initial
conditions. One –dimensional steady- state conduction through plane wall,
cylinder and sphere, conduction with thermal energy generation, Critical
Thickness of Insulation, Transient heat conduction, heat transfer from
extended surfaces. Two- dimensional steady-state conduction through the
plane wall.
Convection Heat Transfer: Application of Dimensional Analysis to Free
and Forced Convection, Velocity, thermal and concentration boundary
layers and their significance, laminar and turbulent flow, convection
transfer equations, boundary layer similarity and normalized convection
transfer equations, heat and mass transfer analogy, Reynolds analogy, effect
of turbulence, convection in external and internal flow, free convection,
boiling and condensation.
Radiation Heat Transfer: Fundamental concepts, radiation intensity and
its relation to emission, irradiation and radiosity, blackbody radiation,
Wien’s displacement law, Stefan Boltzmann’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Black,
Gray and Real Surfaces etc. Radiation exchange between surfaces, blackbody
radiation exchange, Concept of View Factor and Shape Factor, radiation
exchange between diffuse gray surfaces in an enclosure.
Heat exchangers: Heat exchangers types, overall heat transfer coefficient,
analysis of parallel-flow, counter flow, multi-pass and cross-flow heat
exchangers, effectiveness – NTU method, compact heat exchangers.
Mass Transfer: Fick’s law of diffusion, mass diffusion equation, boundary
and initial conditions, mass diffusion without and with homogeneous
chemical reactions, transient diffusion.
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 50%, End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 52

Heat and Mass Transfer Lab

The objective of this lab is to learn basic modes of heat transfer and implement the knowledge of this
subject as an engineering design and analyse of heat transfer. The lab curriculum is designed for 2 nd
year UG students for Mechanical engineering. At the end of the course students will be able to
implement their ideas in various applications and create job opportunities.

List of Experiments
S.No. Description
1. To plot temperature distribution and analyse heat transfer through composite wall

2. To determine thermal conductivity of insulating powder.

3. To find and compare heat transfer coefficient in natural convection transfer

4. To find and compare heat transfer coefficient in forced convection transfer

5. Determination of surface emissivity of a given test plate at a given absolute temperature

6. To study the inception and growth of Cavitation.

7. Determination of temperature distribution, efficiency and effectiveness of the fin working

in a forced convection environment.
8. Determination of heat transfer coefficients for parallel flow, counter flow, shell & Tube
type heat exchangers etc.
9. Determination of heat transfer coefficients for Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer

10. Thermal conductivity apparatus for Liquids, Nanofluids, Oils, Lubricants, & Coolants.

11. Calibration apparatus for thermocouple

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 53

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 263 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory &
Course Title Engineering Metrology & Instrumentation
Course 1. To impart knowledge about different types of measurement methods
Objectives: 2. To introduce different measuring techniques for identifying behavior of the
3. To understand the different principles of metrology and measurement.
Course CO-1 Impart theoretical knowledge of physical processes occurring in
Outcomes (COs) Measuring Instruments.
CO-2 Express the basic concept of Sensors, Transducers and relate them to
other disciplines such as Electrical and electronics etc.
CO-3 Familiarize the student with the current research in the field of carbon
nanotubes and sensors with characterization and applications.
CO-4 To solve the different problems of Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Gauging
with Instruments errors.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 2 0 2 3 36
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 54

1. Engineering Metrology and Measurements by N.V. Raghavendra and
L.Krishnamurthy, Oxford University Press.
2. Carbon Nanotubes: A New Alternative for Electrochemical Sensors
(Nanotechnology Science and Technology) UK ed. Edition.
3. Mechanical Measurements by Backwith, Marangoni and Lienhard Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Metrology by R.K. Jain, Khanna Publisher.
2. A text book of Measurement and Metrology by A.K. Sawhney, and M.
Mahajan Dhanpat Rai & Co.
Content UNIT - I
Linear and Angular Measurements: Linear Measuring Instruments, Angle
measuring instruments, Comparators, Calibration of Instruments
Interchangeability, Types of fits, Basic-Hole System, Basic-Shaft System,
Types of Assemblies, Design of limit gauges, Introduction to GD&T.

Strain Measurement: Strain gauges, Selection and Installation factors,
Strain rosettes, ballast circuit, Wheatstone bridge circuit, and Temperature
Pressure Measurement: Pressure gauges, Pressure transducers, strain
gauge pressure cells, measurement of high pressure & low pressures.
Temperature Measurement: Thermometers, thermocouples, thermistors,
pyrometers, Calibration.
Force, Speed and Torque Measurement: Load Cells, Dynamometers,
Tachometer, Stroboscope, measurement of torque of rotating shafts, Seismic
instruments: vibrometers and accelerometers.

Transducers: Transducers, Types of Transducers Types, Strain Gages,
Displacement Transducers, Instrumentation Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier.

Carbon Nanotubes and other smart sensors: Advantages, Typical
applications. Fabrication process. SWCNT and MWCNT. Application areas of
CNT. Principle of operation- Silicon capacitive accelerometer, Piezo-resistive
pressure Sensor, Conductometric gas Sensor, Fiber-optic sensors.
Electrostatic comb-drive.

X-ray basics: Production of X-ray; The continuous and characteristic
spectrum; Absorption; Filters.
Controls: Introduction, Concept of Automatic Controls; Open loop & closed
loop systems; Servo- mechanisms;

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 55

Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%
Laboratory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, End Semester 50%

Engineering Metrology & Instrumentation Lab

List of Experiments
1. Study of different types of gauges (Vernier caliper, Vernier Height gauge, Vernier depth
gauge, Micrometer, filler gauge go-nogo gauge, plug gauge, go-nogo snap gauge bourdon
tube pressure gauge),
2. Calibrations of linear measuring instruments by using slip gauges and calculation of
percentage error.
3. Measurement of included angle of a given specimen using Sine Bar and Clinometers.
4. Measurement of diameter of small size hole using Tool Maker’s Microscope.
5. Measurement of pitch diameter of a screw thread by vertical Profile Projector
6. Determination of RPM and Torque of a given motor using RPM Measurement Tutor and
calculation of percentage error.
7. Determination of velocity of given velocity transducer (Magnetic sensor UGM3140) using
velocity Tutor and calculation of percentage error.
8. Measurement of Temperature of a given sample using Temperature Measurement Tutor and
calculation of percentage error.
9. Calibration of pressure gauge using Dead Weight Tester.
10. Measurement of strain of a given metallic strip.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 56

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 251 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory
Course Title Manufacturing Sciences-II
Course 1. To understand the Physics of the cutting processes and experimental findings
objectives: of the mechanics of process.
2. To impart knowledge about the various metal removal and layer laminating
3. To introduce the fundamental concepts and mechanics of cutting machining,
abrasive machining and erosive machining.
Course CO-1 Develop interrelations among ASA, ORS and NRS systems of tool
Outcomes (Cos) geometry
CO-2 Analyze the cutting forces, and estimate machining times for the
machining operations.
CO-3 Select cutting fluids, tool materials and coatings for improving tool life
and machinability.
CO-4 Illustrate the thermal aspects in machining.
CO-5 Evaluate the performance of modern machining.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 0 3 36
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 57

1. Machining and Machine Tools, A. B. Chattopadhyay, Wiley, 2nd Edition,
2. Fundamentals of metal cutting and machine Tools, B L Juneja and G S
Sekhon, New Age International publishers, Revised 2nd Edition, 2017.
3. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid “Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology” (4th Edition) Prentice Hall.
4. P.N. Rao “Manufacturing Technology” Revised edition
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Manufacturing Processes, V. K. Jain, Allied Publishers Pvt.
Ltd, 2002.
2. Manufacturing Science, Amitabha Ghosh and A.K. Mallik, East-West
Press, 2nd Edition, 2010
3. Modern Machining Processes, P. C. Pandey and H. S. Shan, TMH, 2017.
Content UNIT-I
Introduction: Classification of Manufacturing Processes, History of
Machining, Scope and Significance of Machining, Geometry of Cutting Tools:
Geometry of single-point turning tool: Tool-in hand system, ASA system,
Significance of various angles of SPTT, Orthogonal Rake System (ORS),
Normal Rake System (NRS), Conversions between ASA and ORS systems.
Theory of Metal Cutting: Mechanics of Machining: Processes: Orthogonal
and Oblique cutting, Mechanics of Chip formation: Types of chips, chip-
breakers, Chip reduction coefficient, shear angle, shear strain, Built-Up-Edge
and its effect in metal cutting, Merchant’s analysis of metal cutting process –
Various forces, power and specific energy in cutting, Effect of tool geometry
on cutting forces and surface finish.
Mechanics of Multipoint Machining processes: Mechanics of Milling
process, Overview of CNC Milling, Mechanics of Grinding Processes. Chip
length and Specific energy in Grinding, Grinding wheel wear, Surface
Finishing Processes.
Thermal aspects in machining: Sources of heat generation, Effects of
temperature, Determination of cutting temperature using analytical and
experimental methods, Methods of Controlling Cutting Temperature.
Tool wear, Tool life, Machinability: Wear Mechanisms, Types of tool wear,
Tool Life and Machinability.
Machining Economics: Economics of Machining, A brief treatment for
single pass turning operations,
Cutting Tool Materials: Desirable Properties of tool materials,
Characteristics of Cutting Tool Materials, Indexable inserts, coated tools.
Jigs and fixtures: Overview, work holding devices.

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 58

Modern Machining Processes: An overview of modern machining
processes – Classification, Mechanical energy based processes: Ultrasonic,
water jet and abrasive jet machining, Electrochemical and Chemical energy
based modern machining processes: Electro chemical machining & Chemical
machining, Thermal energy based Electric Discharge Machining (sinking
EDM and Wire-cut EDM).
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 59

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MELB 252 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Theory Core Engineering Course
Course Title Design of Machine Elements
Course 1. To familiarize the various steps involved in the Design Process
Objectives: 2. To understand the principles involved in evaluating the shape and
dimensions of a component to satisfy functional and strength requirements.
3. To learn to use standard practices and standard data
4. To learn to use catalogues and standard machine components (Use of P S G
Design Data Book is permitted)
Course CO-1 Explain the influence of steady and variable stresses in machine
Outcomes (COs) component design
CO-2 Apply the concepts of design to shafts, keys and couplings
CO-3 Apply the concepts of design to temporary and permanent joints
CO-4 Apply the concepts of design to energy absorbing members, connecting
rod and crankshaft
CO-5 Apply the concepts of design to bearings.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 3 0 0 3 36
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 60

1. Bhandari V, “Design of Machine Elements”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill Book Co, 2016.
2. Joseph Shigley, Charles Mischke, Richard Budynas and Keith Nisbett
“Mechanical Engineering Design”, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Machine design an integrated approach, Robert L Norton, Pearson
Education, Second edition, 2009.
2. Machine Design, Black and Adams, McGraw Hill and Co, New Delhi,
Steady stresses and variable stresses in machine members:
Introduction to the design process – factors influencing machine design,
selection of materials based on mechanical properties – Preferred numbers,
fits and tolerances – Direct, Bending and torsional stress equations – Impact
and shock loading – calculation of principle stresses for various load
combinations, eccentric loading – curved beams – crane hook and ‘C’ frame-
Factor of safety – theories of failure – Design based on strength and stiffness
– stress concentration – Design for variable loading.

Shafts and Couplings: Design of solid and hollow shafts based on strength,
rigidity and critical speed – Keys, keyways and splines – Rigid and flexible

Temporary and permanent joints: Threaded fasteners – Bolted joints
including eccentric loading, Knuckle joints, Cotter joints – Welded joints,
riveted joints for structures – theory of bonded joints.

Energy storing elements and engine components: Various types of
springs, optimization of helical springs – rubber springs – Flywheels
considering stresses in rims and arms for engines and punching machines-
Connecting Rods and crank shafts.

Bearings: Sliding contact and rolling contact bearings – Hydrodynamic
journal bearings, Somerfield Number, Raimondi and Boyd graphs, —
Selection of Rolling Contact bearings.
Simple gear drive - Velocity ratio - gear trains - simple gear train -
compound gear train - reverted gear train - epicyclic gear train –simple
problems on simple and compound gear trains-number of teeth and gears.
Course Theory (100%): Continuous Evaluation 25%, Mid Semester 25%
Assessment End Semester 50%

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 61

Course no: Open course HM DC (Y/N) DE (Y/N)
MEPB 272 (YES/NO) Course
No No Yes No
Type of Course Training
Course Title Project- Summer Training
Course 1. A student may complete the training before the beginning of 5th semester
Objectives: and register for it in 5th semester. The duration of the internship or practical
training will be for a minimum of 4 weeks.
2. Related engineering and mathematical fundamentals.
3. Application of the knowledge acquired from the engineering study.
Course CO-1 Identification of Industrial/ Academic / Engineering Problem
Outcomes (COs) CO-2 To identify and utilize relevant previous work that supports their
selected project problem.
CO-3 Identification and application of appropriate methodologies to solve the
project problem.
CO-4 Project report writing.
Semester Autumn: Spring:
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Contact Hours 0 0 0 2 -
course code as
per proposed
course numbers
course codes as
per proposed
course and old
Overlap course NIL
codes as per
proposed course
Text Books:
As required to complete the project
Reference Books:
As required to complete the project
Content Not required
Course Report submission and presentation

Course Curriculum - B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) NIT Delhi 62

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