Espond Ilo Disc It Is
Espond Ilo Disc It Is
Espond Ilo Disc It Is
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Literature review current through: Apr 2024. | This topic last updated: Aug 16, 2022.
Vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis may occur together or independently. The term
pyogenic spondylitis refers to either vertebral osteomyelitis or discitis. The diagnosis
and management of these two entities are similar in most patients.
Issues related to vertebral osteomyelitis will be reviewed here. Issues related to other
forms of hematogenous osteomyelitis in adults are discussed separately. (See
"Nonvertebral osteomyelitis in adults: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis", section
on 'Hematogenous osteomyelitis'.)
Issues related to spinal epidural abscess and tuberculous spinal infections are
discussed separately. (See "Spinal epidural abscess" and "Bone and joint
Mechanisms of infection — Bacteria can reach the bones of the spine by three basic
routes (see "Pathogenesis of osteomyelitis"):
● Hematogenous spread from a distant site or focus of infection
● Direct inoculation from trauma, invasive spinal diagnostic procedures, or spinal
surgery ( image 1)
● Contiguous spread from adjacent soft tissue infection
Bloodborne organisms that transit the vertebral marrow cavity can produce a
spontaneous local suppurative infection. Initiation of infection may be facilitated by
recent or prior bone trauma with disruption of normal architecture.
Segmental arteries supplying the vertebrae usually bifurcate to supply two adjacent
end plates of the vertebrae. Thus, hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis often causes
bone destruction in two adjacent vertebral bodies and usually destroys their
intervertebral disc. The lumbar vertebral bodies are most often involved, followed by
thoracic and, less commonly, cervical vertebrae. Hematogenous sacral osteomyelitis
is rare.
Skip lesions with more than one level of spinal infection occur in less than 5 percent of
reported cases. Noncontiguous epidural abscesses appear to be more common (10
percent) [11].
It was previously postulated that spread of infection might occur via vertebral veins
known as Batson plexus [12,13]; this theory has been discounted.
Infection can occur in spinal elements other than the vertebral bodies, including the
posterior spinous processes, the facet joints, the pedicles, and, rarely, the odontoid
process [19].
Most patients have monomicrobial infection. The most common cause of vertebral
osteomyelitis is Staphylococcus aureus, accounting for more than 50 percent of cases
in most series from developed countries. The relative importance of methicillin-
resistant S. aureus as a cause of vertebral osteomyelitis has increased as the
community and hospital proportion of S. aureus strains that are methicillin resistant
have increased.
Spinal pain usually begins insidiously and progressively worsens over several weeks
to months. In one series of 64 patients with hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis,
the mean duration of symptoms was 48±40 days [21]. The pain is often worse at
night; initially, it may be relieved by bed rest. Pain may be absent in patients with
Patients whose infections extend posteriorly into the epidural space may present with
clinical features of an epidural abscess; this often consists of focal and severe back
pain, followed by radiculopathy, then motor weakness and sensory changes
(including loss of bowel and bladder control and loss of perineal sensation), and
eventual paralysis. The risk of severe neurologic deficit is increased in the presence of
epidural abscess, especially with thoracic or cervical spinal involvement [26]. (See
"Spinal epidural abscess".)
Fever is an inconsistent finding. One review noted a frequency of 52 percent [2]; lower
rates have been noted in other studies [27].
Local tenderness to gentle spinal percussion is the most useful clinical sign but is not
specific. Back pain is often accompanied by reduced mobility and/or spasm of nearby
muscles. Rarely, a mass or spinal deformity may be visible.
The physical examination should include palpation for a distended bladder (may
reflect spinal cord compression), evaluation for signs of psoas abscess (eg, flank pain
and pain with hip extension), and a careful neurologic assessment of the lower limbs.
(See "Psoas abscess".)
If elevated, the ESR and CRP are useful for following the efficacy of therapy. (See
'Clinical and laboratory monitoring' below.)
Back pain due to vertebral osteomyelitis may respond initially to bed rest and
conservative measures, leading to the erroneous conclusion of minor trauma, muscle
strain, or other noninfectious cause. In addition, a history of degenerative spinal
disease or recent trauma sometimes obscures or delays the true diagnosis. In such
cases a sedimentation rate (or serial sedimentation rates) can be useful; a normal
result is reassuring.
Evaluation for surgery is warranted for patients with neurologic deficits, radiographic
evidence of epidural or paravertebral abscess, and/or cord compression (threatened
or actual). Ongoing monitoring for emergence or progression of neurologic signs is
essential. In one case-control study including 97 patients with vertebral osteomyelitis
and severe neurologic deficit, risk factors for neurologic deficit included epidural
abscess and thoracic vertebral involvement [26]. (See 'Surgery' below.)
In the absence of the above conditions warranting surgical intervention, patients with
radiographic evidence of vertebral osteomyelitis should undergo a CT-guided needle
biopsy of the affected bone and disc space as well as aspiration of abscess if present
[20,33]. The specimens should be sent for bacterial (aerobic and anaerobic), fungal,
and mycobacterial culture as well as histologic examination.
If possible, antimicrobial therapy should be withheld until a microbiologic diagnosis is
confirmed. Clinical exceptions include neurologic compromise and sepsis; in these
circumstances, empiric antibiotic therapy is warranted [1]. (See 'Antimicrobial therapy'
A needle biopsy may not be necessary in patients with clinical and radiographic
findings typical of vertebral osteomyelitis and positive blood cultures with a likely
pathogen (such as S. aureus, Staphylococcus lugdunensis) or in patients with positive
serology for Brucella (which is warranted for patients with relevant risk factors) [1].
Similarly, a positive blood culture due to a gram-negative enteric rod, P. aeruginosa,
or other invasive pathogen is usually good evidence that the same pathogen is also
the cause of the spinal infection. However, blood culture isolates do not always
correlate with culture results from needle biopsy; therefore, needle biopsy is
warranted for cases in which an alternate source for the bacteremia is present or
strongly suspected [24]. (See "Brucellosis: Epidemiology, microbiology, clinical
manifestations, and diagnosis".)
If cultures of blood and the needle aspirate are negative and the clinical suspicion for
vertebral osteomyelitis remains high (on the basis of clinical and radiographic
findings), we advocate performing a second biopsy. In one retrospective study
including 136 patients with vertebral osteomyelitis in the absence of bacteremia, first
biopsy was positive in 43 percent of cases and a second biopsy in 40 percent of cases;
when combined with blood culture results, this approach led to microbiological
diagnosis in nearly 75 percent of cases [34]. Performing blood cultures immediately
following biopsy does not appear to add any benefit.
If repeat biopsy specimens and initial blood cultures are nondiagnostic, we usually
initiate empiric therapy as discussed below. If such therapy does not result in
objective clinical improvement in three to four weeks, a third percutaneous needle
biopsy or an open surgical biopsy should be performed. Some suggest that, if the first
set of cultures is negative, open biopsy be pursued before starting antibiotic therapy
[20]. (See 'Antimicrobial therapy' below.)
The individual clinical approach must include consideration of the location of the
infection, the underlying health of the patient, and the experience of the local
In the setting of positive blood cultures for gram-positive organisms, evaluation for
concurrent IE is warranted in patients with underlying valvular disease and/or new-
onset heart failure. (See 'Evaluation for endocarditis' below.)
• Decreased signal intensity in the vertebral bodies and disc and loss of endplate
definition (T1-weighted images) ( image 5).
• Increased disc signal intensity; less often, increased vertebral body signal
intensity (T2-weighted images) ( image 1).
• Contrast enhancement of the vertebral body and disc ( image 6). Ring
enhancement of paraspinal and epidural processes correlates with abscess
formation, whereas homogeneous enhancement correlates with phlegmon
Vertebral osteomyelitis rarely occurs without characteristic involvement of the
intervertebral disc. For cases in which the disc is spared, an erroneous diagnosis
of malignancy or compression fracture may be made [38].
The role of follow-up MRI is discussed below. (See 'Role of imaging' below.)
● Computed tomography – CT demonstrates findings of vertebral osteomyelitis
before changes are apparent on plain films ( image 7). CT is also useful for
detecting bony sequestra or involucra, adjacent soft tissue abscesses ( image 8),
and in localizing the optimal approach for a biopsy ( image 9) [35].
Subtle abnormalities detected by CT, such as end plate irregularities, may not be
specific for osteomyelitis, and early destructive changes may be missed. CT has a
high false-negative rate for epidural abscess [35].
● Plain radiography – Plain radiographs are often normal in the early phases of
infection. Typical findings in vertebral osteomyelitis consist of destructive
changes of two contiguous vertebral bodies with collapse of the intervening disc
Bone destruction may not be apparent for three weeks or more after the onset of
symptoms ( image 10) [20,41]. Rarely, infection is confined to a single vertebra
and produces collapse of the vertebral body, mimicking vertebral compression
fracture [42,43].
Chest radiography is warranted in the setting of clinical suspicion for TB, but a
normal chest film does not reduce clinical suspicion of spinal TB. (See "Diagnosis
of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults" and "Bone and joint tuberculosis".)
● Radionuclide scanning – Radioisotope studies may be useful adjuncts to
diagnosis when radiographic changes on plain films or CT scans are absent or
equivocal and the suspicion for osteomyelitis is high. They are relatively sensitive
but their specificity for infection is low. Radionuclide scanning may be useful
when MRI is contraindicated [44].
Biopsies from infected disc spaces may have higher microbiologic yield than bone
biopsies. In one study of 173 individuals with vertebral osteomyelitis and/or discitis, 6
of 43 (14 percent) bone biopsies and 66 of 152 (43 percent) disc specimens were
culture positive [33]. Forty-seven (56 percent) of 84 histopathology (bone or disc)
specimens were positive for osteomyelitis or discitis. In an earlier study of 102
patients, comparison of the yield of cultures from the vertebral endplate disk, disk
space, and adjacent paravertebral soft tissues revealed a trend favoring disk space or
paravertebral soft tissue versus endplate disk cultures [50]. Prior antibiotic therapy
confounded the results of both studies, and the overall yield of positive cultures was
less than 50 percent.
Clinicians should not be deterred from obtaining a biopsy if the patient has received
antibiotics recently [49,51]. Prior antibiotic exposure is likely to reduce the yield but
not critically [33,52].
Samples should be sent for aerobic, anaerobic, mycobacterial, and fungal cultures
and histopathology [20]. The sensitivity (measured by yield of positive cultures or
Gram stain of aspirated material) varies between studies from a low of 50 percent [53]
to a high of 73 to 100 percent [27,54].
Rarely, nucleic acid amplification testing may be useful if initial aerobic and anaerobic
cultures are negative [1]. In one study including 19 patients with discitis,
amplification-based DNA analysis of aspirated disc material correlated well with
traditional culture methods [55]. A subsequent study demonstrated the potential
value of 16S rRNA gene polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay of biopsy
material/aspirates as an adjunct to culture, although there were some false-positive
results [56]. Contamination with skin flora is a potential problem with DNA-based
diagnostic methods.
Recent studies have also highlighted the potential role of metagenomic next-
generation sequencing in diagnosis of spinal infection. In one study with 30 cases of
spinal infection, the application of metagenomic next-generation sequencing
demonstrated improved sensitivity and preserved specificity when compared to
traditional culture-based approaches [57]. However, costs and access to this approach
limits clinical utility.
IE was less likely in patients with a urinary tract–presumed source of infection and
with infection due to gram-negative organisms.
During the course of treatment for vertebral osteomyelitis, the pace of progression
can change suddenly, with potential for catastrophic complications. Therefore, close
observation (especially in the first two weeks after diagnosis) is essential. New
neurologic manifestation(s), persistent back pain, and/or features of sepsis require
immediate investigation.
Antimicrobial therapy
If blood and biopsy cultures are negative and the clinical suspicion for vertebral
osteomyelitis is high based on clinical and radiographic findings, initiation of empiric
therapy is warranted. (See 'Empiric therapy' below.)
Empiric therapy — Patients with negative Gram stain and culture results should
be treated with an antimicrobial regimen with activity against the common causes of
vertebral osteomyelitis, including staphylococci, streptococci, and gram-negative
Role of imaging — Routine follow-up imaging studies are not necessary. Regular
imaging during treatment and in the presence of clinical improvement will not benefit
the outcome. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT, and plain films may appear to
worsen for several weeks after the initiation of antibiotic therapy that will be
ultimately successful [39].
Follow-up imaging studies are warranted in patients whose clinical status has not
improved at the planned time for discontinuation of antibiotics in order to evaluate
for the presence of an abscess in need of drainage or to detect spinal instability
amenable to surgical intervention [1].
The utility of obtaining imaging studies four to eight weeks after completion of
treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis was examined in a retrospective study including
79 patients [65]; none of 27 patients who demonstrated improvement in follow-up
MRI studies had evidence of treatment failure after one year of follow-up. In contrast,
5 of 38 patients (13 percent) and 4 of 14 patients (29 percent) whose initial follow-up
images demonstrated equivocal changes or evidence of radiographic worsening
subsequently failed medical treatment during long-term follow-up.
Adjunctive measures — Bed rest and analgesics are generally helpful in managing
pain after the diagnosis is established. A fitted back brace often provides substantial
back relief and enhances mobility for patients with severe pain. Clinicians should have
a low threshold for referral to a specialist pain service.
Early bed rest may be particularly important, especially in lumbar osteomyelitis. When
the patient is upright, the whole weight of the upper body is transmitted to the point
of active infection. It is our practice to put patients with severe pain to bed for at least
10 days and use intensive in-bed, nonweight-bearing physical therapy and long-acting
oral analgesics. In such circumstances, prophylactic measures for prevention of deep
venous thrombosis are warranted. (See "Prevention of venous thromboembolic
disease in acutely ill hospitalized medical adults".)
Overall morbidity and mortality tends to increase with age [73]; this may be related to
delayed diagnosis (especially when people have background degenerative spinal
disease or have communication difficulties), multiple comorbidities, and age-related
frailty [74]. Older patients are also more likely to have concomitant infective
endocarditis (IE); in one study including 351 patients with vertebral osteomyelitis (85
of whom were ≥75 years of age), IE was diagnosed in 37 percent of patients ≥75 years
compared with 14 percent of patients <75 years [75].
In a large retrospective study including more than 7000 patients with vertebral
osteomyelitis, in-hospital mortality (6 percent) was largely determined by
comorbidities including diabetes, end-stage kidney disease, cirrhosis, and malignancy
The UpToDate editorial staff acknowledges Malcolm McDonald, MD, who contributed
to an earlier version of this topic review.
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