Enhancing Millennial Performance Through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement

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Enhancing Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement



JAM Susanti Dwi Ilhami

19, 3 Master Program in Management Faculty of Economics and Business
Received, December ‘20 Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Revised, March ‘21 Armanu
June ‘21
August ‘21
Noermijati Noermijati
Accepted, August ‘21 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Nattharuja Korsakul
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Abstract: This study presents a model linking individual characteristics, employee engage-
ment, and employee performance. The primary objective was to investigate the direct effect
of individual characteristics on employee performance and its indirect effect through em-
ployee engagement. This study used a non-probability sampling technique with a satura-
tion sampling type. The data were obtained by a questionnaire from a sample of 118 respon-
dents of millennial employees in the media and information technologies sector in Yogyakarta.
Data were analyzed by used variance-based SEM (SEM-PLS) and found four significant
paths models. The result reveals that individual characteristics have a positive and signifi-
cant effect on improving employee performance. Moreover, individual characteristics are
significantly positive in increasing employee engagement, while employee engagement has
a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The mediation test result indi-
cated that employee engagement could partially mediate the relationship of individual char-
acteristics on employee performance. Further research can incorporate variables that influ-
Journal of Applied ence millennial performance, such as job characteristics, intention to leave, job satisfaction,
Management (JAM) and other variables to improve strategies in enhancing millennial performance.
Volume 19 Number 3,
September 2021
Indexed in DOAJ - Keywords: Individual Characteristics, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance
Directory of Open Access
Journals, ACI - ASEAN Cite this article as: Ilhami, S. D., Armanu, N. Noermijati, and N. Korsakul. 2021. Enhancing
Citation Index, SINTA -
Science and Technology Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement. Jurnal
Index, and Google Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 19, Number 3, Pages 459–468. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya.
Scholar. http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jam.2021.019.03.01.

Companies in the media and the work diversity that will impact work behavior
information technologies sec- changes. These changes will cause problems, es-
Corresponding Author:
tors amplify the company’s pecially for employee performance (Biri and Iwu,
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Master position to be a market leader. 2014). Moreover, the organization adjusts to increas-
Program in Management Fac-
ulty of Economics and Busi-
But, the organization faces ing effectiveness and efficiency to achieve maxi-
ness, Universitas Brawijaya, the challenges of workplace mum profits.
Indonesia, DOI: http://dx.doi.
org/10.21776/ub.jam.2021. diversity. Companies make Chun-Hui and Miller (2003) mention that di-
019.03.01 some adjustments for facing versity is caused by young workers who have a

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic 459

of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 459
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Armanu, Noermijati Noermijati, Nattharuja Korsakul

greater role in the workplace. There are three panies based on technology, one of which is a com-
groups of workers in an organization: the first gen- pany engaged in technology.
eration dubbed the baby boomers generation. The Many organizations that work in the media and
second generation is called the X generation, and information technologies sector prefer to employ
the third generation is the Y generation, known as millennial employees. The performance of millennial
the millennial generation. Solomon (1992) defined a employees in the media and information technolo-
millennial generation, that is, a generation born af- gies sectors has increased. Increasing performance
ter 1980. The year 1999 is the birth year limit of the is encouraged due to adequate work facilities that
millennial generation put forward by Zemke et al. support millennial performance, such as the avail-
(2000). ability of facilities for sports and play for employees
Durkin (2007) explained that the millennial gen- that can be used when employees want to relax
eration differs from attitudes to personalities exhib- while working. A Comfortable working atmosphere
ited by millennial employees. Therefore, Domeyer is also one of the supporting factors to improve
(2006) stated that organizations need to pay atten- employee performance. Employee performance in-
tion to HR policies to match the needs of millennials. creases along with the organization’s ability to com-
Because organizations must recognize the unique bine organizational policies with millennial genera-
characteristics and differences that lie in each gen- tion characteristics (Wang and Wirsching, 2015).
eration. that must be managed so that millennial Millennials prefer to work for companies that can
employees can work effectively to improve the per- adjust to millennial desires regarding the workplace.
formance of Millennial employees (Jalil et al., 2015). Millennials want a workplace that has flexibility in
Wesner and Miller (2008) stated that millennial working hours and freedom in carrying out work,
employees lack preparation to enter the workforce. and a comfortable working atmosphere. The media
This lack of preparation is closely related to how and information technology sector can meet to ad-
employees behave in the organization, values, and just to millennial desires.
personality that must be owned. Thus condition could In this regard, the problem faced by organiza-
decrease the millennial performance in the organi- tions engaged in the media and information tech-
zation so that it could be a serious problem in the nologies sectors is coordinating the character of the
organization. millennial generation so that employee performance
In their research, Jalil et al. (2015) stated that can improve. Organizations must continue to main-
individual characteristics influence increased em- tain performance even improve employee perfor-
ployee performance. Millennial generation charac- mance.
teristics can benefit organizations to improve orga- Several previous studies related to the effect
nizational performance (Wang and Wirsching, 2015). of individual characteristics on employee perfor-
Individual characteristics of the millennial genera- mance show inconsistent research results. Research
tion that stand out are digital natives, which shows conducted by Karatepe et al. (2006), Hanafi (2016),
that millennials have expertise and ability in tech- Grobelna (2018), and Hidayah (2018) showed that
nology (Zemke et al., 2000). Tulgan and Martin individual characteristics have a positive effect on
(2001) add that the millennial generation has tech- employee performance, while research conducted
savvy, which is a generation that can utilize tech- by Susanti (2016) and Mindarti (2015), showed that
nology very well. Also, millennials have many de- individual characteristics negatively affect employee
sires to foster optimism and high morale, and have performance.
high creativity. Millennial generation employees will In addition, research conducted by Rehman et
assist organizations engaged in the media and infor- al. (2015), Jakfar (2014), Pujiwati and Susanty
mation technology sector. Millennial employees are (2015), and Jalil et al. (2015) showed that individual
believed to have high creativity that increases em- characteristics significantly influence employee per-
ployee and organizational productivity (Hanvongse formance. But instead, research conducted by
et al., 2011). That can be accommodated by com- Niebuhr and Norris (1982), Setiawan (2013), and


Enhancing Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement

Sumantri et al. (2017) showed that individual char- tive and significant relationship to employee perfor-
acteristics do not significantly influence employee mance. Individual characteristics become predic-
performance. tors of employee performance. This study indicates
The description of the research gap above that individual characteristics within the organiza-
shows that the antecedents of employee perfor- tion can support the performance of the individuals
mance examined can give inconsistent results. concerned in the organization. The research results
Therefore, this research was conducted by integrat- by Hanafi (2016) are supported by the results of
ing a broader research model and developing the research performed by Grobelna (2018) and
model of previous research studies by Karatepe Karatepe et al. (2006), who explained that individual
(2006), Hanafi (2016), Grobelna (2018), Hidayah characteristics are one important component that
(2018), Rehman et al. (2015), Jakfar (2014), Pujiwati can shape employee performance. Based on some
dan Susanty (2015), and Jalil et al. (2015). The re- of the previous studies above, it is known that there
search model built in this study was tested and ana- are positive and significant influences of individual
lyzed on the objects: millennial employees in Media characteristics on employee performance.
and Technology Information Sectors. These diverse H 1 : Individual Characteristics Have a Positive
research results provide a loophole for further re- and Significant Effect on Employee Perfor-
search to determine the extent of employee engage- mance.
ment as a mediator in the relationship between indi-
vidual characteristics and employee performance. Individual characteristics, in addition to influ-
In this study, the employee engagement variable is encing employee performance, also have influences
a mediating variable that engages the relationship on employee engagement. Research conducted by
between individual characteristics and employee Grobelna (2018) examined the effect of individual
performance. That is similar to Ihya et al. (2019) ‘s characteristics on employee engagement by taking
research opinion, which stated the need to add me- a sample of 222 hotel employees in Poland. Ac-
diating variables between individual characteristics cording to the results of these studies that individual
and employee performance. characteristics affect employee engagement. The
Research conducted by Ongore (2014) and results of this study are also supported by research
Pocnet et al. (2015) showed a significant relation- performed by Pocnet et al. (2015), where the study
ship between individual characteristics and employee results showed that individual characteristics have
engagement. Sacks (2006) stated that individual dif- a positive effect on employee engagement. Thus, it
ferences could be potential predictors of employee can be said that more positive individual character-
engagement, so one of the factors that affect em- istics will increase employee engagement. Based
ployee engagement is individual characteristics. on the above research, it is known that there are
Researchers are starting to give special attention to positive and significant influences between individual
employee engagement, one of the key determinants characteristics on employee engagement.
that can encourage employee performance levels H 2 : Individual Characteristics Have a Positive
(Macey et al., 2009). It is expected that the research and Significant Effect on Employee En-
could answer whether or not individual employee gagement
engagement can bridge the relationship of individual
characteristics toward employee performance of In addition to individual characteristics, em-
millennial employees in the media and technology ployee engagement can also affect performance.
sectors of Yogyakarta. Employee engagement is believed to be a predictor
of employee performance. Sugianingrat et al. (2019)
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT examined the effect of employee engagement on
This study conducted by Hanafi (2016) ex- the performance of employees and took samples of
plained that individual characteristics have a posi- non-starred hotel employees. The results showed

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 461
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Armanu, Noermijati Noermijati, Nattharuja Korsakul

that there was a significant influence between em- ees are the population. The sampling approach was
ployee engagements on employee performance. used non-probability sampling with saturated
The results of this study are supported by the re- samples technique. But, at the time of data collec-
sults of research conducted by Nazir and Islam tion, there were only 118 data that researchers could
(2017), which showed that employee engagement collect. 118 respondents consisted of 6 media and
has a positive and significant effect on employee information technologies sectors, with the following
performance. That shows that if employee engage- details as shown in Table 1:
ment increases, it will improve employee perfor-
mance in the organization. Based on the above re- Table 1. Respondents Distribution
search, it is suspected that there is an influence of
employee engagement on employee performance. Companies Frequency (Orang)
H 3 : Employee Engagement Has a Positive and MSV 50
Significant Effect on Employee Perfor- RBTV 17
mance Radio MQFM 17
PT.TE 12
Individual characteristics can influence the per- PT.GIT 16
formance given to the organization. The character- Incubator 6
istics possessed can create employee engagement. Total 118
That can create maximum performance due to
employee engagement. Hee et al. (2018) confirmed
that employee engagement is positively and signifi- Data analysis techniques using SEM PLS us-
cantly mediating the relationship of individual char- ing the SmartPLS 3.0 application. Testing the re-
acteristics on employee performance. From the search hypothesis is determined based on the sig-
description above, the writer formulates the fourth nificance value or critical value (á) of 0.5% and the
hypothesis as follows: value of the path coefficient
H4: Employee Engagement Mediates the Ef-
fect of Individual Characteristics on Em- RESULTS
ployee Performance The majority of respondents were millennials
21-40 years old, but most were aged 21-30 years
METHOD (68.6 percent or 81 people). In addition, the major-
This research is explanatory research using a ity of respondents were male employees in six me-
quantitative approach to measure the model’s con- dia and information technologies sectors (59.3 per-
struct and analyze the relationship between one cent or 70 people). Eighty-four people, or 72 per-
construct variable and another construct. This re- cent of respondents, have a bachelor’s degree. The
search was conducted in the media and information remaining 68 people, 57.6 percent of respondents,
technologies sectors. That consists of six compa- were contract employees. Most of the respondents
nies engaged in the film, animation, game, tv, radio, were worked at the staff level (82 percent or 97
software development, and incubation industries. people). More than half of respondents have worked
This study considers that many companies engaged between 1 to 3 years in the media and information
in the media and information technologies sectors technologies sectors.
industry employ millennial employees, of which Table 2 indicates that the scale, magnitude, and
around 90% are millennial employees. statistical appropriateness are acceptable. The av-
The target population used in this study is em- erage variance extracted (value) for all latent vari-
ployees who belong to the millennial group, aged 21 ables in the individual characteristic model, employee
to 40 years. Based on data obtained from the sec- engagement, and employee performance was 0.809,
tor media and information technologies, 250 employ- 0.668, and 0.891, greater than 0.05. Thus it can be


Enhancing Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement

Table 2. Cronchbach Alpha, Composite

Variable Cronbach Alpha Composite Reliability Average Varian

Individual Characteristic 0.824 0.866 0.809
Employee Engagement 0.781 0.852 0.668
Employee Performance 0.916 0.918 0.891

said that all constructs meet the validity requirements Furthermore, based on the hypothesis test re-
based on AVE. sult presented in Table 2, the analysis model is illus-
trated in Figure 1.
Reliability and Average Varian The following is the illustration path analysis
On average, Cronbach Alpha for reliability cri- model:
teria is quite high; employee performance had the
highest value. Sequentially, Cronbach alpha coeffi- Employee
cient values for the three scales reported in this study Engagement
ranged from 0.782 to 0.916; they are still accept-
able. The value of composite reliability (CR) is 0.866;
0.852; and 0.918 (above 0.80) in sequence. Thus,
0.347 0.359
the entire construct is reliable, both according to the
criteria of composite reliability and Cronbach Al- (p=0.001) (p=0.000)
Table 3 presents the R-squared values among
the research model observed. Individual 0.350 Employee
Characteristics Performance
Table 3. R-Squared

Variable R-square Figure 1. Path Analysis Model

Employee Engagement 0.566
Employee Performance 0.718
From Figure 1 and Table 3, hypothesis 1 is ac-
cepted. The effect of individual characteristics on
employee performance was positive and significant,
The following equation assessed the Goodness
with a p-value of 0.00 under critical value 0.05.
of Fit (GoF) in this study
Based on these findings, hypothesis 1 is accepted,
which means a positive and significant effect of in-
GoF  AVExR 2
dividual characteristics on employee performance.
 0.860x0.645 Therefore, the high implementation of millennial
 0.745 characters into their work will increase the perfor-
mance of millennial employees in the media and
0.745 indicates that the model has a large technology sector. Individual characteristics are
enough predictive value. Individual characteristics measured based on six indicators: digital native, col-
and employee engagement explain 87% of the Q- laborative, self-confidence, optimism, creativity, and
Squared Predictive Relevance value for employee work ethic (Zemke et al., 2013; Tulgan and Martin,
performance. 2001). Characteristics of millennial generation em-
ployees in organizations engaged in the media and

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 463
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Armanu, Noermijati Noermijati, Nattharuja Korsakul

Table 4. Path Analysis Result

Relationship Path Coefficient p-value Decision

Individual Characteristics  Employee Performance 0.350 0.000 Supported
Individual Characteristics  Employee Engagement 0.347 0.001 Supported
Employee Engagement  Employee Performance 0.359 0.000 Supported

information technologies sector can improve em- DISCUSSION

ployee performance. That means that the more The Influence of Individual Characteristics on
millennial characteristics applied in the workplace, Employee Performance
the higher the performance of millennial employ-
Individual characteristics have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance. The
Hypothesis 2 is accepted. The effect of indi-
characteristics of millennial generation employees
vidual characteristics on employee engagement was
in the media and technology sector companies can
found to be significant, with a p-value of 0.00 under
improve employee performance. That shows that
critical value 0.05. It can be said that hypothesis 2
the higher the individual characteristics of the
is accepted, which means that higher implementa-
millennial generation that are applied when employ-
tion of millennial characters can increase employee
ees work can improve the performance of millennial
engagement of millennial employees in the media
employees. In theory, Kreitner and Kinicki (2005)
and information technologies sectors.
provided conclusions on the positive effect of indi-
Hypothesis 3 is accepted. The effect of em-
vidual character on work performance, motivation,
ployee engagement on employee performance was
job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
found to be significant, with a beta coefficient of
Research by Grobelna (2018) showed a relation-
0.347 and p-value 0.00 under critical value 0.05. It
ship between individual characteristics and employee
can be said that higher employee engagement can
performance in the hotel industry. In addition, the
increase employee performance in the millennial
media and technology sector’s companies have the
employee in the media and information technolo-
slogan “Economy Creative Park”, which matches
gies sectors.
the character of millennials who have digital native
Hypothesis 4 is accepted. Based on the result
characters and high creativity to improve perfor-
of the mediation test (using the Sobel test), employee
engagement can play an essential role in mediating
Employees can continue to maintain and en-
the effect of individual characteristics on employee
hance positive millennial characteristics such as
performance; therefore, hypothesis 4 is accepted.
work ethic and abilities to achieve the best perfor-
Based on the result of mediation tests that have been
mance of employees. That can improve the perfor-
conducted, employee engagement is categorized as
mance of millennial employees and hoped that Indi-
partial mediation, given the indirect effect of indi-
vidual characteristics can support organizations to
vidual characteristics on employee performance
achieve goals through digital native, collaboration,
through employee engagement found to be signifi-
creativity, self-confidence, optimism, and work ethic.
cant. It can be performed that the employee en-
Employees already have pretty good individual char-
gagement of millennial employees in the media and
acteristics that have been applied by millennial em-
information technology sector will further encour-
ployees while working. The formation of individual
age the effect of individual characteristics on em-
characteristics of millennial employees, which are
ployee performance.
quite good, is indicated by the ability of employees


Enhancing Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement

to use the technology used at work. The results are The Effect of Employee Engagement on Em-
following previous research conducted by Hidayah ployee Performance
(2018), Hanafi (2016), Grobelna (2018), Karatepe The research results have shown that employee
(2006), and Kore et al. (2018). engagement has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. Employee engagement is
The Effect of Individual Characteristics on Em- measured using three indicators, namely vigor (en-
ployee Engagement thusiasm), dedication, and absorption. High employee
Individual difference is one of the most re- engagement can improve quality, quantity, atten-
searched concepts related to work behavior. Indi- dance, punctuality, and cooperation. Employee en-
vidual characteristics are characters that can dif- gagement is a strong predictor of employee perfor-
ferentiate between one individual and another. mance (Macey et al., 2009).
Kreitner and Kinicki (2005) differentiate individual According to Mone and London (2018), high
characteristics into five aspects: personality, self- employee engagement can encourage hope for en-
concept, ability, attitude, and emotions. thusiasm and dedication to the organization.
Based on this study’s findings, individual char- The condition of millennial employees who work
acteristics have a positive and significant effect on in the media and information technology sector of-
employee engagement. That shows that the higher ten gets assignments requiring employees to work
the individual characteristics possessed by millennial together with other employees who are still in the
employees who work in the media and information same division. Moreover, millennial employees can
technology sector can increase employee engage- complete work on time so that they can support ef-
ment. Individual characteristics are one of the po- forts to improve organizational performance.
tential factors determining employee engagement Employees have a fairly good employee engage-
in an organization (Sacks, 2006). ment in the organization. The formation of a fairly
The organization can maintain employee en- good employee engagement is indicated by employ-
gagement through vigor and dedication to the orga- ees who are willing to provide more energy than
nization where millennial employees work. They usual so that the business entity becomes success-
have a high attachment to the organization to in- ful. The results of this study support the research
crease employee engagement. That is following the findings by Konrad (2006), Macey et al. (2009), and
individual characteristics of millennial employees Mone and London (2018).
who have a high work ethic value and capable abili-
ties to encourage employees to have vigor and ab- Employee Engagement Can Mediate the Re-
sorption behavior so that they can support the orga- lationship between Individual Characteristics
nization in achieving goals. and Employee Performance
Millennial employees have quite good individual The results showed that employee engagement
characteristics that have been applied when em- could provide a mediating effect from the influence
ployees work. Such as having the ability to use tech- of individual characteristics on employee perfor-
nology at work or having a high work ethic value mance. The results of individual characteristics vari-
manifested in a high sense of responsibility for the ables towards employee engagement and employee
work done. So that it affects the employee’s sense engagement to employee performance show sig-
of attachment to the organization in which work, nificant results. The existence of a direct influence
the results of this study are consistent with the find- between individual characteristics on employee per-
ings by Ongore (2014), Pocnet et al. (2015), formance has shown significant results, so it can be
Gulamali (2017), Grobelna (2018), and Ziapour and concluded that the role of employee engagement in
Kianipour (2015), stated that individual characteris- this study is as partial mediation. That proves that
tics have a positive and significant effect on em- individual characteristics can improve millennial
ployee engagement. employees who work in the media and information

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 465
Susanti Dwi Ilhami, Armanu, Noermijati Noermijati, Nattharuja Korsakul

technology sector with or without involving employee media and information technologies sectors. Prac-
engagement. tically, this suggests the company takes care of the
This study indicates that millennial employees character of millennials better; therefore, the em-
have a fairly good perception of the individual char- ployees can support the organization’s performance.
acteristics possessed by millennial employees in the After finding the causes of employee performance,
organization. Millennial employees have a high work companies can take effective HRM policies. The
ethic value, which is manifested through a high sense company should motivate and give spirit to the
of responsibility for the tasks assigned by the orga- millennial employees. Moreover, companies have to
nization and can encourage employee engagement give appreciation to the employee that had a great
to produce good employee performance. Individual job in their work. So, employee engagement can
characteristics of the digital native, collaborative, increase automatically that can also affect their
self-confidence, optimism, creativity, and work ethic performance.
encourage employees to feel attached to employ- This study contributes to a deeper understand-
ees and the organization. That can determine em- ing of the relationship of individual characteristics,
ployees at work. employee engagement, and employee performance
The findings of this study are supported by pre- of millennial employees in the media and informa-
vious research, namely Ongore (2014), Pocnet et tion technologies sectors. This study generates a
al. (2015), Gulamali (2017), Grobelna (2018), and final model frame worked based on the analysis by
Ziapour and Kianipour (2015) showed that there is revealing the conceptual development model that
a significant relationship between individual char- has been tested, emphasizing that there are incon-
acteristics and employee attractiveness. Research sistencies of the result in the direct influence of in-
conducted by Konrad (2006), Macey et al. (2009), dividual characteristics on employee performance.
and Mone and London (2018) which showed that
employee engagement has a significant effect on LIMITATIONS
employee performance. This study used only six companies that work
in the media and information technologies sectors,
CONCLUSIONS so the result of this study can be a generalization to
This study examines the effect of individual another media and technology sector. This study
characteristics on employee performance, both di- used two ways of collecting data, namely online and
rectly and indirectly, through employee engagement offline questionnaires. Therefore, further research
by millennial employees in the media and informa- should choose one most effective way of collecting
tion technology sector. The research finding shows data using questionnaires with millennial respon-
that individual characteristic has an important ef- dents.
fect on employee performance. Moreover, individual
characteristics have a role in increasing employee RECOMMENDATIONS
performance and employee engagement. One im- Companies engaged in the media and informa-
portant finding from this study is that the individual tion technology sector need to conduct evaluations
characteristics of millennial employees increase related to applying millennial character to support
employee engagement. The mediation test results work in the organization so that all employees can
show that employee engagement can provide an use their characters optimally to achieve maximum
essential mediating role in the relationship between employee performance. Other than that, the com-
individual characteristics on employee performance. pany should motivate and give spirit to the millennial
The research findings show an important rela- employees. Moreover, companies have to give ap-
tionship between individual characteristics and em- preciation to the employee that had a great job in
ployee performance for millennial employees in the their work. So, employee engagement can increase


Enhancing Millennial Performance through Individual Characteristics and Employee Engagement

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one field but on large companies. In addition, fur-
Jakfar, A. A. 2014. Influence of Individual Characteris-
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