Ciculatory System - Part I
Ciculatory System - Part I
Ciculatory System - Part I
•The to and fro movement of the blood carried out by the heart is called the circulatory system.
Circulatory Systems— I. Open Vascular System– In insects, blood circulates mostly through open
spaces. The blood flows from the heart to the body tissues without vessels.
II. Closed Vascular System– The blood in higher animals circulates in a closed manner through blood
vessels. Heart is only a pumping organ to pump blood to and from the whole body.
Blood is never stationary. Bright red in artery and dark red in the vein
Saltish to taste
Contains 90% water and the remaining (10%) consists of dissolved nutrients, proteins, waste
products and hormones. Blood tastes saltish due to dissolved minerals like NaCl.
3. Platelets—Thrombocytes
A) RBC—(Erythrocytes)
Function—Blood Clotting
Steps in clotting—
i. Release of enzyme thrombokinase by platelets at the site of injury.
ii.Thrombokinase, in presence of Calcium ions, helps in production of a protein called thrombin from
prothrombin. iii. This, in turn helps in conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin. iv. Fibrin forms a mesh of
fibres into which the red blood cells get trapped and forms clot.
Functions of Blood—
A) Transporting functions—
B) Other functions—
Serum--- Blood plasma from which fibrinogen has been removed is called Serum.