Specification of design is subject to change without notice. For additional options please consult factory and distributor.
with a silicone door gasket is designed for long life and sealsto the shell every time
without leaking. Also, MWSP Washer Extractors with capacities up to 100 lbs has a
powerful, safe and easy to operate electro-mechanical door interlocking system.
Washer Extractors with capacities over 100 lbs has a silicone door gasket that is
safely pneumatically pressured providing extra sealing strength. Furthermore,
MWSP Washer Extractors with capacities over 100 lbs are equipped with a highly MWSP-130, 155, 185
robust, yet easy to operate mechanical-pneumatic door interlocking system.
High Speeds Save Energy, Time and Money
A factor that can significantly affect the operation throughput in a laundry is
the machine’ s extraction speed. A machine with a G-force of 350G will save
a significant amount of energy and time in the drying process compared to a
low speed 80G machine, as more water is extracted from the load during the
extraction cycle. In fact, the savings of energy and time can pay for the cost of
the equipment! Your dryers would not require to work overtime, either. Goods
can even be taken straight from the washer-extractor to an ironer or finisher without slowing down the
productivity. The high speed, or G-force, is the driving factor. By utilizing the inverter technology it has been
possible to achieve this high-speed extraction in freestanding machines. The inverter automatically measures
the out-of-balance electronically and decides if the machine can proceed to high speed, generating a high G-force.
Freestanding Construction
A freestanding machine at hardmount pricing, plus all the benefits such as reduced
installation costs and productivity increase, make the MWSP models superior. No
need for expensive foundation or floor modifications. A G-force of 350G means less
time in the dryer, saving energy and money. Look inside the MWSP models and you
discover a suspension system that is unsurpassed with heavy springs and industrial
shock absorbers. This means lower maintenance costs and a super long machine life.