Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Maxillar
Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Maxillar
Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Maxillar
DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.8487
Department of Pediatric and
Preventive Dentistry, People's Dental Key Clinical Message
College and Hospital, Kathmandu, Replantation should be attempted in any case of avulsion, be it immediate or
delayed. Retention of the replanted tooth helps in preservation of adjacent alveo-
Department of Pedodontics and
Preventive Dentistry, College of Dental
lar bone. Despite the occurrence of replacement resorption, the tooth can stay
Surgery, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health healthy and functional in the arch for a longer duration.
Sciences, Dharan, Nepal
avulsion, delayed replantation, external cervical resorption, replacement resorption
Amita Rai, Department of Pediatric and
Preventive Dentistry, People's Dental
College and Hospital, Nayabazar,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2024 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2 | C A S E -RE PORT
On the regular follow-up visits till 5 years, the re- visit, the tooth was intact in the arch with no pain and
planted tooth was asymptomatic without any mo- mobility, but there was evidence of pinkish discolor-
bility, swelling, or sinus tract formation clinically ation and infraposition of <1 mm clinically (Figure 2F),
(Figure 2D,E). Radiographically, there was evidence of and the radiograph showed an increase in the amount of
replacement root resorption on the 4-week follow-up both the external cervical and replacement root resorp-
visit which was gradually progressing (Figure 3C–F). tion (Figure 3H). The adjacent teeth were normal both
But on the 5-year follow-up visit, along with replace- clinically and radiographically during the follow-up vis-
ment resorption, there was initiation of external cervi- its. The patient was then referred for the extraction of
cal resorption also (Figure 3G). On the 6-year follow-up the tooth followed by provision of definitive prosthesis.
F I G U R E 2 Intraoral frontal photographs before replantation and post-replantation follow-up visits: (A) Preoperative. (B) After
replantation of avulsed tooth. (C) After splinting. (D) Four-week follow-up. (E) 19-month follow-up. (F) 6-year follow-up.
F I G U R E 3 Intraoral periapical radiographs before replantation and post-replantation follow-up visits. (A) Preoperative. (B) After
replantation of avulsed tooth and splinting. (C) Four-week follow-up. (D) Six-month follow-up. (E) Twelve-month follow-up. (F) Nineteen-
month follow-up. (G) Five-year follow-up. (H) Six-year follow-up.
4 of 7 | RAI et al.
Extraction of the replanted tooth along with intraosse- management of the avulsed tooth, so the avulsed tooth
ous gutta percha was done which was then followed by was kept in dry field for 72 h, which ultimately led to
placement of implant prosthesis by the team of perio- compromise in the post-replantation outcome. Provision
dontist and prosthodontist. of adequate infrastructure in the local health care cen-
ters, and knowledge about the emergency management
among the dentists, other health care professionals, and
3 | DI S C USSION even general population should be prioritized during
policy making.
Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) are very frequent in every Replantation of the avulsed tooth helps to maintain al-
part of the world. According to a comprehensive review veolar bone volume and morphology which at a later date
done by Petti et al. in 2018,9 the worldwide prevalence provides more rehabilitation options like implants.19,20
of TDI was 15.2% in permanent dentition, 22.7% in pri- Apart from that, retention of the patient's tooth by replan-
mary dentition, and 18.1% among 12-year-old children. tation or interim prosthesis offers psychological benefit to
Avulsion of permanent teeth is seen in 0.5%–16% of all the patients that his/her tooth was put back rather than
TDI.3,10 Among the TDI that occurred in Nepalese chil- an artificial tooth.21 This was evident in the present case
dren, avulsion of the tooth was found to be 19.64%, and as well, the replanted tooth provided immense psychologi-
the prevalence of avulsion was higher in permanent teeth cal benefit to the patient who was a 14-year-old adolescent
as compared to primary teeth.11 Age-wise, children in the concerned very much about her esthetics.
age group 6–10 years have shown the highest prevalence Replantation of an avulsed tooth within 5 min of avul-
of avulsion. The reason for this high prevalence in this sion usually ensures prompt return of the PDL cells to
age group could be attributed to their playful nature and their normalcy.20,22 In case of more than 15 min of dry
their active involvement in contact sports.2,11–13 Injuries storage time, the precursor, progenitor, or stem cells are
of teeth like fractures are more common among adults no longer able to differentiate into fibroblasts,1,2 and after
whereas luxation injuries are more common in children. 30 min of dry storage, virtually all of the PDL cells that are
The smaller crown root ratio and elasticity of alveolar remaining on the root surface are likely to have become
bone which favors absorption of energy are the reasons necrotic hence the poor long-term prognosis.1–3,23
for more frequent luxation injuries in children.14 Gender- Studies have been done focusing on either cell-based
wise, males have been shown to have a higher prevalence therapy or activation of endogenous repairing systems in-
of avulsion injuries.12 The reason might be that boys pre- duced by additional biological cues. In a study done on
fer outdoor activities and contact sports more when com- animal models, there was a reestablishment of the PDL
pared to girls.11 Maxillary central incisors are the most cells where the cultured PDL cells were applied in de-
commonly avulsed teeth,12 and the patients often report layed replantation cases. Apart from cultured PDL cells,
a history of increased proclination of the avulsed teeth15 PDL stem cells, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,
as seen in the present case. Avulsion injuries are some- adipose-derived stem cells, and other induced pluripotent
times associated with fractures of the avulsed tooth and stem cells have shown favorable results in reestablishing
intraoral and extraoral soft and hard tissue injuries.12 In the formation of PDL cells.24 Different literatures have
the present case also there was associated soft tissue in- presented cases in which delayed replantation had been
jury in the chin. attempted,6–8,25–31 but most of them being <72 h of extra-
As avulsion is a dental emergency situation, prompt oral dry time, and the replanted teeth serving its function
management of the avulsed tooth ensures better progno- for years.6,7,25–34
sis. A study conducted by Mazur et al. in 202116 among Storage medium enhances the healing outcome of
Italian dentists showed that the proper management the replanted teeth. Different materials/solutions like
protocol of avulsed tooth was not well understood by Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), Eagle's Medium,
the participants and the same findings were revealed milk, ViaSpan, Eurocollins, Minimum Essential
by a study done among the Nepalese dentists.17 A study Medium, Gatorade, Custodiol, Dubelco's storage me-
conducted by Pradhan et al. among the Nepalese school dium, propolis, tooth rescue box (Dentosafe), condi-
teachers also revealed that the participants lacked ade- tioned medium, contact lens solution, tap water, egg
quate knowledge about emergency management of den- white, saliva, normal saline, saliva extract, green tea, red
tal trauma.18 In the present case also, the patient reported mulberry, ricetral, and coconut water are used as stor-
to the hospital after 72 h of avulsion as she lived in re- age media.1,2 A study conducted by Hegde et al.35 has
mote area where health care facility and manpower for shown that GC tooth mousse plus which contains ca-
management of avulsion cases were not available. The sein phosphopeptides- amorphous calcium phosphate
patient did not have knowledge about the emergency (CPP-ACP) can also be used as storage media to prevent
RAI et al. | 5 of 7
desiccation of PDL cells for up to 60 min. In the pres- resorption that initiates at the cervical aspect of the tooth.
ent case, although the extraoral dry time was 72 h which The exact cause and pathogenesis of ECR remain poorly
indicates a poor long-term prognosis, replantation was understood. ECR is found to be caused due to the over-
attempted. Once the patient and the avulsed tooth were proliferation of PDL tissues and inflammation is believed
received in the hospital, every attempt was made to fol- to be a prerequisite for the initiation. External repair, in-
low the standard guidelines.4 ternal repair, palliative treatment, and extraction are the
Placement of replanted tooth in 2% NaF for 20 min treatment options for ECR. In the present case, as there
was recommended by the IADT 2012 guidelines. NaF was rapidly progressing ECA and progressing replacement
was suggested to inhibit root resorption in delayed re- resorption, the mutual decision was made along with the
plantation cases as NaF was believed to convert the hy- patient to keep the tooth in its usual state till it was asymp-
droxyapatite present in dentin into fluorapatite which tomatic and then to refer for extraction.39
is more resistant to resorption. However due to lack of In the present case, the occurrence of inflammatory
scientific evidence, the IADT 2020 guidelines no more resorption (external cervical resorption) might be due to
advocated for the pretreatment of avulsed tooth with the residual inflamed PDL cells or residual inflamed pulp
NaF.3,4 A study done by Roskamp et al., in which post- tissued in the root canals which might have initiated the
replantation outcome was compared among the re- resorption. Meticulous cleaning of the root surface and
planted teeth managed following IADT 2012 and IADT the root canals might have prevented the occurrence of
2020 guidelines, showed no statistically significant ECR. Apart from ECR, the occurrence of replacement root
difference.36 resorption in the present case might be due to the pro-
Regular clinical and radiographic evaluation of the longed extraoral dry time of the avulsed tooth. This can
replanted teeth is advised at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, be considered the limitation of the present case report.
6 months, 1 year, and yearly thereafter for at least 5 years. Nevertheless, the authors tried to provide the best man-
The periodontal reactions to replantation mainly occur in agement which was possible for the patient in the pre-
four different manners; healing with normal PDL, healing sented scenario, and occurrence of resorption in different
with surface resorption, healing with replacement resorp- forms has been reported by many authors6,25,26,29–31,34,39 in
tion, and healing with inflammatory resorption.5 Healing replantation cases despite the best possible management.
with normal PDL and healing with surface resorption are Lastly, the goal of replanting the tooth in the present
considered as the favorable outcomes,37 whereas the pres- case was to serve as the interim prosthesis until the patient,
ence of swelling or sinus tract, excessive mobility, infrapo- who was just 14 years of age, would be ready for the defini-
sition of the replanted tooth, replacement root resorption, tive prosthesis. Provisional prosthesis like removal partial
external root resorption, internal root resorption, external denture (RPD) and Ribbond fiber bonded fixed prosthesis
cervical resorption, and peri-radicular radiolucency are can also be considered as the possible prosthetic options
the unfavorable outcomes in case of replantation.3,19 A in young patients. The coronal fragment of the avulsed
meta-analysis conducted by Souza et al. have found the in- tooth can also be used for the rehabilitation of edentulous
cidence of internal root resorption to be 1.2%, surface root space along with RPD or ribbond bonded fixed prosthe-
resorption to be 13.3%, inflammatory root resorption to be sis.21,40 Retention of the whole or decoronated replanted
23.2%, and replacement root resorption to be 51%, which tooth for some years can be considered a success as the
shows that resorption in any form is inevitable sequelae of alveolar bone can be preserved, which on a later date pro-
a replanted tooth.6,7,25,26,29,30,34 vides a greater number of options for definite prosthesis
In delayed replantation cases, root resorption is com- like implants.19 Considering all the adversities like pro-
mon.3,38 In the present case, the occurrence of replace- longed extraoral dry time of 72 h, the replanted tooth was
ment root resorption within a month of replantation clinically intact in the arch for 6 years despite progressing
might have been due to the prolonged extraoral dry time replacement and external cervical resorption, and at the
that resulted in the destruction of PDL cells.1,3,4,23 Usually, same time having back own tooth replanted boosted the
replacement resorption is associated with infraposition. In confidence in the patient who was a 14-year-old adoles-
the present case, there was no evidence of infraposition till cent concerned very much of her esthetics.
5-year follow-up but in the 6-year follow-up visit, slight in-
fraposition of the replanted tooth was noticed. Apart from
replacement resorption, external cervical resorption was 4 | CONC LUSIONS
noticed on the 5-year follow-up which progressed rapidly
within a year. Traumatic dental injuries are inevitable but what follows
External cervical resorption which is also known as after such incidents are very much under the control of
invasive cervical resorption, is a specific class of external dental professionals once the patient is received. The
6 of 7 | RAI et al.
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Amita Rai: Examination of the patient; investigation; storage: an unusual case. Spec Care Dentist. 2017;37:199-203.
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guidance during the manuscript preparation.
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11. Shrestha D, Upadhyay S. Pattern of traumatic dental injuries
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None. Nepal. 2018;8:40-45.
12. Mesquita GC, Soares PBF, Moura CCG, Roscoe MG, Paiva SM,
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The authors have nothing to disclose. public Brazilian dental trauma service. Braz Dent J. 2017;28:749-
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13. Balgi P, Poojari M, Pol S, Shetty S, Katge F. Replantation of an
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