Activity 5.1: Write a C++ program to input two numbers from user and find maximum
between two numbers using if else.
Please write or paste your code snap here.
Please paste your output screenshot here with your Name and CMS mentioned in it.
Activity 5.2:Write a C++ program to check whether a number is even or odd using if else.
Please write or paste your code snap here.
Please paste your output screenshot here with your Name and CMS mentioned in it.
Activity 5.3:Write a program to check whether an integer is positive, negative or zero.
Please write or paste your code snap here.
Please paste your output screenshot here with your Name and CMS mentioned in it.
Activity 5.4: Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter the hour in 24-hour
format and then determines the time of the day. If the entered hour is between 0 and 11
(inclusive), the program should display "Good morning!". If the hour is between 12 and 17
(inclusive), it should display "Good afternoon!". For hours between 18 and 23 (inclusive), it
should display "Good evening!". If the entered hour is outside the valid range, the
program should output "Invalid hour!".
Please write or paste your code snap here.
Please paste your output screenshot here with your Name and CMS mentioned in it.
Activity 5.5: Write a program that ask user to enter three numbers, and find the largest
number among them using nested if else.
Please write or paste your code snap here.
Please paste your output screenshot here with your Name and CMS mentioned in it.
Please write your observation after conducting this lab, you have to write in few lines, what did
you learn in this lab.
Absent Student is Student can Student has Student has Student
unable to understand followed constructed perfectly
follow the the provided instructions to the implemented a
provided laboratory construct the functional/ working
instructions instructions fundamental working model/ logic/
and familiar schematic/ schematic/ circuit/ block
The student can with the lab block model/ block diagram/ code
name the environment diagram/ diagram/ and
\ hardware or (Trainer/ code/ model code, and successfully
Demonstration simulation software/ on the have executed the
platform, but IDE), but protoboard/ successfully lab objective
unable to cannot trainer/ executed the in Realtime or
implement implement on simulation program/ in a
anything the software. run circuit simulation
practically or platform on software environment
on the software practically or platform and produced
on the the desired
software results
Category Ungraded Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Percentage [0] [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100]
Marks 0.0 0.01 - 0.20 0.21 - 0.40 0.41 - 0.60 0.61 - 0.80 0.81 - 1.0
Date Total Marks Instructor’s Signature