Manafi 2008
Manafi 2008
Manafi 2008
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In this study, hydroxyapatite (denoted as HAp) nanostructure with uniform morphologies,
controllable size, nano-dispersion and narrow size distribution in diameter has been
synthesized successfully by low-temperature hydrothermal process, and the as-synthesized
powders were characterized by XRD, scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution
transmission microscopy, FT-IR, Zetasizer and inductively coupled plasma. In the present
work, a novel sonochemical technique using CaHPO4·2H2O/NaOH/distilled water with
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide ((CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3)3Br−) designated as CTAB) under a
hydrothermal condition to synthesize HAp nanostructure was described. Furthermore, the
usage of a high basic condition and a water environment are the two crucial keys in ensuring
the formation of HAp in the hydrothermal/sonochemical processes. However, the crystallite
size and crystallinity degree of the HAp increased with increasing annealing temperature.
Indeed, the present work will introduce a new method in synthesizing HAs for scientific and
medical engineering.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
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2 Theta
Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 025002 S A Manafi et al
Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 025002 S A Manafi et al
Figure 7. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDAX) of the obtained hydroxyapatite products.
15–40 nm and length 70–150 nm. It is quite obvious that values are calculated from Bragg’s diffraction equation using
the morphologies of the products change considerably as a the diffraction ring diameter and the camera length of the TEM.
function of the residence time in the autoclave. On the basis The chemical stoichiometry of nanorods was investigated
of the morphologies observed by TEM, it can be concluded with EDX (figure 7) which indeed gave an atomic ratio of
that the size of the particles increases with increasing reaction HAp ∼1.67. At the same time, this result is consistent with
time, a fact that is consistent with the results of the XRD and the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) calculation. More details
Zetasizer. about the structure of HAp nanostructures were investigated
by the SAED pattern and high-resolution transmission
The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern
microscopy (HRTEM).
(figure 6) taken from the as-prepared HAp nanostructure
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis revealed the
synthesized at 150 ◦ C for 25 h consists of a number of presence of carbonate on the surface of the HAp. Figure 8
rectangular and some distinct spots along the ring contours, shows the transmittance infrared spectrum of synthetic HAP
suggesting a hexagonal structure. The spots in an electron in the 4000–650 cm−1 region. The two sharp and weak bands
diffraction pattern arise due to the diffracted electron beam at 2824 cm−1 are attributed to a small amount of residual
from a set of lattice planes in the crystallites present in the CTAB, while a narrow band located near 965 cm−1 (962 cm−1
sample satisfying the Bragg diffraction condition. In other in figure 8) represents the υ 1 mode of PO3− 4 ions in apatite.
words, the ring is an envelope of all diffracted spots. Among The main signal of phosphate appears in the triply degenerate
the same rings a few spots appear to be prominent, which υ 3 domain (1000–1100 cm−1). The adsorption band at
indicates the formation of crystallites. The interplanar spacing 3500 cm−1 confirmed the presence of OH− groups. The υ 2
Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 025002 S A Manafi et al
Transmittance (%)
0.4 965 3400-3500
0.2 609
100 600 1100 1600 2100 2600 3100 3600 4100
Wavenumber (cm )
Figure 8. The FTIR spectrum of the HAp nanostructures.
peak of CO2−3 is located at 875 cm ; this absorption results
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