1. Draft a school child protection policy with a code of conduct and a plan to
ensure child protection and safety, which shall be reviewed every three (3)
6. Coordinate closely with the Women and Child Protection Desks of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), the Local Social Welfare and
Development Office (LSWDO), other government agencies, and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), as may be appropriate;
8. Ensure that the children's right to be heard are respected and upheld in all
matters and procedures affecting their welfare.
Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Schools Division Office of Biliran
Naval District IV
Lucsoon, Naval, Biliran
Team Leader
Assistant Leader
Team Secretary
1. Design school activities that would promote SBM WinS in the campus.
2. Advocate the maintenance of the school’s WASH facilities.
3. Participate in forming links between school and community.
4. Take the lead in introducing WASH thought or message each day to ensure that hygiene practices re
integrated into children’s daily routines.
5. Get involved in school efforts to achieve desirable status for a 3-star rating.
6. Monitor and evaluate the implementation and the degree of accomplishment as well as the issues and
problems encountered during the implementation.
7. SBM WinS Club will represent the school to their respective barangay WASH Task Force.
8. SBM WinS Club will celebrate Water Sanitation and Hygiene related international events such as Global
Handwashing Day, World Water Day, World Toilet Day and Menstrual Hygiene Management Day.
The Chairman
1. The Chairman shall advise the Division Office on the current status of disaster/crisis as well as on the
programs and operations being undertaken by the school to reduce the impact of the emergency
2. Establishes policy guidelines and sets priorities in the allocation of resources and services;
3. Advises the leaders of the different action teams in accordance with the information/advisory given by
warning agencies like PAGASA and PHIVOLCS of an impending occurrence of hazards and activates
the operationalization of the contingency plans;
4. Announces through the School Head the suspension of offices/and or classes on the basis of advisories
given by the warning agencies;
5. Provides assistance to the National Disaster Coordinating Council on advocacy and information
dissemination campaigns on disaster risk reduction and management through integration in the basic
education curriculum;
6. Ensures that disaster risk reduction concepts are being mainstreamed in the education system and
integrated in the basic education curricula;
7. Ensures the provision of safe learning environment, child friendly spaces, alternative learning
activities to displaces families/individuals/schoolchildren housed in schools as temporary holding
8. Activates the Disaster Operations Center and authorizes the 24/7 services of pre-designated officers
and members of the concerned team;
9. Convene and presides over meetings and conferences.
The Vice-Chairman
1. Assists the Chairman in all his functions;
2. Performs the functions of the Chairman in case of absence/leave or incapacity of the latter;
3. Develops a disaster preparedness plan for the Department;
4. Organizes and supervises the Disaster Operations Center;
5. Ensures that appropriate trainings and capability building be set up for teachers, school administrators,
non-teaching personnel, and school children;
6. Maintains cooperative and collaborative efforts with principal officers of other government agencies
and arranges for obtaining assistance relative to disaster risk reduction activities;
7. Serves as overseer and evaluator during emergency/evacuation drills and exercises; and
8. Does related work as may be assigned by the Chairman.
B. Information Management
1. Maintain an updated database of relevant baseline information on school population, demography
in the different regions, hospitals, school facilities, etc.
2. Collate, validate and analyze information and undertake the appropriate steps to be taken based on
pre-delegated tasks and responsibilities, otherwise recommend to the NDCC
3. Executive Officer or the NDCC Chairman the necessary steps to be taken based on processed
information for an enhanced decision-making process.
4. Document all past disaster situations to include a review of the pre and post disaster activities
undertaken by all key actors, and maintain a database of these documents;
5. Development and integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the curriculum.
6. As a matter of standard operations procedure, all concerned shall take into consideration the
reporting and flow of activities during and after a disaster as stated in Figure 13, to ensure timely,
accurate, and reliable data gathering and reporting.
Personnel Requirements
The Education Information Officer shall have the following functions and shall organize under his
supervision alternative learning, advocacy and public information, education and training, and health and
sanitation teams:
3. Directs first aid or medical self-help operations and control the access to medical supplies;
4. Establishes policies and rules governing the emergency treatment of badly injured persons;
5. Maintains an adequate sanitation and hygienic standards and deals with matters related to emergency
6. Monitors the storage and handling of medicines, goods, food and drinking water in evacuation in
coordination with concerned agencies;
7. Does related work as the need arises.
1. Determines courses of action to be taken based on the recommendations of the Intelligence and
Disaster Analysis Officer;
2. Determines the type of action units to be utilized whenever there is a crisis;
3. Maintains and/or supervises programs of operations and determines the necessity of utilizing additional
action units;
4. Coordinates with the Intelligence and Analysis Officer the operations being undertaken and those to be
c. Fire Suppression
1. Organizes fire-fighting teams/brigades for initial fire fighting deployment;
2. Provides fire-fighting instructions through locally available sources (Local Fire Department);
3. Ensures that fire fighters know their stations and locations of fire fighting equipment in the area;
4. Deploys fire fighting personnel to fire affected areas;
5. Coordinates with the Bureau of Fire Department on matters related to fire suppression; and
6. Maintains network with fire suppression agencies and organizations for joint trainings and fire
suppression skills;
7. Sets on the fire alarm in case of fire;
8. Assesses the nature of fire and suppress it by using the appropriate fire extinguishers available or by
practical means of putting it off such as wet jute sacks;
9. Prevents the spread of fire by shutting off all ventilators and witching off all electrical breakers in the
b. Transportation Team
1. Takes charge of all mobilization procedures, provision of vehicles and transport facilities as deemed
2. Determines the transportation needs and requirements;
3. Assigns all available vehicles and transport units to the monitoring and damage assessment teams;
4. Coordinates with counterpart transport team leaders and local transport groups for resource sharing;
5. Does related work.
The following are limitations of the authority of the SGC:
It shall not directly manage the schools because it is the responsibility of the School Head.
The power and responsibilities of the SGC shall be lodged in the SGC acting as one body
and not with individual members.
It shall act through the School Head in the conduct of its affairs and shall not act
on its own in any financial transactions involving the school.
It shall not enter into or be bound by any contractual transactions for and in-
behalf of the school unless authorized for such purpose in its Constitution and By-laws.
All decisions of the SGC shall conform to existing laws and policies and
regulations of DepEd. It shall conduct its affairs in keeping with the school’s
decision-making processes. It shall adopt a Constitution and By-laws to guide
its decisions.
Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Schools Division Office of Biliran
Naval District IV
Lucsoon, Naval, Biliran
• Actively participates in the development of the SIP by establishing priorities and setting goals and
strategies for school improvement
2. School Head
• Provides leadership and guidance in the development of the plan, clearly explains the SIP planning
process to the planning team, and helps them understand their role in the process
• Informs the team on school programs such as “Every Child A Reader Program”, “School-Feeding
Program”, Use of Mother Tongue as Medium of Instruction
3. Teachers
• Provide needed information relative to teaching and learning process and programs
• Actively participate during the development of the SIP-establishing priorities, setting goals, and
formulating implementation strategies for the plan
4. Parents
• Share their children’s experiences in school, their insights about what their children need to learn and
the difficulties they face in school, their aspirations for the school and their children; present other areas
of concerns; and participate in setting goals, strategies, and priorities of the school
5. Students
• Share insights about their learning experiences- what they enjoy doing, what they feel uncomfortable
with in school or school task where they find difficulty in - and participate in setting goals, strategies,
and priorities of the school.
6. Barangay and LGU Representatives
• Share valuable information on the interest and concerns of the community in school improvement and
participate in setting goals, strategies and priorities of the school
• Commit available resources in the implementation of the plan
The SPT may also invite resource person/s to shed light on matters pertaining to specific items on the
SIP, e.g. budget, infrastructure, procurement, etc.