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Technology and Livelihood Education

Information and Communication Technology
Computer System Servicing


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the use of hand tools and
equipment for computer systems servicing.
B. Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to use hand tools and equipment for computer
systems servicing.
C. Learning Competencies & Code
Learning Objective:
 Identify appropriate hand tools for proper operation and safety.
 Classify hand tools and equipment according to their uses.
II. CONTENT: Using and Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide:
2. Learner’s Materials:
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from LRMDS

B. Other Learning Resources

- Laptop, Ppt, Hand tools and Pictures.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Introductory Activity
 Classroom Routine
- Opening Prayer
- Greetings
- Energizer
- Checking of attendance

 Review/ Recall
- Let us have a recall about the
previous topic:

Activity 1. Word Bank

Direction: Label the parts of a
computer. Choose the word of
your answer inside the box.
 Students Label the parts of a
- Ok very good I’m glad that computer.
you’ve still remember our
previous lesson. So now let’s

 Motivation
- Are you familiar with the
different hand tools found in
the computer laboratory?

(The teacher will show pictures

to the students)

- What can you say about the

 Sir the pictures are the hand tools
that you can see in the computer
- Very good! Any other answer. laboratory.
Ok very good! I’m going to
show you again some pictures
and identify it.

- (The teacher will show again a

pictures to the students)
- Identify the pictures of the
different Hand tools.

 Flat-head screwdriver

 Wire Cutter

 Flashlight

B. Activity
- Before we proceed to our topic/
lessons for today. Let us
measure what you already
know about Using and
Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT).
- Get ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following test

Activity 2. True or False Instruction: Activity 2. True or False Instruction:

Read the statements carefully then write Read the statements carefully then write
TRUE if the statement is correct and write TRUE if the statement is correct and write
FALSE if it is wrong. FALSE if it is wrong.
_______1. Choosing the best tool for
each task requires training in the proper TRUE 1. Choosing the best tool for each
use of the tools. task requires training in the proper use of
_______2. When obtaining the tool, all the tools.
the associated tooling and consumable TRUE 2. When obtaining the tool, all the
parts, as recommended by the associated tooling and consumable parts,
manufacturer, must be included. as recommended by the manufacturer,
_______3. The safe use of a tool must be included.
depends on using the tool for the FLASE 3. The safe use of a tool depends
purpose for which it was designed. on using the tool for the purpose for
_______4. All tools should be kept in which it was designed.
good condition with regular maintenance. TRUE 4. All tools should be kept in good
_______5. Preparing for a task includes condition with regular maintenance.
only knowing the task to be done. FLASE 5. Preparing for a task includes
_______6. Place parts or tools wherever only knowing the task to be done.
you like. FLASE 6. Place parts or tools wherever
_______7. Preparing for a task includes you like.
also the sequence of tasks to be done. TRUE 7. Preparing for a task includes also
_______8. Everyone is allowed to eat or the sequence of tasks to be done.
drink while working on a computer. FLASE 8. Everyone is allowed to eat or
_______9. Always disconnect a computer drink while working on a computer.
from the AC power and any powered TRUE 9. Always disconnect a computer
peripherals while you are working on it. from the AC power and any powered
_______10. Know and understand in peripherals while you are working on it.
detail the scope of your work to be TRUE 10. Know and understand in detail
accomplished. the scope of your work to be
_______11. Choosing the best tool for accomplished.
each task DOES NOT require training in FLASE 11. Choosing the best tool for each
the proper use of the tools. task DOES NOT require training in the
_______12. A tool is a handheld device proper use of the tools.
that aids in accomplishing a task. TRUE 12. A tool is a handheld device that
_______13. Following the manufacturer’s aids in accomplishing a task.
guidance and instruction for that specific FLASE 13. Following the manufacturer’s
tool is NOT necessary. guidance and instruction for that specific
_______14. All tools are kept in good tool is NOT necessary.
condition with regular maintenance. TRUE 14. All tools are kept in good
_______15. Damaged or defective condition with regular maintenance.
equipment/tools should be tagged and TRUE 15. Damaged or defective
removed from service. equipment/tools should be tagged and
removed from service.
C. Analysis
- A tool is a handheld device that
aids in accomplishing tasks. As
a learner you are expected to
be familiar in identifying and
selecting hand tools according
to the task requirements and
increase awareness in
addressing hand tool safety

- That activity would simply rear

you on what will be our lesson
for today. Were you able to  Yes, Sir.
answer it correctly?

- How many of you distinguish

the right thing to do?

- Let me ask you, how are you  Students give their answers
familiar with computer
maintenance job?

- Do you have any experiences  Students give their answers

repairing a computer or at least
a cellphone before?

- Okay, you don’t need to worry

about it because this time I will
be teaching you all about the
using and maintaining of hand
D. Abstraction

Using and Maintaining Hand

Tools (UHT)
Proper Tool Selection A tool is a
handheld device that aids in
accomplishing a task. Tools range
from a traditional metal cutting
part of a machine to an element of
a computer program that activates
and controls a particular function.

Safe Use of Tools Once selected,

use the tool for the purpose for
which it was designed. Not all tools
come with detailed instructions,
but some do spell out the safety
“Do’s and Don’ts” for your safety.
If there are set-up/use options,
operator judgment must always be
based on what is the safest way to
use the tool.

Environmental Safety and Health

Program requires the following:
1. All tools should be kept in good
condition with regular
2. The right tool should be used
for the job.
3. Each tool should be examined
before use and damaged or
defective tools should NOT to be
4. Tools should be operated
according to the manufacturer’s
5. The right protective equipment
for the tool and activity should be

- So, what do you think the

benefits of safe use of tools
once selected?
 Students give their answers
1. Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)
Tools - Static electricity is easily
generated by friction on
carpets, tile flooring, clothing,
hair, fabric, etc… The friction of
moving air alone will charge
suspended particles and cause
the buildup of static electrical
charges on people and objects
in the environment. Grounded
antistatic work mats used with
antistatic wrist straps provide
the most basic means for the
controlled discharge of
electrostatic electricity.

2. Hand Tools - is a device for

performing work on a material
or a physical system using
hands only. The hand tools can
be manually used by employing
force, or electrically powered,
using an electrical current.

3. Cleaning Tools - Having the

appropriate cleaning tools is
essential when maintaining or
repairing computers. Using
these tools ensures that
computer components are not
damaged during cleaning.

4. Diagnostic Tool - Computers

are easier to use and more
dependable with each new
generation of hardware and
operating system update, but
that doesn’t mean they're

- What have you learned?

 Students give their answers
- For you as a student how is it
important to know the Different
Hand tools in computer in your
daily life?
 Students give their answers
- If you were given a chance to
create a new hand tools what
would it be? How will people
use it?  Students give their answers

E. Application
Activity 3: Classify Me
Directions: Choose a partner and
classify the following tools below
according to the four categories of
computer hardware servicing tools.
Write the letter of your answer in a
¼ sheet of paper.

A. Electro-Static Discharge Tools A. Electro-Static Discharge Tools

B. Hand Tools B. Hand Tools
C. Cleaning Tools C. Cleaning Tools
D. Diagnostic Tools D. Diagnostic Tools
______1. Hex Driver B______1. Hex Driver
______2. Lint-Free Cloth C______2. Lint-Free Cloth
______3. Loopback Adapter D______3. Loopback Adapter
______4. Anti-Static Mat A______4. Anti-Static Mat
______5. Torx Screwdriver B______5. Torx Screwdriver
______6. Flashlight B______6. Flashlight
______7. Multimeter D______7. Multimeter
______8. Cable ties C______8. Cable ties
______9. Anti-static wrist strap A______9. Anti-static wrist strap
______10. Parts Organizer C______10. Parts Organizer


Activity 4. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand each question carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write the letter of your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following tools is used for tightening and loosening slotted screws?
A. anti - static mat
B. flat head screwdriver
C. hex driver
D. wire cutter

2. When getting parts that are too small for your hand to fit in what tool should be
A. cable ties
B. lint free cloth
C. part retriever
D. wire cutter

3. What tool is used in removing cross-head screws in the system unit?

A. anti-static wrist strap
B. cable ties
C. philips head screwdriver
D. wire cutter

4. Which of the following tools is used for stripping and cutting wires?
A. cable ties
B. hex driver
C. parts organizer
D. wire cutter

5. Before using hand tools in performing pc assembly and disassembly, which of the
following should be considered?
A. Check defective hand tools to be used
B. Examine and clean the hand tools
C. Never use Personal Protective Equipment
D. Select faulty hand tools

6. Which of the following computer hardware is used to prevent ESD?

A. anti-static strap
B. compressed air
C. lookback adaptor
D. multimeter

7. There are different tools needed in repairing computer, which of the following
categories does parts retriever, screw driver, wire cutter and long nose plier belongs?
A. Cleaning tools
B. Diagnostic tools
C. Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tools
D. Hand tools

8. Which of the following hand tools also known as nut driver?

A. flat screw driver
B. hex driver
C. parts retriever
D. philipscrew driver

9. Which of the following tools does NOT belong to cleaning tools?

A. anti-static wrist strap
B. cable ties
C. lint free cloth
D. parts organizer
10. When cleaning computer system unit, which of the following tools is best used to
blow away dust in electronic components?
A. compressed air
B. lint free cloth
C. hex driver
D. wire cutter

Activity 4: Essay
Directions: Read and understand the statement. You will be graded through
the following rubric. Write your answer in a 1/2 sheet of paper.

1. What is the importance of knowing the appropriate hand tools for Computer
System Servicing?


The content was well-thought, guide questions
Content 4
were thoroughly answered
The paper was well-written with ideas easily
Organization 3
conveyed to readers
Development Points are thoroughly developed 3
Total 10

Prepared by:


Teacher 1 Applicant

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