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Ahse 2022

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f) Which of the rocks the grain are

AHSE-2022 essentially rounded to sub rounded?

All the questions are compulsory I. Conglomerate
1. Choose the correct answer out of II. Breccia
the four choices given for each III. Shale
questions : IV. Sandstone
a) Which of the following is discordant form g) The Metamorphisim due to movement of
of igneous rock? faults and shear zones is known as-
I. Sill I. Thermal Metamorphisim
II. Dyke II. Cataclastic Metamorphisim
III. Lapolith III. Retrograde Metamorphisim
IV. Phacolith IV. Burial Metamorphisim
b) In which of the following rocks plagioclase h) The composition of magnetite is-
and pyroxenes are the essential mineral? I. Feo4 Fe2O3
I. Peridotite II. Fe2O3
II. Granite III. FeO,Cr2O3
III. Gabbro IV. FeO4 TiO2
IV. Pegmatite i) The undesirable material associated
c) Which one of the following is a with ore is known as-?
I. Tenor
sedimentary rock?
II. Grade
I. Basalt III. Gangue
II. Breccia IV. Bonanza
III. Granite j) From the following choose the ore
IV. Gneiss mineral of manganese
I. Magnetite
d) Which of the following rock contains II. Chromite
extremely fine grain minerals? III. Psilmelane
I. Sand stone IV. Pyrite
II. Conglomerate k) The number of periods present in the
III. Shale Paleozoic era is-
I. 5
IV. Breccia
II. 6
III. 7
e) Which of the rock produces marble on IV. 3
metamorphism? l) The oldest group of cuddapa supergroup of
I. Dolerite rocks in the type area is:
II. Sand stone I. Papagni
III. Lime stone II. Kishna
IV. Shale III. Cheyair
IV. Nallamalai
m) Kaimur group is associated with which s) The unconformity where the order
one of the following- rock is of igneous origin is—
I. Cuddapah I. Blended
II. Vindyan II. Angular
III. Singbhum III. Non-conformity
IV. Eastern Ghats IV. Disconformity
n) Among the following which is t) The low most formation of group is-
younger age I. Pulivendla
I. Pliocene II. Gulucheru
II. Miocene III. Cumbum
III. Pleistosene IV. Talpatrishales
IV. Cretaceous 2. Choose the correct answer out of
o) A fault in which hanging wall has gone the four choices given for each
up relative to the foot wall is known
a) Which of the following is an extrusive
I. Normal fault
igneous rock?
II. Reverse fault
I. Dolerite
III. Strike slip fault
II. Pegmatite
IV. Gravity fault
III. Basalt
p) The angle between true dip direction
IV. Peridotite
and strike of a bed is –
b) An igneous which smaller grains are
I. O°
embaded with lager grains known as
II. 90°
I. Porphyritic texture
III. 45°
II. Poklitic texture
IV. 180°
III. Hypidiomorphic texture
IV. Allotriomorphic texture
q) In which type of fold axis plane is
c) An igneous rock cointaining pyroxene
and olivine as essential mineral is
I. Isoclinal
II. Recumbent
I. Dolerite
III. Symmetrical fold
II. Granite
IV. Anticlinal fold
III. Peridotite
IV. Gabbro
r) With which of the following horst is
d) The pebbles are in sedimentary rock
associated ?
has the size:
I. Fold
I. 4-64mm
II. Unconformity
II. 2-4mm
III. Fault
III. 1/16 - 2mm
IV. Symmetrical fold
IV. < 1/256mm
e) What is the dip in horizontal bed? k) The youngest stratigraphic period of
I. 90° Mesozoic era is-
II. 45° I. Jurassic
III. 0° II. Triassic
IV. 60° III. Eocene
f) Which of the following rock is IV. Cretaceous
metamorphic equivalent of l) Which one of these is characteristic
sandstone? texture of dolerite
I. Gneiss I. Hypidiomorphic
II. Schist II. Ophitic
III. Quartzite III. Altriomorphic
IV. Marble IV. Panidriomorphic
g) Which of the rock shows granulose m) Which out of these is structure of
structure? gneiss?
I. Gneiss I. Granulose
II. Marble II. Gneissoge
III. Schist III. Schistose
IV. None of the above IV. Maculose
h) Which one of the following is ore n) A fold which is concave upwards with
mineral? younger rocks are laying in the core is
I. Pyrolusite known as-
II. Goethite I. Anticline
III. Chromite II. Symmetrical
IV. Bauxite III. Isoclinal
i) The process which metasomatic IV. Syncline
replacement deposits are formed is o) An ore mineral with Fe2Cr2O7 as the
known as- chemical composition is-
I. Magmatic concretation I. Hematite
II. Hydrothermal concretation II. Chromite
III. Residual concentration III. Pyralusite
IV. Contact metamorphism IV. Goethite
j) Bauxite deposits are formed mostly by Group-B
the process of- 3. Write short notes on any ten bits of
I. Mechanical concentration these following :
II. Residual concentration a. Sill
III. Magmatic concentration b. Pegmatite
IV. Hydrothermal process c. Porphyritic
d. Breccia
e. Ripple mark
f. Schistose structure
g. Marble
h. Tenor
i. Uses of chromite
j. Order of superposition
k. Division of tertiary era
l. Cheyair group
m. Anticline
n. Grabben
o. Angular unconformity
p. Early magmatic segregation
Answer any three questions:
4. Briefly describe agent and kinds of

5. Give a stratigraphic account of

Vindyan supergroup?

6. Name the ore mineral of manganese.

Describe the mode of occurance
Indian distribution and uses
manganese ores?

7. With neat sketches describe different

structures of sedimentary rocks?

8. Define unconformity with the help of

neat sketch explain different types of

9. Write short notes on following[2.5×2] ]

a. Limestone
b. Isoclinal fold

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