Aqua Energy Expo Magazine 8th Issue August 2024
Aqua Energy Expo Magazine 8th Issue August 2024
Aqua Energy Expo Magazine 8th Issue August 2024
Contents Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Page 40: Rockwell Automation Leads the Charge in Re-
Page 19 Towards a Water-Secure Future:
newable Energy Innovation with Sweetch Energy's Os-
SWCC's Journey for Energy-Efficient
motic Solutions
Page 37: Green Investing: The Core to a Sustainable
Features Energy Future
News Brief
Page 22: Water Monthly News Brief
Page 48: Energy Monthly News Brief
Features Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
oiler systems play a critical role in a wide range of indu- Applications Where to Benefit from Cetamine®
stries, from manufacturing and power generation to he- Technology
althcare and hospitality. These systems are responsible Cetamine is applied in low-pressure fire tubes and medium
for producing the steam and hot water essential for various pro- to high-pressure water-tube boilers across industries, protecting
cesses and heating requirements. However, the efficient opera- the entire installation regardless of water make-up quality. It
tion of boiler systems can be challenged by a number of factors, prevents corrosion and deposits in feed water systems, boilers,
including scale buildup, corrosion, and high water and energy steam distribution, turbines, and condensate lines.
consumption. Addressing these challenges is crucial not only Cetamine products are available as single-component solu-
for maintaining optimal system performance but also for redu- tions for heat recovery steam generators and fossil-fired power
cing operational costs and environmental impact. One innova- plants, or multi-component for complete plant protection in
tive solution that has emerged to tackle these issues is Kurita's shell and water-tube boilers. Cetamine also benefits closed sys-
Cetamine® Film Forming Technology. tems and open cooling systems, providing exceptional protec-
tion for aluminum boilers, injection molding systems, and gal-
Boiler Efficiency vanized components. Theses ranges of benefits translate into
Operating boiler systems efficiently can indeed face several significant water and energy savings.
challenges, by proactively addressing these challenges, boiler
systems can operate more efficiently, reducing operational costs, How does the application of Cetamine lead to Water
minimizing environmental impact, and extending the lifespan & Energy Savings?
of the equipment. Let's discuss each of these factors in detail: Compared to traditional treatment programs requiring up to
• Scale Buildup 3 products, Kurita's Cetamine Technology usually needs only 1
Scale formation in boilers occurs due to the presence of dis- product to treat the entire plant, significantly simplifying op-
solved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium, in the water erations and reducing costs for dosing equipment, handling,
supply. As the water is heated, these minerals precipitate out and storage. The carbon footprint is also lowered by applying
and form a hard, insulating layer on the boiler's internal surfa- fewer chemicals. The key component is a unique Film Form-
ces. This scale acts as a barrier, reducing heat transfer efficiency ing Substance (FFS) that adsorbs to system surfaces, forming
and increasing fuel consumption. It can also lead to hot spots, a protective film against corrosion. This removes existing scale
causing damage to the boiler tubes and compromising overall and prevents new scale formation, improving heat transfer and
system integrity. boiler performance.
• Corrosion
Corrosion in boilers is a significant concern, driven by factors
such as dissolved oxygen, acidity, and the presence of specific “ Cetamine has a negligible impact on boil-
contaminants like carbon dioxide and ammonia. Corrosion
er water conductivity, allowing the cycle
can lead to the deterioration of boiler components, resulting
in leaks, equipment failure, and potential safety hazards. It is of concentration (COC) to be increased by
crucial to maintain proper water chemistry and take preventive up to 50%, reducing blowdown water and
measures to mitigate corrosion risks. the associated costs for water preparation
• High Water and Energy Consumption and heating. For a 20 bar, 100 t/h steam
Inefficient boiler operation can lead to excessive water and boiler, this can save over 250,000€ per
energy consumption, increasing operational costs and environ-
mental impact. Factors contributing to high water consumption
year, while also reducing CO2 emissions
include frequent blowdown cycles, leaks, and improper water by 700 tons and saving 8,500 m³ of water
treatment. On the energy front, scale buildup, poor combusti- annually ”
on efficiency, and inadequate insulation can result in higher fuel
consumption and energy losses .
orean Artificial Intelligence Set to Revolutionize Treat- senior researcher, has developed a technology that classifies
ment of Emerging Contaminants in Water As the emerging trace substances based on their physicochemical prop-
world grapples with the growing challenge of emerging erties and predicts their concentrations using clustering and
contaminants in water, a new wave of innovation is sweeping prediction-based artificial intelligence technology. They used
through the Korean water industry. Driven by the rapid ad- self-organizing maps to cluster 29 known micropollutants based
vancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning on physicochemical properties, functional groups, and biolog-
(ML), Korean researchers and companies are developing cut- ical reactions. Then, they employed random forests to predict
ting-edge solutions that promise to transform the way we ad- the properties and concentration changes of new trace sub-
dress this critical issue. stances by leveraging the data from the clustered groups. This
approach enables efficient monitoring and management of mi-
Tracking the Journey of Micropollutants in wastewa- cropollutants in wastewater treatment by reducing the number
ter treatment of samples required and providing representative information
Chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, on the fate of these trace contaminants.
steroids, estrogens, pesticides, and surfactants have become es-
sential for modern living. Over 350,000 of these chemicals have
been registered and used worldwide from 2010 to 2019, with
global medicine consumption in 2020 estimated at 4.5 trillion
doses. While most or some of these chemicals flow into waste-
water treatment plants (WWTPs), they are not completely de-
graded. These undecomposed chemicals, known as micropol-
lutants (MPs), can adversely impact aquatic ecosystems when
discharged from the WWTPs. To assess the impact and poten-
tial risks of these MPs, frequent and accurate monitoring of ef-
fluent from WWTPs is crucial. However, periodic monitoring
of MPs is expensive and labor-intensive. Therefore, there is an
urgent need for technologies that can quickly and accurately
predict the properties and behavior of these trace substances, in
order to optimize their monitoring and management in waste- AI-Powered Micropollutant Prediction in
water treatment processes. Wastewater
The KIST research team's AI-based model, combining
New Technology, With Pilot Study, Solves the Prob- self-organizing maps and random forests, achieved an excellent
lem prediction accuracy of approximately 0.75 when applied to 13
Researchers at KIST, led by Hong Seok-won, director of the new trace substances. This significantly surpassed the 0.40 pre-
Water Resources and Cycle Research Center, and Son Moon, diction accuracy of existing AI techniques using biological in-
formation. | August 2024 16
Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
Compared to traditional formula-based methods, the KIST potential failures, AI can notify maintenance teams in advance,
model's data-driven approach only requires the physicochemi- allowing them to perform preventive maintenance before cost-
cal properties of trace substances as input and can efficiently ly breakdowns occur. This helps minimize downtime, reduces
identify concentration changes by clustering similar substan- repair costs, and ensures the smooth operation of the treatment
ces. Moreover, this versatile AI model can be further utilized plant.
to predict the concentrations of new substances of societal • Process Optimization
concern, such as drugs, making it a valuable tool for efficient AI analyzes vast amounts of historical data to identify pat-
monitoring and management of micropollutants in wastewater terns and correlations between different treatment process pa-
treatment. rameters and the resulting effluent quality. This information is
used to optimize the treatment process, adjusting factors like
chemical dosing, aeration rates, and settling times to achieve the
“ Dr. Seokwon Hong and Dr. Moon Son, co-cor-
desired effluent quality more efficiently. AI can also adapt the
responding authors at KIST, stated, "It can be treatment process to handle variations in influent characteris-
applied not only to actual wastewater treatment tics, such as seasonal changes or sudden pollution events.
plants but also to most water treatment-relat- • Energy Efficiency
ed facilities where new trace substances exist, AI-driven control systems optimize energy consumption in
providing quick and accurate data in the pol- wastewater treatment plants by dynamically adjusting the ope-
icy-making process for related regulations. ration of pumps, blowers, and other energy-intensive equip-
Since it utilizes machine learning technology, ment. By analyzing real-time data on energy prices, plant load,
the accuracy of the prediction will improve as and process requirements, AI can schedule operations during
relevant data is accumulated " off-peak hours when energy costs are lower, leading to signifi-
cant energy savings.
The Potential of AI in Wastewater Treatment • Water Quality Monitoring and Alarming
AI is being used in wastewater treatment to optimize various AI-enabled water quality monitoring systems continuously
aspects of the process, leading to significant cost savings. For analyze data from various sensors placed throughout the treat-
example, AI-driven optimizations can reduce aeration energy ment process. If the data indicates a deviation from regulatory
consumption by 30-40%, which translates to approximately standards or an impending issue, AI can trigger alarms to alert
$1 operating expense per population equivalent (PE). Further- operators. For example, if ammonia levels exceed permissible
more, these AI-driven optimizations can enhance nutrient limits, AI can notify operators to take corrective actions and
removal by 30-40% while simultaneously saving 10-15% of avoid environmental violations.
energy, mitigating the need for costly plant upgrades. • Resource Recovery
AI can optimize resource recovery processes in wastewater
treatment, such as anaerobic digestion and nutrient removal.
By analyzing real-time data on organic matter content and
nutrient levels, AI can optimize the timing and dosing of che-
micals, enhancing nutrient removal efficiency. Additionally, AI
can optimize anaerobic digestion processes to maximize biogas
production from sludge, providing a valuable renewable energy
• Data Analysis and Decision Support
AI algorithms analyze historical data from wastewater treat-
ment processes to identify trends and patterns that might not be
immediately apparent to human operators. These insights can
AI is being applied in Wastewater Treatment for be used for informed decision-making, process improvements,
• Real-Time Monitoring and Control and long-term planning to enhance overall plant performance.
AI-powered systems in wastewater treatment continuously
monitor various parameters, such as flow rates, pH levels, tur- Seoul from Intelligence to Efficiency
bidity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentrations. AI algo- Seoul plans to convert 4 wastewater recovery centers into
rithms analyze this real-time data to make informed decisions AI-powered "intelligent water recovery centers" by 2030. The
and adjustments to the treatment process. For instance, AI can automated system will collect and analyze big data on parame-
control the speed of pumps, aeration rates, and chemical dosing ters like BOD and phosphorus, using AI to optimize water qua-
to optimize treatment efficiency based on fluctuating influent lity management in real-time, replacing manual processes. The
characteristics and changing environmental conditions. This 3-phase plan involves: 1) was establishing an integrated databa-
enables the wastewater treatment process to adapt dynamically, se, central monitoring, and remote control systems by August
enhancing overall efficiency and performance. 2021; 2) upgrading the system from 2022-2023; and 3) develo-
• Predictive Maintenance ping a utilization program from 2027-2030. This is expected to
AI can predict equipment failures and maintenance needs by maximize operational efficiency, strengthen transparency, and
analyzing data from sensors installed in pumps, blowers, and enable stable water quality management, even in emergencies.
other critical equipment. By detecting patterns indicative of | August 2024 17
Features Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
The city also anticipates energy savings and reduced green-
house gas emissions by minimizing unnecessary equipment This digital water management innovation promises a relia-
operation. ble and rapid response to the urgent needs arising from clima-
te-related water conditions, offering hope to African nations
grappling with clean water supply challenges. The visit has spar-
ked discussions on potential collaborations, with Madagascar's
president expressing interest in expanding the country's water
infrastructure through partnerships with South Korea's K-wa-
ter, leveraging both governmental and European Union funds.
Korea's AI innovations in wastewater treat-
ment reflect its commitment to technologi-
cal advancement. This underscores the glob-
al trend of adopting digital tools to enhance
water treatment and monitoring. The com-
“ By adopting the AI-based automated system
in four water reuse centers in Seoul, we aim to
bination of expert knowledge and AI-pow-
take a leap towards a city with intelligent cen- ered systems is opening new avenues to ad-
ters,” said Han Yu-Seok, director general of the dress environmental challenges. AI is applied
Water Circulation Safety Bureau. “We are look- in wastewater treatment for real-time mon-
ing forward to optimized quality control with itoring, predictive maintenance, optimiza-
the maximized efficiency of sewage treatment tion, energy efficiency, and resource recovery,
operations "
leading to cost savings. Seoul plans to convert
wastewater centers into AI-powered "intelli-
Collaboration is the Key to Success in Africa gent water recovery centers" by 2030, maxi-
In a quest to address Africa's water quality and supply issues,
African leaders recently visited a cutting-edge Artificial Intel- mizing efficiency and enabling stable water
ligence (AI)-powered water treatment facility in South Korea. quality management. Korea's collaboration
The AI-driven plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, em- with African leaders offers hope for address-
ploys big data to optimize the entire water purification process,
reducing human error and harnessing real-time energy monito-
ing water challenges in Africa.
ring for efficient management.
Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
ising global freshwater demand due to population Van't Hoff's law states that osmotic pressure can be deter-
growth, industrialization, and climate change makes mined by evaluating the molar concentrations of dissolved salts.
desalination a crucial solution, especially in arid regi- In seawater desalination with 32,000 ppm NaCl, the minimum
ons. As the world's largest desalinator, Saudi Water Conversi- theoretical energy requirement is ~1 kWh/m³. As total dissol-
on Corporation (SWCC) produces 11.5 million cubic meters ved solids increase, energy consumption rises proportionally.
of water daily to meet Saudi Arabia's needs. SWCC is leading Osmotic pressure is crucial in reverse osmosis and pressure re-
the transition towards more energy-efficient reverse osmosis tarded osmosis, where high pressure is required to overcome it.
systems, renewable energy integration, and innovative brine Optimizing system design, such as adjusting pressure and mem-
management to drive sustainable desalination practices and brane configurations is key to improving desalination efficiency
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 62% by 2025. This article and sustainability.
explores the complexities of energy consumption in desalinati- • Impact of Feedwater Quality on Energy Consumption
on and the strategies employed by SWCC to enhance efficiency Feedwater quality is critical for desalination energy consump-
and environmental sustainability. tion. Higher concentrations of salts and impurities require more
energy to achieve desired water quality.
Energy Footprint of Water Desalination
Desalination is crucial for addressing global water scarcity, “ Seawater in Saudi Arabia has TDS rang-
but its energy-intensive nature poses sustainability and cost
ing from 38,500-41,900 mg/L, with an
challenges. Understanding the factors influencing energy con-
sumption, such as specific energy consumption (SEC), feed- average of 40,366 mg/L ”
water quality, and osmotic pressure, is essential for optimizing
operations and minimizing environmental impacts. Energy WHO guidelines state TDS up to 600 mg/L is considered
consumption in desalination is a complex phenomenon in- good for palatability, while above 1,000 mg/L becomes incre-
fluenced by these interrelated factors, each exerting distinct asingly unpalatable. For every 100 mg/L of TDS, osmotic pres-
impacts on system efficiency and environmental footprint. sure of 0.04-0.076 bar is generated, which must be overcome in
Addressing these factors is key to improving the viability and reverse osmosis. For seawater at 35,000 ppm TDS, the osmotic
sustainability of desalination technologies. pressure is 24.13 bar, requiring careful pressure and power cal-
culations for optimal system performance.
Only One Bidder for Initial Contract in $10B Iona Sewage Plant Replace-
Metro Vancouver is set to replace the Iona Wastewater
Treatment Plant, with the initial contract valued at $60.6
million for preliminary design, estimated construction
and operating costs, testing equipment, and consultation
fees. Only one bidder participated, but the oversight com-
mittee plans to recommend approval to the board on July
26. The Fraser Delta Group, a consortium, is expected
to secure the contract. The total project cost is projected
to be around $10 billion. The Iona Island plant, located
in a complex ecological area, aims to upgrade treatment
processes while implementing ecological restoration ini-
tiatives, including reconnecting the river and sea and re-
storing habitats for juvenile salmon and other species.
Jacobs secures $800 Million Contract for King County Wastewater Infra-
structure Overhaul
Jacobs has been appointed to manage an $800 million upgrade of
King County's Wastewater Treatment Division infrastructure, en-
hancing water quality and resilience for about two million residents
in Seattle and central Puget Sound. The company will oversee the
South Treatment Plant Facility Program from design to commis-
sioning. Located in Renton, this facility processes an average of 115
million gallons of wastewater daily in wet weather and 96 million
gallons in dry conditions. It also features educational programs and
the CitySoil demonstration farm, producing around 4,000 pounds
of food each year for a local food bank. Jacobs Senior Vice President
Katus Watson emphasized that this program represents a significant
investment in Washington communities and a commitment to pre-
serving regional water quality, leveraging Jacobs' extensive program
management and construction resources for successful execution.
Global Water Events Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
The AOAP Conference and Exposition & NDPA Water Safety Conference was an
opportunity for professionals from around the world to earn about the latest trends,
legislation, and issues facing our industry. Education, networking & professional development
opportunities during the conference are one of a kind.
WEX Global
Membrane Technology
Date: From 4 to 7 March, 2024
Location: West Palm BEeach, Florida
The AMTA/AWWA Membrane Tech-
nology Conference explored the latest de-
velopments in membrane technology, as
it affects water and wastewater treatment.
The conference reveals new directions in
water and wastewater treatment technol-
ogies, desalting and membrane bioreactor
The conference was celebrating it’s 28th year as the Largest Regional Water Conference
in the U.S.© Itcaters to professionals in the wastewater and water industry, including
water quality engineers, treatment plant technicians and scientists. Also government of-
ficials, regulatory agency personnel, manufacturers and their agents, libraries, universities
and groups and individuals concerned with protecting public health and the environ-
MACH Exhibition
Date: From 15 to 19 April, 2024
Location: NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT, UK
he world is facing a critical juncture. The scientific con- Green investing plays a pivotal part in ensuring a sustainable
sensus is clear: human-induced climate change is a re- future. The International Energy Agency estimates that around
ality, and its impacts are becoming increasingly severe. US$2.8tn was invested in energy in 2023 alone, more than
Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and the depletion US$1.7tn of which funnelled into clean energy such as renew-
of natural resources are just a few of the pressing issues that de- able power, nuclear, grids, storage, low-emission fuels, efficiency
mand immediate action. As the global population continues to improvements and end-use renewables and electrification.The
grow and energy demands soar, the need for sustainable energy appeal of green investing lies in its ability to generate both finan-
solutions has never been more urgent. Recognizing this imper- cial returns and positive environmental and social impact. By
ative, governments, corporations, and individual investors are aligning their investment portfolios with their values and sus-
increasingly turning to green investing as a means of driving the tainability goals, investors can contribute to the development of
transition towards a low-carbon economy. By channeling capi- a greener, more equitable, and more resilient global economy.
tal into renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies,
and sustainable infrastructure, green investors are not only mit- The Transformative Power of Green Investing
igating environmental risks but also unlocking new opportuni- The transformative power of green investing lies in its ability
ties for growth and innovation. to drive large-scale change across multiple sectors. From renew-
able energy and clean transportation to sustainable agriculture
The Rise of Green Investing and circular economies, green investment is catalyzing innova-
Green investing, also known as sustainable or responsible in- tion, creating new job opportunities, and accelerating the tran-
vesting, is a rapidly growing field that encompasses a wide range sition towards a more sustainable future.
of investment strategies and products. At its core, green invest- One of the most prominent examples of this transformative
ing focuses on identifying and supporting companies, projects, power is the rapid growth of the renewable energy sector.
and technologies that prioritize environmental sustainability,
social responsibility, and good governance (ESG) practices. This “ In the past ten years, the cost of elec-
holistic approach to investment decision-making has gained sig- tricity from solar has fallen by 87 %, and
nificant traction in recent years, as investors recognize the long-
term value and resilience of sustainable business models. the cost of battery storage by 85 % ”
“ The Foundation for European Progres- The Path Forward: Unlocking the Potential of Green
sive Studies (FEPS) showcases that the Investing
European Commission’s modelling of As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable
energy solutions, green investing is poised to play a pivotal role
required investment needs is “overly op-
in shaping the future. By channeling capital into the develop-
timistic” as the EU faces an investment ment and deployment of clean technologies, renewable energy
gap of €11.7bn (US$12.5bn) to €16.3bn infrastructure, and sustainable business practices, green inves-
(US$17.4bn) between 2020 and 2050 ” tors can drive the transition towards a more resilient and equi-
table global economy.
“A major barrier is the private sector’s lack of green investments To unlock the full potential of green investing, a multiface-
due to large upfront costs and potential uncertain returns. Pu- ted approach is required. This includes:
blic investment banks are crucial in providing ‘patient capital’ •Strengthening ESG Reporting and Disclosure
for long-term projects, but they have limited resources and ca- • Fostering Collaboration and Partnerships
pacity, which hampers the potential speed of the transition to • Educating and Engaging Investors
net zero. • Innovating and Diversifying Green Investment Products
By embracing these strategies and harnessing the transfor-
The Challenges and Opportunities of Green Inves- mative power of green investing, we can unlock a future where
ting sustainable energy solutions are the norm, not the exception.
While the potential of green investing is immense, it is not This is the path towards a more resilient, equitable, and en-
without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the need vironmentally-conscious global economy – one that is built to
for greater transparency and standardization in ESG reporting withstand the challenges of the 21st century and beyond.
and data. | August 2024 37
Rockwell Automation Leads the Charge in
Renewable Energy Innovation with Sweetch
Energy's Osmotic Solutions
s the world aims for a completely renewable energy However, commercial viability remains limited due to mem-
grid by 2050, the challenges are significant, especially brane power density challenges.
with increasing energy demands due to a rising popula-
tion. This article explores the innovative collaboration between
Rockwell Automation and Sweetch Energy, highlighting their
pioneering osmotic energy technology. By leveraging the energy
produced from the salinity difference between freshwater and
seawater, they seek to deliver a continuous, zero-carbon electric-
ity source. Rockwell Automation plays a crucial role in tackling
energy challenges through the integration of advanced automa-
tion and control systems, paving the way for a sustainable fu-
Articles Aqua Energy Expo Magazine
he global shift toward zero-emissions energy generation As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of cli-
is crucial in combating climate change. Hydrogen-based mate change, the quest for sustainable hydrogen production
fuels are one of the most promising sources of clean en- has become a global priority. The successful development and
ergy. But producing pure hydrogen gas is an energy-intensive deployment of these innovative technologies will not only con-
process that often requires coal or natural gas and large amounts tribute to the decarbonization of various industries but also
of electricity. A multi-institutional team led by UIC engineer pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future.
Meenesh Singh unveils the new process for green hydrogen
production. The method uses a carbon-rich substance called Challenges of green hydrogen production using bio-
biochar to decrease the amount of electricity needed to convert fuels
water to hydrogen. By using renewable energy sources such as Producing green hydrogen from biofuels faces several key
solar power or wind and capturing byproducts for other uses, challenges. One major hurdle is the high cost of biofuel feed-
the process can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. stocks and the hydrogen production process itself. Biofuels can
be more expensive to produce than traditional fossil fuels, mak-
The Quest for Sustainable Hydrogen Production ing green hydrogen a costlier option.
The global transition towards a low-carbon economy has
placed a significant emphasis on the development of sustain- " Approximately 98% of hydrogen is
able hydrogen production methods. Hydrogen has emerged as a generated from fossil fuels, mainly
promising energy carrier, with the potential to play a crucial role
in decarbonizing various sectors, from transportation to indus- through steam reforming of natural gas
trial processes. However, the traditional methods of hydrogen (known as 'grey' hydrogen). However,
production, such as steam methane reforming, are heavily reli- this approach contributes significantly
ant on fossil fuels and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
This has sparked an intense search for alternative, more sustain-
to greenhouse gas emissions ”
able approaches to hydrogen production. Additionally, the conversion of biofuels into hydrogen re-
One of the most promising avenues for sustainable hydrogen quires complex and energy-intensive processes, further increas-
production is water electrolysis, a process that uses electricity to ing the overall costs. Another challenge is the limited availability
split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. While water and scalability of sustainable biofuel sources. Many biofuel feed-
electrolysis has been around for decades, the quest for sustain- stocks compete with food production, raising concerns about
able hydrogen production has driven significant advancements land use and food security. Overcoming these economic and lo-
in this technology. Researchers and engineers are exploring ways gistical barriers will be crucial for green hydrogen from biofuels
to power the electrolysis process using renewable energy sourc- to become a viable large-scale energy solution.
es, such as solar, wind, or hydropower, to create a truly green
hydrogen ecosystem. A Transformative Technology: Innovation in green
Furthermore, the integration of innovative materials and cat- hydrogen production
alysts into the electrolysis system has the potential to enhance Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) have
the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the process. For instance, pioneered a revolutionary method to produce hydrogen gas
the use of advanced materials like perovskites or the incorpo- from water using solar power and agricultural waste, such as
ration of biochar, can improve the overall performance and manure and husks.
reduce the energy demands of water electrolyzers. These tech- The method utilizes biochar, a carbon-rich material derived
nological advancements are crucial in making sustainable hy- from biomass, to lower the electrical energy needed for water
drogen production a viable and scalable solution for the future electrolysis. By integrating renewable energy sources like solar
energy landscape. or wind power and repurposing byproducts, the process aims to
achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Clearway signs PPA with Puget Sound Energy for Haymaker wind farm
Elda River joins Spearmint Energy $200m funding for BESS development
Spearmint Energy, a renewable energy company, has announced
that Elda River Capital Management will join its $200m enhanced
credit facility alongside Nuveen's Energy Infrastructure Credit
team and Aiga Capital Partners. The loan is intended to support
the development and operation of Spearmint's 4.1GW portfolio of
battery energy storage systems (BESS) assets, including over 1GW
of projects nearing construction in Texas. The $200m term loan was
initially processed in June 2023 with Aiga, and Nuveen joined in
December 2023 as a co-anchor to provide debt and structured equi-
ty solutions. Spearmint Energy's chief financial officer, Cory Mag-
nuson, expressed confidence in Elda River's ability to contribute to
a greener future through battery energy storage. The company has
over 20 projects, totaling over ten gigawatt-hours of capacity across
four US regions.
Siemens Energy wins contract for large scale hydrogen project from EWE
Go Hydrogen Business
Summit 2024
Waterpower Week
PV ModuleTech USA
Hydrovision International
2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE 2024)
HYDRO 2024
6th Annual International Summit and Exhibition: Balkan’s Power is a professional platform, bringing
together chief ministers, major investors, decision-makers of the leading hydro, wind and solar power
plants and investment project initiators, as well as regulators, to consolidate efforts focused on efficient
implementation of key projects for the construction and reconstruction of power plants across Balkan