Kisi Kisi Soal Am Kelas 9

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Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P :2023/2024

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.1 mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi Interaksi -Disajikan dialog 1
fungsi sosial, fungsi sosial teks transaksional singkat tentang L1
struktur teks, dan interaksi
/ meminta maaf,
unsur kebahasaan interpersonal lisan
teks interaksi yang melibatkan interpersonal siswa dapat
interpersonal lisan tindakan : Dialog menentukan fungsi 2
dan tulis yang menyapa, singkat sosial (tujuan salah
melibatkan tindakan berpamitan, permintaan satu ungkapan) dari
menyapa, mengucapkan maaf, dialog tersebut.
berpamitan, terimakasih, dan
mengucapkan meminta maaf,
harapan dan
terimakasih, dan serta do’a, -Disajikan dialog
meminta maaf, serta menanggapinya, kebahagiaan singkat tentang
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan atas prestasi. kebiasaan dan
sesuai dengan konteks keharusan, siswa
konteks penggunaannya dapat menentukan
gambaran umum L1 15
dari dialog tersebut.

- Disajikan dialog L1
singkat tentang
kebiasaan dan
keharusan, siswa
dapat menentukan
informasi tertentu
(rincian peristiwa) 16
dari dialog tersebut.
1. Hasan : I am home.
Mother : Where have you been? It almost dinner time.
Hasan : I had to go to Irma’s house to do a group assignment, Mum.
Mother : You could text me, couldn’t you? You made me worry,
dear. Hasan : I am sorry about that. I forgot to tell you.
Mother : Well, it’s okay this time but don’t do that
again. Hasan : Sure, Mum
From the dialogue, we know that …
A. Hasan apologizes for coming home late.
B. Toni forgives her mother to come home late.
C. Riani asks for her mother’s apology for coming home late.
D. Toni doesn’t ask for her mother’s apology.
2. Ayu : Alhamdulillah, I’ve got an A for my Math test. But I don’t know
the result of my English test yet.
Peby : Congratulation on the result of your Math test ! … you get an A for the
English test, too.
A. I hoped
B. I can
C. I wish
D. Good luck

The dialoge below is for number 15 to 16

Teacher : Why are you late?

Student : Sorry sir, I must help my parents before going to school.
Teacher : Whatever your reason, you must know, all students must obey the
school rules.
Student : Yes sir, I’m sorry.
Teacher : Okey, I forgive. But you must be in law.

15. The dialogue above tells us about… .

A. the student must help their parents before going to school
B. the obligation of student to obey the school rules
C. the student must give reason if they come late
D. the teacher must know about the school rules

16. What is the reason the student came late?

A. He assist his mother and father before going to school.
B. He help his teacher to obey the school rulles.
C. He help his teacher to clean the school.
D. He want to get law from his teacher.


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VII / I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 4.4 menyusun teks -menyusun teks Teks Esai : -
interaksi transaksional interaksi Deskriptif. Disajikan sebuah L2 Pilihan
lisan dan tulis sangat transaksional
kalimat rumpang ganda 7
pendek dan sederhana lisan sangat
yang melibatkan tindakan pendek dan berdasarkan teks
memberi dan meminta sederhana yang deskriptif, siswa
informasi terkait nama melibatkan dapat melengkapi
dan jumlah binatang, tindakan memberi dengan
benda, dan bangunan dan meminta
publik yang dekat dengan
informasi terkait
kehidupan siswa sehari- nama dan jumlah
phrase yang tepat.
hari, dengan binatang, benda,
memperhatikan fungsi dan bangunan -Disajikan potongan
sosial, struktur teks, dan publik yang dekat kalimat dari teks
unsur kebahasaan yang dengan kehidupan tersebut, siswa
benar dan sesuai konteks siswa sehari-hari, dapat menentukan
dengan makna dari kata L2 8-9
memperhatikan yang digaris bawah
fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan
sesuai konteks

The following text is for questions 7 – 9.

The Story of Toba Lake
Once upon a time, there was a man who was
living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple
hut in a farming field. They did some
gardening and fishing for his daily life.
One day, while the man was do fishing, he
caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was
the biggest catch which he ever had in his
life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a
beautiful princess. He felt in love with her
and proposed her to be his wife. She said;
“Yes, but you have to promise not to tell
anyone about the secret that I was once a
fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster”.
The man made the deal and they got married,
lived happily and had a daughter.
Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the
fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch.
Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter
of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying,
felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to
come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake
followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba
Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

7. What is the intention of the text above?

A. To entertain the reader with the story of lake Toba.
B. To describe what are a man and a beautiful princess like.
C. To tell the reader how a man married a beautiful princess.
D. To explain how the relationship between a man and a beautiful princess.

8. What is the moral value of the text above?

A. Be a patient person. C. Don’t break a promise that we have made.
B. Don’t get married with animal. D. As a human, we have to help one another.
9.Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a
fish.” The underlined word has similar meaning to… .
A. Polite C. calm
B. Angry D.Slow


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.5 Membandingkan  - Mengidentifikasi Teks -
fungsi sosial, struktur perbedaan dan fungsional: Disajikan teks L1 Pilihan 3
teks, dan unsur persamaan dari
kebahasaan beberapa teks beberapa greeting
Greeting greeting card, siswa ganda
khusus dalam bentuk card untuk hari card dapat menentukan
greeting card, dengan spesial tertentu informasi rinci
memberi dan meminta (target pembaca)
informasi terkait dengan
hari-hari spesial, sesuai
dengan konteks
Disajikan teks
penggunaannya greeting card, siswa
dapat menentukan
informasi tertentu L1 4

Questions number 3 – 4 are based on the following text.

all the laughter and smiles, For 3 For whom the card is sent to?
the happiness & good times, A. for the writer’s teacher
For listening & caring, & loving & shari
B. for the writer’s friend
C. for the writer’s father
D. for the writer’s mother
For your strong shoulders, And
kind heart
Love you! 4 The Phrase “strong shoulders” mean that… .
A. hard worker
Happy Father’s Day, dad B. romantic
C. diligent
D. care

Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.6 Menerapkan  Mengidentifikasi LETTER/ -
fungsi sosial, struktur kalimat EMAIL - Peserta didik L2 Pilihan 5
teks, dan unsur menanyakan dan
kebahasaan teks interaksi
mampu ganda
transaksional lisan dan keberadaan orang, menyajikan
tulis yang melibatkan benda, binatang di struktur teks
tindakan memberi dan rumah, sekolah, dan berbentuk surat/
meminta informasi terkait sekitarnya, dengan email
keberadaan orang, benda, tata bahasa, ucapan -Peserta didik
binatang, sesuai dengan dan tekanan kata
konteks penggunaannya. yang benar mampu menyajikan
(Perhatikan unsur unsur teks
kebahasaan there is/are) berebntuk surat/ L3 6

Read the text and answer the question 5 to 6

Dear Barbara,
I am happy to read your letter. You told me about subways. Wow, it’s really
amazing. I have never been on a subway. It must be very comfortable.
You asked me about the color of my car. It is dark red. I usually help my father wash it in
the afternoon. Yes, it is nice to have a car. I don’t need to squeeze myself into a crowded
city bus.
My mother doesn’t drive a car. She often walks or takes a peddy-cab to the
market. Do you know a peddy-cab? It is a three-wheeled vehicle. Do you want to have a
try to ride it? I’d like to accompany you when you’re in my town next month. You will
be very impressed.
I am very glad that you will spend the holiday in my place. Well, one week
holiday seems to be too short for your first stay in my town. However, I’ll try to arrange
it so that you can visit interesting tourist spots, enjoy special cuisines, and get fine
I think that’s all from me now. Just give me a ring as soon as you arrive at the
airport. I’ll pick you up there. I’ll be wearing a red cap, a blue polo shirt and a pair
of blue jeans


5 .What did Ridwan write the letter to Barbara for?

a. To take her to go to the tourist spots and aet delicious food with him
b. To describe his plan when Barbara visits him the following month
c. To tell Barbara about underground transportation in his country
d. To tell her about means of transportation in Indonesia

6. How does Ridwan’s mother go to

market? a.By peddy cab
b.By subways
c.By city bus
d.By car


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ II

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 4.3 Menyusun teks  Menggunakan Teks -Disajikan teks
interaksi transaksional ungkapan yang fungsional: short message, L3 Pilihan
lisan dan tulis sangat tepat dalam struktur
pendek dan sederhana
Short siswa dapat ganda
teks yang runtut
yang melibatkan tindakan dengan unsur message menentukan 10
memberi dan meminta kebahasaan yang gambaran umum
informasi terkait benar sesuai
keharusan, larangan, dan konteks -Disajikan teks
himbauan, dengan mengungkapkan
memperhatikan fungsi
short message,
keharusan, larangan
sosial, struktur teks, dan dan himbauan siswa dapat
unsur kebahasaan yang dalam bentuk menentukan rujukan
benar dan sesuai konteks tulisan kata

The following text is for questions 10

To: The Head Coach of the Indonesian National Football Team Dear
In order to welcome the Asian Games in Jakarta, we would like to inform you that
your team will have a friendly match against Asia’s All-Star Football Legend in
the upcoming three months.
Please prepare and be ready to show your best performance. Best
Ministry of Youth and Sport

10. What does the text tell us about?

A. Preparing for Asian Games.
B. Preparing for the friendly match.
C. The team of Asia’s football legends.
D. Confirming the head coach for Asian Games.


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 4.3 Menangkap makna  Menuliskan Teks Esai : -Disajikan teks label
secara kontekstual terkait informasi tentang Label sederhana, siswa L3 Pilihan 11
dengan fungsi sosial, obat/makanan/
struktur teks, dan unsur
dapat menetukan ganda
minuman ke dalam
kebahasaan teks khusus tabel analisis akibat bila tdk
dalam bentuk label  Mempresentasikan mengikuti
pendekdansederhana, hasil analisis secara petunjuk/manfaat
terkait obat/makanan/ lisan di depan teks tersebut
minuman kelompok lain
Disajikan teks label
sederhana, siswa
dapat menetukan L3 12
rincian deskripsi
dari teks tersebut.

The following text is for number 11 and 12.

11. What is the benefit of reading the label above?
A. We can buy the product easily.
B. We will know how to make the product.
C. We know where to get the product easily.
D. We get the detailed information of the product.

12. What should you do before drinking the juice?

A. Shake well the bottle.
B. Keep in the refrigerator.
C. Consume within 3 days.
D. Squeeze the whole orange.


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VII/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
1 5.2 merespon makna  Mengidentifikasi Teks -
dalam teks tulis berbagai informasi fungsional: Disajikan teks L1 Pilihan 13
fungsional pendek sangat
sederhana secara akurat , dalam teks Announceme announcement, ganda
lancar dan berterima yang fungsional pendek nt siswa dapat
berkaitan dengan berbentuk
lingkungan terdekat pengumuman (
menentukan tujuan
announcement) teks.
 Mengidentifikasi
ciri kebahasaan teks Disajikan teks L3
yang dibaca announcement,
siswa dapat
menentukan rincian 14

The following text is for questions number 13 to 14.


To: Teachers and students

From November 12 to 14, 2020 the library will be closed due to the arrangement of books and seats.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Teguh Suryana,

13. What is the aim of the text above?

A. to describe the library
B. to renovate the library
C. to tell the librarian’s inconvenience
D. to announce the temporarily closing of the library
14. Why is the library closed?
A. there have been some inconveniences
B. the students will arrange the books
C. the librarian will have a vacation
D. the books will be rearranged


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ I
Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor
No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
2.1 Merespon makna  Mengidentifikasi Teks -Disajikan teks
yang terdapat dalam teks struktur teks pada fungsional: advertisement, Pilihan
lisan fungsional pendek teks iklan
sederhana secara akurat, 
Advertiseme siswa dapat L2 ganda
Mengkategorikan nt menentukan target 17
lancar, dan berterima macam-macam iklan
untuk berinteraksi dengan iklan dengan benar.
lingkungan sekitar  Mendeskripsikan
teks lisan

Disajikan penggalan
kalimat rumpang L2
dari teks 18
siswa dapat
melengkapi kalimat
rumpang dengan
kata sambung yang

The following text is for number 17 to 18

A new SIM card has come for your
smartphone This is eXeL
Get the complete features for your needs on *123*2*5# or through my
eXeL application by clicking my
Get the Internet packet easily straight from your smartphone!
A packet for a free call
A packet for short message as much as you want every
day Cheaper to call a house phone number

17. The advertisement will be useful for … .

A. someone who needs money
B. someone who needs handphone
C. someone who needs smartphone
D. someone who needs new internet packet
18. We should click my … we get complete feature in your smart phone.
A. or
B. so
C. but
D. and


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
5.1 membaca nyaring dan  mengidentifikasi Teks Esai : -
bermakna teks tulis berbagai informasi Recount Disajikan teks L3 Pilihan 19
fungsional dan essay dalam teks
berbentuk descriptive dan
recount sederhana, ganda
fungsional pendek
recount pendek dan siswa dapat
sederhana dengan ucapan, menetukan
tekanan dan intonasi yang gambaran umum
berterima yang berkaitan dari teks tersebut
dengan lingkungan sekitar
L3 20-21
Disajikan teks
recount sederhana,
siswa dapat
menetukan rincian
peristiwa dari teks

The text is for number 19 - 21

Last September I went on holidays to Paris with my friend. We stayed in a friend´s
house 15 km from Paris. We went for a week.
The flight was short. It was two hours from Asturias Airport to Challes de Gaulle
During the two first days we had a good time and afterwards the weather was
awful. It was cloudy, rainy and freezing.
We went sightseeing all the time. We went to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Triump Arc,
the Pantheon, the Sacre Coeur Basilica, Versalles Palace, Louvre Museum, D´Orsay
Museum, Disneyland, etc.
I enjoyed myself very much and I bought a lot of souvenirs for my family and for
my friends too.
19 .What is the text about?
A. The writer’s happiness.
B. Tourist attraction in Paris.
C. The writer’s experience in Paris.
D. The journey from airport to Paris.

20. What did the writer do during the holiday in Paris? The writer … .
A. stayed in writer’s friend’s house
B. bought souvenirs all the time
C. went sightseeing everyday
D. flew city to city by airplane
21. “it was two hours from….”(line 3)
The word it refers to…
A. Austria’s airport
B. friend’s house
C. the flight
D. Paris


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
2.2 Merespon makna dan  Mengidentifikasi Teks Esai : Disajikan teks
retorika dalam essai makna dan gagasan Procedure procedure L3 Pilihan 22
pendek secara akurat , dalam teks
lancar dan berterima
sederhana, siswa ganda
untuk berinteraksi dalam  dapat menentukan
konteks kehidupan sehari- aspek-aspek yang
tujuan teks tersebut
hari dalam teks berbentuk terdapat pada teks
procedure dan report procedure Disajikan teks
procedure L2 23
sederhana, siswa
langkah dari teks

The following text is for questions 22 to 23


1. Onions
2. An egg
3. Cabbage
4. Instant noodle
5. Vegetable oil
6. Chili
7. Garlics


First, Slice onions, garlics, chili, and cabbage

Second, heat pan and put vegetable oil in it
Third, fry the onions and garlics until yellowish
Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling
Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it
After that, add noodle, stir slowly for three minutes
While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a bowl
Next, take the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain it
Put the cooked noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix well
Finally, the special fried rice is ready to be served.

22. The communicative purpose of the text is... .

A. explaining the materials in making special fried noodle
B. describing the material to make special fried noodle
C. persuading readers to make special fried noodle
D. telling readers how to make special fried noodle
23. What should we do after taking the cooked noodle from the boiling water… .
A. drain it C. seasoning into the bowl
B. mix it well D. stir slowly the seasoning in bowl


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ I
Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor
No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
3.2 Menerapkan fungsi  Mengidentifikasi Unsur Disajikan dialog
sosial, struktur teks, dan fungsi sosial teks, Kebahasaan: rumpang mengenai L2 Pilihan 24
unsur kebahasaan teks tentang teks
interaksi transaksional
Kata meminta dan ganda
lisan dan tulis yang sambung memberi pendapat,
transaksional lisan
melibatkan tindakan dan tulis yang siswa dapat
memberi dan meminta melibatkan tindakan melengkapi dengan
informasi terkait maksud, memberi dan kata sambung yang
tujuan, persetujuan meminta informasi
melakukan suatu tepat
terkait maksud,
tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai
tujuan, persetujuan
dengan konteks
penggunaannya. melakukan suatu
(Perhatikan unsur tindakan/kegiatan
kebahasaan to, in order to,
so that (dis)agreement)

24. You are learning English

Change into passive
A. English is learning by you C. is English learnt by you?
B. English is being learned by you D. English is being learning by you


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ II

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
3.8 Menerapkan fungsi  Menerapkan Unsur Disajikan kata-kata
sosial, struktur teks, dan penggunaan kalimat Kebahasaan: acak, siswa dapat L2 Pilihan 25
unsur kebahasaan teks yang berbentuk
interaksi transaksional
Passive voice menyusun nya ganda
pasive voice, present
lisan dan tulis yang dan past tense menjadi kalimat
melibatkan tindakan passive yang tepat.
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/
kejadian tanpa perlu
menyebutkan pelakunya
sesuai dengan konteks
(perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan passive voice)

25. Arrange these words into the correct sentence

Will pens by how be many used tomorrow me to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 4-6-2-5-1-7-3-9-10-8
B. 4-6-2-1-5-7-3-9-10-8
C. 4-6-8-1-5-10-7-2-3-9
D. 4-6-8-5-1-10-7-2-3-9


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VII/ II

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
3.10. Memahami tujuan ,  Menyebutkan Menulis Teks Disajikan perintah
struktur teks dan unsur informasi seperti Descripsi untuk membuat L2 Uraian 26
kebahsaan dari teks nama dan sifat
deskriptif lisan dan tulis
paragrap deskripsi,
tentang orang, binatang, siswa dapat
g dan orang yang
dan benda, sangat pendek didapat pada teks menulisnya minimal
dan sederhana gambar 5 buah kalimat.
(Disajikan dua buah
a, siswa dapat
dua benda tersebut
degree comp dalam
3 kalimat dengan
26. Make three sentences using the degree of comparation based on the pictures below.

Sifa’s house Deo’s house Mira’s house Rahmat’s house

a. Positive Degree
b. Comparative Degree
c. Superlative Degree


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ II

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
3.11 Membandingkan  Menentukan fungsi Menulis Teks Disajikan perintah
fungsi sosial, struktur sosial dari teks Recount untuk menuliskan L2 Uraian 27
teks, dan unsur recount sederhana
kebahasaan beberapa teks pengalaman, siswa
lisan dan tulis terkait
personal recount lisan dan pengalaman pribadi dapat menuliskan
tulis dengan memberi dan di waktu lampau pengalaman nya
meminta informasi terkait minimal 5 buah
pengalaman pribadi di
waktu lampau, pendek kalimat
dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks

27. Write your holiday experience at least five sentences!

a. …………………………………………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………………………………………
c. …………………………………………………………………………………
d. …………………………………………………………………………………
e. ………………………………………………………………………………….


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
Mengungkapkan makna  Mengungkapkan Menulis Teks Disajiakan 3 buah
teks tulis fungsional dan procedure teks Procedure judul teks L2 Uraian 28
esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk procedure dan dengan procedure, siswa
report untuk berinteraksi menggunakan dapat menulis teks
dalam konteks kehidupan kalimat simple prosedure dari salah
sehari hari present tense satu judul yang
dalam teks diberikan.
procedure Akibat bila tdk
mengikuti langkah.

28. Choose one of these 3 titles and make the procedure text.
a. How to make fried rice
b. How to operate a computer
c. How to register the sim card


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ I

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Mengidentifikasi Teks Esai : Disajikan pertanyaan,
struktur teks, dan unsur informasi tentang Deskriptif siswa bisa menuliskan L2 Uraian 29
kebahasaan teks interaksi hal-hal yang biasa, kegiatan yang rutin
transaksional lisan dan sering, kadang- dikerjakan pada hari
tulis yang melibatkan kadang, biasanya minggu. Minimal 4
tindakan memberi dan dilakukan di
meminta informasi terkait
kejadian yang
dilakukan/terjadi secara
rutin atau merupakan
kebenaran umum, sesuai
dengan konteks
(Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan simple

29. What activities can you usually do on Sundays?

Mention four activities in sentence.
1. …………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………….
3. …………………………………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………………………………….


Satuan Pendidikan : MTSN Kurikulum : K13

Mata pelajaran : B. INGGRIS T.P : 2020/2021
Kelas/Semester : IX/ II

Kompetensi Indikator Soal Level Bentuk Nomor

No IPK Materi
Dasar Kognitif Soal Soal
4.11 Menangkap makna  Menyebutkan pesan Lirik lagu Disajikan lirik
secara kontekstual terkait yang terkait dengan dengan tema lagu dg tema …. , L2 Uraian 30
dengan fungsi sosial dan fungsi sosial dan persahabatan siswa
unsur kebahasaan lirik
unsur kebahasaan & perdamaian
lagu terkait kehidupan menyebutkan
lirik lagu terkait
remaja SMP/MTs kehidupan remaja makna ( the
SMP/MTs message of a song)
yang terkandung
dari lagu Maher
zain song “ Insya
Allah” minimal 2

30. What message can you get from the song?

Count on Me
Bruno Mars
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in
need You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four

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