Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3

1. Write the words I will as one word, using an apostrophe.

1 mark
___________ go to the shops soon.

2. Underline the expanded noun phrase in the sentence below.

1 mark

Zayan took his large, friendly dog for a walk.

3. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark

Timmy wore his shorts __________ it was hot outside.

Tick one.





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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3 2

4. Tick the sentence that is correct.

1 mark
Tick one.

Lilly saw her friend in the pool and wave. 

Lilly saw her friend in the pool and waved. 

Lilly sees her friend in the pool and wave. 

Lilly sees her friend in the pool and waved. 

5. Read the sentences below.

1 mark

How to wash your hands

Turn on the tap.
Wet your hands.
Rub soap on your hands.
Rub your hands together.
Rinse the soap away.
Turn off the tap.
Dry your hands.

Tick the word that best describes these sentences.





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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3 3

6. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark
We are having jelly ____ ice-cream at my party.

Tick one.




7. Punctuate the sentence correctly below with a full-stop and exclamation mark.
1 mark

“Look out ” shouted Chloe to her sister

8. Which type of word is highest in the sentence below?

1 mark

Ben climbed the highest mountain in the world.

a verb

an adjective

a noun

an adverb

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3 4

9. Tick one box to show where a comma should go in the sentence below.
1 mark
Sam used red blue and green paint to paint his model.

10. Underline the verbs in the sentence below.

1 mark

It was raining heavily when Jessika was walking home.

**END OF TEST** total for

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation 3 Answers

1 I’ll go to the shops soon. 1 mark 6 if 1 mark

and X


2 Zayan took his large, friendly dog for 1 mark 7 “Look out! ” shouted Chloe to her sister. 1 mark
a walk.

3 1 mark 8 1 mark
and a verb

but an adjective X

that a noun

because X an adverb

4 Lilly saw her friend in 1 mark 9 Tick placed in the box after the word red. 1 mark
the pool and wave.
Lilly saw her friend in X
the pool and waved.
Lilly sees her friend in
the pool and wave.
Lilly sees her friend in
the pool and waved.

5 statements 1 mark 10 It was raining heavily when Jessika was 1 mark

walking home

commands X


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