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The salinity of water bodies varies widely, being lower near the surface and the
mouths of large rivers and higher in the depths of the ocean; however, the relative
proportions of dissolved salts vary little across the oceans. The most abundant solid
dissolved in seawater is sodium chloride. The water also
contains salts of magnesium, calcium, potassium, and mercury, amongst many other
elements, some in minute concentrations. A wide variety of organisms,
including bacteria, protists, algae, plants, fungi, and animals live in the seas, which
offers a wide range of marine habitats and ecosystems, ranging vertically from
the sunlit surface and shoreline to the great depths and pressures of the cold,
dark abyssal zone, and in latitude from the cold waters under polar ice caps to the
warm waters of coral reefs in tropical regions. Many of the major groups of
organisms evolved in the sea and life may have started there.
The ocean moderates Earth's climate and has important roles in the water, carbon,
and nitrogen cycles. The surface of water interacts with the atmosphere, exchanging
properties such as particles and temperature, as well as currents. Surface
currents are the water currents that are produced by the atmosphere's currents and
its winds blowing over the surface of the water, producing wind waves, setting up
through drag slow but stable circulations of water, as in the case of the ocean
sustaining deep-sea ocean currents. Deep-sea currents, known together as
the global conveyor belt, carry cold water from near the poles to every ocean and
significantly influence Earth's climate. Tides, the generally twice-daily rise and fall
of sea levels, are caused by Earth's rotation and the gravitational effects of
the Moon and, to a lesser extent, of the Sun. Tides may have a very
high range in bays or estuaries. Submarine earthquakes arising from tectonic
plate movements under the oceans can lead to destructive tsunamis, as can
volcanoes, huge landslides, or the impact of large meteorites.
The seas have been an integral element for humans throughout history and culture.
Humans harnessing and studying the seas have been recorded since ancient times
and evidenced well into prehistory, while its modern scientific study is
called oceanography and maritime space is governed by the law of the sea,
with admiralty law regulating human interactions at sea. The seas provide substantial
supplies of food for humans, mainly fish, but also shellfish, mammals and seaweed,
whether caught by fishermen or farmed underwater. Other human uses of the seas
include trade, travel, mineral extraction, power generation, warfare, and leisure
activities such as swimming, sailing, and scuba diving. Many of these activities
create marine pollution.
Further information: List of seas on Earth
Legal definition
The law of the sea has at its center the definition of the boundaries of the ocean,
clarifying its application in marginal seas. But what bodies of water other than the
sea the law applies to is being crucially negotiated in the case of the Caspian
Sea and its status as "sea", basically revolving around the issue of the Caspian Sea
about either being factually an oceanic sea or only a saline body of water and
therefore solely a sea in the sense of the common use of the word, like all
other saltwater lakes called sea.[citation needed]
Physical science
Main article: Seawater
While the constituents of table salt (sodium and chloride) make up about 85 percent
of the solids in solution, there are also other metal ions such
as magnesium and calcium, and negative ions including sulphate, carbonate,
and bromide. Despite variations in the levels of salinity in different seas, the relative
composition of the dissolved salts is stable throughout the world's oceans.[24]
Seawater is too saline for humans to drink safely, as the kidneys cannot excrete
urine as salty as seawater.[26]
Chloride 19.3 55
Although the amount of salt in the ocean remains relatively constant within the scale
of millions of years, various factors affect the salinity of a body of water.
Evaporation and by-product of ice formation (known as "brine rejection") increase
salinity, whereas precipitation, sea ice melt, and runoff from land reduce it.
The Baltic Sea, for example, has many rivers flowing into it, and thus the sea
could be considered as brackish.[28] Meanwhile, the Red Sea is very salty due to its
high evaporation rate.[29]
Sea temperature depends on the amount of solar radiation falling on its surface. In
the tropics, with the sun nearly overhead, the temperature of the surface layers can
rise to over 30 °C (86 °F) while near the poles the temperature in equilibrium with the
sea ice is about −2 °C (28 °F). There is a continuous circulation of water in the
oceans. Warm surface currents cool as they move away from the tropics, and the
water becomes denser and sinks. The cold water moves back towards the equator
as a deep sea current, driven by changes in the temperature and density of the
water, before eventually welling up again towards the surface. Deep seawater has a
temperature between −2 °C (28 °F) and 5 °C (41 °F) in all parts of the globe.[30]
Seawater with a typical salinity of 35 ‰[31] has a freezing point of about −1.8 °C
(28.8 °F).[32] When its temperature becomes low enough, ice crystals form on the
surface. These break into small pieces and coalesce into flat discs that form a thick
suspension known as frazil. In calm conditions, this freezes into a thin flat sheet
known as nilas, which thickens as new ice forms on its underside. In more turbulent
seas, frazil crystals join into flat discs known as pancakes. These slide under each
other and coalesce to form floes. In the process of freezing, salt water and air are
trapped between the ice crystals. Nilas may have a salinity of 12–15 ‰, but by the
time the sea ice is one year old, this falls to 4–6 ‰.[33]
pH value
Further information: Ocean acidification and Seawater § pH value
Seawater is slightly alkaline and had an average pH of about 8.2 over the past 300
million years.[34] More recently, climate change has resulted in an increase of
the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere; about 30–40% of the added CO2 is
absorbed by the oceans, forming carbonic acid and lowering the pH (now below
8.1[34]) through a process called ocean acidification.[35][36][37] The extent of further ocean
chemistry changes, including ocean pH, will depend on climate change
mitigation efforts taken by nations and their governments.[38]
Oxygen concentration
Further information: Ocean deoxygenation and Ocean stratification
The amount of oxygen found in seawater depends primarily on the plants growing in
it. These are mainly algae, including phytoplankton, with some vascular plants such
as seagrasses. In daylight, the photosynthetic activity of these plants produces
oxygen, which dissolves in the seawater and is used by marine animals. At night,
photosynthesis stops, and the amount of dissolved oxygen declines. In the deep sea,
where insufficient light penetrates for plants to grow, there is very little dissolved
oxygen. In its absence, organic material is broken down by anaerobic bacteria
producing hydrogen sulphide.[39]
Climate change is likely to reduce levels of oxygen in surface waters since the
solubility of oxygen in water falls at higher temperatures.[40] Ocean deoxygenation is
projected to increase hypoxia by 10%, and triple suboxic waters (oxygen
concentrations 98% less than the mean surface concentrations), for each 1 °C of
upper-ocean warming.[41]
The amount of light that penetrates the sea depends on the angle of the sun, the
weather conditions and the turbidity of the water. Much light gets reflected at the
surface, and red light gets absorbed in the top few metres. Yellow and green light
reach greater depths, and blue and violet light may penetrate as deep as 1,000
metres (3,300 ft). There is insufficient light for photosynthesis and plant growth
beyond a depth of about 200 metres (660 ft).[42]
Sea level
Main articles: Sea level and Sea level rise
Over most of geologic time, the sea level has been higher than it is today.[3]: 74 The
main factor affecting sea level over time is the result of changes in the oceanic crust,
with a downward trend expected to continue in the very long term.[43] At the last
glacial maximum, some 20,000 years ago, the sea level was about 125 metres
(410 ft) lower than in present times (2012).[44]
For at least the last 100 years, sea level has been rising at an average rate of about
1.8 millimetres (0.071 in) per year.[45] Most of this rise can be attributed to an increase
in the temperature of the sea due to climate change, and the resulting slight thermal
expansion of the upper 500 metres (1,600 ft) of water. Additional contributions, as
much as one quarter of the total, come from water sources on land, such as melting
snow and glaciers and extraction of groundwater for irrigation and other agricultural
and human needs.[46]
Duration: 13 seconds.0:13Movement of molecules as waves pass
The top of a wave is known as the crest, the lowest point between waves is the
trough and the distance between the crests is the wavelength. The wave is pushed
across the surface of the sea by the wind, but this represents a transfer of energy
and not a horizontal movement of water. As waves approach land and move into
shallow water, they change their behavior. If approaching at an angle, waves may
bend (refraction) or wrap rocks and headlands (diffraction). When the wave reaches
a point where its deepest oscillations of the water contact the seabed, they begin to
slow down. This pulls the crests closer together and increases the waves' height,
which is called wave shoaling. When the ratio of the wave's height to the water depth
increases above a certain limit, it "breaks", toppling over in a mass of foaming water.
This rushes in a sheet up the beach before retreating into the sea under the
influence of gravity.[47]
Main article: Tsunami
As a tsunami moves into shallower water its speed decreases, its wavelength
shortens and its amplitude increases enormously,[56] behaving in the same way as a
wind-generated wave in shallow water but on a vastly greater scale. Either the
trough or the crest of a tsunami can arrive at the coast first.[54] In the former case, the
sea draws back and leaves subtidal areas close to the shore exposed which
provides a useful warning for people on land.[57] When the crest arrives, it does not
usually break but rushes inland, flooding all in its path. Much of the destruction may
be caused by the flood water draining back into the sea after the tsunami has struck,
dragging debris and people with it. Often several tsunami are caused by a single
geological event and arrive at intervals of between eight minutes and two hours. The
first wave to arrive on shore may not be the biggest or most destructive. [54]
Main article: Ocean current
Main article: Tide
Most places experience two high tides each day, occurring at intervals of about 12
hours and 25 minutes. This is half the 24 hours and 50 minute period that it takes for
the Earth to make a complete revolution and return the Moon to its previous position
relative to an observer. The Moon's mass is some 27 million times smaller than the
Sun, but it is 400 times closer to the Earth.[67] Tidal force or tide-raising force
decreases rapidly with distance, so the moon has more than twice as great an effect
on tides as the Sun.[67] A bulge is formed in the ocean at the place where the Earth is
closest to the Moon because it is also where the effect of the Moon's gravity is
stronger. On the opposite side of the Earth, the lunar force is at its weakest and this
causes another bulge to form. As the Moon rotates around the Earth, so do these
ocean bulges move around the Earth. The gravitational attraction of the Sun is also
working on the seas, but its effect on tides is less powerful than that of the Moon,
and when the Sun, Moon and Earth are all aligned (full moon and new moon), the
combined effect results in the high "spring tides". In contrast, when the Sun is at 90°
from the Moon as viewed from Earth, the combined gravitational effect on tides is
less causing the lower "neap tides".[65]
A storm surge can occur when high winds pile water up against the coast in a
shallow area and this, coupled with a low-pressure system, can raise the surface of
the sea at high tide dramatically.
Ocean basins
Main article: Ocean basin
The Earth's deepest trench is the Mariana Trench which extends for about 2,500
kilometres (1,600 mi) across the seabed. It is near the Mariana Islands, a
volcanic archipelago in the West Pacific. Its deepest point is 10.994 kilometres
(nearly 7 miles) below the surface of the sea.[71]
Main article: Coast
Material worn from the margins of the land eventually ends up in the sea. Here it is
subject to attrition as currents flowing parallel to the coast scour out channels and
transport sand and pebbles away from their place of origin. Sediment carried to the
sea by rivers settles on the seabed causing deltas to form in estuaries. All these
materials move back and forth under the influence of waves, tides and currents.
Dredging removes material and deepens channels but may have unexpected
effects elsewhere on the coastline. Governments make efforts to prevent flooding of
the land by the building of breakwaters, seawalls, dykes and levees and other sea
defences. For instance, the Thames Barrier is designed to protect London from a
storm surge,[74] while the failure of the dykes and levees around New
Orleans during Hurricane Katrina created a humanitarian crisis in the United States.
Water cycle
Main article: Water cycle
The sea plays a part in the water or hydrological cycle, in which
water evaporates from the ocean, travels through the atmosphere as
vapour, condenses, falls as rain or snow, thereby sustaining life on land, and largely
returns to the sea.[75] Even in the Atacama Desert, where little rain ever falls, dense
clouds of fog known as the camanchaca blow in from the sea and support plant life.
In central Asia and other large land masses, there are endorheic basins which have
no outlet to the sea, separated from the ocean by mountains or other natural
geologic features that prevent the water draining away. The Caspian Sea is the
largest one of these. Its main inflow is from the River Volga, there is no outflow and
the evaporation of water makes it saline as dissolved minerals accumulate. The Aral
Sea in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and Pyramid Lake in the western United States
are further examples of large, inland saline water-bodies without drainage. Some
endorheic lakes are less salty, but all are sensitive to variations in the quality of the
inflowing water.[77]
Carbon cycle
Further information: Oceanic carbon cycle and Biological pump
Oceans contain the greatest quantity of actively cycled carbon in the world and are
second only to the lithosphere in the amount of carbon they store.[78] The oceans'
surface layer holds large amounts of dissolved organic carbon that is exchanged
rapidly with the atmosphere. The deep layer's concentration of dissolved inorganic
carbon is about 15 percent higher than that of the surface layer[79] and it remains
there for much longer periods of time.[80] Thermohaline circulation exchanges carbon
between these two layers.[78]
Carbon enters the ocean as atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the surface
layers and is converted into carbonic acid, carbonate, and bicarbonate:[81]
Marine habitats
Coastal habitats
Littoral zone
Intertidal zone
Mangrove forests
Seagrass meadows
Kelp forests
Coral reefs
Continental shelf
Neritic zone
Ocean surface
Surface microlayer
Epipelagic zone
Open ocean
Pelagic zone
Oceanic zone
Sea floor
Hydrothermal vents
Cold seeps
Demersal zone
Benthic zone
Marine sediment
The oceans are home to a diverse collection of life forms that use it as
a habitat. Since sunlight illuminates only the upper layers, the major
part of the ocean exists in permanent darkness. As the different depth
and temperature zones each provide habitat for a unique set of
species, the marine environment as a whole encompasses an
immense diversity of life.[82] Marine habitats range from surface water
to the deepest oceanic trenches, including coral reefs, kelp
forests, seagrass meadows, tidepools, muddy, sandy and rocky
seabeds, and the open pelagic zone. The organisms living in the sea
range from whales 30 metres (98 feet) long to microscopic
phytoplankton and zooplankton, fungi, and bacteria. Marine life plays
an important part in the carbon cycle as photosynthetic organisms
convert dissolved carbon dioxide into organic carbon and it is
economically important to humans for providing fish for use as food.[83]
[84]: 204–229
Life may have originated in the sea and all the major groups of
animals are represented there. Scientists differ as to precisely where
in the sea life arose: the Miller-Urey experiments suggested a dilute
chemical "soup" in open water, but more recent suggestions include
volcanic hot springs, fine-grained clay sediments, or deep-sea "black
smoker" vents, all of which would have provided protection from
damaging ultraviolet radiation which was not blocked by the early
Earth's atmosphere.[3]: 138–140
Marine habitats
Main article: Marine habitats
Marine habitats can be divided horizontally into coastal and open
ocean habitats. Coastal habitats extend from the shoreline to the edge
of the continental shelf. Most marine life is found in coastal habitats,
even though the shelf area occupies only 7 percent of the total ocean
area. Open ocean habitats are found in the deep ocean beyond the
edge of the continental shelf. Alternatively, marine habitats can be
divided vertically into pelagic (open water), demersal (just above the
seabed) and benthic (sea bottom) habitats. A third division is
by latitude: from polar seas with ice shelves, sea ice and icebergs, to
temperate and tropical waters.[3]: 150–151
Coral reefs, the so-called "rainforests of the sea", occupy less than 0.1
percent of the world's ocean surface, yet their ecosystems include 25
percent of all marine species.[85] The best-known are tropical coral
reefs such as Australia's Great Barrier Reef, but cold water reefs
harbour a wide array of species including corals (only six of which
contribute to reef formation).[3]: 204–207 [86]
Light is only able to penetrate the top 200 metres (660 ft) so this is the
only part of the sea where plants can grow.[42] The surface layers are
often deficient in biologically active nitrogen compounds. The
marine nitrogen cycle consists of complex microbial transformations
which include the fixation of nitrogen, its
assimilation, nitrification, anammox and denitrification.[94] Some of
these processes take place in deep water so that where there is an
upwelling of cold waters, and also near estuaries where land-sourced
nutrients are present, plant growth is higher. This means that the most
productive areas, rich in plankton and therefore also in fish, are mainly
coastal.[3]: 160–163
A thornback cowfish
There is a broader spectrum of higher animal taxa in the sea than on
land, many marine species have yet to be discovered and the number
known to science is expanding annually.[95] Some vertebrates such
as seabirds, seals and sea turtles return to the land to breed but
fish, cetaceans and sea snakes have a completely aquatic lifestyle
and many invertebrate phyla are entirely marine. In fact, the oceans
teem with life and provide many varying microhabitats.[95] One of these
is the surface film which, even though tossed about by the movement
of waves, provides a rich environment and is home to
bacteria, fungi, microalgae, protozoa, fish eggs and various larvae.[96]
Map showing
the seaborne migration and expansion of the Austronesians beginning
at around 3000 BC
Humans have travelled the seas since they first built sea-going
craft. Mesopotamians were using bitumen to caulk their reed
boats and, a little later, masted sails.[103] By c. 3000
BC, Austronesians on Taiwan had begun spreading into maritime
Southeast Asia.[104] Subsequently, the Austronesian "Lapita" peoples
displayed great feats of navigation, reaching out from the Bismarck
Archipelago to as far away as Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa.[105] Their
descendants continued to travel thousands of miles between tiny
islands on outrigger canoes,[106] and in the process they found many
new islands, including Hawaii, Easter Island (Rapa Nui), and New
With regards to maps that are vital for navigation, in the second
century, Ptolemy mapped the whole known world from the "Fortunatae
Insulae", Cape Verde or Canary Islands, eastward to the Gulf of
Thailand. This map was used in 1492 when Christopher Columbus set
out on his voyages of discovery.[116] Subsequently, Gerardus
Mercator made a practical map of the world in 1538, his map
projection conveniently making rhumb lines straight.[3]: 12–13 By the
eighteenth century better maps had been made and part of the
objective of James Cook on his voyages was to further map the
ocean. Scientific study has continued with the depth recordings of
the Tuscarora, the oceanic research of the Challenger
voyages (1872–1876), the work of the Scandinavian seamen Roald
Amundsen and Fridtjof Nansen, the Michael Sars expedition in 1910,
the German Meteor expedition of 1925, the Antarctic survey work
of Discovery II in 1932, and others since.[19] Furthermore, in 1921,
the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) was set up, and it
constitutes the world authority on hydrographic surveying and nautical
charting.[117] A fourth edition draft was published in 1986 but so far
several naming disputes (such as the one over the Sea of Japan)
have prevented its ratification.
"Freedom of the seas" is a principle in international law dating from
the seventeenth century. It stresses freedom to navigate the oceans
and disapproves of war fought in international waters.[128] Today, this
concept is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea (UNCLOS), the third version of which came into force in 1994.
Article 87(1) states: "The high seas are open to all states, whether
coastal or land-locked." Article 87(1) (a) to (f) gives a non-exhaustive
list of freedoms including navigation, overflight, the laying
of submarine cables, building artificial islands, fishing and scientific
research.[128] The safety of shipping is regulated by the International
Maritime Organization. Its objectives include developing and
maintaining a regulatory framework for shipping, maritime safety,
environmental concerns, legal matters, technical co-operation and
maritime security.[129]
Main article: Naval warfare
With steam and the industrial production of steel plate came greatly
increased firepower in the shape of
the dreadnought battleships armed with long-range guns. In 1905, the
Japanese fleet decisively defeated the Russian fleet, which had
travelled over 18,000 nautical miles (33,000 km), at the Battle of
Tsushima.[133] Dreadnoughts fought inconclusively in the First World
War at the 1916 Battle of Jutland between the Royal Navy's Grand
Fleet and the Imperial German Navy's High Seas Fleet.[134] In
the Second World War, the British victory at the 1940 Battle of
Taranto showed that naval air power was sufficient to overcome the
largest warships,[135] foreshadowing the decisive sea-battles of
the Pacific War including the Battles of the Coral Sea, Midway, the
Philippine Sea, and the climactic Battle of Leyte Gulf, in all of which
the dominant ships were aircraft carriers.[136][137]
Sailing ships or packets carried mail overseas, one of the earliest
being the Dutch service to Batavia in the 1670s.[144] These added
passenger accommodation, but in cramped conditions. Later,
scheduled services were offered but the time journeys took depended
much on the weather. When steamships replaced sailing
vessels, ocean-going liners took over the task of carrying people. By
the beginning of the twentieth century, crossing the Atlantic took about
five days and shipping companies competed to own the largest and
fastest vessels. The Blue Riband was an unofficial accolade given to
the fastest liner crossing the Atlantic in regular service.
The Mauretania held the title with 26.06 knots (48.26 km/h) for twenty
years from 1909.[145] The Hales Trophy, another award for the fastest
commercial crossing of the Atlantic, was won by the United States in
1952 for a crossing that took three days, ten hours and forty minutes.
The great liners were comfortable but expensive in fuel and staff. The
age of the trans-Atlantic liners waned as cheap intercontinental flights
became available. In 1958, a regular scheduled air service between
New York and Paris taking seven hours doomed the Atlantic ferry
service to oblivion. One by one the vessels were laid up, some were
scrapped, others became cruise ships for the leisure industry and still
others floating hotels.[147]
Main articles: Shipping and Trade
Main articles: Fishing, Whaling, Seal hunting, and Seaweed farming
Main article: Aquaculture
About 79 million tonnes (78M long tons; 87M short tons) of food and
non-food products were produced by aquaculture in 2010, an all-time
high. About six hundred species of plants and animals were cultured,
some for use in seeding wild populations. The animals raised
included finfish, aquatic reptiles, crustaceans, molluscs, sea
cucumbers, sea urchins, sea squirts and jellyfish.
Integrated mariculture has the advantage that there is a readily
available supply of planktonic food in the ocean, and waste is
removed naturally.[164] Various methods are employed. Mesh
enclosures for finfish can be suspended in the open seas, cages can
be used in more sheltered waters or ponds can be refreshed with
water at each high tide. Shrimps can be reared in shallow ponds
connected to the open sea.[165] Ropes can be hung in water to grow
algae, oysters and mussels. Oysters can be reared on trays or in
mesh tubes. Sea cucumbers can be ranched on the seabed.
Captive breeding programmes have raised lobster larvae for
release of juveniles into the wild resulting in an increased lobster
harvest in Maine.[167] At least 145 species of seaweed – red, green, and
brown algae – are eaten worldwide, and some have long been farmed
in Japan and other Asian countries; there is great potential for
additional algaculture.[168] Few maritime flowering plants are widely
used for food but one example is marsh samphire which is eaten both
raw and cooked.[169] A major difficulty for aquaculture is the tendency
towards monoculture and the associated risk of widespread disease.
Aquaculture is also associated with environmental risks; for
instance, shrimp farming has caused the destruction of
important mangrove forests throughout southeast Asia.[170]
Main articles: Cruising (maritime), Sailing, and Recreational boat
Use of the sea for leisure developed in the nineteenth century, and
became a significant industry in the twentieth century.[171] Maritime
leisure activities are varied, and
include beachgoing, cruising, yachting, powerboat
racing[172] and fishing;[173] commercially organized voyages on cruise
ships;[174] and trips on smaller vessels for ecotourism such as whale
watching and coastal birdwatching.[175]
Power generation
Main articles: Marine energy and Offshore wind power
The sea offers a very large supply of energy carried by ocean
waves, tides, salinity differences, and ocean temperature
differences which can be harnessed to generate electricity.[182] Forms
of sustainable marine energy include tidal power, ocean thermal
energy and wave power.[182][183] Electricity power stations are often
located on the coast or beside an estuary so that the sea can be used
as a heat sink. A colder heat sink enables more efficient power
generation, which is important for expensive nuclear power plants in
The large and highly variable energy of waves gives them enormous
destructive capability, making affordable and reliable wave machines
problematic to develop. A small 2 MW commercial wave power plant,
"Osprey", was built in Northern Scotland in 1995 about 300 metres
(980 feet) offshore. It was soon damaged by waves, then destroyed by
a storm.[3]: 112
Extractive industries
Main articles: Offshore drilling and Deep sea mining
The seabed contains large reserves of minerals which can be
exploited by dredging. This has advantages over land-based mining in
that equipment can be built at
specialised shipyards and infrastructure costs are lower.
Disadvantages include problems caused by waves and tides, the
tendency for excavations to silt up and the washing away of spoil
heaps. There is a risk of coastal erosion and environmental damage.
In culture
Main article: Sea in culture
Environmental issues
Main articles: Ocean § Threats from human activities, and Human
impact on marine life
The environmental issues that affect the sea can loosely be grouped
into those that stem from marine pollution, from over exploitation and
those that stem from climate change. They all impact marine
ecosystems and food webs and may result in consequences as yet
unrecognised for the biodiversity and continuation of marine life forms.
An overview of environmental issues is shown below:
Most oil pollution in the sea comes from cities and industry.[225] Oil is
dangerous for marine animals. It can clog the feathers of sea birds,
reducing their insulating effect and the birds' buoyancy, and be
ingested when they preen themselves in an attempt to remove the
contaminant. Marine mammals are less seriously affected but may be
chilled through the removal of their insulation, blinded, dehydrated or
poisoned. Benthic invertebrates are swamped when the oil sinks, fish
are poisoned and the food chain is disrupted. In the short term, oil
spills result in wildlife populations being decreased and unbalanced,
leisure activities being affected and the livelihoods of people
dependent on the sea being devastated.[226] The marine environment
has self-cleansing properties and naturally occurring bacteria will act
over time to remove oil from the sea. In the Gulf of Mexico, where oil-
eating bacteria are already present, they take only a few days to
consume spilt oil.[227]
Run-off of fertilisers from agricultural land is a major source of
pollution in some areas and the discharge of raw sewage has a similar
effect. The extra nutrients provided by these sources can
cause excessive plant growth. Nitrogen is often the limiting factor in
marine systems, and with added nitrogen, algal blooms and red
tides can lower the oxygen level of the water and kill marine animals.
Such events have created dead zones in the Baltic Sea and the Gulf
of Mexico.[225] Some algal blooms are caused by cyanobacteria that
make shellfish that filter feed on them toxic, harming animals like sea
otters.[228] Nuclear facilities too can pollute. The Irish Sea was
contaminated by radioactive caesium-137 from the
former Sellafield nuclear fuel processing plant[229] and nuclear
accidents may also cause radioactive material to seep into the sea, as
did the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in
See also
Oceans portal
Water portal
Geography portal
World portal
External links
seaat Wikipedia's sister projects
Physical oceanography
Authority control databases
Bodies of water
Coastal and oceanic landforms
Lists of landforms
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